#down the rabbit hole he falls ( farkle answered )
liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝ i want something else to get me through this semi-charmed kinda life. ❞  | @ofsilversprings​​​​​​​​​​​​​ | meme ( accepting ) farkle&maya
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             “And what would you have in mind? I can get you anything you like?” Farkle answers, because it’s not like his parents would notice any money missing. Or like they really would care. 
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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Maya Kent ( @souriisms​ ) in Farkle’s Phone
❣️❣️ Maya ❣️❣️ Recording of Maya saying I love you
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[  ❣️❣️ Maya ❣️❣️ ] Coming home, stopped by our favourite take out [ Farkle ] Awesome, I’ll set up the plates ready
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝ when i told you i loved you, you know i meant that right? i’m not talking just about all those warm feelings. i’m talking about putting in the work. i’m here to stay for the hard parts, not just the pretty ones. ❞  | @souriisms​​​​​​​​​​ | meme ( accepting ) farkle&maya
                     Farkle couldn’t help the light smile that started to tug at his lips as he looked at her, “There is probably going to be quiet a few hard and ugly parts,” He says, and sure there will always be that fear deep inside of him that Maya will eventually leave him. That he hold too many ugly parts of himself that one day it becomes too much - but, he knows why those exist - his parents who were barely around. Those insecurities may linger beneath the surface, but he believes Maya’s words to be true. That she will stick by him through thick and thin. “I do hope you also know that I will be too. That, for you I will work until I can’t no more. You’re worth every second of my time. Good and bad, because I love you.”
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝ 62 ❞  | @ofsilversprings​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ | meme ( accepting ) farkle&maya
lazy morning kisses before they’ve even opened their eyes  ,  still mumbling half-incoherently  ,  not wanting to wake up
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           He’s never been the morning kind of guy - despite his love for school, he did hate waking up anytime before 8 in the morning, so in the morning his body is waking itself up but he doesn’t want too. Farkle can feel Maya in his bed and turns himself in the bed, and the soft mumble of incoherent talk that fell from Maya’s lips made Farkle’s lips twist into a sleepy smile as he moves himself close to her. Hand moving lazily to find Maya’s face, finger ghosting over her jaw as he moves himself in closer to her. 
              Moving his face closer to her, letting his lips rest against hers. There wasn’t much much force or pressure in his press of lips against hers. Just soft and lazily moving against hers, it’s clear that neither really wants to wake up, but this with the softness and light movement of lips against lips was nice. He’s mumbling against her lips but isn’t even sure what the hell he’s saying, but he likes this. Maybe he’ll do this often with her, he’ll make a mental note of that for the future.
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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meme | accepting | sent by @souriisms​​​​ | Farkle , Dating Maya Kent AU​
​their lock screen photo: Here their home screen photo: Linked Above how many alarms they have set: 20 their default ringtone: the one the phone came with their favourite app(s) to use: fact of the day their most used app(s): notes, voice memo someone they have blocked: his father the last person they texted: maya
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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Topanga’s ( @lwrnce​ ) Contact in Farkle’s Phone
Topanga Superwoman - Alicia Keys
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[ Topanga ] Of course you can [ Farkle ] Thank you!!!
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝  This wasn’t supposed to happen. ❞  | @nocategcries​​ | meme ( accepting ) farkle&maya ( maya left au )
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           “Okay... Okay,” Farkle says as he’s biting back most of his anger and hurt. He’s doing his best, he’s been doing his best for the past few years without Maya because she left - and there has been so much shit that has happened in that time. “If this isn’t what was suppose to happen, can you tell me what was? Because last I checked, parents weren’t suppose to up and leave, yet that did happen. There are so many things that shouldn’t have happened, yet here we are Maya. So, please enlighten me to what was meant to happen because obviously it hasn’t.”
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
shatter my muse | @saviorscrossed​
The air is cold, and it smells like it’s about to snow. She’s somewhere in Montana, stuck there with no money, no car, and no coat to keep her warm as she wanders through town. It’s the fourth time she’s discharged herself from rehab, decided being clean still was not worth the struggle, but she really was on her own this time. Katy & Shawn stopped picking up their phones two rehabs ago, Riley hasn’t been allowed to speak to her since the first time she left, and Maya’s pretty sure that Farkle’s still stuck in another rehab somewhere else-- it’s not like she can find out, anyway. She doesn’t have a phone anymore, swapped it for a few grams of heroin from some dealer she found behind a church. Her skin is clammy, fingers picking at the scabs on her arms to give her restless mind something to do. The withdrawals are starting to set in again. Maya needs to find somewhere to shoot up before she ends up throwing up in the middle of the street.
Another block or two and she finally finds a public bathroom. She sits on the filthy ground by the sink and pulls the lace from her sneakers. It’s easy, almost like clockwork as she sets out her tools on her lap. Her hands are shaking now, it makes it a little harder to hold the lighter underneath the spoon. The syringe is clamped between her teeth as the tar starts to bubble and turn into that deep brown liquid that’ll take all her problems away. If she wasn’t in such a state, Maya might’ve been a little more sensible, pulled only as much as she needed into the syringe for that first hit, but she can’t help herself.
The lace of her shoe is still wound tight around her arm, the needle still stuck in her vein when she’s found the next morning. Pale skin, blue lips, no heartbeat… the paramedics can only shake their heads in judgement as they pull the needle out and dispose of it. With no form of identification on her, Maya Hart finds a new name and the city’s newest Jane Doe is never reunited with her loved ones.
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               Staying in rehabs wasn’t something Farkle was good at sticking with, because he truly didn’t want to get clean. No, chasing the high was so much better then letting himself feel all the feelings he is blocking out when he injects himself. Plus, honestly he and Maya were prone to enabling each other’s bad habits and it was like if one doesn’t want to get clean, the other won’t. It’s an ugly sense of co-dependency which makes them going to sperate rehabs hard. He needs his Maya in his life. One day, he is going to take her to Paris instead of it just being virtual from the gadgets his father used to buy his love. That has always been a goal in the back of Farkle’s mind - take Maya to Paris.
                  He hasn’t spoken to his other friends in a long while, and he gets it - he saw it coming especially with the Matthews wanting to keep their daughter ‘pure’. He doesn’t blame them, but there would be a part of him that does miss Riley and the lot of them, but - he has Maya, someone to catch him when he falls. That was Maya, his girl even if they weren’t dating because they weren’t because neither wanted to touch that subject - so it was always just late night highs and exploring each other’s bodies. The therapist he was assigned in his most recent rehab started to bring up his eating issues - and that night he packed himself up and split. His father stopped paying for treatments after his first stint, but his mother was trying - not wanting to lose her son, as if she hadn’t already by barely being around as it is.
                  Pulling his jacket around himself, it’s not much for his small thin frame, as he walks as fast as he can away from the rehab centre, wanting to distance himself away from it as much as possible. Scrapping up some coins at the nearest payphone, he dials Maya’s number - only to be greeted by a stranger on the other line, and Farkle curses to himself because he knows what that means and now he has no way of contacting her, and why is there a sinking feeling growing in his stomach. Maybe it’s the withdrawals he’s going through, it has to be that right.
                  He thinks he can hold out for a while longer before he has to get something, he wants to sleep so he finds himself sheltering under a cover, curled up in on himself as he let sleep take over him. The dream he had was vivid, he didn’t know where he was, but he followed the light his dream gave to the public bathroom. What was waiting for him on the other side of the door - it has to be some cruel nightmare. Maya was there, needle in her arm and it didn’t look like she was breathing. He screams out, calling her name - calling for help forgetting that he was dreaming - that no one can hear him as he sees his Maya lifeless.
                Waking with a start, tears in his eyes and he feels sick, and he throws up what little was in his stomach. That was a wickedly cruel nightmare, it had to be. But, how would he know when Maya no longer has her phone and he doesn’t know where she went.  Maybe he could try and call up Katy and Shawn, maybe they would know and Farkle knows it’s a long shot, but he knows their number of by heart, so his next stop is a payphone instead of a high.
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝  i trust you with parts of myself i’m afraid to show anyone else. ❞  | @lcstupstate​​ | meme ( accepting ) farkle&maya
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           A soft smile spreads across his lips as he listens to Maya, he knows how much that means to her, because well, he does the same. “And I’m grateful for that,” Farkle tells her, “I know how scary that can be, because you see the parts I’m afraid to even admit to myself. I love you.”
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝ no one hurts you and gets away with it ❞  | @venustrape​​ | meme ( accepting ) farkle&maya
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         “It’s fine Maya,” Farkle says trying to defuse Maya, even though he knows it’s not going to be an easy feat. Maya was always fiercely protective of everyone she cares about, and that is something that Farkle has always admired about her. “I’m fine, don’t go do anything stupid, they’re not worth it.”
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝  53 & 70 ❞  | @souriisms​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ | meme ( accepting ) farkle&maya
starting with a kiss meant to be gentle ,  ending up in passion    &&     a kiss against the wall
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            Can you blame him? He wanted to kiss her and he really just couldn’t help himself as he grabs hold of her face, pressing his lips softly against hers. It was nice and gentle, but then - he just wanted more and so he finds himself walking with her until they hit the wall, a soft laugh falling from his lips lasting for a moment before capturing her lips again. It was just, so nice and he likes the feeling of her lips against his. He doesn’t want it too stop.
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝ i think you’re still my person. and i’m hoping maybe one day, i can be yours again too. ❞  | @souriisms​​​​​​​​​​​ | meme ( accepting ) farkle&maya
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               He takes a deep breath, slowly letting it out as he took in Maya’s words - and he really hates to admit it but he knows deep down buried beneath all his hurt and anger cause by Maya, that she never stopped being his person but, he can’t really say that. Not yet at least, He wishes there was a set time on when he should be over this. but as time and experience has taught him - this kind of pain is not easy to forgive, at least not for him. “I hope you can be too, because as much as I really hate to admit, I still care about you, even after everything.”
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝ You did okay. You tried. It’s a lot more than most people would do.  ❞  | @souriisms​​​​ | meme ( accepting ) farkle&riley
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                A sigh leaves his lips, and shakes his head lightly, “Did I though? It doesn’t feel like it.” There is a rare vulnerable side to Farkle that only his friends get to see, and right now it’s showing itself. “I should have done better.”
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝  everyone always leaves ❞  | @souriisms​​​ | meme ( accepting ) farkle&maya
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             “I know,” And he does - it’s such a crappy feeling. Feeling as if everybody will just up and leave, and he hates it, which is why he adds on, “But I’ll never leave. Unless I leave with you.”
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liveshaunted-moved · 3 years
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❝    you  can  tell  me  anything  ,  you  know  that.  ❞  | @conquerlove​​​ ​| meme ( accepting ) farkle&riley
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              A soft sigh left his lips, “I know, but there are somethings I need to figure out by myself first. To know them better before opening up about them.”
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liveshaunted-moved · 4 years
Austin Moon ( Austin & Ally ) & Farkle Minkus ( Girl Meets World )
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