#dragalia lost harle
satsuha · 2 months
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completely forgot to post my new charms?? anyway hi i've been thinking about knights of alberia charms for months
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dragalialife · 6 months
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#104: Emile's Grape Juice
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absolberts251 · 5 months
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I miss you harle .... I miss u a lot
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satoumafuyuss · 7 months
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From me and my gfs art challenge~ I drew my favorite characters from Dragalia Lost <3 I miss them all so much </3
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zephyr-paladyn · 1 year
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amethystmoon420 · 2 years
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My pieces for the Farewell Alberia zine!
You can check out the full zine here, completely free to download!
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halidom-confessions · 2 years
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I love how apparently so many of us had the same experience of weirdly loving Harle even before the truth about him was revealed. I wish Tumblr group chats were still a thing, I would definitely make a Harle fan club lol
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iscabird-art · 2 years
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i miss him everyday
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....yeah I'm not even gonna try to explain this one
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fiannalover · 1 month
🔥 Dragalia Lost?
Harle never should have happened. The double Harle deal with Loki was just. Weird and awkward. They should have kept it at one singular Loki who fell to evil due to despair on how sucky the world is
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dragalialife · 9 months
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#21: Harle's Magic Show
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rimeiii · 11 months
I miss Dragalia Lost
I love how it genuinely was one of the best gachas in the market
I love how F2P friendly it was
I love playing my faves because they're all at least usable
I love how hopeful and feelgood the story was despite the dark patches
I'm sad we never got to see more of Tiana, Cecile, Harle, Pinon, Lapis, Lowen, Karina, Vice, Ilia, Mordecai, Nevin, Nedrick, Isaac, Sylas, and the rest of the cast
I'm sad it had to come to an unfortunate, quick end
I'm sad we never got to see more of the Zodiacs
But at the end of the day, Dragalia Lost truly brought me joy, and introduced me to several people I hold dear now
Thank you for the memories, Dragalia Lost.
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scorchrend · 2 years
Little question about Dragalia Lost, what's up with the chunks of the story missing? Like, in between chapter 24 and 25, it seems like a whole lot happened (a fight with the Origin or something???) but it's not actually shown in a chapter? Just in the summary at the start of chapter 25? Was it in an event? I think something similar happened with Harle and Satan, like, they mentioned it happened but never showed it. Where can I see those bits of the story?
Edit: Advent of the Origin**
(after Faith Forsaken)
Chapter 23-24?
Advent of the Origin Trailer
Advent of the Origin Full Story
Destiny by Miyahara Hitomi and Honoka Watanabe (Event Song)
they happened in the events! that was the 3rd anniversary event, Faith Forsaken! it has two parts. but it's also connected to the sideplot about the apostles of the northern ilian church, which previously had the events Agents of the Goddess and Divine Deception. As for the fight against the origin, it's from the 3. 5 anniversary event, Advent of the Origin. Here are the trailers and other links in chronological order! if you dont want to watch the event videos you can read them on dragalialost.wiki
Agents of the Goddess
post Chapter 15
(I don't think Agents of the Goddess got a trailer? Maybe I'm missing it lol)
Agents of the Goddess Full Story
Divine Deception
post Chapter 15, released chapter 18
Divine Deception Trailer
Divine Deception Full Story
Hollow Dance by SiN (Event Song)
Faith Forsaken Part 1 & 2
i dont remember but its for Chapters 17-22 according to the wiki
Faith Forsaken Trailer
Faith Forsaken Part 1 Full Story
Faith Forsaken Part 2 Full Story
Light a Fire by Honoka Watanabe Part 1 and 2 (Event Song)
(the song doesn't have an official upload)
**(advent of the origin goes here)
other things you might have missed!
Fractured Futures (takes place after Chapter 10, 1st anni event. can be played in the event compendium)
Forgotten Truths (takes place before Chapter 13, I think it's around Chapter 14-15? 2nd anni event. also in the event compendium)
Dawn of Dragalia (says on the wiki Chapter 14? 2.5 anni event. I'm not sure if it's in the compendium but it's on youtube)
Anyways for the rest of the events you can check the Story Order Guide on Dragalia Wiki!
It has a list of all events + another one listing the events that tie into the main campaign. View "Ilian Apostles" on the page for more about the plotline following them. Hope this helps!!
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icharchivist · 1 year
One character that made me go "Oh, that's a Belial/Sandalphon love child" is Harle from Dragalia Lost, but I don't know if you ever posted about him
oh man you're SOOO right
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i don't Dragalia and i've never posted about it, but i've seen him around on Twitter and all and that's definitely the vibe i got. Truly their lovechild.
It's not from me, but it's possible nonny saw this guy? could be a key to this mystery, thank you for sharing!
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ranzal · 2 years
some of my favourite dragalia characters (Long post teehee)
ranzal: he's hot and i am a hoe for his character archetype
euden: i'm so glad they made him a real character because so many gacha games just make their main character a no one character but euden is a real, fully fleshed out character with flaws that have EXTREMELY DAMAGING consequences that we get to see a lot. for the other arc, he is so, so obsessed with saving zethia that he is fully willing to sacrifice himself and everyone else if it means she can live, and this ties into zena's struggle. in almost every single world, he does this. he lets the other possess him so that zethia is released, and then the other exploits the pacts that he has forged with the dragons, and kills euden's allies and ends the world. and even in the main story's timeline, he is Literally still about to do this, even aware of the fact that he did this a million, million times and it ended the same way every single time. and then even though he is stopped by beren's interference, there are still consequences, because all of his allies were there to watch him almost throw everything away and condemn them all to death. like Holy fuck dude. SO fascinating
zena: she is SO interesting her struggle with her own identity in a world that isn't her own and her bonds with everyone even knowing that it might not even bear fruit for saving her own was genuinely so well written. also the conclusion of her arc, with her finally returning to her own world to kill her brother of her world, was so good, and the art for it (blows up)
laxi: i'm weak to android characters learning to be human
elisanne: i LOVE her arc with just being a blind follower of the church to turning away from the church's doctrine because of her faith in euden and new alberia's cause. her becoming the grand paladyn and getting a fucking gala alt just to almost immediately say "Actually FUCK being the grand paladyn all my homies HATE the church" is so funny
harle: Fucked up little man. he's a komaeda/kokichi/dazai sort of archetype and he's so interesting. he will do absolutely anything to achieve his goals and does not give a fuck about who he has to kill to get it done, even if it is another world's version of him. and his already twisted personality being utilized by loki so that loki could take his place in order to execute his own plans is literally so fascinating. even harle's closest allies didn't find it fully unbelievable that he'd betray alberia to serve dyrenell. also harle is trying to implement socialism do i REALLY have to say anything else.
shingen: he's a bit of a hottie. thank you dragalia lost for giving us shingen in the last ever new years event before saying "Bye" and ALSO making him a great character and also have a great kit
chelle: very, very interesting character. constantly looking for ways to exploit a situation, even if it's at the detriment of her own brother. a true girlboss
basileus: i'm weak to characters who do terrible things on their lonesome in the pursuit of their ideals even while understanding that they are only causing misery but can't possibly stop because if they did, then how could they ever live with the choices they made and the lives they ruined. like fuck dude go off
midgardsormr: a true homie. i am so glad that he was there with euden in the conclusion like fuck dude. their little conversation as they alone approach xenos's domain, looking back on the start of their journey gave me such goosebumps like MAN!!!
noelle: i love a good socially awkward and highly earnest character and she's so endearing
zhu bajie: hottie AND a wifeguy!! he's so great i wish he showed up in more stories
zethia: i don't really have as much to say about zethia as i do about zena, but i do still think zethia was a very interesting character. i am so glad that they gave her more agency, and her choosing to go with nedrick was SO interesting. just as she is freed from the other, she is stolen away by nedrick, but then as euden finally meets her again as she is with nedrick, she chooses to go with nedrick. like fuck dude that's so interesting. i definitely still feel like the end of the story kind of still had too much of her character revolve around euden, but she was still pretty good
ilia: GIRLBOSS i love how the story was like Ilia, the goddess, founded the church after quelling the threat of the Other and saving the world. and then you meet her and she's just like FUCK OFF MOM!!! IM TRYING TO DO SCIENCE EXPERIMENTS!!!!! HI MOM!!!! LOOK AT MY BOYFRIEND I JUST PULLED HIM OUT OF THE SPACE BETWEEN WORLDS and meene's just like Please. Please what the fuck are you doing. also her and mordecai are so cute. speaking of which
mordecai: CUTE i love him. stupid little curious man who could do no wrong paired with stupid and insanely intelligent scientist. like this is phenomenal cygames you are onto something here. also him accidentally creating an insanely powerful being capable of destroying the world just because he thinks his girlfriend died is iconic. slay
nedrick: EXTREMELY GOOD i love his entire character concept. euden, the false prince, and then nedrick, the true prince... it was so great watching him slowly accept the power of bonds and stop relying solely on his own power from his wyrmpact with bahamut like God yes good shit. also his gala art being a flipped, dark version of euden is genuinely fucking awesome
alex: i love redeemed assassin characters and her showdown with leonidas was awesome. also she is slaying with the outfits that give that ambiguous gender swag they should've made her pronouns they/them
audric: i am once again apologising for my liking of Punished-type characters. i love how he is so fucking edgy he's awesome. also fractured futures is still easily one of the best events in the game
gozu tenno: I am so weak to big men with scary faces who are actually very gentle it's not even funny. call me gay if you must but he's so my type that it's genuinely pathetic
bonus characters that i think are cool and/or cute that i don't have enough to say about to warrant anything bigger: mitsuba, waike, irfan, taro, marty, sophie, curran, gauld, catherine, eugene, uriel, maritimus, jeanne d'arc, vodyanoy, zodiark, michael
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