#dq Amber
wylldebee · 3 months
AU where Eleanor is the first female Dundrasil royal to spend six years at Angri-La. She becomes Grand Master Pang's favourite pupil. Rumor has it, Pang personally taught Eleanor how to wield the Naughty Stick. Eleanor fights by Irwin's side as they make their way through Dundrasil Castle as the monsters invade. She barely survives her could've-been-death, and ends up in the village of Cobblestone, and finds her son. She raises him with Amber and Chalky. The Luminary now has two moms. Eleanor decides to join her son on his journey in her own goal of avenging Irwin and her father and Dundrasil, and ends up just being missed by Hendrik and Jasper. After learning about Carnelian's betrayal and finding Cobblestone in ruins, she disguises herself. She becomes the mom to the group—even to Sylvando. She's the first to put the pieces together about Sylvando's identity but doesn't say anything because it's not her secret to tell. Eleanor gets a tearful reunion with her father and Jade. Rab is all choked up and thanking the Goddess for not taking his precious daughter. Eleanor eases Jade's guilt with just a few words and a strong hug. She cries at the grave that bares her beloved husband's name, and promises him she'll protect their son for the both of them. The fall of Yggdrasil. She ends up back at Cobblestone, and works with Carnelian after he spends hours upon hours of apologising. She almost breaks down finding her son alive, and joins him and Hendrik to find the others. Eleanor getting a chance to say goodbye to her beloved Irwin, promising him she'll be with him again one day—and unknowing does so again, after her son goes back in time. Eleanor at her son's side as they defeat Calasmos once and for all. She weeps with her father as they finally avenge Dundrasil and Irwin, and is there when her son chooses one of his companions to stay with him in Cobblestone. She decides to rebuild Dundrasil because like hell Calasmos will get a win from beyond the grave by having Dundrasil remain a ruin. AU where Eleanor becomes more than another dead mother, a dead wife, and a dead daughter in a Dragon Quest game.
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general-cyno · 4 months
I sort of rambled about this in the tags of a post, but I wanted to make a proper one myself since I find it very fascinating (law backstory flashback you will always be famous). so one of my favorite scenes is this one:
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it is a very meaningful moment for these two, a very clear turning point to their dynamic at that time, and it's made even clearer by how law starts referring to rocinante as cora-san afterwards.
now, there are several instances throughout dressrosa arc where the similarities between doflamingo and law are mentioned, with the former going as far as to call them both birds of a feather. and as it's shown in the flashbacks, reading about flevance was enough to trigger doflamingo's traumatizing memories of his and rocinante's childhood, which seems to motivate him to bring law into the family. the way law seeks to lash out at everything then is reminiscent of doflamingo's own worldview and experiences, at least from his pov:
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rocinante noticed those similarities as well and though he tried to (questionably) discourage all kids from joining the DQ pirates by scaring them away, law's case in particular prompted him to bring up the topic with sengoku at some point, as seen during sengoku's conversation with law.
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sengoku repeats what everyone says about the amber lead disease, that it's incurable, and warns rocinante not to favor law much for it could jeopardize his mission. whether rocinante's agreement here was reluctant or not ig is up to each reader but learning of law's real/full name (his relation to the D clan) reignites his initial worries and some more, considering the historic opposition/threat the D represents wrt celestial dragons and how this could endanger him if doflamingo were to find out.
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so there's even bigger reasons for rocinante to not want law to become doflamingo 2.0. though as he later admits amidst his drunken speech, the will of D no longer matters to him when it comes to saving law, as rocinante's journey to cure his disease ends up making him feel genuine sympathy for law beyond that. he's forced to witness first hand how much discrimination and dehumanization law's subjected to time and time again, because of his disease and ties to flevance. before all this, law's mentioned his imminent death more than a few times and does it after too. and during the first disastrous hospital visit, he tells rocinante: see? I'm not even human anymore!
which brings me to this bit of dialogue:
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for all of law's similarities and/or parallels to doflamingo, it's worth noting that rocinante experienced the same things his brother did and due to his younger age probably understood even less of what was happening or why they were being targeted in the first place. compared to doflamingo, rocinante also has way less dialogue in their backstory but one he does have is this:
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this happens in the part where rocinante, doflamingo and their father are strung up on a wall and shot at with arrows. the villagers all express their anger, grief, the violence and suffering they've gone through because of celestial dragons like the donquixotes. albeit different in nature, along with doflamingo, rocinante experienced a kind of dehumanization as well.
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so, again: for all that law might resemble doflamingo the most, I do wonder... how much of himself did rocinante see in law, though subconsciously? a kid who lost his family, subjected to the kind of violence that led him to resign himself to death (seek it, even) and was treated by others as inhuman because of circumstances out of his control? it might've not been what rocinante believed to be his own motivations to help law, likely never actually saw or realized the similarities they shared, but imo it adds some more depth to his kindness and sympathy towards law.
this also marks a stark difference between the donquixote brothers. whereas doflamingo got caught up in a very vicious cycle (which traces back to the existence of celestial dragons as a whole and was further enabled by others like trebol) that he planned to continue with law, rocinante was able to see past law's rage and acknowledge the pain beneath. after all, rocinante knows too what it's like to be hurt by others who've been terribly hurt first and became someone who wasn't exactly keen on returning the sentiment, unlike doflamingo, regardless of whether it was in his nature to be so or if it's something that was nurtured as he grew up. that's not to say rocinante was an endlessly kind saint (he had his own biased views) or that he wasn't capable of violence (he did beat up all those medical staff and burn down hospitals for example), but those incidents weren't caused by a sense of entitlement on his part or such. he didn't blame law for stabbing him or in general for seeking revenge against the world, ultimately chose to protect and save him instead - which, indeed, changed law's life. as law presently insists, he owes cora not just that very life but his heart as well.
lastly - law himself might not disagree with doflamingo insisting they're of the same sort, but law is also the kid who couldn't fathom leaving his dying little sister behind. who softened and lowered his guard after receiving genuine kindness/love/sympathy for the first time in years. who saved a little mink and risked his own neck later on to save a boy who'd just lost his brother in the worst way possible. who didn't even consider putting his crew in danger when he knew (and expected) he might die and his whole revenge plan against doflamingo was rooted in love and grief to begin with, the same upon which the foundation of his crew was built and is a tribute to. last we saw of him, law orders bepo to go back in winner island because can't leave the crew behind, etc etc, so there's that too. how much of it is law's own nature and personality? how much is due to the impact cora had on him? both? would've doflamingo turned out differently or made different choices if his parents had tried harder to school him out of those CD views or if he'd had more positive influences aside from them, instead of the people he ended up surrounded by? would he have become the same kind of person he is rn no matter what? interesting stuff to think about.
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Accidental Adoptions Vinsmoke Headcanons
So Chapter 7 of Accidental Adoptions is out, and I promised Vinsmoke information! This AU for all who don't know, is Cora deciding that getting Law and the brand new baby that just got adopted into the DQ Pirates out of there is priority #1. Shenanigans occur, and now he's somehow ended up with not only Law and Dellinger, but all the Vinsmoke Siblings. Onto the headcanons!!
All Vinsmoke Siblings
They're all autistic
Are very co-dependant on each other
Distrustful of hospital environments
Reiju - 8 years old - She/Her
The second most durable out of the siblings, strong exoskeleton
Has her 'Poison Pink' abilities [Can produce poison, is immune to doses of poison that would otherwise kill regular people]
Has somewhat canon typical 'has to obey Judge's commands' modification built in [If she hears Judge's voice telling her to do something, she has to obey]
Heals the second quickest
Enjoys gardening
Helping Law out with removing the Amber Lead from his system
Ichiji - 6 years old - He/Him
Has implants in his eyes and hands to allow him to channel his red energy blasts easier
Can see further/see more detail + in fun visions [x-ray, night vision, can see shrimp colours ect.] because of these eye implants
Can't cry any more because of said implants
Least emotional due to experimentation, but is still far ahead of his canon version in terms of emotions
Likes navigation, and has essentially declared himself default captain/navigator on the ship
Niji - 6 years old - He/Him
Heals the quickest due to a combination of experimentation and a strong exoskeleton
Has super speed, which connects into the electricity powers [electricity goes fast]
Electricity powers [Can produce electric blasts from his hands, did not need implants like Ichiji because his exoskeleton was stronger]
Speaks really quickly because of his speed, sometimes forgets that not everyone processes the world like he does
Also has insane hearing
Has gotten very good at sewing because he's basically so quick he's a sewing machine. Also enjoys drawing
Sanji - 6 years old - He/Him (for now)
Most emotional out of his siblings
Has a weak exoskeleton- He's still far stronger than any normal child, but doesn't have the same invulnerability his siblings do
Does have some minor invisibility modifications [can only make parts of himself invisible if he strains himself or if he's stressed, will go full invisible if he's terrified ect.]
Everyone thinks he's got a secret extra genetic modification to talk to animals because he just makes friends with small animals constantly [He has four pet rats, Eloise, Yumi, Polly and Theia]
Loves to cook and make friends with animals
Yonji - 6 years old - He/Him
The most durable of the siblings, his exoskeleton is very strong
Both arms are half mechanical, a commenter (shout out to KitsuneNee_chan) made a remark that it reminded them of Nebula from GOTG, and I totally agree with that.
His physical modifications worked the best out of all the siblings, has had super strength since he was a baby
Has very bad sensory issues, has caused millions of berri in property damage while overstimulated
Isn't too sure what he likes to do, but absolutely loves sweet food and listening to the radio
BONUS!! X Drake Headcanons for this fic
Drake - 16 years old - He/Him
Very jumpy/skittish
An okay cook, is teaching Sanji how to use salt and pepper in moderation while making things
Good at fishing
Thinks that every zoan fruit user also has a personification of their corresponding zoan animal in their head that talks to them and will take full control when they morph into their full animal forms. He is wrong. He is mentally ill [blasts him with the OSDD1b beam]
Is very protective of the kids of the rag-tag orphanage ship that Cora has somehow gathered
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atletasudando · 8 months
La marcha femenina y su historial en los Juegos Panamericanos
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Las competencias atléticas de los XIX Juegos Panamericanos en Santiago de Chile se iniciaron el domingo 22 de octubre con las carreras de maratón, ganadas por el peruano Cristhian Pacheco -revalidó su título de Lima 2019- y la mexicana Citlali Moscote, esta delante de la argentina Florencia Borelli y la peruana Gladys Tejeda. En hombres, el chileno Hugo Catrileo consiguió la medalla de plata, la primera de su país en esta distancia, seguido por el peruano Luis Fernando Ostos. Y el atletismo volverá a tener acción el domingo 29 con las competencias de marcha (20 km), donde se espera una lucida participación de los representantes sudamericanos, que han alcanzado los primeros peldaños mundiales en las últimas temporadas. Historial de la marcha femenina en los Panamericanos              Las pruebas femeninas de marcha comenzaron a realizarse en 1987 con los 10.000 m. pista, que continuaron por dos ediciones. Desde 1999 se vienen disputando los 20 km. en ruta. También en la edición de Lima 2019 se disputaron los 50 km., distancia que ahora se discontinuó del programa internacional femenino (reemplazada allí por los 35 km). La mexicana Graciela Mendoza venció en tres oportunidades consecutivas, siendo así la máxima campeona. Y en 2019 triunfó la colombiana Sandra Lorena Arenas, en lo que constituyó un anticipo de su gran performance olímpica (medalla de plata en Sapporo 2021).   Indianápolis, 12 de agosto de 1987 10.000 m. pista 1 María de la Luz Colín MEX 47:17.15, 2 Ann Peel CAN 47:17.97, 3 Mary-Anne Torrellas USA 47:35.12, 4 Lynn Weik USA 48:11.74. Graciela Mendoza MEX y Jennifer McCaffrey CAN dq   La Habana, 8 de agosto de 1991 10.000 m. pista 1 Graciela Mendoza MEX 46:41.56, 2 Debbi A. Lawrence USA 46:51.53, 3 Maricela Chávez MEX 47:44.73, 4 Lynn Weik USA 47:54.05, 5 Yoslaine Puñales CUB 51:07.43, 6 Lora Rigutto CAN 53:32.07, 7 Maribel Caldeín CUB 54:34.90, 8 María Magdalena Guzmán ESA 54:57.09, 9 Doris Vallecilla HON 57:37.07   Mar del Plata, 21 de marzo de 1991 10.000 m. pista 1 Graciela Mendoza MEX 46:31.93, 2 Michelle Rohl USA 46:36.52, 3 Francisca Martínez MEX 47:44.78, 4 Liliana Bermeo COL 48:29.02, 5 Holly Gerke CAN 48:46.69, 6 Miriam Ramón ECU 50:13.15, 7 Giovanna Morejón BOL 51:04.38, 8 Janice McCaffrey CAN 53:26.97, 9 Lidia Ojeda de Carriego ARG 53:32.56   Winnipeg, 26 de julio de 1999 20 km. ruta 1 Graciela Mendoza MEX 1:34:19- 2 Guadalupe Sánchez MEX 1:34:46- 3 Michelle Rohl USA 1:35:22- 4 Geovana Irusta BOL 1:35:56 - 5 Joanne Dow USA 1:36:33- 6 Ivis Martínez ESA 1:37:28- 7 Teresita Natividad Collado GUA 1:38:41- 8 Oslaidys Cruz CUB 1:39:23- 9 Janice McCaffrey CAN 1:47:05   Santo Domingo, 6 de agosto de 2003 20 km. ruta 1 Victoria Palacios MEX 1:35:16- 2 Rosario Sánchez MEX 1:35:21- 3 Joanne Dow USA 1:35:48- 4 Geovana Irusta BOL 1:37:07- 5 Sandra Zapata COL 1:38:49- 6 Ariana Quino BOL 1:38:50- 7 Natividad Collado GUA 1:39:18- 8 Antonia Amber USA 1:42:45- 9 Cristina Rodríguez DOM 1:51:46- 10 Francisca Lora DOM 1:52:30   Rio de Janeiro, 22 de julio de 2007 20 km. ruta 1 Cristina López ESA 1:38:59- 2 Miriam Ramón ECU 1:40:03- 3 María Esther Sánchez MEX 1:41:47 - 4 Tania Regina Spindler BRA 1:42:15 – 5 María del Rosario Sánchez MEX 1:42:47 – 6 Sandra Patricia Zapata COL 1:43:44- 7 Yadira Alexandra Guamán ECU 1:46:06 Geovana Irusta BOL, Verónica Colindres ESA, Jolene Moore USA, Teresa Vill USA, Leicy Rodríguez CUB, Evelyn Nuñez GUA dq Cisiane Dutra Lopes BRA, Glenda Blandón NCA dnf   Guadalajara, 23 de octubre de 2011 20 km. ruta 1 Jamy Amarilis Franco GUA 1:32:38- 2 Mirna Sulely Ortiz GUA 1:33:37- 3 Ingrid Johana Hernández COL 1:34:06- 4 Mónica Equihua MEX 1:34:50- 5 Rosalía Ortiz MEX 1:36:10- 6 Arabelly Orjuela COL 1:36:50- 7 Claudia Balderrama BOL 1:37:32- 8 Yadira Alexandra Guamán ECU 1:38:42- 9 Maria Lynn Michta USA 1:38:47- 10 Geovana Irusta BOL 1:41:43- 11 Milángela Francesca Rosales VEN 1:43:17- 12 Fariluz Eliana Morales PER 1:45:38. Lauren Michelle Forgues USA dnf, Cisiane Dutra Lopes BRA dnf Paola Bibiana Pérez ECU, Leisy Rodríguez CUB, Erica Rocha de Sena BRA dq   Toronto, 19 de julio de 2015 20 km. ruta 1 María González MEX 1:29:24- 2 Erica Rocha de Sena BRA 1:30:03- 3 Paola Bibiana Pérez ECU 1:31:53- 4 Sandra Lorena Arenas COL 1:32:36- 5 Kimberly Gabriela García PER 1:32:45- 6 Rachel Seaman CAN 1:32:49- 7 Maria Michta USA 1:33:07- 8 Alejandra Ortega MEX 1:35:03- 9 Wendy Gabriela Cornejo BOL 1:36:58- 10 Miranda Melville USA 1:37:45- 11 Cisiane Dutra Lopes BRA 1:38:53- 12 Katelynn Ramage CNA 1,46,03- 13 Cristina Esmeralda López ESA 1:47:33 Sandra Viviana Galvis COL dnf Claudia Balderrama BOL, Mirna Ortiz GUA dq   Lima, 4 de agosto de 2019 20 km. ruta 1 Sandra Lorena Arenas COL 1:28:03 GR- 2 Kimberly Gabriela García PER 1,29,00- 3 Erica Rocha de Sena BRA 1,30,34- 4 Ilse Ariadna Guerrero MEX 1,30,54- 5 Angela Melania Castro BOL 1,32,15- 6 Noelia Vargas CRC 1,33,09- 7 Rachelle Marie de Orbeta PUR 1,33,31- 8 Karla Johana Jaramillo ECU 1,33,54- 9 Maritza Rafaela Poncio GUA 1,36,49- 10 Mary Luz Andia PER 1,37,03- 11 Sandra Viviana Galvis COL 1,38,43- 12 Robyn Stevens USA 1,40,29- 13 Rebeca Pamela Enríquez MEX 1:41:28 Magaly Beatriz Bonilla ECU y Miranda Melville USA dq   5 de agosto 50 km. ruta 1 Johana Edelmira Ordóñez ECU 4:11:12- 2 Mirna Sucely Ortiz GUA 4:15:21- 3 Paola Bibiana Pérez ECU 4:16:54- 4 Viviane Santana Lyra BRA 4:22:46- 5 Elianay Santana da Silva Pereira BRA 4:29:33- 6 Mayra Carolina Herrera GUA 4:30:52- 7 Yoci Yoana Caballero PER 4:31:33- 8 Evelyn Carla Inga PER 4:36:36- 9 Stephanie Casey USA 4:50:31 Kathleen Burnett USA dnf   Tabla de medallas   Oro       Plata    Bronce  Total   México             6          2          3          11 Guatemala        1          2          -           3 Ecuador            1          1          2          4 Colombia          1          -           1          2 El Salvador       1          -           -           1 USA                 -           2          3          5 Brasil               -           1          1          2 Canadá             -           1          -           1 Perú                 -           1          -           1         Read the full article
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kifu · 2 years
I finally, FINALLY got another amber in the nestbox out of my near six year-old lynx doe, and I was SO excited! I was going to pull a Code of Development for amber until my Mini Rex started their strike. It's not necessary now that I have it from a couple sources that the NMRRC fast tracked amber, but that's also not supposed to be public knowledge for some reason? Idc. But like, amber has been my fruit of labor for eight years now and I have one and a half in my barn. The half is just broken and five years old.
But that lynx doe massacred her litter today. Just ... bunny parts ... blood ... all over the cage. I killed her. She could have raised up this litter and retired in less than two months, living to a ripe old age. But she did what no rabbit has ever done to me before. Sure, I've seen chewed on newborns. But after three days? Never.
This doe was ... so nice. Gorgeous. Wideband. And she still managed to accumulate two legs (because judges don't know how lynx works, because a wide band lynx is 100% a DQ) because she was just that typey.
I don't regret killing her, but I'm not doing okay. I have one lynx left in the barn. Her daughter. Never produced a litter in two years of living. Dirty girl, too.
Wait, I lied. Vicious is a lynx, too, and comes from a vast history of my rabbits. I never showed her, but I mistake her for an opal a lot because of her color. Not a dark DQ-able under color (imo), but not bright white either. Vicious made a litter after two years of trying. I have a lilac otter out of her.
But like ... I had two Mini Rex litters make it to weaning age this year. Three hold backs that i need to narrow to two. I had ZERO Mini Rex litters last year. My Mini Rex are not okay - and LYNX Mini Rex is what got me started in showing.
I just killed one of my best rabbits - and I should kill a lot more. I'm down to eight Mini Rex brood does. Eight. Just eight. I try to focus on four varieties: amber, black, chocolate, and lynx. You can't work on that with eight brood does, especially when six of them won't even lift for the buck.
Well, Reputa is due for the beginning of October. We'll see how she does. Because I'm so attached to this breed ... and it hates me now. Amber is finally going to show on the tables next year and I'll never produce anything to show. Because Reputa's litter will be otters and selfs, black and chocolate at least. Pimp, her sire, doesn't carry dilute but Venli, her dam, did. I don't want otter ... I want amber again.
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11: My mom taught me that if I can’t say anything nice, I shouldn’t say anything at all.
Mordegon: ...
11: But my mom is not here and YOU’RE A WEENIE!
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mxdotpng · 2 years
the only thing i can think abt rn is the universe where dundrasil never fell and. and
#.text#dq#jade gets to grow up with her little brother she definitely did not steal (eleanor i promisseeee he'll come back after this sleepover)#and hero gets to grow up in dundrasil. maybe even ends up as childhood friends w serena and veronica#u know. as the reincarnations of serenica#however all this happy stuff... i have to think about SOMETHING thatll hurt me too#mordegon being just a little late. 16 years late but still. a little late. and the city falls with hero and jade there to watch it#i think they'd still fall into the river and still. like. u know. separate. his parents are dead he probably thinks jade is dead#'cause all he remembers is being hit by one of those soldiers and falling into the river#i think gemma would be the one to find him since. u know. chalky's dead. amber would take him in bc she has an extra bed anyway#he's injured and now Mourning and i think she would cling to that. and now he and gemma are friends :)#she's like we HAVE to cheer him up >:(. and she forces her grandfather to let her have her bday party a few days early#and hero's like. wait a minute. MY birthday is in a few days. and then they become besties.#*i* believe in the actual flow of time and am sure the only person in cobblestone who can use any source of magic is hero so#he spends like. a month or so. trying to heal. and then he says he has to leave because he needs to. see what happened to his kingdom#help any survivors. and hopefully. find jade. he knows his mom is dead but not his father or rab. so.#though at this point i think rab and jade went to meet up with serena and veronica. bc its clearly time for them to start#uh. being serenica or whatever. anyway. i think gemma deserves to be able to be a pc too. so she is. i cant hear se sorry#she's a ranger she has a bow. she had to grow up being one of the hunters rather than hero u know. and also shes a GREAT shot.#so her and hero leave cobblestone to head to heliodore to see if they have any refugees and what king carnelian can do to help#but the second he sees hero. they get thrown in the dungeons. where they meet erik. and now they are wanted by the law#u know things are normal they dont meet serena and veronica in hotto but they do meet sylv in the circus like usual#and are off to find the rainbough. and while they dont find rab & co there bc theyre at dundrasil gemma finds out abt vince#bc she is a little nosy. and from there they take the rainbough and head to dundrasil. where they actually end up being#chased by hendrik before they really get there. brief reunion with jade & co before hero falls off the cliff and jade goes over after him#i think after that everything would be the same? save for act 2 and 3. which#act 2. hero is half dead for a few months in his little fish coma. as you do. and when he gets to the last bastion#he finds gemma. new outfit bc i love her and thinks she should be allowed to be covered in dirt and grime and blood.#and its mostly normal from there. i think the scene saving irwin would be a lot more. yeah.#and hero would have further cause to go back in time for act 3. to save his parents and his kingdom and veronica and.
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shieldsurf · 4 years
bro i love amber i wish she was my mom
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lastplayerstanding · 3 years
Don't they usually have a time DQ or whatever for puzzles? I feel like amber should have been able to move on by now
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attackradish · 3 years
THERE IS MAJOR PHENOMENA HAPPENING AT THE DQ TODAY. First, Amber found a tooth on the ground. A two-cavitied, fully rooted, bloodless human tooth next to the door of the Dairy Queen. I picked it up for her ‘cause I had gloves, put it in a container, and generally forgot about it. A couple hours later, a rope of partially burnt sweetgrass materialized behind her while she was stocking spoons. Literally materialized. It just popped to existence as she turned to see a customer. I watched the camera footage three times and there’s no way for it to have gotten to that part of the floor unseen. It’s messing me up. What could this possibly mean?
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cresentcube · 5 years
Nine in DQ 11 AU: An unfinished snippet about how Nine 'met' Eleven
It's been a while, he whispers, words echoing against the cold winter air in a puff of white smoke; there's a slight glimmer at the edge of his vision, the stench of death and bloodlust collectively glaring back at him as the amalgamations close up on the premise of the village sound asleep.
The man he just rescued from the maws of death- a village guard, he guesses- squeaks out a tiny whimper as he swirls back halfway to meet his eyes; it only needs a simple order of 'run' for him to give a shaky nod and bolt to who knows where, into the frost and the wind and the haze beyond the battlefield of the ones God abandoned.
"Bastard!" an imp curses, dripping malice in place for all its folk unable to speak. "Fucking wandering travelers these days- it's a tiny ass village in literal nowhere! Why would you care about us raiding it?! You're going to die anyways, you fuck!"
And it strikes, pale fingers shaded in the moonlight bounced back onto the snow, aiming for the fragile skin of the boy who stood with nothing but a dull bronze traveler's blade; it laughs in glee for its imagery of scarlet spraying against the silver floor.
But the imp never dreams.
It hits the snow ith a small paff, bronze dulled by rotten crimson, the boy gazing against the mob with hellfire raging behind a veil of starlit mahogany.
And he speaks, with a sigh, a forlorn smile tugging at the edge of his mouth:
"Ones that had been shunned by god;
Come forth and meet the one he abandoned."
When she heard a villager guard scream her name in the middle of the night, Amber didn't expect a dying man laid out in the gates of the village.
But there he was, surrounded by slightly panicky men with no sense of first aid- so she rolls up her sleeve, shout at the well meaning idiots to back off, and rushed towards the fallen figure-
-Then realizes that, Good god, it's a child.
A child, no younger than 16, barely an adult- laying haphazardly in his own pool of blood with a gash in his chest.
"What happened?!" She asks, hastily turning to one of the men on guard duty, face ashen as dust- he shudders and tells the story of a mob of monsters, greater than they ever seen, and a story of a boy who took them all out with a broken traveler's blade.
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retro-rezz-the-est · 4 years
Purple, black, grey, amber
Purple: Have you ever met a wrestler if so what was it like?
I’ve met Lita, Sgt. Slaughter and DDP back at NYCC in 2018, and they were really nice! I shook Lita’s hand that day, and she said I was pretty ^^
I also saw an AEW panel back this past October at NYCC (again lmao) and I met Cody and Brandi who gave me my tickets! They were all really sweet and humble, and I got pics and vids with them too!
Black: Favourite wrestling move?
AEW: Kenny’s V-Trigger
WWE: Roman’s Superman Punch/Spear combo
Grey: Who has the best finisher?
AEW: Lance Archer (even tho I don’t vibe w/ him lol)
WWE: the New Day or Kofi
Amber: Favourite match?
AEW: Mox vs Hager for the AEW title in that NO DQ match
WWE: the triple threat match between Charlotte, Sasha and Becky for the women’s title back at WM 32
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Primary sources: 
British Museum. London: England. Available online from:
Christies Auction House. London: England. Available online from:
Lyon and Turnbull Auction House. Edinburgh: Scotland. Available online from:
Museum of East Asian Art. Bath: England. Available online from: https://meaa.org.uk/ 
Museum für Asiatische Kunst. Berlin: Germany. Available online from:
Oriental Museum. Durham: England Available online from: https://www.dur.ac.uk/oriental.museum/
The Musee Guimet. Paris: France. Available online from:
Sotherbys Auction House. New York: USA. Available online from: https://www.sothebys.com/
Secondary Literature:  
Bhabha, H.K. (2004) The Location of Culture. London: Routledge.  
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marionettestars · 4 years
dq time
so i reached act 2 (?), specifically the last bastion and i gotta say
gemma's reaction to the luminary appearing was a bit of a let-down? amber was more like it though
i liked the 4 character chapters a lot though, even if i'm unhappy with the ending of jade's (although it's better in the definitive version). rab's was especially nice? i just love the family content between him and the luminary and am still very overjoyed by them being related.
what i also have to say is that they really did hendrik well? in the sense of him being playable? had i not already seen art of him and the group, i wouldn't have guessed it until the tree (but i'm also dummy so)
i also like the last bastion a lot tbh
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nerd-bastard · 5 years
 ayyyyyy it’s DQXI liveblogging Act I, pt 3! Time for Octogonia and Dundrasil!
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me too buddy, me too
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oh god i was afraid of this when the npcs started doing accents, it’s the land of bad southern drawls D8 (thank god it turned out to be only her but jesus that scared me)
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Oh cool I get to fight the tournament with my future party member, Green Tifa--
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Talc: ??? at least he didn’t call me darkspawn... :(
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also someone please give this man an award for the single best voice acting in the entire game, holy shit he cracked me up
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...apparently talc’s latent power is attracting talented fighters with enormous goddamn racks, holy shit the tits on Fantasy John Cena here
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sure thing pal, can’t wait for you to stab me in the back Mr. Too Nice to Not Be the Villain
except apparently he has kids?? that he feeds? what the fuck don’t make me beat up a dad OH GOD IT’S ORPHANS maybe he’s not??? the villain??? i went back and forth on whether or not i was gonna have to fight him like ten times during this arc
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this game. this fucking game, y’all. /helpless laughter
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holy shit veronica NO ONE IS SPARED 
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that word was “bye”
this might be Talc’s actual worst nightmare-- trapped with somebody he doesn’t know who won’t stop talking until his brain has dribbled out of his ears completely. the second after he makes it back to his team the next day, he 100% grab’s Erik’s sash and goes “please don’t leave me alone with him  8<”
which almost sends Erik through the roof, except Talc’s answer to “What the hell did he do?!” is “He wouldn’t stop talking 8<<<”
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wait drugs?? i thought we were doing missing people, is he drugging the people or doing steroids?
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Talc: oh no i don’t want to fight syl--
Talc: /considers the past week sylvando has spent harassing teaching him about correcting his sword stance and drilling different techniques until he drops on the salty stallion
Talc: .../squares up
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and here’s where i snorted diet coke out of my nose and had to clean it off my keyboard because i have the worst gutter brain imaginable
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...yup it’s steroids.
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or not??? is he fucking sick and using medicine to push himself bc he’s just that nice???
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...okay i legitimately was not expecting “the steroids is people” so uh, bravo on that plot twist. /golf clap
i was also not expecting him to actually have eyes, but i guess it would’ve been more of a pain to model and rig a separate setup in the end
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i can guarantee you this was the most pathetic slap fight of the century because the second Talc realizes Vince is in no shape to be fighting, he can barely bring himself to swing his sword. it’s just a roid-ravaged has-been and a 16 year old on the verge of tears batting at each other for ten minutes
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This is really, really rough on Talc, but not exactly for the reason you’d assume. 
He’s sad about Dundrasil. By all accounts, it was a nice place full of nice people, and that night was a terrible tragedy. But it’s still all very, very distant to him. It may as well be a very sad fairy tale, that hits a little close to home after Cobblestone. Even after he found his letters, his feelings were “Chalky is my grandad and Amber is my mom.” The idea of being a long-lost prince was just... not concrete enough to really sink in for him. He’s still working on feeling like a proper Luminary-- hell, he’s still working on feeling like an adult considering he only came of age a few weeks ago and that age is six-fucking-teen. 
Rab seems nice, and Talc is sympathetic towards his grief-- but he also feels scared and guilty because that’s his “real” grandpa and his “real” parents, but he doesn’t feel anything like what he feels for losing Chalky and Amber and he doesn’t even want to. Dundrasil doesn’t feel like home. But he can see Rab is really hurting, and he doesn’t want to hurt him more by outright rejecting everything Rab is laying on him, so he bites it back and nods along instead of bolting for the door. Rab’s words give him a bit of an anchor point-- he can humour him, that’s completely doable, he doesn’t have to make himself feel the same grief for two strangers that he felt for Amber. He doesn’t want to hurt Rab, but the idea of replacing Chalky or Amber makes him want to panic.
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goddamn but this part was so sad and beautiful. when DQ goes hard, it goes hard. ;-; 
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man, Talc is so tired of being called darkspawn, poor boy
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oh man, this part fucked me up too. poor girl’s got her fair share of trauma for sure, and she’s lived with it for so long... the adventures of Jade and Rab would make an awesome spin off.
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oh okay six new mcguffins, alright. at least we got one of em already.
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before playing act II: awww, how sweet! best boyfriend!
after playing act II: 
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on to puerto valor!
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...honey. how can you possibly be this bad at improv.
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mxdotpng · 2 years
update on my dq au i have figured out the 2nd part and i am moving onto the 3rd. the one that might actually kill me
#.text#dq#i am probably not qualified to write this au at all. ive never had anyone in my life die#ive had many. many. many people leave though. that will have to suffice.#i dont think im going to write the part with rab and amber though. i think that is something. that should happen behind closed doors#it is a bit too. hm. much?#too. ummm. raw. thats the word. and i am Definitely not qualified for *that*#i think i might stick to having it like. hm. i dont know whether or not it will be in heros pov or hendriks#but i think im going to have it be like. rab entering the last bastion telling hendrik the luminary is dead & then him leaving to#tell amber. veronica and hero are sitting in the same tent as hendrik watching him try to focus on Literally anything else#and have veronica try to cheer hero up by getting him to tease hendrik. it kind of works bc seeing hendrik try to#figure out how he keeps losing his pencils is pretty funny. and hendrik is the very opposite of superstitious so he#just keeps going 'i dropped it. i just dropped it. its Fine.' until he finally gives up and goes. okay. so theres a ghost in here#i want him and hero to have a little conversation. hero hasnt quite figured out the whole appearing act yet so hes writing#on hendriks papers and theyre having the heart to heart they should have had in the game#i think its good for veronica too bc. she is also dead now. and it is partially hendriks fault. and she might be a LITTLE resentful#and this way she can get a little closure out of it. knowing that hendrik had never once meant for all of this to happen#in his mind it was kill one child for the greater good. one kid. or rather. one monster. for the rest of the world#and in his mind it might have been a bit because of revenge too. his home had been destroyed by the dark one after all#but because of his foolishness so much had come to pass. and none of it good. none. and he bears that weight#i think its funny. hero and hendrik. on one hand you have the luminary who is supposed to save the world and keep its people safe#and who failed in that. and who thinks its his fault because of it. and on the other we have a knight who has only ever wanted to#serve and protect. to save others and keep them safe. and he failed in that too. and he thinks its *his* fault.#i just think theyre a funny pair. its nice to see how they work so well together. even though hendrik is REALLY awkward because he#is like 36 and hes following these kids 20 years younger than him and he wants to protect them and be responsible So Bad but hes#just so. awkward about it. and its so fucking funny. like sir have you ever interacted with a child in your life.#anyone younger than you in fact.
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