#dongmyeong imagine
hamstergiukie · 28 days
when they’re alone and get scared so they call you
crack / fluff
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Jin Yonghoon
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GIF by seonghwasblr-moved
🐶 he feels bad that it’s so late and he’s waking you up, but there was a noise and now he can’t sleep:(((
🐶 he genuinely thinks that you’re so cute half asleep, with your cute cheeks and your sleepy eyes:’)
🐶 he’s really appreciative that you are staying up with him
🐶 he’s adamant he’s not a scaredy cat, he just wanted to hear your voice! (he’s not scared okay? 🤨)
🐶 he’s totally scared but you’re not going to rub in
Ju Harin
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GIF by possession1981-moving
🦊 he isn’t scared!!! he really isn’t!! he’s calling because he knows you’re the scared one!!
🦊 okay maybe he’s a little scared after the noises going on in the dorm, but he’s not going to admit it out loud
🦊 just be there with him and chat with him, he’s pretty easy to calm down, i mean he loves to hear you and the moment he’s around you he relaxes
🦊 he will strongly deny being scared if this night is brought up later >:(
🦊 anyways he’s really grateful you woke up for him to be with him, and make him feel better:’)
Kang Hyungu (Kanghyun)
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GIF by weve-log
🐧 if you’re grumpy with him for waking you up he’ll do some aegyo for you:’)
🐧 you get the feeling he isn’t really that scared and just wants an excuse for some attention
🐧 y’all know Minji is his friend so:’) i’m just kidding okay back to the actual fic
🐧 i mean he is a little spooked by himself, so being with you and hearing your voice is really helping calm his nerves
🐧 you’re just a calm, safe space for him so he feels much better with you by his side
Son Dongmyeong
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GIF by awek-s-archived
☀️ absolutely no shame in being scared and calling you in the middle of the night
☀️ “y/nie~ there are weird noises in the dorms tonight and no one’s home! it’s really scary!! i wish you were here with me” you can see the pout on his face through the camera
☀️ every time you heard the noises in the background you noticed Dongmyeong flinch
☀️ he eventually put in his headphones to listen to you talk about your day
☀️ he’ll feel really bad if you fall asleep on the call though :(((
Lee Giuk
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GIF by boynextdoors
🐹 he’s so spooked and the second you saw his face pop up on the screen you knew he was scared
🐹 he had a cute pout on his face and he was giving you puppy dog eyes, “i’m sorry for waking you up y/n but i’m home alone for once and it’s really creeping me out.”
🐹 he falls asleep listening to you talk, and suddenly you’re thinking about how cute he is:( his squished cheekies:( i’m so sad:(
🐹 he’s really tired but his nerves were keeping him from sleeping, as soon as he’s with you though? he’s focused on something that makes him happy
🐹 and then BAM he’s asleep and you’re cooing over how frickin adorable he is
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
ONEWE & Gravity lyrics
A/N: In celebration of my listening to the whole album and something about my brain chemistry being altered...
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Even if it's dangerous to die I wanna be, wanna be, wanna be with you
Leave it to Yonghoon to both make you never second guess the choices you make and yet somehow, at the same time, always make you doubt them. Case in point: tonight. 
You weren’t sure if the leather jacket was a good idea, it looked different than what you usually wore. A little too bold for you, even if you aren’t one to avoid pieces like that. You pair it with some simple shirt and jeans with scratches and patches of torn fabric that are comfier than you’d guess. Looking into the mirror, you look good. It makes you feel confident. But it’s also new and it makes you unsure. The glint in Yonghoon’s eyes the moment he sees you, though, tells you everything you need to know. You should’ve known the moment he told you to wait for him to change into something that will match with you better that some ridiculous idea has popped into his head. And here you are.
What was supposed to be a wholesome arcade date, one with playing games and silly bets and Yonghoon finally fulfilling his promise of getting you a plushie from one of the claw machines turned into much more. You’re used to him being flirty, but not to this extent. And as much as you love when he slips into his confident, cocky role, it’s surprising he can keep it up this long. He acts like he owns the place, unless you need to talk to the staff or interact with the other people visiting and then he’s your well-behaved boyfriend again. But otherwise? Honestly the way he’s acting you’re surprised nobody has yet scouted him to be the lead of a drama. 
He lets the character slip off slightly when you’re playing together, and it’s cute. He’s cute. The constant changing from your softie of a boyfriend and the bad guy persona he’s playing for the entertainment of you both. You love his long talks about a motorcycle he doesn’t have, you love that he makes Kanghyun a professional hustler and that he makes Harin a bouncer of a club that they don’t own. It’s more fun than you’d expect building this entire alternative universe of the guys being a gang with him. 
Then a pair of teenagers passes by and his arm is around your shoulders immediately, pulling you into his side protectively. He turns his head back to glare at them, but you notice the second of uncertainty while he checks noone is looking.
“Your life is just one long skit, huh?” you chuckle fondly, leaning your head back on his shoulder.
“Ah,” he hesitates, his eyes growing a little softer, “You don’t like it?”
“No, I do,” you smile, hugging him from the side, “It’s so much fun.”
“Well,” he grins, pulling you even closer and kissing the top of your head, “It’s just me and you against the world, baby. We better make it fun.”
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I can't ignore to call it love Something meant to be
What are you?
A question you’ve asked yourself a thousand times before and that you’re asking yourself once more. If only there existed such a thing as clean cut categories for human relationships. Family, friends, lovers, enemies… Just pick one of those and be done with it. Simple as that. Life is such a messy thing anyway, why make it even harder. Yet nothing about your emotions right now is as simple, or really as complicated, as it seems.
You love Harin.
There can be no doubt about that. There doesn’t exist a word that could ever be enough to describe exactly the feelings you have for him but from your options, love is the one that comes the closest.
You’re aware of it when you wake up to his texts in the morning, and when you wake up earlier than him and immediately leave some texts for him to wake up to, and you’re aware of it late at night when you say goodnight. You know it to be true when your heart aches when you see him exhausted and struggling, and when it flutters as he feeds you soup when you’re sick and too weak to move.
You love him. Unconditionally, without any fear or doubt, from the day you met and until the end of time.
And as much as your insecurities and demons inside your head want to tell you otherwise, you know Harin loves you too. Honestly, at this point the only way you could be more like a couple is to move in together instead of constantly sharing each other’s living spaces. Or to confess. Actually officially become a couple. But there’s something about that that seems just so wrong.
“What are we?” a whisper spills from your lips as you sit facing each other in a small café. It’s a question shared with your mug of warm liquid, yet the answer comes from the man it concerns. You hear him smile before he speaks.
“In love,” he says as if it’s the simplest thing in the world. Your head shoots up, you almost drop the mug but he’s quick to steady your hands. So familiar with your behavior. You meet his eyes and you feel like you have a headache without the pain. All your thoughts are locked behind a wall of fuzziness.
“That’s all?” you ask, shy and uncertain. You feel a little stupid, a little confused, and the way he avoids your eyes for a second tells you so does he. 
“Do we need more?” he replies eventually. Something clicks into place. You don’t. You love each other, and for now that’s enough. You shake your head, and yet… some doubt lingers. It is enough, more than enough. Still…
“Soon, maybe?” he suggests with a knowing smile. You swear that if people are really made of stardust, you were together before the Earth even existed.
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I'm a gravity Pulling towards us, you and I
When someone asks you how the two of you met and got together, the best and most truthful answer is to say that it’s an interesting story.
This, of course, never satisfies anyone but the whole tale seems too personal, too intimate to share with just anyone beside the people closest to you, and so the most they get out of you is that it was fate and a small shrug. Kanghyun and you enjoy the sense of mystery it creates around the two of you. You almost think that at this point some of your friends have little meetings every now and then to piece together new slivers of information that you’ve let slip. Most people that stay in your lives get to hear the full story anyway, and those who don’t have no use for it, do they?
Anyway, it fills you with warmth when occasionally someone mentions that watching you, they do believe the thing about fate. 
If only they knew.
And nothing stops you from telling them. You could tell them about the boy you kept seeing on the bus to school who always seemed lost in his own world. About how one day you’ve gathered all your courage to sit next to him and you found out his voice is really nice and his face is so pretty, and that despite how shy he was, he was easy to talk with. And how the next day you got your heart broken because he no longer took the bus and you were sure you’d never see him again.
You could also tell them about your first part-time job and the number of various bands trying to make it that occasionally busked in front of the building. There was one of them, you see, that you could never quite ignore and that you’d often sneak out to listen to. The guitarist was handsome and talented, even if it seemed he wasn’t yet quite used to all the attention. For some reason though, as time passed you’d swear you saw him relax any time your eyes met accidentally. 
And of course there was the possibility to skip all that and jump straight to the fateful library and the only copy of the book you both desperately wanted to read. You could tell the history from that point, sure, but that wouldn't be the true story of you. It would tell them nothing of the destiny that binds you.
"Were you my fate or were I yours?" Kanghyun asks, his thumb stroking the back of your hand. You look up from your book to see him already looking at you. It's a quiet evening after your friends left after a quick coffee together.
"Hmmm," you hum, squeezing his hand, "I don't know, but I think it's because of you we kept meeting."
He looks surprised, huffing shyly before meeting your eyes again.
"Why? You always made the first step," he wonders aloud. You smile.
"I've told you before," you remind him, leaning closer, "I always gravitate towards you. I don't know how, there's just something about you that draws me in."
Kanghyun chuckles with a shake of his head. He picks up his book again, yet his hand never leaves yours and you think he holds it just a little tighter.
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Without you, there's no life I call you the one
You should stop, you’re being creepy - despite reminding yourself, you can’t bring yourself to close your eyes or turn away. 
The headache that made you go lie down has ebbed away and you feel pleasantly warm and relaxed. Grateful most of all, if you’re being honest.
Dongmyeong was worried when you suddenly got so weak and quiet, and so he insisted on watching over you while you napped after taking some pills. He must’ve been tired too, seeing as he fell asleep himself. And maybe you aren’t being creepy. After all, he’s also probably watched you sleep even if only because he wanted to make sure you’re alright. You only want the same.
It’s hard to remember a time when he wasn’t such a big part of your life, harder still to remember when he wasn’t in your life at all. Through thick and thin, the good and the bad, he stood by you and you by him. You’d like to say that the majority of that time was good and happy, but well - life happens. At least things are looking up now.
You stretch your hand towards him. He doesn’t stir at all, his breathing remains even and eyes closed. He couldn’t look more like a fairy if he tried. You smooth some hair away from his face and behind his ear. He still doesn’t react, sleeping soundly. You wonder if he stayed asleep if it was anyone but you. You’d like to think not.
You look at the clock as you caress Dongmyeong’s cheek and note that it’s late afternoon. It makes you frown to realize how long you’ve slept. Even though it’s good since you feel better, it’s a shame you weren’t able to do much today. You could of course get up now and get some cleaning done, but that would mean abandoning your boyfriend and that you just can’t do.
You like to write it down to being young and in love, or maybe to the limited amount of time you’re allowed to be together without responsibilities, but nothing seems intriguing without him. You can function, of course. It’s not like you can put your life on hold until you can be together. When he’s here, however, you can’t bring yourself to enjoy yourself without him by your side. Maybe you’re just clingy. It’s not your fault, though, that his presence is like sunshine and doing chores with him, watching dramas with him, living with him is much better than doing it all alone.
You jump when you feel arms wrapping around your waist and a warm breath on your neck as your boyfriend giggles.
“Did I make you wait?” he sighs, settling so close to you it’d be hard to untangle. Not that you’re complaining.
“No, it’s alright,” you say as you hug him even closer, “How do you feel?”
“That’s my line,” he pouts and only responds when you reassure him you feel better. “I had a nightmare. You weren’t here when I woke up.”
“I’ll always be here,” you press a kiss to his forehead, “You know that, right?”
“Yeah,” he smiles as he takes your hands into his, “That’s why I woke up and wasn’t worried at all.”
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My heart gets possessive 'Cause I feel that I'm cooped up
It’s somewhat of a routine. Your friend groups gather together, delicious food is eaten, drinks are drank, karaoke is sung, jokes and stories are told, and it’s a good time. You meet people you haven’t seen in a while, what with everyone caught up in their own busy lives.
As you make rounds around the room, making sure no one leaves without chatting with you, you always end up the center of CyA’s attention. Sometimes it’s only a brief exchange of smiles, other times he comes up to you and hugs you or checks on you. Usually it’s short and sweet, but as the night gets late, he tends to stay with you for longer and longer. He’s not that big on affection in public, but at times like these his hand never leaves yours as you move from one group of friends to another.
You know he trusts you, and that he feels guilty about his behavior. He doesn’t want to hover, really, nor make you feel like you can’t hang out with your friends without him. He doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable in any way, and he doesn’t. You find it strangely heartwarming for the most part, honestly you only worry about him. It must be uncomfortable for him, to feel like he does.
He’s explained it to you once. Since he doesn’t have that many friends and there’s only one you, he feels nervous about losing someone. You’re all dear to him, especially you. And when everyone gets together, it feels strange to see everyone hanging out with other people. You most of all… It’s not that he wants to get jealous, but it’s strange to suddenly be out of the center of your attention. You’re his. He knows that. And he knows his friends won’t easily abandon him either. And yet…
Emotions can’t be controlled, you know that very well. Still you wish he’d see that you don’t mind. It’s good that you get the chance to speak with everyone, but it’s all the better when CyA’s with you. He’s your person, after all, and his presence gives you a chance to relax and hear him tell your stories from his perspective. It’s fun. It’s a reminder of you sharing your lives together, and is there really anything you’d enjoy more than that? You don’t think so. Safe for when everyone leaves and you go home and it’s just the two of you again. Just you and CyA in your own little bubble that might as well be heaven.
“I’m sorry,” he whispers into your ear as he hugs you from behind, swaying slightly to the rhythm of the music playing in the background, “I just don’t like thinking about losing you.”
“Then don’t,” you tease gently before turning in his hold, “You have nothing to worry about, Giuk. I’m yours. And honestly, I really like it sometimes - when we’re out and you pull me closer and hold my hand.”
“Really? I don’t want to be too much,” he leans his forehead against yours, smiling when you lean further into the touch.“You’re not. It makes me feel protected. I just want you to know I’m not going anywhere,” you remind him, kissing the corner of his mouth. He nods, blindly following your lips until they meet his. Finally he relaxes, melting into the kiss and into you. How could you ever so much as consider leaving when this, he, is your home? 
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yawn-junn · 1 year
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✰Up All Night - Yonghoon✰
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✰One Shot/Drabbles✰
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faceglitchsworld · 1 year
It's the 29th of March, which means that today is the day where one of my favourite drummers was born.
Happy birthday Harin! 🥳
Here's the collage I made for him ☺️
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I really had fun with this. I wanted to make a REALLY special collage for him, since he's born the day after me (we're almost birthday twins 😭) and we're both under the aries sign.
Did I exaggerate a bit with the pictures? 🤣
Well, now you can admire every shape of him 🥴😌
Ok, enough with the funny talking, it's time for the letter.
Talking about Harin means, again, talking about why I love bands in general. Before discovering K-pop and k-bands in general, I was very into tech-death metal. Now, this metal genre is very heavy and hard to listen but, if you pay enough attention, you immediately notice how the drums are one if not the most important instruments. You can't do that genre if your drummer doesn't have a good technique.
And when I recognized Harin's technique? When listening to Montage_ obviously. I love that song especially for two reasons, and the first is Harin's drums. His aggressive rythm is probably one of the first thing that I heard immediately besides Kanghyun's riffs. I was thrilled by it. For this reason, he became my second bias after CyA (and let's say that I should also thank some pictures of him 🤣 Working out helps a lot).
Little story time now. While I was watching Onewe's pics I always thought Harin was one if not the most introverted member of the group. You wonder why? Must admit it was his way of smiling. Since his smile is always very timid I thought he was introvert, so imagine my shook when I discovered his MBTI and he had the E of extrovert in it. I was literally like "What? An extrovert? Him? Seriously?". I was naive at the time, I must admit. In the exact moment I started to watch some extra Onewe content I understood why he was labelled like that. He's the one who brings chaos most of the time while being a goofball. If you watched some clips from the recent fansign you know what I'm talking about. He can't dance and despite that he decides to dance anyway because he's having fun with the members. I love him for this. And how I can talk about Harin without mentioning the beautiful friendship he has with Kanghyun? He's the extroverted friend I always wanted to have: someone who respects your boundaries and your spaces, who makes sure you feel better first, someone who can rely on.
And how can I not talk about how he sees Onewe as a whole? I don't know you but Harin is for me the member who sees the band as a second family more than the others. I will never forget how, during the last concert the members made all together, he tried to not cry until he bursted into tears after everyone read their letters to both Yonghoon and Kanghyun. I felt that. Kanghyun and Yonghoon aren't just two members for him but two good friends (Kanghyun especially), two brothers who made his days more brighter and precious. Even if he knew it, he couldn't be stoic like he always does when he's on the stage. He needed to express his sadness and how much he would have missed them during these months. And I think every Weve felt his emotions at the time.
My dear Harin, thank you so much for taking care of our maknaes while the Leader Line is doing their duty for the country. I know it wasn't easy for you at the beginning but I assure you that you made a wonderful job. If I saw both Dongmyeong and Giuk being this happy last year is thanks to you. I think both Yonghoon and Kanghyun know that too. Thank you for being a big, comfy safe space for us during this year. Thank you for protecting us. Thank you for being one the kindest person I ever met during my k-pop journey.
Hope you'll celebrate this day with the members and your family too. Take this day to take a rest and to enjoy the little and happy things in life. You deserve it.
Happy birthday, my sweet giant 💚
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yuliangs · 10 months
i cannot imagine what went through yonghoon's head when he joined onewe honestly. imagine you're a 20 yr old college student and you win some singing contest and a group of literal teenagers (harin was 17, kanghyun was 16, dongmyeong and giuk were 15) approaches you and asks you to join their band. and you drop everything and become their lead singer
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Secrets Of The Stars(The Dream)-
Chae Minjun
Model:Jung Yonghwa(CNBLUE)
Stage Name:None
Image Songs:1.(2.I'm Sorry by CNBLUE)
Character Tropes:(Unknown)
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Min Siwon/Charlie Min
Model:Kim Woosung(The Rose)
Stage Name:None
Image Songs:1.(2.Red by The Rose)
Character Tropes:(Unknown)
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Jeon Seojun/Calvin Jeon
Model:Young K(Day6)
Stage Name:Calvin
Image Songs:1.Sober by P!nk(2.Shoot Me by Day6)
Character Tropes:(Unknown)
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Son Jinsoo
Stage Name:None
Image Songs:1.(2.Moonshot by N.Flying)
Character Tropes:(Unknown)
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Seok Baekhyun
Model:Yoon Dowoon(DAY6)
Stage Name:None
Image Songs:1.It's Time by Imagine Dragons(2.Dance Dance by Day6)
Character Tropes:(Unknown)
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Ban Jungjin
Model:Son Dongmyeong(ONEWE
Stage Name:None
Image Songs:1.(2.End Of Spring by ONEWE)
Character Tropes:(Unknown)
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0 notes
pocket-scenarios · 4 years
3 & 9 with Dongmyeong please
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(Admin: Mitzy)
3: They play piano for you
9: Your ex calls and they answer.
"What do you want me to play?" Dongmyeong asks softly, turning his head towards you
 "Anything's fine it's been so long since I've heard you play piano," you say with a light laugh, "hey, I'll go get you a bottle of water," 
 He hums, nodding softly, his fingers ghosting over the keys of the grand piano. It has been a long time since he has been inside the old music academy's piano room. Dongmyeong plays through a simple piece that he learned when he was younger, waiting for you to come back as well as warming up his hands.
"Here," you say softly, handing him a bottle of water, "something bothering you?"
Dongmyeong nods: "Don't get mad at me."
You nod, shifting in your seat, waiting for him to continue.
"Your ex-boyfriend called when we were out earlier," he trails off, "so I answered the call, I told him we were dating."
Dongmyeong trails off, his fingers lightly resting, on the keys of the piano, not hard enough to press them down. You nod your head softly, resting your hands on your lap.
"It's fine you should've just told me, why would I be mad," You laugh softly, "can you play something for me? I thought of something I want to hear."
He hums: "What song?"
"Do you remember Yiruma's First Love album?" You inquire, he hums, "can you play Dream A Little?"
"Yeah, I can try at least," Dongmyeong laughs.
"Thank you," you muse.
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yakshua · 3 years
little onewe boyfriend scenarios 🦋
ps : harin's is v long teehee
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🍧 hyungu :
i can see him reading a book aloud to u and pausing when he notices you're not replying to the main character's dumb decisions anymore. so he peaks down and sees u asleep on his chest and a soft smile grows on his face, he chuckles and rubs ur back until he falls asleep as well with u in his arms 💭
🍰 giwook :
after a hard day u collapse into his arms on the couch, he puts a lil pout on his lips and brushes the hair out your face, lifts your chin a bit to look into ur eyes and asks u what happened. while u tell him about it, he'd stroke ur hair and give u little encouraging smooches across ur face every time u start speaking quieter or get choked up. he'd just be so incredibly loving 💭
🧁 dongmyeong :
he'd squish ur cheeks together and after gushing for a bit bc how cute u look would cup ur face with his warm hands and litter tiny smooches all around ur face, so everytime u go to a mirror, no matter where u look on yourself, he'd have kissed u there and u'd always be reminded of how much he loves u 💭
🍪 yonghoon :
even though he could just text u, yonghoon thinks it's romantic to send u little heartfelt love letters, and it absolutely is. if he ordered you fruit tea he'd stick a lil note on it saying something like "I remembered your order! the peach is so sweet, it reminds me of you <3" or a lyric from one of his songs that reminds him of u. eg: "when darkness surrounds you, can i wrap you in my arms?" from universe 💭
🍩 harin :
i can see u guys on a amusement park date and he'd let u drag him wherever u wanted, if you saw a cute plushie at a stall he would not stop until he won the game and got it for u. if u were a bit scared of heights, on the ferris wheel, he'd tell u dumb stories from when he was younger to make u laugh, and his arm would never leave from around ur shoulder, regardless if u were scared or not. also he'd give u his jacket on the way home, even if u weren't cold, just to see how oversized and adorbs it looks on u :( and when he drops u off at ur place, you'd take it off to give it back but he'd just tutt at you, slip it back on ur shoulders and say "keep it for a bit, it looks cute on you" and give u a sweet goodbye kiss and drive off leaving you screaming so loud on the inside. Also the jacket would smell like him and AAAAAAAA JU HARIN I HAVE NO WORDS 😖😖😖
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hamstergiukie · 29 days
playing with their hair/giving them a head massage
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Jin Yonghoon
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GIF by weve-log
🐶 absolutely M E L T E D the second your fingers ran through his hair and gently massaged the roots
🐶 his head laid in your lap, and his eyes fluttered closed and he had that little content smile on his face he has when he’s watching his members (YALL KNOW THE ONE??)
🐶 he thinks he’s in heaven because it feels really nice and omg he loves you so much:(
🐶 he might be on the verge of tears because for once he’s the one being taken care of
🐶 his shoulders will relax and he’ll him gratefully to you while you play with the strands of his hair and massage his head and shoulders
🐶 it’s 1AM writing this and i’m making myself sad, i want a Yonghoon:(
Ju Harin
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GIF by bowieisworried
🦊 H E L P H I M, he’s so in love at this point he’s a little scared he will never be free (he doesn’t want to be free lol)
🦊 he might short circuit when you start playing with his hair? his mind kind of just goes blank and his eyes close and he falls asleep:’)
🦊 it’s okay though, he’s cute when he’s sleeping and you think he might need the sleep based on how quickly he falls asleep
🦊 when he wakes up he swears it was the best sleep of his entire life, and he will make you play with his hair again when he wants a good nap
🦊 i don’t think you mind though:’)))))
Kang Hyungu (Kanghyun)
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🐧 his mind went ‘aksbskshaosbsksbsks’ he legit keyboard smashed in his brain
🐧 he was leaning on your shoulder and your arm was wrapped around his shoulder and your hand kind of just started playing with the ends of his hair and he isn’t quite sure how he ended up on your lap so quickly but he’s nudging his head into your hands
🐧 and :( you :( giggled :( so :( cutely :( when :( he :( did :( he’s going to have a heart attack if you keep being this cute he swears
🐧 it’s just a really sweet and relaxing moment, running your fingers through his hair and scratching his scalp gently:(
🐧 that is it’s sweet and relaxing until his cheeks turn bright red when he realizes the position he’s in 😂
Son Dongmyeong
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GIF by choicemillionaire
☀️ Son Dongmyeong, the king of physical affection is shook to his core when you play with his hair
☀️ he’s always the one playing with your hair!! there can be no exceptions!!
☀️ well… okay… maybe this once he’ll let it slide (and maybe the time after, and the time after that and uh oh…)
☀️ it’s a new feeling for him, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like it!! he’s not used to someone paying attention to him like this
☀️ play with his hair, massage his head, braid little plaits into his hair, he’s literally so proud to be your boyfriend and have you do this for him:(
Lee Giuk
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GIF by boynextdoors
🐹 play with his hair, style it, massage his head he’s down for whatever
🐹 as long as it means he’s being babied by his baby and he’s getting love he’s happy
🐹 he will lay his head in your lap after a long stressful day and whine for you to play with his hair
🐹 he likes to hear you talk about your day while you play with his hair and massage his head, it gives him a chance to relax and really listen to you
🐹 hypothetically if you sing to him (only if you want to though, he will never pressure you) he might cry
🌻 if you’re wondering yes i’m still sad, it’s still 1AM and i would like any member of onewe to show up on my doorstep tomorrow thanks 🥲 - repost note, what was wrong with me??? why was i sad???
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redweve · 3 years
adopted | s.dm & s.dj
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synopsis: the golden retriever hybrid you wanted to adopt was adopted before you could adopt him, a few weeks later you find he was returned, but you can’t figure out why.
characters: golden retriever hybrid!Dongmyeong x reader, golden retriever hybrid!Dongju
genre: angst, fluff, hybrid au
warnings: abandonment, dog bites, idk if there’s anything else?? please let me know if there is.
song rec: sunshine by stray kids, lion heart by oneus
notes: Nat? editing? idk her lol. this one was surprisingly hard for me to write, rip i’m so sorry Dongmyeong:’)
adopting a hybrid had been a goal of yours for awhile, you had saved up a bunch of money and gotten everything you thought you would need for the hybrid you had been working with for awhile. Son Dongmyeong was a golden retriever hybrid; sweet, energetic, full of life and the cutest hybrid you had ever seen. you had promised Dongmyeong that you would adopt him today, but when you got to the shelter you found Dongmyeong had already been adopted.
“we’re really sorry y/n, a new staff member had him adopted before we could stop them. they didn’t know that you were going to adopt him.” Helen, your favourite staff member at the shelter, whispered. she looked down at her hands, “there’s nothing we can do about it, i know how much you loved him.” she sighed, you shook your head “it’s not your fault, don’t worry. i’m sure i’ll find another hybrid someday.” a few tears spilled onto your cheeks. none would be as perfect for you as Dongmyeong.
at home you found yourself tucking away everything you had bought for your hybrid with teary eyes, today was just not your day. you spent the next couple of days in a low mood, you would visit Dongmyeong often at the shelter and he never failed to make you happy but now he was just out of your reach.
a couple of weeks after your disappointment you visited the shelter again. much to your surprise Dongmyeong had been returned, and sat sadly in a corner. he looked dejected and stared at the floor, not looking anyone in the eye. normally he would have been smiling and laughing with the other hybrids. he was especially good with the little ones, today his normal sunshine was dampened by rain.
you walked over to Helen first, “why was Dongmyeong returned? he was always so sweet with me.” you asked quietly, Helen shrugged. “they said he bit their daughter and that they didn’t think he was a good fit for their family.” she replied. confusion was written all over your face, Helen sighed “if you still want to adopt him, go ahead. he was always a sweetheart especially to you so i’m sure he’ll be fine.” her tone was exhausted and heavy.
you approached Dongmyeong in the corner, “hey Myeongie, how’s my favourite boy?” you asked him. he looked up, shocked to see you but also the happiest you had seen him since you got here. “y/n! i thought you would have found another hybrid by now.” Dongmyeong pouted. “how could i have found another hybrid when you were the hybrid i was going to adopt?” your question hangs in the air. Dongmyeong looks down and shrugs. “now let’s see about those adoption papers.” you smiled at him, he looked surprised. “you still want me? even though i was returned?” he asked, shocked. “of course Myeong, that is if you still want me to adopt you?” you questioned, half jokingly half a little scared he’ll say no. Dongmyeong looked at you with the biggest smile, and nodded enthusiastically. “yes! yes i do!”
after adopting him you found that Dongmyeong was just as sweet as he was in the shelter. you couldn’t for the life of you figure out why he would have bitten a little girl and been returned. that is until you came home one day and the golden retriever sitting on your couch was not Dongmyeong. he was a little bit bigger than Dongmyeong but much thinner. when you approached him, he growled at you. “hello there,” you kept your voice low, “what’s your name?” the hybrid looked at you confused. his form changed and immediately you saw the resemblance, he looked like Dongmyeong. they weren’t exactly the same, but they were definitely related. “you knew i wasn’t Dongmyeong? how did you know? no one ever can tell when we switch places.” he seemed very distressed. you smiled, “you don’t look exactly like him, you don’t act like him either. i’m guessing you’re fraternal twins, right?” he nodded slowly.
“i’m usually the one taking care of Dongmyeong, he’s too trusting sometimes and gets himself into bad situations. even if he’s older he can act like he’s the younger one,” Dongju (as you had learned his name was) sighed, “we were in the shelter together once. they adopted us separately, we ran away from those homes and decided that if no one could tell the difference between us we would ditch places in one home. Dongmyeong always volunteered to be in the shelter, sometimes he would sneak food to me outside if he could. the last home he was in, when we switched places the little girl kept yanking on my ears and so i bit her. i didn’t mean to! i’ve just been on the street so long that i’m used to retaliating!” Dongju whimpered quietly, you sighed patting his head lightly. “it’s okay Dongju, i’ll take care of you now. both of you.” you said gently, his head perked up and he smiled. “really?? you mean it??” you nodded at him, “that is, if you can call Myeongie back.” you raised an eyebrow at Dongju.
it was apparently very simple to bring Dongmyeong back, he was hidden just outside your home, waiting for his brother to come get him. you followed Dongju to Dongmyeong’s hiding spot, and a ver surprised looking Dongmyeong in his dog form crawled out. with your hands on your hips you gave him a look that said ‘did you really think you could hide this from me?’ Dongmyeong barked apologetically. you smiled at the two of them, they looked so happy together. “alright boys, let’s go inside and get something to eat,” Dongju’s ears perked up, “we can sort out Dongju’s adoption papers tomorrow.” they barked excitedly and ran inside. how did you end up such a sucker for two hybrids? you’ll never know.
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onewerse · 3 years
ONEWE as things I’ve done
kanghyun: when I declared it was hot enough to ‘fry an egg on the pavement’ and then when I had to prove it, everything went wrong, the egg wouldn’t crack, and when it finally did, it merely splattered on the ground, without frying. there’s just egg on the ground.
yonghoon: chasing my sister around the house for a hug, only to proceed to trip down the entirety of my wooden stairs and roll into the wall, knocking down our mirror and breaking it.
dongmyeong: locking my brother out of the house, only for him to climb over our back gate, climb through a window and rugby tackle me.
cya: getting a nosebleed while in the queue at Starbucks, but being too stubborn to leave the long line, so I get served with my head held back and tissue up my nose, and they end up getting my name wrong because they couldn’t hear me properly.
harin: getting really drunk and singing ‘my heart will go on’ with all my will power in a random pub, crying as I get to the chorus and forcing my best friend to join me.
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xxrinooxx · 2 years
~𝒲𝒽ℴ’𝓈 𝓎ℴ𝓊𝓇 𝒲ℯ𝒰𝓈 𝒷ℴ𝓎𝒻𝓇𝒾ℯ𝓃𝒹~
-Ravn : 8%
-Yonghoon: 5%
-Seoho: 8%
-Kanghyun: 7%
-Leedo: 3%
-Harin: 3%
-Keonhee: 8%
-Dongmyeong: 4%
-Xion: 2%
-CyA: 2%
~The points will change when you take the quiz~
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Saying I love you for the first time || Yonghoon
I thought of Yonghoon and the smile he'd have on his face for the first time his s/o says ily and my writer self immediately had to get to work
Pairing: Yonghoon x reader
Genre: fluff so much fluff
♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧* ♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧*♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧* ♡๑⌓✿ ◍♡๑⌓✿
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♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧* ♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧*♡๑⌓✿ ◍✧* ♡๑⌓✿ ◍♡๑⌓✿
Something about today you knew today was the day
The longer you two where together the more you realized how much this man means to you
The way Yonghoon takes care of you is like a love so pure and foreign
The way he'd get you your favorite food even if you didn't ask for it
How he'd stay by your side for any tough moments
When you'd be stressed how he'd sing you a lullaby to calm your nerves
Everything he does for you you try your best to reciprocate back
And as you took the time to be grateful of this name and all his fondness of you
You knew it was the time
It was a peaceful moment between the two of you in comfortable silence together
You went to grab his attention and once you saw his eyes on you that's when you said it
You could see the way his heart melted
The grin on his face you could tell you made him feel on top of the world
Such simple words had his heart just flying
You smiled at him bashfully
He was so starstruck he hadn't even realized he hadn't said it back yet
Suspect him to take your hands and rub the back of them with his thumb
The sweetest I love you you've ever heard
You could feel the genuine happiness you gave him as he said each word
Complete puppy love from this man he'll be on cloud 9 the rest of the day
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synthetickitsune · 2 years
Dongmyeong (Onewe) | Moody fluff | 0.5k
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It was nothing new, not really, but it made you concerned every time. It was worrying mostly because you knew he doesn’t like being this way and it hurt you that he’d be upset with himself for something he has zero control about. So with a sigh you put down your bag and lift your lips in a small smile before you make your way to the couch where Dongmyeong is lying, eyes focused on one spot on the wall. 
You crouch down beside him, brushing away some of the hair that fell into his eyes. He jerks a little at your touch, clearly unaware that you came home at all. He sighs in relief when he realizes it’s just you and murmurs an apology.
“It’s alright. Had a rough day?” you ask gently. He just gives you a sad look and shakes his head.
“That’s the thing! I had a pretty good day but I’m still like this,” he groans and buries his face into the pillows on the couch. You really feel for him, familiar with feeling blue despite being surrounded by happiness and how hopeless everything must seem to him at the moment. You sigh and run your hand through his hair.
“It’s alright, Myeongie. You don’t have to be happy all the time,” you reassure him. 
“But I’m supposed to be your sunshine,” he turns to face you, pout on his lips. You chuckle, tapping his nose.
“You’re always my sunshine,” you remind him, “And I love you no matter what. Now, do you feel like doing anything?” You kind of know what answer to expect, but you still ask.
“No...” he whines, “I’m so bored but nothing is fun.”  
“Let’s take a nap then? Or just cuddle?” you suggest, trying to find a way to help him, or at least show that you’re there for him. 
“I’m not sleepy, and I don’t wanna bother you,” his voice is laced with frustration and you know he’s beating himself over his feelings, which only makes you more worried.
“Dongmyeong, you’re not bothering me. Make some space for me, okay? I’ll watch something and you can watch with me or just lay next to me,” you pet his head and even if he looks skeptical about your idea, he scoots closer to the edge of the couch, allowing you to lie down beside him. You pull a blanket over both of you and hug him from behind, one of your hands holding his, fingers intertwined, over his chest. Despite his earlier hesitation, it seems he relaxed a little and every step forwards counts so you’re happy.
You put on some show netflix recommended and find it actually enjoyable, although not as much as the warmth radiating from your boyfriend curled in your arms, or his soft hair that flows between your fingers like silk. And being able to shower his shoulder and neck with kisses is a bonus too.
He’s being way too quiet, though, you realize after a few minutes. And he stopped shifting and stirring as well. You move carefully, lifting yourself just enough to see him with his eyes closed and his face peaceful and relaxed. You smile a little to yourself and lie back down. You kiss his shoulder one more time before lowering the volume of the tv and focusing on the show.
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honeyhuun · 3 years
onewe reaction to you kissing them out of nowhere
~ type . reactions
~ requested . yes
~ pairing . onewe x gender-neutral!reader
~ genre . very fluffy and low key domestic!au
~ tw . none
~ song recommendation . leave it by n.flying
~ a/n . hey anon !! thanks for requesting for my babies, there’s a serve lack of content for them so i hope this fills some of the void !! stay healthy and have a nice day <3 sorry for taking so long, ily !
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| j i n  . y o n g h o o n
well done !! you just made him the happiest man a man could be ~ have fun trying to erase that smile from his face because it’s not going anywhere for a week tops. our amazing leader loves attention and little shows of affection like this, he thrives on it. for him, it’s like a sign everything in the relationship is going well and that you still love him and think about him lots. I think yonghoon is the type to worry about this stuff so a surprise kiss would reassure him probably more than words could ever do. he would be sitting at his desk late at night brainstorming lyrics and tapping his pens to form melodies when you sneak up behind him and place a big fat smooch on the side of his cheek. yonghoon would jump in surprise because he thought you wouldn’t be home for a while but then immediately soften when the scent of your favourite fragrance finally reached him. he leaned back in his chair, tilting his head up to reach your eyes with the cutest eye smile you’ve ever seen. “someone must have missed me?” he said we a jokingly sweet tone while staring up into your eyes swearing he could see stars. yonghoon lives for domesticity like this, he’s so glad that you feel comfortable enough to just go up and do that. trust him to randomly go up to you no matter the situation and give you quick pecks and smooches (if he didn't already do it) before you guys fall into a calm conversation about your days, he would tap his neck and make kissy noises hoping you would get the point and do it again.
“how was your day darling? i didn’t hear you come in. just give me five minutes and i’ll be all yours for the night, wait before that... would you mind if you gave me another kiss?”
| j u  . h a r i n
oh, oh, OH !! a surprise kiss will turn harin into the shyest tiger bub you could imagine. it would 100% catch him off guard and throw him off track from whatever task he was attempting. his cheeks would turn the brightest of red when you came up behind him when he was washing the dishes after dinner and placed kisses down his neck then the exposed skin on his back. everyone knows harin is so soft and sweet but for you, the love of his life? i mean it when i say he will do everything and anything for you. he is an absolute goner. and when you nuzzled your head deeper into him, your cheek pressing against his back he just sighed blissfully, slowly coming to terms with how relentlessly lucky he got, meeting and dating you. he would make sure to finish the dishes as quickly as possible (maybe dropping one of them in excitement oops). once free from the chore, this man ain't leaving you alone for the rest of the day, good luck trying to detach him from your side. harin is just an over-grown human koala. he would attack you with kisses all over making you squeal because it tickles! and because of that, he would start laughing and harin's laughter can bring world peace. harin is just filled with so much love and adoration for you and this just confirms you love him all the same ~
"what was that for lovely? did i do anything special to deserve this special attention?" harin mused and dried his hands so he could wrap his arms around your waist.
"nothing in particular just felt right..."
"that must make me a very lucky man doesn't it, i don't deserve you bub don't i?"
| k a n g . h y u n g u
we all know how much of a bookworm hyungu is, so it wouldn't be surprising when you catch him curled up in bed early with one of his current reads. hyungu doesn't flinch when he feels a dip in the mattress nor does he when he feels your hot breathe fall from his cheek to below his white tank top. thinking you just want to cuddle he tells you to let him finish the chapter, his eyes not wavering from the book. what he didn't expect was for you to place a light peck on the skin underneath his eye then moved to ghost his lips before diving in and giving him a short but passionate kiss. just after you tell him you were going to the kitchen for snacks and leaving him on the bed alone with heart going 150mph. this would leave hyungu a malfunctioning and blubbering mess as you rendered him speechless. one part of him felt like he hadn't been giving you enough attention or there was something on your mind that you weren't telling him. or did he maybe do something special that he wasn't aware of? were you in a really good mood, why? all these questions would plague him until you entered the room again and he asked if you were okay in a very serious voice. "you can tell me anything you know..." he said taking your hand in his and rubbing your palm. you were extremely confused at this gesture and said you were feeling fine. "then what was that kiss about?" he questioned at this point as confused as you. "no reason, just loved you and missed you." such a cheesy shy grin would adorn his features, and he would giggle not looking down at your hands, too flustered to face you upfront. warmth rose throughout his chest as he feels that had just struck him clean through the heart. with you hyungu had never felt so loved and appreciated. honestly, you were the best thing to happen to him. long after you had fallen asleep nestled into his side, hyungu made mental notes on little ways to express his infinite love and adoration for you, and you show that all though he may not show it, he's just as enamoured with you as you are with him.
"my love is full of surprises, aren't they? my days would be so much darker without you y/n-ah."
| s o n . d o n g m y e o n g
you'd try to catch him off guard with a kiss? you don’t know the war you have just started with this boy... what just started with a quick peck on the side of his cheek while he was getting ready for the day turn into a full-blown kissing war that seemed to get more intense and passionate with each sneaky kiss. he relished in catching you by surprise and in comprising moments. hell you could be calling your mum and bam! wild son dongmyeong on your lips. kissing is dongmyeong primary way of showing his affection (apart from words ofc) so a little kissing war is right up his alley. from watching tv, to tending to household chores, on the way out the door and when you were snuggling into bed ready for the night, were all perfect opportunities to get each other back for each kiss and the one after that and the one after that and- (you can see where this is going, you two might just be attached at the lips at this point). even when he had to go for band practice at random points during the session he’d send you heart emojis and sweet texts saying how much he missed you (and your lips). the boy is, was and forever will be lovestruck for you, i can not stress this enough!! surprises, in general, affirm that fact that you think about him a lot and obviously care a lot as well. these are two things i think dongmyeong really values in a relationship. the day would probably end out with a cute little make-out session after both of you are done with the day's activities. before you drift off dongmyeong would whisper “i won~” in your ear before trying to find sleep himself. he didn’t just mean winning the war of kisses, he also meant winning in life because he had the best person on planet earth all for himself.
“that’s 13 to me and 11 to you sunshine !! hmm seems like someone has some catching up to do… oh! and you also have something on your lips right there-”
*proceeds to kiss you for a bit longer than usual leaving you absolutely breathless*
“i think that makes it 14 to 11.”
| l e e . g i w o o k
shy and flustered hamster to the power of two !! as the maknae who normally receives lots of skinship from his hyungs you’d think a surprise kiss wouldn’t affect him that much. however, when it comes to you throw that idea out of the window, bubs would be a stuttering cute mess, almost confused and dazed-like, like hyungu. when you crept up on his while he was changing the broken strings on his base he felt your presence behind him, but being used to this sort of closeness he didn’t mind it. but when you stooped down to his level and quickly swooped in for a sweet kiss right on his lips his eyes would immediately dart up and his pupils would dilate into moons. his mouth would be an o-shape as he stared up at you before turning beet red. if it was around other people he would probably feign being slightly annoyed but deep deep down he loves it more than you’ll ever know. it would be a quiet reassurance that you’re still there and love him as always. but when you’re alone there’s no doubt in the fact he’ll definitely ask you to kiss him again. your spontaneity gives him something to look forward to when has time to spend with you. a reminder that his and your youthful banter is something to be love and treasured.
"ah baby... not here please, see harin hyung is laughing at me now. you're cute but not THAT cute, and don't take that in the wrong way. you can give me loads of kisses when i'm done with this okay?"
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(hope you enjoyed sorry again the wait was so long !!)
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hellogloom · 3 years
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ONEWE '별 (STAR)' 2021.11.23 6PM RELEASE #원위 #별 #STAR
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