#dr. Garrison
nobodysdaydreams · 1 month
I’m disappointed TMBS (the show) got cancelled for many reasons, but one underrated reason is that we never got to see Nathaniel and Garrison confront each other. I wish we could have seen this, because they are both such losers.
When they were working together they got beat by a team of children. When they parted ways and declared they didn’t need each other, Garrison ended up broke and living underground while Nathaniel ended up in tears breaking down backstage at his own live tv show because he wasn’t smart enough to figure out the technique he stole.
I just know they would have been so bitter trying to convince each other they were better off now as if they’re not both the cause of their own suffering.
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papermillll · 1 year
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it’s pride month, Dr. Garrison.
[id: a redraw of the breaking bad pride month meme, with Dr. Garrison ( a woman with earrings, a necklace, short hair and a white lab coat), and Mr.Curtain (a man with dark hair, beard, a white turtleneck, and a dark coat).
In the first panel, Curtain says in a speech bubble, “It’s pride month, Dr. Garrison. you know what that means”, in response Dr. Garrison says “huh? what?”, with a confused look on her face.
In the second panel, Curtain is turned away from her with a smug look on his face, Garrison has her hands slightly up, and is looking confused and annoyed. she says “do you want us to do like. gay brain washing? what?” :End id]
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mvshortcut · 1 year
Please discuss:
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(Also note: this is not every character I think is a girlboss - I had to leave out Ms. Perumal and Jackson and Jillson, for example. Chart credit to tumblr user fancyson!)
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I've decided Garrison needs a pet turtle. I think it would be good for her
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tenmillionthfirefly · 5 months
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An important reminder. 
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thedrgarrison · 1 year
Does anyone have any recommendations for toys or dolls known to soothe and comfort children, particularly in ways that make them agreeable and compliant?
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lotsofsq · 2 months
For the character ask game, 16. Childhood headcanon for Garrison.
THIS ONES IS HARD!!! we don’t see much of her, outside of a work context, in sos it seems something important happened in her youth that she’s been hiding and may even not remember at this point. i think she was really into Bionicles and also used to have much more bright red hair
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bi-demon-ium · 2 years
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ld curtain + being on the phone and also on the verge of McFuckingLosingIt, and then immediately hanging up, for the sake of everyone's mental health
↳ bonus:
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ldcurtain · 1 year
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A Lunatic ‘Genius’
A poem by Constance Contraire
For @thedrgarrison 🔬
Woe to the one that is forced to hear this: The rantings of a lunatic genius. Sadly, I heard her cries one day And oh, the tale, it went this way: I woke up in a dirty root cellar, Containing a most unpleasant dweller. Her dolls and tech were so poorly made, Her staff was severely underpaid. Money and funding she sorely lacked; She dressed in an old potato sack. She said she cared about ethics too much. I think she uses her tech as a crutch. She threatened to erase my mind; She tried so hard to seem unkind. She tried so hard to seem so tough, But happily I called her bluff. The memories dreaded were her own, When I told her this, she cried and moaned. But her tears could not drown her shame, She had only herself to blame. She used self pity as a lame excuse, To justify tolerance of abuse She continued to weep and whine; If only she could grow a spine. She said she’d tried, she started to cry, While I in frustration groaned and sighed. She refused responsibility, For all she did to the world and me. She needn’t have droned on for so long. It’s obvious where she went so wrong. Even a child could tell you for certain. It’s foolish to throw your lot in with Curtain. For those that do end up insane; Brilliance can’t save them from pain. For the ghosts that echo from the past, Shall forever haunt them ‘til their last. No amount of sweeping can wipe it away. Sinful stain on your soul shall forever stay. For there is no sad sound more pathetic than this: The lamentations of a lunatic genius.
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nobodysdaydreams · 6 months
Name Meanings:
Molly - "bitter"/“star of the sea”/"beloved"
Maeve- “intoxicating”/ “she who rules”
Emily- "Rival"/"Laborious"/"Eager"
Abigail- "My father's joy"
Audrey- "strength"/"honorable"
Paige- "assistant"
Charlotte- "free"
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papermillll · 9 months
i had a dream that dr. garrison & crowely (good omens) were locked in a room together and they were forced to do arts & crafts (?)
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mvshortcut · 2 years
So many people speculated “Constance will have already incapacitated/tied up/maimed her kidnappers by the time the others find her” but I love how no one could’ve predicted “Constance will emotionally devastate her kidnapper through a malicious impromptu therapy session”
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sophieswundergarten · 9 months
Guess what, gang? I get to post another recording today, and it's one of the most heart-wrenching fics I have ever read. "Let Steep Ten Minutes" by @mvshortcut will smack your soul out of your body and back again, so please go read it yourself!!!
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mbspolls · 2 years
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