#donna can only cook soup
dragongirl642 · 4 months
heyyy i just read the werewolf shifter hc! it’s great, along with all your others. do you think you could do donna and alcina reaction to a s/o who is very tall (like 7’6”) and is a bigger person. but can cook really well? keep up the great work! <3
Thank you Glad you like my headcanons...here's some more 😎👌
Alcina Dimitrescu
She thinks you are a god/dess. Something divine, a gift plucked from the heavens that she is eternally grateful for.
She likes the warm feeling in her chest that blooms whenever you cuddle on a couch together or she sees you getting along with her daughters.
You're just so soft, and kind, and strong, and tall, and smart, and funny, and beautiful, and talented, and...she will wax lyrical about you in her diary.
If you're a woman, her earlier entries will be plans to drain "the new maid", which then slowly morph into poetry.
If you're a man, her earlier entries will be filled with shock and anger over the "useless butler", which then slowly morph into notes on what her "filthy but cute manthing" surprised her with today.
If you have any insecurities about your body or your appearance, she will loudly proclaim how ridiculous your insecurities are and love-bomb you. She may even read you some of the poetry in her diary about you.
She appreciates your height and strength.
Will shamelessly ogle you when you're doing any chores or heavy lifting.
However, she will avert her eyes and make a comment about "decent attire" if you wear any sort of crop top or tank top and shorts while completing said chores/heavy lifting. (She is secretly swooning.)
When you're anniversary was coming up, you scoured the town and castle to find recipe books and experiment with making vampirism-friendly meals.
Black pudding, blood soup, roasted bone marrow and other organ meat meals.
Alcina won't admit it, but she almost cried when you presented her with your one-year anniversary meal surprise.
She always talks (brags) about your cooking skills with the other Lords.
She will "suggest" you write all the recipes down and "helpfully" leave the necessary materials lying around in places you frequent. She wants to have something to remember you by.
Alcina doesn't want you dead. But she knows the village (and her castle) is full of dangers. Mother Miranda. Feral lycans. Her own daughters (who don't try and eat you only because you feed them and Alcina has firmly, sternly, told them not to touch you).
Once she loves you, she lives with the knowledge she will one day lose you and secretly fears losing you earlier than the end of your natural lifespan.
The Lords will feel like they know you before they meet you.
Heisenberg will make sarcastic comments about how Alcina has lost brain cells since meeting you, but he's secretly overjoyed that Alcina keeps derailing meetings to talk about you.
Some of them (cough Mother Miranda cough) don't like the effect you have on Alcina.
If it got to the point when she had to choose between you or Mother Miranda she's not sure who she would choose.
If it's in the first two years of your relationship, she may choose Mother Miranda while internally crying over the loss. If it's after the first two years (especially after five years) she will choose you, prepare for her battling for you in her mutated form (also, she may even put aside her hate and join Heisenberg's revolution plan for you).
Donna Beneviento
You'd better hope you don't have pediophobia (fear of dolls).
Will climb you like a tree. (just kidding 😅)
But seriously, you picked her up one time (probably to, like, make sure her dress didn't get wet in a puddle or because she tripped and you caught her by sweeping her up into your arms) and she felt so safe and secure and at home in your arms that now she just wants to live in them.
Angie will also try to climb you to get a height advantage by sitting on your shoulders. She feels safe up there. Not to mention she can swear at people without fearing reproach (until you pluck her off and put her back on the ground that is).
Angie acts like Donna's subconscious without a filter and will blurt out compliments or make comments about how cool you are in meetings. She also loves nicknames.
If you're a woman, prepare to be called "Sugar Babe" and "Amazonian hottie."
If you're a man, prepare to be called "Captain Cutie" and "Mister Hunk".
No matter your gender, she may make a plush doll of you for herself.
If you have any insecurities about your body or appearance, she will use the doll to point out all the things she loves about your appearance and basically love-bomb you every day until you're brainwashed and can't remember why you were sad.
Evening cuddles are mandatory. Donna loves your cuddles.
Beware, Angie will want in on any cuddles.
A few of the other dolls might want in too, but they will just be waiting in the background sending you hopeful looks. If you aren't pediophobic (scared of dolls) and tell Donna group cuddles are okay, prepare to be swamped in multiple wooden dolls wrapped in wool and ruffles.
Donna thanks her veil every day for hiding the fact that she is shamelessly ogling you when you're doing any heavy lifting or chores around the manor.
With enough compliments and support, she will feel comfortable removing the veil around you. (Although she will hastily put it back on to hide her blushing).
She absolutely loves your cooking. I repeat, Donna LOVES your cooking.
Before you moved in, three warm home-cooked meals a day were a rarity.
If you write the recipes down, she will learn to bind books just to handmake you a book to put them in.
Tea parties are a regular occurrence in the Beneviento Manor.
You make the food and Donna makes the guests (literally).
Please, please, please let her make you an outfit for the tea party.
Actually, she will want to make all of your clothes. Prepare to be the main model, muse, and customer of the Donna Boutique.
You are Donna's favourite doll.
She thinks you're the most gorgeous person she's ever met. prepare to be given so many tailored clothes.
Coincidently, you also have a set of doll helpers/bodyguards Donna gifted you. They're little butler dolls, who's job is to follow and protect you from Mother Miranda under the disguise of being your little helpers. You can throw/launch them at anything that threatens you, they love it.
Speaking off, Mother Miranda does not like the effect you have on Donna. She will plot to kill you.
If she gets scared enough, Donna may go to Heisenberg and ask for help creating a weaponised soldier doll for you, (which is really just a terrifying amalgamation of a lifesize soldat and a doll in ruffles).
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nifolution · 4 months
I Quit 2
Warnings: The Thrombeys being themselves, recreational drug use
A/N: This is a revised copy of my oc fic. It is written in 3rd person. The Thrombeys’ opinions are NOT my own. Thoughts are in italics. 18+ only due to smut and dubcon situations. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated. 
Chapter 1 Series Masterlist  Main Masterlist
Chapter 2
The first two weeks of Y/N's employment went smoothly. Harlan did indeed have a taste for sweets. The rest of his palate she worked at learning, but he seemed happy with her efforts. When he didn't care for a dish, he would let her know and she gladly made him something else. Funny enough, the man would ask for tomato and mayo sandwiches, with just a touch of salt and pepper. Such simple requests from such an interesting man.
It was finally the day she was dreading, her first Sunday family dinner with the Thrombey clan. Fran had gossiped about the family with her while she began preparations. She explained who everyone was, their quirks, and entitlements. She had an asshole rating system that Y/N found amusing.
Fran found most of the family intolerable, except Harlan of course. “The top asshole, a number 10, has to be Harlan's grandson, Ransom. But don't call him that, ever. He makes the help call him by his first name, Hugh. He's handsome, for sure, but don't let his face fool you. He is a massive jerk and will charm you, use you up and spit you out like that.” She snapped her fingers and huffed.
“Luckily, he doesn't come to many of these dinners. Not that the rest of them are any easier to deal with. Seriously, they should have their own reality show so the world can see them snarl at each other like a pack of rabid hyenas. I suggest you steer clear of them when you can. These nights can get ROUGH.”
“Duly noted.”
Fran smiled before leaving to set the table. “Good luck tonight. And if you need a little mood stabilizer at the end of the insanity, just let me know. I got you girl.”
Y/N's anxiety increased with every new voice that echoed through the large home. She couldn't hear much of the conversations, but was confident Fran would fill her in if she missed anything juicy. So she continued cooking in peace.
Speak of the devil, the brunette rushed into the kitchen, “Top asshole and Harlan’s mother are m.i.a., but the rest are seated. Tell me the app is ready?” Fran already looked so done with the night.
”Right over there. Description card included.”
“Thank youuuu.” She took the appetizers to deliver to the table.
The family was just as she left them. Sitting proper with fake smiles plastered on their faces, while practically seething at one another.  Fran served the table with an equally forced grin.
Richard scoffed at the bowl. “What the hell is this?”
“Richard!” Linda chastised her husband.
Fran swiftly read from the card, “A roasted butternut and apple soup with ginger and coconut milk.”
Linda took a tentative sip and her eyebrows rose. “I see Rosalee has improved.”
Donna followed her lead, also approving of the soup and the improved quality.
Harlan spoke up, “I'm afraid Rosalee has retired. I've hired someone new.” He sent Fran to ask his new chef to come out, greet his family and serve dinner.
Y/N pushed the cart out to the dining area. Feeling like she was walking into shark infested waters wearing a wounded seal suit. All eyes were on her as she entered. Harlan introduced her and asked what she had prepared for them.
“I have for you a herb crusted crown roast of pork with a side of carrots and parsnips in citrus butter.”
“Um, excuse me, hi.” Joni raised her hand, pointing to the offending entrée. “We can't eat that. My Meg and I are vegan. Do you expect me and my daughter to just munch on carrots all night?”
Y/N nodded, “I have been informed of your dietary restrictions and made you both something separate.“ She placed the extra meal in front of them. ”Quinoa cakes with a tomato-zucchini and chickpea relish, drizzled with a balsamic glaze. But if you would like the citrus carrots on the side I can get that for you as well.”
“Dietary restrictions, my ass. It's not a restriction, it's a mental illness.” Walt began to rant, “You know how you can spot a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you. They'll never shut up about it. Those douchebags think they're better than everyone else. They look down on us meat eaters, keep trying to convert us. Well let me tell you, eating meat is my God given right. My right! Don't you realize you can't live without meat. Your brain will die. That's why you are all so miserable, you're slowly dying.”
Donna rubbed her husband's shoulder in approval. While Richard raised his glass in salute to Walt's bullshit. Linda pursed her lips, ignoring them and trying to have a chat with her father.
Joni was on the defense, “We are the healthiest we've ever been. It's good for the planet, the environment, which benefits everyone, need I remind you.” She ignored her brother-in-law's snickering. “Let's be real, veganism is the answer to this world's problems. It is. It's the only moral choice. It clears up your skin and makes you feel good inside and out. And we don't have to feel guilty about contributing to the exploitation and slaughter of innocent lives. Animals are just like us.”
“Just like us?” Walt interjected. “Oh really, should we have dad's dogs sitting at the table with us? I tell ya, if Meg was a boy, I'd be calling DCF because you'd be depriving him of nutrients he needs to grow strong and polluting his male DNA with soy.”
“You're the one with blood on your hands, Walt. All those poor cute animals you've killed….”
Richard scoffed, “You've only been,” he raised his fingers in air quotes, “vegan for a damn month.”
“Ya well, I saw the truth and I'm changing. You'll see it too or die with all those animal products clogging your arteries... Plus it's been two months. Thank you very much.”
“I will happily eat my steak and drink my milkshakes all the way to my grave.”
Joni rolled her eyes, “Uck, you are completely hopeless.”
Walt raised his hand to silence any reply from Richard. “Don't bother. It's not worth fueling her delusions.”
That seemed to put an end to that argument. The rest of the meal went well. Although out of the whole family, only Harland and Meg said 'thank you.' Not even the young boy spoke up. For being so rich and fancy, they certainly lacked manners.
Dessert was served without incident. Tiramisu and a mini vegan version for Joni and Meg. Harlan seemed to be in heaven, commenting on how rich and decadent it was.
After dinner was over, Y/N and Fran began clearing the table. Linda poked her head in, “Y/N, may I have a word with you?”
“Was there something wrong with your meal?”
“Oh no, no, dinner was lovely. However, I wanted to make sure you weren't making desserts like that for my dad all the time. He's getting up there in years and has to watch his cholesterol, his sugar intake, blood pressure, things of that nature. He can't be consuming food like you made tonight. He needs to eat healthier. I'd like to keep him around for a long time. I'm sure you can understand.”
“I fully understand, ma'am, but there is no need for concern. The food was chosen because this was a special occasion. It doesn't reflect his daily meals.” Y/N noticed Harlan a few feet behind his daughter. He winked at her before alerting her of his presence.
Linda clapped her hands, “Delightful. I'm so glad we have an understanding. I will make you a list of approved meals.” She smiled at her father before walking away.
Once Linda was out of earshot, Harlan leaned close to Y/N, “I'm not eating that pigeon food. You put her little list up on the message board in the kitchen and ignore it.”
Y/N thought she was safe. The family was dispersing out into the night. She turned on some music and began washing the dishes. Her hips swaying to the beat.
Joni snuck up behind her. “Oh I love this song.” She attempted to dance alongside Y/N, bumping their hips together. “Don't be shy. I could tell you recognize me. I get it allll the time now. You're correct, it's me. Owner, CEO, COO and CFO of FLAM.” She continued boasting about being a top influencer and her skin care products while Y/N stood there like a deer in the headlights.
An unwelcomed hand reached out to stroke her cheek, “Your skin looks so parched. You could really use a hydrating serum. My company offers the perfect product to help. It's an all organic algae blend that feels like the ocean on your face. So refreshing. And there's a vitamin C serum that will bring some life back to your overworked face.”
“Well let me tell you, FLAM is trending right now, it's going to be huge. You go ahead and follow me on twitter or instagram. I'm offering my first 100 followers a 15% off coupon. That will be available once I find the right graphic designer for my website. Those I interviewed so far just couldn't grasp my vision. This is a lifestyle I'm promoting. I have to trust they get my brand, ya know. But hold onto that coupon, it will be honored. So lovely to meet you, Evelyn.”
“Y/N,” she corrected.
“Sure.” Joni made her exit, blowing a kiss.
Fran entered and passed over the joint in her fingers. “It's like the fucking twilight zone isn't it.”
“You weren't kidding.”
The Thrombeys were the most insincere backstabbing piece of crap family she had the displeasure of meeting thus far. She wondered if any of them loved or were loyal to anything but money. Doubtful. Thank goodness she didn’t have to encounter them often. 
These people are something else. I'm going to need therapy if I stay here too long. 
Chapter 3
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niffala · 5 months
I Quit (Pt. 2)
Warnings: The Thrombeys being themselves, recreational drug use
A/N: Reader insert version found here. The Thrombeys’ opinions are NOT my own. Thoughts in italics. 18+ only due to smut and dubcon situations. No stealing, no reposts, no translations, no feeding to AIs. Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome and appreciated.
Chapter 1 Series Masterlist     Main Masterlist
Chapter 2
The first two weeks of Elizabeth's employment went smoothly. Harlan did indeed have a taste for sweets. The rest of his palate she worked at learning, but he seemed happy with her efforts. When he didn't care for a dish, he would let her know and she gladly made him something else. Funny enough, the man would ask for tomato and mayo sandwiches, with just a touch of salt and pepper. Such simple requests from such an interesting man.
It was finally the day she was dreading, her first Sunday family dinner with the Thrombey clan. Fran had gossiped about the family with her while she began preparations. She explained who everyone was, their quirks, and entitlements. She had an asshole rating system that Elizabeth found amusing.
Fran found most of the family intolerable, except Harlan of course. “The top asshole, a number 10, has to be Harlan's grandson, Ransom. But don't call him that, ever. He makes the help call him by his first name, Hugh. He's handsome, for sure, but don't let his face fool you. He is a massive jerk and will charm you, use you up and spit you out like that.” She snapped her fingers and huffed.
“Luckily, he doesn't come to many of these dinners. Not that the rest of them are any easier to deal with. Seriously, they should have their own reality show so the world can see them snarl at each other like a pack of rabid hyenas. I suggest you steer clear of them when you can. These nights can get ROUGH.”
“Duly noted.”
Fran smiled before leaving to set the table. “Good luck tonight. And if you need a little mood stabilizer at the end of the insanity, just let me know. I got you girl.”
Elizabeth's anxiety increased with every new voice that echoed through the large home. She couldn't hear much of the conversations, but was confident Fran would fill her in if she missed anything juicy. So she continued cooking in peace.
Speak of the devil, the brunette rushed into the kitchen, “Top asshole and Harlan’s mother are m.i.a., but the rest are seated. Tell me the app is ready?” Fran already looked so done with the night.
”Right over there. Description card included.”
“Thank youuuu.” She took the appetizers to deliver to the table.
The family was just as she left them. Sitting proper with fake smiles plastered on their faces, while practically seething at one another.  Fran served the table with an equally forced grin.
Richard scoffed at the bowl. “What the hell is this?”
“Richard!” Linda chastised her husband.
Fran swiftly read from the card, “A roasted butternut and apple soup with ginger and coconut milk.”
Linda took a tentative sip and her eyebrows rose. “I see Rosalee has improved.”
Donna followed her lead, also approving of the soup and the improved quality.
Harlan spoke up, “I'm afraid Rosalee has retired. I've hired someone new.” He sent Fran to ask his new chef to come out, greet his family and serve dinner.
Elizabeth pushed the cart out to the dining area. Feeling like she was walking into shark infested waters wearing a wounded seal suit. All eyes were on her as she entered. Harlan introduced her and asked what she had for them.
“I have for you a herb crusted crown roast of pork with a side of carrots and parsnips in citrus butter.”
“Um, excuse me, hi.” Joni raised her hand, pointing to the offending entrée. “We can't eat that. My Meg and I are vegan. Do you expect me and my daughter to just munch on carrots all night?”
Elizabeth nodded, "I have been informed of your dietary restrictions and made you both something separate.“ She placed the extra meal in front of them. ”Quinoa cakes with a tomato-zucchini and chickpea relish, drizzled with a balsamic glaze. But if you would like the citrus carrots on the side I can get that for you as well."
“Dietary restrictions, my ass. It's not a restriction, it's a mental illness.” Walt began to rant, “You know how you can spot a vegan? Don't worry, they'll tell you. They'll never shut up about it. Those douchebags think they're better than everyone else. They look down on us meat eaters, keep trying to convert us. Well let me tell you, eating meat is my God given right. My right! Don't you realize you can't live without meat. Your brain will die. That's why you are all so miserable, you're slowly dying.”
Donna rubbed her husband's shoulder in approval. While Richard raised his glass in salute to Walt's bullshit. Linda pursed her lips, ignoring them and trying to have a chat with her father.
Joni was on the defense, “We are the healthiest we've ever been. It's good for the planet, the environment, which benefits everyone, need I remind you.” She ignored her brother-in-law's snickering. “Let's be real, veganism is the answer to this world's problems. It is. It's the only moral choice. It clears up your skin and makes you feel good inside and out. And we don't have to feel guilty about contributing to the exploitation and slaughter of innocent lives. Animals are just like us.”
“Just like us?” Walt interjected. “Oh really, should we have dad's dogs sitting at the table with us? I tell ya, if Meg was a boy, I'd be calling DCF because you'd be depriving him of nutrients he needs to grow strong and polluting his male DNA with soy.”
“You're the one with blood on your hands, Walt. All those poor cute animals you've killed….”
Richard scoffed, “You've only been,” he raised his fingers in air quotes, “vegan for a damn month.”
“Ya well, I saw the truth and I'm changing. You'll see it too or die with all those animal products clogging your arteries... Plus it's been two months. Thank you very much.”
“I will happily eat my steak and drink my milkshakes all the way to my grave.”
Joni rolled her eyes, “Uck, you are completely hopeless.”
Walt raised his hand to silence any reply from Richard. “Don't bother. It's not worth fueling her delusions.”
That seemed to put an end to that argument. The rest of the meal went well. Although out of the whole family, only Harlan and Meg said 'thank you.' Not even the young boy spoke up. For being so rich and fancy, they certainly lacked manners.
Dessert was served without incident. Tiramisu and a mini vegan version for Joni and Meg. Harlan seemed to be in heaven, commenting on how rich and decadent it was.
After dinner was over, Elizabeth and Fran began clearing the table. Linda poked her head in, “Elizabeth, may I have a word with you?”
“Was there something wrong with your meal?”
“Oh no, no, dinner was lovely. However, I wanted to make sure you weren't making desserts like that for my dad all the time. He's getting up there in years and has to watch his cholesterol, his sugar intake, blood pressure, things of that nature. He can't be consuming food like you made tonight. He needs to eat healthier. I'd like to keep him around for a long time. I'm sure you can understand.”
“I fully understand, ma'am, but there is no need for concern. The food was chosen because this was a special occasion. It doesn't reflect his daily meals.” Elizabeth noticed Harlan a few feet behind his daughter. He winked at her before alerting her of his presence.
Linda clapped her hands, “Delightful. I'm so glad we have an understanding. I will make you a list of approved meals.” She smiled at her father before walking away.
Once Linda was out of earshot, Harlan leaned close to Elizabeth, “I'm not eating that pigeon food. You put her little list up on the message board in the kitchen and ignore it.”
Elizabeth thought she was safe. The family was dispersing out into the night. She turned on some music and began washing the dishes. Her hips swaying to the beat.
Joni snuck up behind her. “Oh I love this song.” She attempted to dance alongside Elizabeth, bumping their hips together. “Don't be shy. I could tell you recognize me. I get it allll the time now. You're correct, it's me. Owner, CEO, COO and CFO of FLAM.” She continued boasting about being a top influencer and her skin care products while Elizabeth stood there like a deer in the headlights.
An unwelcomed hand reached out to stroke her cheek, “Your skin looks so parched. You could really use a hydrating serum. My company offers the perfect product to help. It's an all organic algae blend that feels like the ocean on your face. So refreshing. And there's a vitamin C serum that will bring some life back to your overworked face.”
“Well let me tell you, FLAM is trending right now, it's going to be huge. You go ahead and follow me on twitter or instagram. I'm offering my first 100 followers a 15% off coupon. That will be available once I find the right graphic designer for my website. Those I interviewed so far just couldn't grasp my vision. This is a lifestyle I'm promoting. I have to trust they get my brand, ya know. But hold onto that coupon, it will be honored. So lovely to meet you, Evelyn.”
“Elizabeth,” she corrected.
“Sure.” Joni made her exit, blowing a kiss.
Fran entered and passed over the joint in her fingers. “It's like the fucking twilight zone isn't it.”
“You weren't kidding.”
The Thrombeys were the most insincere backstabbing piece of crap family she had the displeasure of meeting thus far. She wondered if any of them loved or were loyal to anything but money. Doubtful. Thank goodness she didn’t have to encounter them often.
These people are something else. I'm going to need therapy if I stay here too long.
Chapter 3 
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missingartist · 2 years
Moon Maiden Part 2
Chapter One HERE
Setting up a base of operations was not hard—a few select pieces of surveillance equipment and relocating the room directly across and up one was easy. The hardest thing was just looking. Part of him wanted to be directly across so he could gaze at his Moon Maiden while he drank his morning tea, the other half wanted to march and throw her over his shoulder, but he didn’t want her to know about him. Not just yet.
He learned a surprising amount about his little moonbeam in the following weeks. She was a night owl.  After trailing in from a hard day teaching, she would sit and plan and mark in front of the TV. Her favourite seemed to be old crime shows, obscure British comedies he had never heard of, cringy sci-fi shows that she seemed to watch on repeat. She has an odd routine; she would go about the extra prep for work, shower, and make herself dinner for two hours. His moonbeam was a cracking little cook but with a bizarre little mix. Yesterday she made a small batch of Matza soup, and today she was dishing out a jar of Kimchi into a bowl of rice and eggs and grilled chicken. He wondered if she would cook for him and Steven. After dinner, she would stay up typing till her eye drooped, and she crawled off to bed.
He enjoyed finding out each little thing, her fear of spiders, at least judging from her reaction to finding one crawling across the living room floor. He would defiantly need to ensure that he kept the flat spider free. Her need for proper coffee in the morning and when she got home. He would have to make sure Steven had a coffee machine in his flat, not that shitty instant stuffy that he continuously guzzled. Each discovery led to another entry in his little black book. They were small things to help aid him in his mission. He didn’t want to know everything, just know enough to give him an edge.
He didn’t seem to have any competition, or if he did, they wouldn’t be around for too long to give him any problems. You had only gone out a couple of times to see friends, and we’re currently planning to go home to visit your parents in the summer holidays. In Wales, of all places. Her accent had been surprising; it had a soft accent, not harsh and barbed but lyrical and gentle, much like her. And a little holiday to a boring Welsh town gave him plenty to plan around and ample opportunity.
His daily routine followed hers. As she would leave each morning to attend work, so would he. The city was an hour’s train journey from Steven’s typical route and let him go about his normal activities at the museum with Donna, unaware of what Marc was planning. But Marc didn’t miss the hum as he took stock or the lack of romanticising he did while one break.
It had all been going well till Steven decided that he wanted to have a look. It had been a Saturday morning when Steven awoke in a room that was not his own. Bare white walls greeted him instead of his stained wallpaper and cluttered bookcases. Where the hell was he? What had Marc been up to now?
‘Great, the idiota awake. Return the body to Marc’
A sense of dread filled souvenir-er.  If he was talking, it was never good.
Jumping up, he pulled his glasses out of his pocket, scanning the room. He had seen enough lousy spy movies to know what surveillance equipment looked like. The rest of the room was bare apart from a black book he pocketed. ‘God, what are you doing now, Marc’ Steven hissed, his head going a thousand miles a minute. What was it now, dark assassins, antique stealers, or sinister sorcerers? Why could he never remember what Marc had done, given his nightmares? Maybe that was a good thing.
Starring at the little scope hidden by a window. ‘Good God, no!’
‘Shut up you baby and look so we can get this thing moving.’
Holding his breath, he pressed his eye to the lens and peered through, surprised that 50 gruff bodybuilders didn’t meet him but a small and soft woman rushing from room to room, piling stuff into a rucksack filling a thermos cup with dark liquid. His mouth dried, and his heart stopped; a surge of heat hit him, pulling all the oxygen from his body. A need to touch her overwhelmed him, and a thin sheen of sweat began to sit on the edge of his hairline.
‘He is weaker than I thought; he can barely stand. This will be easier than I thought.’ It laughed; it actually laughed.
‘I got to get out here.’ Pulling up his trusty bag, he secured it around his body and lifted his hood, rushing out the door, leaving Marc’s mess behind him; he didn’t want to get caught up in his craziness.
‘It’s your craziness too, idiot.’
‘Shut up and stay out of my head’, Steven shouted, looking up; he didn’t know why he did that; he just assumed the God was looking down at him. ‘Why don’t you….’ His shout was cut off when he collided with something or someone, causing the contents of his travel bag to spill onto the pavement.
Blinking up at him, the woman stood with wide brilliant eyes of dazzling colour framed her creamy skin and lush lips. God, Marc, why are you such a cock?
‘I am so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going.’ The woman’s voice made him shudder. It was soft and innocent. Oh god, Marc, why?
She knelt and began frantically picking up the spilt contents; the powerful need to run away was overcome by the fact he would need his stuff, and he scrambled onto the floor to aid her in stuffing the items back into his bag. The last thing laying ominously on the pavement was that damn scarab. Why did he have to bring that thing?
His and engulfed hers as their hand drove to pick up the golden object. Molten lava engulfed his body, and the urge to pull her into his arms burnt through him.
‘Oh god, I am so sorry?’ he gushed, snatching the items she had gathered from her hand. The sheer force of the grab made the cup she had precociously under her arm jolt, spilling the steaming black coffee onto his legs and feet.
‘I am soo sorry. I can’t…. I need to; I need to….. ‘Steven’s garbled response came out as he sprinted down the street and away from the confused, slightly concerned woman holding the sacred scarab.
I am of liking where this might be going. *blushes* Hope you are too. Let me know what you think. 
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
The Dimitrescu Ladies and Donna Beneviento reacting to their S/O wielding/having magic.
The simping is officially being extended with Donna. She's just so precious.
Alcina Dimitrescu / Lady Dimitrescu
When Alcina first sees you wield magic, it was to help Daniela with a book that she wanted to read. The book was on top of a closet and neither you or Daniela could reach it. So you used magic to get it down.
Alcina smiles because she knows your special, of course you are, but this just cements that statement.
Since then Alcina always keep her eye on you to see if you would use your magic but you never do.
She asks you about them and you clench your fist.
Having magic in your previous village was considered evil, you were branded a witch and people tried to burn you.
Fortunately, you escaped at the last moment.
She hugs you then caresses your face.
"You know you're safe here, right, Darling?" You nod. "I will kill all those who would dare try to hurt you for your gifts." She takes your hands and kisses them. Tears escape your eyes as she kisses you.
Ever since then, you've practically used magic everywhere. It was freeing to use it since you've been denying something that's a part of you your whole life.
You even began practicing illusion magic so you could perform together with Alcina when she sings the Opera.
And the first time that you two did, everyone is amazed. Even Mother Miranda was speechless.
Alcina thanks you profusely but you just smile at her.
Alcina shows her gratitude that night as well.
Donna Beneviento
You're the only help that Donna has since she preferred being alone. You were her maid turned lover who wanted to still take care of the house.
She knew taking care of the house can be hard since well you're only one person but you wave off her concern and say it's fine.
One day, she got curious so she and Angie decided to spy on you. Her jaw drops as she sees the broom move by itself. The knife cutting with no one moving it.
You don't notice them staring at you as you cook the meal for the day. You finish the soup and was about to call for them when you notice them.
"Donna? Do you guys need something?" You ask as you remove the apron from your body.
"What is happening!?" Angie was the one who answers and as usual she was loud. "How did the thing-"
"Move by themselves?" You ask with a smile and Donna nods. You hold out your hand and a fire appears. You pull it back and wink. "Magic, my dearest."
Ever since then, Donna would always watch as you cook food or clean the house. She's always so amazed when you use it.
So you decided to learn illusion magic to impress her.
And boy was she impressed as you made butterflies appear whenever you're with her.
Angie would request different illusions each time you would show butterflies and you comply because it makes Angie happy. You kiss Donna everytime Angie gets distracted by her request and it's all worth it.
Every night before you two fall asleep, you always show her an illusion of twinkling stars in your room. It makes her calm and happy.
Bela Dimitrescu
You were waiting for the three girls that night when you absentmindedly used your magic. It was a simple illusion but it nonetheless made all of their jaws drop at the sight of a translucent cat.
"A cat!?" Daniela shouts and you got surprised so the illusion disappeared.
They all look at you and you scratch your neck.
Not one of them knew you could use magic, not even Alcina who originally employed you to be a maid.
"It's just a hobby." You tried to downplay your ability but Bela won't have it. She doesn't like it when you try to put yourself down like that.
"No, it's amazing, Y/N." You nod and she kisses you.
Since then, you've been training your magic with Bela coaching you while Cassandra and Daniela cheers you on.
Learning about something with your love supporting is just special. Your sisters-in-laws' cheering is just a bonus.
One day, you decide to use magic to assist the sisters on the hunt and Alcina sees it.
She approves of the ability which made Bela proud.
That night, you use magic to give her a room full of flowers, granted they were illusions, but she was still so happy.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
Cassandra decided to take you on a hunt since she noticed you were bored for the day. And hunting always make her excited.
It was so dark when she finally got a maiden and you can't see much. So you use magic to have at least a source of light to see where you're going.
Her jaw drops and she drops the maiden. She shakes you hard because why haven't you told her!? Why didn't you show it off!?
You calm her down. "I could only use it a little bit so I didn't think you'd be impressed." She pinches you.
"Of course, I'd be impressed! I can't use it at all!" She huffs and you hug her as you say sorry.
Ever since then you practice your magic and Cassandra is enthralled every time.
You got so better that you could do illusions. And she was just so happy for you.
Your favorite illusion to do is different animals because you know they can't have physical pets but with this, she can at least see different ones.
She was just amazed when you did an illusion of an elephant and she laughed when Daniela tried to hug it.
Every night, you'd show her an illusion of a cat sleeping by her bedside because it's her favorite animal.
Daniela Dimitrescu
Alcina actually invited you to Castle Dimitrescu to perform magic.
At first, Bela suggested that you were a fake and a fraud but Daniela came to your defence.
Alcina didn't mind either way since you were entertaining so she kept inviting you every week.
One night, Daniela asked for your autograph and you smile as you give it to her. Then you wink as you get a bouquet of flowers out of thin air and ask her out.
She accepts and you take her to your spot. You show her illusions of deers, doves and even fireflies. It was so magical and it made Daniela love you more.
It was a year into dating when she asks you to move to Castle Dimitrescu, she even got her mother's permission. You kiss her and say yes.
Daniela always show you off to Bela when you do illusions. Bela accepts her defeat and even apologized to you.
Daniela cheers as you and Bela shake hands.
In your first night in her room, you conjure illusions of butterflies to thank her for being a part of your life.
She thanked you in other ways.
Another headcanons! I'm just writing on my phone again so sorry for the mistakes!
Comments and thoughts are always welcome!
Thank you for reading!
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Alcina: Why should we?
Alcina, while tying an apron on: You fucking moron I can't believe you even have a boyfriend with all the stupid shit you do.
Donna, gently pushing Karl into the kitchen: We can start with something easy like pasta and meat sauce :3
Sal: And I can help you make a charcuterie board for appetizers :D
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Family bonding over Karl being stupid and gay <3
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kaijurakunsobs · 3 years
Hey sorry about the confusion, I did mean little y/n as in child y/n in my ask about the four lords reacting to y/n getting sick. However I read what you posted about the four lords and short y/n and I thought it was pretty good! Again I’m sorry for the confusion!
oh no, its ok my guy! you guys gave me na excuse to write some more about the lords and a kid, and for that I am grateful
take 2 everybody!
Alcina Dimitrescu
she's the only one who knows how to mom, of course she knows something is wrong with her precious child
your older sisters said they would make sure you were bundled up before going out to play out in the garden, but now here we are, you a fuzzy and crying because your throat hurts
Alcina is at her wits end when you refuse to take the medicine, "IT TASTES WEIRD, I DON'T WANT IT!!"
how many times have you managed to slap the spoon out of her hand? she lost count
the maids can hear her speaking softly as he walks around her private chambers, carrying you around with a light blanket over you
the woman might be a vampire and she has the strength to throw furniture that weight as much as her, but dear heavens, she is tired by the time you are ok, still, she smiles when you try to pull her to play with you
Donna Beneviento
y'all can pry from cold dead hands that Donna doesn't do good with kids, she's just...NO
Angie is even less excited about having to deal with this screaming human
still they both try, really really hard to help you recover
Alcina is their go to person when Donna noticed how red your tiny face looked and your soft whines, the older woman is glad to help and teach Donna whatever she might need
Angie is the only one who can get you to take your medicine, you just like the creepy ass doll and all the sounds she makes when bringing the spoon close to you
Donna is I'm charge of cooking, following the recipes that Lady D left for her, easy and light meals but well balanced, the last thing they want is for your to get an upset stomach too
this whole ordeal takes a huge toll on both and by the end of everything they will do anything to prevent you from getting sick EVER AGAIN
Salvatore Moreau
oooh this poor man, he's terrified!! it took him so long to get Mother Miranda and his siblings to let you be with him for the week and now you are sick
he has to act QUICK, he asks the duke if he could help him get the right medicament, he can't give you the adult version because it will be too strong for you, he needs the pediatric one
Sal has always been a careful man when it comes to those he loves, you are no exception, he fully throws himself into nursing you back to health
he's attentive and truly does his best when checking for any other symptoms that might indicate something worst than a simple cold
you listen to everything he says from telling me if you feel too hot or cold, to take your medicine at the right time and to eat something even if you don't want to
by the time Mother Miranda comes to pick you up, you are already back to your usual self, from then on, Sal always gets more drawings from you
Karl Heisenberg
somebody, please, help this poor man
how does he even deals with this? he rarely gets sick, but you are a small child who, arbitrarily, decided that switching between being inside where its warm and laying OUT in the SNOW was a good idea
in your defense? he wasn't looking, now he's reduced to carrying around your wailing little form
if Alcina had trouble getting you to take your medicine, Karl can't even get you to eat some soup, soup that he cooked for you and that now you wont eat
he's sleep-deprived, carrying you for so long is hurting his neck but you won't let him go and he can't bring himself to pry you off
"Tell me a story...PLEASE~"
"What do I look like, a fuuuuu...damned book?"
one pout and he's telling you a made-up story
at some point, he must have fallen asleep, cuz he wakes up to you slapping his face and asking for lunch, you look wat better than him
but now? he's sick
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not-using-this1 · 3 years
Sick day cuddles
So I came up with this idea last night but didn’t know whether to write it with Alcina or Donna, so I let let people on my twitter decide and Donna won which I wasn’t expecting but I love her :) 
Luciana is going to be the name of the character I write with for Donna as she is my Oc but I will use ‘you’ for you guys as readers :)
This is my first Donna Beneviento oneshot and I’m still developing ways to write her to stay true to her as a character so bare with me! 
I may even make a part 2 if any of you like this and want me to!
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(Gif isn’t mine)
Donna sends Angie to wake up Luciana as she got up earlier to finish making this doll. Luciana hadn't gotten out of bed yet and she thought that was weird for her. However she doesn't want to get out of bed and so Donna checks to see if she's okay, but it turns out shes sick.
Basically Donna takes care of her girlfriend and even cuddles with her not caring that she could get sick to.
Warning/s: None
Nothing but Donna being adorable, shy even and wanting to care for her girl.
Donna Beneviento x Fem!Oc 
Donna had been wondering all morning why her lover hadn't gotten out of bed yet. She usually gets up an hour after her due to the fact she has been getting up early everyday to work on this new doll project. Angie, her favourite doll from childhood by her side as she watches her finish off the hat she had been making for the doll.
"Angie, could you go check on Luciana for me? I'm rather worried she hasn't gotten up yet". Donna asked the wedding dress clad doll, worry on her face was barely visible due to her wearing the mourning veil over her.
Angie chuckled at how worried Donna was but still she stood up and jumped down from the wooden chair the doll had previously sat on. "Of course, but you worry too much. She is probably having one of those days".
Donna sighed at her very much living doll "yes but those happen rarely anymore, now please Angie." Donna asked her once more. In fact she wasn't even asking she was telling her.
The doll ran into the hall and managed to get up the stairs with ease to Donna and Luciana’s bedroom. Of course it's hers too but she has a room by herself sometimes or just stays down the stairs with other dolls aka 'friends'.
Opening the door slightly so she could squeeze passed the gap. Luciana was on her side like usual but snuggling up to Donna's pillow. Angie chuckled at the sight before tapping the young woman on the forehead a few times.
The woman let out a whine and then some more as Angie continued poking her "Wake up Luciana!" She shreaked.
"Go away Angie" You coughed as she turned to face the wall, Donna's pillow still in your grasp as you hugged it tighter. Kicking the bedsheet off yourself as it was way too warm. "Someones moody, come on you've gotta get up!" Angie had prompted to try and budge you out of bed but clearly that wasn't working whatsoever.
"Angie no, I really don't think I can get up today" that immedietely put Angie in 'go fetch Donna' mode. So without another thought Angie rushed out of the room, leaving you to curl up in a ball and complain, you were definitely sick there was no denying that.
A couple minutes of being in the bedroom, nothing but silence and sometimes coughs and sneezes. You had tried to get comfy but nothing seemed to be working. Suddenly the door opening startled you to the point you sat up straight away only to see it was just Donna, a very concerned girlfriend she was.
You smiled at her, she removed the mourning veil from over her face as of course she felt comfortable around you, you smiled again, god she was so beautiful (if only your girls beauty was the cure to your sickness) she brightend up your morning.
"L-Luci my love are you alright?" Donna asks quietly as she sits at the side of your shared bed, you nodded your head 'yes' trying not to worry her too much but you knew she wouldn't believe you for a second especially because she must of heard you whining, coughing and sneezing.
"No, you're not, lay back" Donna instructed you, of course you complied. The raven haired woman placed her hand gently upon your forehead. "Oh you're burning up. Let me go get you some medicine and something to cool you down" Donna gives you a shy smile, just as she was about to get up from the bed you grab her arm "I'm sorry" you manage to get out without coughing.
You were supposed to be going out of the village to the store to fetch a few things and groceries today and you felt the need to apologise just for being ill. This was always a habit of yours, apologising for something so silly but you couldn't help it.
Donna sighs at you "there's no need to apologise, you can't help being ill sometimes. I'll send Tom the gardener out to fetch the groceries." Donna replies, she leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead "I'll be back in a minute, okay?" She adds as she gets up and walks out the room.
Angie keeping you company "you humans are so fragile. Quit being ill so we can continue those horror movies!" Angie oh-so enthusiastically points out as she sits bored on a chair in the bedroom.
You let out a low chuckle as you layed back down and turned to face the doll "sometimes we can't help being ill Angie and who said we can't watch the horror movies while ill?"
That response made Angie jump up in joy and made you laugh slightly even though it hurt due to the stomach ache you had also gotten. "Um, I did. Wait until you get better, Luciana darling." Donna walks back in the room with some medicine and a glass of water with ice in it.
Angie huffed and left the room to go find something else to do like hang out with the other dolls for a bit while Donna sorted you out. You sat up as she handed you the tablets and also a glass of water "Here these should help and at least ease some of the pain and get your temperature back to normal".
You took the tablets and drank most of the water no problem but your stomach really wasn't agreeing with it, you groaned falling back down onto the bed "Why did I have to have the bad luck of being ill" you complained to your doll-making girlfriend. Still keeping your silly humour regardless.
"You don't have bad luck my dear, it just happens." Donna responded but thats honestly not what you wanted right now, you just wanted to cuddle her. So again before she could get up you stopped her by grabbing her blouse "W-what is it?" she asked you, the shyness still in her voice even though she had known you since childhood and has literally dated you for the passed 3 years.
Still you thought it was cute.
You coughed trying to clear your throat "could you stay? I know you're busy but I don't want to be alone right now" you asked her, pouting.
And who was she to refuse, Donna blushed slightly. She would drop everything just for you and besides you're more important to her. "Of course".
You smile at her as she gets into the bed with you, instantly pulling you in her arms, she presses a few kisses to your lips "you'll get sick too if you do that" you chuckle in her arms. "Worth it" she chuckles.
You return the kiss but on her forehead, you didn’t want her getting sick either. If it was possible to get Donna even more flustered well this was the way to do it. "Can me and Angie still watch those horror movies later tonight?" you asked quietly.
"No, just resting tonight." You pouted at her response "buuuuut-" you dragged on.
"No buts, you can watch them tomorrow if you're feeling better but right now I just want to stay like this with you. Tom has gone to get the groceries, Angie is probably-
"Lovebirdsssss" Angie cut off Donna as she waltzed into the room and climb up on the bed "Donna, Florence wanted me to ask you what you would like for dinner later?" She asks.
"What would you like, darling?" Donna asks you.
You shrug your shoulders at first, the raven haired womans arms still wrapped around you "I don't know if I can stomach anything solid so soup?" you questioned. Donna was more than happy to have that for today and even Angie was fine with that (yes she is a doll but she can eat a very small portion of food if she wanted to).
"Soup it is" Angie over-exagerated her voice as she cheered making both you and Donna laugh as she jumped off the bed to inform the cook what everyone wanted tonight.
"You don't have to stay if you want to finish working on that doll you know".
"No no shush, I'm staying now I'm more than happy." Your girlfriend mentions reassuring you that she is just fine with staying by your side the rest of the day. You wondered how you got so lucky to have such a soft but shy and beautiful childhood best friend and girlfriend in one.
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pandaluc · 3 years
Warm Weekends
In which after a busy week, you get to spend your weekend together with your Genshin lover
Characters included: Lisa, Diluc x g!n s/o reader
Warnings: mentions of drinking, did not proof-read
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8:30 am... You are woken by your girlfriend, Lisa, the very well-known librarian in Mondstadt. "Good morning cutie~" she tells you with a smile on her face. Just by that moment, you felt so lucky to have Lisa as your lover. You decided to spend a few minutes tugging yourself on her chest, your arms hugging her close to you. You cherish these moments a lot, and so does she. Her head on top of yours, sometimes kissing the crown of your head. One of her arms are rubbing your back, and the other playing with your hair which feels so soothing.
9:00 am... The both of you stand up, together fixing your bed. She would comb your hair, and you comb hers. Doing so, you shower each other with compliments as well as some flirting here and there.
9:15 am... You and your lover make your way to the kitchen and start to cook breakfast. Lisa is a vegetarian so the both of you decided to make Satisfying Salad to eat this morning. After cooking, you then will offer Lisa a seat on the table. "How romantic of you, dear". While eating, the both of you discuss about how your week was. After eating, you would wash the dishes while Lisa cleans the table up and store left-overs if there are any.
9:53 am... You then take a bath with Lisa. Nothing suggestive happens. The baths you do with her are simply sweet and relaxing - it makes the both of you feel at peace. She would wash your hair, you would help her soap her back. Both of you would compliment each other about your looks. You love taking baths with her because she makes you feel accepted, secure and safe. Baths with her are indeed fun. After taking a bath, the both of you will then brush your teeth, comb your hair, and put on clothes together. Sometimes, you get to choose what she wears for the day. Today, you decided to wear a couple shirt with her. It is rare after all to see Lisa in a simple, comfortable clothing
10:34 am... You and Lisa make your way to the library, not to do work in the weekend but rather to have a library date. The both of you love to read, and well, if you did not love to read before, she definitely influenced you to do so. While reading, you both would discuss about history and theories about Teyvat and Celestia. Both of you found it fun.
1:43 pm... After reading and contemplating about the world, both of you go to Sara's Good Hunter and order some food. For today's late lunch, you ate Vegetarian Abalone with her. Some people would stare at the both of you, not to creep the couple out or anything but rather because you two look so good and cute together. At first, you were uncomfortable with the stares. But later on, you got used to it and came to the realization that you are just indeed so lucky to have Lisa as your future wife.
2:39 pm... After eating, Lisa decided that the both of you could take a walk outside Mondstadt to perhaps reconnect with nature. You and Lisa then go outside Mondstadt to travel. The both of you would go pick up flowers to give each other, admire lakes or waterfalls and go on top of a mountain to do some sightseeing. While gathering Cecilias, and some big leaves and strings, you then make a boquet to give to your lover on a mountain peak as the sun sets. It is simple, yet romantic. Very romantic. Lisa then somewhat felt bad because she did not have such gift to give to you even if you assured her that it is alright. As a result, she simply took a Windwheel Aster, cut some part of the stem, and put it on your ear.
7:22 pm... You both went back to the comfort of your home, and made Radish Veggie Soup to eat as your dinner. You and Lisa were exhausted from your date. Even so, you wish that Lisa enjoyed the date as much as you did. While her wish was to spend more time with you like this, instead of being busy doing librarian things and helping the Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius even if she is not part of the Knights.
8:13 pm... You both wash up, wore your pajamas and prepared yourselves to sleep. Hugging each other, and talking about your day as you and Lisa drift to sleep.
"Thank you for today, darling. I really appreciate it. If only we get to spend more times like this together... I hope we do so in the future before our time comes. I enjoy your company so much, dear. Thank you. Good night."
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7:30 am... You woke up before Diluc did, giving you a chance to admire his beautiful face. Him being at peace, not worrying about anything, made you happy. After all, you rarely get a chance to see him like this. You planned to cook him breakfast, and so tried to get out of bed to make your way to the kitchen...well, tried. Diluc is a light sleeper so no matter how careful you were, your lover woke up because of your motions. You apologized and told him to continue sleeping. You continued to get out of your bed but Diluc wrapped his arms tightly onto you, pulling you back to bed with him. "It's alright... but please stay on bed a bit longer with me."
8:30 am... You ended up sleeping with him for an hour longer. It was hard for you to resist his morning voice, and his peaceful look asking you to stay. After falling back to sleep, you then woke up just to see your boyfriend's loving eyes admiring you while his fingers stroking your hair. "Good morning, dear", he says. You can't help but gently smile, realizing how lucky you are today to be able to spend a morning with the love of your life.
8:40 am... After a few minutes of cuddling (just like the touch starved the both of you are), you then decide to start cooking as Diluc fixes your bed. You decided to cook a dish named "Pile 'em up". The maids in Dawn Winery told you that they could cook breakfast for you and Diluc instead. But you insisted that you can do the cooking for today. This dish you are cooking is a dish that Diluc recently taught you, and so apparently is Diluc's specialty. It was special for you. It had a very nice smell, therefore, your partner recognized the dish your cooking. He then went to the kitchen, and hugged you from behind. His eyes staring at the dish, satisfied at your work.
9:11 am... You and Diluc ate breakfast together while talking about work and basically asking each other's life so far. Diluc would tell you stories about his batman Darknight Hero duties while you compliment him about his determination and hard-work. Mornings like this are very appreciated by you and your lover. It's a shame that in most days, Diluc would be working while you are eating alone at this hour.
9:43 am... After eating, you both took a bath. Unlike Lisa, you and Diluc doesn't really take baths together. As we know, Diluc is quite a reserved person. Don't get him wrong, he would like to take a bath with you...but is afraid to ask you about it since he does not want you to be uncomfortable. Poor boy, taking a bath with him is also one of your desires.
10:22 am... You often finish taking a bath before Diluc does. What do you expect? A man like him won't allow himself to go out with a single slightest dirt in his being. While waiting for him to finish, you comb your hair and wear your clothes. And once Diluc finishes taking a bath, you make him sit on a chair in front of a mirror to comb his hair in which you can't help but think what shampoo and hair care does this man use.
10:53 am... It may be a weekend, but the world sadly does not stop time and duties for the both of you. Though Charles often handles Angel's Share, he was given a day-off by Diluc because of Charles' personal matters. Since it is quite rare to have a day where you and Diluc can be together, you decide to go help Diluc in his tavern. Diluc was opposed with this idea at first because drunkards can really be a hassle, but you pleaded way too much that your lover can't just refuse anymore... look at the power you hold. You and Diluc then walk to Angel's Share, people staring and some one (to be specific, Donna.) death glaring at you with tears. You didn't mind anyways. Having Diluc as your boyfriend is a huge flex after all.
11:20 am... The two of you arrive in the tavern, cleaning it before opening. You can't help but stare at Diluc as the both of you wipe the tables. Diluc notices, and exchanged glances with you. He slightly smiles and walk up to you, putting his arm on your back. Pulling you to a kiss on the forehead.
11:30 am... Angel's Share opens. Since it was still morning, only two people came. Whenever these two drunk people gets too close and touchy with you, Diluc would realize and see your face full of discomfort. Diluc would then glare at them, enough to scare them and stop.
12:40 pm... You and Diluc close the doors of Angel's Share for a lunch break. You go to Sara to order food, as Diluc stays in the tavern cleaning the mess the drunk people made. You come back to the tavern with food as you lock the door. The two of you, then, eat on the counter. Everything about Diluc is truly admirable, so you can't help stare at him as he eats. Lucky you, he thinks the same of you. He adores it so much when you eat, especially when you try to cut the meat and struggle.
1:21 pm... You unlock the doors in the tavern, and start to receive customers. It may be an afternoon, but it is a weekend and Diluc is planning to close the tavern earlier today. Diluc starts to mix up drinks, while you take customers' orders and clean tables. Customers that are rude won't be avoided, they are drunk after all. If they get too rude, especially to you, Diluc would make up an excuse to kick them out. While cleaning tables, you'd catch Diluc staring at you. Whenever Diluc realizes that you notice his stairs, he quickly looks down at the glass he is cleaning with a faint pink blush on his face. how cute. This is basically your date. It's not the often romantic dinner dates, but you still appreciate and have fun. Knowing more about Diluc's life is good after all. Besides, you get breaks from time to time so you still get to sit on one of the chairs near the counter and talk to Diluc, maybe even giving him a peck on the lips when you are being called by one of the customers.
6:31 pm... There was only one customer left. Before the night approaches and more people attempt to come in and drink, Diluc quickly kicks the customer out and lock the tavern doors. You help Diluc clean up the tavern. He is the type to give back hugs, so you often receive them as you wipe tables, him kissing the top of your head. After the whole clean-up, the both of you walk back to your lover's mansion.
7:13 pm... You and your boyfriend were greeted by the maids with a fancy dinner set on the dining table. You and Diluc freshen up first, and then together headed to the table. While eating, he'd ask about how was your day. He would also ask you if there were customers who were mean to you or attempted to flirt with you. He trusts you, but in the end, he doesn't want to see the love of his life in a not-so-good condition. He wants you to feel safe and secure around him, and he succeeds on doing so. He wants the best for you. He is always there for you. And he always makes you feel that.
7:49 pm... After eating, Diluc and you wash up before going to bed. You were glad because today, you are able to sleep early with Diluc. Not having to wait for him to come at 3am due to his darknight duties. After being washed up, the both of you lay in bed. It won't be considered as sleeping with Diluc if there are no cuddling sessions for lots of minutes. Asking about if you need or want anything, and if there is something you want to get rid off your chest...what a perfect man. Sometimes, he would be the big spoon. Sometimes, he would be the small spoon. The both of you take turns. After conversations and cuddles, you eventually fall asleep as Diluc watches you sleeping, kissing your forehead and saying...
"Good night darling. I promise to protect and cherish you all my life. Thank you for bringing light to my world. I love you."
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rowyn-writes · 4 years
Under the Weather (Jack Kline)
Warnings: Fluff, self doubt, sickness
Pairings: Jack x Reader, Dean x Reader (Platonically) Sam x Reader (Platonically)
Characters: Sam, Dean, Jack, Cas (mentioned)
Word Count: 1678
Summary: When you get sick, Jack's there to take care of you.
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It was freezing outside. The first snowfall had made it's way through Kansas, and you were excited to enjoy the beautiful scenery. Ever since you were a kid, you loved playing in the snow.
You should have listened to Sam and Dean when they told you not to stay out there too long.
It just started with sneezing, which was normal for you since you had allergies, so you thought nothing of it.
"Achoo!" You sneezed once more. "Ugh. I think I'm getting sick."
Dean gave you one of his, 'I told you so,' faces. "What did we tell you about staying out there so long?"
"Yeah, yeah." You dismissed him. "Jeez, Winchester. You sound like my dad."
Dean, Sam and Cas might as well been your dad's, in all honesty. They had found you when you were thirteen. Your parents had been killed by a group of vampires, and you had been taken hostage. The Winchester's had found you, scared and confused.
They told you everything about vampires, werewolves, demons and everything that went bump in the night. You had nowhere to go, as your parents were your only family, so Sam and Dean took you in.
You stayed with Bobby most of the time, where he taught you what you needed to know about monsters and hunting. And when Bobby died, you were crushed. You didn't know how to cope with the loss, so you threw yourself into hunting, becoming one of the best hunters around.
You attempted to clear your throat, fighting off the urge to cough. Dean rolled his eyes. "I'll go get some cough syrup."
Jack entered the den, taking a seat on the couch next to you. "Are you okay, Y/n?" He asked.
"I'm fine, just feeling a little under the weather, is all." You assured him.
"But how can you be under the weather? You're inside." Jack seemed confused.
You giggled at his cluelessness. "No, Jack, I meant that I don't feel well today. I'm coming down with a cold. I'm sick."
"Oh." He furrowed his eyebrows. "I'm still learning the correct meaning of what humans say."
"You and Cas both. He's been down here for years and still doesn't understand a lot of sayings." You felt your body rumble with another cough.
"Y/n!" Jack said worriedly. "Are you okay?! Do you need me to get Dean?"
"No, no, Jack, I'm okay. It's just a cough. Besides, Dean's getting me some medicine to stop it. Don't worry."
Not even a few seconds later, the oldest Winchester walked in and tossed you a bottle of cough syrup. "Drink up, kiddo."
You gave a disgusted look as you drank the bitter liquid. "Yuck."
"It's your own fault, Y/n. Sam and I told you not to stay outside too long." Dean reprimanded you. You dismissed him with a wave of your hand.
"Yeah, but it was worth it, right, Jack?" You asked, looking over at the Nephilim.
"It was!" Jack agreed. "Y/n and I made a snowman and built a fort!" Dean cracked a smile as he looked at you and Jack.
You felt your eyes begin to droop closed, feeling exhaustion overcome you. Neither Dean nor Jack bothered to wake you up, as you looked so tired.
Dean sighed as he looked at his phone. "Alright, I got a case to go work. Jody and Donna need help with what looks like a skinwalker. Watch over Y/n while she sleeps. Get her anything she needs. I would move her to her room, but I don't want to wake her. And if she wakes up and tries to join me and Sam, stop her. She's way too sick to gank some monsters." He gently kissed you on the head before saying goodbye to Jack.
As Dean watched you grow up, you had become a sort of little sister/daughter to him. Along with Sam, he always put you first. Although, Dean secretly wished you weren't a Hunter and went to college, like other people your age.
"Do you need me to get you anything?" Jack asked, making you jump.
"Jesus Jack! You scared me." You pressed a hand to your chest.
"Oh, I'm sorry." He apologized.
"It's fine, I just thought I was alone. Where's Dean?"
"He's out with Sam on a case. Something about a skinwalker?" You threw the blanket off your body and began walking to your room. "Where are you going?" Jack asked, following you.
"To help Sam and Dean."
Dean's words floated in the back of Jack's mind. "Wait, Y/n. You can't go, you're sick."
You dismissed him, not listening to his words as you slipped on your shoes. "They need my help, Jack. We never go hunting without each other."
You stood up too quickly, becoming lightheaded. You stumbled slightly, but thankfully Jack caught you, steadying you. "You're not going anywhere. Sam and Dean can handle this." You sighed as he gently pushed you back down on the bed. He untied your shoes and set them aside. "You need to rest."
You pouted. "But I'm not tired. How about we watch Netflix?" 
Jack agreed excitedly, as you had gotten him hooked on a show called Grey's Anatomy. You scooted over in your bed to make room for the tall boy. You got out your laptop and set it in your lap, clicking on the show. After a while, you felt your stomach rumble.
"Are you hungry?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, a little." You admitted. Jack nodded as he stood up and walked out. You gave him a confused look. You wanted to follow him, but you were so tired you doubted that you would make it to the kitchen. About ten minutes later, he returned with a bowl of soup and a cup of tea.
"Here. Sam told me that when humans get sick, this is what they eat to make them feel better." He handed you what looked like a heated up can of chicken noodle soup and herbal tea. You gave Jack a smile as you happily accepted the food. As soon as the soup hit your taste buds, you wanted to spit it out, but you begrudgingly swallowed it. 
"This is amazing, Jack!" You lied with a smile on your face. "Thank you."
"Oh, I was worried that you might not like it. I've never cooked before." Jack sat back down next to you on your bed. You quickly downed the soup and drank the tea he had provided for you. You felt yourself becoming drowsy once more. Due to the lack of room on the bed, you snuggled yourself into Jack's side.
He slowly wrapped his arm around you, feeling awkward, but at the same time, he felt butterflies in his stomach. "Hey, Y/n?"
"Yeah?" You opened your eyes sleepily.
"How do you know if you're in love?"
That woke you up. "Oh, well, I don't really know. I've never been in love."
"You haven't?" Jack asked.
"No. Although, I haven't really had the chance to fall in love. I've grown up with Sam and Dean on the road, so I couldn't really make relationships like that." You paused for a moment. "But from what Sam and Dean have told me, it's not just a crush or something trivial. I think it's like you would do anything to make them happy, even if it hurt you. You would sacrifice everything if it meant that they would be content."
"Oh," Jack nodded. "Then I'm in love with you."
"What?!" You sat up. "Jack, you're not in love with me."
Jack sat up as well, his arm falling to his side. "But I am. I would do anything to make you happy."
"Yeah, but Jack, that different. I would do anything to make you, Sam, Dean, and Cas happy, but that doesn't mean I'm in love." He was obviously confused, there was no way he could be in love with you.
"But it feels different with you than it does anyone else. I want to be around you all the time, you make me laugh, and you teach me all kinds of cool things and different words, like fu-"
You covered Jack's mouth with your hand. "Don't say that word in front of anyone. You can only say it if it's just us." Jack nodded as you pulled your hand away.
"Why can't I be in love with you?" He asked.
You sighed as you looked at the Nephilim. You cared for him deeply, and you would go as far as to say you do love him, but there was no way he could love you.
"Jack, I'm not the type of person you fall in love with. I'm not a size 2, I'm a size 20, I'm not pretty, or smart or anything like that."
"But I think you're beautiful and intelligent. I don't care about those superficial things, Y/n. I think you're amazing."
You could feel your heard beating out if your chest. No one had ever told you these things, no one that mattered, anyways.
"Jack, you don't love me." You insisted.
"I do. Please, let me be in love with you." You didn't say anything as Jack leaned in to kiss you. You let his lips skim over yours before pulling away.
"Jack, I'm sick." You protested.
"I can't get sick." He grinned.
You felt yourself smile as you kissed him, his mouth fitting perfectly with yours. Your eyes fluttered closed as he cupped your face. You had no idea how Jack was such a good kisser, but he was amazing.
Suddenly, the door swung open. "Hey, kiddo, you doing o-" You and Jack jumped apart, looking over to see Sam and Dean standing in the doorway.
"W-what are you doing back so early?" You stuttered.
"Jody and Donna didn't need our help after all." Sam mumbled, a shocked look on his face.
"Jack," Dean said lowly. "When I said take care of Y/n, this is not what I meant!"
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Hey, @atomicdetectivehideout I’m happy to be your  @destielsecretsanta2020
Merry Christmas! Please, accept my humble gift for the holiday. It’s a 3k of fluff and stuff (well, when I say fluff, I mean, I really tried!). I sincerely hope you enjoy it. 
Thank you to the most awesomest people to ever awesome @campchitaquamemories and @amyoatmeal for offering to beta this little thing. You guys rock!
Here it is on ao3 if you prefer
Those Things That Couples Do
Come to think of it, it wasn’t such a lame idea. Not lame at all, Dean thought, to the extent he might even have to thank Sam later. Well, maybe not outright thank him, but definitely bake a cherry pie for Eileen (her favorite; the woman sure knew how to enjoy life). It felt nice, lying on the bed with Cas in the semi-darkness, Christmas lights on the dresser and a couple of the apple cider and cinnamon scented candles Cas liked so much (and Dean grumbled about but secretly enjoyed too) being the only source of light. It felt cozy. Safe. They talked in hushed voices so as not to disturb the quiet magic of the bubble they had created in that moment, and dammit, but Dean was grateful to his brother and soon-to-be sister-in-law for this particular chick-flick.
“So, you sure you want this to go on your list as the first item?” Dean nudged Cas gently with an elbow. “Sick of my cooking already? I’m hurt, man,” he added, only half-jokingly.
The idea Eileen pitched to them was to write down three items each to reflect their hopes and plans for the upcoming year. At first, Dean laughed when Sam handed him a blue envelope with four blank craft paper cards to be written on. He had been about to suggest Sam find someone more age-appropriate to participate in that particular brand of cute (Dean could almost see the faces Claire and Kaia would make at the suggestion), but Cas’s quiet ‘It’s a lovely idea’ made him silently accept the package at the last second. This provided Sam with the pleasure of witnessing his older brother biting his tongue and smiling reassuringly at Cas who’d been busy searching Dean’s face for a reaction.
Per the rules Sam had explained to them, they were supposed to write down their plans (which they were encouraged to discuss, because that’s apparently what couples do) and complete a bonus task – individually, this time – describing where they see themselves next year at Christmas. Then, they were to seal their envelope and give it to Sam and Eileen for safekeeping, accepting theirs in exchange. That way next year there would be an additional reason to spend Christmas together and see which things have come to pass.
“Stop fishing for a compliment. You know your cooking is delicious.” Cas turned to look at Dean. “I want to be able to do nice things for you, Dean. Like you do for me. Cooking for people you care about is how you show affection and those small, but meaningful gestures go a long way. I’d love to be able to surprise you with a breakfast pie in bed, or make soup for when you catch a cold, or-“ Dean interrupted him with a chaste and gentle kiss on the lips. “You had me at the breakfast pie, Cas. Cooking and baking: 101 it is.” Cas smiled, reached for Dean’s hand, and pressed a kiss to his knuckles. Laying back on the pillow, he rested Dean’s hand on his belly, gently stroking the fingers. Dean closed his eyes and sighed contentedly.
“What will you put as your first item?” Cas asked a moment later.
“That’s easy,” Dean murmured into Cas’s shoulder. “Beach vacay. Never had the time for that before. What do you think about some sand between our toes? Maybe even skinny-dipping with enough margaritas?”
“You do look extremely hot in those aviators of yours,” Cas replied in a thoughtful voice, as if mulling it over. “And skinny-dipping does sound promising. A beach vacation certainly belongs on that list.”
“Cas, if you want me naked and in sunglasses, that can be arranged anytime, anywhere.”
“I want you in those cut-off shorts of yours, and then I want you out of them,” Cas continued in a low voice, and Dean felt the hairs on his arm stand up under Castiel’s fingertips. “I want to explore your sun-kissed skin and count the freckles on your back. I want you to enjoy yourself in all the ways that appeal to you, so yes. You’re writing that down. I’m taking you to the beach.”
“Just like that?” Dean asked, teasingly. “Pretty goal-oriented, aren’t you?”
Cas glared at him; Christmas lights caught in his dark blue eyes. “I was a Seraph, Dean. Goal-oriented was in the job description.”
“Bossy,” Dean suggestively wiggled his eyebrows.
“You like that.”
Cas turned on his side, facing Dean. They were lying so close now they breathed the same air, noses just shy of touching. Dean took Cas’s hand and laced their fingers, nudging a knee between Cas’s thighs. “What else is on your list?” Dean asked.
Cas didn’t answer right away, and Dean closed his eyes to bask in the warmth of their bodies.
“There’s a small plot of land behind the bunker,” Cas began, “I was wondering whether it’s okay with you and Sam if I make a garden there?” He sounded uncertain, for some unknown reason, and Dean frowned at that. “It wouldn’t be anything fancy, just some flowerbeds with sunflowers or maybe lavender-“
“Cas,” Dean interjected, still frowning, “why would you even ask? You don’t need anyone’s permission to do what you want to do, come on. The bunker belongs to you just as much it does to me or Sammy or Eileen or the rest of our extended family.” He propped himself up on one elbow and gently freed his hand from Castiel’s hold to cup his cheek. “If you want a garden, I’ll help you make one. Or just as happily will mind my own business if it’s something you want to do on your own. Okay?”
“Thank you, Dean,” Cas whispered, earnestly. And it wasn’t about the garden, really. It was about being reassured he belonged, was wanted. Accepted.
“You should definitely add the garden to your list, Cas. And, while we’re on the topic, there was actually something I wanted to ask you about.” Dean cleared his throat, his heart rate quickened. He’d been thinking about this for quite a while, but never seemed to find the right moment to broach the topic. Frankly, he’d never felt brave enough to do so. Why mess up a good thing? But the idea lived in his head rent free, and there was no lying to himself, no tricking his mind out of it. “What would you say about a real garden, though?  With an apple tree, some benches, maybe even a gazebo? Where you can plant all kinds of flowers to appease those honeybees of yours?”
“That- That sounds lovely, Dean,” Cas replied, obviously a little bit at a loss. “What do you have in mind?”
Dean was grateful it was dark in the room because he could feel himself blushing, chest burning as if someone had put a hot iron on it. He took a deep breath that didn’t do much to lessen the anxiety.
“Remember, back in Sioux Falls, Bobby’s old property?” Dean paused, waiting for Castiel to nod in agreement. “So, it’s all still there. It’s a pretty big plot of land, and the house burned down, obviously, but I was thinking,” the words kept jumping one in front of the other, and Dean felt the blush deepen, desperately hoping Cas would understand what he was trying to say. “I ain’t that bad at rebuilding things, and, of course, it’s gonna be quite a lot of work, but who doesn’t like a fixer-upper, right? There’s the salvage yard, too, we can do something with that. I’m sure Bobby wouldn’t mind, and there shouldn’t be any problems with the documents, given who’s the sheriff in town. And that way you and I get to be closer to Claire, and Donna, the whole gang-“
“You and I?” Cas asked quietly, and Dean took a deep breath, grateful for the interjection.
“You and I. And some bees, apparently,” Dean gave Cas a weak smile, searching his eyes.
Green met blue, and for the better part of a minute (eternity, really) Cas just kept looking at him silently. Dean’s heart was hammering in his chest so loudly, he wondered if maybe he just couldn’t hear Cas’s answer because of the pounding in his ears. But Castiel’s lips didn’t move, and Dean felt like he couldn’t breathe, like he needed to get out before he went into a full-blown panic attack. It was too much. Why would Cas want to leave the bunker? It was way safer there. There were other people, hunters, coming and going, Sam and Eileen lived barely an hour away, why would he even consider moving in with Dean, let alone-
Suddenly, Cas was on Dean, left hand on Dean’s pillow for support, right hand cupping Dean’s face. Cas pressed kisses everywhere, holding on to Dean like it was the last thing on Earth worth doing. Cas moved his hand into Dean’s hair, gripping tight, and Dean moaned, capturing Cas’s mouth with his own, deepening the kiss. Dean’s anxiety turned into exhilaration, because that was very clearly a yes, and somewhere at the back of his mind he wondered if maybe he’d just suffered a mild heart attack. In mere seconds, though, his body went pliant under Cas’s weight, the kiss grew even more urgent and heated. Dean’s brain short-circuited, the only thing that registered was the press of Cas’s groin to his own, the sounds Cas was making, the texture of his tongue, the softness of his palms, his smell, his taste, the overwhelming need to be closer, to become one, to forget there ever was an outside world at all. But as Dean slipped his hands under Cas’s T-shirt, Cas groaned and broke the kiss, panting. He pressed his forehead to Dean’s, eyes closed and breathing heavy.
“I believe we’ve gotten carried away,” Cas said, hoarsely. “We still have to finish the lists before Sam leaves for Eileen’s.”
“Screw Sam,” Dean rasped, “I don’t care, just take off your clothes and keep kissing me senseless.”
Cas growled and bit his lip to keep himself from grinding.
“There will be no screwing Sam,” he said in a low voice. “We finish the lists, give Sam the envelope, bid him goodnight,” Cas took a deep breath, his body looming over Dean. “And then we pick up right where we left off.”
“Fuck, Cas,” Dean whined.
“Patience, Dean,” Cas pressed a kiss behind his ear, where he knew Dean was especially sensitive. “All in due time.”
With that, Castiel got up, went to click his bedside lamp on, fluffed his pillow, propped it against the headboard, and took the writing supplies from the nightstand. When he got back on the bed, he made sure to leave a few inches of space between them.
Dean groaned. “Fuck my life,” he muttered, but took a couple of deep breaths, willing his heart rate to friggin’ slow down already.  He sat up and reached to switch on the lamp on his side of the bed. He watched Cas for a moment before clarifying, “Yes to the house, though?”
Cas looked at him, pen pausing in the middle of a sentence. “I love you, Dean. Yes to the house.”
Dean grinned. “So, two down, one to go. Item number three for 2021?”
Castiel chewed on the cap, thoughtfully. “This one is less specific, but I’d like to try things I haven’t tried before. Unusual food, new experiences, all kinds of activities – with you.”
“Cas, I swear, if you hadn’t stopped just now, I’d have given you a thing or two to cross out from that bucket list,” Dean smiled, cockily.
Cas grinned. “I should think so.”
“Just say the word,” Dean winked, “and we can go baptize the library.”
“Noted. Let’s just not traumatize your brother any further.”
“He’ll live.”
Cas sighed, a mix of fondness and exasperation. “We’ll get back to this conversation as soon as we’re finished with the task at hand. What’s your item number three for the list?”
“Well,” Dean sat up straighter to get himself into business mode, “I’d love to spend more time with family. Get to know them better, maybe set up some family traditions? I don’t know if everyone will appreciate the idea, but it would be kinda awesome.” He glanced at the framed photos proudly sitting on his shelf.
“I think it’s a wonderful thing to put on your list,” Castiel reached for his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, “and I don’t have a shadow of a doubt, everyone will be thrilled.”
“They’d better be. Otherwise, they’ll be missing out on the greatest feasts humanity’s ever known.”
“Yes,” Cas agreed easily, “among other things.”
Dean smiled and reached for his own supplies.
For the next five minutes the only sound that filled the room was rustling of paper. Having finished writing, Dean clicked his pen off. “So, what’s with the bonus task? The one where we describe where we see ourselves this time next year?”
Cas bent the card he was writing on in half and slid it into the envelope. “We’re not supposed to discuss it, but, seeing that we will be exchanging our predictions next year, I figure we just address it to each other?”
“Let’s do that,” Dean nodded. “So, no consulting, huh?”
Castiel hummed. “If we were to respect the rules. You know, though, my prediction doesn’t make much of a secret,” he shrugged, smiling. “This time next year, and all the years to come, I see myself watching a Christmas movie with you. I can’t keep up with the plot, really, because mostly I’m watching you watching the movie, watching you smile, listening to you laugh. And I am overwhelmed by how grateful I am for everything that has led me there, in that moment. I’m happy. I’m with you.”
Dean’s throat felt tight and his eyes started prickling with tears somewhere between ‘all the years to come’ and ‘watching you watching the movie’. Cas was looking at him with such adoration, reverence even, blue eyes glistening, pen and paper forgotten.
“Yeah,” Dean said, wrapping Cas in a bear hug. “Yeah.” He hid his face in the crook of Castiel’s neck and felt an awkward kiss being pressed to the side of his head. “You’re such a sap, man,” he breathed a somewhat wet laugh. “You’re such a sap, and I wouldn’t change a single thing about you. I hope you know that.”
“I know,” Cas mumbled, “I know.”
“You should still put all of that in writing. You know, for posterity.”
“I will. Will you write yours?”
Dean withdrew a little to give Cas a kiss on the cheek. “I will. But I’m gonna need you to bear with me, ‘cause for once in my life I would actually like to stick to the rules.” He caught Cas’s eyes, “Is that okay with you?” he asked, with a hint of a mischievous smile.
“Of course, Dean.”
“Good. Good.” Dean grinned. “And Cas? I love you, too.”
Eileen was supposed to pick him up in about an hour, so Sam sat at his desk browsing true crime documentaries on Netflix when Dean burst in his room without knocking.
“Would you appreciate it if I barged into your room like that?” Sam asked flatly, not looking up from the screen.
“We both know that’s an empty threat,” Dean replied without missing a beat. “Not with those delicate sensibilities of yours.”  He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
Sam bristled, “You guys were doing it against the kitchen sink! A man should expect the kitchen to be a safe space!”
“Yes, yes,” Dean nodded vigorously, “he should. But it’s still ill-advised.”
Sam closed the lid of his laptop with a click . “Please, tell me you’ve got the envelope and I can go see my girl and bring home the victory of getting you and Cas to participate?”
“Sure thing, Sammy,” Dean dropped the envelope in question on the desk. “Take good care of that for us,” he winked at his brother mischievously. “Cas has already stashed yours in some dusty old book. And hey,” he added in a more serious voice, “tell Eileen thank you?”
“Wait, really?” Sam started, but Dean was already out in the hall.
“Can’t talk, gotta run, Cas says he wants to try new things, and believe me, Sammy, I am gonna deliver!”
“TMI, jerk!” Sam yelled after him, leaning his chair back on two legs to try and catch sight of his older brother.
“Drive safe, bitch!” Dean yelled back from down the hall.
Sam sighed and picked up the blue envelope titled Dean & Cas: 2021 Edition in Castiel’s neat handwriting. The envelope wasn’t sealed properly, and as soon as Sam turned it over in his hands the contents slipped out onto the desk.
“You’re so whipped, Dean,” Sam muttered under his breath picking up the papers. One of the cards fell onto the floor, and as Sam leaned to pick it up, he recognized Dean’s handwriting. Not his finest hour, he would figure later, but the eyes started skimming the text before the brain could actually approve the action.
Hey, Cas. So, we’re talking this time next year, huh? Let’s see. I’m most probably sitting on the couch with you, and we’re in the middle of binge-watching one of those shows you like or watching a documentary. I can’t really tell, because I’m having trouble focusing on what’s going on on the screen. The reason probably being that I have this ring in my pocket, and I keep thinking I should come up with more fitting words. I keep overanalyzing things, wondering if this is even something you might want. And then, we open the envelope, and I’m giving you this little piece of paper, and you start reading it. And I- I can see you frowning in concentration, and it’s been a year since I wrote this, and I still haven’t found the words, because really there are no words to even begin to describe what we have. So- So I take your hand, I kiss your knuckles, and I slip the ring on your finger, and I hope-
Man, I hope I get to spend the rest of my life with you.
With a dopey smile, Sam slipped the card back into the envelope, sealing it carefully. “So whipped,” he repeated quietly, but proudly. 2021 was going to be one for the books.
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hb-writes · 4 years
The Usual Order
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Charlie slumped back into the chair, arms folded over her chest as she glared at the plate in front of her. She knew better, she really did. She should have expected that showing up late to dinner and taking the subway to get from school to the restaurant, thereby missing her brother’s text with the picture of the menu, would result in him ordering her something he knew skirted the boundaries of her preferences.
"I'm not eating it," Charlie told her brother.
Harvey had already plucked a piece of sashimi off the plate and dipped it carefully in the soy sauce.
"I sent you the menu," he shrugged. “You didn’t respond, so I took a chance.”
"I didn't see it," she answered. "And you know what I like. It's the same thing every damn time."
Though Charlie was a picky eater, she had a “usual order” ready for each of the cuisines Harvey and Donna liked. She never groaned or whined when they selected a restaurant because she already knew what she’d order long before they got there. Harvey and Donna both knew as well. 
The question “you want to usual?” was rendered almost completely unnecessary at this point, because Charlie never ordered anything else. And for sushi, that meant miso soup and peanut avocado rolls, because Charlie Specter refused to even try raw seafood. In fact, she refused to try just about any seafood. 
“If you were on time, you could’ve ordered for yourself.” 
"Things ran late and the train—" 
"I’ve told you I don't want you taking trains by yourself."
"Well, I would have been even later if I had called Ray."
"No trains. You call Ray or you walk."
"It’s not a negotiation, Charlotte."
Charlie rolled her eyes. Harvey hated the subway and because of that, it had always held a certain fascination for her. Charlie begged to ride the train at every opportunity when she was young, and then once old enough, she just started taking the train from time to time, when she thought she could get away with it.
She never got away with it though. Somehow her brother always seemed to know. 
"Fine, no trains, but I’m not eating whatever that is." Charlie poked at the thin slices of what she assumed to be raw fish. 
"You don't even want to know what it is?" he asked.
"I don't care what it is. It's not cooked and I'm not eating it."
"Try some."
Charlie shook her head, folding her arms across her chest. 
"Well, we're not ordering anything else right now so you might as well see if you like it."
Charlie’s eyebrows furrowed as she glanced down at the plate set in the middle of the table. She scanned over each of her options with narrowed eyes and her stomach flipped a bit at just the thought of holding a small bite in her mouth. She imagined the cold hunk of fishy flesh swimming down her throat as she forced it down and shivered, shaking her head. 
Charlie leaned back in her chair and tucked her chin into her chest, putting as much distance between herself and the supposed food as she could manage and her lips formed a nearly straight line. Charlie shook her head once again and reached for the only safe, ingestible thing on the table, the water glass.
"Alright, I guess we'll just sit here until you try something off that plate, then."
Charlie choked a bit on the water as she sipped through the straw. Her brother had issued the very same declaration once before, back when she was five or six and refusing vegetables.
He had come home to Riverside for a few days, just visiting Charlie and their father for a long weekend. Gordon had been going through Charlie's intermittent refusal of certain vegetables, pretty much anything green, for close to a month by the time of the visit. It was frustrating and slow going, but they were working through it. 
After raising his boys, Gordon had felt confident that she'd get over it eventually and, in the meantime, Charlie was still eating carrots and cauliflower and peppers so long as they weren't green. It wasn’t like she was nutritionally deficient. But Harvey being Harvey decided he could just push through it and end his sister's stubbornness in the span of a single weekend, in one dinner, even.
Gordon had warned him to let it go—Charlie and Harvey were too alike for it to work out in Harvey’s favor—but Harvey was determined and confident, so the brother and sister sat at the table in resolute silence for hours while Gordon left them both to their stubbornness and went about enjoying his evening.
Charlie never did end up eating a single pea that day, and rather than solving anything, it ingrained in her an automatic refusal to any food Harvey suggested she try, refusals for the mere sake of refusing, no thought or consideration spared as to whether she might like something was factored in just because the suggestion came from his mouth.
"Fine," Charlie answered, settling back with her water. "How was your day?"
Harvey raised an eyebrow. "How was my day?"
"Yeah, if we're going to close the place down tonight, we might as well talk to pass the time, even if you are being a stupid jerk," she said. "You're essentially denying me food, which is actually a human rights violation.” Charlie scanned through her phone, intending to deliver him a direct quote. “It’s article...twenty-five of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Everyone has..." Charlie stopped herself as she scanned through the words on her phone’s screen, realizing how pretentious she sounded, how insensitive the statement was considering there were people in the world, people right outside on the city streets, who actually didn’t have adequate access to food.
Harvey didn't offer an immediate response, just glancing down at the plate of food set between them. “The right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family?” he offered after a long moment. He could have gone further, could have listed off any one of the articles from memory, but his point already being made he didn’t bother. “Go ahead and call up the UN. Let me know how that goes,” he said. “In the meantime, why don’t you try some squid?” 
Charlie swallowed, poking with her chopsticks at the slimy white cut of seafood and then she glanced up at her brother. “So, if I try it and don’t like it, can I get my usual order?” 
Harvey rolled his eyes. It had long been the rule when trying something new, though Charlie hadn’t tried anything new, and therefore hadn’t invoked it, in quite a long time.
“Fine, but we’re talking an actual bite here, a whole piece chewed and—" 
Charlie swallowed the bite so quickly Harvey wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t just watched it happen. He sat in stunned silence while his sister downed the rest of her water and placed her request for miso soup and a peanut avocado roll when the waitress appeared at their side to refill her empty glass. 
She took a sip from her refilled water glass, an innocent smile on her lips. “So Harvey, how was your day?” 
Suits (Lines to Live By) Masterlist
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
The Killing Cure (Part 12)
It’s been a hot minute but I’m back from my vacation. I mentioned on my other fic that I just got a new job so updates will still probably be slow as I now have a job on top of art fight, a zine, two other fics, and an original story. So a big thanks to everyone who sticks with this one and for all of the patience. 
Out of all of the beings that roam this godforsaken Earth, humans, monsters, mutants...it is Winters. Winters who has been on her mind since she kissed him. She wishes that she could call it an impulse but is it really an impulse if she had been thinking--however loosely--about it for several days before?
She wishes that he would do something to make her irreparably mad. But he doesn’t, he only ever seems to make her feel a sense of comfort. Even now when she is cringing at the sight of herself in a pair of pants, the man stands behind her with a collection of compliments. “You look great.” He promises. “It’s going to take some getting used to, you being dressed down, but it’s nice.”
Nice. He thinks that she looks nice. It is such a simple word, so plain, ordinary. But it means everything to her. Everything when she has felt anything but nice or attractive… “I’ve looked better.” She waves the compliment off. But, by God, it has taken at least some of the edge off of her mild sense of self loathing.
Ethan shrugs. “You just have to get used to streetwear.”
She chances another look in the mirror; she supposes that it isn’t quite so horrible. The shirt is loose and breathable though the linen fabric isn’t as kind on her skin as many of her gowns are. The pants are less comfy, more restrictive than her dresses but are easier to maneuver in without tripping. And she supposes that they don’t look too unflattering on her.
She jerks when Ethan suddenly thumps her hat onto her head. He laughs at her little jolt. “Do not test me, Winters! We have a long journey ahead of us.”
“Just trying to help.” He replies. “I didn’t want you to forget your favorite hat.”
He favorite hate is actually several sizes too big for her and sits draped over a chair. But with an exact replica of it, she decides that the technicalities aren’t worth mentioning. “Are my girls ready?”
“They’re your daughters, you check on them.”
He watches Alcina make her way out of the room. Words and hissed out promises aside, the woman has become increasingly less hostile since she’d kissed him. He smiles to himself, at least he isn’t the most awkward of the two of them anymore. At least, he isn’t alone in his conflicted, affectionate feelings.  
She comes back with her daughters in tow; Bela has a grip on her left hand and Cassandra holds the left. Daniela, untethered, zips about, occasionally cutting in front of the other three before falling behind once more. The three of them are bundled up heavily, almost absurdly so. Alcina comes to a stop at the center of the room and Daniela takes the opportunity to lift her off of the ground.
“Daniela…” she grumbles through clenched teeth, “we talked about this…”
The woman cackles and puts her mother back down before bursting into a cloud of flies and rebuilding herself several feet away. Ethan has never seen anyone look less amused than Alcina in that moment. “We’re ready, Ethan.”
A jolt of adrenaline pulses through him, it is once again real. His mission is once again in sight and the dangers are once again going to be pressing. He wonders if Alcina is nervous now that illness has taken the place of a powerful mutation. She is just an ordinary woman with very basic gun skills. She gives no indication of nervousness, regardless of how she feels within.
Having grown used to the warmth of Castle Dimitrescu the cold stikes Ethan’s face as tough tendrils of the aurora borealis have reached down and coiled around his face. His is overcome by shivers, he can only imagine how the fly beasts are handling it. He doesn’t have to imagine it, one look behind him and he knows that they are recoiling. He thinks that he can hear faint crackles.
His speculation becomes knowledge when he sees the panic on Alcina’s face. Without a word of warning, she grabs all three of her daughters and, with more strength than he realized small Alcina has, ushers them back into the warmth of the castle.
Ethan follows her back inside. Her face is twisted in distress and concern, her breathing hastened. “Oh, my poor dears.” She mumbles more to herself than any of the three. “My poor little darlings…” She sandwiches Daniela’s hands between hers. “Winters, you get them some blankets,  now.”
Stress pinches her tone and he elects to ignore the snappiness of her request. She holds Daniela to her chest, letting the woman drink in her body heat.
Were she herself she would be more efficient. She would mostly envelop Daniela until the frost retracts from her skin. Having skipped the test steps and thrown herself headfirst into the frosty outside world, the woman had taken the worst of its merciless frigidness--she is too bold for her own safety.
Alcina holds her so close--feeling the woman’s shivers and shakes--and brushes her hand over her hair.  For once she finds herself thankful for her softness, it gives her an added warmth which she extends to Daniela. She has the urge to squeeze the woman but she must handle her with care, she is so terribly fragile right now.
Ethan comes back with three blankets which he wraps around Bela and Cassandra and then over Daniela’s. “Thank you, Ethan.” She murmurs as she continues to stroke Daniela’s hair. “We will have to see if the Duke will be a gentleman enough to look after my daughters while I’m gone.”
Ethan nods.
“Mother, it’s so cold.” Bela whimpers.
“It hurts.” Cassandra adds.
“I know dears, it’s going to be alright.”
“I think that I’m dying, mother.”
Alcina shakes her head, “no, Daniela. You’re going to be just fine, dear. We’ll get you nice and warm again.” She kisses the top of her head.
“I saw a deer pretty close by, I can get them some warm deer blood.” Ethan offers.
“Yes, Ethan, that would be ideal.”
With only a nod, he makes his way outside again. There is a new fluttering in her belly alongside the anxious tickles. She isn’t sure what to make of these flutters. But she knows where they come from. She watches Ethan through the window, watches him chase the deer down, likely cussing and shouting. She observes and she can’t help but let her mind wander. She barely knows him beyond the very basics. She has mostly tormented the man, mocked him. And yet he is good to her. He is kind to her girls. They aren’t even his own and yet he is fetching meals and warmth for them.
Ethan is completely drained by the time he gets back from his deer hunt. Physically and mentally--he can’t hold it against them, it isn’t the fault of the daughters that they can’t endure the cold. But it is still a setback. Still one more day away from finding Rose. One more day that leads her closer to a heinous sort of death.
He leaves the deer on the table, decidedly the girls can eat it raw and he can fix himself and Alcina a meal. Or perhaps she’d be willing to do the cooking this time. He opens his mouth to call for the daughters but the flies are already gathering. Three identical swarms that take shape.
“Where’s your mother?” He asks at the shaping of Cassandra.
The girl shrugs, “either the kitchen, having a bath, or the bedroom.”
“I’ll check the kitchen.” He knows that she is there before he reaches it. He isn’t exactly sure what she is cooking but she has added what smells like an overabundance of spice.
“What are we cooking?”
“I am cooking soup.” Alcina sets a bowl on the table. “Just a little recipe that Donna showed me.”
“She really loves her spices.”
Alcina shakes her head, “I like spices. Donna cooks her food quite bland. Donna favors simplicity.”
“Your daughters seem like they are recovering well.”
She sighs, “they should be in bed resting.” She clicks her tongue. “I can never get them to rest well. Daniela wakes up and then all three of them are awake.”
Ethan laughs, “sounds about right, kids are just like that no matter how old they get.” He pauses, “do you need rest?”
Alcina thinks for a moment, “I will be fine for now. The medications are working quite sufficiently.”
“That’s good to hear.”
“You sound unhappy.”
“I was hoping to be well on our way to find Rose.” He sees the vexation flash across her face but before she can rave at him he adds, “it’s...fine, it isn’t their fault. Just frustrating circumstances.” This answer seems to placate the woman. She silently continues eating her soup. He has to admit that it isn’t bad at all. Perhaps a little strong for his tastes but he is just thankful that he didn’t have to cook this time. “You don’t seem all too happy either.” He comments after pushing his bowl aside.
Alcina stares into her empty soup bowl. “I’m afraid of losing my girls. Today was a reminder of just how easily it can happen. They’ve been in more danger lately than they have been in, in years…” She stands and beckons for him to follow. Once upon a time, perhaps only a week or so ago, he would have hesitated. This time he trails closely behind her.
“I have a feeling that everyone will be too preoccupied trying to kill us to go after them.” He shrugs. He supposes that that isn’t all too reassuring. He is surprised to see her smile slightly and nod in agreement. There is something comforting about her willingness to die in place of her daughters, to put herself in danger to keep it far away from them. Humanity, he realizes. And he realizes too, that she would have done the same prior to his arrival. Humanity in a woman who, at that point, hadn’t been human in so long.
He watches her climb onto her bed. She gives a rather dramatic sigh and mutters, “I should make sure that my girls are…”
“I can get them into bed.” He doesn’t allow for protest. Rather, he slips out of the room and herds the three of them into their room.
“Do we get another bedtime story, Winters?” Bela asks.
“I wasn’t planning--”
“We need a story to sleep.” Daniela insists. “Mother always reads to us.”
And thus he finds himself suckered into reading them to sleep a second time. Alcina, he finds, has nodded off in his absence and jolts awake at his sudden reappearance. She grumbles something, that he can’t quite catch, about knocking first. “Sorry.” He mouths. Truth  be told, he isn’t sure why he has come back to her room instead of going to the guest bedroom. “They’re all tucked in and read to.”
The smile she gives him this time is much softer than usual, sleepier too. It is pleasant, inviting. He finds himself wondering, again, who she had been before the mutation. What she had been like prior to Mother Miranda. She pats a spot on the bed next to her.
“Thank you for caring for my girls. They can be...difficult to manage when it is just me.”
“You’re…” he feels her weight shift onto him. “You’re welcome.” He chances holding her with his right arm. When she doesn’t jerk away or protest, he strokes her hair, trying to ease her stress away.  He thinks that it is working.
It must be... She said it wouldn’t happen again, he knew that she was lying, he just didn’t expect her to stray from her promise so soon; she kisses his neck. And when she closes her eyes and rests her head against him, her curls tickle his neck. He holds his hand against her cheek--he supposes that he will be spending another night in her company. A night with her in his arms.
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Darius Beneviento - Dinner With The Silverstreams [Part 4]
Broken Truth: Hello Everyone! If you remember from the drawing of Darius Beneviento - he is the formerly ill son of Donna Beneviento from an ask by my friend @k1ngm1nt. Last time, Darius told his mother he was interested in someone and now...it's time for the dinner between The Benevientos & The Silverstreams! Huge takes to @k1ngm1nt for helping me out with it. Now, let the words weave together!!
[House Beneviento - Kitchen]
Donna peeked around the threshold of the kitchen, watching her son as he prepared divine meals for the...interlopers...she means 'guests' that would be arriving soon. Donna groaned at the thought of other people coming to her house - but if anything bothered her more than people, it was the fact those people were coming about her son. Darius told her that he was interested in the Eldest Daughter of the Silverstream Family - Stella was her name if Donna remembered correctly - and the two of them had been talking for a while but the Father - Mr. Marcus Silverstream - and his 2 twin sons - Max and Strider - weren't too fond of their only daughter/sister talking to a boy who was - according to them - a bad seed. Darius went over to their house yesterday and asked them to come to Beneviento Manor for dinner and conversation to show that he wasn't as bad as they believed; he even asked their preferred meals so they could be prepared.
"I don't get why they have to come." Donna heard Angie said Darius as he placed the finishing touches on Mrs. Silverstreams Tomato Soup.
"I've explained it before, Ang, we're having them over for dinner so they could see I'm not a bad person and hopefully give their blessing for me to date Stella." Darius explained again as he carried to soup to its tray and placed the cover over it.
"I still don't see why you want to get some stupid human girl's attention. You have Donna and I, aren't we enough to keep you happy?" Angie asked as she jumped on Darius's shoulder, only for him to place her on her feet.
"Family-wise, you and Mom are the only ones I really need but I eventually want a family of my own. I want to fall in love, Angie." Darius said as he removed the apron and smoothed out any possible wrinkles in his suit. Angie was about to say something else when Darius's silver eyes widened when he realized he forgot his grandfather's brooch on the cushion on the pillow on the nightstand in his room. He excused himself and began to power walk, then jog up the stairs.
"I don't like this." Angie said as she walked closer to Donna's side.
"I don't like it either, Angie, but I couldn't deny him this; he's been through a lot and as his mother I want him to be happy. Maybe it will be over and we won't have to deal with those...people, then Darius can continue to be happy at home with us, where he belongs." Donna said as she looked at the set table - too many plates for Donna's liking.
It would be a few moments before a knock came at the door of House Beneviento and the Blood Heir came marching down the stairs with the brooch polished over his heart as he marched over to the door and pulled it open with a smile - meeting 3 collective glares, a nervous smile, and an embarrassed face.
"Mr. Silverstream and Family, Welcome to House Beneviento. Please, come in and takes your seats." Darius said as he gave a light bow and moved aside so the family could enter.
"Hmph, what a glorified doorman." Marcus huffed as he walked in, looking around the house with uninterested eyes. His sons followed behind him with the same scowls on their face, followed by their mother who gave the boy a 'Thank you, dear' before following her husband, and finally, Stella - the one who was stealing her son from her - walked and looked at Darius; Angie and Donna glared at her.
"Sorry about my dad and brothers, Darius; they still don't want to accept that I want my own life." Stella said as Darius lifted himself to smile at her - that smile made Donna's blood boil.
"It's not your fault, Starlight. Let's just hope the dinner will go well and we won't have to...ya know." Darius looked nervous as 'ya know'. What was 'ya know'? Did he mean to break up? Oh, the very thought made Donna and the Doll smile.
"Boy! Where are food and drinks?!" The roaring voice of Marcus Silverstream called from his seat.
"Yeah, we were promised food! Where is it?!" Max barked after his father.
"One moment, please." Darius said as he and Stella began walking over to the table. The Young Heir pulled out his girlfriend's chair before standing straight. "I have a collection of wines 0r acholic drinks for you to try or even ciders if you aren't the kind for acholic beverages." Darius said with a smile.
"What do you have so much booze? Are you a drunkard?" Strider asked with a smirk.
"I don't really drink but my aunt has a wine business while my uncle tends to come into whiskey, beers, and cigars a lot; he gives them to me think that I would like them so I act them to be polite but I don't use them." Darius explained.
"Tch, yeah right." Marcus said as he rolled his eyes.
"Dear, you know the boy doesn't drink - you can tell that just by looking at his skin. And judging by the pure white of his eyes, he doesn't smoke either." Mrs. Silverstream said.
"Shelia, you don't know that. He could be doing some kind of trick to make us think he doesn't smoke and drink, he could very well be an abuser." Marcus said.
"Excuse me, Mr. Silverstream, but my son is not an abuser. I would be grateful if you watched your mouth about my son." Donna said as she narrowed her eye at Marcus.
Broken Truth: Quick Note - Darius made Donna a special eye patch that covers her Cadou Scar so she doesn't always have to wear her veil.
"It's fine, Mother. I'll be back with the food and drinks." Darius said as he excused himself with a slight bow and walked into the kitchen.
"You guys are horrible, you told me that you would be kind to him. He's done nothing to you." Stella glared at her father and brothers.
"Dear, we're just trying to keep you safe." Marcus said.
"Bullcrap, you just don't wanna accept that I want my own life that doesn't involve you or the shop." Stella retorted.
After a while, Darius came with the rolling tray holding the food and gave each person the food they ordered. He once again asked for what everyone wanted to drink and retrieved it once he was given the answers. The table was silent for a while as everyone ate their food and consumed their drinks.
"This soup is perfect, Darius." Shelia said as she looked at the silver-eyed heir, "Tell me, did you make this yourself?" She asked.
"Yes, ma'am. I got my grandmother's recipe book and I thought it would be good to see if I had the Beneviento Touch when it came to food." Darius said.
"I have to say you do, dear. This is very delicious." Shelia said.
"Yeah, it's good enough." Marcus said as he wiped his mouth with the napkin, giving Darius hope...until he said, "Good enough to be a cook but not my daughter's boyfriend." He threw the napkin down on the empty plate.
"Yeah, and this booze tastes expensive as hell. Just where the fuck did you get this?" Strider asked.
"As I've said before, my aunt owns a wine business and she gives me bottles from time to time." Darius said.
"Just who is your aunt?" Max asked.
"Lady Alcina Dimitrescu." Darius answered, making everyone look at him wide-eyed.
"That big bitch is your aunt? I guess Lord Heisenberg is your uncle and Mother Miranda is your Grandmother?" Marcus said.
"You would be right but don't call my aunt a bitch, please, it's not polite." Darius said as he tried to keep himself calm.
"Must be nice, being related to the 4 Lords - all the money you could want and get anything without having to work hard for it." Max snarled at him.
"I'm not a spoiled rich kid and none of their money is my own, I don't go around with my hand out and ask my mother, aunt, uncles, or grandmother for anything. If I want something, I work for it and I won't do anything dishonorable; that's not who I am." Darius said.
"What do you do for a job, kid? How do you get your money?" Marcus asked.
"I do freelance work around the village, if people need something do that others don't want to do, I take care of it. When no one asks, I do runs for the Duke and he gives me 45% of whatever he makes at the end of the day." Darius answered without fail.
"What do you even like my sister? We don't have money and we have an antique and book shop." Max said.
"Stella is an amazing person, she's nice to talk to and she always has something wise to say. She listens to me and doesn't hound for my money like every other girl in this village does. She has a calm aura that draws me to her and it makes me happy just being around her; I don't even need to talk, just hearing her voice is enough." Darius said - Stella blushing behind her hand.
"Tell me something - you have the village lords and the high priestess as your family, what's that like?" Strider asked.
"I love my family, more than anything in this world; but there are even things your family can't give you. I want to fall in love and maybe have a family of my own, not now but somewhere in the future." Darius explained. There was a moment of silence before Marcus spoke again.
"Where is your father?" He asked.
Darius looked confused.
Donna looked horrified.
"Excuse me?" Darius asked.
"You heard me. Where is your father? Does he work aboard? Did he and your mother divorce, is that why he's not here? Was he an abusive piece of crap?" Marcus asked with force.
"I...I...I don't know." Darius whispered.
"What the hell you mean you don't know? How don't you know about your own father?!" Max yelled.
"Max, stop!" Shelia warned him.
"Are you just like him? Is that why you don't wanna tell us about him?!" Strider yelled in his brother's place.
"Strider!" Stella yelled to him.
"Why aren't you saying anything, kid?! Tell me about your father!" Marcus demanded.
"I...I can't tell you. I don't know anything about him." Darius stuttered.
"And why don't you?!" Marcus yelled. Donna had enough.
"He doesn't know his father because his father died when he was young! My son has been sick most of his life and came out of it a few years ago!" Donna yelled at the man.
"He never knew this father?! What makes this punk think he's worthy of my daughter when he ever had any parental guidance in his life?!" Marcus yelled at Donna.
"My son doesn't need parental guidance! I've been there for him since the day he was born and he came out fine!" She yelled back.
"Like hell he did! How can he call himself a man when he never had a male role model?! Your son is fucked up and I won't let him taint my daughter!" Marcus yelled.
"What makes you think that little homewrecker is good enough for my son! He is of noble blood and she would water down his gene pool!" Donna yelled.
"ENOUGH!!!" Darius and Stella yelled as they stood to their feet, their hands balled and shaking at their sides.
"We tried so hard to get you all to see that it doesn't matter what you think about us. Darius and I love each other and we care for what each other has to go through but if this is how you're going to act...we're breaking up..." Everyone smiled until "With all of you."
"What?" Marcus said.
"What do you mean 'break up with us'?" Max said.
"If you all can't get along and at least be tolerant of each other - Stella and I won't be a part of these toxic families anymore." Darius said as he took the Beneviento Brooch from his chest and Stella removed her family ring, both of them placed the objects on the table.
"What...Darling, you can't be serious..." Shelia began.
"Yeah, where will you even go?" Max asked.
"Darius built us a house away from here - where the 4 Lords territories meet but don't touch so the Lords have no say over us." Stella said as she walked over to Darius, who placed his hand around her waist and pulled her close.
"Until you all can at least get along on a proper level, don't excuse us to be the heirs of the Beneviento or Silverstreams. We're leaving and we won't be coming back for clothes, we went shopping for them last time." Darius said as he and Stella began walking to the door. Marcus shot up from his seat and tried to grab his daughter but Darius gave him a sharp uppercut and sent him to the ground. Donna and Angie followed behind them, begging, crying, for him to stay but their words were hollow as Darius and Stella left the house and mounted Darius's Horse, riding into the darkness.
Donna's heart felt colder than the Romanian Winter as she looked at the brooch in her hand...Her son had left her and she didn't know what to do.
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spookyvalentine · 3 years
If you're still taking the OC asks, how about Joy 1-5 for Stellan?
J: Joy
1. what makes them happy?
remembering their family. a really good game of chess or kepesh-yakshi. a home-cooked meal of any kind (so many people just send them home with casseroles and cakes and thermoses full of soup, and they're grateful, but not sure why people keep giving them stuff (shiala knows why, its their cute pink ears). a spectacular sunset.
2. who makes them happy?
their friends that have become family.
and shiala, of course. should go without saying. stellan is incandescently happy when they're with her
3. are there any songs that bring them joy?
i like to think that on the commune everyone would come together for harvests and would play music and dance together. so that sort of thing is their favorite.
but they also like fun music that they bop around to when no ones looking, but shiala can see them through the kitchen window while she's painting out in the garden. here's a mini playlist you didnt ask for!
even the nights are better, air supply
pamela, toto
sussudio, phil collins
walk away from love, yazoo
jump (for my love), pointer sisters
dim all the lights, donna summers
4. are they happy often?
more often than mercy, i'd say. everyone on the normandy knows when stellan's been talking to shiala because they're practically glowing. but like mercy, they're only consistently happy when the war is over.
5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
getting to rebuild the colony at shiala's side. building their forever home. going to sleep at night in shiala's arms and waking up to her in the morning and watching the sunrise shift golden over her skin :,)
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collidingxworlds · 4 years
Muse: Dean
Tumblr media
Name: Dean Winchester Alias: Michael’s Sword, Righteous Man, Soldier of Heaven  Gender: Male Age: 40-45 / verse dependant Species: Human Zodiac: aquarius / aries / cancer / capricorn / gemini / leo / libra / pisces / sagittarius / scorpio / taurus / virgo / unknown Abilities/Talents: highly trained hunter skills, hand-to-hand combat, marksmanship (various firearms), swordsman (knives and short blades), good strategist, survival expert, high pain tolerance, good cook
Alignment: lawful / neutral / chaotic / good / neutral / evil / true Religion: Agnostic. Dean is aware that Hell, Heaven and God exist, but he only cares about them when they interfere with his or his loved ones’ life Sins: envy / greed / gluttony / lust / pride / sloth / wrath Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience Languages: English, some Latin and Enochian (for spells and ritual. He knows a loose translation, but wouldn’t be able to speak them) Family: Sam Winchester (younger brother, alive), Adam Milligan (half brother, alive), John Winchester (father, deceased / verse dependant), Mary Campbell Winchester (mother, deceased / verse dependant) Friends: Castiel (best friend), Bobby Singer (father figure), Charlie Bradbury, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Claire Novak, Patience Turner, Alex Jones, Benny Lafitte, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Jo and Ellen Harvelle. Others (verse dependant). Sexual Orientation: heterosexual / (closeted) bisexual / pansexual / homosexual / demisexual / asexual / unsure / other Relationship status: single / dating (verse dependant) / married / widowed / open relationship / other Libido: sex god / very high / high / average / low / very low / non-existent /
Build: twig / bony / slender / average / athletic / curvy / chubby / obese Hair: white / blonde / brunette / red / black / other Eyes: brown / blue / green / black / other Skin: pale / fair / olive / light brown / brown / very brown / other Height: under 3 foot / 3-4 foot / 4-5 foot / 5-6 foot  / 6-7 foot (6′ 1′’) / above 7 foot Weight: under 100 pounds /100-150 pounds/ 150-200 pounds / 200-250 pounds / above 250 pounds Scars: Several he has accumulated over the years, from various hunt / fights. Hand-shaped burn scar on his left shoulder. Facial Features: Dean’s feature are smooth, even when he has a bit of stubble, and he has the kind of face that’s conventionally considered “handsome”. Both his expression and his eyes can be very expressive, especially when he’s filled with strong emotions (mostly anger or grief) Tattoos: Anti-possession on the upper left side of chest.
Dogs or Cats? Birds or Hamsters? Snakes or Spiders? None Red or Blue? Yellow or Green? Black or White? Coffee or Tea? Ice Cream or Cake? PIE Fruits or Vegetables? Sandwich or Soup? Magic or Melee? Sword or Bow? Summer or Winter? Spring or Autumn? The Past or The Future?
tagged by: @paradiseturnedhell tagging: @entangledmuses (Jo) @defectivesoldier @wingsxcrossroads​ (whoever you have more muse for!)  & whoever wants to steal it ! (tag me if you do :3)
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