#dont try and write it off because thats dumb as shit
ronanceisintheair · 2 years
Me and Nancy had to sit through the little nuggets speech so now st*ve should have to sit through Nancy's speech of why he left her during her darkest time. Why he ignored her trauma. Why he thinks it's okay to tell her this when she's with Jonathan.
Robin should be there. And Nancy should look at Robin, the most painful tears and disgust in her eyes "do you even know why we broke up. Did he tell you?"
Enough time has not gone by for the writers to act like this girl isn't still crying regularly over losing her best friend. (And yall know she still blames herself😭)
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dollcherray · 2 months
Can we have some yandere Edward x Reader please???
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୨୧ SERIOUSLY !? ✮⋆˙
A/N: alright, gonna give yall freedom now and ill be more flexible when writing for yanderes, but please none of the things i mentioned in the last yandere limits post. (this one) (tw warning)
Type: Headcanons, romantic, fluff
TW: Bullying mentions, yandere topics, basically Edward forces friendship with you near the end? ig thats how we call it? obsession, delusion, he has toxic jealousy.
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୨୧ Edward would be a very chaotic yandere, to the point of simply jumping on you or picking you up randomnly, mostly making you get scared and/or screech almost everytime he does that, it really pisses you off, but he doesnt mind.
୨୧ Edward would be a very two faced yandere too, while hes treating you like royalty when you are with him, hes being his normal asshole behavior with others, throwing paper balls at them and etc, typical Edward behavior.
୨୧ I think you two would get acquainted only in two ways: either with you just being as chaotic and eletric as Edward or it was love at first sight, either way, he is really going to be obsessed with you.
୨୧ Edward is possessive, delusional, chaotic, clingy and obsessive, to an very unhealthy extent, like, if someone else mention you in a casual conversation with him, he would not stop talking about you and how perfect you are, how your smile is just- glamorous and stupidly perfect!
୨୧ He would not let the trio bully you, if they dare to make fun of you or tease a little bit, this boy would get into a fight with them for you, his love for you can easily make him act in a way really unexpected from him.
୨୧ God have mercy on the soul that has a crush on you or a crush that you have that is showing signs of reciprocal love for you, because if he finds out, they are fucked, Edward would straight up bully them, and its going to be alot, He'll say lines like, "Do you really think you're good enough for them? or even worthy of their love? you actually think they'll ever love you? be for real."
୨୧ Edward would be similar to Miss Bloomie is some areas, like clinging to you almost all the time or following you like a lost puppy, you'll have to genuinely have to ask him to stop or else he will follow you to the bathroom too.
୨୧ If you actually try to leave him, he would be asking alot of questions and demanding full explanations and wouldnt leave you alone until you give him an explanation of why your doing this, he thought you liked him!
୨୧ i think Edward would be straight off be keeping you with him, he would basically just ignore that you were trying to leave him and act like nothing happened, that you were just being a silly willy.
୨୧ He's lowkey obsessed and lovesick for you, he would be the type to do dumb things or try to do incredible things to impress you or have your attention, he would be a very silly goof yandere.
୨୧ But dont get fooled, this boy would go out of his way to hurt mentally or physically if someone tries to take you away from him, he wont let that happen, not on his watch.
୨୧ His jealousy is very toxic, he would be glaring daggers into the person and straight up talk shit about them to you, he would either act delusional if you question his speeches and actions towards the person or get mad that your "defending" them.
୨୧ He cant stand whenever you interact so intimately with another person, like hugging them or just playing around with them, it should be him not them, they dont deserve it, they dont deserve you.
୨୧ "Cmon babe, you didnt really mean to leave me! i just know that!"
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hearts401 · 6 months
I honestly hate how the fandom treats Michael as a hero and I'm seeing posts about it so I feel a liiiittle better talkign about it
my moots are holding back, i can tell. but hes my favorite so im not. and im a little pissed writing this bc. bc i relate to cc a lot. and seeing ppl mischaracterize not only my favorite character but also someone who reminds me of people who fucking suck drives me INSANE.
so psa, im pissed as fuck and i love michael afton.
First off, he killed Evan. That's obvious. Not only was that literall 100% his fault (NOT WILLIAMS IT PISSES ME OFF WHEN PPL MAKE THAT ALL ABOUT WILLIAM SHUT THE FUVCK UP
he was a bully. yeah he was a kid. yeah he was messing with him. Have you considered he was literally. abusive to his brother. i know the fnaf fandom is scared of using that word to describe him but its fucking true. he was abusive. as fuck. that was awful what he did he wasnt just a bully he harassed him and literally locked him in his room. he was fucking horrible.
and yeah, he didnt mean for that to happen, but not only was that stupid as fuck, i hate any interpritation of "he wanted to be like his dad" "his friends coerced him" PLAY FNAF 4. PLAY FNAF 4. FUCKING PLAY FNAF 4 LOOK AT HIS DIALOGUE AND WHAT HE DOES
im trying to be normal
Yeah he probably felt like shit after. yeah it probably was some sort of motivator behind his actions. but lets think. lets think.
fnaf 1 and 2 take place before SL, no? So. if thats true. why didnt he burn those down? to "free the souls?" because it was never about the children.
he burned down the fnaf 3 location to get rid of william. it was ALWAYS abotu william. sure he set the kids free but i reeeeaaallyy dont think that was his intention. it was always about william.
in sister location, did he go there out of the kindness of his heart? no he went there because william asked him too. it was ALWAYS about william. and yeah he probably wanted to help liz, he probably really wanted to help her, but based on his actions, was this really for her? or was it for closure
thats something about michael that i put in shitty brother. closure. he didnt actually want to reconcile with his family, he wanted closure on the guilt he felt. is that 100% wrong? no. its normal to want closure, especially after something like that. but also that should not be his goal
did he apologize? yes. he said sorry. he felt bad, sure. but when you kill someone tehy dont come back. evan deserves to never forgive him ever because that was dumb as fuck and HORRIBLE. IT WAS HORRIBLE. ABUSIVE. ILL SAY IT AGAIN
yeah. abused. say it with me. A-B-U-S-E-D
not just bullied, not just harassed, ABUSED.
ik we're all scared to say it here but its fucking true. say it with ur chest.
this always came back to william. do i thinkk michael is unfeeling and doesnt care about his siblings at all? NO! I think his siblings drove a lot of his actions. but in the end i dont think he always acted with their best interest at heart. or the mci kids'
and the whole "he wanted to be like his dad" i dont fucking care actually. no seriously sit down beside me and tell me that wanting to be like his dad is an excuse for abusing his brother. seriously come closer i wont bite.
tell me how you think that AS A TEENAGER, 100% AWARE OF HIS ACTIONS, that wanting to be like his dad justifies abusing his little brother. his little brother. who as far as we know, never lashed out, never fought back, never did anything to him. tell me how he fucking deserved that
"Michael was just a kid!" so was Evan. So was Elizabeth. So was Cassidy and Charlie and all the kids who died.
tell me how much michael did that didnt revolve around closure and his father. like i get it, he had priorities, but can we please stop acting like he's some angel working for the greater good of everyone.
it feelslike how ppl treat fucking henry. NO HES NOT A GOOD PERSON PLEASE
oh and also in case anybody wants to pull dittophobia out and tell me how mike went thru that trauma
so did evan. and instead of bonding over that trauma, michael harassed him. ABUSED HIM. wording is important. im sorry for repeating myself so much, but nobody ever tells it how it is. it was abuse.
edit: People seem upset by my wording and honestly? fair. i couldve worded this a lot better but i was tired and irritated and one thing i will clarify
i dont care if u dont see adult michael the way i do. i see him as a selfish obsessive guy whos intent is to fix his family, but plenty of people see it differently and thats okay! /gen
but im not taking back anythign i said about teen michael. because i think to do that is unfair to his character and frankly bullshit. i think its bullshit. and i dont care if you disagree. he was a terrible brother and thats that
but adult mike is free real estate idk idrc abt him as much as teen mike.
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kennahjune · 6 months
Hello Hi Yes
I’ve only seen this done once before but I seriously wanna put my own twist on it.
Steve, Tommy, Eddie and Billy who all get stuck in the school post s3 pre s4 after being cornered by a demogorgan and not having anywhere else to go.
But like— the twist; there’s no Billy (he’s dead, sorry) and it’s Corroded Coffin instead. Yes Tommy’s still there because I crave Stommy friendship.
So they’re all caught up at the high school after school for one thing or another, and they all end up meeting in front of the front office while trying to leave but then Tommy and Eddie get into an argument over something dumb and then a demogorgan hits and Steve’s like in charge and shit idk.
And there’s another part I really wanna write where Tommy is panicking really bad to the point of a full blown panic attack and Steve is like “I’ve got this” and calms him down as easy as spelling his name.
And another part where Steve gets a really bad cut or smth on his leg and Eddie and Tommy have to physically hold his ass down to get him to cooperate.
There’s much gay tension, obviously.
And Eddie and Tommy bickering. Lots of that.
And then there’s this one part where Steve finally gets his walkie to work (cause it wasn’t before for some reason) and he calls role call and Eddie and CC are like “HENDERSON? WHEELER?? SINCLAIR???”
Idk man, I just need Stommy redemption, Eddie and Tommy bickering, and Steddie getting together under fucked up circumstances. Also CC interacting with Tommy and Steve in a positive light is such a funny thought to me idk why.
But yeah that’s it. Might write it, might not. Idk yet but it’s def out there now.
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corvidae-00 · 5 months
Tsudere /sub touch starved Jax in heat that pretends to hate the reader but does things to secretly be with them x a fem happy but smart Uzadere that loves being in the circus.She loves adventures,animals,cute things,fighting,food ect! lots of energy too but can be pretty insensitive and a little selfish with a little crush on jax. I feel like at first jax would completely reject liking her then he would be extra mean,then Maybe subconsciously know he likes her amd hates the feeling lol. cus he copes by trying to not have feelings and tries to act "tough". its pretty obvious that the reader is in love with him but his dumb ass cant catch on . She gives lots of compliments which makes him flustered and mad ( he is mad bc he thinks nobody likes him that much, he is mean to her to make her go away but it doesn't work ) but he pretends not to care. the reader would definitely confesses first tho. Sorry for such a long request its just that not many people write jax in this sorta way so i had to be detailed lol. also if you don't wanna use female pronouns you can make it non gender ofc 😅tysm for even reading such a long thing! and you don't have to do this at all lr you can switch it up. Anything is VERY appreciated tho😊 also i feel like max would be a massive virgin due to how annoying he is...he definitely a horny bitchless rabbit-
AHHHH! MY FIRST ASK ;0; Thank you!!! And i personally LOvE Jax- like its an issue 0-0 but im so happy to write for him first! your request is amazing and i truly love it! i hope i did it justice!!! i hope you dont mind HCs! if you did want a story just hit me back up in the answer box and ill write a lil something for ya! ;)
MDNI BELOW THE CUT+ Warnings: Smutty smut themes, bottom Jax <3- Cussing, swearing, the norm
The Reader definitely brought light to the Circus, when she first appeared she was the TALK OF THE TENT, everyone was happy to finally have someone around to liven up the place- > besides jax- the little shit made it his sole duty to make sure Reader was the punchline of his jokes or somehow always "in his way" and the Reader often got the butt of the assult. > Jax being Jax when the feelings for reader started to arise- he got scared- a little worried- upset even. More at himself than you but still pretty pissy- this just made the tourment wose oh lord- > Reader found this fun, more ways to annoy and poke and proad at Jax, finding his constant target on the Reader absolutely hilarious > Reader always calling the oblivious rabbit pet names!!! *Toots, Fluff butt, Shnookums (Only because it pissed Jax off and everyone would laugh), babes, Etc Etc, > Jax STILL oblivious to the reader ;0; taking it as her teasing him and pushing him and oh no we cant have that!!!! Jax haaates it. Secretly likes it HATES IT- >Despite the tension between the two Jax would often threaten Caine or sneak the other circus members things of value to be around reader. not knowing why- HE IS MADLY IN LOOOVE he wanted to be around Reader!! SMUT >Jax in heat is something i dont think even he saw coming- like they are digital code- BUT DAMN- > Stuck in his room alone humping a pillow and pulling his ears over his face embarrassed beyond belief at his own actions > Reader was coming to annoy Jax concerned why she didnt see him at breakfast (His favorite meal of the day may i add- >Knocking on his door reader had a shit eating grin "Sleeping in pookie?" She calls through the door only a groan and a loud huff was the response she got >Thats rude. Reader thinks and just assuming he is having one of his man period days- Reader enters his room- and boy is the sight she sees amazing- Jax face down and ass up with a pillow under his hips, face flushed a deep purple and his overalls down to his waist- > Reader and Jax are just staring at eachother with wide eyes >"G-GET OUT!!" "Nah i dont think i will" >Lets just say reader helps the little bunny get the relief he was so looking for- >They dont argue as much anymore-
----------------------------------------------------- THANK YOU FOR READING!!! I hope you enjoyed your request and it was too your liking! im still getting back into writing so its a slow process!! let me know what you think!!! thank you so much!!! <3333
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yourbpdgf · 2 years
The pillars reactions to their traine thats super physicaly strong (like raw strength)
Their in a spar match and they just pick them up and bitch slam them on the floor straight on their back 😭
hii, i only write for 4 of the pillars, (mitsuri, obanai, sanemi and muichirou) so if they arent the specific onws you wanted im sorry abt that. here you go though 🤲🏼.
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obanai, mitsuri, muichiro and sanemi with a vv physically strong trainee!
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• uhm excuse me... what the hell???? 🤠
• hes so confused
• if you could body slam the shit out of him why are you trying to train under him???
• like for all that you can rip the demons head off with with your hands! you dont need to learn how to wield a sword from him 😭.
• when oyakata first brought you to obanai to be his trainee he genuinely thought you were weak too ☠️.
• mans was like, "ha look at this dumbass they dont even know how to wield a sword 🥱"
• and you probably heard him bc that body slam seemed so personal-
• hes sorry just dont do that again, hell teach you serpent breath and everything :,).
• omgomg OMGGGG
• shes always wanted a trainee! shes so exciteddd
• she almost forgot she had to spar with you to test your current skill. she just wanted to get straight into teaching you breath of love or helping you make your own breathing technique!
• but obanai reminded her and here we are now.
• shes still excited though! she even emphasized not to go easy on her, so you sadly had to body slam the nicest woman alive.
• but shes not mad, shes actually so impressed.
• shes extremely physically strong too you know! shed probably challenge you to a sparring match without weapons, who knows who will win! probably not you.
• anyway she thinks youre extremely cool and shes excited to see how strong youll be with a sword!
• see he was supposed to start your training like... last week? he doesnt know, he forgot.
• another thing he forgot, like mitsuri, was that he had to spar with you. unlike her though he didnt forget because he was excited he just deadass forgot.
• once yall were starting and he saw you didnt have a sword he immediately got defensive.
• hes forgetful not dumb, oyakata would not make him train you if you werent strong. so that means if you cant use a sword your probably as strong as the fuckin hulk.
• so since hes prepared, you probably wont be able to get to body slam him, but for the sake of this hc lets say you do.
• hes more annoyed than anything ☠️.
• hes like, "wtf that was mad uncalled for. now my back hurts. i cant even watch the clouds now because it hurts for me to lay down bc of you, dickhead."
• i hc sassy muichirou
• hell forgive you eventually probably.
• i love sanemi i promise not more than muichiro 🙄 but he would be the biggest dh ever.
• hed def be like "now why the actual fuck would i train a dumbass that doesnt even know how to use a sword??? you have to be really fucking talentless to-"
• he got bodyslammed before he could finish.
• contrary to probably what everyone would think, he smiles.
• he probablys like, "okay maybe i was being a douche, you might have a little potential."
• thats the best your gonna get from him so take it.
• in the end you got some respect from sanemi shinazugawa himself, be proud.
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strawbs-screaming · 3 months
my dumbass punch out pizza place au
dont take this too seriously this is very dumb for the sake of being dumb, this prob sucks but it was fun to write
(Not-So) Brief Summary
Pizza Pasta & Mad Clown run a pizza place together, they peacefully work together until a dispute ends up in them giving up on the place and selling it, before they do, they fire literally everyone who works there and both of them part ways.
The place gets bought by Mr Dream, he proceeds to re-furnish the place, he looks for new employees and comes across glass joe and hits him up for a interview, joe gets hired instantly within the first 10 minutes of the interview, he's absolutely shocked but works anyway because he needs the job.
Joe works for a while until the work gets too much for only one person to handle, so Mr Dream hires someone else to help him: Mr Sandman, so the two hit it off well & work together, the place gets pretty popular and both of them get overwhelmed with work, Joe reaches out to Mr Dream and asks for him to get more employees, Mr Dream accepts and requests for Joe to interview people & put up some signs, just advertise in general.
Piston Hondo notices the advertisements and decides to go for a interview, he also gets hired instantly because trying to operate a pizza place with 2 people and 1 manager is absolutely horrid because the more the merrier for Mr Dream. All of them go through the same loop of working on the weekdays until Aran crashes his car directly into the kitchen, Mr Dream is NOT having it so he sues him, Aran Ryan cannot afford a proper lawyer and struggles to pay for the damages so Mr Dream and him come to an agreement: Aran will work to pay off the damage he did & work to get himself a new car since his old one is wrecked, Aran agrees to work and they're back to normal again. (minus the huge hole in the wall where Aran's car hit.)
That is, until some faithful day where a very,very angry customer thats gotten pissed off thanks to a very wrong delivery that caused in a allergy mishap and hospitalization comes to kick Aran's ass, said angry customer being Bald Bull himself, they throw hands and Aran gets his ass handed to him by Bull, Mr Dream gets pissed off about one of his only employees being completely unable to work, so Mr Dream sues him and Bull is not willing to accept it so he tells Mr Dream to come meet & fight him, Mr Dream accepts under one condition: If he loses, he works for Mr Dream, they agree to fight and Joe, Sandman and Hondo come watch the fight, dragging Aran along to watch & record, Bald Bull gets his shit wrecked and has to work for Mr Dream because a promise is a promise.
Everything is still somehow normal (If we ignore the fact that Mr Dream has sued 2 different people and theres still a huge hole in the wall Aran's car hit.)
One day, Mr Dream strolls into the place and everyone is absolutely baffled because he had been gone for 6 months, he comes in with Super Macho Man, saying that he's the new manager and that he doesn't have enough time to manage the place & his own life at the same time, of course, everyone is shocked, but still accepts it nonetheless.
Macho Man has a decent chunk of money so he buys the place, leaving Mr Dream to do his own thing, Macho gets the wall fixed and refreshes the place a little, making the place bigger, adding new recipes and getting new stuff.
Theres a new horde of customers thanks to the new improvements, so much so that everyone has been getting burned out again, one specific employee gets so angry and tired that he just quits on the spot one day, said employee being Glass Joe, everyone pretty much begs for him to not quit since hes one of the only proper cooks there.
Everyone tells Macho that joe quit, Macho does not care one bit and so he hires Soda Popinski to replace him, plus Soda had been already on good terms with Macho so he was kind of rigging the game.
Joe eventually comes back since the bills aren't gonna pay themselves and Soda decides to stay to help everyone just in case it happens again.
Hondo starts to feel unappreciated, he complains to Macho about it and Macho just assumes hes planning to quit so he searches out for another employee to help him, he just so happens to stumble upon someone looking to save up more money to get a gift for their lover you probably guessed who it is, its Don Flamenco.
Don starts to work to get Carmen a nice gift for their anniversary, he originally planned to do it behind Carmen's back but got caught since Carmen went snooping around since she was curious where he was going, once she found out she thought it was funny how he was getting so tense over being found out working at a pizza place.
Everyone keeps working together, its all nice until Joe starts complaining about seeing odd silhouettes near the garbage bins & finding stuff scattered on the floor, he keeps tolerating it until he has enough and throws a entire ass bin at the odd silhouette and ends up wacking a bear on the head,Joe doesn't think much of it except the fact that he saw a bear.
Joe keeps doing his thing until going out to take the trash out again and getting ready to throw a bin again, he full-on gets attacked by a bear, full stop. Fortunately someone steps in and stops joe from getting murdered, said person being bear hugger. (how creative i know)
Joe watches in horror as he watches a man say the words "This isn't like you!" to a literal bear, bear hugger offers to pay for Joe's medical bills, joe is willing to settle for it but Macho refuses, wanting to go to court, Bear hugger doesn't want to bother going to court so he offers to work for him on the spot. Macho accepts. (suprisingly reluctanctly)
While joe tries to recover from the bear attack, Macho notices the morale has been getting low, so he wants to get someone to cheer them up, And he stumbles upon someone he finds interesting he met through Soda Popinski.
He meets Disco Kid and loves his energy, he hires him (with a proper interview this time) and gets along with him pretty well, everyone also liked him a lot.
Macho makes the wonderful connection of "happier = more work = more money" And decides to hire someone to make everyone even happier, Great Tiger! (also with a proper interview, no more impulsive hiring.)
Macho starts to notice that people are getting too focused on chatting & joking around so much that theres nothing getting done, Macho wants to get someone to iron out the team and tighten some screws, he comes across a man looking for employement which fits his vision of someone to straighten everyone out, it doesn't work and Macho is devastated.
Also, King Hippo gets interviewed and promises to help him manage everyone, he suprisingly keeps that promise and the teams all happy now. Yay!!!
Roles (Just In Case The Text Is Too Long)
Glass Joe - Chef/Trash Disposal/Customer Service
Von Kaiser - HR/Clean-Up/Delivery
Disco Kid - Delivery/Trash Disposal
King Hippo - Chef/Clean-Up
Piston Hondo - Chef/Trash Disposal /Clean-Up/Customer Service
Bear Hugger - Customer Service/Delivery/Trash Disposal
Great Tiger - Customer Service/Clean-Up
Don Flamenco - Chef/Trash Disposal
Aran Ryan - Nuisance/Clean-Up/Customer Service
Soda Popinski - Restocking/Customer Service
Bald Bull - Restocking/Clean-Up
Super Macho Man - Manager
Mr Sandman - Chef/Trash Disposal/Customer Service/Delivery
Thanks For Suffering Through My Screeching :3
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eliothedud9000 · 7 months
my silly little episode notes
this was very fun i want to start doing this for every episode
i really liked how family bases this episode was with the closes and stamplers/marlowes
i cant wait until we see the oaks!!
Episode 45
Oooooo intro
Anthony the penne patriot
Pasta ew the eating sounds wtf
The theme song went on longer than usual..? Not complaining but huh 
Will is having a stroke ig
Taylors fact: Taylor may no longer be a ranger but he misses being able to disguise himself as a trash can and being pushed on a stage
2 1/2 months of the senses???
Mr boss kicks fact: linc’s bathroom regimen revealed!? he puts all his clothes in the laundry and puts on a new pair of clothes every time he goes to the bathroom. ALSO HE DOESNT DO HIS OWN LAUNDRY??
Normal fact abt normal: normal is the FOUNDER of the school yearbook club. A book club about the yearbooks at San Demis high. They had an alumni guest last month. Normal was the only one there. His audience is usually just kids who think its the real yearbook club
Scarys fact: she has a favorite planet which is mercury because mercury has the longest day which means it also has the longest night. The longest time to write poetry and focus on regrets and be sad. (Even tho Venus has the longest day)
HERMIE FACT OMFG: hermie didn’t have a childhood and he was conjured as a freshman with memories of being alive as a child. Not real memories tho. Scam thought it was the funniest part of someone’s life
scam tf??
poor hermie he doesn't even know :(
recap: They need to fill the magic jar with daddy magic to send the doodler back to his own dimension
Terry is the one who shot nicks arm off and glenn is mad (for a good reason tho-)
Scary is freaked out poor scary
But Terry you messed up buddy
Oh shit is Terry going to die forever
Oh shit Terry don’t cry you don’t deserve this- 
Damn these imps are wild-
Normal you have been exposed…….. release your emotions!!!
Well normal since you’re crying you should put it in the jar-
Scary and Terry omg. Reunion. Reunion. Asdfghgfdgfs
She’s saying it was just a phase oh shit??!?!!!!!!!
You don’t deserve this
You dumb suicidal idiot
Terry takes the jar omg
No he’s crying :(
In a field?
nick has been avoiding them, and they’re trying to be friends again ok
Nick walked out of the brush and into the cleaning
And Ron is…. Talking about his hair…..
Ron you’re going to beef it.
They want to take the people here into hell… thats why he’s upset
Ron wow you are very wise.
I fucking love the stamplers adsfergrtbrgjmt4igjn
“You become the person you choose to be around”
Lark and sparrow and Terry don’t attack him!!!!
Oh shit
Unrelated why did I just get a message from someone asking for a picture of myself????
Honestly Terry that’s what you get
Don’t cut someones fucking arm off
“You lied to me kiddo”
Oh no
“I don’t think you’ve been someone you’d choose to hang around with lately”
The remaining families are the close and oak
Glenn stop fighting 
Terrys fine
“I don’t forgive you for what you did but I get it. I understand” good for you nick
Yes Taylor glenn is the coolest motherfucker
Glenn wasn’t there for Taylors birth…
Damn nick is passive aggressive (its deserved tho)
Glenn are you fucking kidding me-
“You want to cut the umbilical chord dawg?”
Its a chill doctor
Uh oh here comes glenn
And he’s passed out and high as fuck
#1 dad award
“Youre a granddad now-“ “whaaaaaaaatttt”
Aw nick 
That’s so sweet he doesn’t want Taylors first sight of his granddad to be bad
What book is glenn reading?
Jodis been there a bunch of times and glenn hasn’t. What an ass ngl
“Hell yeah bro what a cool kid…” 
The first time glenn has seen himself in the third person
And he sees the reality
You just destroyed nick
Then again obviously he wanted his dad in his life
Too little too late Nicky my man
I just want to hug them all
The closes are fucked up
Taylor did 23 and me and just saw fire and the cops showed up
Uh oh 
Taylor wanted his dad for when he was getting his yellow belt at mall karate
And the parents applauded 
And taylor looked to the crowd
His mom is there
His dad isn’t there
And another kid got a dad hug and got to get ice cream and poor Taylor got to skip a belt but WHAT ABOUT HIS DAD.
And he gets kicked out from karate 
“I think you fucked up in the same way too”
“Where were you nick >:( “ bitch-
Glenn thought that if he kept his distance in hell then he wouldn’t be a bad influence on nick 
“What if we started over?”
Taylor doesn’t know what Disneyland is lol
There is no fixing it
This is the best its going to get
All these families are so fucked
“Dw thats just the gunfire level…”
Ew the government :|
Wait full control of hell-
The background music slaps tho-
Jodi says in morse code: get nick and Taylor out
I like Jodi
Hes a good guy
Oh no
Don’t fire at glenn
“Is glenn immune to bullets?”
NEW KING??????
WHO IS IT GOING TO BE???!?!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?
Hell is locked down and no one is leaving until they have a new leader
And now they are going to fight 
“Only one gets to leave alive”
So overall thoughts…. Good episode. Kinda went by quick tho but could’ve been because I split it up instead just listening to it all in one sitting
After this fight and hell leader thing I feel like will is just gonna drop a bombshell of family angst and problems on us when its time for the oaks to give their daddy magic. 
But Terry and scarys reunion omg 
I was about to cry it was so cute
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florenceisfalling · 11 months
if i spend money on tumblr products its not because i have some fucking moral imperative to tumblr its because 1.) im allowed to buy myself a little treat and encouraging intense scrupulosity over like four bucks is bananas 2.) i would like this site to not fucking die seeing as it is the home of my growth as an artist and individual over the past 4+ years
yes they are owned by a corporation but that corporation would love to trim off any excess that loses them money and currently this site is making very little money
i understand feeling upset that people are spending money on a little png on this website but consider for a fucking second that its not about the damn crabs or whatever
its a bunch of people who are scared they are going to lose their primary online platform - which, if you're going to pull up the stupid morality discourse, fun fact! a lot of disabled people who are bound to their homes or beds really need the social circle they have here - and are grasping at straws to try and help the platform stay in existence
i understand that some of you arent as online but gen fucking srs stop acting like everybody can just step away from the computer and be exactly perfectly fine and cool if this site implodes. think of every piece of artwork, writing, animation, etc. that exists here. this site has contributed more than most things to my relationship with the person im engaged to!!!!!!
and all of you who log on to complain about people giving money to tumblr literally wouldnt have anywhere else to 1. complain 2. post your shit 3. ask for donations if it wasnt for tumblr dot com so!!!
i hate how this site is run i hate the bias in moderation i hate all the dumb fucking updates i am furious constantly too!!! but what are the other options??? "make your own website" and promote it/share it where? "use mastodon" and convince every single friend i have here to do the same?? "why dont you try ____" well you see i have literally tens of thousands of posts&reblogs id have to move over/archive for that. "just go offline" thats not a feasible option for people!!!!!! for real!!!!
edit im not even saying buying stuff is going to make a difference . im saying stop fucking calling it bootlicking when someone wants to not lose a decade of media to a site crashing
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chihirolovebot · 2 years
I emphasize with phys but I feel like in sleep awake the use of first person unintentionally comes off as egocentric, self-centered, self-congratulatory, or self pitying, inexplicably omniscient, and the world revolves around them. While yes I get that's the point because it's a x reader, but it feels like the situations that phys gets in I feel like: Yes, it's logical for them to feel this way, but at the same time it's like: “I felt miserable” reads as self pitying but “they felt miserable” doesn't. Maybe I'm biased because I'm not used to reading first point of view? It's kinda like if another person doesn't tell the story it's like a “oh get over yourself” feeling which doesn't feel right because I find phys relatable at times. Even though it's a Kokichi x reader centric it feels like sometimes feels like it's a phys goes through a terrible time and sometimes kokichi shits on her for it or sometimes has pity for her.
i dont . really know what to say to this ? i guess. i mean first of all it's second person not first but the point still stands i suppose. in any case like. the story is written already dude like its 320k words strong i cant change it . like i get what ur saying and ur not necessarily wrong its just like okay. im just writing a dumb little fanfic for fun and ive stopped asking for constructive criticism or anything like that so i dont . really know what the point of this was. i guess.
i dont understand ur last point exactly ? i like to think that there is a clear progression of ouma's feelings but maybe i didnt communicate it well enough . in the beginning , say pre ch3, ouma likes phys well enough and wants to keep them safe , and appreciates that they try to understand his philosophy. post ch3 his feelings are very complicated considering they've killed someone and he's struggling to conflate that with his own steadfast beliefs that murder is always wrong . he pities them for what they had to do but he also can't help but feel angry and disillusioned at them for it. when ouma is mean or cruel to them it's because he feels personally disappointed in something they've done and is taking it out on them, even if they dont know exactly how they've upset him . because thats the kind of guy ouma is . he's petty and egocentric and occasionally very cruel . he's the central relationship because i wanted to EXPLORE those aspects of his personality . to shy away from them would be disingenuous and a whitewash of his character .
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lordoftablecloths · 10 months
vent post i guess i dont know i just wanted to write stuff down instead of just go ing to bed and crying over it you can just scroll past it
im fine im sane im noramal im so unbleiveably cringe ,, the only person i have irl- fuck, or even online for that matter- to show the dumbass things i write is my silly little dumbass younger brother who doesn;t understand what im trying to get at and i guess its not his fault, i seriously doubt he's spent unhealthy amounts of time making various short scenerios in his head about charcters he came up with and eventually trying to give them a story and write little things about them in google docs because where else am i supposed to put this and its just ,, he doesnt know wht im trying to do and i dont know how to explain it to him because the "history" i gess behind it is so fucking complicated by now that these characters arent even the same characters as they were when i originally created them, other than some physical attributes and their names and he just knows them as the random cringe shit i made up in middle school but so many years have passed by now that these stupid fuckers whose only purpose to serve is to make me stop remembering that i exist and ive gotten too attatched to them because who else was i supposed to get attatched to when i was going through an identity crisis at the time- and, quite frankly, still fucking am- and it was so much easier to pretend i dont exist and just project my flaws and insecurities and underlying subconcsious thoughts into these charactes that no one knows about except me and oh god im just created a long ass vent post on tumblr that no one's going to read and no one understands the story behind fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck whatever ill go ahead and post this unfinished thing because no one's going to get it either way ill probably delete it later if it doesnt get buried under reblogs
dont think too much about this i just got sad because my brother was giving me a bunch of criticism on an outline of a story i was working on- which is fair, i need to take criticism- but he only knows the characters in it as their semi-formed cringe versions so i chickened out half way and now i feel bad because i was really proud of this thing for the whopping span of like one day before i decided to show it to another human person instead of letting it rot away inside of me like i usually do and now i feel bad about my writing skills
im trying so hard to just take his words with a grain of salt because this kid does not have nearly as much experience with writing as i do, but i feel like im copying too many of my inspirations (DnD, generic fantasy story about defeating evil creature, silly tropes, etc,,) which sucks because that was just like the first two pages of the outline and theres nine fucking pages and like the second half of it was what i put the most effort into and i felt like the ideas were really origianl but i could make myself let him naturally get to that part of the outline because i was starting to feel really bad and wieerd and oh god he is looking at ideas i havent ever expressed to another human person even though i am very familaiar with because i came up with them and they havebeen in my head for at least a year or two by now and have been haunting me ever since so instead of skipping ahead to the parts that were really good in my opinion but would have made no sense without context i just told him to piss off i gues s
i dont know. i feel dumb. i feel stupid. ive put so much effort into this stuff and the concept that ive been wasting my time feels like too heavy of a weight to handle. god none of this porbobably nmakes any sense ,,,,,,,,, i guess this is why i feel miserable when the fanart and shitpost memes i post get a comically larger audience and attention than the art relating to my silly goofy ocs, because these stupid fucking characters are all thats keeping me going . call me cringe, but is it still cringe if the concept that maybe i too can be around people that love me and instead of having to like me in spite of my faults love me for them keeps me from fucking killing myself is it still cringe?
if a tree falls in a forest and no one's around, does its fall even make a sound? (shit piss fuck sorry i dont remember the original quote and all i can remember is tha t one line from that one musical i dont remember what it was)
if an autistic moron that cant even talk to a cashier without having a panic attack makes a universe full of fictional characters of his own cfreation then an alternate universe, then several alternate universes, then a spin off from that original universe and etc etc but its all just on google fucking docs and no where else except deleted excerpts from a dead wattpad account, did he ever even create anything at all?
its pointless. its all so fucking pointless. its a waste of time. why do i do this at all. its so fucking pointless. it makes no fucking sense. you cant just make a story with characters in it, then make a fucking fantasy au of that universe with the same characters but with different designs and wildly different personalities and then make a whole fucking complicated lore-filled story about the fantasy au version while the original universe's story is still left mostly unfinished like forget about a first draft of the text i havent even finished the first ddraft of the outline yet buckarooooooo
okay fuck you guys thats all i want to tell you im going to go pretend to myself to try to go to sleep and then cry now
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freebooter4ever · 5 months
If you weren't actually meaning to open a convo on the all star game feel free to ignore this!
But I think it just has a lot to do with how the all star weekend involves a ton of media so even if they enjoy the game/events themselves there's a lot of strings attached. Like all your coworkers are posting vacation photos, and you may have even been on vacation with them, but you had to cut yours short to work. Sure the office is also throwing a party but it just isn't quite the same as having those days off.
lol!!! Well its not really a discussion on my part because i will just never be able to understand the player's perspective, but i find it fascinating to hear explanations of why the players dont like it - partially because i wonder if the league was a little more "hip", if it could be salvaged.
For one thing, for some of us salary challenged people 'vacation' is not really a thing - i always used my time off to go home and visit my grandparents. Though quite honestly i'd rather hang out with grandma for five days doing nothing but puzzles than sit on a beach doing nothing for five days. When i lived and worked on the east coast i spent most of the year missing my grandparents and the pacific northwest and wishing i was there, so naturally it was always the first place i went to when i got a chance. Im weird. And boring. I realize this.
Secondly, when i did work in education there was this yearly conference and pretty soon after i became in charge of the art department we started bringing the whole team to these conferences. It was the highlight of my year - im not even kidding, im that much of a nerd. I thought my team were the greatest people ever - a sort of found family if you will - and getting to be stuck for an entire weekend with them in some of the most boring cities the united states has to offer never failed to entertain. You know how when you're with people you love everything just feels more exciting? Even dumb shit like getting lost on the DC subway because the foodie of your group wants to try a very specific japanese restaurant thats in a far corner of the city on the opposite end of where the hotel is located. Or getting lost in Atlanta because we had to walk all over the old olympi*c grounds just to see some old stadium so the sports fans in our group could take a photo. Actually now that i think about it most of our outings involved getting lost while walking places. Im not even going to go into detail about the more boring cities because im embarrassed to admit that i found even the most mundane events Really Exciting with these guys. I had a blast, this was the highlight of my LIFE, i dont have very many friends or get out much, lol. I miss those days. I see some of the team individually, like when i last visited pittsburgh, but its not the same as being trapped in a random city and having to entertain yourselves during the off hours when you're not giving presentations. These conferences were also the only time i ever experienced Popularity. Being able to sit in a hotel lobby and have people come up to me, because they recognized me (or my team) was a blast. This is the ideal scenario for a shy person who loves talking to people but cant start a conversation to save my life. I did not care that most of these fans were educators over 40, they all had interesting stories and hearing them talk about using our program helped me come up with new things to implement next so it was a win-win. I also shamelessly used this time to do research on the history of our team. The group peaked in the 90s/2000s and it was really easy to get the older members to start talking about those days. i could probably write a book with everything i learned over the years. except not because even education nerds have scandal. the thing i always found is that if a person seems boring its just cause you haven't asked them the right questions yet.
There was one instance of a guy my age who came up to me and turned out to know the sculpting program i used, and was canadian so we had the whole pacific northwest thing in common, so after the con was over for the day the two of us went out on the town alone. And stayed out till like 2am, not doing anything wild (we visitd tourist sites! We bought smoothies!) i believe we ended up hanging out on an empty playground and talking philosophy, but im pretty sure that was the closest i will ever get to having a one night hookup. The hookup part did not happen because i was too shy to invite him back to my hotel room, and he was staying in a buddhist temple because it was the cheapest housing available and he was a broke grad student studying machine learning and art. I still remember that night, that was the Best night, partially because it was so unexpected and a random happenstance meeting of two strangers who would normally never come together.
Aaaaaall that said, i do realize we are talking about hockey players here who i imagine are maybe not the best conversationalists, and maybe would much rather be sleeping on a beach somewhere. And most of them are probably not the creative type to make exploring a city new or interesting no matter how many times you've been there. (with the exception of sid*ney cro*sby who as we all know is excellent at scavenger hunts). So all right, yeah, maybe i too wouldn't relish the idea of being stuck in a city with a whole bunch of hockey bros.
I also imagine its very different asking someone like sid if he enjoys the all*star game versus asking some player who isnt the best in the league and maybe just got there because of a voting fluke or the rest of his team is just shitty, and is maybe fairly new to the league and this is his first time going, and holy shit he's sitting next to sid at breakfast. Cmon theres got to be at least one guy having that experience even if they would never admit it because its uncool to fangirl.
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snowddeong · 7 months
im sorry if that came out wrong im not fluent in english so things might come of wrong. but idk why you guys suddenly started being rude to me. i like your plots and concepts i just dont see yeji g!p and wanted to know if u ever would write ryjin g!p. there was never meant anything bad by it. i guess i got my answer and thats fine but there was no need to be suddenly rude
Again, I'm taking this in good faith so I will respond but hopefully this'll be the last of this discussion.
If you meant no harm then no hard feelings, thank you for the apology.
As for me and my fellow writer buddies "being rude" I don't think readers understand how frustrating it can be as a writer to see people send stuff that basically amounts to "fuck this thing that you like to write you should probably write this thing that I like". A lot of readers will never actually engage in our works beyond demanding for more and the intention might be flattery but it comes off as entitlement when you phrase it in a certain way. A lot of work goes into writing lmao it may seem like a simple thing but it's not. When you put a lot of work into something and see someone say they'd rather you write something else in what seems to be a super passive aggressive way ofc it'd be annoying. I think writers are allowed to be annoyed when we do so much only to be reduced to content machines and I don't regret being pissed nor will I hide my irritation if this kinda thing happens again.
You've said that wasn’t your intention and I'll believe you on that but you used the same sort of language that those people do and that's why me and my friends reacted the way we did. I don't think I have to apologise for feeling frustrated about your comments and sharing that frustration with my friends so I won't give you an ingenuine apology or say some dumb shit like "sorry you feel this way" but I will say we're cool. It's all water under the bridge for me and if you think I'm an asshole that's also fine I probably am lmao but I hope that at least you get why it pissed me and other writers tf off.
Idk if you'd like some advice but as a general psa you don't have to tell a writer you don’t like something they write a lot. There's a difference between criticisms and taste and considering this is a taste sorta deal there was no need to include that bit about not enjoying Yeji gp. Going "hey your writing is cool got any ryujin gp stories" would have sufficed. Heck there's ways to disagree with someone and not sound rude, I know I have a reader that doesn’t really vibe with Yeji gp but their ask never had any implication that I should be writing something different. It was a nice little interaction with someone who sees things different from me but still appreciates my work.
Sorry this is so long lmao I wanted to try to be as clear with my thoughts and give as much grace as possible because I'll be honest seeing someone call me and my friends rude for sharing frustration over something that we go through way too often has pissed me tf off. That wasn't your intention so you don’t deserve my ire but like I said I'm not going to hide my feelings about this sort of thing.
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 8 months
i accidentally submitted the first one in the middle of writing it😟😟but can i please get a jjk and demon slayer matchup if thats too much just jjk, btw i go by she/her<333333
I have reddish brown wavy thick hair and brown eyes i usually leave my hair down but i sometimes put it in braids or pigtails , im 5'1, and have a pear body type im a female and bisexual (male preference)
My hobbies are likeee, working out, playing electric guitar, kickboxing, buying dumb shit that i dont need, baking(especially for loved ones)and i have a few other hobbies
For my personality im an istp and an aquarius if those count for anything, its hard for me to describe my own personality but some people dont get my sense of humor often and i come off as mean. Another thing that makes me come off as rude or mean is my social anxiety in public so i dont say much and i have a resting bitch face not even on purpose. I dont consider myself mean, like i genuinely love making people happy and helping them with things but my social anxiety holds me back on trying to help people and complimenting them .I only have a small group of friends that i talk to but i love them so much. I can be antisocial sometimes because being social all the time drains me, . Though when im with my friends and im really energetic, impulsive, dramatic, opinionated, sarcastic and a little annoying and talk a lot n i always wanna do things+a risk taker i get myself in trouble a lot. I hate it when i go over to peoples houses and they js sit on their phone like wtf did i even come here for ??
Some things i love are animals,doing new things, flowers, nature, horror, the color pink, anything pretty really, motorcycles, pinterest, music(especially metal or rock), incense, smoothie bowls, my friends, plushies, dressing up, halloween,long walks and a lot of other thingsssssss
Some stuff i hate are cheaters, home wreckers, talking to new people, feeling nauseous from panic attacks, fatigue, and wasps.
People tend to see me as less emotional which is true sometimes but when i love i really love hard and i dont get with just anyone and it takes me a while to fall for someone and people don't expect it from me, im so different and emotional when i love somebody and i usually just end up being manipulated, and i dont give up on people easily i try my hardest to empathize with them and work it out.
Another toxic thing is i can be overprotective and possessive in relationships a bit😭
i love love gift giving and physical touch both giving and receiving and i like making my partner handmade gifts that take a lot of effort to show i care though i also like spending money on them
I find it cute when the person im with gets overly jealous but i would never purposely wanna make them feel that way, i know how it feels and they don't deserve that. I hate it when people make me jealous on purpose because they "like it". i love being pampered but ill never ask for it
the littlest thing a person i love would do for me makes me so happyyyyyyyy
(im sorry how fucking long this is whenever i start typing things i cant stop)
I match you with..
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Gojo Satoru
- When he first meets you he’s the one that made the first move.
- Because Gojo is Gojo, he’ll tease you about your fear of wasps. You’ll be walking with him outside and he’ll suddenly be like “OH THERE’S A WASP-”
- He likes your homemade gifts and keeps every last one of them. He always has the biggest smile on his face whenever you give him anything.
- Speaking of gifts, he loves to gift you small things like flowers, your favorite snacks, etc.
- He pampered you before, but when he found out that you love being pampered he’ll spoil you more often.
- If you get sarcastic with him he’ll do the same, sticking his tongue out whenever you give him a jokingly mad glare.
- When he walks by you he likes to flick you on the forehead then smile at you.
- When the two of you are walking he almost always has an arm around you.
- On Halloween (or more like the month of October) he loves to try and scare you out of nowhere.
- He likes to listen to you play the instruments you love, always cheers you on.
- Believes that your protective side is adorable and will most definitely tease you.
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Kyojuro Rengoku
- When you’re first talking to him, he figures out quickly that you don’t really like talking to new people so he always makes sure you’re comfortable.
- He admires that you don’t give up on others easily and that you love to make others happy. He tries to help you with your social anxiety the best he can. If you’re feeling anxious he’ll grab your hand and will squeeze it firmly.
- Whenever you’re feeling nauseous from panic attacks he’ll be there to comfort you. He would get you a cold drink and do whatever you want him to do.
- He thinks that your sense of humor is unique and encourages you to continue making people laugh.
- He absolutely loves your homemade gifts, he thinks it’s very very thoughtful of you to take the time to make something handmade.
- Whenever you two are out in a restaurant he always pulls out your chair for you with a smile on his face.
- He helps you stay motivated to work out and gives you some tips to help some of the soreness.
- He loves to pull you into his chest while you’re cuddling with him.
- When it’s a day off for the both of you, you two will bake together. He always insists on helping you clean afterwards.
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yourpalghost · 9 months
ghost makes a quick and overly simplified resource time
so im trying to bind a fanfic thats like... 15K. thats like. Idk man i feel like that doesnt need to be a 8X5 book. like that can be 4X5 and it would be nice. and since my magic google-search powers apparently cant be used to my own benefit tonight, i figured this out the long way. so im gonna throw what ive figured out up here quickly.
so for a 32 page signature the usual order for off setting is N, 1, 2, N-1. N-2, 3,4, N-3. and so on until you have all 32 pages. this works for any signature length just replace N with your number. 32 is basically the standard though. I use 32 to 16 for my fic binds. depends on the length. anyway
this exact print order ONLY works if youre printing essentially half sheet sized pages (aka a total of 4 book pages per one printer page). A quarter sized book has a total of 8 pages on it so we gotta change how we do this.
We are going to write out our standard four page blocks and then label them a-h.
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now we have to work with TWO page sets for each sheet of paper. the top will be our first set and the bottom will be our second. BUT our printers dont think like that, they think one whole side first and then the second. how do we figure this out so that we can print this? we split our crap up.
So our new order of printing is A, B, E, F and for the back C, D, G, H.
(Yes you could just to A, B, A, B and C, D, C ,D but thats too confusing for me)
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Badabing badaboom, when you print this itll come out like youve got two dang pages, you cut along the shorter middle line to separate the top from the bottom and fold as you would your standard book.
if your entire fic or book is only 8 pages long then just this one sheet is all you need, congratulations. now for the stupid weird math situation to get this dumb shit sorted
So because i dont wann ahve to do unnecessary math, im just going to give you the list on how to print this out for 8, 16, and 32 pages. 8 Pages 8,1,6,3. 2,7,4,5.
16 Pages 16,1,14,3. 2,15,4,13. 12,5,10,7. 6,11,8,9.
32 pages 32,1,30,3. 2,31,4,29. 28,5,26,7. 6,27,8,25. 24,9,22,11. 10,23,12,21. 20,13,18,15. 14,19,16,17.
"But what if my fic is longer than 32 pages?" well brother, then you take those numbers? and you make the next set start with 33 and end with 64. and youll have to do the stupid N math type shit on your own. i can not find the name of what this actually is which is why i had to figure it out on my own. good luck. so 1=33, 32=64.
so its like. 64,33, 62, 35. And. 34, 63, 36, 61. and so on. OR you can save your thing in pages of 32 and NOT have to do that math.
You did it.
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thedumestflower · 11 months
So in my silly remake of hb, I wanted to deepen Millie's character, and vivzepop said she had "strong family connection" or whatever and that gave me an idea for her , striker, and (to a lesser extent) Sally Mae.
Okay, and hear me out on this, what if they had a sibling rivalry? Okay let me explain. If striker , millie were siblings, that could deepen their backstory and give them an interesting dynamic.
So in my re-make, its kinda scuffed and weird but basically , they're humans who did some crime shit and now are bounty hunters/hitmen for important government company people, and stolas is like the fuckn phone operater who gives them directions and shit but blitz is still calling the shots- yeah its kinda fucked. And i know vivzepop said people don't like her because she doesn't have a fucked up backstory, and that's not true , but I'm not really making her trauma free but i'd say her backstory is alot less fucked than moxxies of blitz or loonas. So , in my head, her backstory goes a lil somthin like this:
Millie's family was kinda a bounty hunting gang turned ranch when her parents grew older, and Millie was the youngest kid in the family, with sally may being the middle child, and striker being the oldest. In her life, her siblings had always overshined her. With striker getting the most attention for being the oldest and most skilled, and sally may being praised for her technique, millie felt like she needed to work twice as hard as her siblings to keep up. eventually, her hard work and training paid off , leading to her eventually being an incredibly successful bounty hunter, almost as good as her sibling , striker, who was top of the board, and number one most wanted, though was about to be overthrown. So during a scuffle where striker and millie where hunting down the same criminal , striker took advantage and millie ended up getting thrown in prision for being wanted of,,, crime, and striker getting away scott free (dont ask how idk yet). But one of the prison overseers or whatever recognized millies strength and talent, and offered her to be in the hitman bounty hunter program for big government company, she accepts and was paired up with moxxie, they fall in love, they meet blitz, the rest is history.
and now, you might be wondering , why dosent sally may do shit? well, thats because (at the time of writing) we haven't seen much of her, so i have no fucking clue what to do with her, sorry sally may fans
Anyways, on to the character dynamics. I imagine striker and millie to hate each other, but in a fun way. I imagine in harvest moon festival, millie and striker are trying to one up each other, millie competes with striker in the competition instead of moxxie, and during one of the rest periods where moxxie is patching up millie, he askes her why her and striker seem to hate eatchother but still seem to be close, millie info dumps her backstory, but she says it in kinda a playful or lighthearted tone. Like she dosnt mind it much that striker put her in jail, like its a game to them. Because it is. its basically one big ongoing game of cat and mouse to them. So yeah, they tie for first place, striker almost end games stolas , blitz catches him, millie joins the fight, big gun shooty shooty battle scene, millie is kinda beat up but okay. and at the end of the ep, before the menacing striker scene foreshadowing his return, theres a little scene of millie getting doordashed wendys to her in her house by striker wile shes recovering, moxxie askes why the fuck he would get her wendys after he tried to end gaem her, and she revals, its kinda a tradition in their family, after a big fight happens in the family, you usually do somthing nice for the other person you fought as a show of good sportsmanship, she reflects on how they thought it was dumb as kids, since they usually had to do stuff like clean each others rooms and give eatchother money, but now its just a habbit for after they kick the shit outta eatchother, they usally go to a fast food place and eat together. reminds them that theyre family.
And so in the western energy ep, i imagine it to be just millie and blitz (ill talk abt stoliz later) to be the main dudes in the ep, and striker just snatches stolas while hes taking a smoke break because he hates confrontation , windexes him, ties him to the back of his horse or whatever, stolas calls blitz, millie recognizes striker, blitz knows stolas is in danger because he remembered striker as trying to kill him and stolas, they fuckn speed and they track down striker.Wile theyre tracking him down, striker took stolas to his cabin in the middle of the redwoods, striker tied him with some rope he made himself or whatever and tied him to a tree , and so hes taunting him and stolas taunts him back but stiker laughs repiles giddily, stating somthing along the lines of "I haven't had a fun one like ya' quite' a time now', its gonna be a bummer when i cut ya throat open so ya cant talk anymore" or some shit, striker almost kills him, stella calls him and tells him not to kill the star guy, striker tries to rough him up a little more but uhoh millie and blitz are here, big car crash gun knife forest fight scene, striker gets crushed by big redwood tree and blitz goes to get stolas and also to hopital. But wile hes doing that, millie goes over to striker, kneels down, and hands him 5 dollars and a wendys coupon, when he askes why she repies "heh' did ya forget what good sportsmanship is" or smthing like that, striker askes if she can help them get the fucking tree off of him, millie says " thats a you problem" because she knows striker will find a way out with or without her help. uhh cut to blitz cradling stolas in his arms saying somthing like "please, your all i have left i cant lose anyone else again" and millies just standing there realizing she just gave her boss's possible bf killer 5 dollars and a wendys cupon blabahblah.
One last thing i would like to mention, the striker and millie sibling dynamic would be a contrast to the barbie wire and blitzo dynamic, wile barb fucking hates blitzo for fucking up her life and never wants to see him again, millie is pretty chill with striker putting her in fucking jail, thats because millie values family over everything else in her life, yeah they did something shitty , but hey, that gives her more leverage to do something shitty in return, plus, thats her brother, the guy she grew up with, the guy she beats up/gets beat up by and then gets her wendys after, thats her fucking family.
so yeah thats my silly thing
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