#doudou hayato
miraofhearts2point0 · 6 months
do i think these aib characters are bilangual? an important post
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Arisu: no. he took an English class for a trimester and dropped out almost immediately.
Karube: kind of. he can speak some Spanish bc his grandma is Mexican and he visited her while growing up.
Chota: no. same reason as Arisu.
Shibuki: no. same reason as Arisu and Chota.
Usagi: no. she's thought about learning Spanish though.
Chishiya: yes. fluent in both Japanese and French, dabbled in Italian, (Spaniard) Spanish, and English, but never got around to actually learning them.
Kuina: no. if someone was willing to teach her English she'd happily learn it.
Niragi: no. he can understand some Latin though; e.g: prayers and hymns.
Ann: yes. Japanese, Mandarin, and Hmong.
Mahiru: yes. English, Tagalog, and Japanese. some Cantonese, too.
Aguni: yes. Japanese and (Latin) Spanish.
Hatter: no. he knows a few words in almost every major language but will never commit to actually learning them.
Mira: surprisingly no. she hasnt had any reason to.
Kuzuryū: yes. (canonically) English, Japanese, and (non canonically) Mandrin.
Kyuuma: kind of. in the process of learning English. probably learned some from his bf (Kuzuryū)
Shiirabi: yes.
Enji: no. he dgaf
Heiya: no. she knows a few slang words in English and that's about it.
Doudou: no. for the same reason as Arisu, Chota, and Shibuki.
Mitsurugi: yes. English and Japanese.
Kariya: no.
Ippei: no. see Arisu, Chota, Doudou, and Shibuki.
Urumi: yes. Mandrin and Japanese.
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stillsundazed · 2 years
Why haven’t I seen any posts about Hayato (Doudou) being the kid in Chishiya’s backstory, implying that the reason he’s not helping Aguni and Akane in King of Spades is because he fucking died
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rakkikuroba · 2 years
You know the sentence "The abused becomes the abuser"?
By killing Isao, Aguni broke the cycle abuse. By killing him to protect Doudou, he broke the mf cycle of abuse and showed that he was better than his fucking abusive dad.
Love that for him.
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24hlevi · 1 year
aib vol 7 releases next week cant wait to see my beloved found family
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dysany · 2 years
akane was shot, thrown around, punched and kicked. When she returned to the real world, she was fine. In a wheelchair, but fine.
Ann, who received gunshots but less physical brutality, was in a coma and needed surgery to get her back..
Do you know what that was? It was the absence of Hayato Doudou. Because someone needed Standing in front of Aguni's room and thinking "hey, I care about that guy even though I don't know him" and akane was the only possible person to do that
Netflix, you took my son away and let meaningless things happen. this is karma
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jess-emurphy · 2 years
Naming my first born child Doudou since the show couldn't be bothered to implement him themselves.
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chishiyaswatergun · 3 years
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I really loved the dynamic between Niragi, Chishiya, and Arisu especially since I always find it fascinating to observe how people who come from similar backgrounds can find themselves led astray to entirely different paths than one another.
First, you have Niragi who was bullied during his adolescence (also he probably didn't have that good of a home life considering the fact that the bullying persisted his entire life and no one ever stepped in to stop it or get him help). Because of this, upon arriving to the Borderlands, he chooses to lead a life of malice and cruelty with no regard for the lives of others since he believes: "No one cared about me so I'm going to be a menace to humanity."
Then you have Chishiya who was emotionally neglected by his parents and lived a life void of the love and care that are essential for full human potential. His parents value him for performance rather than him as their son, as a human being, and even then, he isn't given affection despite the fact that he worked hard to get in the medical field like his father, hoping to achieve the approval and affection that he's lacked of his entire life. Due to this, he leads a life void of sympathy and compassion for others since he believes: "No one cared about me so I'm not going to care about anyone."
Finally, you have Arisu who was verbally and emotionally abused by his father his entire life. He too has lived a life void of affection and filled with harm at the hands of someone who should have been there for him and nourished him. However, it's obvious that his outcome of a character greatly contrasted that of both Niragi and Chishiya. He has chosen a path of benevolence despite the fact that benevolence is something he himself is more foreign to than others. Because of the lack of kindness in his own life he believes: "No one cared about me so I'm going to care about everyone."
Niragi represents the cruelty that can emit from trauma.
Chishiya represents the indifference that can emit from trauma.
Arisu represents the leniency that can emit from trauma.
All three of their characters represent a greater truth and that truth is that regardless of what we have endured, we always have the ability to choose how our roles as humans cultivate. By being maleficent or apathetic, not much change can ever be brought forward for oneself or the world around them, but by being soft-hearted and caring in spite of the wickedness bestowed upon your experience as a human being, an improved quality of life is possible.
Arisu is evidence of this because if it had not been for his strength and courage to be kind when everything he had gone through told him not to be, he and nearly everyone else he had met in the Borderlands would have most likely died.
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luckysheikah · 2 years
seeing how they replaced some characters with Arisu on the show (like in Runaway or how he solves the bulbs game), i sincerely hope they aren't planning to replace doudou with him in the king of spades
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boowoomuu · 2 years
Why is there no Doudou content in this fandom??? Manga readers where are youuuu????????
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miraofhearts2point0 · 7 months
actually slamming my head against the wall wdym theres a pretty good chance the kid Chishiya killed in the adap might be Doudou.
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maybe the writers saw the all of four manga readers being upset with the lack of Doudou and are planning on adding him in s3
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miraofhearts2point0 · 9 months
post Borderlands Heiya becoming a nail tech and practicing on Doudou
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completely usless aib headcanons with no angst at all
- Heiya is a big Star Wars fan and writes fanfic about it in her freetime.
- Aguni likes watching those rug cleaning videos.
- the first song Arisu learned on guitar was The Hardest Button To Button.
- Chishiya loves the Spiderman comics and movies with a passion and given the opportunity, will talk about it for hours.
- Mira has owned a pet turtle before.
- Usagi's favorite show is Stranger Things and her fav character is Robin.
- Karube likes astrology, but would never admit that to anyone.
- Kuina shamefully watches South Park.
- Ann is secretly a Wonder Girls stan but pretends she isn't to not ruin the "metal listener" image she's created for herself.
- Niragi's favorite video game is Minecraft, ironically enough.
- Urumi is a small streamer who also plays video games-- mainly LoL and Overwatch.
- Kuzuryū is allergic to cats, but still fed a bunch of them when he was living in the states.
- Hatter is totally a conspiracy theorist and watched Shane Dawson for a while...then he found out all of.... that....
- Doudou watches Game Theory and will rant about FNaF if given the opportunity.
- Tatta watches Phineas and Ferb RELIGIOUSLY and kins Doofenshmirtz.
BONUS-- post borderlands:
- Heiya and Doudou started watching Buzzfeed Unsolved together and it's now a thing they do every weekend-- forcing Aguni to hang out with them too ofc. (they've finished both versions, every season, and ghost files at least five times each).
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miraofhearts2point0 · 2 years
Aguni and Heiya are asian latino and Doudou is wasian trust
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miraofhearts2point0 · 2 years
tempted to write a (platonic) Aguni, Heiya and Doudou fic where they spend valentines day (night) painting and eating candy. idk.
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rakkikuroba · 2 years
I honestly thought we would have a big reveal like Mira was Arisu’s mom or something.
Then for another second i thought she could have been Doudou’s mom. Idk from the back lol
But im not really smart. So… not a surprise i thought that.
But anyway, that would have been such a manipulative move to be like "im your dead mother you probably don’t even have memories of because you were just a toddler when i "died"" and then haha sike im not.
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