#dont misunderstand oh nono no
nikkashidashipper · 10 months
you know that one post saying "you ever meet a man and its so obvious nobodys ever told him to shut the fuck up" and. yeah. been coming across these men and women and etcetera lately. and my god
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oh nono i wholeheartedly agree with you actually, like i said honkai story can be overglorified and the overglorification of literature can have horrible impact to its reader and others who feel like the story can be too heavy. it can also bait others if you dont have proper understanding of the lore, you can end up getting into it and well, feel empty. Honkai has triggering theme, you can love it but you can also set aside the themes that are too heavy and overglorified, like you have to admit the start of honkai is very messy and confusing, this can lead a lot of people astray so i defo wont recommend others to read honkai if they cant handle the topic or dont have enough time to read the full lore, cause without getting its theme and getting to the end you can take it as a very heavy story. its very context dependant and heavy on its triggering theme to amplify the end. which is why i sent the ask to you anonymously, it was more to me screaming to the void on my personal take and i never expected it to be replied, and it was also twisted to be seen in the perspective of elly headspace and eden romantical art philosophy, a deepdive to what they think about their story and end. they are very very mentally stable for people who lived in the end of the world and has personal struggle, they look at the world through rose colored lenses, partially as a way of acceptance. so i would never ever recommend people to read this take if they are in a bad headspace, or cant handle heavy and triggering topics. elysia eden rose colored view of their heavy story can be triggering to many and it also cant be overglorified too much, you dont have to honor someone else take on literature you like if its too heavy, you should always stop, your headspace and mental health is the utmost priority. personally I've been through many things which i wouldn't elaborate on since it can be TW heavy, but ive found people who loved, understood and accepted me, ive healed through them and im eternally grateful to them, which is why i could look at its theme and accept it as it is. i am very privileged in this way since not a lot can find this opportunity, fuhua character writting is especially moving to me because of this.
really sorry for the misunderstanding, sincerely much love from anon <333
hey hey anon— first you’re absolutely right about their rose colored glasses over the situation— but most importantly, I assure you the way I replied was healthy for me. You don’t have to worry or teach me about what I should or shouldn’t drop, I’m not a child and I’m decent at managing these topic in regards to what they do to me, the way I ended up answering you was the way that worked with my mental health.
I also answer all my good faith asks, if I haven’t replied to yours yet they’re in drafts (or didn’t get sent but I wouldn’t be aware of that). I’m okay! If I’d forced myself to engage in the way you intended I would’ve been hurt, so I didn’t do that, that’s all.
I think it’s important to acknowledge that different people have different needs when it comes to stories. I do love heavy topics, I don’t shy away from tragedy, zero problem with all the messed up stuff in this game’s lore, I just have this specific little broken thing in my brain that makes it so I can’t appreciate certain approaches, even if they’re in character.
Every human you’ll ever meet has been through some degree of bull and probably has a few little broken bits too, that’s just how life is.
That said I would not call Eden mentally stable?? She’s a chronic alcoholic who probably has ptsd and she was suicidal from months to years before her death. Like that is not what mentally stable is. Her circumstances are understandable but the way she acted was absolutely not “stable”.
Elysia is debatable, she’s got a pretty good handle on herself but she’s also prone to putting up a happy front to mask her grief and not expressing her negative emotions. This isn’t healthy at all, for all that she remains positive, acknowledgment of negative emotions is vital to remaining a healthy individual, you’ll run yourself ragged forcing happiness all the time. In ch31 when she tells Eden Dr.MEI is probably right and she’s most likely a Herrscher, she chokes up and almost cries before forcing it down with determination and her happy front. Like. That’s not healthy behavior. I need to wrap her in a blanket and let her cry her heart out
Basically I hate the message of “don’t be sad that we part” because it IS sad. Not acknowledging this means you’ll just repress your sadness and that’s just not healthy. It’s okay to be sad. It’s healthy to be sad. Sadness exists to help your brain process loss and grief. Unexpressed, they simply fester and cause you pain… so this is a PSA to let yourself feel sad and cry, you’ll feel better afterwards.
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pinkwitchcult · 7 years
Oh no! I didn't mean a real cult, haha. Of course not (the idea of a real cult actually creeps me out quite a bit)! Sorry if there was a misunderstanding!
HAHAa nono dont worry! I knew you meant more of a community. I just wanted to clarify incase people take it too literally 
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