#dossie eaton
sacredfolly-blog · 6 months
Writing Prompt 207 - what if it is easy?
Prompt “Is there, we wonder, some virtue in being difficult?” – Janet W. Hardy and Dossie Easton On Writing Breathe the sentence in. Exhale the sentence. Inhale and exhale each word. Now inhale and exhale the sentence. Then, go! There is only one rule, keep your hand moving. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or punctuation. If you feel stuck, keep writing anyway. Try going back to the prompt…
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hawnks · 7 months
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This BDSM manual from 2011 is shockingly relevant in 2024 fanfiction tumblr
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polyamorouspride · 6 years
History: 1900s
The counterculture movement of the 60s and 70s was a pivotal moment. There was a repeal of abortion laws, better access to birth control, and LGBTQ people began to expand gender roles and question the standard.
The previous community's in the 1800s had declined by the beginning of the 1900s, but later came back as communes. These communes were advocates for spiritual and personal development, emphasizing things like intimate relations or cooperation. Most had some unique take on sexuality, such as celibacy or free love.
Research on polyamory peaked in the 70s. Called "multilateral", it helped to open other people up to more experimentation. It also helped to begin removing the stigma around sex. Studies looked at things such as race, social class, education, and political perspectives. The average polyamorous person at this time was said to be white in the middle of upper class. The only real difference found between them and monogamous people was how religion influenced them.
The Kerista Commune was a well know polyfidelous commune. Located in San Francisco, they existed from 1971 to 1991. The largest it ever got was just under 30 members. They had family groups composed of 3 to 18 people. It was called B-FIC, Best Friend Identity Cluster, and used a rotational sleep schedule. They wrote the newspapers The Storefront Classroom, Rockhead, and The Node, as well as books. They also had free rap groups for a large portion of their history.
In 1984, a newsletter called "Loving More" began using the terms polyfidelity, open relationships, and intimate networks. They later published "Polyfidelity Primer".
The word polyamory was coined by Morning Glory Zell, who's spouse was Oberon Ravenheart.
In 1997, the book "The Ethical Slut" was written by Dossie Eaton and Catherine Liszt.
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ntensefit · 8 years
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Most of us need some support in asking for what we want. When we are involved in making agreements, we need to feel sure that the needs we reveal will not be held against us. Most of us feel pretty vulnerable in and around our emotional limits, so it’s important to recognize that these limits are valid: “I need to feel loved,” “I need to feel that I’m important to you,” “I need to know that you find me attractive,” “I need you to listen and care about me when I feel hurt. Dossie Eaton #dossieeaston #ethicalslut #relationship #love #share #mindfulness #understanding #scorpio #transformation #unfuckwithable
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