#dota gif
munroemagic · 7 months
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"Reach out with your mind. Ignore the illusion of the physical world.
See the Pillars as they truly are. Draw them to you.
Now think of the Old World as you remember it. And let this world go."
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somegalsandagame · 3 months
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No stream tonight as our Gals have some down time! In the meanwhile, they want to know what your favorite party games are!
Did we miss your favorite? Tell us about it!
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hawfstuff · 1 month
Hey there dota 2 friends
we made a Dota 2 tumblr community https://www.tumblr.com/communities/dota-2 anyone can join it and post nonsense to it.
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get crackin
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dota2daily · 8 months
Bring new friends to DOTA 2 after taking a few years break...
before the game
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in the game
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miyoshi81194 · 2 years
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rodenka · 1 year
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awkward monkey king
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missmagicalelf · 2 years
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Can we take the time appreciate how sexy the animators made Davion!!
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mauvecherie-writes · 11 months
Watching DOTA:Dragon’s Blood and why is Kaiden kinda ….
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lasanha-do-lidl · 2 years
More Banners
For my website:
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Reminder to visit it, if you want:
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munroemagic · 4 months
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impishbiscuit · 2 years
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it's that time of year again
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shoomlah · 10 months
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Forgot to share the last thing (last thing that isn't under NDA, at least) I was working on before leaving Valve: hand-lettering for the Dota 2 Ringmaster reveal trailer!
Who was I to resist the siren call of circus posters🎪🎪🎪
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rodenka · 1 year
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marci dab !!!
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sluttyten · 2 years
What I Need
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Yesterday <- || -> Kinktober Masterlist
Day Five: Oral Sex w/ Doyoung & Taeyong
Word Count: 3,235
**lots of pussy eating, it is a threesome, there is some mention of mxm, but it’s not really a key part in this
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You came over to Doyoung’s apartment late, long after the time you were supposed to have left work for the day, but that was its own issue. By the time you arrived, your boyfriend was already well on his way to drunk.
“Are you drinking by yourself?” You’d asked as you arrived, slipping your jacket off to drape it over one of the chairs at the kitchen table. Doyoung’s wrapped himself in a blanket on the sofa, an empty glass of wine sitting on the table, and a nearly empty bottle of wine sitting beside the glass. He’s watching his latest favorite drama.
Doyoung looks away from the drama, his eyes sparkling as he sees you. “You’re here now, so come drink with me.” He unravels his blanket cocoon just enough that you could join him in the warmth if you wanted to. 
Drinking away your stress of the day does sound delightful, but you also really don’t want to deal with the hangover in the morning. “No, Doyoungie.”
He pouts a little. “What’s wrong?”
“I just want to get in bed,” you complain. 
Doyoung agrees, and he sways to his feet, picks up the wine bottle and he leaves his drama playing on the TV, the blanket trailing from one of his shoulders to the floor behind him, and he leads the way to his bedroom. You hang behind just long enough to turn off the TV, to deposit his glass in the kitchen, and you blow out a candle he’d left lit on the kitchen counter. 
He’s already in bed by the time you arrive and close the door behind you. 
“Sweetheart,” he croons, reaching for you. “What’s wrong?”
You lose your clothes on the way to the bed, ready to just sink into the soft sheets and Doyoung’s warm embrace, to just fall asleep and forget about the whole day. But once you’ve settled into the bed, Doyoung’s still sitting up with his back to the headboard, his bottle of wine in his lap, and you take one look at his face before you just start venting.
Your day had been so frustrating! There was nothing that you could have done differently; you’d done your job, gone above and beyond actually, but that didn’t make things any better. 
Doyoung listens, taking swigs of wine straight from the bottle, his eyebrows furrowing deeper and deeper together as you go on about your day.
When at last you pause for breath, Doyoung shakes his head, “You did great today, sweetheart. You don’t deserve the stress.” He reaches over, petting your hair. His words slur together just a little bit, but you appreciate the sentiment behind them. “You want something to help you relax?”
“I already told you I don’t want to drink tonight,” you remind him softly, closing your eyes. 
Doyoung makes a little noise. “That’s not what I’m talking about.”
You feel him sink down to lie beside you, still running his hand tenderly over your hair. 
“Want me to eat you out, baby? That always makes you feel better,” Doyoung offers.
Your heart leaps in your chest at the suggestion. He’s not wrong that it does always make you feel better to experience his talented tongue bringing you to orgasm. But he’s drunk. You can smell the alcohol on his breath, and when you open your eyes, you can see the wine bottle sitting on the bedside table behind Doyoung’s shoulder.
“Doyoungie, no.” You whine, though you so badly want to say yes. His intoxicated state is the only reason you’re telling him no. 
He frowns. “Why not?”
“You’re drunk.” You tell him, and he just continues to frown. “No, Doyoung.”
“Baby, you deserve to be eaten out, all you had to deal with today.” Part of you is amused by his insistence, but still you tell him no. 
It goes on like this for a few more minutes, the back and forth of you continuing with your complaints about your day, nearly to the end of your story, Doyoung frequently interjecting that he just thinks you’ve earned and deserve to have your pussy eaten. He just wants you to feel better, and it’s so endearing that he wants it so badly because he knows it’ll make you feel better, but you can’t help feeling that if you said yes you’d be taking advantage of him since he’s drunk. Doyoung’s never this free with his oral sex offers when he’s not been drinking.
When, for probably the seventh time, Doyoung makes his suggestion of, “What you need is for me to eat you out,” and for probably the seventh time you respond with, “No, Doyoung. You’re drunk. What I need is for us to go to sleep,” Doyoung gets up, leaving the bed entirely. You’re about to ask him what he’s doing, to call him back and ask if he’ll just cuddle you because that will also make you feel better, when Doyoung just leaves the room. 
He walks out of his bedroom, and you sigh heavily. 
There’s not a doubt in your mind that he’s upset by your repeated denials, and he’s gone off to pout.
You decide you’ll just get comfortable and fall asleep. He’ll be back soon. He’s also left his wine in here and you know it’s the only bottle in the apartment, so he’ll come back a little more sober than when he left at least. You’ve just really gotten comfortable, fluffing the covers around yourself, wishing that you’d gotten up to turn off the lamp before you’d gotten comfortable, when Doyoung returns.
And he’s not alone.
With him, Doyoung has dragged his best friend, roommate, and once-upon-a-very-brief-time hookup buddy--one very confused Lee Taeyong--into the room.
You and Taeyong stare at each other in equal confusion. 
When Doyoung pushes Taeyong forward a little by the shoulders, the elder of the two stumbles forward, glancing backwards at Doyoung.
“He’s not drunk,” is all Doyoung says.
For one more very short moment, you and Taeyong are still companions in confusion, and then you realize what he is saying. While Doyoung is drunk, Taeyong is not. If your denial to being eaten out, like you deserve by his assertions, is that Doyoung is drunk, then he’s brought you the alternative.
“No, Doyoung! Oh my God!” You sit up in bed, dragging the sheets up as well to cover your chest. 
You and Taeyong have no sexual history whatsoever. So this suggestion, it’s something absolutely brand new. 
Doyoung groans at this denial too, and he drops his head forward onto Taeyong’s shoulder. He mumbles sadly, “I’m so tired of you saying that word.”
“You’re fucking drunk, Kim Doyoung! Just get in bed, and sleep it off,” you tell him. You then turn your attention to Taeyong, “I’m sorry, Taeyong, you can go back to your room. He’s being....” You search for the word to use, but you’re not sure what fits. Ridiculous? Silly? Weird? Or even kind and well-meaning?
Before you can find the proper word, Doyoung lifts his head from Taeyong’s shoulder, and you watch as Doyoung whispers something in his ear. Taeyong’s expression of confusion dissolves into concentration as Doyoung’s drunken words pour into his ear, and that look on his face soon fades into understanding and then amusement.
“Yah,” he turns around, slapping Doyoung’s arm. “You want me to eat out your girlfriend while you watch? Since when are you into stuff like that?”
Drunken Doyoung pouts now at his best friend. “Hyung! She needs it, and she keeps telling me no because I’m drunk!” 
Taeyong smiles, lifting a hand to pat Doyoung’s cheek. “You are drunk, Doyoungie.” He looks back over at you. “Though, I’m sure you do deserve it. And I know how much you enjoy it, so I’m sorry he can’t do it for you tonight.”
You feel your face grow hot. Does he know just because he and Doyoung have talked about it? Or does Taeyong hear you through the walls?
“Hyung,” Doyoung loudly whispers, “Just do it for us. I know you’re good at it.”
Now it’s Taeyong’s turn to blush. He’s still looking at you, and you’re unable to focus on either of the two men in the room. 
All of this talk of you being eaten out has really made you aware of how much you do need it. Doyoung’s right that you deserve it. He’s right that it’ll certainly help you relax and put all the stressful thoughts out of your mind for a while. But if he can’t do it, having Taeyong take his place? That’s an odd request right?
Taeyong’s attractive, there’s no denying that. And you know he has that very brief history with Doyoung. You’ve also heard moans through the walls whenever Taeyong has had partners over to the apartment. You know that he’s skilled. 
Maybe you’re foolish for actually considering this, but Doyoung has put it right here before you, offered on a silver platter. 
“Doyoung.” You search his face, his hungry and shining gaze. “Do you know what you’re saying right now?”
He nods. 
Taeyong shifts forward, taking a half-step closer to the bed. He inhales sharply, swallowing nervously. 
“So if I said yes right now, if Taeyong and I both agreed to have him eat me out instead of you, you would remember in the morning that you wanted it for us?” You ask, your gaze drifting back and forth between the two men. “You’ll remember it fondly.”
Doyoung’s smile grows the more you talk. “Yes, baby, I’ve thought about it before.”
That’s news to you. It’s also the last bit of encouragement you need to take the leap.
As Taeyong makes to finally close the distance between you and him, Doyoung grabs the back of Taeyong’s shirt. For a second, you wonder if it was a test, if he’s about to throw Taeyong back out of the room and tell you no. 
But Doyoung only says, “You can’t kiss. That’s all.”
Maybe it should feel more awkward to push away the sheets and expose yourself to Taeyong while Doyoung watches. Maybe when Taeyong slides into the bed, fitting comfortably between your legs, his long fingers curling over your thighs, that shouldn’t feel so easy either. You look at Doyoung, the way his lips curl in satisfaction watching as Taeyong turns his head to the side and brushes a kiss to your inner thigh.
“Doyoung,” you wiggle your fingers, “Come here.”
He happily comes over, climbing into bed, crawling over your spread legs and Taeyong. Doyoung flops back down beside you into the spot he’d abandoned earlier. Immediately, he cups your face in his hands, and kisses you. It’s sloppy, the way your mouths fit together, but it’s so good too to taste the familiarity of his kiss as Taeyong tentatively touches you over your panties.
You moan encouragingly, lifting your hips from the bed to allow for Taeyong to drag them down. 
Doyoung tastes like his favorite wine, also a bit sugary like he’d been eating candy earlier too. He kisses you deeply, lovingly, as a placeholder for the oral sex you’re not allowing him.
Taeyong’s touches are all light. His lips warm on your thighs, putting you even more at ease than just Doyoung’s kisses. His fingers spread your lower lips, a skim of his thumb over your clit, which draws the first desperate whine from you of the night. Doyoung swallows the noise with a smile. Taeyong does it again, dipping his thumb now to your entrance, his thumb slipping through your wetness before he slowly sinks the digit into you.
Doyoung chuckles a little as you gasp, and he breaks the kiss with you to look down at Taeyong. 
Taeyong’s kissing down toward your knee, but his eyes are fixed on where his thumb disappears inside you.
“You’re supposed to use your mouth, hyung,” Doyoung teases. “Do I need to show you?”
Taeyong lifts his head to sneer at Doyoung’s jibe. “I’ve got it, Doyoungie.” He strokes his thumb against your inner walls, leaning forward, and you can’t hold in the relaxed sigh when Taeyong kisses your clit lightly before his lips part and his tongue darts out, warm and so sweet as he flicks it over the sensitive bud repeatedly.
Doyoung touches your chin, tipping your mouth back up to his. He kisses your mouth while Taeyong kisses you down there too. A gentle heat begins to fill your body, spreading to your fingers and your toes. 
Doyoung’s hands wander down to your chest, tenderly touching your tits for a moment before one of them explores lower. 
You feel and hear Taeyong moan against you when Doyoung’s fingers dive into the elder’s hair. Doyoung guides Taeyong’s mouth lower, away from your clit so he can focus on fucking you on his tongue instead. 
Your hips rock into the movements, moans vibrating your chest. Taeyong happily laps at your pussy, kissing and sucking, licking and fucking you on his tongue. He’s more all over the place than Doyoung usually is. Doyoung focuses where you’re most reactive, but Taeyong’s covering his ground--your sensitive clit, your G-spot, highlighting your erogenous zones with his hands and lips in between the more important attention on your clit. 
You come crashing through your orgasm with Taeyong’s tongue buried inside you, his nose against your clit. Doyoung’s got one hand in Taeyong’s hair, the other hand is teasing your nipples, and he’s got his tongue down your throat.
You arch off the bed, choking on your cries of pleasure. Neither of the men stop there.
Taeyong does back off from your pussy, falling instead to tracing kisses over your thighs. Doyoung leaves your lips hungering for his kiss to instead smooth tender kisses over your shoulders and chest, down your belly.
You have half a mind to brush them both away, thank them for the orgasm, tell them that you’re tired and Doyoung’s still drunk and Taeyong’s supposed to not be a part of this relationship. 
But you don’t say any of that. You also don’t have it in you to say no as Doyoung sinks lower and lower, not when he’s already there and you’re still shivering through the aftershocks of your orgasm.
Doyoung knocks his shoulder against Taeyong’s. You thread your fingers through both the black and the bleached blond hair. Taeyong bites and nips and sucks at your left thigh; Doyoung pushes your right thigh up towards your chest, his breath puffs against the back of your thigh, and then his mouth is warm on your pussy.
Their techniques are so different, but so equally good. 
Doyoung buries himself intently between your legs, drowning himself in your pussy like you’re as intoxicating as the wine from earlier. Taeyong’s mouth moves from your thigh to your hip. As Doyoung’s tongue curls inside you, Taeyong dips his head, scraping his teeth beneath your navel. 
“Fuck,” you moan softly, tightening your hold in both of the men’s hair. “Yeah, this is good.”
Doyoung hums happily, licking a stripe up your pussy, lifting his head enough so that he can look up your body to see your face flushed with arousal. Taeyong’s mouth wanders back down around your thigh, leaving marks everywhere his lips touch. Doyoung circles his tongue at your clit, and your breath catches in your chest, caged by your racing heart which only pounds harder when Taeyong abandons your thigh, and you watch him attempt to steal your clit from Doyoung.
You’ve never experienced anything like this before. The pair of men fight over your clit. Taeyong’s cheek nudges your boyfriend’s, and you feel their tongues both warm against you.
The absolute supernova of arousal you experience in that moment is brought about by nothing more or less powerful than knowing that the two of them both want to please you. You moan loudly, body arching and twisting. Your thigh knocks against the side of Taeyong’s head as you twist to the right. 
He sits up, giving Doyoung the reins, and your boyfriend accepts happily, sucking at your clit as your thighs close around his head. His hands come up, fingers digging into the muscle, trying to keep you from totally suffocating him. But Doyoung moves with you as you settle on your side, your hand still tangled in his hair. 
You feel Taeyong settle behind you, quickly moving to mark up the backs of your thighs, his lips fiery over your ass cheeks. Doyoung’s fingers press at your leg, and you lift it up to give him the chance to draw back for breath, but he’s not the only one that takes advantage of the moment. Taeyong’s hand joins Doyoung’s on your thigh, and together they hold your leg aloft, giving each of them room to continue with their tongues.
Doyoung remains devoted to your clit, but Taeyong comes at you from behind, and you have half a second of feeling self-conscious before you succumb to pure enjoyment. His tongue wanders over the narrow stretch of sensitive skin between your vagina and your ass, tickling your ass before he pushes forward and sinks his tongue inside your pussy.
You grasp at their hair, probably tugging a bit harder than you mean to, but neither of them makes much of a protest. All three of you are moaning, your hips rolling against their mouths--back against Taeyong’s face, forward into the sweet pressure of Doyoung’s mouth. 
You know a second orgasm isn’t far away. 
They’re both skilled and you’re so far gone into the pleasure of having them both licking you out and up and down that you go a little limp and let them both take entire control.
You feel tongues brush occasionally, hear soft moans and hungry groans intermixed with your own. Their hands wander over your thighs and hips and belly, over each other too (you’re sure of it even though you can’t see it; you feel hands brushing your thighs on their way to touch other places not on your body, hear the answering sighs of pleasure. You feel Doyoung’s fingers curl against Taeyong’s neck at one point, pressing Taeyong’s mouth more harshly against you.) It’s all a lot and it’s everything. 
When you cum for the second time, you swear you’re falling apart at the seams. The orgasm rips through you, and both of the men tangled with your legs drink it up, continuing as your hips stutter in the chase of nirvana.
Taeyong falls away first, scattering kisses over the curve of your ass, his breath puffing against your lower back. Doyoung goes until you have to push his head away. 
You slump, rolling flat onto your back, though you can feel Taeyong’s arm trapped beneath your legs. Doyoung laughs happily, and he lowers his head to your belly, his damp lips and chin smearing against your skin. 
“I told you it would help,” he says, oh-so-pleased with himself. “Was I right?”
You rake your fingers through your boyfriend’s hair, knowing that if you look at him, you’ll see his self-righteous grin. 
“Fuck,” you sigh. You turn to look at Taeyong first. He’s got a lazy, happy smile. Then Doyoung, with his blurred eyes and drunk smile. You can tell by the look on his face that he knows there’s no denying that tonight was out of this world. That this was in fact exactly what you needed. 
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missmagicalelf · 10 months
Masterclass list
A full list of character smut fics
Davion: Dota dragons blood- Davion’s booty dance can find on my page my love letter to the knight
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Nico Hieronimo- nothing for him yet gonna make something special for this underrated character
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Alucard Tepes💛- nothing for him yet but I’m very tempted too
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Trevor Belmont-nothing for him either didn’t care much for him before but when I saw his strong chest ooh baby
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Richter Belmont💙-nothing for him but immediately fell for this blue boy
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traumainpyjamas · 2 years
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JOHNNY & DOYOUNG (ft. TAEYONG) \\ 💙우리칠 꽃이 피었습니다🧡 | [BLUE TO ORANGE : House of Love] Photoshoot Behind
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