#dr Lanik
bullet-prooflove · 1 year
🥺 first time headcanon. For our Chicago Med boys please?
And I hear that you’re having a birthday soon. I know what you’re favorite animal is but what’s your favorite flower/plant?
Lmao my 36th birthday would you believe. I am really digging peonys at the moment! And peace lily's for plants.
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So I have already written a fic on this but to revise it, the two of you met when you were both helping Goodwin with the Chicago Med Christmas Toydrive. The two of you got roped into wrapping in the conference room. Both of you got a little tipsy off home made eggnog and ended up making love on the conference table amidst the wrapping paper and bows. Jimmy knew he was in love because he never does shit like that and you bring something out in him.
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Ohh you make this baby work for it.
Initially he makes a pass at you and you turn him down. Your next convo has him leaving the table pissed but the third... he tells you about Harper and you tell him why you got into children's custody law. It's the first time he's been up front with anyone and he kinda likes it.
It's the fifth date when he eventually gets to undress you. By this time he's gotten to know you as a person, and he's falling in love. He's slow, the way he strips off your clothes, lingering kisses on your skin as he whispers tender words over your form. He makes love for the first time in years that night.
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Connor Rhodes - You are friends that turn to lovers. You met in Molly's bonded over a tough day and you make each other laugh. You move in seperate circles but always end up in the same space, gravitating towards one another. It starts with little touches, a hand on the shoulder, palm on the lower back and hugs and it starts from there.
One night he invites you back to his apartment to test his top shelf booze and you end up in each other's personal space, clothes brushing and he asks you why have we never...
You kiss and it's all over for that two of you. He makes love to you on the couch because he can't stand not being able to touch you, or waiting any longer. You straddle his waist, hands in his hair tugging just a little and it blows his mind.
Throughout the duration of your friendship you have care of one another and even in bed you are still taking care of him.
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Will falls in love with you the moment he sees you. When Jay introduces you as his colleague from Intelligence he is smitten almost immediately and the feeling is mutual. A couple of drinks later and the chemistry is flying. You end up going home with him that night. He's attentive in his love making, taking you apart and leaving you wrecked in his sheets. When you try to leave the next morning, he's already drawing you back into bed for round two and how can you resist
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annieradcliff · 1 year
@bullet-prooflove  @daniacat  @cosmic-psychickitty
“What were you doing out there? It’s minus 10 degrees!” Lanik snapped gruffly, placing his stethoscope over your heart and lungs, listening intently. Even though he wasn’t the doctor assigned to your case given his relationship with you, that didn’t stop him from checking you out himself to make sure you were all right.
Of course, he knew the reason you were outside on Med’s 10th floor balcony, especially after the horrible day you’ve had - the coldest day of a typical Chicago winter not much of a deterrent for you. The court decided against your petition in the case you had so carefully constructed over the past month and that decision had shattered you. It sent you reeling the way it always did in social services when your client was a child in need of your advocacy. Despite all your efforts and late nights working up a plan, the matter was concluded with the stroke of a pen and the strike of the gavel.
Now you found yourself in a hospital bed recovering from hypothermia. You looked up at Jimmy who was avoiding eye contact as he made adjustments to the multiple leads and tubes connected to you.
“Jimmy, after everything that happened today, I just … needed a moment alone. To contemplate.”
His gaze finally fell on you. The concern was definitely there, but so was a fair amount of anger.
“Contemplate what exactly?” he said a bit gruffly, as he busied himself with checking the output monitor dials. He knew he’d find everything in place and in perfect working order, but he was trying to suppress the crushing anxiety he felt by keeping himself occupied. He was on the verge of being overwhelmed at how close he came to losing you today. When you’d been brought inside and taken to the ED, you were in hypothermia and bradycardic. And he felt powerless in the face of it and he hated that. He had to watch helplessly from outside the trauma bay as the ED team worked hard to get your vitals and core temperature stabilized.
You could see the spiral of worry in him and decided it was time to snap him out of this before he went further down the rabbit hole of “what ifs”.
“Well, Jimmy – if you must know, I was contemplating the universe and my place in it.”
That response caught him off guard as you expected it would. He looked hard at you for moment and you couldn’t resist an impish glint when you locked eyes with him.  He knew what you were doing and it amazed him again how well you knew him.
“Well, did you find it – your place in the universe?” his tone softened and lost the harshness from earlier.
“Not out there on the balcony today – but I’m sure I’ll find it with you.”
He smiled, shaking his head slightly before reaching out and taking your hand. “You scared the hell out of me today, Y/N.” he said quietly.
You interlaced your fingers with his. “I know and I’m so sorry. After everything that happened at the courthouse, I wanted a moment alone. It didn’t feel that cold when I first went out there. Time got away from me ...”
He sighed deeply, the whole of the traumatic events finally pouring out of him. He looked down at you, his expressive eyes reflecting his love for you.
“Please come find me whenever it gets that bad, okay? Don’t carry that burden alone. I’m here. Always.”
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kae-tastrophic · 1 year
chicago med ocs (from diff seasons). know more? ask 😭
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funfandomtournaments · 4 months
These characters really annoy me. Some more than others
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pushupcontest · 1 year
Chicago Med Group Chat
Pt. 3: Natalie’s phone 
Will ❤️: hey sighs idk bured helpful me wit thes crossword\sw puddle 
Attachment: 1 Image: Screenshot 
Natalie Manning: Translation: Hey (?) I don’t know if I’m bored. Help me with this crossword puzzle.
Will ❤️: lamp I ment I amm biredd 
Natalie Manning: 🙄🙄🙄 I give up. 
Sharon Goodwin🐅: How did you pass middle school?
Natalie Manning: With the help of his fairy godmother.
Sharon Goodwin🐅: 🤣
Maggie👯: Good question Sharon. How did he pass preschool? 
April👭: With Elsa’s help
Elsie 🤨: Huh? Why are you talking about me?
Natalie Manning: Wait, your name’s Elsa?
Elsie 🤨: Yes?
Natalie Manning: …Nevermind
You have changed Elsie 🤨 to ELSA not Elsie❄️
Charles, Daniel 🛋️: The answer to 5 across is: Papillon. 
Connor💸: and for 5 down it’s Aston Martin 
Ava Bekker🫀: only rich people could possibly know that 🙄🙄🙄
Dr. Latham🫀: For 38 across the answer is The Brothers Karamazov
Sarah👩‍⚕️: you guys are so old fashioned i can’t believe you are seriously doing crosswords
Ethan🩺: The answer to 45 down is buffalo obviously 
Will ❤️: «buffalo obviously” died not fits 
Ava Bekker🫀: …
Sarah👩‍⚕️: …
Sharon Goodwin🐅: Why did I hire you?
Noah🙄🙄🙄: The answer to 7 down is cat
Lanik🙄🙄🙄: No, it’s not.
Dr. Latham🫀: I am sad to say that you are incorrect. 
Sarah👩‍⚕️: lmao no
Ava Bekker🫀: noah ur a dumb bitch💀
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proceduralpassion · 1 year
Did I just hear the name Dr. Lanik?!!
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felicitysmoaksx · 7 months
You’re one of my favorite writers for Sarah/ Conner and I couldn’t pass up your advent writing challenge.
I would love to see your take on Sarah /Conner taking care of each other after those tough moments on the job.
Like Conner finding out that Sarah as the new intern in the psych department has to speak to the families of the dead and she’s just so exhausted and emotionally drained and he’s just there taking care of her being protective etc
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Hi! Thanks so much for the kind words! So I took a version of your idea and went off the rails of what you intended. Also there is an ambiguous ending. But I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! This is set in my amnesia au, after Sarah is discharged and returns to work. But she still doesn't have her memories.
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"It'll be fine," Connor reassured her, pressing a kiss to her forehead as they walked across the parking lot to the ED. Her hand was firmly interlocked with his large palm. Whether this was to keep her from running away or not, Sarah didn’t know. There was a secondhand Deja vu running through her too and it was annoying that she couldn’t remember why. “I’ll be around the ED if you need me, which you won’t. But if I’m not around, you’ll have Will, Maggie, April, Ethan, and all of our other friends even if you don’t remember them yet.”
She only remembered two weeks into her ED rotation, so it had been Dr. Choi’s and Dr. Halstead’s idea for her to essentially redo the rotation in hopes of jogging her memory. Sarah didn't think it was quite that simple, but she didn’t have any better ideas, so she went with it.  
Her husband sounded so optimistic that she didn’t want to tell him otherwise. But there was a nervous tug in her stomach that disputed his reassurances.
Spoiler Alert: her stomach ended up being right.
“Too bad, your medical license will be taken away before you even remember how to use it. Seriously, what fourth-year can’t do a groin line?” 
She would not cry. She would not cry. A tear slipped down her face and fell onto her hands as she kept her head low. She didn’t want to face any of the other three people in the room. Even if Dr. Marcel and Dr. Asher were defending her. (No, they weren’t defending her. They were defending their friend. They were defending the Sarah she was before the accident.) 
“Ms. Goodwin, we both heard it. Dr. Lanik was deliberately taunting her.” Dr. Asher explained, shaking her head. 
“What did I even do to him? Dr. Lanik?” Sarah asked, looking for Crockett to Hannah, and finally facing Ms. Goodwin. Both of her new friends exchanged looks, but it was Hannah who answered her. 
“I don’t think it was anything you did to him, Sarah. I think you’re just guilty by association.” The brunette blinked at the other woman’s words. 
“Guilty by association? What do you mean?” Hannah grinned sympathetically. It was a patronizing thing that people did now. Because she didn’t remember anything from the last four years. It grated on Sarah’s nerves and made her want to scream even though she knew everyone probably didn’t mean anything by it. If they even knew they were doing it in the first place. 
“It’s my understanding from Will that Dr. Lanik and Connor really do not get along.” 
…And she was being punished because she was married to-
“I’m here. I’m here. Sorry, got caught up removing a tumor from someone’s lung. What happened?” Her husband burst through the door and Sarah frowned as the familiar feeling of getting called down to the principal’s office worsened. 
“Nothing. I’m fine.” She hoped her voice didn’t shake and give herself away as she stood up from her chair and lied, “I was just telling Ms. Goodwin that today has been a lot for me so I think I’m going to go home.”
Thankfully no one corrected her. She met his eyes just long enough before she avoided them again. In her peripheral vision, Connor frowned. Then after a beat, he nodded. “Okay, just let me get my stuff then we can-”
“No, you stay.” Sarah was already shaking her head. Connor deserved one day where he didn’t have to take care of her, where he didn’t have to be shackled to her because of her amnesia. “I can take the bus. I checked the schedule last night just in case something like this happened.”
“Sarah, we’ll have you work the shift with Dr. Charles tomorrow. Give you a break from the ED.”
“Actually, Ms. Goodwin, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. If today has shown us anything, it’s that I’m more of a liability right now. If you need to fire me, I understand.” 
“Sarah,” her husband said softly, but she ignored him except to give him a sad smile. With a nod to everyone in the room, she passed Connor and patted his shoulder. He was still looking at her worriedly as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. 
It was only after Sarah was gone that Connor looked at Crockett, Hannah, and Ms.Goodwin in turn because his wife wasn’t acting like his wife. She looked like she was about to cry and she didn’t meet his eyes. 
“Okay, does someone want to explain what just happened?”
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crockettmarcel · 2 years
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there are over 50 aus here (bc I'm insane) so everything's under the cut! all moodboards are linked, and those with an asterisk * next to them feature Lolly at some point. please do not talk to me about how many have the asterisk because trust me. I know. also if you've noticed how many of these involve Sarah moving to a small town and starting a new life, please keep that to yourself. can an annoying person not project their desires onto fictional characters?
4000 miles*
Unable to cope in Chicago (and later New Orleans) after Crockett's death, Sarah moves with her daughters to a small seaside town in the Netherlands, where she meets and befriends Ava
Sarah is just like her father. who'd have thought (serial killer!Sarah)
Black water
1930s Cornwall, England. Sarah's a lighthouse keeper, and Ava's a rich London socialite. she was only visiting the village to see her grandmother before she passed, but it was enough time for her to fall in love with Sarah
Sarah and Ava's daughter Piper has leukaemia
Brain freeze*
Crockett has a summer fling with Sarah, the cute girl who works at the ice cream parlour in the town he's staying in
Burnt espresso*
Crockett files for divorce. Sarah finds out she's pregnant (and Crockett wants nothing to do with it). then to top it all off, she quits her residency and takes a job at a coffee shop near her apartment while she works out what she's going to do with her life. thank god for Ava Bekker
in which teenage Sarah ran away to join the circus! set in the 1960s, when she's in her twenties
Close encounter
Sarah knows what happened to her, it's everyone else that has doubts. so what better to do than to quit your residency and move to the other side of the country to find other people who know the truth (alien/paranormal investigation)
College (chaotic academia)
Ava's a straight-A pre-med student at college on a swimming scholarship. Sarah's her roommate, another pre-med student who lives off red bull, exclusively reads books in russian, french or german, and seems to never sleep. a match made in heaven :)
Crockett and Sarah bought a farm together <3
Cult (The Farm)*
Ava's kidnapped one day after work by a religious doomsday cult. Sarah, who's been there since she was seven, takes her under her wing and teaches her the rules and how to survive. six months later, The Farm is raided and shut down by the FBI, and suddenly Sarah's the one in a society she doesn't understand
Cult (Village of Light)*
Sarah's visit was only so she could give Crockett some news, but then one night turned to two, turned to a week, and a week turned to months. and who could blame her, when someone as charming as Ava Bekker is suddenly taking an interest in her? no one else gets this level of attention from their leader (1970s)
a look at Sarah's life after she left Chicago
Sarah's high school eating disorder makes a comeback
as close to canon as physically possible, but with a "Sarah has an eidetic memory" filter. more of a headcanon tbh
Sarah, Ava, April, Lanik and Crockett were all born and raised in an underground lab, as part of an experiment to develop "super soldiers" with innate powers
Sarah's depressed and nothing seems to be getting better
Final girl
Sarah lived through her very own slasher movie as a teenager, and now the horrors have followed her to Chicago
firefighter!sockett. need I say more? probably, but I can't think of anything else
after Dr Charles was shot, Sarah goes back to Connecticut to try and find out the truth about her life, and why she was found wandering alone in the forest when she was five
Ava gets a great deal on her new apartment in Chicago - perfect location, beautiful building, and cheap rent. the problem? Sarah, her ghostly roommate, who's desperate for Ava to help her solve her murder
Missing beach au. a few years into Sarah's captivity, Crockett purchases a tiny beach house, and when he moves from Florida to Chicago, he leaves Sarah behind in it, with a small allowance and one rule: don't talk to people unless it's absolutely necessary
instead of going to Dallas, Sarah moves back to Austin after she leaves Med, where she reunites with her childhood best friend Carlos Reyes
Last light
Sarah and Crockett having simultaneous breakdowns about their respective dead daughters
Sarah left Lolly and Crockett behind in New Orleans when she went to medical school, but they're still trying to do the co-parenting thing (even though they're not officially together anymore, and Sarah has a thing for someone else)
mafia boss Sarah and her hot wife Ava :) I'm sure there's plot somewhere
(Unnamed) Mafia*
inspired by med 7x20 - Ava ends up being recruited by Sarah Reese, a mafia boss, to treat her infant daughter's heart condition, whatever the cost may be. and if she can come back later when her older daughter gets sick, or her husband is stabbed, well surely that couldn't hurt
despite living in a city of almost three million, Sarah's never felt more alone (vent au lol)
Ava swims up north and finds a new pod off the coast of Florida. Sarah's on the verge of leaving it
Sarah disappears after work, and with little evidence, the case quickly goes cold. four years later, she's rescued from Crockett's basement with two children in tow
Missing/NCIS crossover*
after giving a talk at a high school on Quantico naval base, the MCRT gets a call about a child wandering around alone nearby. it's not their typical case, but they're the closest, so they head over there with the intention of sorting it all out quickly and then heading back to NCIS. however, it soon becomes obvious that this isn't just a kid who's walked away from her mom, and it's up to them to work out where this child came from and where her parents are
model Sarah x designer Ava. that's all I've got bc I've decided I don't like the old idea anymore lol
in which Emily Prentiss is a mom :)
very similar to disorder, but with sockett instead of reesker
Nothing like finding out your daughter can't feel pain
Pediatric surgeon!Crockett
pretty self-explanatory I think
Picket fences*
Sarah's tired of being a celebrity and everything that comes with it. she wants out
Sarah refuses to accept that she's a lesbian. Ava shows her that there's nothing to be ashamed of
Sarah, April, Connor, and Crockett are punks living together in Sarah's house. when Crockett leaves to make music (and doesn't come back or contact anyone for over a year), Ava takes his room, and a romance quickly flourishes between her and Sarah. when Crockett comes back, he's not pleased to find out that he and Sarah have a baby now, and that she's raising her with Ava
after Sarah's marriage falls apart, she decides to finally do something with the house she inherited from her great aunt a few years back. she packs up and leaves Chicago, then moves into the house in Connecticut, far away from everything that went wrong in her old life. as she fixes up the house, she builds relationships with the people in the town, and slowly begins to heal from everything
Ava's neighbours are awful and she's desperate to find somewhere else to live. Sarah's landlord just upped the rent, and now she needs to find a roommate. Connor, sick of hearing them both complain, suggests that Ava move in with Sarah. what's the worst that could happen?
Rosehall Estate*
Ava starts a job as a governess for Owen Manning, which means moving into Rosehall Estate, a manor house that's been in his stepfather Crockett's family for years. it's all going well, until Ava starts noticing strange things happening - weird sounds at night, things not being where she left them, and a woman in a white dress who wanders the grounds in the dark
Queens Sarah and Ava and little princess Lolly :)
after surviving a serial killer when she was seventeen, Sarah joins the FBI, working with the BAU, the very people that helped her all those years ago
Sarah's a child star who has even more fame now that she's an adult, and Ava's one of the light technicians working on the set of Sarah's latest movie. she doesn't even think Sarah noticed her, until the end of filming when she gets a huge bouquet of flowers and a handwritten thank-you note from the star herself. and, well, the rest is history
Single dad!Crockett*
by the time Sarah realised she didn't actually want to be a mom, it was too late to do anything about it. when Lolly was born, she gladly signed all of her parental rights over to Crockett, and she didn't object when he said he was moving the two of them back down to New Orleans. it hurt, but Crockett wanted to be there for his daughter, and he could think of worse things than being a single dad with his parents around the corner
figure skater!Sarah x ice hockey player!Ava <3 until Sarah's injury that is, and then it's med student!Sarah x ice hockey Ava :)
Summer camp*
instead of going back to South Africa for the summer between her junior and senior years of college, Ava decides to work at a summer camp. what could be more American? it's fun, and if summer camp veteran Sarah Reese is more than a little easy on the eyes, that's not Ava's fault
Tattoo/flower shop
no idea what's happening with this one sorry (but there's a lot of gay behaviours)
she was a science teacher. she was an English teacher. can I make it any more obvious?
Tiny love*
um. if u don't know this then what are you doing on my blog. read this fic and maybe if you ask nicely I'll finish it
Trinity Beach
Ava's a travel journalist working on a project about the best hidden gems around the US, and her latest focus is on a small Californian town called Trinity Beach. it's a beautiful place, the type where everyone knows everyone, but it doesn't take long for her to earn people's trust. she talks to lots of people, but the one person she's interested in - Sarah, an artist who lives right by the beach - doesn't talk to anyone except for Crockett. but Ava's a journalist, and it's her job to find stories and dig for the truth, so that's exactly what she does
Trophy wife*
Sarah didn't just marry Crockett for his money - there were feelings there that she couldn't deny - but it quickly becomes obvious that he loves her more than she loves him. he spoils her with gifts and vacations and parties and anything else she could want, but she just grows to resent him and herself for not loving him back
Trust fund!Sarah*
she's always had everything she's ever wanted or needed, and there's enough money in her trust fund that with her part-time modelling job she can afford a penthouse in Chicago, but even with all that, Sarah's life since college has still been one disaster after another. she's trying her best, but then suddenly she finds herself in hospital with a heart condition and the possibility of surgery, and she's not sure how she'll be able to get out of this one
watch an episode of I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant but imagine that it's Sarah. boom that's the whole au
Wild west
Ava's fleeing an abusive marriage in Chicago, so she heads west until she reaches a small town in Wyoming. Sarah's a cowboy, back in town after disappearing for months following the death of her daughter. been a long time since I've thought about this one but they fall in love I think :)
Ava has no interest in yoga, but after being approached by an over-confident, slightly eccentric yoga instructor in a juice bar, she decides to give it a try (mostly because her therapist tells her to). it's a simple plan - go to one session, say it's not her thing, then never go back. or at least, it would be simple, if Sarah wasn't so charming and beautiful
based on my headcanon about Sarah being a teen mom :)
Unnamed #1
trying to escape her past, Sarah moves across the country to live with her friend Hannah in the Northern California town she's been residing in for the last few years. she wants things to be different now, so she does everything she can to make a change - she gets a job at one of the convenience stores, keeps track of the debt she owes Hannah, and does her best to make friends with the people in the town
Unnamed #2
follows Sarah's eating disorder recovery. after being discharged from yet another ED clinic, Sarah decides to take things into her own hands and try recovering her own way. she packs up the few belongings that mean something to her, then leaves Chicago for a small town in central Illinois. she keeps to herself for the most part, but always makes sure to head to the local bakery after her therapy sessions, even if all she does is buy a bagel and stare at it. (similar to nervosa and disorder but with a more positive twist !!)
Unnamed #3
four years after Sarah left med, Crockett's called to Goodwin's office, and finds himself face to face with a social worker from DCFS and a little girl with dark curly hair and big brown eyes. Sarah, he's told, is dead, and this is her daughter Olivia. his daughter. Sarah never told him about her, so now without any warning or chance to prepare, he's a father again
Unnamed #4
after Connor's death, Ava decides that the best thing for her and her daughter is to leave Chicago and get away from Cornelius. their road trip lands them in a small town just outside of Illinois. it's supposed to be a quick stop - find somewhere for Cora to go to the bathroom, then get back on their way - but it's getting dark and Sarah, the nice woman who runs the motel, offers to let them stay. just one night, of course. but one night turns into two, then three, then a week. Sarah's ex, Crockett, runs the diner next door, and he's just as welcoming as she is. things are looking up, until Cornelius makes an appearance, demanding to know if anyone in the town has seen his granddaughter
Unnamed #5
Sarah and Crockett (and occasionally Ava and Connor and Noah) explore abandoned buildings together. sometimes Lolly goes with them. Dr Charles is Sarah's adoptive father, and he steps in to look after Lolly whenever needed (which is more often than not)
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phlarmingo · 8 months
Chicago Med: 6x1
The staff adjusts to the new normal of the pandemic. Dr. Choi, Dr. Lanik and April fight on the front lines. Dr. Halstead and Hannah face a troubling reality. Dr. Charles tries to clear the air with his daughter following recent developments.
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Radio Prompt #7 - I could tell when you locked the door just what was going on (with Jimmy Lanik)
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It's the look in Jimmy's eyes when he locks the door to your office that makes pause. You're leaning against the edge of your desk reading a report one of the admin staff had handed you on the way out when you look up and see him standing there, turning the bolt.
"Jimmy..." You barely manage to say his name before his lips are on yours, his firm body pressing against the length of you. You don't where the report ends up because your fingers are already tangling in his hair as you shift onto the edge of the desk so Jimmy can take up residence between your thighs.
His hands, the ones that save so many lives, come to rest on your hips. His thumbs skirt under the fabric of your blouse, ghosting over the tattoo of a butterfly on your hip.
"Do you know it's been six days since I last saw you?" He mumbles against the corner of your mouth before he kisses a heated trail down the line of your jaw. "Six days since I've kissed you, loved you..."
You moan as his teeth graze that deviant little spot just underneath your earlobe, your hips arching against his. He's hard already, your fingers reach for his belt buckle, but he pulls away and you whine at the loss of contact.
"No honey." He murmurs as he sinks to his knees instead. "Let me take care of you for a change."
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annieradcliff · 1 year
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@bullet-prooflove; @daniacat; @cosmic-psychickitty
I had to giggle when I saw this today. Look at Jimmy’s eyes in this gif!!!  He’s obviously interested in something April is doing but he’s being adorably surreptitious about it. Kind of this sideways glance, like he’s taking an interest but trying not to get caught.
In my headcanon, this is the way Jimmy looks at Reader when he takes an interest in something she’s working on at home and he’s trying his best not to be obvious about staring at her, but she catches him looking. 
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‘Chicago Med’: T.V. Carpio Set To Recur In NBC Medical Drama – Deadline
I wonder of she'll b e villainous like Lanik and Gwen.
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lasisgood · 2 years
Dr. Lanik knows what they did was wrong and I like that. He's not like this new lady who's like
"sometimes the outcome is not the one we wanted. But that doesn't make it wrong."
And I'm like yes it does.
Honestly tho, they should have tw for stuff. I wasn't expecting. The suicide on screen
Dr. Charles is best character, he cares about people and I love him for that.
Everyone else is blegh
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pushupcontest · 1 year
Chicago Med Group Chat
Pt. 5: Maggie’s phone
Will🙄: Hello my fellow doctors, nurses, and my boss! How are all of you doing this very fine morning? 
April👭(bff): Wtf I think Will is broken. 
Annoying rich dude: you good dude???? do you need me to call 911??? 
Daniel: I guess your therapy session worked. 
Nat👯: I em so prison of you WilliM!
Will🙄: Do you mean: I am so proud (?) of you William!
April’s idiotic little brother: Omg freaky friday!!!!!
Annoying blonde med student: Freaky Friday?
Ethan: Even I know what Freaky Friday is. 
Maggie: How do you not know what Freaky Friday is?
Annoying (Lanik) has added Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon) to the group chat
April’s idiotic little brother: Who’s that?
Annoying (Lanik): Dr. Abrams. He lost a bet and the punishment is that he has to be added to this group chat.
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon) left the group chat
Annoying (Lanik) has added Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon) to the group chat
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon): I do not want to be here Lanik. 
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon) left the group chat
April’s idiotic little brother has added Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon) to the group chat
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon): Fine. I give up. 
Maggie: Welcome to the group chat, Sam!
Nat👯: Hiijj aramssas
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon): Natalie, why can’t you spell?
Will🙄: Will stole my phone.
Nat👯: asnj she stolw mien
Annoying rich dude: will can't type fyi
Will🙄: Translation: And she stole mine. 
Sam Abrams (neurosurgeon): How do we work in the same hospital?
Sharon (my boss): 🤣
Ava: abrams, it’s good you’re here, we need to discuss our plan for the surgery tomorrow
Ava: i made a new group chat with connor, latham, and you Latham: Good idea, Dr. Bekker. Annoying rich dude: ok avey :)
Maggie: ;)
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redridinnghood · 2 years
Just some Dr. Lanik Gifs since there is not enough of him🌺
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Stomps feet for Chicago med rp's
Man I wish the fandom wasn't so dead... like I understand the last seasons (so I've heard) where kinda crappy but but look at all the pretty people
Yuh anyway if you rp chicago med, do mxm, double or play cannons like comment whatever this post so I can get my brainrot
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