#douglas booth smut
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𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐑 ; 𝐧𝐢𝐤𝐤𝐢 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐱 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
!! disclaimer before we start this girliez !!
it's gonna be a multi-part fic
it's based on the movie (i read about the band's and nikki's life, but it'd be complicated)
fem!reader will be half russian and half of another nation (you can insert yours here)
it's gonna have some TW parts as cussing, drugs, sex, miscarriage, depression so please read with caution!!
word count: 2.308k trigger warning: cursing, pole dance, smoking
1981, hollywood, sunset boulevard
♡ 𝐘/𝐍 ♡
the fake lashes tickled her eyes as one of her colleagues helped her to ruffle up her hair, well, if you can name the other girls who pole dances with you in a night club 'colleagues'.
"i fucking hate this shit" she muttered, putting lipstick on her lips. jessica, the girl who helped her shrugged her shoulders.
"when you're done with that, you can go off with a guy. old men pays way much more then the broke, skinny rock and roll wannabe-ones."
"it's a good idea jess, but i want to use my young years, and maybe get a normal relationship." y/n knew that this decade had its own fuckboys, just like the teddy-boys in the 60s with long coats and hair with much gale, and the hippies in the 70s with those fucking irritating and bad-looking flares and too much color, and now... they had log hair, black clothes and bulked up with studs, now just on their clothes, but on their face, too. sometimes it was fucking disgusting, even worse than punks, but other times, it was pleasant dig into a boy's long hair while he ate her out.
"your choice, baby. two minutes and simon will come in, so prepare yourself." simon was the guy who talked with them; when to go to the stage and when their shift ended, handing out the girls' 'salaries' to them, always in cash, of course. dancing here wasn't her first option; y/n wanted to go to somewhere, where an audience could tell that she had a good voice, or just tell her to fuck off, getting into dancing and singing, acting universities were difficult and expensive to get in. but since she had to pay the bills in the house she shared with two other girls, collecting money wasn't that easy.
in two hours, she was dancing in the big area on the counter, letting men tuck money into her panties and throw it in the front of her legs. shaking and crawling her body to the music, she almost completely shut the world out from her own world. at least she could dance, and she liked dancing, as soon as...
a bolting light shone through the bar. it was impossible to miss that is was a camera light. what the fuck, she turned and saw a couple of guys standing there, making pictures in front of where she was dancing.
"the guys will be so jealous when they're gonna see this! okay, brad, could you-"
"what the fuck do you think are you doing?" y/n stopped dancing, getting their attention.
"just making some pictures, don't worry, babe."
"don't fucking babe me! you can't take pictures here, do you understand?" she hollered, climbing down from the counter.
"could you take a picture about us with your friend in the back? or could you call down her?"
y/n snatched the camera from them.
"if you don't fuck off, i'm gonna trash this piece of shit."
"i'd listen to the girl." two other guy stepped in, they had long hair just like the rockers they probably listened to. one of them, the curlier and brown one carried a drumstick with himself, tucked into his belt.
"sorry, but what the fuck are you?" fuckface brad's one friend asked him.
"just a guy who walks in here from time to time and doesn't break the rules."
"i don't fucking care, could you please go away? we have to take some pictures, give me back that shit!"
"this?" y/n asked, looking at the camera, then, with her heart stomping in her chest, she trashed it down to the ground, breaking it into thousands of pieces. the fuckfaces got shocked.
"are you fucking mad?!"
"you deserved it anyway", the drumstick-boy's friend said, but the next moment, y/n got a punch into her face, crashing into the counter where people stood before it. looking up, she felt something warm running down to her lips, but instead of crying being hurt, she grabbed the nearest bottle she could find, breaking it, she successfully scratched the boy's arm.
"fuck you!" she screamed, aggressively waving the bottle in front of her. "fuck off, right now, motherfuckers!"
"y/n, what the fuck are you doing?" simon got in the picture. y/n looked around; some of the guests and jessica stared at them, the rocker boys stopped punching the other two guy as she fretted the third of them with a broken bottle. "if you do it again, you are gonna get fired!"
the girl looked at him, laughing, grabbing as much as money she could.
"yeah? then you won't gonna get the chance to fire me, because i quit! fuck you, simon, and fuck everybody in this craphole! i'm done!" screaming, she walked back to collect her things. not saying a word to anyone, carrying her clothes and her wallet, she walked beside simon, pushing his shoulder with hers as he tried to talk with her. but now, she was mad and unstoppable.
"you can never go back here if you quit now!" simon yelled to her as she stood at the door, now everybody staring at them.
"you know what simon?" she asked, licking her lips. iron from blood. with money in one hand, she dropped her things for a second and showed up both of her middle fingers.
turning around, she left the place that was her second place to go, but not her second home. out the door, she saw that people were staring into the bar, probably they heard the fight.
"hey dude! give me a fucking cigarette." getting one, they lit it to her.
"do you know what happened? we heard yelling and screaming." a woman asked, y/n nodded, blowing out the smoke.
"yeah, it was me. and don't come here, because the motherfuckers replace half of the whiskey with water." then walking away, she sat down on the side of the road, smoking the stick between her lips as she put on her skirts, top and her jacket. she couldn't think about what's gonna be with her. there was always a place for a crawling, dancing girl who could dress up as a slut.
"hey, are you okay?"
turning around, it was the same two guy who tried to defend her. she couldn't blame them, she blamed the brad-kinda assholes. holding the cig with her hand now, she bit her lip.
"except that the fact that now i'm jobless, that my face hurts and got rearranged, i'm pretty good, thanks." they sat down beside her.
"we're sorry for what happened. but we beat them up."
"you were cool, too! with that broken bottle. i'm tommy, by the way, and he's nikki."
"i can talk myself too, tom."
"i'm y/n. and that's my job... well, was."
"sorry that we couldn't stop it." nikki looked at her. he had pretty, green eyes, not the ones she could see everyday.
"don't worry, it was just a matter of time. otherwise, if i have to handle those three, maybe i'd be in jail now. and i hate this shit", she added, tearing down the fake lashes.
"would you actually stab them?" tommy asked.
"of course. if they break the rules, i break them head." at that, the two of them looked each other. "what? you don't meet girls everyday who smash others for being a motherfucker?"
"no, most of my girlfriends cry and scream, or throw something at me." tommy shrugged his shoulders. "i'm gonna borrow some cigs, do y'all want some?"
"yes, please." y/n said, and nikki nodded, also. now, it was just the two of them. she turned to the guy.
"and you? any troubled girl?" he shook his head.
"not one yet. but an upcoming band, and it's gonna be fire."
"upcoming band? you drive in bands?"
"yeah. but the last one was shit, it was called london."
"bands with names of towns never work, didn't anybody tell you that before?" nikki laughed at her question. "well, now you know. and any plans about the new one?"
"it's gonna be... the best band you've ever seen. but i still need some members in it, now i only have tommy. so tell me, can you sing?"
it this the hand of fate? y/n was far too much played to believe in some guy's promises and questions.
"well, nobody wanted to beat me when i was carousing in my rent." laughing at this, nikki turned to her.
"maybe if you can really sing, i'll count a frontwoman into my band."
"frontwoman? don't joke with me." y/n shook her head at his words.
"why would i joke? why do you think it's a joke?"
"because i got fucked up by some people before, and i don't believe to empty promises. see, i'll go there, and if the band is cool, then i'm in."
tommy came back, handing the cigarettes to them, showing up a bottle alcohol.
"guys, i found this on the ground, it's only half empty!" he said, making y/n grimace.
"watch out, maybe it's piss. happens a lot of time." the two guy laughed again.
"were did you learn these comments?" tommy asked. y/n shrugged her shoulders, letting nikki light her cigarette.
"anywhere. i spent my childhood with people i learned a lot from."
"were you in orphanage?" nikki asked, and she nodded. another piece of ash falling to the ground.
"kinda. i grew up in sacramento, and getting out from it, i came here."
"that's fine. i sent my mother into jail, but she was an asshole anyway." nikki added, making y/n pull up her eyebrows, nodding approvingly.
"do you wanna go to party? tommy?" the guy asked, tommy shook his head.
"sorry, but i gotta be home. i think that girl broke up with me, but anyway, it was nice to meet you, y/n."
"see you again, toms."
"how so?"
"your friend just invited me to sing in his upcoming band, the one that never anybody has seen before." she teased nikki.
"wow, that's cool! i thought we're gonna have a guy, but that's okay."
"can't i be as good as a guy?" she asked back, making tommy look at nikki. "whatever, it's only a trial."
as tommy got away, y/n finished her second cigarette. "it was a pleasure to meet you, nikki, but i gotta search for a new place to work."
"why? until 4am, they're open. it's not a big deal."
"come and party with me instead of it. or just sit down and talk, hm?" the girl smiled at this, rolling her eyes.
"are you trying to fuck me? other guys just pay me the drinks and help me to get to the bathroom."
"no, i just wanna get to know more about you. you're probably not pure american, judging by your accent." nikki answered, helping her stand up. y/n looked at him.
"it's true that i'm a half-blood. half russian, half (y/na). every cop asks for my id, everybody thinks that i'm a fucking illegal immigrant, but i'm just as an american citizen as this fucking ford!" she said, pointing at the car beside them.
"fuck the police anyway. and... you said that you were a foster kid, how so?"
"i don't want to talk about it. besides, not everybody's choice to get their parents int jail."
the truth was that her mother was truly an illegal immigrant, and in the short half and a year she was in the states, she got pregnant with her from a fellow guy she met with. when y/n was born, her mother had a beautiful, lovely six months with her baby, but then, one day the police knocked on her door. having no father and living in a mother's home, it was an instant way to get into orphanage.
"i'm sorry about that. do you want to forget these things with some booze?" nikki asked as they turned down on the road.
"do you have an actual place to live?" she asked him.
"do you have a place to stay?" nikki asked back.
"hell yeah, just because i'm stated as a slut by the society, i'm not a homeless one!" y/n spread her arms beside them, almost slapping a guy. they both laughed at that. "lead me to your place."
"right away, princess." he replied, setting his arm around her shoulder. "can i?" nikki looked at her, y/n looked up to her from her real eyelashes.
"people can think that we're going up to me to fuck." y/n laughed, shrugging her free shoulder.
"and do i look like i give a fuck about what they think?"
y/n could be only one girl from all those who he met through the years, but she wasn't. he was unsure about that he really should invite her to the band, because if they really would get famous, everybody would bully her do death. and maybe she wouldn't get it on herself, but he would blow up from all the shit she'd get. looking at her, he only knew her a couple hours ago, but the way she protected herself from the creeps in the bar in underwear, the way she talked, she could be a pure ghetto chick, but she was more than that. it was like... she born into the wrong place, wanting to be more than she was now.
"is something bad? or are you just thinking?" she asked him.
"what? no, i just hope that i locked the windows before i started the night."
"i fancy the simple fact that you are a guy who is capable of thinking."
he wasn't a fan of fast and strong emotions, but if she doesn't stop replying sarcastically, he's gonna marry her.
it was just a matter of time...
...and tons of drugs, music and trouble.
a/n: i gotta get into writing since i just got back, but i hope you still like it. if you want to get on the taglist, dm, comment or write here
take care and stay safe girliez
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crystalbaby12 · 2 years
I just want to read Nikki Sixx fanfics. That’s the vibe
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But also, Douglas Booth as Nikki
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the-institute-promos · 8 months
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CONNECTION TO: Fayeth Araven CHARACTER NAME: Up to player FACE CLAIM: Douglas Booth, Diego Boneta, or open to discussion AGE: 117 - 200 STATUS: Master SPECIES: Seelie Fae
Charming, extroverted, conceited, easy to get along with is friendly but actually only considers a few actual friends, very loyal to said friends, can have a mean streak but is not a bad person
He is part of the royal family but down the line enough to not have to worry too much about it (is he has any ambitions regarding that is UTP). He loves to be out and about finding things to do and more than once he and Fayeth had gotten in trouble because of this. He honestly doesn’t care much about other spices or the world out of the Faewild (and more specifically the seelie court).  
Close friends, their parents are good friends and so they have been friends all their lives, recently there have been talks here and there that maybe in the future there could be a betrothal but is still mainly gossip
Since he is part of the royal family he’d know Katell, so contact Brenna to discuss their relationship and all those details 
Please contact V to discuss this connection further.
The Institute - Plot - Rules - Ask - Apply
The Institute is a supernatural master/slave roleplay established in 2015, set at a prestigious university on a tropical island--a prestigious university with some dark secrets.
Our long-term NPC headmaster has just been killed, and we are rolling out big IC changes--new worldbuilding, new in character rules, new locations, and new open characters! Join us today to be part of our revamp!
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motleycrueobsessed · 3 months
Masterlist (revamped!)
Who i will write for!
-Tommy Lee
-Nikki Sixx
-Mick Mars
-Vince Neil
-Joan Jett
-Kurt Cobain
-Jason Dean
-Veronica Sawyer
-Heather Chandler
-Heather Duke
(I wont write for mcnamara because i dont know her well!!)
-Douglas booth! Sixx
-MGK! Lee
-Daniel Webber! Neil
-Iwan Rheon! Mars
-Kristian Stewert! Jett
-Axl Rose
+ If you want to request someone whos not on here, just send me an ask and ill see what i can do!! 🖤
Kinks / Weird shit i wont write for
Watersports. (Piss/scat kinks)
No stepcest.
Heavy on the noncon.
If your unsure of something, just ask! If im uncomfortable with writing it, i wont write it.
Tommy lee:
Nikki sixx:
Mick mars:
Vince Neil:
Joan Jett:
Kurt Cobain:
Jason Dean:
Veronica Sawyer:
Heather C:
Heather D:
DB! Sixx:
MGK! Lee:
Slash :
Axl Rose:
I have like no motivation, so please be patient with my posts!
also pls send me asks i will probably write so much more if i get asks
Anon family!!
none 🥲
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marymoss1971 · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
1. how many works do you have on Ao3? 170
2. what's your total Ao3 word count? 336,231
3. what fandoms do you write for? I started with Whiskey Cavalier after it was cancelled. But now it's various Star Trek--mostly Voyager & The Next Generation
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
A Clear Future From an Uncertain Past - TVgirll1971 - Star Trek: Lower Decks (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] - After the Texas-class incident, Samanthan Rutherford ponders what Buenamigo had done to him
A Difficult Debrief - TVgirll1971 - Star Trek: Lower Decks (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] - Admiral Wong must answer some difficult questions following the disastrous events at Douglas Station.
Doppelgangers - Chapter 1 - TVgirll1971 - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own] - Multi-chapter fic. Over the years, multiple actors have played multiple characters in Star Trek. Of course it's a coincidence. Or are there connections we don't know about?
Doubt - TVgirll1971 - Bones (TV) [Archive of Our Own] - It's been months since Zack confessed to killing Ray Porter and Booth is still looking at the case file. It's an open and shut case but Booth's not buying Zack as a murderer.
Friendship Lost - TVgirll1971 - Star Trek: Lower Decks (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] - Carol tries to process the complete betrayal of her friend, Admiral Les Buenamigo.
5. do you respond to comments? Yes.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'd say An End to Pain - TVgirll1971 - Star Trek: Picard [Archive of Our Own] It's Deanna contemplating what she did to drive Will away after the death of their son and her resentment that Will just left without even trying to understand why she did what she did. (For the most part, I don't have angsty endings. I have angst in the story, but I usually end on a hopeful note)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Almost all of my fics end on a positive note. I'd say the happiest would be D'Vana Tendi's backstory fic in Knowledge for Knowledge's Sake - TVgirll1971 - Star Trek: Lower Decks (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own]
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not really, just a few comments coitizing B'Elanna Torres/Tom Paris.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? No. I've written maybe two love scenes but they aren't heavy. It's not really my thing.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I've written a few. I wouldn't call any of them crazy though. I just wrote a crack piece called Jellico's Excellent, Wonderful, Very Bestest Day - TVgirll1971 - Star Trek: Lower Decks (Cartoon) [Archive of Our Own] but that was based on the Lower Decks Crew Handbook.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't know.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not that I'm aware of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Will Riker/Deanna Troi
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Nothing I'd call a WIP. I have a few ideas. I do keep saying I want to do a Strange New Worlds fic where Una gives Spock advice about whether he'd make a good first officer. But I keep putting it off. I have a few other ideas that are pushed way back in my mind involving Owen Paris's death (that might not get written simply because it'd be complicated to write since it's action).
16. What are your writing strengths? I don't know. I do believe I'm good at displaying emotions. I "see" the scene in my head so I try to write out how the "actor" is playing it. I think I'm good at dialogue.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I'm not real detail oriented. Plus, sometimes I worry that my endings are too abrupt. Also, I don't have the motivation to write very long multi-chapter stories. Most of mine are one shots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I did it a few times in my early Whiskey Cavalier fics where I had Susan Sampson say something in Spanish.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Whiskey Cavalier
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? I'd have to say The Mystery of Level 10, Section A - TVgirll1971 - Star Trek: Voyager [Archive of Our Own] because it was a very plot heavy story, whereas most of my fics are just character pieces. So, I'm very proud of that one..
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fandomvariousness · 3 years
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gifs from -> x
Prompts 35 & 40 - You’re sexy when you’re angry/Good girl
Pairing: Harry Villiers x reader
Warnings: swearing, nsfw content
Request: “Can you do a Harry Villars imagine with prompts 35 and 40 😁 (can't believe I am asking such) xx but your stories are perfection!”
Word count: 860
You zapped the channels, yet nothing could capture your attention.
Harry was late home for almost two hours now, and you were pissed off. He’s constantly hanging out with that club of his, so for once you wanted to spend a nice evening with him.
You sighed as you turned off the TV and tossed the remote control aside, rising from the sofa and making a beeline for the bathroom, ready to do your skincare routine and go to sleep.
As you were rubbing in your serum, you finally heard the door unlocking, meaning Harry’s back. Anger flickered inside of you as you decided to ignore him until he comes to you himself.
You heard steps as you were pressing your palms to your cheeks so that serum would absorb better when you saw his ragged reflection in the mirror. You could tell he had a bit to drink, his eyes had these sparks in them.
“Going already?” he asked cheekily, what infuriated you even more.
You set your palms to rest on either side of the sink. “Where the fuck were you?”
“Lost track of time.” he answered with the corners of his lips slightly upturned as he was leaning against the doorway, perfectly aware that you’ll see through his lies.
“You, fucking tosser,” you whispered venomously, still eyeing his reflection in the mirror.
He loved infuriating you. He loves any passionate emotion, no matter the consequences it brings. Perhaps he does this on purpose, coming home late and ignoring you texts and calls, so that anger would rise in you which only he can extinguish.
He stepped closer to you as he slid his fingers under your white camisole, hanging over your hips. “You’re sexy when you’re angry.”
You forcefully slapped his hands away and attempted to escape the cage he trapped you in, but he pressed himself to your back even more, blocking any escape route you may seek.
You felt his plump lips kiss just below your ear, your sweet spot, as he trailed them down to the crook of your neck, all the while trailing his slender fingers up to your ribs. “Want you so bad.” he whispered.
You imagined smashing his head to the counter, but the problem was you wanted him just as bad.
“I hate you,” you whimpered as you closed your eyes and hung your head back to rest on his shoulder.
“Love you too, sweets.”
You gasped quietly as he snaked his hand even further up your chest, trapping your nipple between his fore and middle fingers, just how you liked it, as the other teased the hem of your fluffy shorts, threatening to sneak under them.
“Harry,” you mewled, placing your palm on his and trying to force it down your panties.
“Be patient.” he whispered as he sucked on your jugular, marking you.
You ran one of your hands through his hair, while leaning to the counter with the other, so desperate for balance. He groaned into your neck, making your lower stomach inflame with passion even more.
Finally, you felt his fingertips tease your folds, circling around your clit. “So wet for me already.”
“Yes,” you mewled as you placed your palm on his, increasing the pressure of his fingers.
“Greedy, too.”
You were going crazy with the pace his fingers maintained, all the while feeling the tent in his pants against your backside. He figured you were closed because you were moaning loud and non-stop, thus he suddenly withdrew his fingers from your center.
Your eyes shot open in a newfound rage as you were ready to scream from frustration, but then you heard his belt being unbuckled and knew better things were coming.
He rammed into you without any warning, coaxing out a choked gasp out of you, steam setting on the mirror in front of you. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, nudging it with his nose as you couldn’t tear away your eyes from the reflection in the mirror.
So dirty, so animalistic. Yet so deep and passionate.
His pace fastened as he yanked one of your bent legs on the counter, the border ramming painfully into the milky flesh of your thigh, yet that deepened the pleasure even more, allowing him to plunge even further into you, hitting all the right spots.
You groaned loudly when he grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked it back curtly.
“I –I’m close,” you gasped as he ceaselessly pounded you, your breasts jiggling as he held one of them in his hand. “I’m coming!”
Your whole body shook as you gushed all over his dick, feeling his own release inside of you just moments after. Your bent leg dropped down, but if not his hands on your hips, you would’ve dissolved to the ground like jelly.
You gazed at each other through the reflection in front of you, the love act forever indented in the mirror, your breathing setting the mist all over it, clouding the sight.
“Good girl.” he cooed before planting a sweet kiss on your cheek, as if he hadn’t just pounded you on the bathroom sink.
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electradestiny · 5 years
dominant nikki
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He’d make the first move, causing him to obviously have the upper hand on it all
His hands would squeeze and smack your ass every chance it got
Nikki wouldn’t fuck you until you were begging him on hands & knees, telling him how bad you need him in you.
“Fucking say it. Tell me who this pussy belongs to.”
If you didn’t say it as quickly as he’d liked, you’d be over his knee faster than you could moan his name.
wouldn’t allow you to cum until you were on the brink of tears, unable to handle it anymore.
“Daddy, please let me cum. “
“Not until i feel you’re ready, & if you do cum, you’re cumming over & over til i feel you can stop. “
He’d fuck you so good, he’d be covered in scratches for weeks.
You’d be COVERED in hickies, letting everyone know that you’re Nikki’s little slut.
Every time he told you what to do or punished you, you couldn’t help but squeeze your thighs together
and if he caught you doing that, he’d spank you til you’re bruised.
he’d love to hear you moan his name, and love feeling your nails down his back.
he’d love to pull your hair whilst fucking you, making him feel completely in control.
nikki would be completely into tying you up
your hands would be tied above you, as he looks over you whilst pacing the bedroom.
“How bad do you want me to fuck you, angel?”
he wouldn’t stop teasing you til your legs are shaking
he’d love to see you all whiney & wet for him
you’d get so caught up in eachother that you’d fuck til the sun started coming up
“Such a good girl for daddy.”
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part fifteen/
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: To the anon that said it was too long, i figured out how to do the link. I deadass was about to say fuck it. Also, first time writing smut, dont @ me if its horrible.
Warnings:dirty sleaze, language as usual.
Taglist: @oskea93, @brideofdraculana , @xstarryeyes, @aryssav, @miserablecunt, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol , @electradestiny , @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies, @fandomshit6000 , @anntheboneless @tiranni, @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @brooklyn-antiques, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland, @dillightfulpickle, @madsthegroupie, @martabastic, @hoop-diddy-doo, @romanticvengeance, @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @shinobi-nobi, @shouttatthedevill, @moonlightxcal, @gees-jacket-slut, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @baiabouk, @motlycrue
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Nikki’s POV
My heart was beating fast as I kept opening up doors and slamming them, getting frustrated that everyone in this god damn house had the same idea I did. “Maybe it’s the universes way of telling us we shouldn’t bang.” Vanity told me, giggling as the coke was finally starting to seep it’s way into her brain. She goes through massive giggle fits and was always down for anything when ever she did blow with us.
“Shut up with the philosophical shit, Van. I’m done playing games with you.” I said as I held her hand, getting even more pissed as every guest room I went into was occupied.
“Yes sir.” Vanity mocked me, causing me to roll my eyes, “But Nikki, I wanted to have fun with Tommy.” She whined out quietly. I came to a halt as she stumbled into me. I turned around and faced her, “you’ll have more fun with me doll.” I told her, picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder.
I opened the master bedroom door and laughed, “I am not having sex in Vince’s bed!” She told me as I sat her down on the bed, and turning away to lock the door, “God knows how many tramps he’s fucked in here...Nikki, his wife sleeps here.” She told me and I rolled my eyes, while reaching down and slipping off her heels.
“Either we do it here, or do it in the bathroom, your pick doll. I thought this would be more fancier for your rich princess self.” I joked with her, a huff escaping her hips, laying back into the bed. I stood a foot away while basking in her beauty.
I wanted to control myself, I wanted nothing more then to rip off that skimpy black skirt and fuck her senseless, but I couldn’t treat her like I treat these whores I usually fuck. I wanted to take my time with her.
“Are you just gonna stand there, or are you gonna touch me?” She asked while propping herself up on her elbows, giving me a smirk and raising her eyebrow.
She scooted herself up the bed as I kicked off my boots, slowly making my way onto the bed and crawling on top of her, resting in between her legs.
“I hope we get interrupted like usual, just in spite of you not letting m-“ I shut her up by kissing her soft lips, while trailing my tongue across them before pulling away,
Her eyes slowly opened as her hand moved the pieces of hair out of my face, “You need to be quiet sometimes.” I whispered, placing another gentle kiss on her lips, while lazily trailing them to her jawline, then finally down to her neck.
I felt her sigh underneath me, as my teeth grazed the skin of her neck. Vanity ran her fingers through my hair, tugging my head up and putting her lips on mine. I slipped my tongue inside of her mouth, tasting the whiskey from earlier. Vanity sluggishly threw her arms over my shoulders, trying to pull me closer to her. I laid down on top of her, trying not to put all of my weight on her.
I worked my way down to her neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin trying to leave my mark. Her free hand started tugging at my shirt, I sat up on my knees and took it off as her nails traced down my chest and untied my leather pants, before squeezing my cock through them.
I leaned back down and kissed her lips, groaning as she kept rubbing me through the fabric, her lips forming a smirk. “You better lose that grin of yours.” I warned her right before sinking my teeth into her neck, causing a moan to escape through her lips.
I sat on my knees again, as her legs were draped over mine. I slid my hands underneath her top while pulling it up, she did the rest of the work and took it off.
“Fucking beautiful, Van.” I muttered as I cupped her breasts, and began kissing down her chest and abdomen, before gliding my tongue back up. Vanitys’ eyes closed and fluttered in the back of her head in pure bliss as she grabbed her own breasts, squeezing & toying with them.
I looked up at her angelic face before letting my teeth graze across her nipple, making her pink glossy lips part. I moved to the other side, gently smacking away her hand and holding it at her side. “Nikki, please...” she pleaded, her body slightly squirming underneath mine, as my tongue swirled around her nipples, “I need you...fuck..” I listened to her begging, trying to play it cool but I was slowly losing the battle. I reached down for her skirt as she lifted up her hips for me to slide it down her legs.
Vanity let a whimper escape her lips as I trailed my finger up and down the dampness of her panties. I moved her thong to the side as a smile played across my face. I’ve waited so long to see her naked on a bed, begging for me to touch her. Fuck, practically letting me do anything i’d like as long as it meant i was touching her. I looked at her as I let my finger brush over her clit, her gaze was already set on me as she placed a hand behind her head, “Stop teasing me, you jerk.” She whined, causing me to laugh, “Okay, okay.” I responded, grabbing the band of her thong and pulling it down her legs.
I let my lips drift across the top of her thighs before forcefully grabbing her knees and making her legs part. Vanity sighed in content as I watched her run her manicured nails through her hair.
I kissed her inner thighs, gently nipping the soft skin, which made her try to close her legs but I held them down to the bed. I placed a gentle kiss on her clit, while spreading her folds and slowly licking a line up and down, before swirling my tongue in circles around it.
Vanity rested her hand against the back of my head, grabbing a fistful of my hair. “So fucking good.” I mumbled in between her legs, while holding down her hips gently sucking on her clit. “Fuck, Nikki...”
I looked up, noticing her bottom lip in between her teeth, while her eyebrows were scrunched together. I reached up, toying with her tits, with my free hand I licked my finger as I slowly teased her entrance, emitting a moan to escape her now parted lips.
My tight leather pants were becoming more tight, feeling as if they were cutting off all circulation to my cock. I quickly stood up, “What are you doing?!” Vanity shouted, “Shut up.” I groaned back at her, while trying to take off the pants as quick as I could but it proved to be difficult. I shoved her back down on the bed, slowly sliding a digit in her while my tongue worked on her clit.
I groaned into her wetness, “You taste so fucking good, Doll.” I told her as I grabbed my throbbing dick, and slipping another digit inside of her. I guided my fingers in and out skillfully while trying to find the right pace, slightly curling my fingers. Once I found a solid rhythm, she started moaning louder, “Babe, fu-“ She got choked up by yet another moan, “I just wanna feel you in me.” Vanity said, her eyes closed while taking her lip in between her teeth.
I groaned when she said that, as i quickly moved to the side of her, resting my forehead against hers, strategically teasing while pumping my fingers inside of her wetness, “Tell me what you want princess.” I whispered into her ear while my fingers started to speed up, trying to push her over the edge.
Vanity’s moans filled the room, her thighs were beginning to slightly tremble. “F-Fuck...I want your cock inside me..” She says through moans, wrapping her hand around the nape of my neck and pulling me into a rough kiss.
I pulled away from her lips and studied her face, Vanity’s plump lips were parted, eyes closed and her eyebrows were scrunched together. By the way her heat was clenching around my fingers, I knew she was close, “You want me to fuck you like a whore?” I asked, before sucking on side of her already bruised neck.
“Please Nikki. “ Vanity chokes out between moans, “I’m gonna cum.” She told me, causing me to smirk, “Then cum.” I casually stated while my fingers rhythmically brush against her G-spot. I’m truly only good at two things in life; the first being bass, the second being pleasuring a woman the way she wants to be.
Vanity dug her nails into the back of my neck as I felt her release herself all over my fingers. “Fuck, Nikki!” She yelled out, not allowing the pace slow down until she put her hand on top of mine to get me to stop. I looked at her, a sly smile on my face and her eyes full of lust.
I reached down and grabbed my pants, letting her catch her breath as I grabbed a condom out of my back pocket. I never, ever left home without one.
She pushed her hair back and rubbed her face as I finished putting it on, and slowly made my way back on top of her. “You sure?” I asked her, as I let my hard cock tease her entrance. She gave me a smile and nodded.
I spread her wetness around, before slowly easing myself inside of her. Her hand wrapped around my bicep, “Wait..Wait.” She said while looking down as I stretched her out. I slowed down as much as I could and placed my lips on hers, “God you’re so fucking tight, doll.” I said through gritted teeth, trying to make sure I didn’t bust right then and there.
“Fuck..” I moaned out as I finally got all the way inside of her. “Fuck, you’re so tight. Christ.” I told her and she chuckled, then gave me a nod, telling me it’s okay to go.
But honestly? She didn’t have to tell me fucking twice. My thrusts started to find a rhythm as my hips bounced against hers, and as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I felt her nails run up and down my back, leaving their mark, “Christ, Van.” I groaned wanting more of the pain that was causing me pleasure. I picked up my pace and started thrusting deeper inside of her, “Please, don’t stop.” Vanity breathes out, while digging her nails into my sides, making me feel the blood droplets dribble down, “Ah fuck.” I moaned while grabbing her hands, pinning them against her abdomen, holding them in place while repositioning her legs so they were resting against my shoulders and chest as I held onto her wrists for more leverage as I began to pound into her.
“Oh my god! Nikki.” She screamed out, I smirked to myself, hoping everybody at the god damn party heard her. She couldn’t control the moans that were escaping her pretty little lips. I let go of her pinned down arms, and began to rub her clit with my thumb, thrusting into her harder.
“Fuck! You’re gonna make me cum!” She cried out. With my free hand I reached up and wrapped it around her throat gently, before squeezing the side sides of her neck. I watched has her cheeks turned a rosy pink and a smile formed, her bottom lip going between her teeth. What a beautiful fucking sight.
A broken up moan escaped her lips, “Fu...Fuck...Nikki.” She placed her hand on top of mine, and I let go of her, as she finally inhaled a breath of fresh air.
I pulled out of her, “I want you on your fucking knees.” I told her, she did as I said, as she got on all fours. I got behind her and noticed the mirror that was strategically placed in perfect view.
Fucking Vince, i’ll have to thank him for this later.
I slowly slid myself back in her, as I watched Vanity’s face through the mirror, but her hips naturally tried pulling away as I buried my cock in her, “God Sixx, you’re so big.” She moaned, as I pulled her back to me.
I started giving her slow, deep thrusts as I tried to find my composure, while pushing my hair back. I grabbed a fist full of her long locks, as I picked up my speed, “I’m gonna cum, Nikki.” She dragged out my name, as she grabbed ahold of the sheets while I started to slide my dick into her harder.
She started to match my thrusts, pushing her ass back into me, I let my hand come down for stiff slap against it, “Baby, fuck!” She yelled out, as i did it again on the other cheek, but harder, making her pull away from me, but again I pulled her back.
I grabbed a hold of her hips, digging my fingers into them as I made her take all of me, only resulting in ungodly moans to come out of her. “I’m gonna cum, Nikki!!” She screamed out, as she started to play with herself.
“Cum for me doll, let me feel you cum all over my cock.” I groaned, feeling my own release coming soon, while smacking her ass again.
“Oh my god!!” She moaned, as her pussy tightened around me, “Fucking hell.” I hissed through my teeth trying to hold off until she was finished. I watched her orgasm through the mirror. Her lips were parted, she was holding her breath, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.
“Cat got your tongue?” I asked, choking out a laugh, she slowly opened up her eyes and looked at me through the mirror, shaking her head and biting her lip, “Asshole.” She whispered. In response, I slapped her ass as hard as I could, “Nikki!” She moaned out, I looked down and saw a bright red hand print.
“Come here.” I said pulling out and laying on my back, holding her hand, and guiding her to straddle my waist. She grabbed my rock hard cock, slowly easing herself on to me and began to slowly rock her hips into mine. I tried catching my breath as she took control, placing her hands on my chest and riding me.
“Cum for me, Nikki.” She said, as I grabbed her hips, guiding her into mine. “Tell me this pussy is mine.” I groaned out, trying to focus, but she didn’t say anything, “Fucking tell me.” I said while grabbing her waist and sitting up as she was in my lap, still making her take it, “And if I don’t?” She whispered into my ear as she wrapped her arms around my shoulders. I grabbed a fistful of her hair and made her look at me, “Fucking tell me you belong to me.” Her lips parted as we made eye contact. She bit her lip, looking at me with pouty eyes, “I belong to you.” I groaned, “God damn, fucking right you do.” She bucked her hips into mine, making me lay on my back again.
“I want you to cum Nikki, please cum for me.” She moaned, continuing to ride me while biting the side of my neck, “Ah, fuck! Van!” I shouted as I finally hit my breaking point.
“God damnit!” I yelled while pushing hair out of my face. Vanity got off of me, laughing at herself, “and what the fuck are you laughing at?” I asked her, and she shook her head as I took off the condom and tossed it to the floor.
“Come here, sweets.” I said while pulling back the sheets. She got underneath the sheets with me, curling up against my side, while leaning her head on my chest as my arm was wrapped around her body.
“Bout nearly killed me.” I told her, feeling her body tremble with a fit of laughter. I reached down for my pants, “You want a bump?” I asked while pulling out a small baggie of coke, “I’m okay.” She spoke softly, as her fingertips traced the tattoos on my chest.
I relaxed as Vanity wrapped an arm around my waist, “Go to bed doll, I’ll be here when you wake up.” I told her, my mind too wired off the drugs to sleep. “Okay.” She yawned, as I glided my hands up and down her back, while kissing the top of her head.
What felt like a few hours later was only about forty minutes when there was knock on the door, only for me to hear Docs’ voice. I looked down at Vanity, seeing she was sound asleep. I quietly got out of bed while putting on my pants.
I opened the door, seeing his eyes dart over to Vanity, I moved to the side and blocked his view, “What?” I snapped at him,
“We have a huge fucking problem, we need you.” He said, shutting the door in his face. I got my clothes back on, and took one more glance at her before walking out the door.
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In my arms...
For the charming (but horny) @pietroshusband​ 😏
Hope you’ll enjoy the story!
TW: Smut
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"So, is your decision made? You won't back out?"
"Not this time, Miss Moneypenny. This time I'm hanging up for good."
The MI6 secretary nodded, impressed by James Bond's determination. Agent 007 had been talking about his possible retirement for some time. And she knew who had encouraged Bond to leave.
"Something tells me that (Y/N) is no stranger to this. Am I wrong?"
"It's for him that I'm doing this."
The secretary smiled.
"Unbelievable. (Y/N) (L/N) is the only man capable of doing what many women have hoped in vain: taming the fiery James Bond!"
James smiled at his colleague's wry remark. She was not wrong. The day he had met (Y/N), a young architect from Oxford, the British spy felt his life was changing. 
True, they were several years apart, but James adored the young man. With him, he no longer had to play the seductive spy. He could just be himself. 
The further along their relationship got, the more Bond saw that his lifestyle was a constant danger. At any moment, he might never see his lover again.
After a mission in China, where he had almost died, James had decided to leave the British Secret Service. Never again did he want to see the horrified look on (Y/N's) face when he saw him arrive, covered in wounds. 
The British spy could still see the tears rolling down his boyfriend's cheeks, horrified at the thought that he got hurt. Just thinking about it made his heart ache.
Suddenly the office door opened, and Tanner came in.
"There you are, Bond. M will see you now."
"Thanks, Tanner."
James headed for his boss's office before Bill stopped him:
"By the way, Bond..."
Tanner held out his hand.
"I wanted to wish you all the best in your new life. I want you to know that if you ever need any help, don't hesitate!"
"Thank you, Tanner." the spy replied, shaking Tanner's hand.
Then he walked into the office of his boss, Gareth Mallory. The latter looked up from the file he was reading and said:
"Hello, 007. Please sit down!"
Bond sat down and waited for his boss to speak.
Mallory put the file on the table and said:
"As I understand it, your decision is irrevocable. Are you still prepared to resign?"
"Yes, sir. I handed you my letter of resignation two days ago, and I have no intention of going back on my decision."
Mallory nodded.
"Very well. I accept your resignation. You are officially no longer a member of the British Crown Secret Service. Therefore, I am revoking your license to kill, as well as all other prerogatives associated with 00 agents. You are, however, allowed to keep your weapon at home, provided you see a sworn psychologist. You will also be entitled to a pension for services rendered."
"Very well."
Mallory handed him a piece of paper.
"Sign this: it will prove that you agree to the conditions I just told you."
Without the slightest hesitation, James signed the sheet, concluding his long career with MI6. 
"Thank you. Now you may go."
"Thank you," James replied and stood up and left the room.
"By the way, Bond..."
His boss smiled:
"I wish you and the young mister (Y/N) the best."
"We'll be fine. Thank you."
James left the MI6 boss's office and walked over to Eve, who greeted him.
"Enjoy your retirement, Bond!"
"Don't be sad, Miss Moneypenny. I'll drop in and say hello from time to time!"
The woman smiled.
"Still, I shall miss our little verbal jousts!"
"Me too, dear."
Eve smiled before giving the spy a brief hug.
"Take good care of yourself, and give (Y/N) a kiss for me!"
"I won't miss it."
Once they parted, James headed for the exit, greeted on his way by other agents. As he passed, he stopped at Department Q to greet his beloved Quartermaster.
"Hello, Q."
The latter turned and replied:
"Ah, Bond. I suppose you've come to say goodbye. I appreciate the gesture, although it won't replace the many gadgets you destroyed for me!"
"Magnanimous as ever."
The engineer sighed before replying:
"But then again, the next few missions with 0015 will be less hectic than with you. The man has no sense of humour!"
"I'll miss you too, Q."
Q smiled before saying:
"You'll have to congratulate (Y/N) for managing to put up with you all day long."
"That's what I tell him all day long!"
Q would never admit it, but he was moved by the thought of Bond leaving. In a final professional gesture, he gave him a business card.
"If you ever need a hand, why don't you give us a call."
The secret agent smiled amusedly before shaking Q's hand.
"It was a pleasure, dear Q."
"The pleasure is mutual, dear 007. Now go and find your beloved!"
"I'll go right now. Oh, and if 0015 should ever prove unbearable, call me!"
"I will!"
Once he had greeted everyone, James left the building and climbed into his Aston Martin. 
Driving home, James symbolically left his old life behind. Now, he could enjoy his new existence with his boyfriend. He couldn't wait to surprise him.
On his way home from work, (Y/N) could not wait to drop into his couch and snuggle up to his muscular boyfriend, if possible.
Just the thought of it put a smile on the young man's face. He had adored James since the first day of their relationship. James was what you would call an ideal boyfriend: loving, caring, funny, intelligent. Everything to please!
The only unpleasant thing about their relationship was James' profession: a spy-assassin in the service of England. The young man was not happy to see his lover go on missions, as he was afraid of losing him. How many times had James returned covered in wounds, trying to reassure him of his poor health?
Even though he tried to be strong, (Y/N) could not hide his anguish every time his companion came home in a bad state. And yet, he wished that his moods would not interfere with James' work.
The young man shook his head, trying to chase these dark thoughts from his mind. No need to brood: he was going to spend a pleasant evening in the company of the man of his life, and he intended to enjoy it.
When he entered the flat, (Y/N) smelled a pleasant smell coming from the kitchen. Intrigued, he walked over and discovered to his surprise, that his companion had prepared dinner and set the table with care.
This detail tipped off the young man: usually, when James made such an effort, it meant something important was going on.
(Y/N) was thinking fast, hoping he hadn't forgotten anything. 
Just then, James arrived, greeting his boyfriend with a kiss on the temple.
"Good evening, angel. You're just in time for dinner!"
"I see you've pulled out all the stops. And just as well, I'm as hungry as a wolf!"
The couple sat down at the table and started talking while enjoying the meal James had prepared.
During the conversation, (Y/N) couldn't help but look for the reason for such a set-up. And James was quick to notice his boyfriend's slight frown.
"Is something wrong, little prince?"
"No, I'm fine."
"You look worried to me. Don't you like the food? We can order something else if you want."
"I reassure you, the meal is impeccable. What I'm curious about is why we're having dinner alone."
James sketched a smile.
"Since you're smart, you figured out that this dinner was for a special occasion."
"I guess... Something tells me it has something to do with your job!"
(Y/N) made a horrified expression.
"Oh no, I get it... You're going to tell me that they're sending you somewhere for a long-term mission!"
"Huh? Not at all..." protested James.
Unfortunately, his companion got upset.
"There's no way M is going to send you off to get killed somewhere else! After what happened in China. No, I couldn't bear that!"
The spy took his boyfriend's face in his hands, calming him at once.
Then he began to explain:
"(Y/N), I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going anywhere at all."
"What do you mean?"
At this point, James dropped to his knees and took the young architect's hands between his own.
"What happened in China made me realise that I could die without ever seeing you again and that I was hurting you every time. So I thought about it a lot and made the only decision that made sense: I submitted my resignation, and M accepted. I am not a spy anymore!"
At these words, (Y/N) thought his heart had missed a beat. James had just drawn a line under his career for him!
Feeling his eyes mist up, the young man muttered:
"But you didn't have to..."
"(Y/N), look at me: I've been doing this job for years. Now I want to move on and enjoy life. And I especially want to spend the rest of my life with you. You, the only person who loves me as I am."
This confession moved her boyfriend, who smiled:
"You are an extraordinary man, James Bond."
"You're not bad yourself, (Y/N) (L/N)."
Amused by this answer, the young man gently took the ex-spy's face between his hands and kissed him tenderly.
James responded to the kiss with gentleness, while letting his hands caress (Y/N)'s arms and back.
Being there, at home, in his boyfriend's arms, was what Bond wanted: he wanted to feel at home, to have his place.
The feel of his lover's skin under his fingers distilled a growing desire in James. 
Unable to hold on any longer, he grabbed his boyfriend by the legs and lifted him off the ground, causing the latter to exclaim in amazement.
"Hey, what are you doing?" he asked, amused.
"Catching up," replied the ex-spy as he carried his boyfriend into the bedroom.
Once in the room, James closed the door behind him and laid (Y/N) on the bed before positioning himself over him.
The architect felt the fire in his cheeks: it had been a while since they had made love...
They resumed their kissing session, letting their hands rediscover each other's bodies. At times, James' hands wandered down (Y/N's) trousers, caressing his crotch. It made the young man moaning with pleasure. What luck to have such an experienced lover: it was going to be sensual...
The young man let his hands redraw the salient muscles of his lover, taking advantage of this vigour so reassuring and so exciting!
With a gesture, (Y/N) undid all the buttons on James' shirt, revealing his torso.
The latter asked mischievously:
"In a hurry to start? In that case, let's be on equal terms!"
And they took off their tops, pressing their bare torsos together eagerly.
"I missed you," whispered (Y/N).
"I missed you too. God, how I've missed you!"
Not holding on any longer, James undid his boyfriend's belt and threw the trousers across the room before discarding the pants to contemplate the sight of his companion's naked body.
The latter hid his crotch in a reflex of modesty, but the ex-spy gently pushed that hand away.
"Don't hide anything from me, (Y/N). Let me do it!"
Then he let his lips move down the young man's torso, making his lover sigh with pleasure before lingering on his sex. 
When he felt his lover's tongue titillate his sex, (Y/N) let out moans of pleasure that sounded pleasantly in James' ears.
The young man clutched at the sheets, feeling the ecstasy rising in him. 
"Oh God, James!"
"Relax, angel. Enjoy," his companion murmured before licking his partner's sex.
Then James continued this little game before straightening up and undoing his trousers and boxers.
"We're on equal terms now!" smiled (Y/N), still excited.
"Exactly. Now let's get on with it!"
James stroked (Y/N)'s entrance, knowing how to stimulate his lover's pleasure zones. 
The young man arched his back in pleasure, unable to resist the wave of ecstasy.
Then James wedged himself between his lover's legs and began to penetrate him. The latter let out a small cry, mixing amazement and delight.
The ex-spy soothed this sudden pain by placing kisses along the young man's neck.
"If you want us to stop, tell me."
"No, don't stop."
With a smile, the architect whispered:
"Take me to the seventh heaven!"
"Your wish is my command."
And James began his thrusts, slowly at first, then faster and faster, making his partner moan.
(Y/N) clutched at James' back, lightly scratching his boyfriend's shoulder blades. 
The two men surrendered to sexual pleasure, crying out with pleasure in unison.
They made love like this for a few minutes until they reached orgasm.  But (Y/N), who had not had enough, wrapped his legs around James's waist and, with a thrust of his hip, reversed the roles. Now he was dominating his lover.
"You still have the energy to spare after that?"
"I just want to prolong the pleasure. Enjoy!"
With those suggestive words, the young man impaled himself on his lover's member and began his hip movements, undulating them against James'.
"It feels so good..." murmured his lover as he gripped his hips, timing their bodies in this sensual dance.
Again, their moans of pleasure echoed through the room, in harmony with the friction of their hips.
The ex-spy let one of his hands run up his boyfriend's torso, caressing the skin that sent shivers down his spine every time he touched it.
After many thrusts, the two lovers reached orgasm again, and (Y/N) dropped gently to the mattress while James withdrew.
Then the ex-spy pulled the young architect into his arms and pulled the sheet up over their exhausted bodies.
"I must admit I've missed this..."
"What? Making love to me?"
"Among other things."
The young man smiled.
"I'll have you know that when you came back from a mission with a broken arm, the doctor would tell you, 'No room sports, Mr Bond.'"
"This guy is a real killjoy!" 
"I wonder how you would have explained to M that your hips still hurt!"
"You seem well placed to talk about it!" sneered Bond.
"Whose fault is that?"
"No regrets!"
"Dirty guy!" joked (Y/N) as he slapped James on the shoulder.
The latter caught the hand that had just hit him and placed a kiss on it.
This gesture touched his boyfriend, who murmured:
"Will you stay with me?"
At that moment, he met the steel blue eyes of the former agent 007, who said:
"If I had to go anywhere, I'd go with you. And I always will, from now on."
"No more chases, no more fights, no more pretty women... Don't you miss your old life?"
"My life is starting over with you, (Y/N). And I wouldn't change that for the world."
Smiling, (Y/N) snuggled up to James and whispered before falling asleep:
"I love you."
He had time to hear his boyfriend reply:
"I love you too."
Now the young architect knows that James no longer belongs in the world of espionage, but his world, in his arms.
No matter what happens, as long as they're together, that's enough...
Thanks for the reading!
I hope you enjoyed this story!
Take care of you and see you later! 😍🥰😘
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xtrashmammalstefx · 2 years
Hey Fam I'm Fucking Salty! 🤬
As you all know I write fanfiction. To be specific oneshots that are either smut or fluff or a mix of both at times. I posted a Queen one shot a few months ago called 'March of the Black Queen' in which I included a very clear list of warnings. Well recently, after a bit of a hiatus, I got inspired to write again so I went through my old stuff to see where I left off in my Queen Repertoire series (where said one shot was). That is when I noticed that my one shot was GONE! Out of curiosity I went through my other works and discovered another story was also removed. I'm salty because I recieved no warning or notification from the tumblr moderators that they were going to do this exact thing. I mean I get some things aren't allowed here but GOD DAMMIT THEY COULD AT LEAST HAVE THE BALLS TO TELL ME TO TAKE THE STORIES DOWN INSTEAD OF DOING IT BEHIND MY FUCKING BACK!
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Anyway since tumblr decided to pull this bullshit I have decided to change things up a bit. Since fluff is still okay I will continue to post those here. The smut, however, will from now on be posted on my AO3 account: silent_writer_stef. I will link the Queen Repertoire series once I've posted them there and will let you know as soon as they are up.
Thank you for be awesome my fellow readers and writers. If it weren't for you I wouldn't be fighting this bullshit fight.
Love u all,
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niksixx · 4 years
Bed Head
Requested: Anonymously 
Pairing: Nikki Sixx x Female Reader 
Description: “Can I request for Nikki please :) She’s on tour with them and is Nikki’s favorite person to flirt with and when they get to the hotel they have to end up sharing a room and sharing a bed which leads to her admitting she likes him and then some smut because Nikki can’t keep his hands to himself? Thank you!”
Warning: Smut
A/N: Reblog !!! 
*GIF is NOT mine, but found on Google. Credit to the owner.* 
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“This is so unprofessional! How do you overbook a hotel room?”
The check-in lady gives you a sympathetic look. “I cannot apologize enough for this, ma’am. I understand the inconvenience.”
Inconvenience your ass. This was just plain unacceptable. In a country you’d never visited before, the last thing you expected to worry about was not having a place to stay.
“Everything okay?” asks Tommy, your very best friend. He sees the worry etched in your forehead, and a hand covers your shoulder. Tommy’s band, Mötley Crüe, was on the second leg of their European tour. As best friends from childhood, you and Tommy had been inseparable before his band took off. You went your separate ways for a while as Tommy adjusted to his newfound fame, but Tommy never forgot where he came from. The band was currently touring Europe on their Theatre of Pain tour, and you were ecstatic that you were at a point in your career where you could take a few weeks off to join them.
“They overbooked my room,” you answer sadly, blowing a strand of hair from your eyes. “Now I have to pray that they can find me another room or else I’m fucked.”
“No need to pray, I’ve got it all worked out,” Sunglasses perched atop his head, Nikki Sixx rolls his suitcase over to the desk, slinging an arm around your shoulder. “She’ll be staying with me, ma’am.”
The thing about Nikki Sixx...your relationship was complicated. Out of Tommy’s bandmates, you clicked with Nikki the most, almost instantly. His easy going persona just made you comfortable, want to be around him. He understood you were Tommy’s friend, but that didn’t stop him from poking fun at you, and he loved that you were able to take it. Somewhere down the line, the lighthearted teasing morphed into flirting. With how close the two of you were, it was surprising that Tommy didn’t have a problem with someone he considered a brother flirting with someone he considered his sister. If anything, he encouraged it.
“Easy fix,” Tommy grins, turning back to the lady. “Sorry for the trouble.” Tommy wanders ahead to catch up with Mick and Vince as Nikki stays back with you.
You feel his eyes burning into the side of your head, and you turn to face him. “Are you sure it’s okay?”
His smirk has you weak in the knees. Nikki’s lips were his best physical feature. Soft. Thin. Pink. Maybe one day you’d have the luxury of feeling them on your body, but you’d never get your hopes up. Sure, Nikki flirted with you and had called you pretty, but millions of other women had caught his attention. You were just another girl with a wild fantasy. “It is more than okay, baby girl.”
“You can’t stop me from sleeping on the floor.”
The argument surrounding your sleeping location had been going on for the last two hours, and you weren’t going down without a fight. The realization that there was only one bed in the hotel room had hit as soon as you opened the door. Immediately your cheeks had flushed with embarrassment when Nikki automatically assumed you’d be sharing the bed with him.
There was no way you could, especially because of your feelings for him. You knew it’d be harmless, but sleeping beside him would give you the wrong idea, even if you’d enjoy the close proximity of his body and the warmth radiating from his skin. You simply couldn’t do it.
“I don’t understand what the big deal is,” Nikki calls from the bathroom as he adjusts his belt in the mirror. “We’re just sleeping!”
Rummaging through your suitcase, you dig around for the small case of earrings you’d packed for nights out on the town. Tonight’s plan was to hit up a few clubs, and you wanted to look your best for a certain bass player.
You find the earrings at the bottom of the suitcase, holding onto the end of the bed to push yourself off the floor. Turning toward the bathroom, you collide with Nikki’s chest. “What are you doing? You’re in my way.”
“Unless,” Nikki clicks his tongue, and the look on his face has you hesitating to move. “Unless there’s a reason you don’t want to sleep with me.”
Oh boy if only he knew how much you’d love to sleep with him.
“Maybe it’s because you snore?”
Scoffing, you slap his shoulder. “I do not snore.” Brushing past him, you head into the bathroom, leaning toward the mirror to get a closer look at your earrings.
“You have your period then,” Nikki suggests, and your mouth drops immediately. He recognizes his mistake and holds up his hands innocently. “Alright, alright, you’re not on your period.”
“That’s not even something you’re supposed to ask a woman,” You remind him, fiddling with the back of the earring.  
Stuffing his hands in his jeans pockets, he steps toward you, shoulder resting on the bathroom door. “Then what could it be, hm?”
His voice is slightly higher pitched, almost as if he knows the answer but is waiting for you to confirm. You feel his eyes on you and you turn to look at him, head tilted to the side as he waits for your answer. “Maybe it’s because I like you.”
Nikki smiles. “I figured.”
You’re stunned. “How?”
He shrugs, stepping out of the way to let you back out into the room. You take a seat on the bed, legs dangling off the side as he stands in front of you. “Tommy’s the worst at keeping secrets.”
Anger vibrates in your bones. “That bitch…” He’d betrayed you! Breaking the pinky promise and everything. “Oh I’m going to kill him.”
Nikki sits beside you, hands clasped together between his legs as his elbows rest on his knees. “To be fair, he technically only confirmed it. I think I knew all along, but I wanted to be sure.”
Blood rushes to your cheeks, heat rising from your neck. “It was that obvious, huh?”
His grin expands across his pale face. “Pretty much.”
Groaning, you fall back on the bed, covering your face as Nikki laughs. Well, now that the cat’s out of the bag, you have to try and come up with a better excuse. There’s no way you’d be able to sleep next to Nikki now, not after everything he knows.
As you try to concoct another explanation, you feel Nikki crawl on top of your body, pinning you to the bed with his weight. Your eyes shoot open, breath hitching as his tattooed fingers trail up the side of your waist, to your neck, and skim against the base of your throat.
“Nikki,” you swallow nervously, “What are you doing?”
“Well, we don’t have to meet the boys for another ten minutes,” He flashes a knowing smirk. “What do you say we break in the bed? Make you a little more comfortable.”
His lips cover yours and you give in, arms wrapping around his torso, pulling him deeper against your body. His tongue teases you, poking out of his mouth to lick your bottom lip as a hand finds your breast, kneading it through the fabric of your short blue dress. Hooking your leg over his waist, you grind your crotch against him, needing to feel some type of friction.
His mouth moves from your lips to your neck and throat, licking and sucking the skin, biting occasionally to claim you. You couldn’t believe this was happening. All the nights spent dreaming of kissing Nikki were finally becoming a reality in front of you.
Nikki inches down your body, fingers skimming over the end of your dress, pulling it up your body, letting it gather at your stomach. Your pussy is right in front of him, clad only by a thin white lace thong. He gazes up at you. “Can I touch you?”
Nodding eagerly, the word flies out of your mouth. “Please.”
Nikki drags his finger up the front of your clothed vagina, sending the butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy. Two fingers touch your clit, rubbing slow, agonizing circles. Wetness coats the inside of the thong, and Nikki’s eyes blaze. Pulling the fabric aside, he again uses one finger to brush your clit. Arousal pools between your thighs, and Nikki’s cock constricts against his pants, begging to be free.
“I want you,” Nikki’s voice rasps, lowering his mouth to press a feather light kiss to your pussy. “I want to taste you.”
“Yes,” you moan out, bucking your hips while Nikki lightly nibbles the inside of your thighs. “Yes, Nikki.”
He dives right in as soon as his name leaves your mouth. His tongue is warm and wet against your flesh, licking between your folds, savoring your taste on his tongue. The tip of his tongue flicks your clit rapidly, arms wrapping around your thighs to bring you closer to his face.
Your hands tangle in his messy hair, yanking the strands while simultaneously pushing his face impossibly deeper. He hums against your pussy, sucking your clit into his mouth, and it feels even better than you could have imagined.
“You like being fucked by my tongue, don’t you, beautiful?”
“Yes, fuck, please give me more,” Rocking your hips, you drag out a groan, fisting the bed comforter in your palms as Nikki’s tongue swipes across your hot flesh. “Fuck, fuck, yes.”
A loud squeal fills the room. You bite down on your tongue, pussy adjusting to Nikki’s mouth on your clit as three fingers pump in and out, juices coating his digits.
“Oh, God, Nikki! Nikki!” You’re screaming his name, completely disregarding the neighbors in the hotel room next door. “Let me cum, Nikki, please let me come.”
“Not yet,” he growls, flattening his tongue. His fingers continue their assault on your cunt, curling inside in a come hither motion. “You come when I tell you.”
Can you hold on? Throwing your head back, your back arches off the bed, legs twisting as Nikki tries to keep them apart with his free hand. Beads of sweat coat your arms as you try to support your weight, thoughts focusing on Nikki’s expert tongue.
When your thighs begin to shake, you automatically sense a pit of pleasure burning in your lower  stomach. You bite down on your lip hard, stifling a cry.
He knows your close and goddamn it he’s so ready to help you ride out your high. “Come, baby. Come all over my tongue.”
He didn’t need to ask you twice. Reaching back for a pillow, you cover your face just as your orgasm rocks through you, juices dripping down Nikki’s chin as he licks you clean.
He lets you catch your breath before sitting back on his haunches, admiring your body. A knock on the door startles you. “Yo, Nikki! Y/N! You ready to go?” Vince calls from the other side.
Licking his lips, Nikki gives you a once over before slapping his palms down on his thighs. “We probably should get going.”
Where the confidence came from, you’ve no clue, but you grab Nikki and pull him on his back, stunning him. Slithering down his body, you come face to face with his growing erection, and you can’t help but run your hand over his clothed dick. His eyes widen. “Uh, baby girl? The boys?”
You offer a small smile, slowly unzipping his pants and digging his cock out of his boxers. Licking a stripe up his shaft, you swirl your tongue around the head, emitting a groan from Nikki’s throat. “The boys can wait,” you purr, kissing the head of his cock. “Can you?”
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nikki-fucking-sixx · 4 years
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Always (Nikki Sixx x Reader)
“Honey, what’s the plan for dinner?” You turned your head to see your husband on the couch smiling at you. You picked your infant daughter, Sonja, up from her playpen and held her at your hip as you walked over to your husband’s side at the couch.
“Hmmm,” You were not particularly picky, “Let’s order in. This little lady has been running me ragged all day,” You say, smiling at your beautiful little girl. She smiled back at you before giving your hair a tiny tug. You put Sonja on your lap before resting your head on his shoulder, feeling exhausted from motherly duties. You looked over at the clock to see it was only 5:00. God, what the fuck has happened to you? Before you met Chris, you were sneaking backstage at concerts to do cocaine with rockstars. Now, your life was diapers and Disney. You didn’t mind it, you loved your little girl more than anything in the world. And Chris, he was the perfect husband and you loved him with all your heart, but your life felt emptier than it used to be. 
“Chris, would you mind watching Sonja for a second? I’m going to take a quick nap.” He nodded and you handed her off to him. You dragged your tired body off the couch and wandered up the stairs to your bedroom and collapsed. Parenthood was exhausting. You were up at all hours of the night caring for Sonja, changing her, burping her, feeding her, it never seemed to stop. You rolled onto your back and stared at the ceiling. You missed your old life sometimes. 
Well, there was one person you missed specifically. You met Nikki when you were 19 while backstage at a Motley Crue concert in 1981. You two spent the whole night together talking, drinking, fucking, laughing and actually finding out who this dark mysterious man was. When you woke up the next morning you snuck out the window. You did not want to, but a man like Nikki would never want to see you again. After a week, he found you. You remember laughing as he walked into the restaurant you worked at, asking you out on a date. You were baffled to say the least, but you obviously said yes. 
The ten months you two spent together were some of the wildest times in your life. You partied almost every night of the week as the rock and roll lifestyle encapsulated you. You never slept but when you did it was beside him. The lows were low with Nikki. The fights were heated and objects were thrown. But, the highs were so damn high. You had never felt more loved than you did when he held you in his arms and told you how beautiful you were.
But, good things never last forever. When you saw him kissing that girl, you knew it was over. There was no reason for you to be treated that way, and he knew that too. You were gone the next morning and you never saw him again. A three months later you met Chris and a year later you were married. 
It has been five years since you last saw Nikki but you still thought about him every so often. How he was, who he was with, what life would have been like with him. You took a deep breath and began to close your eyes, letting your mind wander away from the one that got away. Then the phone rang. You sighed and rolled over.
“Hey, babe. Long-time no see.” You immediately recognized the voice of your best friend Diana. 
“Yeah it’s been a second. How are you?” You have gotten very good at small talk in recent years.
“I was actually calling to see if you wanted to come out with me tonight.” You couldn’t help but laugh. It was 5:30 on a Saturday, prime family time. 
“I really don’t think that’s a good idea.” She let out an annoyed huff.
“C’mon (Y/N), you’re 25! This is the age where you’re still allowed to have fun.” 
“I have a baby Diana, I gotta stay in and look after her.” 
“Have Chris take on some responsibility! That’s part of this whole marriage thing, right?” You rolled your eyes. She really was far away from the whole committed relationship thing. 
“I just really think that I should-” 
“It’s a Motley Crue concert and I have an extra ticket. I think you should go.” There was a pause. Your mind was going one million miles per hour but your lips could not move, but there was so much you wanted to say. 
“Di… we both know that that’s a bad idea.” 
“It’s not like you’re going to actually do anything. We’ll just go to the concert and then go home.” She was right. You didn’t have to speak to him or any of them. You could just watch the concert, unwind a bit. It really did sound like an attractive idea.
“Let me call you back, ok?” 
“Alright, just don’t pussy out on me.” You hung up the phone before making your way downstairs to see Chris bouncing Sonja on his lap. She was smiling and laughing as he sang the words to a Beatles song to her. You could not help but stare and feel a warm sense of joy in your stomach. Chris looked up at you and smiled.
“Who was that on the phone?” 
“It was Diana, she asked me if I wanted to go out tonight.” The feeling of pure happiness from before started to disappear as nerves settled in. “But obviously that’s crazy because I have to stay in with Sonja.” Chris shrugged.
“You stay in all day with her while I’m at work,” He blew a raspberry at her causing Sonja to give a big toothless grin. “I could use some baby time.” 
“Are you sure?”
“Absolutely. Go out and have some fun.” You leaned in and gave him a light kiss, smiling into it. 
“You’re the best.” He gave a small laugh.
“ And I love you too.” You got up and began getting ready, excited for what the night had in store.
Diana picked you up at 9:00 outside your house. Picking something to wear that night was next to impossible. You were a mom now, you couldn’t wear those low cut tops you used to wear. You decided on boots, jeans and a somewhat modest crop top. When you walked out Diana gave a whistle.
“Now that’s a hot Momma!” You smiled as you compared your outfit to hers. She had on heels, jeans and a shirt that left nothing to the imagination. You wished you could be in something like that. You hopped in beside her.
“Ready to go?” 
“Hell yeah! Let’s paint the town red.” Diana yelled as she sped off. Once you both got inside the venue all you could pay attention to was the vast amount of people. There seemed to be wall to wall people. You had no idea how you would fit into this crowd, literally and metaphorically. 
But, once the music blasted, you felt everything around you melt away. You were that 19 year old all over again yelling for longer guitar solos and louder vocals. The band itself seemed like a blur. It wasn’t until your vision focused that you saw him. 
He was just as you remembered. His hair was dark and big; his eyes held mysteries that you only knew the beginning of; his intensity never seemed to stay from the bass. And he was still a fucking mess, just as you liked. 
You could not help but become very aware of what you were wearing. You were probably the most covered up woman in that whole venue. Everywhere you looked you saw skin and cleavage and here you were dressed like, well, a mom. He did not even seem to notice you as his eyes went from girl to girl, looking for the sexiest thing in the audience. That was Nikki though, what did you expect? 
Diana seemed to notice your sudden awkwardness, turning to you and giving you a concerned look. You shook your head and smiled.
“I’m fine, just feeling a little old.” She rolled her eyes at you.
“Then act young.” At that, she pulled a bottle of Jack Daniels from her purse, “Let loose a little.” You grabbed the bottle from her and immediately took a giant swig. God, you missed the taste of dark liquor. The contents of that bottle went very quickly, mostly thanks to you. The buzz was setting in and you could not help but smile and dance like an idiot; however, you still would not let yourself look at Nikki again. It would just make you feel like you did all those years ago. You let your gaze stay on Vince as he ruled the stage. He really did know how to work the crowd, especially when more than half of them wanted to fuck him. You felt your dancing become more sporadic as their set wore on to the point that you felt yourself lose your footing. You hit the ground quickly.
“Shit (Y/N), are you ok?” You got up laughing and nodding.
“Yeah I’m fucking fine!” Once you got your head back up, you let your eyes wander and that’s when they met with his. Even in your drunken state, you could see the shock on his face. He never expected to see you again. After you told him to fuck off, you moved. There was no way he was going to hurt you again. But then, here you two were, in a room filled with thousands of people but only seeing each other. Fuck.
You had to go. This was a bad idea. What were you even thinking? All these thoughts raced through your head as you ran out of the crowd. You had to get out of here. The more you ran through the venue, the drunker you realized you were as you quickly became very lost. You found yourself in a relatively empty hallway filled with music equipment and stagehands. You did not give a shit. Your back hit the stone wall and you began to sob into your hands. You didn’t care that your mascara was running down your cheeks or that you sounded like a dying animal, you felt like absolute shit. So, the tears flowed more than they have in the past five years. You felt like a stupid young girl again. 
You were so hung up in your thoughts that you didn’t seem to hear footsteps coming down the hallway. You definitely did not notice when they stopped in front of you.
“Never thought I’d see you again.” The tears froze. You did not want to look up but your body betrayed you. There he was, looking as handsome as ever. You sniffed, trying to recompose yourself.
“Believe me, this was not my idea.” His face seemed expressionless.
“Then why are you even here?” There was disappointment in his voice. You weren’t sure if it was because of you, the situation or God knows what. 
“I honestly don’t know,” You brushed a hand across your cheek. “God I knew I shouldn’t have come.” You start to turn away but feel a hand grab onto your wrist.
“No,” His voice boomed through the empty hallway, making it feel full, “I’m glad you came.” You didn’t pull away from his touch, instead you turned to him, finally getting the courage to look into his eyes again. Even when his face seemed blank, his eyes always gave him away. 
“Nikki, you haven’t seen me in five years. You don’t even know who I am anymore.” That’s when you noticed him look down at your hand. More specially, at your wedding ring. You did not know what to do. Apologize? Laugh? Cry? You never thought you would have to have this conversation. You could tell he didn’t think so too. His posture stiffened as he took your hand into his, rolling the ring around in his finger.
“I guess I don’t,” He couldn’t keep his eyes off of it, “What’s his name?”
“Chris,” He looked up at you again. Your eyes had not left his face.
“When did this happen?” 
“A few months after you…” Your voice trailed off as your mind was filled with the image of Nikki’s lips on that girl. He could see where your mind was going and let go of your hand. You pulled it close to your chest like a security blanket. You did not know what to say, so your mind went to the first thing that makes you happy every morning. 
“I have a daughter.” Your hand plunged into your purse, pulling out a picture of your beautiful little girl, “Her name is Sonja, she’s six months old.” His hands wrapped around the photograph. His eyes stared at the picture of your baby. He could not seem to look at anything else except your smiling little girl. 
“Why are you showing me this?” He looked back up at you, his eyes now filled with anger.
“I-I just-” 
“Why the fuck are you showing me this?” He screamed, throwing the picture on the ground, “Are you trying to make me jealous of your fucking perfect family? I get it, you have the white picket fence life and some small-dicked corporate husband who doesn’t know how to fuck you. It’s really perfect isn’t it?” You could feel the rage building up in you. 
“Hey, it’s not your place to be jealous.” You wanted to hit him. “You lost that right when you fucked that whore!”
“Oh and now you want to have this argument again,” He stepped closer to you. “I’m a fucking rockstar, (Y/N). How can you expect women to not throw themselves at me?” He was in your face now.
“They don’t want you Nikki! They just want to use you as some story to tell.” He let out a bitter laugh.
“At least those girls are doing something with their lives instead of taking on the role as some bored fucking housewife. Who even are you anymo-” You didn’t want to hear it. Your hand made contact with his cheek. You both froze in shock, unsure of what to do next. 
“Shut the fuck up Nikki.” It came out as a whisper. You wanted to walk away now, but you couldn’t. He took a deep breath before bending down and picking the picture back up. He held it in his hands, grasping it like it was his. He looked back down at your daughter’s face.
“She really is beautiful,” He fidgeted with the edges of the photograph, not letting his eyes leave it, “Just like her mom.” 
“Yeah, she is.” He looked back up at you.
“I really thought that…” He paused, his eyes going to the ground. “You and I would be having one of these one day.” And there he was. The Nikki you always came back to.
“I did too.” His hand reached out and touched yours. Your fingers immediately entangled.
“I loved you so much, (Y/N),” Your eyes met again. “I still do.”
“I think I should go.” You didn’t want to but you had to. For Sonja. 
“I understand, Sonja needs a mom.” You nodded, took your hand back and turned away, ready to walk down that hallway. Before you could take your first step, you felt a pair of familiar hands grasp your waist and turn you around. Then his lips touched yours. The passion that was there all those years ago was still in that kiss. You couldn’t help but let your hand rest on his cheek, just like you used to. Every bone in your body wanted to stay. To run away with this imperfectly perfect man. When his lips left yours, your breath seemed to catch and hold in your throat. His forehead touched yours.
“I’ll always love you, Nikki,” A tear rolled down your cheek, “Always.” His thumb dried it away. 
“Go home, baby.” And that was goodbye. Goodbye from the rockstar life. Goodbye from your youth.
Goodbye from Nikki.
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the-institute-promos · 8 months
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CONNECTION TO: Fayeth Araven CHARACTER NAME: Up to player FACE CLAIM: Douglas Booth, Diego Boneta, or open to discussion AGE: 117 - 200 STATUS: Master SPECIES: Seelie Fae
Charming, extroverted, conceited, easy to get along with is friendly but actually only considers a few actual friends, very loyal to said friends, can have a mean streak but is not a bad person
He is part of the royal family but down the line enough to not have to worry too much about it (is he has any ambitions regarding that is UTP). He loves to be out and about finding things to do and more than once he and Fayeth had gotten in trouble because of this. He honestly doesn’t care much about other spices or the world out of the Faewild (and more specifically the seelie court).  
Close friends, their parents are good friends and so they have been friends all their lives, recently there have been talks here and there that maybe in the future there could be a betrothal but is still mainly gossip
Since he is part of the royal family he’d know Katell, so contact Brenna to discuss their relationship and all those details 
Please contact V to discuss this connection further.
The Institute - Plot - Rules - Ask - Apply
The Institute is a supernatural master/slave roleplay established in 2015, set at a prestigious university on a tropical island--a prestigious university with some dark secrets.
Our long-term NPC headmaster has just been killed, and we are rolling out big IC changes--new worldbuilding, new in character rules, new locations, and new open characters! Join us today to be part of our revamp!
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Afraid Ch 8
Warnings: Mild smut. A smidgen if you will
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The smell of blueberry pancakes permeated my nose and I rolled awake to Nikki, still naked like always, flipping through channels with the tray from room service next to him. God I love him so much, I thought fondly, but then another smell hit my nose. Bacon. And my stomach turned. Bolting out of the bed I ran to the bathroom and emptied the contents of my stomach right into the toilet. The Jack must have affected me worse that I had previously thought, but I felt better after getting it out.
“Uh what was that?” Nikki asked from the doorway to the bathroom.
“The Jack last night made me feel a little sick and I think it just hit me again. I feel fine now I just need to wash my mouth out.” I shrugged going to the sink.
“Are you sure? You don’t feel like you’re running a fever or anything?” He asked pressing a hand to my forehead.
“You’re sweet babe, but I feel perfectly fine now. Just not the drinker I used to be you know.” His concern reminded me of why I was so enamoured with him in the first place.
We sat on the bed eating our breakfast and watching the news despite me being bored by it. Nikki liked keeping up to date now that he ‘wasn’t clouded by the fog of heroin’ so the news in the mornings became a new routine. Nikki luckily ate his bacon first so the urge to vomit subsided quickly. I had just phoned the desk for new towels when there was a knock on our room door.
“That’s weird. Maybe it’s Tommy?” I pondered outloud. There’s no way the towels were being brought to the room already.
Nikki opened the door with a loud groan and soon Doc was walking into the room.
“We’re going back to LA for a few days.” He wasted no time getting to the point of his visit.
“What? Why?” I asked. We still had a lot to do with the album as the boys were still working out kinks with a few songs.
“Well we need the boys to do a few more interviews and I have to have a meeting with the record company” Nikki rolled his eyes and Doc continued. “We leave late tonight so get your shit together” With that he was out of the room.
“I hate interviews” Nikki groaned flopping on the bed on his back.
“I’m sorry you are going to have to do a few interviews.” I chuckled and he rolled over to lay his head into my chest.
“It’s just hardly ever about the music and mostly about the rumors or gossip. Not to mention that I feel like I always end up doing the talking for the band. I don’t want it to seem like I’m the leader when we’re a family, but they just don’t really talk.”
“I miss Alarik so I kind of am excited to get back.” I laughed and Nikki sighed.
“I can’t believe I’m going to have to be okay with having a fucking cat around Whiskey”
“Has he ever even been around a cat?” I forgot Nikki had a dog.
“No, but he has been to a few obedience classes so he’s really good.” Nikki tightened his hold on me. “Every time I have to leave like on tour or rehab he goes to training.”
“Wait.” I realized we were talking as if our animals would meet any time soon. “We’re speaking as if this is a near future. We just made things official.”
“Oh I….yeah you’re right.” Nikki kissed the spot on my sternum. “I just got ahead of myself.”
“I just don’t want to rush anything yet you know? I love how things are right now between us.” I lazily dragged my fingers through his hair.
“I get that” Nikki sat up and connected our lips in a soft kiss.
I never got tired of kissing Nikki. Every touch of our lips together sparked something inside of me that caused my heart to beat at lightning speed. I quickly flipped us so I was straddling him.
“We still have a bit of time to kill before we need to actually start getting things together.” Nikki cooed trailing his hand down my body before his thumb landed on my clit and began making tiny circles.
“I think maybe we can think of a few things to do to kill the time.” I said between moans bucking my hips against his hand.
“I can definitely think of a few things to do before we absolutely need to get ready” Nikki smirked sinking two fingers inside of me.
“Oh fuck” I gasped.
“Not yet, but we’ll get there.” Nikki chuckled.
“Shut up and finger me Nikki”
     The jet ride was as I had pictured it would be in all honesty. The boys were all being shit heads and despite me trying to distract myself with a book it wasn’t working.
“All I know is when we get back I’m asking Doc to give me a new room at the other end of the hall from you idiots” Mick huffed.
“What do you mean Mick? I thought you liked rooming next to me?” I asked a little hurt.
“That was before you and Nikki started going at it like rabbits.” Mick rolled his eyes and continued tuning his guitar. “If I wanted to listen to other people have sex all the time I would watch the porn channels”
“Well at least you know I’m actually getting off” I shrugged and returned to my book.
“Wait what do you mean? Those girls are getting off.” Tommy asked suddenly interested at the mention of porn.
“No way. They’re clearly faking.” I laughed. “No girl sounds like that when they actually get off.”
“The sounds they make are too loud to be fake.” Vince scoffed.
“Nikki” I hollered getting the distracted bassists attention.
“Huh?” He looked up from his notebook.
“Have I ever sounded like how girls do in porn?” I asked to prove a point.
“Once. When I gave you that really awesome orgasm.” He smirked. “You remember, we were having a quickie at the studio and I told you that we don’t finish until you finish and then you… wait.” The pieces connected in his mind as I watched.
“I needed to get back to work” I shrugged.
“So you faked it?!” Nikki exclaimed suddenly standing.
“I had to we needed to get back to work.” Next thing I knew Nikki was dragging me into the bathroom. “What are you doing?”
“I got off that day and you didn’t” Nikki said matter of factly.
“Yes I just said that.” Nikki picked me up and set me on the counter of the sink before dropping to his knees.
“I’m going to rectify that.” And rectify he did.
     My whole body ached, I had a runny nose, and I was nauseous. It was safe to say I was sick as a dog. Nikki had offered to stay with me and skip his MTV recording with Vince, but I wouldn’t let him do that. I took a bit more cold medicine and made my way back to my VCR to put in Dirty Dancing when there was a knock at my door. Sam and Nikki had a key to get in so if it were either of them I would think they would just walk in, I thought as I looked through the peep hole and caught a glimpse of Tommy.
“Tommy? What are you doing here?” I asked opening the door.
“Heather is out of town for filming something and Nikki is doing the MTV thing and said you were sick so I figured you would be home.” He waltzed right in and to my cabinets as if he owned the place.
“How did you get my address?” I made myself comfortable on the couch again.
“Oh, Tom.” He whirled around in my kitchen. “You don’t have anything in this place.”
“I’ve been in Canada with you guys. I haven’t had a need to buy groceries.” 
“Okay you wait here I’ll be back” I wanted to ask what that meant, but he was gone before I could form the words. Oh well, I’ll watch my movie then. About a half an hour later Tommy was walking into my apartment with a few bags hanging off his arms.
“Woah what is all this?” I asked my curiosity peaked.
“Well I know Heather likes some certain stuff when she’s sick so I figured you would probably like the same kind of stuff” He acted as if the gesture was no big deal. I checked the bags over and saw there was soup, chocolate, and The Lost Boys on VHS.
“Oh Tommy you didn’t have to do this for me.” I was on the verge of tears.
“It’s no biggie.” Tommy shrugged grabbing a beer from the six pack he was putting in my fridge and sat on the couch. I was making my way back to the couch with the chocolate in hand when there was another knock on my door. Confused again I looked through the peep hole and saw Sharise.
“Sharise what are you doing here?” I flung the door open startling her.
“Oh Sharise what’s up?” Tommy waved.
“Vince said Nikki told him you were sick and I thought you would like a little company.” Sharise made her way into the apartment and plopped on the couch next to Tommy.
“Did Nikki make it sound like I was dying or something?” I joked joining them.
   “Honey I’m home” Nikki called out in a funny voice walking through the door, but stopped in his tracks when he saw Tommy, Sharise, and I giggling on the couch. “I was just thinking it smells like T-Bone has been here”
“Hey babe” I spoke around giggles “T-Bone let me have a few puffs of his joint to help my nausea”
“It worked” Tommy smiled proudly.
“Well if Nikki is back that means Vince will be home soon so I better head out. Feel better hun.” Sharise hugged Nikki and headed out the door warning him to take good care of me.
“Yeah I’ll head home too so Nikki can give you his own dose of medicine.” Tommy winked sticking his tongue out earning himself a small flick on the nose from Nikki. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow T-Bone.” Nikki sat down on the couch and motioned for me to climb in his lap.
“I missed you all day” I nuzzled my face into his neck.
“Remember when you couldn’t stand me?” He chuckled pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
“You made a horrible first impression.” my voice muffled into his skin.
“Ya got me there. How about breakfast for dinner? I could make blueberry pancakes?” My stomach growled at the mention of food. “I’ll take that as a yes”
I watched fondly from the couch as Nikki began to prepare our breakfast for dinner. He was much more caring than I would have ever given him credit for in the past. He hummed a melody I didn’t recognize to himself as he worked. 
“Almost done babe, I just need to prepare my bacon” He flashed a smile at me getting the bacon in the pan. Then the smell hit me. I ran to the bathroom just barely making it to the toilet. I had never been a big fan of bacon, but the smell never made me sick before now. That’s when it hit me.
“Babe are you okay?” Nikki’s worried voice came from behind me.
“Nikki what day is it?” I asked trying not to panic.
“The seventeenth why?” the confusion evident in his voice.
Slowly I lifted my head from the toilet.
“I’m late.”
“Late for what?”
“No Nikki. I’m late, late.” I tried again.
“I still don’t- oh. OH. Oh fuck.” The pieces finally clicking.
“Yeah. Fuck”
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lavenderbones22 · 5 years
Call It Fate-Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx
Summary: Nikki keeps bumping into the same girl in the most random of places. It gets so out of hand that it starts freaking them both out. So they decide to just fuck.
A/N Just a random idea I had so just had to get it written :)
Word Count: 2871
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It had happened a few times that week. The first time was in a corner store in West Hollywood; his eyes followed me the whole way round while I tried to find my favourite candy. The second was when I was out having lunch with my cousin; he walked in and it would have been impossible to not recognise him with his black hair and eye-lined eyes. The third time was at the gas station and I nearly poured all of the gas over my converse when I saw him strutting his way inside to pay.
"What the fuck," I'd mumbled to myself as I watched him through the glass windows.
I must have looked like a lunatic the way that I was looking at him and he didn't strike me as the sort of guy who would miss an opportunity to say something to somebody who was staring. Especially if that somebody was a person he'd already seen twice that week.
"Are you following me or something?" He called out on his way back to his car, his smirk turning me on more than it should have but probably just as much as he meant it to.
"N-no, sorry," I laughed nervously, pulling the gas pump from my car and hanging it back up. Shit, he was making me a nervous wreck. I could feel him watching me still as I closed the gas tank and then fumbled around the passenger side for my purse.
"I don't mind it if you are," he spoke again, sounding closer this time and I could hear the humour in his voice.
"Well I'm not," I spoke with more conviction. He was on the other side of my car, his arm leaning on the roof casually. He was eyeing me like I was his prey.
"Why you out so late getting gas anyways?" He asked apathetically. I mustn't have heard what he said or even heard him speak because he waved his hand in front of my face.
Fuck. I was staring at him again.
"All good?" He chuckled.
"Shit, I'm sorry!" I ran my hand through my long hair and shifted in my spot. "I'm good, I'm just, you know, it's weird I've seen you so many times these last few days and I don't even know who you are."
"Well I don't know who you are either," he retorted. "Come on," he nudged his head in the direction of his car. "Come with me."
"What?" I raised my brows, shocked at his proposal. "I just said that I don't even know who you are and you're expecting me to get in your car with you?"
He nodded his head slowly, like he didn't understand why I had an issue with this.
"Do you think that because you're good looking that I'm just going to get in your car with you?" This guy was kidding himself! Sorry bud, but I don't really feel like being murdered tonight. "No thanks."
"Well yeah, I mean, it wouldn't be the first time it's happened." He looked genuinely perplexed by my resistance to him.
"Sorry, it's not gonna happen," I said as I headed inside to pay for my fuel.
"Let's make a deal then," he called out.
"What?" I called back without even looking at him and still walking but now slower because duh, obviously I wanted to know what his deal was; he was sexy as fuck.
"If we bump into each other again you'll give me the time of day. If not, well then have a good life."
I laughed to myself and turned around.
"You got it, rockstar," I winked.
"I'm not a rockstar, well, not yet anyway," he corrected me.
"Well you look like one."
Fast forward one month and I'm standing outside the Whisky on the Sunset Strip waiting to get inside. I loved this place but I didn't come here nearly as often as I would like to. My friends were already inside but I was late because work kept me and I always took way too long to get ready.
I hadn't seen that guy again and to be honest I was kind of bummed out about it. I told my roommate about him and she told me I was crazy to not have just screwed him around the side of the gas station.
"From the sounds of him I rekon he'd have totally gone for it," she'd said.
I was nearly at the front of the line when some commotion started. A bunch of guys came from inside with security guards behind them, shoving them aggressively and pushing them onto the sidewalk.
"I fuckin' told ya Nikki if it happens again you guys are out!" A really tall security guard emerged with a loud mouthed dude in his grip and I nearly died.
It was that guy.
"You can't fuckin' throw us out we make this fuckin' place!" He yelled in his face.
"Go home and sober up Nikki," the security guard said. "You too Tommy."
Nikki. That was his name.
"We didn't start the fucking fight man." The guy he referred to as Tommy spoke up. He was as tall as Nikki but maybe a little skinnier and he had light brown, wavy-ish hair. He was hot too.
What the hell is with all of these hot guys entering my life all of a sudden?
I watched Nikki as he stumbled around trying to find his feet and Tommy as he put a cigarette between his lips and tried to keep Nikki from wandering onto the road. I didn't know whether to say anything because he seemed pretty fucked up but this was kind of a big deal. I mean, we did agree that if we saw each other again we'd well, I didn't know what we'd agreed to do but it was something and that was good enough for me.
I toyed with my thoughts and it must have been written on my face or something because the next thing I knew that Tommy guy was coming over to me.
"Hey babe, do you have a lighter?"
"Uh, yeah, one sec," I stuttered awkwardly as I shuffled around my bag looking for my lighter. A few glances up and making eye contact with Tommy, an uncomfortable laugh from both of us then I found it. "Here ya go!" I extended my hand to him, he lit his cigarette while I watched him but also, I watched Nikki out the corner of my eye. He was standing very close to the side of the road, wobbling around and making me nervous. "Y-your friend, you better watch him." Tommy's eyes widened as if he had just remembered what a fucking fucked up mess his friend was right now, dashed over and grabbed him by both his upper arms. Tommy was taller but not by much.
"Sorry babe, thanks for this." His smile was sweet, innocent almost, as he handed me back my lighter and I was a little put out that Nikki hadn't even noticed me let alone looked in my direction. He was off in his own little world.
"Yeah, all good," I replied taking it from him.
The two boys headed off down the sidewalk and I felt my heart sink a little.
"Tommy, Nikki!" A small, well maybe just taller than me, blonde dude was coming out of the Whiskey calling their names and this made both of them turn around.
I could see even from the small distance I was standing from him that his eyes were glassy, vision most definitely hazy and eyes a sore looking red. He was wearing all black just like the previous times I'd seen him. I supposed this was his look; what he was known for. Those fuckin' skinny jeans man, they were as tight as hell and hugging him in all the right places. And his leather jacket, well that hung on him like he was born wearing it.
Shit. He was turning me on just by looking at him.
"No fuckin' way."
I vaguely heard him speak but didn't process it in time.
"We have to stop meeting like this." He was in front of me now and my sense of smell was overcome with the alcohol radiating off of him.
"I believe we'll call this fate, right?" I crossed my arms and looked up at him with a flirty smile.
"I believe we'll call this I think that you should come back to my place with me?" His voice was slower when he was fucked, raspier, dirtier even. If sex was a sound, it would be Nikki's voice when he was drunk.
He was closer, nearly pressed against me and I could feel the eyes of every girl in the line watching us.
"What makes you so sure I'll come with you this time?" I wanted to play hard to get even though I was very far from it right now.
"She's cheeky. I like that," he teased and suddenly it didn't feel like he was the same guy nearly stumbling onto a busy road five minutes ago. "Didn't we have a deal?" He whispered into my ear, hand now placed on my hipbone. Shivers.
"We did."
That was all he needed to hear right before he took my hand and dragged me out of the line.
"My friends are in there!" I laughed, pointing back at the Whiskey whilst trying to keep up with Nikki's suddenly weirdly sober strides.
"Don't worry, we live just 'round the corner," he said. "I'll bring you back after."
And indeed he did literally live right around the corner. I mean, you could see the Whiskey from his balcony.
"Wow, you weren't kidding," I mused, following Nikki up the stairs to his apartment, our hands still linked and Tommy and the blonde dude already inside.
"'Bout what?"
"Living right round the corner."
"Oh yeah," he laughed, leading me to a window. "We gotta climb through here." He stood to the side of the already opened window.
"Where's your door?"
"We had to nail it shut because the cops keep bustin' in on us," he told me nonchalantly.
Once we were inside it didn't take long before I was pressed against the wall of what I think was Nikki's bedroom; his tongue down my throat.
We didn't need to talk about what was about to happen nor did I care that he was shit faced and I'd only had a couple of lines and a bourbon. All that mattered was we had somehow found ourselves in yet another random place but this time we'd decided to take the goddamn hint.
I ran my hands through his long hair, my fingers getting caught here and there and seemingly turning Nikki on even more. His cock was pressed into me, still covered by his skinny jeans but still very prominent and fuck I was keen.
He pushed me closer into him by gripping my ass with both hands, thrusting himself so I could feel as much of him as possible without being naked. I moved my hands from his hair and grabbed the collar of his leather jacket, too pulling him closer. Nikki intensified the kiss by grabbing my neck and shoving his tongue further into my mouth...if that were at all possible.
I was losing my breath at a rapid rate so broke away for a second. Nikki smiled a  sexy, drunken smile and whispered, "you are fucking irresistible." I ran my hands under his jacket and slid it down his arms.
"Then don't resist me," I whispered back, bringing his mouth back to mine.
Things progressed pretty quickly from there. Nikki's hands were suddenly gripping my tits, toying with my nipples since I'd forgone a bra with the dress I'd worn. Said dress was gone within seconds, a crumpled mess on the ground near his feet. His mouth was then drawn to one nipple, then the other, like a magnet.
I whined for him to take his shirt off. Nikki whined in return having to leave my tits alone for a second.
"They're fucking phenomenal," he said, eyes wide in hunger, mine probably the same because now he was shirtless.
It was weird to me for a second. I mean, we were both near naked and as far as he knew I didn't know his name and he certainly didn't know mine. Maybe this was a regular thing for him but for me, it was the first time having stranger sex.
In just my leopard print lacy thong, Nikki was practically drooling. Both hands were back gripping my now bare ass cheeks and and walked us over to his bed.
"Do you like to be on top?" He asked.
"Question is, do you want me to be on top?"
"I do," he smirked.
"Then yeah, I like to be on top."
Nikki managed to get us on the bed without letting me go, laying down on his back and positioning me just how he wanted; right on top of his cock that was nearly bulging out of his zipper.
"These really need to come off." I leaned down licking along the top of his jeans, unbuttoning and then unzipping them. They came down surprisingly easy along his legs, his thighs exposed and his cock tenting his underwear. He gasped briefly when I softly squeezed him, pulling me forward slightly so he can capture my nipple in his mouth again. "It's your turn now, bad boy," I purred moving away and back down to hover over his dick. I pushed his jeans to his ankles and do the same with his underwear. I'm pretty sure I audibly gasped when I was met with his gorgeous cock already leaking with pre cum.
Nikki grinned at my obvious arousal and pushed himself into my mouth. I closed my lips around him, pulling back my teeth and sucking hard. He groaned softly and grabbed my head, brushing my hair out of my face. I licked over the veins on his cock, massaging his balls, and kissed the tip.
"Fuck baby, keep going like that!"
The sound of a bunch of people talking and then loud music ground me to a halt. I looked wide eyed up at Nikki.
"It's okay," he chuckled. "They won't come in here with the door closed."
"How are you so sure about that?" I questioned him, his dick still firmly in my grasp.
"It's an unwritten law around here." His hand moved from my hair down to my face where he held my chin almost keeping me focused on him; like he was studying me. "Don't you worry that pretty face of yours." He stared at me for a second longer and I felt this weird sort of comfortableness from it.
"You really are beautiful though."
"And you're drunk."
He laughed and I put his dick back in my mouth. This time I licked from the base to the tip and sucked him again. I moaned around his dick and grabbed his hips to support me. I released him, and smirked up at him through my long lashes.
"You don't wanna cum yet, do you?" I asked.
He shook his head quickly. "Fuck no. Get up here!"
In an instant he'd literally ripped my thong off of me and guided my hips so that he could slip into me and fuck, slip into me did he ever.
He was huge. And it kinda hurt but also it kinda felt so fucking good from the get go. Nikki may very well have been the biggest guy I'd been with.
"Fuck you're tight," he moaned, his grip on my hips whitening his knuckles.
"And you're big," I cooed, not missing the proud smirk across his sweaty face.
I started to move slowly just to get the rhythm. Nikki's hands were guiding my movements in a way that felt pleasurable to him. He then increased the pressure on my hips and started to move me up and down his cock, causing me to groan and start panting. He felt so fucking good.
"Come on baby, that's it," he encouraged me. "Bounce for me baby girl...yeah...that's it."
My head was thrown back in bliss, Nikki's hands were holding onto my hips for dear life and my thighs were getting a better workout than the gym could have ever done. Our moans and groans mixed together in his small bedroom although drowned out by the loudness of the party now happening in his living room.
"Is this what you wanted when you first saw me?" I asked him, breathless, fishing for compliments.
"Fuck yeah it is!" He yelled. "Ahhh, yeah babe so good...I'm nearly there." Nikki's hips then started to meet mine as he got closer to his orgasm and those movements quite literally started to bring me undone as well.
"Fuck you're so deep," I cried. "Oh my god."
Within seconds I let out animalistic sounds from the pleasure Nikki had caused to erupt throughout my body and seconds after me he finally came, groaning loud enough for me to nearly hear him over the music.
I collapsed on his sweaty chest, breathing heavily and laughing a little. Nikki's arms wrapped themselves around my back and he held me long enough that it started to feel like we knew each other. You know, actually knew each other.
We laid in semi silence for a few seconds just basking in our post-coital calmness.
"My name's Nikki, by the way."
I snickered.
"Yeah, I know."
TAGLIST: @chocolatealmondmilkshake
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electradestiny · 5 years
Birthday Sex. (N.S)
Request: Hi love! Ya girl’s birthday is coming up so could I request some Nikki birthday sex please?? Love you!! 😍 Enjoy, & happy late birthday. ;) It was the day Nikki’s been planning for months. The day that his absolute godsend was born. He planned everything perfectly, and strategically. Candles lit everywhere throughout the home you two shared, cliche rose pedals leading up to the bedroom. Once you walked in the dim candle lit house, your jaw almost hit the floor. Nikki was never the romantic type, and when i say never, i mean never. He was sweet and affectionate obviously, but you would’ve never expected anything like this. You smiled widely, following the trail of rose pedals to the bedroom you two shared. 
As you opened the door, you locked eyes with your loving boyfriend. He smiled at you, holding a single rose in his hand. He slowly walked to you, his spare hand coming up to cup your cheek, placing a soft kiss on your lips. “Happy birthday, angel. “ He whispered, his forehead pressed against yours. The smile on your face was something that made Nikki melt. “You didn’t have to do all of this, honey.” You said softly, extremely glad he did. “Well, sometimes you need a little extra love, and today’s one of those days. “ You smiled, your eyes scanning his body slowly. “There’s only one thing that’d make this night better. “ You said quietly, your eyes meeting his. “And that is?” “For you to bend me over & have your way with me. “ You quietly said, causing Nikki to get a smirk, his lips attaching to yours. His large hands wrapped around your waist & moved down to your ass, picking you up. Your legs wrapped around his waist, his lips attaching to your neck. Nikki quickly lays you on the bed, his lips leaving sloppy kisses, nipping and sucking at the skin. Soft moans escaped your lips as his lips worked their magic, his hands sliding under your shirt, pulling it up. In one swift motion he pulled your shirt off, his lips attaching to your chest. You sat up slightly as Nikki unstrapped your bra, his lips instantly going to your nipple. He lightly nipped at the hard bud, sucking softly. Your hands running through his hair as whimpers escaped your lips, causing a smirk to appear on his. He did the same thing to the other breast, trailing his lips down your tummy not too long after. He quickly unbuttoned your jeans as his lips moved down your body, pulling them down. You kicked your legs with a small giggle as he pulled the jeans off of your ankles, a smile playing on his lips. His lips kissed your ankle, moving up to your inner thigh. “Tell me how bad you want this, angel. “ He mutters out, his lips sucking on your thigh, leaving a small bruise. “God Nikki, please. “ You begged, your hands intertwining in his hair and gently pulling him to where you wanted him. He smirks up at you, “Only because it’s your birthday I won’t make you wait.” His fingers curl into your panties, pulling them down and throwing them somewhere random. He places your legs over his shoulders, his tongue licking a long stripe up your clit. A moan escapes your lips, gripping his hair and pulling him into your heat more. He begins sucking on your clit gently, moving his middle finger up to tease your entrance. He quickly inserts one finger, your whimpers turning into moans. He pumps his finger into you, curling as he goes. Once he feels you’re ready, he adds a second finger. Your back arches, waves of pleasure throughout your body. “Fuck, Nikki. Don’t fucking stop.” He speeds up, as you get the oh-so familiar feeling inside of your core. “N-Nikki, i’m gonna..” You moan out, your eyes closed in pure bliss. He groans against your clit, loving the sound of you falling apart because of him. Your hand grips his hair roughly, waves of pure pleasure sleeping throughout your entire body. Legs shaking, you buck your hips throughout the orgasm. Nikki doesn’t stop though. He continues his pace, knowing he isn’t gonna let you get off only twice tonight. After all, you’re his birthday girl. Your moans become louder, your legs shaking to the point where Nikki needs to grab your waist to hold you down. He curls his fingers in you a bit more, still sucking on the now sensitive nub. He looks up at you in pure amazement, watching his girl. A complete sweaty mess, shaking and in pure bliss because of him. God, he could watch this all fucking day. You feel the once again familiar sensation in your core, crying in pure pleasure at this point. “Fuck, oh my god, fuck, Nikki!” You loudly moan out, your back arching & hips bucking, riding out your second orgasm. Nikki finally lets you breathe, quick ragged breaths leaving your throat. Nikki crawls up on top of you, a smirk on his lips. “One more, honey?” You can’t help but smile, nodding your head swiftly, craving him even more than before he started. He quickly turns you over, unbuckling his pants. Thank god for the mirror in front of you. You watched Nikki slide his pants down, his shaft springing up. You bit your lip as he looked at you in the mirror, “Ready?” You smiled, biting your lip, “Mhm” you said while nodding. He smirked, his hand holding his shaft, slowly sliding it inside of you. You arched your back, the sensitivity shooting waves of pleasure throughout your body. Pushing back against him, you watched his face turn into pure bliss. Eyebrows scrunched together, eyes closed. You thrust against him, wanting more. He slowly starts thrusting into you, angling upwards so he hits your g-spot. Curses & moans leave your lips as he fucks you, filling the entire room. You make eye contact through the mirror as he thrusts into you at a rapid pace, a smirk growing on his lips.”So fucking gorgeous, fucking perfection.” He groans out, your cheeks filling with a crimson shade. Even while fucking you he could make you blush. As he hits a certain spot, you drop your head in pleasure, moans throughout the room. He quickly wraps your hair around his hand, yanking it. You lift your head up by force, in pure pleasure. “F-fuck, I’m close. “ You whimper out, eyes closed. “Look at me, (Y/N). I wanna see your pretty little face. “ Quickly obliging, you look at Nikki through the mirror, your orgasm hitting so much harder. Between the moans leaving your lips, the sight of you, and the fact you were clenching around Nikki’s shaft, it all sent him over the edge. Groans leaving his lips, he rides both of your orgasms out. As the both of you ride your orgasms out, he slows his pace & releases your hair. You both lay down next to each other, almost panting. His hand traces shapes onto your hipbone, kissing your shoulder softly & lying back down, facing the ceiling. “Happy birthday, my love.”
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