#donna: hey remember the time we maybe met the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse and then never saw them again i'm not making that up right
covertblizzard · 5 months
Anyway, the issue where the Teen Titans meet the four horsemen of the apocalypse might be the strangest thing I've ever read like, first they crash their bus, and then they run across this little shack with a blacksmith, right?
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And this dude is all, I've got some horseshoes to fix but I'll fix your bus later. And he has like the funkiest looking horses ever or something but sure, they agree.
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Then plot happens and they end up in this fictional country and when Wally tries to prevent a slaughter from happening, the first horsemen, War, knocks him out. And this is only very subtly references with Robin saying "War is stupid!"
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Then after that, they try to get (read: steal) some food for some rebels who are being starved, but Famine, the second horsemen, burns away all the food. Lilith (of course) makes the connection and announcement that what they were seeing/meeting, but Robin doesn't buy it (which incidentally is hilarious because Robin was one of the quickest to believe Lilith when she said she was Juliet's reincarnation).
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Anyway, so they meet and fail to stop the third horsemen, plague.
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And finally, faced with death, they actually finally succeed! They rescue some refugees and beat death!! (Also giving us the hilarious panel with Robin saying "Get the child, Flasher!" which wasn't funny then but is kind of funny now with our use of the term flasher T.T)
Whether or not they do beat death does end up being kind of debatable because death then kills their friend, but these two specifically do not die.
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And finally, when they get back to the blacksmith guy, he fixed their bus, and claims he hasn't done blacksmithing in 30 years and the forge has not been lit since then, BUT Wally does fine a hot ember in the fireplace so... WHAT? (Also, Wally zooming around secretly to check on stuff and/or change stuff happening since forever lmao)
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Anyway, I don't really know where I'm going with this, it's just SUCH a strange story but also I recall someone mentioning the Sins of Youth lowkey making the Titans immortal and I'm just thinking about how this story could conceivably be made to tie in to that since they successfully evaded Death at the very least which is fun to think about so do with that what you will!
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