#doubletail goldfish
buttsnorkeler69420 · 2 years
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[Image ID: A ink pen drawing of Steven Grant from the TV show Moon Knight colored mostly with monochrome markers, with black borders on the bottom and top of the image. He is leaning forward and to the left slightly, with his hand out underneath Gus, his pet double-tailed goldfish, who is colored orange with white highlights and is swimming to the right in midair. Steven is wearing the Mr. Knight suit, but the lapels of the suit have been altered to resemble a goldfish's fins and are made of a darker shimmery fabric. The suit, tie and Steven's hair float as if underwater. Steven is smiling down at Gus. There are bubbles drawn in ink pen scattered around them and the borders bleed into the drawing in the style of water currents. /end ID]
whoooooooo!!! i had this one done a couple days in advance and it was really fun! my first time coloring stuff with alcohol markers,, don't really like how much they SOAK the paper but these ones have really nice colors and pair really well with my ink lines!
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temeraire · 1 year
just got off a gruelling 9 hr shift at the Sticking my hands in the fish tanks factory. tough job but someone has to do it
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geraskier · 3 years
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here's my lovely black telescope goldfish! the first two pics are of the singletail black telescope (which i didn't know could be a thing until today) and the second two are of the doubletail black telescope. they've spent most of their time so far digging through the sand looking for food--while i was strategically dropping goldfish pellets i even got the doubletail to eat right from my hand ☺
they have some bronze gold coloration on their bellies, which is pretty but more importantly THEIR EYES. their eyes are so cute....
the zebra danios are ignoring them and vice versa so that's good; the goldfish are too small to eat them rn and even if they got to be 6 inches long the danios' adult size will eventually be sufficient to avoid becoming a snack. the last pic is the only good one i've managed to get of a danio so far bc they're very zippy and my phone camera can't keep up
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iantojonesthebetta · 5 years
I have had my double tail betta since September and in December he started the swim bidder symptoms, so I did 4 days no food then peas. I have goldfish so I the pea thing. I really dont whether he pooped or not. Their poop looks like the food right, like little balls? Then he started laying under the motor and struggled to go down into the tank, staying alot behind the pump and aquarium wall, like holding himself upright. He looked like he had finrot so I treated him with microbe lift artemiss..
Hi, there.
Unfortunately, doubletail bettas are known for having swim bladder issues, especially if they have shorter bodies than normal. If it’s due to his actual physical makeup, there won’t really be anything you can do to fix the problem.
The fin rot may actually be tail biting, if the doubletail has large lobes. I had a doubletail halfmoon (sometimes referred to as fullmoons), and he tail bit a lot.
Is he losing weight? Is he showing other hints of illness as well? Has he suffered any physical trauma recently?
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potootatos · 7 years
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New critters up in the shop: Doubletail Goldfish! For these and more visit www.etsy.com/shop/poofybirddesign
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dv21 · 7 years
8, 14, 16 all your OCS?
It’s a good thing this was only for my squids and not all  of my ocs >>”
Answers will be under the cut since this will be so LONG HOO (and they are organized by character~)
8. He’s actually insecure about his missing eye, ergo it’s the one that he’s always hiding behind his hair. He rarely shows it off on purpose.
14. Alda is bisexual! (He’s also slept with a lot of people *winkwink)
16. Alda does not have any pets, although if he were to have one, he would definitely want a cat (catfish? haha).
8. Sable isn’t really one to keep “big secrets”, actually! However, he has been told that he talks in his sleep…
14. Sable isn’t actually sure of his sexuality. He describes himself as demisexual with a preference for masculine or non-binary folks, but he’s not really set on a label.
16. Sable has two beta fish! One is a red crowntail betta named Berry and the other is a white doubletail betta named Sponge. He loves them very much~
8. Okay, these two have so much dirt on each other, but one big secret they share is that they used to have each other’s ink colors when they were younger! Finn used to be pink and Jett used to be blue, but as they grew up they somehow changed colors. Even their parents were confused.
14. Both of the twins are homosexual. (Jett knew first.)
16. Finn has a very sweet little ball python named Percy, and Jett has a cat named Butters. 
8. Kyrul used to be part of a youth rebel group who wanted to take back the zap fish from Inkopolis. Originally they wanted to improve living conditions for everyone back home, but the group split when their leader went missing, and Kyrul left a little while later. He doesn’t bring it up since the half that wanted to keep stealing the zapfish started causing more serious harm and have built a bad name for themselves.
14. Kyrul is gray-asexual, and has had very few partners.
16. Kyrul isn’t super into pets, and would rather share one than own one himself, so currently he has none. He also doesn’t have a preference for any animal- he likes them all.
8. Boa is actually prone to getting nervous before turf or rank battles, and he worries a lot about making too many mistakes or losing. This makes him choke up sometimes during a fight, and he can be a really sore loser but it hides him being hard on himself.
14. Boa is my youngest (at 19 pft) so he’s still figuring himself out and is too busy trying to be the best so he can fight Alda, so he doesn’t really care about sex or romance. 
16. Boa would have SO MANY DOGS. He loves them so so much, but his family current has one very small and very cute corgi named Tito.
8. He and Alda have done the nastyyyy >>"
14. Kaiser is pansexual.
16. Kaiser reaaaaaally loves goldfish. He has three comet goldfish (Basil, Soldier and Pookie), but one day he wants to be able to have another tank for either oranda goldfish or veiltail goldfish.
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belfrygargoyles · 3 years
i’m of the pretty firm belief that it’s inhumane to breed any animal in a way that reduces its capacity to exhibit natural behaviors or otherwise opens it to health risks that would not exist/be severely reduced otherwise
fantail pigeon
veiltail/halfmoon/doubletail bettas
“pop-eyed” goldfish
munchkin cats
fold-ear cats
lop eared rabbits
dwarf rabbits
every brachycephalic breed ever
when you look at a breed of animal. ask yourself the following:
-does this interfere with the animal’s ability to navigate its surroundings, either by obscuring its vision or other senses, impacting its ability to interact with and investigate new things, respond to threats, or making movement painful or difficult? (animals on the above list that cannot: pop-eyed goldfish, all large-tailed bettas, fantail pigeons, munchkin cats)
- is the animal able to utilize its full range of communication with others of its kind? is it unable to signal certain warnings or moods? can it defend itself if attacked/is it at a distinct disadvantage? (animals on the list that cannot: fantail pigeons, lop eared rabbits, large-tailed bettas, pop-eyed goldfish, munchkin cats)
-does the animal’s trait put it at risk for chronic disease, permanent pain, discomfort, or disfigurement, disability, or otherwise negatively affect its health in ways that would not be as commonly seen in the “standard” breed? (all brachycephalic animals, dwarf rabbits, fold-ear cats, fantail doves, pop-eyed goldfish, dragon scale bettas)
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geraskier · 3 years
got two more neon tetras ($6 each, a steal!) to round out my 10 gallon tank population. then i went to the register and the cashier was this trans guy with a real cute haircut...so i sorta-casually not-all-obviously (/s) set my phone upside down on the counter bc i have a trans flag sticker on the case. that was the least obtrusive way i could think of to go "same hat!" without being weird.
and i was kinda babbling about my ongoing Goldfish Tank Research Project, and he said "did you say GOLDFISH?" in this real excited tone. so i said yeah i'm torn between getting orandas or calico doubletails or black moors... and he goes "i LOVE black moors!" and he pointed at a tattoo covering his upper arm of a black moor goldfish. :')
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geraskier · 3 years
goldfish updates:
named the doubletail 'peanut butter' and the singletail 'jelly'
neither are particularly responsive to new stimuli but jelly is extremely oblivious
to the point that i had to shoo it towards each food pellet with my hand so peanut butter didn't get to it first
again as a comparison i have to point out that pb will literally take food from my fingers
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iantojonesthebetta · 7 years
3, 4, 9, 10? 💖💖
What is your favorite fish?
My favourite fish, currently, are, predictably, bettas -- both domestic and wild. I love Betta albimarginata, channoides, pallifina, hendra, rubra, brownorum, imbellis, mahachai, smaragdina, and api api, just to name a few.
Aside from bettas, though, I really love German rams. I’d love to have some in the future when I can do 30 gallons and over. Corydoras are so darn cute, too, and I’d consider pygmy cories for my 23 gallons, but none of the other varieties yet.
What was/is your most troublesome tank? 
I already answered that here. :)
Favorite type of betta?
Halfmoon plakats! Well, really, any plakat. I’ve had four of them so far, including two halfmoon plakats, one doubletail plakat, and a king plakat. As for a pattern, I really love marbles despite them being troublesome for me.
Favorite type of goldfish? 
Ranchu. Ugh, I love them so much even if I really shouldn’t. They’re just so round and adorable. They’re definitely my top pick if I ever have goldfish. I also really like orandas.
Thank you for the ask!
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