#don't worry aphie likes it
thedawner · 5 months
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Hopper on aphid sitting duty.
A Bug's Life fanart.
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xiv-wolfram · 1 year
Purple Flame, Purple Flame - Comic Script
Heavensward - lvl 51
Ysayle joins the team. Echo shennanigans.
Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
This is the script for a future comic. Posting for those who don’t want to wait to get the story. Numbers indicate frame number.
Wolfram, Alphinaud, Estinien, and Ysayle standing talking around Twinpools in the Coerthas Western Highlands. Narrator - "Wolfram, Alphinaud, and Estinien have tracked down and confronted Ysayle. She has agreed to work with them towards peace by taking them to Hraesvelgr. Wolf has trusted Ysayle from the moment he met her and doesn't understand why. Upon learning that she too has the Echo he's worried she may have a vision of his past, a common anxiety around others that possess Hydaelyn's blessing."
Ysayle and Wolfram collapse (having echo visions). Alphinaud surprised - "Both of them?!"
Estinien annoyed - "What is this nonsense?"
Alphinaud confused - "From time to time the Echo shows Wolfram visions of another's past… Ysayle possesses the same gift… but this is most unexpected."
Estinien rolls his eyes - "So, more distractions." Alphi - facepalms and sighs
Wolf and Ysayle regain conciousness, looking at each other in surprise. Alphi looking down at them surprised - "Welcome back. Strange, you both had a vision at the same time. What did you see?"
Wolf worried, looks at Ysayle begging. - "Please…please don't." Ysayle smiles at him with pity.  - "I'm so sorry… about your family."
Wolf, shocked. Thought - 'She saw that… and her reaction is pity?... Not horror or outrage?!'
As Wolf and Ysayle stand Alphinaud turns to Estinien - "Oh, yes Wolf lost his family back in Gyr Abania. I think it was the Garleans. He doesn't like to talk about it." 
A) Wolf grimaces at Alphi - "Indeed, and if that trend could continue I would appreciate it." Aphi nods. B) Ysayle raises her eyebrow, thought - "So he blames the Garleans… that is understandable. I don't believe he would have done it otherwise.'
Alphinaud to Wolf - "And what did you see?" Thought - 'I'm not sure what to make of her yet. New information would be welcomed.'
Wolf smiles at Alphi - "Nothing she hadn't already told me." Thought - 'If she's willing to keep my secrets then I'll gladly keep hers… it wasn't relevant anyway.'
Wolfram Saga Comics (Chronological)
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Hi, may I get a love story UT match up? I'm bi, and if possible, I avoid talking to people, but if I have to, I do and at all costs don't show awkward and shy I am. I prefer to stay inside, play video games, draw, watch Markiplier, and anime. I tend to over stress myself with work fairly often, and have a hard time sleeping, due to insomnia and anxiety. I'm closed off and don't tell anyone what's wrong, and usually end up lying about it. Hugging someone and watching stupid internet videos helps.
{ Here yourmatch~
I have abunch of matchups, but don’t worry I am not going to forget anyone-! }
♥ ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ ▪  Undertale Alphys  ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ ▪ ♥ 
One of her biggest problems is to approach people sothe two of you are in harmony in this problematic issue and you could manage ittogether. Even if Aphys is unable to pretend that she is confident and sociablelike you, so you have to teach to her how to conceal her insecurities. Maybethis could be a first step to reach a better self-confidence level. It’s not athing you do in the short term, it takes time and determination. Therefore, agood start is half the battle.
Alphys often stays in her lab because she doesn’t haveother places where she could go, that situation makes her sad and gloomy. Ifyou decide to keep her company, she will be glad to do any leisure activity youprefer. One of her favourite interests are anime, after all. She would spendall the evenings and the weekends watching anime, videos, tv-shows, whatever youwant, with you (pretending she doesn’t have any job to do). She is a pro gamer,and you will be surprise how nerd she is and how good she is at gaming. Herfavourites games are the otome-game, life’s simulators and all those weird Japanesegames where everything is cute and lovely. She can play any kind of game you want,anyway. One day she could propose to you to open a YT channel of gameplays,where the two of you would  play and make money at the same time. Then,Alphys remembers, she is too shy but the video camera is not necessary (actually,it could be a great method to get rid of the shyness).
As I said before, Alphys often forgets her job (since shehas bad memories about the lab and the science experiments related to it),seeing how you work hard she could be spurred her to action and doing somethingconcrete with her life. She could help you to relax, even if she is the firstto be stressed and insecure, but you brought a breath of life in her existence, she isindebted to you and Alphys will do anything in her power to make you contentand peaceful. She would offer herself to do your job for you, everything you want, soshe could feel useful and lucky at the same time.
Then, she will post on the web all the statusupdates about your relationship, because she is so happy and the photos she postedmake her remember this is true life, you are real and she is not a loseranymore.
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