#drag him chris
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based off a manga panel i saw for death island where chris was wearing the tightest shirt possible for no reason and me and all my friends all made fun of him for buying XS shirts just to show off his muscles
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donutdrawsthings · 11 months
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"Mr. Mumbles and I are only joining you because the AC broke."
I think Dan deserves some forced relaxation, as a treat
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some bonus doodles
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13eyond13 · 21 days
nothing more cringe than coaxing and half-forcing someone to go to the movies with you because you're talking up how good the last one in the series was and then they finally agree to go and then it ends up being over two hours long and also kinda the worst 😬
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yes-asil · 1 month
had a dream about tazzy Martin. he just kinda plopped down in front of me, licked his paw, and went to sleep. Chris came running in after and apologized, then I woke up
That's so in character jdshdhd
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crystalkitty1220 · 5 days
Man I wonder where the leader of the fear realm could've gone, it's alMOST LIKE NEVIN HAS AN
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#had to re-edit the image real quick because the original edit was from a post I made about Drew years ago#and while the Drew thing is becoming less and less likely. Nevin havinv one has basically been canon since#someone mentioned Greg's (was it Britney's) aura being familiar in s2ch1. ive been putting together a list of every line#that points to Nevin's aura throughout the whole thing (most from s2ch1 but then s2ch10 came out and it was really canon at that point)#but clearly i'm running out of time to say ''i fucking called it'' before it's explicitly stated and i dont want to be in another situation#where somebody else will beat me to a theory and me posting anything about it will seem like copying them. sorry about that btw i had#thought i had already mentioned theorizing that nevin was possessed by a demon in that old theory i made but i had forgotten that one was#super old and was about sigma. so no copying there i just got extremely paranoid there was a mention of a cult and i was like ''nuh uh#that's way too specific and out there of a detail to end up in both our theories'' and i forgot the rest of my super old post was outdated#as hell. and echos had gone ''yeah they're so similar!'' and i took their word for it but now i'm realizing they were probably just trying#to be supportive. so yeah no copying there i was just beaten to the punch of saying something. but i will NOT back down from the aura shit#because i have been calling that shit FROM THE START or at least since i started reading ibvs back when ch20 came out.#also not backing down from saying chris was the worse friend because these past few chapters are the first time isaac has done anything tha#could knowingly upset chris meanwhile chris has. let edward drag isaac to the lair after isaac said edward would beat him up. chose not to#believe edward was holding the secrets over their heads because 'it was something isaac had said' and then immediately distrusted edward in#the next chapter because a random person he didn't know said to steal a book (might i mention how that entire scene proves chris' lack of#development and refusal to take responsibility because it perfectly alludes to when chris had brought those fireworks into his old school#and makes me wonder if charlie has actually gotten him in trouble with his past schools or if he's still just not taking responsibility#and if him following nevin to the woods to test out their powers is an extension of ''if something bad happens its not my fault''#like seriously this man would bring a mysterious suitcase onto a plane if he's told to). uh what was i talking about agai#anyway on a related note my mental state has only gotten worse since i left tumblr and the habit of thinking about chris instead of sleepin#or doing schoolwork has not stopped. so i was still failing for a while and might graduate now but am still staying away from tumblr.#so yeah this was a little update and im not going to linger this time im just going to leave tumblr again right after hitting post#addendum because i just can't let things go. and was thinking about chris again. i don't think his lack of development is because of bad#writing (anymore. i used to.). instead i'm certain his character arc is going to continue into him following someone (nevin probably) into#doing something really bad. and then he'll finally get actual consequences and go 'oh shit i fucked up real bad this time'#if you think that theory is reaching too far into the future you should hear mine about isaac dying at the end lmao
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sturnioloho · 1 day
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need to sit on the counter beside him n watch him shave
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mithidria · 1 year
i appreciate good wallowing in self pity and characters suffering but you’re telling me the pinochle crew did absolutely nothing for 2 weeks after they found out finn was nearly killed
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year
Evanstan + stress, sex, and cigarettes:
(PSA, obviously, don't smoke. I am aware I'm part of the problem by sexualizing cigarettes. (Sorry sorry sorry.))
Tonight I'm thinking about Chris being very stressed and craving a cigarette. He knows he really shouldn't, but... just one? It could be nice, right? Something in the back of his mind whispers that it would take his mind off of things--that it'd even slow his mind down, forcing it to stop spinning and just focus on the inhale and exhale.
Sebastian, on the other hand, knows that Chris is stressed, and he also definitely gets what it's like to have that itch. Seb himself gets the itch sometimes, still. Even after quitting years ago.
So, wanting to help, Seb offers to distract Chris in a fun but also serious way--willingly offering himself up. Sex, in general, is good for blowing off steam. Sex, for them specifically, is also good for blowing off steam because having control of something can relax Chris. Also, though, Sebastian might just want it for himself too. A little. Sex for relieving stress can get wild 😮‍💨 they've done it before and they'll do it again...
Whatever, it makes sense. Even so, Sebastian blushes while he says it to Chris.
And Chris takes Sebastian up on it. Right then and there.
The itch doesn't entirely go away for Chris though.
Their scene ends with Sebastian still a little messy, spit and cum smeared over his flushed face, his lips red and swollen, and his eyes mostly closed savoring the buzz because Chris eagerly fucked his mouth. Sebastian is kneeling naked on their private back deck. It's a warm summer evening. It feels nice. He doesn't need clothes, he just needs Chris. He wants to make sure Chris is alright.
Anything, anything, anything, Seb's whole body sings, seemingly swaying with the gentle wind as well as the beat of that word through him. Sebastian is floating. He hopes Chris is too.
Chris has crashed back down onto a deck chair. Gathering his breath.
And he's smoking now, still unable to shake the craving, but at the same time, he's combing his fingers through Sebastian's fuck-messy hair. Chris is quietly talking to Seb between long, hazy exhales. Praising him. Telling him he's good and he's so sweet, always helping him. Always wanting to help. Always wanting to be good. He is good.
As a result of smoking--even just for a few minutes--his voice is extra husky and low, and Sebastian kind of just wants to roll over and show Chris his stomach because of it. He got off from Chris owning his mouth, without a finger laid between his thighs, but before long he's going to have to be greedy rather than selfless and climb into Chris' lap and mewl for more. Maybe just a few more moments of stress relief?
Now, with this short addition of the aftermath 👀
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purposefully-lost · 7 days
Chris and Charlie beating Desmond's ass thank u
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motorcity-thoughts · 10 months
mc breakdown thing: chuck’s slingshot (also reference pics :3)
(all screenshots r from ep 4 - texasify it!) these are mostly just my theories on how it works so idk
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lower left: obviously, distance. the symbols on top could be options to choose on what to exactly measure, like kilometers or yards.
lower right: im not sure?? judging by the colors, maybe they’re options on how much force is being put into the shot?
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actually maybe not. umm what if they adjust the distance of the actual frame?? and the other parts near chucks lower arm stores the ammo?? idk lol
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upper left: a map. to track targets.
lower right: code?? to make sure its working correctly?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
more screenshots for u artists :3
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Deep dive #2: Jessica Biel’s relationships timeline and all the interconnections
| Adam LaVorgna | Chris Evans | Justin Timberlake |
Disclaimer: This is done for fun. No hate, no drama, just some Hollyweirdness. It’s not a detailed timeline but more like key moments with some fun or surprising connections and anecdotes (to me at least). It’s just not possible to do one boyfriend timeline without mentionning another one. No famous people won’t be mentionned, neither most tabloids speculations. People already twist things, so it can’t be worse (right?). And please don’t judge my english.
Spring 1997: During the interview with All-Stars Magazine, 15 years old JessicaBiel shared that she only had two "sort of" boyfriends, both of whom were 17.
All-stars: In real life, do you ever date older guys? Jessica: I don’t really date very many people. I’ve had two boyfriends kind of! Both of them have been 17, so they’re usually older.
Spring 1998: 16 years old Jessica Biel is filming her second movie “I’ll be Home for Christmas” with Jonathan Taylor Thomas in Alberta and Vancouver, Canada. She met Adam LaVorgna who play the bad boy Eddie, they start dating while filming the movie. Even thought Adam is not very well known, he has been acting since he is 10. Nsync’s christmas song was used during the end credit of the movie. FYI The movie is available on Disney+.
"I knew when I first met [Jessica] there was something there. We did a movie together called I'll Be Home for Christmas. As soon as I saw her, I thought I'm definitely going to date this girl. There's no way she's getting away from me. It'll be three years in April." - Teen Magazine, March 2001
April 1, 1999: On The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Jessica said that Adam Lavorgna was her first real boyfriend. She said he is very smart and go to Avon Old Farms high school in Connecticut.
“First guy named Adam, oh oh trouble trouble” - Jay Leno
August 12, 1999: Jessica Biel and Adam Lavorgna did their first red carpet together at Barry Watson’s movie premiere "Teaching Mrs.Tingle". From what I have seen, it was Adam’s first red carpet of his career.
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Fall 1999: 7th Heaven producers were looking for an actor to play Jessica’s character Mary Camden boyfriend and asked her if she had any suggestion. She suggested her then boyfriend Adam. His first appearance as Robbie Palmer in 7th Heaven was in season 4, Episode 10 aired on November 29, 1999. When the producers first called his team, they refused it without talking to Adam. He had to call them to tell them to accept it. He didn’t care for the show but just wanted to be with Jessica and make easy money. Adam shared that story on the Worst Ever Podcast in 2019.
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January 2000: Lance Bass from Nsync guest-starred in 7th Heaven as Rick Palmer (Adam LaVorgna character’s brother). He appeared in season 4 episode 13 that aired on January 30, 2000.
I have a friend who worked for a publicist for some of the actors on The WB, such as [”7th Heaven” star] Beverley Mitchell and the people from ”Popular.” So I was having dinner with her and Beverley, and Beverley was talking about how she wanted a boyfriend this season, and I said, ”I’ll do it!” and she was like, ”Okay!” Source: Entertainment Weekly, January 2000
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So of course while filming that episode Jessica was asked by Enews about Nsync. She said she knew about them but don’t own any of their CDs and they shared their differents experiences.
“Hum but I mean cool, I guess” - Jessica Biel about NSYNC
And also Justin Timberlakeand the Nsync guys watching that 7th Heaven episode during a MTV interview.
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March 2000: Jessica did the scandalous Gear Magazine photoshoot. (She quickly regretted doing that photoshoot and shared how horrible the experience was). Adam was not happy about it. There were some tensions between them while she was spending time with the interviewer.
During the time I spent with her, the Boyfriend (whom she asks not to name) is constant presence, though he’s more than 3,000 miles away in Boston. What he thinks  and how he’ll react take up a large portion of Jesse’s thoughts. He’s nervous at her being perceived as sex idol, and having a writer from men’s magazine spend several days with her is not helping. Over the course of those days, the phone keeps ringing - the Boyfriend - and it’s stressing her. [...] Jesse and I are supposed to hook up the first night I'm in L.A., and I wait for the phone to ring at my hotel room. It never does. [...] The next morning, we talk on the phone. It turns out Jesse had a big fight with the Boyfriend on the phone, and, no longer able to deal, she went to her friend's house and spent the night. And her cell batteries died because she'd been talking to him so long, and I'd given her my wrong cell number and…" Really, I wasn't trying to blow you off. Everything went wrong last night. Please don't think that I'm just some Hollywood jerk," she pleads. [...] She fields another call from her beau. It's an agitated conversation, and when she hangs up the air is very still. Jesse has a tendency to become quite serious - she says she thinks way too much and it's suddenly uncomfortable between us. He told her he's unhappy with the situation and doesn't want to talk to her until the writer is gone.The phone rings again. It's the Boyfriend - he's being a jerk, he tells her. Go ahead and have a great interview.Jesse smiles and the tension is gone. "That's so fucking cool of him." Gear Magazine, March 2000
Summer 2000: When it was time for Jessica to leave the show to attend college on the East Coast with Adam (Jessica at Tufts University and Adam at Boston College), the producers of 7th Heaven contacted Adam and offered him a regular role for Season 5. Adam agreed, dropped out of college to be in Los Angeles for filming, while Jessica, who needed a break, still went to college in Massachusetts.
With hindsight, Adam regretted accepting the offer because now he feels like the producers asked him to comeback for season 5 to hit back at Jessica for leaving the show. Jessica was still working on the show during her school break, only appeared in few episodes and her scenes were very brief. Contrary to what was said in the medias, Jessica was never fired from the show. Aaron Spelling made it clear she still had 2 years left in her contract. They destroyed her character thought.
(Read the deep dive about the photoshoot and Jessica Biel leaving the show here)
2000(?): Jessica Biel, Adam LaVorgna, Chris Evans and a group of friends attend a party all together!!
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April 2001: Jessica Biel and Adam LaVorgna did a photoshoot together for Movieline Magazine. They denied dating. Adam revealed in the Worst Ever podcast in 2019 that their PR told them to deny they were dating. (off topic: When I was a kid I had the green dress picture as poster from one of my teen mag)
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August 12, 2001: Jessica Biel and Adam LaVorgna did their last red carpet together at The Teen Choice Awards. 7th Heaven won best drama award that day. Adam missed the moment they went on stage, and Barry asked where is he?
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August 22, 2001: Adam attended Jessica’s movie premiere “Summer Catch” but they didn’t take pictures together.
October 5, 2001: The Enquirer is reporting that Adam LaVorgna went to Promises rehab in Malibu for cocaine and Vicodin addiction.
The Enquirer is reporting that Jessica Biel's boyfriend and 7th Heaven co-star [Adam LaVorgna] checked himself into Promises rehab in Malibu after Jessica and the show's producers both gave the cocaine and Vicodin addict  an ultimatum. An insider told the taboid, "The cocaine and pills drastically  changed his demeanor." After the two talked him into rehab, he appears greatful as the friend added, "Right now he's thanking God for Jessica and the show's  producers. They saved his livelihood - and his life." Source: Jessica Biel Fansite
Adam revealed in the Worst Ever Podcast in 2019, he started drinking at 10/11yo and had Opioid addiction (and then maybe doing heroin, I didn’t understand exactly what he said). He went to rehab multiple times and the first two times were paid by 7th Heaven producer, Aaron Spelling.
In the interviews with Elle Magazine and Cosmopolitan in 2005, Jessica mentioned, without explicitly stating his name, that the relationship was not healthy. Also mentionned in the London (2005) movie behind the scene.
Everybody’s gone throught a relationship that’s not healthy for you. When I was 16, I cried my eyes out to Elvis’ “Cant’ Help Falling in Love” because I felt so in love that my heart was breaking apart.  Elle Magazine, 2005
He was lying to me and accusing me of cheating—but then I realized he was the one cheating. He was putting it on me and making me feel like shit... But then three years later, I was still with him. And then it finally just smacked me in the face and I was like I’m done. I’m over it. Cosmopolitan, 2005
October 10, 2001: Jessica Biel and Chris Evans did their first red carpet appearance at the wrap party of her movie “The Rules of Attraction”. Unless I'm wrong, Chris’ first red carpet of his career were also with Jessica. There is no information about how they met. In the interview with Animal Fair on January 2003, it is mentionned they were friends before dating. In Chris' workout video for Not Another Teen Movie, you can see Jessica in January 2002 commenting on the evolution of his body after filming the movie. They were not dating yet when he did the movie.
Jessica was back full time to L.A after one year at Tufts University. She did another semester later in 2002.
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Jessica is still under her 7th Heaven contract and is working daily with Adam LaVorgna on season 6. 7th Heaven showrunner who was still holding grudge against her, made Mary desperate to win Robbie back while he keep rejecting her.
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Before writing this post, I didn’t realize that it seems like Jessica and Adam never lived in the same state until they broke up.
Somehow Adam and Chris built a strong friendship for over 20 years. Adam was Chris plus-one at the 2016 Golden Globes. 💁‍♀️
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November 11, 2002: The last 7th Heaven episode starring Adam aired, season 7 episode 8. There were no official explanation of why Adam left, neither off screen nor on screen at that time. Adam later revealed in a interview with belief.net that the Hollywood life (easy money, barely working, drugs, partying) is not for him, he is unable to control him and left California for the East Coast. Neither Jessica, nor the cast ever mentionned his addiction.
Jessica’s initial contract being over after season 6, only apperared in 5 out of 22 episodes of season 7. They had only 2 episodes in common.
2002: Jessica and Chris shared the way they feel about their relationship
How is it dealing with a long-distance relationship? Well it’s not easy but I think we both feel really secure in our relationship and we’re making it happen. But it’s always tough. Source: Atnzone, 2002
His favorite way to relax: Hanging out with my girlfriend as much as possible. She's an amazing person. Source: Unknow interview, 2002
January 31, 2003: Jessica Biel attended Justin Timberlake 22nd birthday party with Beverley Mitchell, her future husband Michael and a friend. Justin’s exes Br*tn*y Sp*ars and Alyssa Milano were also there. (Random fact: Adam and Alyssa families are very close, Adam call her “his cousin”)
Beverley Mitchell used to hang out a lot with the Nsync guys in the early 2000s. She participated at many of their Challenge For The Children charity events in Miami from 2000 to 2005. David Gallagher also took part of it. Beverley became pretty close to the guys. Joey Fatone also attended her wedding in Italy in 2008, and she was often seen with Lance Bass. Beverley shared during a recent podcast  with Lance Bass (@ 56min)  that she asked Jessica multiple times to come to thoses events and that she is unlike them actually good at basketball but she always refused.
During a podcast with Tia Mowry, Beverley revealed that Jessica used to tease her for hanging out with Nsync. Tia also shared a story about a Teen People party she was with Jessica where Nsync were performing. Beverley also mentionned that strange moment Justin’s mom asked her about Jessica at the 2007 Golden Globes.
October 2003: Jessica Biel and Chris Evans filmed the movie “Cellular” in Santa Monica, Callifornia. The director of the movie, David R. Ellis, asked Chris to ask Jessica to play the small girlfriend role. He also revealed they had broken up after filming the movie but were back together during the press tour for the movie.
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Interviewer: They are still dating? Ellis: They were dating when we made the film and then they took a little break and now they're [back]. She's here. She was just here for lunch with Chris. Now they're back together. They just took a little hiatus.
Interviewer: At the time, was it just a coincidence that she was cast? Ellis: No. What happened was I knew Chris was going out with her, and I said, "Why don't you show this to Jess and see what she thinks. If she'd like to come do it, you guys could do something together, it'd be cute." Unknow interview, 2004
November 2003 to February 2004: Jessica Biel is training and then filming the caothic Blade: Trinity in Vancouver, Canada with Ryan Reynolds and kind of with Wesley Snipes.
From Febuary to June 2004: Jessica Biel is filming Stealth with Jamie Foxx and Josh Lucas in Australia and Thailand.
January 27, 2004: At the Perfect Score movie premiere, Chris Evans confirmed their break up (unknow source)
June 30, 2004: Jessica Biel and Chris Evans confirmed back together. They were pictured together in Santa Monica.
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September 2004: During press tour of Cellular, Chris shared that they decided to be more low key and how hurtful it could be to read about heartache in magazines.
Evans says he and Biel, whom he describes as "such a sweet girl," have agreed to keep their dating private. "Relationships are difficult," he says. "All that emotion and pain. I can't imagine opening a magazine and reading about my heartache at the newsstand. I said, 'Let's not be seen at clubs being loud and obnoxious. Let's not go to premieres or parties. Let's not get our picture taken.' She's all for it." New York Daily News
(Jessica is a teen star and yet has never been seen being loud and obnoxious at club in the last 25 years)
January 2005: Even thought Chris Evans said it’s a bad idea to work with your girlfriend, Jessica and Chris worked again together in the movie “London”.
“Just don’t do it” - Chris Evans about on set love after filming Cellular
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During the interview with Allure in 2009, she is asked to comment about a picture from "London" with Chris.
JB: "That was the beginning of the sex scene in the movie." ALLURE: "Old boyfriend?" JB: "Yes." [rolls her eyes] "You know how it is...."
July 2005: In the July issue of Cosmopolitan, Jessica Biel denied rumors that she and Chris Evans were engaged but they do talk about it.
Interviewer: Do the two of you ever talk about getting married? JB: We always talk about it. We both want to be married, and we both want to have children. But we’re not engaged, so the rumors are false…so far.
On July 6, Jessica attended Chris’ Fantastic Four movie premiere in NYC
March 2006: Jessica Biel and Chris Evans are pictured together for the last time as a couple while walking Jessica’s newley adopted pitbull Tina.
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June 30 2006: Wenn.com reports that Jessica Biel and Chris Evans broke up.
Jessica Biel and Chris Evans have called it quits after dating for more than two years, according to media reports in the US... Evans, who starred in Fantastic Four, is currently filming The Nanny Diaries with Scarlett Johansson. A source tells the US edition of OK! magazine that Evans has recently been spotted out in New York City with brunette public relations executive. Meanwhile 24-year-old Biel has been in Los Angeles filming Next with Nicolas Cage.            
October 2006 : Life & Style Weekly reports that Jessica is seeing Adam Levine. They have never been seen together or ever talked about each other. Zero detail about how or where they met. Sound 100% bullshit.
November 6, 2006: TMZ spotted Jessica walking her dog with Zach Braff. Yep that was before she eat him (it’s a Bojack Horseman reference). They never talked about each other and have never been spotted together after that.
November 28, 2006: People reports that Jessica and Derek Jeter are cozying up all over Las Vegas. They also have been spotted together at Social Hollywood on Nov. 15.
December 7, 2006: According US weekly and In Touch, Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake were at Social Hollywood. It is kind of confirmed by Justin on his book.
When I met Jess, it was undeniable how beautiful she is. We were at a surprise party in Hollywood at a speakeasy kind of a bar, a private club, and we were standing around in a group of people. I made some sort of sarcastic comment, really dry. Nobody got it except her. She laughed, and I noticed, all of a sudden, and in the way where you wonder if a person’s like you, if they have a very dry, dark sense of humor, too. We talked that night. The DJ played “Lucky Star,” and we danced. And then she was gone. I didn’t ask for her number. It wasn’t the time. From Justin Timberlake book, Hindsight
End of December 2006/Begining of January 2007: Scarlett Johansson is filming the music video What Goes Around with Justin Timberlake.
From January 1 to January 5, 2007: Jessica is pictured with Derek Jeter in Puerto Rico for the first and the last time. They have not been spotted together after that.
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January 5, 2007: Gossip site reports that Scarlett Johansson and Justin Timberlake were seen chatting away at his movie "Alpha Dog" party.
January 8, 2007: Perez Hilton reports on his blog that Jessica Biel was at Justin Timberlake first show of his Futusex/Lovesound tour. Confirmed again on his book released in 2018.
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My first show for the FutureSex/LoveSounds tour was in San Diego. A friend who also knew Jess was going to come to the show, and she asked me, “What if I was to bring a certain somebody?” I said, “I could be into that.” Patience may not be my strong suit but, apparently, playing coy is. My friend brought her to the show. They were with a whole crew of girls, and they all came into the dressing room and hung out. After the show, they were going to go back to LA, and I was going on to Anaheim. I asked them if they wanted to come with me. “I’ll give you a ride, you can come on my bus. If you want …” And they did. Jess and I talked the whole way up, joking around. Before she got off the tour bus, I said, “Can I have your number?” That was when we started talking on the phone. We didn’t date at first. For about two weeks, we talked on the phone, because I was on tour.
Then the Golden Globes came up, and that’s when we planned on seeing each other. From that moment on, we started dating. We were both still seeing other people, keeping « ourselves safe from getting hurt, from really putting ourselves out there. It took a bit for both of us to admit to ourselves that we were really, really that into each other.
From Justin Timberlake book, Hindsight
January 11, 2007: Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz confirmed tabloids speculations and released a break up statement via People. There were already rumors of Justin and Cameron break up. Pagesix reported that Justin spent the new year at Kate Hudson party and Cameron with her family in Vail, Colorado.
January 15, 2007: Golden Globes Night! Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, both presenters that night, see each other for the first time since his San Diego show as planned and got flirty. They were just not expecting 35yo Cameron Diaz public tantrum!
Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz, who announced last week that they’d split up, got into a heated argument at Prince’s Golden Globes afterparty early Tuesday morning. The exes, who’d chatted politely during the awards ceremony and even shared laughs at InStyle’s annual afterparty, hit the rough patch in their officially amicable breakup at a wee-hours bash hosted by the singer at the Beverly Wilshire hotel. According to witnesses, Timberlake was chatting with actress Jessica Biel when Diaz approached. Biel stepped away, and the former couple had a serious exchange. Diaz walked away, Timberlake followed, and the two were soon spotted engaged in an intense 40-minute face-off in a side room. Diaz reemerged looking composed, but not before Timberlake held his head in his hands and, says a witness, “slammed his fist (down) into a cabinet.” Source: People.com
The pair was continuing the touchy-feely flirtation begun earlier that night at the Creative Artists Agency-sponsored bash at Sunset Towers. And his ex-girlfriend Cameron Diaz couldn’t help but stare. “Cameron was across the room giving them the evil eye,” says a party source. “It was like high school.”  “All of a sudden she just lost it,” says one of the many witnesses to the tantrum of Diaz. “She came up and started yelling at Jessica.” According to a witness, Biel, 24, stepped away, leaving Diaz, 34, to unleash her fury on Timberlake, 25, who moved with her into a hallway. Says a guest, “First she started saying all these nasty things to him about Jessica like, ‘What is she? Your new f—king girlfriend? Look at her!’ And then she insinuated things about other guys that Jessica has been with.” The tirade went on for 45 minutes, until Barrymore finally intervened. Source: US weekly
No pictures of them together were published at that time. Years later, this picture will be shared
January 18, 2007: TMZ reports that Cameron Diaz is in Hawai with Kelly Slater. US Weekly mentionned that she flew there the next day of Golden Globes.
January 25, 2007: Jessica is spotted at the Sundance Film Festival.
People.comJustin Timberlake and Jessica Biel have been spotted chilling, flirting and snowboarding lately – but don’t peg them as a new couple just yet, sources say in the new issue of PEOPLE. Earlier this month, Timberlake invited Biel and a few friends to hang backstage at his concert in San Diego, and the pair were spotted snowboarding together with a group of buddies at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, on Jan. 25. - People.com
Still no pictures of them together.
February 2, 2007: Ryan Reynolds and Alanis Morissette reps confirmed they ended their engagement to People.com
February 5, 2007: During the superbowl week, People.com reports that Justin, Scarlett and Joey Fatone arrived together at a party in Miami. They didn’t appear romantic according the source.
February 11, 2007: Justin attended the Grammy Awards as a performer and Scarlett as a presenter. On the red carpet, she adressed the rumors “We have a lot of friends in common, and it’s always good to see him”. Source: People
February 26, 2007: After GQ magazine Oscar party, Jessica Biel and Blade Trinity co-star Ryan Reynolds have a dinner with a group of people at Astro Burger in West Hollywood, including their PR, Meredith.
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March 5, 2007: During the fashion week, Jessica Biel and Scarlett Johansson are seen shopping together in Paris, France. Jessica and Scarlett have known each other since they are teens. They did a photoshoot together for Teen People Magazine in 1998.
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Jessica and Scarlett have always been friendly with each other over the years (Hitchcock movie premiere 2012, Oscars 2017 with JT)
March 9, 2007:  MTV reports that Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds were seen having a dinner at Santa Monica’s Balabu that week. The pictures seems to have disappear from internet.
April 9, 2007: People reports that Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds spend the week end together
April 2007: Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake decide to be exclusive. Justin’s 1st US leg tour ended on March 29, 2007. They spend a month together and they decide to be exclusive before touring Europe from April 24 to July 10. His world tour ended in December 2007.
« When I came back from tour, we spent a month together. After that, I said, “I really want to be exclusive.” And, somehow, she said, “So do I.” It was crazy, because I was about to leave for Europe for three months. Two weeks later, I came back to LA to see her. Then she flew back to Europe with me, and we spent two weeks on the road together. We were going to different cities, having a ball, with room service and pay-per-view and great dinners. And Scrabble. We’ve had a lot of unforgettable times. From Justin Timberlake book, Hindsight
"At one point, we decided we were going to be exclusive. It was that moment; we had that conversation, and literally the next day he was like, 'OK, I'm going to Europe for six months. And I was thinking to myself, What are you doing? You're going to get your heart broken. This guy is the biggest ... whatever he is, and-are you nuts? You're so crazy. But he's just not that person."  Jessica Biel on Marie Claire, 2017
May 2007: In the may issue of Seventeen, Scarlett Johansson while doing promo for her movie The Nanny Diaries (also starring Chris) talked about the rumors linked to her and Jessica.
“We live in a world today where if two people are single – and one’s a guy and one’s a girl and they’re both famous – you’re going to be linked with somebody; If it’s somebody one week, it’s going to be somebody else the next week. It’s either me or Jessica Biel.” Source: People
Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz attend the premiere of the movie Shrek 3 and are doing promo for it.
May 13, 2007: Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake officially confirmed, they are pictured together for the first time in Manchester, UK. Jessica joined him during his tour.
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July 7, 2007: Jessica Biel and Chris Evans who broke up a year before attended the wedding of a friend in Santa Barbara, California. It doesn’t seem to be someone from the industry, there were no other celebrity. Jessica explained on the Late show of Jay Leno that paparazzi followed her from her Brentwood house and she had to negociate with them. She posed for them in exchange of them leaving and stop bothering the wedding.
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June 2008:  Intouch reports that Jessica Biel is moving with Justin Timberlake in his Hollywood Hills house but she will still keep her Brentwood house. She was rarely seen around Brentwood after this.
July 11, 2008: Eonline reports that Jessica, Justin and Chris were all at the opening of the nightclub Kress in Los Angeles but didn’t interact.
Justin Timberlake and girlfriend Jessica Biel made a rare public outing, complete with public displays of affection Friday night in Hollywood at the official opening of Kress, which was crawling with celebs. Timberlake and Biel arrived around 11:30 p.m. at the four-floor club on Hollywood Blvd., where a reserved cabana on the roof deck awaited them. "They're very happy, and very much together," an onlooker told E! We're sure that was evident to Chris Evans, Biel's ex-boyfriend (they dated from 2001-2005). The Fantastic Four's Johnny Storm circled the roof all night, avoiding his ex. "They didn't interact. Chris just wandered around by himself, looking for a table to sit at," the source adds.
September 2008: People reports that Scarlett Johansson and Ryan Reynolds wed in Canada
October 12, 2008: Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake did their first official  public appearance at Barack Obama rally in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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December 10, 2008: Justin and Jessica did their first event together at the Make The Difference Network’s holiday party to benefit Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. Make The Difference Network (MTDN) is a social networking website founded by Jessica’s family in 2005 focused on connecting nonprofit organizations (kind of like Gofundme for nonprofit organizations before Gofundme existed but without fees).
January 12, 2009: Justin and Jessica were having dinner at Yatai Asian Tapas Bar when Br*tn*y Sp*ars came in with her mother. They didn’t interact, she left 30 minutes later. Jessica and Justin left shortly after.
May 2009: Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake did their first red carpet as a couple at the Met Gala. It was pretty unexpected because Justin never did red carpet with Cameron during their 4 years relationship. Anna Wintour co-chaired that year Met Gala with Justin.
Febuary 2010: On the february issue of Vogue Magazine, Jessica shares how she feels about all the tabloids speculations.
It’s definitely been weird and sort of bizarre to deal with. But you have to have a sense of humor about the whole thing. Honestly, I look at a magazine and they know more than I do. I don’t want to talk about it. I don’t feel the need to clear anything up. It’s the most precious thing that I have in my life, and I care about it so much that I don’t care about what anyone says or thinks. I have just not addressed it in any real way, and I’m not going to. It’s mine. And I really like that about it.
March 2010: Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz are filming the movie Bad Teacher...
February 28, 2011, Jessica and Justin are spotted at Bowling in Studio City with his mother, Lynn.
March 10, 2011: After many years of never ending rumors, Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake reps confirms to People.com that they have broken up.
Reps for the couple released a statement Thursday, confirming the split: “Addressing the media speculation regarding Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake’s relationship, we are confirming that they mutually have decided to part ways. The two remain friends and continue to hold the highest level of love and respect for each other.”
Again after the break up, Jessica is pretty busy.
April and May 2011: Jessica is filming Playing for Keeps with Gerard Butler in Louisiana 
June to September 2011: Jessica is filming Total Recall with Colin Farrell and Kate Beckinsale in Toronto, Canada.
June 2011: In the June issue of Vanity Fair , Justin talks about Jessica.
"She is the single-handedly most significant person in my life. In my 30 years, she is the most special person, OK?
So I protect it, and until somebody shows me what would be more fulfilling at this point, that's what I have to do. I would rather not talk about her, because it's hurtful for me. It's unfortunate that even though you make the effort to say something, which I tried on for size, people do what they want to do.
I don't want to say much more, because I have to protect things that are dear to me—for instance, her."
June 2, 2011: Jessica is seen on Motorcycle Ride with Gerard Butler. Their reps tell People they are just friends.
Meanwhile Justin is spotted hanging out with Ashley Olsen. Justin reps denies the rumors of dating to People, he is hanging out with “a group of friends”. Estee Stanley, Jessica and Ashley’s stylist and close friend, was with them. (On this one you will have to believe me i saw all of them in one video with other people leaving a restaurant and hotel, I can’t post the source).
In May 2012, Jessica shared on social media the RAW backpack that Ashley Olsen gifted to her.
June 03, 2011: Enews reports that Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake reunited at his best friend Trace Ayala girlfriend pregancy party but were just friendly.
Bumping into an ex at a mutual friend's party can be awkward for most of us. But not for Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel, who attended the same party on Thursday afternoon in Brentwood. According to a source, the former couple was more than civil at the celebration..."There was no PDA, but they were talking to each other for awhile," a source tells us. "They ate and sat next to each other." But did it look like the onetime twosome were rekindling their relationship? Not exactly. The exes arrived and left the soiree, which was a celebration for J.T.'s friend and business partner's Trace Ayala's expectant girlfriend, separately.
They did kiss before departing, but it wasn't the romantic type of smooch.
July 3, 2011: US Weekly reports that Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel were spotted at the Black Hoof restaurant in Toronto where Jessica is filming Total Recall
August 2011: Multiple twitter sightings of them in NYC
August 28, 2011: Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake confirmed back together, they are pictured riding bike in Toronto where Jessica is still filming Total Recall.
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October 30, 2011: A unknow actor posted on twitter a halloween picture of him with Jessica Biel and Chris Evans. Jessica is dressed as a Kardashian and Chris as ...a thug...
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December 23, 2011: A twitter user reports that Justin Timberlake proposed to Jessica Biel at the top of a mountain in Montana. He got the information from their ski instructor friend (not posting his tweet because he is not a public person). Justin and Jessica are known to do heli-snowboarding which would explain why they had an instructor with them. They didn’t confirmed or denied at the moment.
March 8, 2012: Jessica Biel is seen wearing her engagement ring for the first time.
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May 7, 2012: Jessica Biel joins Twitter and Instagram
May 24, 2012: Chris Evans joins Twitter
August 2012: Jessica’s Brentwood house is sold.
October 19, 2012: Jessica and Justin tied the knot at the Borgo Egnazia resort in the south of Italy. Jessica was wearing a custom petal pink Giambattista Valli Haute Couture gown.
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October 21, 2012: Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake flown to Tanzania for a honeymoon amongst the wildlife.
May 2013: Chris bought an house in the same street as Justin and Jessica.
In his interview with Hollywood Reporter in 2019, Chris mentionned that “he thinks” Justin Timberlake lives around here. The little shady interviewer doesn’t believe that he doesn’t know that Jessica also live there.
He keeps it closer to the vest about other people. He mentions in passing that Justin Timberlake lives around here — “I think” — without mentioning that Timberlake lives around here with his wife, Jessica Biel, who was once Evans’ girlfriend.
March 2, 2014: Jessica Biel took a picture with Chris Evans’ brother, Scott Evans, at the 2014 Oscar party.
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September 27, 2014: Jessica Biel who is very well known for being fit is seen with a little belly at the beach in Hawaii.
October 14, 2014: For the first time, Justin shared a picture of them on social media during the New Zealand stop of his 20/20 Experience world tour.
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April 8, 2015: They welcome their first son Silas Randall Timberlake. 12 days later Justin shared his first picture on Instagram. After few months, they stopped sharing his face.
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July 2020: They welcome their second son Phineas Timberlake. They were able to “hide” her pregnancy because of covid lockdown. They never shared pictures showing his face.
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152glasslippers · 1 year
last line tag
rules: in a new post, share the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words in the line
tagged by: @agentmmayy loml 💖
from my chenford pwp song fic
It shamed her to admit it, but toward the end, with Chris, she’d only been able to come thinking about Tim.
tagging: @myletternevercame @carry-the-sky @ninzied @onebatch2batch @fortysevenswrites
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evansbby · 8 months
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onewingedangel3 · 2 years
unpopular opinion (maybe): daniel garcias moment to get away from the JAS being a tag team match with bryan against jericho & sammy is a weird choice.
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erabundus · 1 year
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@caramellchris && @abyssmalice said... if you receive this, you make somebody happy! go on and send this to ten of your followers who makes you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. if you get one back, even better! ♡
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SDKJKS THAT'S  SO  SWEET?  THANK  YOU ...  i  don't  want  to  get  overly sappy  on  main,  but  it  means  so so much.  🥺💖  i  tend to  feel  really  awkward  talking too much  about  what's  going  on  behind  the  scenes  ooc  /  in  the  tumultuous  life  of  avalon  ™️  (  coming  cancelled  to  a  netflix  near  you  )  but  i've  been  going  through  it  a  bit  and  this  blog  /  this  community  /  the people i've met / writing this  scrunkly  has  been  a  much  needed  source  of  positivity. 💞
thank you for sending this, thank you for being here and thank you for writing with me! you're wonderful and i'm very much looking forward to what kind of funky little things we can all create here in 2023.
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The other day I remembered the panel from the last issue of Peacemaker’s 60s solo of Chris passed out with his jetpack on while I was walking home from work and I could not stop myself from laughing
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