#dont worry ill be fine
snakedoctor169 · 10 months
So insanely lonely (self inflected)
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avernss · 1 year
Three signs your mental health might not be the best
You get prescribed LITERAL Anastasia to take to immediately stop panic attacks
You have gotten said prescription by having a week long panic attack
Having panic attacks have become a normal thing for you and you just expect them :/
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wishfulina · 2 years
Not to alarm anybody but send fucking help.
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flaming--katy · 2 years
Day #3. Didn't end well. 😕
Did garden shit - lots of digging and planting, took 2 hag bags of plant shit to the tip. In that regards, all well and good. Progress.
Tonight.... Not only did I order a pizza (medium instead of large), I also ordered 2 large McDonald's meals... For myself. I wasn't sharing with anyone. I ate the lot and then promptly puked it back up (on purpose). Not done that in ages and do NOT want to start that habit again. It didn't feel good - not the spending money, not to feeling too full, not when I saw it the second time and definitely not now.
This is the kind of shit I need to stop. THIS is the kind of shit I originally alluded to in my original post. For fucksake. Managed to fuck up on only day number 3!! 😡🤬
Going to remove my card details from the takeaway apps and websites (maybe even block them?! If I can find out how... If you know how, please let me know!!!). Hoping that will stop me in the future. Maybe even do a "days since I ordered/are takeaway" count to gauge progress and remind myself how far I've come? Maybe need to join a Fatties Anonymous (is there such a thing?!)
Gained a pound. Not the spending kind.
So. Yeah. Feeling down. I mark today as a Not Win. Not completely lost, as I did do some GYST shit, but definitely not a win.
Times like this is when I have to stop myself from punishing myself (like when Dobby fucks up and tries to bash his own head in) and start talking to myself like the caring best friend. (NOT like a patronising bitch though "There, there, petal. You only stuffed your face because you were hungwy. You're such a cutie little pudding aren't you?! Aren't you, baby?!" 🤮 No, not like that)
BUT! Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow I'm going to get a rower from gumtree and add it to my exercise repertoire. (Which makes it sound I do exercising regularly right?! Laughable right now, but hopefully something believable soon).
Let's remember a couple of things my dad has said in the past:
1. About worrying and the fact there's no point to it: the thing you're worrying about - can you do something about it *right now*?
If yes - go do the thing and sort it out. No point worrying because you've sorted it.
If no - you can't do anything about it anyway and worrying about it isn't going to change it, so there's a actually no point in worrying because it won't achieve anything other than stressing you out and wasting your time.
2. Starfish. It's a sweet little story that has the message of doing even a little bit is making a difference. Similar to "climbing a mountain starts with a single step" or "you can only eat an elephant one mouthful at a time"
A father and his young daughter were enjoying a walk along the beach until they came up to a starfish stranded in the sand, washed up by the tide. Looking further along the beach, what looked like the sandy beach turning into a pebble beach was actually thousands upon thousands of starfish - all washed up with no way of getting back into the sea. As the father stands there, the daughter crouches down to one, picks it up, and throws it into the sea.
"What are you doing?" The father almost chuckles at her naïve actions, watching her walk to the next starfish, pick it up and lob it as far into the sea as she can. "There are so many, it won't make a difference!"
With the third starfish propelled into the sea with all her might, the daughter turns to the father and simply says "It makes a difference to this one," picking up the next starfish and said, just as she poised herself for another starfish-seaward-chuck: "and to this one."
Her father nodded as he realised that his daughter had made a whole world of difference for each of the starfish she had saved. He knelt down and joined her in rescuing as many starfish as he could.
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Goodnight guys. Things will look better in the morning, they always do. You're less tired and it's light outside.
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sleepycoffeecups · 2 years
Im hungry. Cake is not that filling, lol.
Midnight snack time. Well 9:12 snack time, but same difference
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lunar-bog · 2 years
ya ever just have an emotional breakdown in your school's bathroom?🙃
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pinkyberet · 2 years
Don't Cry
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Based On A Roleplay I Did With @mochi-chan-2006  Chuck Taylor: @mochi-chan-2006
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luzng · 2 years
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littleshittymess · 3 years
Golden Years? Hell No!!!
2556 días, 7 años, 357 semanas y muchos, muchos minutos, somos adolescentes.
Somos adolescentes y seguimos aprendiendo, somos adolescentes y hacemos trampa, mentimos, criticamos, peleamos acerca de cosas sin sentido. 
Somos adolescentes y nos enamoramos pero también nos lastimamos. 
Somos adolescentes y odiamos a personas sin razón alguna y nos quedamos hasta tarde sumergidos en conversaciones profundas.
La vida es corta, nunca sabes qué pasará mañana, o si llegarás mañana. Permítete sentir, vivir, disfrutar.
Viaja, haz amigos, canta esa canción que tanto te gusta a todo pulmón, ve al concierto, besa al chicx, cuida de ti, demuéstrale a los que quieres que lo haces , sé tú mismo, cambia el mundo, se espontanex, date un tiempo para ti sola. No te preocupes por pensar en como luces,  porque las personas no te recordarán por eso, sino por lo que pasaron contigo.
Haz lo que quieras hacer, cada día puede ser el último y en algún momento crecerás y desearás ser un adolescente de nuevo. Este no es solo un post motivacional más, es tu oportunidad para causar un impacto en tu vida.
Eres adolescente una vez y te arrepentirás por las cosas que no hiciste cuando tuviste la oportunidad. Olvida el desastre y drama, simplemente...crea recuerdos y vive tu vida.
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late-thoughts12 · 3 years
I am sure it's just a phase of 'burnout'. I'll be fine shortly.
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banditthewriter · 3 years
What a great night to cry myself to sleep!
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Nina has a set of blue Russian nesting dolls, she hand carved them herself and painted them herself cause she distinctly remembers her family having a set on top of the fire place, so she made them from memory. She keeps them on the top shelf of her bookcase, where she also keeps the necklace her father and brother had made her all those years ago (she doesn’t wear it on missions cause she doesn’t want to lose it so she keeps it at home when she’s off doing that stuff)
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apollosgirl9 · 3 years
*Percy and Jason texting*
Percy: when I send something on tumblr it sounds weird
Percy: like wush
Jason: fun
Jason: oooh it does for me too
Jason: wush
Percy: yesm
Percy: WUSH
Jason: WUSH
*Percy and Jason wushing all day*
(@about-chb 🥰)
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yentrinh81 · 3 years
Life pass us by so fast. We should enjoy everything no matter how small.
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theartofmining · 4 years
not me crying while also collecting mushrooms in minecraft dkfjfjdb this is so funny but also so so sad
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taterztots · 4 years
Current mood
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