sleepylittlemoxie ยท 3 years
Today, as I sat in the backseat of a car with music in my ears, you crossed my mind.
I wondered if you thought about me the way I had thought about you. I wondered if there were days when, perhaps, you wanted to be alone-- just so that you could sit and close your eyes, to remember the details of my face, of my smile, of when I looked at you with love. I wondered if you did that, because there were days when *I* did that.
I then wondered if you remembered me at all, me whom you'd spent 5 years of your life with, sharing our beds, crying and laughing together, going for long rides and watching the sunset and sunrise... Did you remember me at all? I remembered you, I remember you, and perhaps, I will continue to remember you. It hurt before, it not longer hurts, and now I know, it will not hurt me in the future. Perhaps this musing was simply to remember a love once mine, once beautiful, but now just a reminder of the sadness my heart has gone through, and survived.
As cars passed by me on the road back home, the music faded out as my thoughts grew louder and my heart ached just a little bit, all because you crossed my mind. A voice in my head whispered, soft, broken, hurt; did you sometimes not want to go back to her just so you could be alone for a little while simply... simply because you wanted to remember me?
Or was it just me, the sad little romantic in me, who wished you thought these things? Are you even capable of it?
With what you had done to ruin this little romantic heart of mine with all your selfish, greedy, shallow wants, are you even capable of missing a love that once was yours?
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