#dorian's gave me a nat 20
jamieylnn · 4 months
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sometimes you just have to match your dice to the ship you're manifesting 🕯️💙💚🕯️
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dareactions · 1 year
Been reading your reactions on your blog and its 3 am rn but I have two requests I'll probs be sending them both in seperate asks but first one, okay so I have been playing a dwarf inquisitor for the past week or so, he's 2 handed warrior
I also had a warrior dwarf in my old DnD club before graduating but anyways, how would the companions react to a dwarf 2 handed inquisitor stareing directly into Iron Bull's eyes and with the most serious tone asking if Bull could PICK them UP and THROW THEM to the enemy, how would the other companions ESPECIALLY Bull react to just watching their inquisitor get full on YEETED into enemy lines So all they see is this short dwarf with an AXE bigger than their body coming at them at 90 MPH just a ball of rage who wouldn't be terrified?
XD this hit me after remembering in a session where my friends Orc paladin suggested throwing my character towards an archer up on a hill got a fucking NAT 20 AND IT WAS GLORIOUS
i hate to admit we've done this in my dnd group too, and i fear my players will soon too bcs i gave the kobold a fucking nuke. why did i do that? oh god everyday is stressful.
Cassandra: She stops, and she stares. For a moment she truly wonders if maybe the rage demon in front of her stops in confusion too, because its actions become stilted and slow for a second- it's the second she needs to cut it in half as she turns towards the Inquisitor. ''Are you out of your mind?'' Is the only thing her mind can conjure up as she in absolute dread watches The Iron Bull listen to them. Why did she agree to this, why did she start the Inquisition. She should've let the world end, why are they all like this. It doesn't matter how impressive it is to her deep down, she wants to retire.
Solas: Well, that is certainly not what he had expected. His eyes narrows and his mouth opens as if to say something, just to close. It could work. That's the worst part, honestly, that he could see it work and can't even find it in himself to question the tactics. There's a moment where his spellcasting is far less controlled, more lazy in hitting its targets because he is simply far too busy watching the Inquisitor go flying. He can't even laugh, he probably would if it weren't for the fact he watches them covered in blood stand back up after cleaving half of their enemies in half. For a moment he rethinks his plans. Just for a moment.
Dorian: He yells out in glee at this, it's the funniest shit he has heard for months personally. Because Dorian Pavus for some reason, doesn't think the Inquisitor and Bull will go through with it. There's no way, absolutely not, it's ridiculous for all intents and purposes! Except the Inquisitor flies past him at an alarming speed just seconds later and Dorian finds himself lucky he has the sense to not send a spell after in pure shock, staring in awe as he ignores Sera's loud cackling to his side. He probably shouldn't tell Cassandra he found that impressive, he has a feeling she won't share the sentiment- but he looks over at Bull who just grins in pride. No wonder people were horrified of them, were they all normal people they probably would be too.
Sera: She is a cackling mess, leaning against Dorian trying to gasp for breath as Cassandra goes slack jawed. It's too funny to be impressive, it really is. The Inquisitor goes flying and she can feel her stomach muscles start cramping as people drop in front of them. Was death supposed to be this funny? Is there some kind of demon for people who die horribly hilarious deaths? She isn't sure but she has to be calmed down because breathing becomes more difficult by every second she laughs. ''Do it again! Do it again right now!'' Her request isn't appreciated by Cassandra, but Sera doesn't care. She just needs to see the confusion on these things faces one more time, just once more !
Blackwall: He shares Cassandra's retirement sentiment. It's impressive, really, it is. But at the same time he has to wonder how healthy it actually is, getting launched at such an intense speed- what if an ally had gotten in the way? Even so his mouth tugs with a smile, his eyes stay focused on the remaining enemies in front of him but- maker, why did the Inquisitor have to spin? He takes a deep breath and steels himself, this is fine. It's fine. He doesn't break out laughing until after the battle is done and Cassandra starts yelling at the Inquisitor, and they have the audacity to go ''Well, it worked didn't it?'' at her. He isn't sure if he is older than Cassandra anymore because she seemingly ages in front of him from it all.
Iron Bull: If you ask Bull, he was born for this moment. Everything has led up to launching a small violent dwarf with a giant axe in the air through enemies, this is why he was put in this reality. He is gleeful like a child receiving gifts, excitedly screaming as the Inquisitor cuts down foes mid-air. It's fun and he feels the surge of adrenaline from pulling a stupid stunt and somehow succeeding. His hands itch and the Axe he was wielding himself gets picked back up in seconds, slicing through enemies with a new eager ferocity. He fucking loved his job. This was the best job ever, fuck everything else, he'd just launched his boss in the air to kill things!
Vivienne: It's all very barbarish, isn't it? She frowns from the back where she is carefully weaving magic to her will, really, throwing the Inquisitor? Even so she can't exactly argue with how useful it is, seeing as the long line of dead things sort of counter any argument she might have. Even so she scoffs at the blood bath, rolling her eyes at delighted yells and laughter from some of her allies- this is absolutely barbaric. No, she is not smiling to herself, absolutely not. ''Do well in not getting blood on me, dear.'' Is her only comment on the matter, as she just shakes her head and moves through the battlefield. Children, she works with children.
Varric: His first reaction is just the words ''Don't ever think I'll do that.'' to Bull who laughs heartily, clearly not understanding that Varric very much has no intention to ever become a projectile. It's funny, something straight out of his books and he is for sure putting this in one- even if nobody will ever believe him. It makes him wonder just what else is possible if you have sheer stupid will and dedication, and how the hell Hawke didn't try that trick years ago.
Cole: He stares in confusion at the spot where the Inquisitor just was, eyes narrowing at the now empty plot of grass. They were just here, and then he looks up and just sees the spinning ball of absolute carnage that is flying through the air. He lets out a tiny ''Oh.'' because what else can he do? Cole just stares for a second longer before nodding, alright. He supposes that works too, and the Inquisitor is happy, so it can't hurt.
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wolfish-trickster · 4 years
Advent kisses
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1 280(they are getting longer and longer, i'm so sorry)
Summary: Instead of chocolates, kisses are going to be recieved everyday until Christmas.
Tag list: @gaitwae
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'I think I went too quick.'
Loki was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. A few minutes ago he kissed you on the cheek. It was the best feeling he had had in a long while. Your skin was so soft and warm. His heart was beating unnaturally quick. Still.
'I should've gone for her fingers or palm, not moving straight to her face.' He was overthinking. If he went too fast, he could've scare you away. You could start avoiding him, just like he thought you did today. He knew you were not lying when you said the reason you were asking Thor about Asgard and not him. But something about that truth felt off. Like you didn't say the entire truth.
It doesn't matter. You were telling the truth. You wanted to give him a gift. Him! Humans tend to give eachother gifts when they care about eachother. You cared about him! He smiled at that thought.
Loki glanced at his alarm clock. 00:10. He should really go to sleep. He rolled on his side and hugged one of his spare pillows imagining it was you, closed his eyes and dreamt of tommorrow's kiss.
Morning came too soon for his liking. It was 6:00 when he first opened his eyes and 6:45 when he rolled from his bed, got dressed and made his way to kitchen. Sun didn't even start rising yet. Only Avngers did. Natasha, Clint and Tony were opening their advent calendars and chewing on their chocolates. When Tony spotted the mischievious god he stopped chewing.
"You! How dare you ruin the tradition!" he pointed at Loki, mouth still full of chocolate.
"Whatever you think I did Stark, I thoroughly enjoyed it. But seriously now, what do you think I did?"
"You," Tony reached for one of the calendars behind his back, "ate," picked up the box with Loki's name, "all of your chocolates in one day! It's not how we do it! You're supposed to eat one a day!"
"Calm down Tony, it's his loss. He's going to be without chocolates, not you," Natasha was trying to pacify the situation.
Tony looked at her. Nat glared at him.
"Bet he'll back off," Clint whispered to Loki.
"Why betting when you already won?" Loki smirked. Everyone knew when Natasha glared and you didn't back off soon enough, you're not gonna end well.
Thankfully, Tony still had common sense. "Alright, you're forgiven Mischief."
"As if I needed your forgiveness. You gave the box to me, remember? And I get to do whatever I please with it. Including enjoying the chocolate in one go," he smirked.
Meanwhile the rest stumbled into the kitchen. Bucky, Sam and Steve wet from their morning after run shower, Thor in nothing more than brown sweatpants, Wanda and Vision holding hands, Bruce yawning from reading instead of sleeping the whole night and you. Your hair was a mess, still in your pyjamas (oversized t-shirt and sweatpants), rubbing your eyes. You looked extremly cute.
"Good morning," you greeted him mid-yawn.
"Good morning to you too," Loki smiled at you. You weren't trying to avoid him like he thought you would. First good thing this morning.
All of you ate breakfast. Discussed your plans for the day. Talked. Just the typical morning.
"And what about you Y/N?"
You looked up from your plate, still half asleep. "What?"
Wanda repeated her question. "What about you? Do you want to come with me, Vision, Tony and Pepper to city? Taking a walk on the fresh air, shopping-" "Aka you browsing through store for half an hour and leaving because the jacket isn't in the right shade of red?" Vision teased her with his hand around her shoulders.
"That happened only once Vis. Can you please stop bringing it up?"
Vision pretended to think. Then smiled at her. "No."
You chuckled a bit. "No I don't think I will join you. Not that I have better things to do than hang out with you. I'll be like a fifth wheel to you guys. Two couples and a book worm without social skills," Loki noticed your mood shift. You were lonely. He can't just leave it like that now, can he?
"I can accompany you, if the rest of the group allows me. It'll be two discustingly in love couples and two book worms," he smiled at you.
You looked at him and smiled. Then you looked at Tony. "Can he come please? I'll keep an eye on him, I promise."
"Alright. But don't let him buy any chocolate. He already had enough," Tony glared at Loki who smirked at him.
20 minutes later the six of you were heading to shopping mall. As Vision predicted (and all of the boys expected) girls spent about an hour in two different stores, but didn't buy anything. You headed to bookstore while the girls stopped to look at purses.
"So what's between you and Y/N?" Tony asked Loki as they were waiting in front of the shop.
"Something called friendship, maybe you've heard of it?"
"Cut the sass and tell me the truth."
"It is the truth."
"You kissed her hand two days ago."
"That I did. We do it on Asgard to show respect or gratitude. Things Midgardians lack these days."
"I also saw you and her in the library reading together."
Loki side eyed Tony. "That's..... what libraries are for."
Tony smirked. "But libraries aren't meant for two 'friends' to cuddle."
'Damn, I forgot the security cameras.' Loki kept his stone cold facade while panicing internally. If he saw you two cuddling then he also saw the cheek kiss. Why must this man see and ruin every sweet moment he shared with you?!
Just as he wanted to reply smething sarcastic you ran up to both of them laughing and holding a book. "I found it guys! The picture of Dorian Grey! I was looking for this book for WEEKS!" you ran straight into Loki, hugging him tightly. Tony smirked at both of you. Loki only glared at him and put both of his arms around you.
"Darling, I don't think I can survive another hour waiting in front of the store for ladies of those two. Let's go outside for fresh air," he was pushing you with a hand on your lower back away from Tony before he could comment on the hug.
It was cold outside. Loki barely registered, but you were positively shivering. He started walking towards the tower but you stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "Can we go for a walk into a park? I like this weather, might be one of the last days with sun still shining without clouds."
"Alright, lead the way darling," he smiled at the way you blushed. He liked making you blush. You looked cute. After 45 minutes of walking he noticed how your nose and cheeks got red from cold. "You must be terribly cold, don't you want to go to tower yet?"
You shook your head. "Not really. Well, maybe a little bit. My fingers are freezing. I think it's time to go before I get frostbite," you looked down at your red finger tips.
"Here let me help you," Loki brought both of your hands to his face. His hands starte to glow with soft green light as he kissed each finger tip. You were bright red, but not from cold. When he drew back he smiled at you. "Better?"
Only then you realized what he did. He put a warming spell on you.
"Yes, thank you," you smiled back at him.
He looked down at your small hands in his big pale ones. "Can I hold your hand the way back to tower? To keep the warming charm."
Both of you knew it wasn't only for the charm. So you let him.
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k-natasha-38 · 5 years
Thanks, @havertzs for making me productively waste my time. I love you💕
1. what is the colour of your hair brush? Gray
2. name of a food you never eat? Frog legs, that literally sounds disgusting
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Reading in bed
5. what’s your favourite candy bar? Hmm twix
6. have you ever been to a professional sports event? Plenty of water polo games.
7. what is the last thing you said out loud? "Mornin! love you!" To my mom
8. what is your favourite ice cream? Vanilla because I'm not boring😉
9. what is the last thing you had to drink? Coffee to nobody's surprise
10. do you like your wallet? Sure, simple, gray, holds no money because I'm broke..
11. what was the last thing you ate? I ate cake this morning
12. did you buy any new clothes last week? Nope
13. last sporting event you watched? Literally have no Idea it's been years
14. what’s your favourite flavour of popcorn? Salted? There are flavours?!
15. who was the last person you sent a message to? @egyasokbol15
16. ever go camping? No, and I have no interest in ever going
17. do you take vitamins? Nope
18. do you go to church every sunday? Here's the thing, I believe in God but I also believe in karma and the universe. I'm a Christian on paper but I don't agree with most things the church says i should agree with (hellooo I'm gay!) So you tell me, do I go or should I go to church at all let alone every Sunday?
19. do you have a tan? Nope
20. do you prefer chinese food or pizza? Gonna have to say Chinese
21. do you drink soda with a straw? No
22. what colour socks do you wear? Mostly black
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I don't have a driver's license
24. what terrifies you? A lot of things
25. look to your left what do you see? My plant Draco
26. what chore do you hate? Doing the dishes
27. what do you think of when you hear an australian accent? Kangaroos
28. what’s your favourite soda? I don't have one
29. do you go into fast food places or drive thru? I go into fast food places
30. who was the last person you talked to? My mom
31. favourite cut of beef? I don't do beef
32. last song you listened to? Errr something from the 50s I thing. La vie en rose? I can't remember.
33. last book you read? The picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (it's really good, read it)
34. can you say the alphabet backwards? My dyslexia said no
35. how do you like your coffee? Milk and sugar
36. favourite pair of shoes? My Vans
37. the time you normally go to bed? 11pm
38. the time you normally wake up? 8am
39. what do you prefer sunrise or sunsets? Sunrise, it's so quiet then
40. how many blankets are on your bed? 2 one for the afternoon nap and one for the 8-10 hour nightly coma
41. describe your kitchen plates? They have sunflowers on 'em
42. do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage? I do. Get me a Gin tonic and I'm yours baby.
43. do you play cards? no
44. what colour is your car? Don't have one
45. can you change a tire? No
46. your favourite province? We don't have those
47. favourite job you’ve had? Mmmm I only did internships so don't have one
48. how did you get your biggest scar? I don't really have scars..
49. what did you do today that made someone happy? Yep, gave my mom a painting I made for her yesterday.
I tag @egyasokbol15 @thislittlepuff @sadalpacas @beccabates26 to do this because we're all in quarantine so HERE U GO I GOT RID OF YOUR BOREDOM!💕
-xoxo Nat
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