askcountbleck-blog · 8 years
Um Luigi x Bleck ;v;
Alrighty Dighty.
Who said “I love you” first
Luigi would be too nervous/scared and Bleck too worried so-- we’ll see(???)
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background
Totally Luigi. 
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror
Bleck. He does it to tease Luigi into thinking it was a ghost.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts
Who initiated the first kiss
Bleck. Luigi’s too nervous orz
Who kisses the other awake in the morning
Bleck again
Who starts tickle fights
Neither? Idk, Bleck is the type to not touch someone unless he’s absolutely sure it’s wanted. He doesn’t wanna touch Luigi for worry of a violent reaction.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower
Luigi but in the sense of he wants to go in there with Bleck but is too shy so Bleck has to pull him inside.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch
Who was nervous and shy on the first date
Who kills/takes out the spiders
Bleck again
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk
Both but I feel it’d be funny when drunk!Luigi is the only time he can be forward and admit all the pent up feels he has for the Count.
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Hi girls, it's been a long time hasn't it? How has business been going for you two?
Gigi: Hey there, Mr. Green! Long time no see! Business…well it’s as usual. The blog brings in more foreign customers and we do more lavish appointments to give them a taste of our services, but we’re aren’t terribly busy all the time.
Merri: What about you, Green Bean? Have you kept up with Thunderhand training? Those lessons weren’t cheap, remember?
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askpipsqueek · 9 years
I'm not the only one having problems with Tumblr and typing out text?
((Honestly, I’ve got this laptop running about as smoothly as I could expect of it. Everything else is a little slow, as expected, but then Tumblr’s text field lags several times worse than even the app (not sure if that’s just my problem). Not that I associate Tumblr with streamlined programming, but you know.))
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askbanditshyguy · 9 years
(( The End. ))
(( I’ve had this blog up and running since October 28th of last year.
It’s been a long and a fantastic run, but today, December 1st, 2015? Today is the day that this blog shuts down; most likely, for good.
I’ve been struggling to make this decision for over a month and a half now. I want to sincerely apologize to anybody I’ve hurt or offended over the course of this blog. This is extremely heartbreaking to me, and I’m so sorry to everyone.
Along the way, I’ve made friends with heaps and tons of people, and having to leave you all like this simply ruins me. You, the Nintendask community, are all incredible, kind, and wonderful people, and I absolutely love you all.
But the stress is too much. Just owning this blog gives me this anxious sense that nobody here truly enjoys my presence, and that I am going nowhere with my character - and while I know that’s not true, it’s quite overwhelming.
I’ve been through a lot. Bandit’s been through a lot. You’ve all been through a lot, and I’m insanely happy that I’ve been here for the whole ride.
But this blog has been out of it’s prime for almost half a year now. I’ve written myself into a corner and I’ve got no motivation to continue with it.
Of course, problems in real life have affected this decision too; but they aren’t important. Just know that I’ve been stressed with school and my future.
You guys are the best. You’ve done a lot. But I don’t know how to repay you.
It’s a shame I’m leaving; but hey, I might be back. Maybe with a new muse.
I’ll miss you all. I love you all. I won’t list too many people- you’re all important.
But, my thanks go especially to @askmechykoopa and the no longer active bad-bites account, who convinced and motivated me to start up the blog.
@twochomphuahuas, @dontaskluigi, @askcoracle, and @flowersandbeans (in no specific order) have been crucial in the formation of this blog as it is. Your contributions of art, writing, asks, and plot have made this blog worth it all.
I want to give a gigantic ‘thank you’ to all those still following me. I love you.
@askthegoombas, @asktehdoopliss? Keep doing what you do. You two are awesome, and the content you put out had me laughing like nothing else. Both of you motivated me to keep this blog going, and stay active IC and OOC.
And... I don’t know what else to say. I’ve loved my time here. I love you.
@wizzrobeking-the-average, you’re incredible, and you make me feel comfortable and at ease. Your content is fantastic. Keep it up for me.
@ask-a-squeek and @askpipsqueek? You two have incredible art and characters; I loved interacting with you two and seeing your muse’s journeys.
I... don’t know who else to mention. I brought up everyone off the top of my head, really, but I’m very sorry if I forgot you. You’re all fantastic.
I’ll be on for the rest of tonight, I think, but overall? I don’t know what to say.
I may be back. Maybe not. Regardless, I want you all to keep doing what you’re doing. You’re all fantastic in your own little ways, and I’ll certainly miss you all.
Message me if you want my personal Skype. It’s got my personal information on there, so it’s not everyone’s, but I’ll send it if I trust you with it.
This has been a fantastic experience. I’ll be on my main, @stickbloo.
I love every last one of you. And I’ll miss you more than anything.
See you all on the other side. Hopefully I’ll talk to you all soon.
Indefinite Hiatus Begin. Goodbye. I love you all. ))
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askabowwow · 9 years
Why is the mun such a nerd?
Miss Kitty: PFFF HA She’s the NERDIEST OF NERDS!
Mun: ...Hey, I freely admit. WEEABOO HIPSTA RIGHT HERE.
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princiere · 9 years
It's been suggested Miguel and Tulio are in a relationship :
Ah, I know, but I just casually change the relationship to brothers for the M&L thing
And sweet!
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askcountbleck-blog · 9 years
*Weegeepaca flops on Bleckpaca and casually tries to eat his hat*
Tumblr media
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notsoruiji-blog · 9 years
Luigi grinned, and grabbed Lu’s arm in order to pull him close. He wrapped his arms around the older plumber, and couldn’t stop himself from planting a kiss on his alternate’s lips.
Lu was special to Luigi, and made him feel more open, and ready to face the world.
He was glad he had Lu in his life.
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ask-a-bumpty · 9 years
There was a visible blush on Claire’s cheeks after kissing the green hero on the cheek. 
“Oh my, its not everyday you get to give a kiss to a hero such as yourself!” Claire gushed. “My sister is quite a fan of yours, Mr Luigi! She would be so jealous is she were to learn i kissed one of her heroes!” Claire laughed while giving a wonky smile to Luigi.
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princiere · 9 years
Luigi has two left feet and can't dance. He always falls on his face
I’ll teach that nerd how to dance by means of Just Dance
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askabowwow · 9 years
@Kitty: Oh, a newcomer? *the golden goomba blinked before smiling* Welcome to the cutie kingdom, it's always nice to see new people! I'm Luigi, nice to meet you ma'am!
Kitty smiled at the Goomba, but tilted her head at the name. Luigi? Like the hero? .....Naw, couldn’t be.
“Hi Luigi, I’m Miss Kitty. I’ve... been gone for an awful long time. Have you been in Cutie Kingdom long? How’s it been? I didn’t think any goombas would join, but I’m glad to see some.”
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