#ippei oki
grimlin-gromlin · 2 years
AIB as textposts (pt 4)
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miraofhearts2point0 · 6 months
do i think these aib characters are bilangual? an important post
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Arisu: no. he took an English class for a trimester and dropped out almost immediately.
Karube: kind of. he can speak some Spanish bc his grandma is Mexican and he visited her while growing up.
Chota: no. same reason as Arisu.
Shibuki: no. same reason as Arisu and Chota.
Usagi: no. she's thought about learning Spanish though.
Chishiya: yes. fluent in both Japanese and French, dabbled in Italian, (Spaniard) Spanish, and English, but never got around to actually learning them.
Kuina: no. if someone was willing to teach her English she'd happily learn it.
Niragi: no. he can understand some Latin though; e.g: prayers and hymns.
Ann: yes. Japanese, Mandarin, and Hmong.
Mahiru: yes. English, Tagalog, and Japanese. some Cantonese, too.
Aguni: yes. Japanese and (Latin) Spanish.
Hatter: no. he knows a few words in almost every major language but will never commit to actually learning them.
Mira: surprisingly no. she hasnt had any reason to.
Kuzuryū: yes. (canonically) English, Japanese, and (non canonically) Mandrin.
Kyuuma: kind of. in the process of learning English. probably learned some from his bf (Kuzuryū)
Shiirabi: yes.
Enji: no. he dgaf
Heiya: no. she knows a few slang words in English and that's about it.
Doudou: no. for the same reason as Arisu, Chota, and Shibuki.
Mitsurugi: yes. English and Japanese.
Kariya: no.
Ippei: no. see Arisu, Chota, Doudou, and Shibuki.
Urumi: yes. Mandrin and Japanese.
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If anyone sees this kid wandering around…
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…he probably looks bewildered and possibly has snot running down his face because he cries constantly, send him my way.
He answers to Ippei.
Or “hey, kid”.
Or a loud whistle.
Basically, show him any kind of attention and he’ll follow you anywhere. Kind of like a golden retriever. So if you see him, and you’re anywhere near a car, just open one of the doors and I’m sure he’ll hop right in. Keep him there until I arrive.
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wishfuldr3aming · 1 year
Chishiya: Alright, listen up you little shits.
Chishiya: Not you, Ippei. You’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
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peculiarbob · 2 years
Things in Alice In Borderland that make me cry (it’s like 2 in the morning so I’m in a AIB mood):
-Since they don’t remember the borderlands, Aguni’s last memory of Takeru is them hat shopping. His last memory of his best friend wasn’t killing him, it was them being happy!
-Kuina was so optimistic. Despite her father not accepting her for YEARS and her mom (presumably the only person who truly accepted her) being in the hospital, she kept fighting.
-I like to think that Kuina saved Ann. You survive the borderlands based on how strong your will to live is. Ann really died for a little while. But it was Kuina and her kindness and love that brought her back.
-Arisu was so ready to die after Chota and Karube died. But throughout the show he survives just to survive, then he eventually finds the will to live again just to want to die again. But in the end he fights to live and he has someone he wants to live for.
-Kyuma and his friends. They trusted him so much and even in the end when he failed, they didn’t hate him. Shitara literally died to give his friends a chance to live.
-Kyuma accepted death. But it wasn’t just that, he was so satisfied with his life. This just makes me really happy.
-Tatta wanted something more in life so bad but he never got the chance! He didn’t even have that much more freedom in the borderlands. He was still being bullied!
-NO ONE REMEMBERS TATTA AND HIS SACRIFICE! This breaks my heart so much! It didn’t seem like he had that many people in his life, so who showed up to his funeral?!?!
-Takeru knew that the borderlands changed him for the worse. He knew he couldn’t go back to his old self so he wanted his best friend to put him out of his misery. But in doing so, Aguni felt so much guilt that he wanted to die as well. He didn’t even know why he kept on living.
-Ippei probably entered the borderlands pretty late and the Jack of hearts was probably his first hearts game. He saw humanity at their worst. He violently died without seeing humanity at their best.
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writing-fanics · 2 years
so I’ll make the next chapter of the chishiya family.. it takes place during the Jack of hearts and sadly they had to bring Haru along.
but y’all get cute moments of Haru playing patty cake with ippei and peek a boo. even as the other players start lying to each other about their suits.
Haru is giving Ippei that little sliver of the good in people. Even tho the games are brining out their true selves.
Haru even starts calling Ippei big brother. When she sees him crying she hugs his side, hoping that’ll help him get better. she just smiles at him.
when he doesn’t exist his cell the next round. Haru starts crying, leading chishiya wife y/n to comfort their daughter.
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Alice in Borderland Polaroids pt 5
every poster I’ve made can be found under the tag #aib polaroid posters
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This one time Chishiya told me he had multiple side accounts on tumblr and I was confused about why he suddenly told me that in the middle of a life or death game where we could get our heads blown up. So now I'm here 🙂
- IO 💓
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Can you talk about your first impressions of other participants in the Jack of hearts?
Ah, alright.
So the very first person I noticed was Urumi, she looked very confident.. A little bit too confident. I thought she was going to be the first one to die, I was wrong but she didn't stand for long.
Then I noticed Ippei. He was scared and I think he was talking to himself for a while.. He looked like he was about to just run out of the venue.
I've seen Yaba, I actually saw him walking to the venue but I didn't get the chance to get a good look at him then. But in the game he just stood there all high and mighty.. He probably had alot on his mind.
Obviously I've noticed Kotoko though I didn't really care to take a look at her, she was going to die at some point.
Then there was Enji, out somewhere in the corner staying as far away as he could from everyone else. He looked nervous.
There were also a bunch of other people grouping together and talking, a few of them died in the first 3 rounds.
Then there was another person I can't clearly remember..
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jack-of-emos · 2 years
Do you... Want a hug?
- IO 💓
Uh..... sure..?
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grimlin-gromlin · 2 years
AIB as text posts (pt 2)
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Jack of Hearts, A Summary in Ten Posts
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cloudi-bunni · 2 years
Don’t take it personal
Summary: fem! reader plays the solitary confinement game
Ooc!Chishiya x manipulative! Fem!reader x ooc!Banda
Not edited!
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Placing the collar on your neck, you adjust your clothing. Brushing of the invisible dusk. Sucking on the lollipop on your lips you wait until the rules are over with. “I have an idea! How about we get together and make teams to tell each other? So that way nobody can lie” a girl with a pretty youthful face Announced.
The blue frills of her dress, masking her in false innocence. Another few people agreed to this. Some asking to be able to join. “Of course the more the merrier!” She exclaimed. Your eyes washed over the room.
Calmly picking apart the people in the room. The first few seconds of someone tells you everything you need to know. The group following the girl around approached you. “Want to join? No pressure” you nodded lowering you head slightly.
“Y/n how lucky am I to be in your presence” you heard a cool deep voice call out. Looking behind you, you saw him. The bane of your existence. “Chishiya i see you’re already making friends forgot about me that quickly?” The man in front of you just smiled.
The boy behind him you saw a boy in yellow. The yellow made you assume he was a kind soul. The type to not want to die, but he didn’t want others to die either. This game would eat him up then spit him back out as if he was nothing. Your heart ached for him, you hated when the people most kind hearted got put in these types of games. They shouldn’t be here, the wicked and cruel should. Not the innocent.
“Oh come on no need to get jealous” chishiya retorted, that stupid smirk painting his face. “Hard not to be jealous when you replaced me chishi” you pouted before turning to the boy. “I’m y/n and you are?” “Ippei oki” The boy introduced himself. A small smile tugging at his lips. “I have an idea why don’t we share our symbols? You never know if the others could be lying ya know!” Chishiya raised an eyebrow at your facade.
He knows you taking a liking to already so what’s the point in this? Was it to simply make sure that everyone assumed you were this kind? Or was it because you wanted to gain the boys trust. When he saw you bowing in front of the boy he decided to ignore these thoughts for the moment.
“Let’s make this game fun yeah?” You’re faux cheerful tone. Almost had chishiya convinced, had he not known you before he would have believed you. “How can you be so sure this game would be fun?” “I don’t know…I just hope we all get out of here alive..you agree yeah?” The boy just nodded, “there’s going to be a bloodshed…you are aware of this are you not?” Chishiya asked attempting to pick apart your mask.
“Yeah I know…but as long as the three of us live we’ll be fine!” “How do we know you’re not the jack?”
He decided to test you, even if he knew you were not. He wanted to see you slip up, he wanted you to drop your facade in front of ippei. “I guess you’re going to have to trust me huh?”
Walking towards where the food was stored. You noticed a blue shirt man walking in at the same time. Spotting the snacks chishiya was mentioning.you make your way to it. Grabbing his preferred snack, Examining the colorful bag. ‘Weird taste’ bending over to grab your snack you felt a presence behind you. Standing up you turn around, face to face with the black haired male.
His blue eyes peering in your soul. You looked into his eyes, it looked as if he was attempting to drown you in them. You never attempted to look away from them. He was dragging you in them, just like he did with his previous victims. Reading him was like reading another language. His face Remained the same, it never changed once. Looked like one of those broken dolls at the stores you used to be afraid of when you were a child.
“Hi?” Your voice didn’t faltered. Not even when you noticed the shiny object in his pocket. It glistened in poor lighting. “You’re y/n” he stated as if he already knew, and was informing you of it. “Yep that’s me…do I know you?” Smiling softly at him.
Feeling a little threatened by the man towering you. Still not backing down however. “You’re like me Aren’t you?” His voice boomed in the room. His question Confused you. A small huh left your lips. Still keeping your eyes gazing into his. “You like these games don’t you? You look down on everyone here” you’re gaze harden but everything about your face stayed the same.
Your lips forming an ‘o’ as you borrowed your eyebrows. Taking confusion. “You’re playing every one here, you think you’re better then everyone here but you hide behind that damn smile. You’re an evil horrible snake..you believe your life is the most important one in this world.”
Your hands gripping the bags so hard one of them accidentally popped. Your smiled returned to your face. But your eyes reminded the same. They were filled with such annoyance. Your chest growing heavy with white rage. Spreading like a wild fire. Your eyes finally leave his. Now paying attention to your ruined food. That was laid out on the floor, the crumbs were there. “I am not nothing like you.” You laugh a bit at the fucking audacity he had. The rage you felt, it was a shock you didn’t kick him then and there.
“I knew it you’re just like me” before you could react he caged you in Between the surface of the rows. A blade reaching its way to your neck. Under normal circumstances you would have been scared, but the rules of the game rendered his efforts useless. “Go ahead do it pussy” the knife dug deeper, enough for a few droplets of blood to fall but not enough to cause damage. Hissing you looked at him once more, “fuck you im into this” he moved the blade away from you, shoulders shaking as he silently laughed. “I like you, we should be friends. I don’t think that guy you hang out with is trustworthy” his blue eyes peering at you once more. But this time it showed acceptance, as if you were now deemed worthy. Like you passed a test you didn’t even know you were taking. “…sure” turning around you lifted you hair. You wanted to know if he was truly being honest. You were curious, it was only natural. He leaned In despite not having too. His hands found their way on yours. A whisper let out “heart”
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Tossing the bag to chishiya. “What took so long” he caught it flawlessly, ippei glancing up at you. “Made some new friends, he was such a hottie” you joked. The white male looking at you with a sense of seriousness.
He didn’t like that you were making friends with others. Much less calling them hot right in him. As if he wasn’t there. Af is the male who saved your life time and time again wasn’t in front of you. In chishiya’s eyes you should only look at him, it infuriated him beyond belief. ‘Why would you call this Guy ,who is probably an imbecile, hot?’ glancing at you he opened his bag.
“Oh yeah? Who?“ he asked poison leaking from his lips. The question was one he definitely didn’t want the answer to. “His name is Banda sunato recognized him from the news, if he wasn’t an absolute psycho I would have been all over him” That comment you added at the end didn’t help him at all. It only made the feeling in chest tighten ten times more. If it weren’t for his pride he would have shown it. “Psycho? He’s definitely your type then” he joked trying to hide the feelings that are currently plague him like a disease.
“You’re Right..he totally is my type” you joked leaning forward. Your low cut exposing your chest. Grabbing a biscuit from his hand. He didn’t seem to mind in fact seemed like he liked it. Peering down your shirt for at least a good minute. Ippei giggled before saying “see something you like chishiya?” Laughing at the joke you took a bite of the cookie. “You’re Right these are actually good” chishiya just gave a sly smile. The same smile he gave whenever he was correct. That irritating annoying smile…you can’t help but love it.
You felt a gaze behind you. As you were sitting with your team mates, there was the same male as before sitting on the floor. Legs pressed to his chest as he just stared at your group. The state didn’t feel like it was trying to kill you or like it was attempting to harm anyone in anyway. It felt curious, as if it was planning your next move. Ignoring the blue eyed male you look at the girl in the blue dress. Group following behind her, “I’m so sorry to bother you…but we need to find out our symbols so let’s go meet up!” Getting up you begin to follow her, smiling as you wave at the boy with his bangs covering his face. Surprised taking him he gave a slight wave back.
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People yelling out symbols. There was sweat dripping down the sides of their heads. Your voice calling out the symbol just like the rest. When it was your turn you stood tall, shoulders relaxed. Giving the impression you Trusted them with all your being. “I’m next! Please tell me the truth” you said, parting your hair out of the way. “Oh y/n you’re a heart” you heard a small voice let out. Hearing a chorus of hearts leaving the lips of everyone. You walked back to your place, next to the cat like man.
“Mmm i kinda like urumia” you stated, as you begin to twirl your hair. “Why is that?” Ippei asked, his hands shaking. He looked like a puppy in the rain. “She’s smart I mean getting a leadership role this earlier on? It’s pretty smart I must say! Plus she’s really cute” you state, your pretty finger still toying with your hair. “Makes people more willing to listen to you, but it also makes you a target” chishiya added.
A small sound of agreement left your lips. You noticed ippei’s eyes Wandering everywhere. You figured he wasn’t good under stress, and you couldn’t have your teammate acting like this. Could possibly mess up the game in the long run, you were not risking it. You took his hand in your’s you started tracing his plam. “Hey ippei what did you do in your life before this” you asked suddenly. A distraction, granted one that’s not so helpful but one none the less. “Oh I used to be a student teacher” he replied, his hands still shaking. But it stilled after a while, “oh? What subject did you want to teach?” You asked a bit more interested. You loved teachers, “I want to be a teacher” the bottle blonde, listening in on the conversation. Adding his very important input, “you’d look the type”. You giggled slightly, looking at your newfound friends eyes. “You really do”
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Walking into the cell. You shut the door behind you, the countdown started. “Heart” you said. Arms crossing over your chest. Not really giving it much thought. You waited for the timer to be done. Once it was done you walked out. Glancing around you noticed that everyone was there. Getting a glimpse of a yellow sweater, you skipped over to it. Every step you took bringing you closer to him, but it was short lived as one of your Wrist was in the hands of someone else. “I see you’re alive” the blue shirt taking up your vision. You remembered when blue used to be your favorite color, how the color would calm you down. The color used to make you want to paint the sky, the color made you want to jump in the clouds. But looking at him in it made the color leave an awful taste in your mouth. Knowing he killed those woman without a care made you boil with rage. “We are nothing alike… im fighting for my life…what are YOU fighting for?” a serious look painting your face. Turning your head back, to look at him in the eyes. Searching for an answer, hoping that this sack of shit had a reason. The more you looked in the blue you found yourself more lost then before. He only watched you. You pushed him away from you, walking away from the tainted blue back to the safe yellow and white.
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Would you adopt Ippei?
Oh, well, yes; that’s sounds like a fantastic idea!
No, of course not! What makes you think I would know how to care for an ‘Ippei’?
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shunchitaro · 2 years
Aguni x Reader
Genre: Angst + Fluff Platonic >I haven't seen Aguni oneshots or any written w him being a father-figure so here >Reader is a male child in this oneshot It was the King of Spades game, Aguni saw the blimp nearby, and he knew to take cover, heading into the woods. As he went he heard sobbing, and being curious he decided to investigate.
He saw a child, maybe around 12 years old. He was resting against a tree, and Aguni's eyes traveled down to see a sharp shard of glass protruding from the boy's leg. Just next to the little boy was a man which could be his father, pale and blood all over him. Aguni's breath caught in his throat, realizing that the kid's father must have died trying to protect him.
Aguni went up to the kid, crouching down. He wasn't really great with kids, but he knew he somehow had to help this one. He couldn't just leave the kid here to die. The games were almost over, the kid should at least survive.
"Kid, what's your name?" He asked, and the kid looked at him sniffling and barely able to breath due to crying so much. "Y/n Ō-oki" The kid stammered, voice breaking.
"Does that hurt?" Aguni asked, pointing at his leg and Y/N nods. "My papa and I were playing a game and we made it out but the building exploded.." He explained.
Aguni felt pity, should he take the kid with him? The kid could possibly slow him down from killing the King of Spades, and letting a kid tag along will most likely cause his own death.
"Do you want to come with me? I'll treat that wound of yours." Aguni asked gently, and the kid nodded. Aguni thought he could see a sense of relief in the little boy's eyes.
Aguni gently picked the kid up, taking him along. When he got to his camp, he made sure to be gentle in dressing Y/N's wound, pulling the shard out gently and wrapping his extra shirt around it tying it securely. Aguni grinned softly, patting the boy's head.
'You're a brave little kid, no wonder you made it this far hm?" Aguni asked, and the boy smiled proudly, yet sadly.
"My papa helped me get through most of the games. My older brother helped too but he went to a different game and never came back" He mumbled
"What was your older brother's name? Maybe we can look for him?" Aguni asked
"Ōki Ippei"
Aguni's breath caught in his throat. He remembered Chishiya telling him about the prison game, and how he played with a certain Ōki Ippei, and how he had killed himself during the game.
Y/N Ōki reminded Aguni of himself. Just like him, Y/N had nobody now. Just as Aguni lost Danma, this kid had lost his entire family.
He knew what it was like to be alone, and didn't want the young boy to experience it.
"Don't you worry Y/N. I'll take care of you. We'll both make it out of here alive."
Aguni kept to his word.
Y/N Ōki was at the hospital. His leg was bandaged and he had a limp, due to the shard that had stabbed into his leg. He knew both his brother and father were dead, and he would be up for adoption soon enough.
Y/N suddenly stopped in front of a room with clear windows; and looking inside, he saw someone he thought he recognized. A nurse left the room, and noticed him. "Do you know this patient?" She asked gently, and he shook his head. "What's his name, miss?" Y/N asked, tiptoeing to look behind her. "Morizono Aguni" The nurse replied, before bowing and heading off.
Y/N felt a soft tug at his heart as he stared. The man was heavily bandaged and unconscious, but as Y/N stared at him, he felt as if he was protected. As if he was safe.
They might have not remembered each other, but Aguni kept to his word.
They both made it out alive.
Author's note: Hey! So for those who are wondering, I find it hard to write readers with pronouns they/them no matter how hard I try :') I end up writing he/her she/him unconsciously so I end up doing it all over again. So I'll switch from female or male readers from time to time, so it's fair. Im more used to writing stories with direct he/him she/her pronouns, so please understand <3
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massivesimpfordilfs · 2 years
Chishiya Fic pt2
Here's pt2, rly cranked it out there. Also on request from my same friend. Here's pt1 if u havent seen it
Chishiya x gn!reader
“Hearts. Just had to pick hearts.” (y/n) grumbled, avoiding looking at Chishiya.
“Hey, you said you didn’t want to get blown up.” Chishiya shrugged, scanning the forming group within the prison.
“Hearts is the one game I’m not good at. You saw me during the ten of hearts! I was a mess!”
“Wasn’t that bad.” Chishiya laughed a tiny bit smug, eyes trailing the way his partner paced back and forth.
(y/n) calmed down as more people entered, trying to not bring attention to them and flipping his hood up.
“Game: Solitary Confinement. Rules: Every round is an hour, at the end of a round you must step into one of the cells and guess your suit. If you guess incorrectly, the collar around your neck explodes. To clear: Kill the Jack. There are plenty of snacks and drinks.” The robotic voice explained.
“The Jack?” (y/n) asked.
“This game could last for days.” Chishiya muttered, glancing at his friend.
“We can win by just telling each other the suits! Quick, what’s mine?” A guy asked, turning so his neck could be shown to a person next to him.
“This is a game of trust. We won’t know who’s telling the truth if we play like that. And the game won’t end unless someone lies to the Jack.” A elegant looking business man explained. At that, everyone started silently grouping, cautious of one another. A boy who looked kind of like a minion or El Chavo approached (y/n) and Chishiya.
“I’m Ippei Oki.” He said, bowing to the two. “Can I…group up with you two?”
(y/n) glanced at Chishiya who smiled and nodded, keeping his hands in his pockets.
A large group started forming and instantly, (y/n) did not like it. They thought that the girl leading the group was too cheerful for such a dark game. They glanced over at Chishiya who looked at the level below them, seemingly observing two other players.
“Do you want to join us?” Some scared looking people walked over and asked the now trio.
“Sure.” (y/n) glared at Chishiya who looked over at them and winked. (y/n) blushed and looked away. The group thanked them and the round continued.
“Heart.” Chishiya told (y/n).
“Diamond.” They replied.
The round went smoothly, no one died until the second round. (y/n) was downstairs getting snacks, finding some delicious biscuits, and returned after the scary guy had been lied to. After making their guesses, (y/n) flinched as a loud explosion sounded next to them. Exiting the cell, they peeked in and found the bloody mess that was the big scary guy. Everyone else became more cautious and heightened. More and more people started lying and dying, but (y/n), Chishiya, and Ippei remained silent even within their own group. They were downstairs in the cafeteria together and (y/n) handed Chishiya a bag of the biscuits.
“I think we should eliminate that kid.” The girl, Urumi, suggested when they had walked off to get a drink.
“Why?” Ippei asked, a little nervous.
“I don’t trust them. They have a kind of…attitude.” She hummed, eating her snack. Chishiya pressed his lips, cautiously watching his friend.
“(y/n).” He approached the kid later. “Urumi and the others plan to lie to you.”
“Oh? Well, isn’t that just lovely.” (y/n) sighed. “You won’t, right?”
Chishiya smiled, nodding and (y/n) turned around. “Spade.” Chishiya said.
“Thanks.” (y/n) held up a fist for a fistbump and Chishiya reciprocated.
When the guesses were made, (y/n) closed their eyes tight, hoping that Chishiya really hadn’t lied as the rest of the group had told them Club.
Nothing happened and they walked out clean. With a shrug, they walked past the members of the group. They remained distant, with Ippei and Chishiya mostly relying on each other while Chishiya helped (y/n).
“These biscuits are good.” They said, just after Urumi was killed.
“Did you eat them in the real world?” Chishiya asked, stealing a couple.
“Nope. I didn’t even know they existed.” (y/n) smiled, wiping some crumbs off the corner of their mouth.
“I think Urumi was mad up until she died that you didn’t.” Chishiya hummed, looking at the last two of the original group. They were crying and quite obviously lying to one another.
“It’s amazing how quickly people can lose faith in one another.” (y/n) hummed, drinking some of the green tea they had in a bottle. 
“Just shows how fragile humans are.” Chishiya replied. He stood up and walked past (y/n), patting the kid on the head as he passed. (y/n) froze, going bright red before choking on a biscuit.
“Ooh, you’re crushing?” Ippei asked, walking over after a minute.
“Shut up! No I’m not!” (y/n) denied. Ippei just laughed. They calmed down and sat in silence for a moment.
“I’m getting tired of this. Watching people betray each other because of a deadly game. I shouldn’t have made it this far to begin with.” Ippei smiled sadly, looking at the floor.
“Hey, come on, we can get through this.” (y/n) said, trying to get him to cheer up.
“During the next guess, I’m going to guess wrong. I don’t want to keep risking everything for these games.” Ippei looked at his newfound friend who looked back with creased eyebrows and a disheartened expression.
“Ending on a heart, befitting.” (y/n) smiled but it was obviously forced. It seemed as though they were just trying to lighten the mood.
After their guessing round, (y/n) walked out and bumped into the boy with hair in his eyes. He reminded the kid of those angsty teens stereotyped in shows and movies. His nervous nature and the hair all fit.
“Hey.” They said but the boy didn’t stop. “Matsushita, right?” The boy paused and (y/n) smiled. “You’ve been real quiet. Your friend was the first one to have someone killed, yeah? What’s his name?”
“Banda. And I don’t know. I wasn’t there.” Matsushita didn’t turn around completely, just kind of looking to the side over his shoulder. Four other doors opened and out walked the remaining players. Chishiya, Yaba, Kotoko, and Banda. They all seemed to stare at (y/n).
“What’s with those looks?” They asked, confused. Chishiya nodded to the unopened cell beside them and they glanced in. “Oh.”
“Ippei was too pure-hearted for this game.” Chishiya clicked his tongue. He walked off past the group. Everyone else continued looking at (y/n) who felt next to naked under all their gazes. None of them had really seen them talk to Chishiya so everyone believed the kid was all alone. They laughed nervously before walking off towards the cafeteria.
“Everyone thinks you killed him.” Chishiya rounded the corner, munching on some of the biscuits.
“I know. Ugh, now how are we supposed to win?” They asked, grabbing a box of mint pocky.
“Those are so gross.” Chishiya snickered, looking at the package.
“Shut up. What’s the plan now?” (y/n) asked.
“Well, I think they think we’re both alone now. I’ll lurk down here and try to get someone to spill, maybe intimidate Matsushita a bit about Banda and try to get Kotoko to talk to me. You will stay away from here. I’ll tell you your suit now so you won’t have to worry about getting it later.” (y/n) nodded, turning around. “Spade.”
“Turn around-”
“No, I want to see if I can get the others to tell me.” Chishiya smiled.
“But-” They were cut off by a biscuit being shoved in their mouth and receiving a little peck on the head. They started turning bright red.
“Don’t worry, I’m good at guessing games. Now go, someone is going to come down soon.” Chishiya nodded towards the stairs and (y/n) walked off.
Sure enough, the last round went smoothly. (y/n) pretty much hid in the corner, trying to keep themself busy while avoiding everyone.
“Planning to die?” Yaba asked, approaching them in the last twenty minutes.
“Yeah. Kinda no point if my buddy is dead.” They shrugged.
“I’ll tell you your suit if you tell me who you think the Jack is.” Yaba offered.
“Hmm, I’ll tell you that for free.” (y/n) offered, smiling and tapping his cheek.
Yaba laughed. “Ok, sure. I think it’s that boy you first arrived with. The one that abandoned you after your group tried to kill you.”
“Oh? Nah, if anything he’d probably be the king of diamonds. I really think it’s that boy Matsushita. He’s just…really off.” They answered, standing up and stretching. “If you were a face card, which would you be? I think I’d be one of the spades cards. Probably the Jack.”
“I’d like to be…the Jack of hearts.” Yaba smiled, tilting his head just a bit.
“That’s cool, you’d probably be really good at it.” The voice announced the guessing time, interrupting the conversation. “Well, good luck.” (y/n) got up and walked away, entering a cell.
The countdown began and they announced with a smile, “Spade.” Time ran out and only one explosion went off. After a few minutes, they heard an echo down the hall, like someone was laughing. 
“Oh, guess it really was Matsushita. Aw and I wanted him to be the nice one.” (y/n) sighed, walking out after another few minutes. They followed the voices and ended up on the same floor as Chishiya, waving down at him. Chishiya waved back and continued talking. The two walked out of the prison together, only pausing when the explosion of the blimp came from behind him.
“Well, that was fun. What’s next?” (y/n) asked, Chishiya just laughed and pulled out a stolen pack of the biscuits.
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