#dragonflight story spoilers
katieskarlette · 2 years
Between Wrathion and Sabellian... who has your vote? 👀
I've been asked this several times, and been thinking about it. I think part of why it's hard for me to decide is because I think there are some great stories to be told either way.
If Sabellian becomes Aspect, Wrathion would have to find a new purpose in life, or do freelance Earth Warding, so to speak. He'd be free to choose his own path in a way he has never been, which might be a blessing in disguise. Or Sabellian could turn out to be a bad guy and Wrathion would have to lead a coup. Or Sabellian could turn down the position because he realizes that Wrathion is what the flight needs for a fresh start, untouched by corruption. Lots of potential there.
If Wrathion becomes the Aspect, it could be a glorious culmination of all his efforts, a sort of "and he lived happily ever after" destiny...or it could turn into a disaster because he's immature, brash and impulsive. Or it could start out bumpy but we could watch/help him grow into the role. Or Sabellian could lead a coup against him. Or Wrathion could turn down the position because he eventually realizes his own shortcomings and recognizes Sabellian's superior experience. Tons of potential there, too.
Or...Ebyssian could show up and try to make Sabellian and Wrathion stop fighting about it, and everyone is like, "Wow, now there's a level-headed dragon who can smooth over conflicts, is uncorrupted, and has leadership experience. Let's pick him instead." I know a lot of people have suggested this with varying degrees of seriousness, but I actually wouldn't mind if it became canon. It wouldn't mean Wrathion and Sabellian would have to go away and not be in the story anymore; if anything it would free them from obligations and let them get up to different shenanigans.
That's from a writing/storytelling viewpoint.
If I was a black dragon myself, I'd either have been hiding somewhere on Azeroth, trying to evade Blacktalon assassins since Cataclysm, or I'd be arriving with Sabellian from Outland now. In that case, I'd be more inclined to vote for the devil dragon I knew.
If I was deciding as a mortal (i.e. non-dragon) character in Azeroth watching this all unfold, I'd be more apt to side with the guy I've worked alongside for years. I watched him geek out over mogu and mantid artifacts in Pandaria. I accompanied him through the August Celestials' challenges and heard the genuine fear and despair in his voice when he spoke of his apocalyptic visions of the Legion's return. I read the logbook detailing how he saved some of Admiral Taylor's troops from death cultists in the Spires of Arak. I saw him risk life and limb to take down N'Zoth. Yes, he's made mistakes, but so do we all. He means well and he's not afraid to throw himself into the action in pursuit of his goals.
As for game mechanics and purely personal sentiment, of course I'll side with, and do quests for, my precious son on my main character. That doesn't mean the first alt I get to 70 will, though...
Most of all, I love both characters and their stories, and don't like to see fans bashing one to support the other. They both have flaws and strengths, and (barring Old Gods turning puppet masters again) I think they both would be fine Aspects.
I also don't want to set my heart on a particular outcome because that's just setting myself up for disappointment. Even if Blizzard's storytelling seems to be improving with this expansion, their recent track record has made me wary. I love the black dragonflight story so far, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it continues to be awesome, but if it takes a nosedive I won't be utterly shocked. Best to keep my expectations low.
So, uh...short answer? Wrathion.
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lynxfrost13 · 11 months
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| Former sentinel/mercenary/bodyguard
Once a high ranking sentinel of Darnassus, Laia’thel taught the new recruits and excelled as a sentinel for her people. She served alongside her best friend, a priestess of Elune. The two were inseparable and delighted in each other’s company for many years, until the day that Sylvanas set fire to Teldrassil.
The two worked together to save as many citizens as they could, clearing a path to the portals. As the fire raged around them, Laia’thel found herself shoved through with the rest of the fleeing citizens, as a blaze of flame illuminated the face of a friend she would never see alive again.
Overcome by her grief and hatred for the horde, she joined the war effort and fought relentlessly to avoid the loss she felt. When not fighting, she was often drinking herself into a stupor to ignore the pain. Eventually she suffered a nasty leg wound during the war and was forced to the sidelines, unable to fight she helped many people in other ways and had time to process her trauma. Which she completely ignored in favor of avoiding her feelings again.
When the shadowlands opened up to mortals she jumped at the opportunity to find her friend, convinced that they could spend the rest of time together in the afterlife. She ventured through the realms of death and reunited with them, only for her friend to tell her that she had to move on. Laia’thel spent some time with them, and finally took time to work through her own issues, and eventually left the shadowlands, ready to live and thrive again.
She was hired by the dragonscale expedition as a bodyguard due to her experience as a sentinel, she was a fighter and a scout and they needed her. She was given the charge to accompany a rather stubborn and annoying dark iron dwarf, and the two became an odd pair, and she was finally healing and living again.
Her adventure had only just begun!
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storfulsten · 2 years
servers down, so lazily doodling my wol simping over his beloved for no reason bc why not
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mostly based on this
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bc I can’t think for myself nowadays ha dang
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mysdrymmumbles · 1 year
Wrathion: *petting a slitherdrake* You are friendshaped.
Sabellian: Canon fodder.
Wrathion: D:< Friendshaped.
Sabellian: Fodder.
Wrathion: *hugging a slitherdrake* Friend. Shaped.
Sabellian: Fodder.
Ebyssian: *watching the girls fight again* /sigh
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auntarivia · 2 years
The side storyline with Malfurion switching with Ysera is pure bullshit making me angry and was made because Blizz hates night elfs and/or Tyrande&Malfurion being happy together. Noone could make me think otherwise.
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skymagpie · 5 months
The War Within SPOILERS and the discussion around [redacted]'s death
This will be spoiler heavy and below the cut I will not be censoring [redacted]'s name so proceed with caution. I am mostly going to discuss theories, reactions, wishful thinking and the such. Feel free to add or discuss!
As a lot of us who saw the leaks know, it is implied that Khadgar dies in the opening of The War Within, in the pre-patch story. The implication comes from the fact that we see Dalaran destroyed and the placeholder for the cutscene says that the rest of the cast takes a moment for Khadgar.
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Now I expected Khadgar to die in the World Soul Saga. They kept hinting how they will make us sad, Chris Metzen has been taking classes from the Game of Thrones writing school in the late years and the community was out for blood because Dragonflight was Oh So Disney!!! To add to that, Khadgar kept acting like he is on death's door in both Shadowlands and Dragonflight, which is the weakest form of foreshadowing a character death possible. Also he is 54, he isn't even old.
However what I didn't expect is to be right at the opening quest of The World Within. I expected either here or maybe in the following expacs, maybe at the last fight, but not at the opening. And the death being here is actually my problem with it.
Theory on how it might go down ->
If you watch PlatinumWoW's video on the alpha, it seems that Magni Bronzebeard goes into another coma and we bring him to Dalaran to nurse him back to health. There are some other characters present.
Afterwards we end up on the shore with The Chamber of the Guardian (where we nursed Magni back to health) in pieces. And we fight Xal'atath's nerubians. Afterwards comes the screenshot from above where the main cast seems to mourn Khadgar.
The most obvious and cliche way this will go down is that:
We tend to Magni
We learn something about Xal'atath from Alleria and/or Khadgar
She suddenly attacks
We defend the city and fail
Khadgar does a heroic sacrifice, ensuring our escape and losing his life in the process. This plays in a pre-rendered cutscene much like Varian's on Broken Shore.
Once we arrive at the beach there is a Animated Real-Time Cutscene as described above where everyone mourns him.
Alleria makes it her mission to hunt down Xal'atath because Khadgar is one of her closest friends. Their beef is personal (and I get it, I am with Alleria).
Theories and wishful thinking
-> Now for the theories, please do know that Khadgar is my favourite WoW character and there is a lot of bias in what I hope might happen, so I will list them just in case.
The death might be a fake-out. We might not see him die on screen (though this depends on the pre-rendered cinematic I believe is missing) and we assume he has died in the explosion or whatever broke The Chamber of the Guardian. We mourn him and near the end of the Expansion he will appear just in the nick of time. Here he might actually die, but that is another discussion.
Khadgar openly decides to port Dalaran elsewhere or we see him be swallowed by the void and ported elsewhere himself. He is not dead, but we do not know of his fate and neither do the main characters, so they take a moment to mourn. This also adds to Alleria's personal beef with Xal'atath even if Khadgar doesn't die. Saving him from whatever fate befell him can also add to this.
They actually take a moment for him because he is somewhere and not dead (not likely, but I have to throw it in here).
I won't lie, I think if it goes down how I suspect it will, it will be horrible. I don't know if Chris Metzen and the writers are under the impression that Tirion's and Vol'jin's deaths were good because they weren't. They were pointless Game of Thrones-esque shock value so people will not whine that this game doesn't kill enough characters.
This game has had it's fair share of good character deaths and it's fair share of horrible character deaths. Varian, for example, had a good death. His death was given the weight it deserved, he went out as a badass and he got a whole rendered cutscene. Not to mention he had narrative build up, he learned the lesson his son was trying to teach him right at the end and he knew that his time as leader is over and this world needs a king like Anduin now. Tirion was disrespected. Metzen and the writers must be out of their mind if they think the community found Tirion's death as anything other than stupid and funny, because that's all it was.
So if Khadgar earns this death, it will truly be stupid. I have no problem with characters dying, I have a problem with pointless deaths just so annoying youtubers will think that we are finally having AN EPIC STORY because you know, the years are 2011-2019 and we still think Game of Thrones is peak writing.
Khadgar's death here will not have any narrative build up - let's be real, Khadgar wasn't a character in the previous 3 expansions so killing a character that is narratively "cold" is not going to have an emotional impact on people. Varian was very present in the story when he died.
I think a far better way to handle this is if we have this scenario, have Khadgar's death be a fake out and then have him die in the 3rd act of the expansion. This way there will be narrative build up and it will lull us in the false sense of security that Khadgar cannot die, only to then shock us when he does. This will really break the feeling of "hope" we might build up and truly achieve a feeling of dread and defeat.
They already tried writing death at the beginning of a story and just rehashing Broken Shore won't make Tirion and Vol'jin's deaths any less stupid. Khadgar is a beloved character, he isn't someone you should kill at the start of a story. No matter how symbolic you think it is that he dies along with The Chamber of the Guardian, none of it ties back to any of his previous and good stories, from The Last Guardian and all the way to Legion.
So while as a writer I want to remain realistic and know that probably my favourite character will get bagged, a part of me hopes that the writers are a bit better than this and that they won't give us another Broken Shore, but give us a meaningful character death and a worthy farewell.
It's too early to speak, so this is all speculations and I am probably not right about many things.
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silverdragon128 · 9 months
Getting back into World of Warcraft has reminded me just how much the writing team is stuck in 2004. No matter how good (Legion) or bad (Shadowlands) the writing, it never stops feeling like a story from the early to mid 2000s. Which really sucks, tbh. Not just because FFXIV exists and its story is incredible (I’ve only gotten through Stormblood, no spoilers), which definitely makes the anachronistic nature of WoW’s writing all the more apparent. But because much of the game’s more interesting decisions are let down by it. Sylvanas’ tenure as Warchief, for example. She could have repeatedly beat her head against the wall trying desperately to protect a society (the Horde) who distrust her at best, and hate her at worst. Her plans with the Jailer weren’t her priority until her own people betrayed her. That’s when she decided to burn everything down, because it’s pointless to try to help people who will always see her as a villain. Instead… she’s just kinda a villain the whole time. Shadowlands is awful for her particularly, because it paints everything she’s done as part of her long term goals with the Jailer… But maybe this isn’t getting my point across. How about the shear number of romantic pairings, and how often they’re used to fully inform character decisions? Or the way they keep forgetting the Horde is an oppressed minority constantly under threat (until Dragonflight that is) by the imperial Alliance? Like, why were Garrosh and Sylvanas evil? How was that a reflection of the world they were ruling in? Oh, Garrosh was just an evil would-be conqueror dreaming of the glory days? And Sylvanas never cared about the Horde in the first place? Only seeing them as a means to an end? Oh… well that doesn’t make much sense? Doesn’t that paint minorities as power hungry individuals who want more out of greed and not a desire to be equal in their world? Like… and what the hell was up with Jaina in BFA? Either she’s still bitter over Theramore and freshly bitter over Varian, or she’s ready to make amends with the Horde. And like, the Alliance story should’ve been her arc— now I’m just complaining about the writing in general, whoops. But like, the constant straight pairings, the failure to sufficiently elaborate on minority villains (and I believe minority stand-ins can be villains, you just have to write them in a way that doesn’t just challenge the establishment but their own people as well, while having their goal come from a sympathetic place— aka, well written Magneto, or, like, Killmonger), the way romance is a motivating factor, the writing of every single female character… the list goes on. As much as I enjoy this game (toxic as hell community aside), I really struggle with the outdated writing decisions
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darkfeanix · 1 year
In Which I Read Dragonflight
So after observing references to this "Dragonriders of Pern" series passively for several years, I recently decided to see if it was worth a look. To my immense gratitude, @c-is-for-circinate​ wrote out a very nice explanation and recommendation here. Having now finished the first book they suggested, Dragonflight, I wanted to share my thoughts.
(Also, I've just realised the second book they recommended was Dragonsdawn, not Dragonquest, which is the one I thoughtlessly jumped into after finishing Dragonflight. Oh well, I guess I'll be checking out Dragsondawn next.)
Thoughts under the cut. Spoilers for Dragonflight, and to a lesser degree Dragonquest, naturally.
So all things considered, I did end up enjoying Dragonflight. I really liked Lessa as a protagonist, and F'lar as the handsome man who sweeps in to sweep the protagonist off their feet, even if I did get frustrated with him from time to time.
I loved the dragons. After 10+ years of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon, where dragons are intelligent but still largely bestial in nature, it was a thrill to read about dragons communicating directly with their riders. I also found it interesting that McCaffrey includes an introduction (prologue? I was listening to the audiobook and don't remember how it was titled) that explicitly goes into the history of Pern as a science fiction setting rather than fantasy. I know that it had that backstory, but I had assumed it was something that would come out over time, not be made plain before the story even started.
To be clear, I'm a huge fan of the worldbuilding. I'm a sucker for stories where society has forgotten its scientific origins and so marvellous achievements of times past come to be regards as magic.
Speaking of times past: was not expecting time travel in this story! Somehow managed to avoid spoiling myself about that until I reached it in the story. I thought it was quite cleverly woven, with serious enough consequences that overuse of it could end up being disastrous. Unfortunately, I did spoil myself regarding its use in the story's climax, but even then, I thought it was set up so well that if I hadn't known ahead of time I think it would have been really satisfied with it.
Other random things of note:
When the story first introduced Fax, and as we learn more about what an awful person he is, I initially found it hard to take it seriously. "What a cartoonish villain," I thought to myself. And then I thought a bit harder and realised we have people like that in the real world; people with that same sense of entitlement, who think they can do and say and take anything with no consequences. After that he felt a lot less cartoonish, and a lot more satisfying when he met his end.
I really empathised with Lessa when she became Weyrwoman and basically got reduced to… well, "woman do what man say, man fight, woman stay behind to look after home". I despised R'gul, and when it was time for Ramoth's first mating flight, I became genuinely worried and half-convinced that he was going to solidify his power by keeping F'lar out of the picture until it was over. I cannot overstate my relief when he was unseated, nor my satisfaction as he was repeatedly proven wrong about his beliefs over the course of the rest of the story.
Speaking of F'lar, by the way, I got really frustrated with him at multiple points. It seemed like all the things about Lessa that made him want her to become Weyrwoman suddenly become a problem for him once she actually was Weyrwoman. Not to mention that it really felt at times like he was blaming her for not knowing enough, when he should have been well aware that R'gull kept her education very limited. It felt a bit like making someone wear a blindfold to your home and then getting angry when they can't name the colour of the carpet.
As stated above, I have started reading Dragonquest, and I appreciate that the time travel solution, though it solved their problems in the short term, doesn't end up being a perfect deus ex machina; there are consequences being felt even seven years later.
All in all, I’m glad I read it, and once I’ve finished Dragonquest, I will almost certainly check out Dragonsdawn.
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sniperct · 2 years
Some minor dragonflight spoilers, but random nice things I've noticed that's just… there. As in its completely normal and just exists which is really nice.
like you can argue they're just crumbs but its so normalized within the world and is a thousand times better than those two night elves flirting up in star's rest. I mean sure I want a major lore character to be gay, but I still love it, just existing like we're a part of the world.
Dude who teaches you some of the new crafting mechanics's quest line involves making a gift for his husband and you repeatedly encounter them as they teach you how to craft
first centaur leader you meet in the main storyline has a service animal she trained herself and speaks through an sign interpreter because she's gay (and their society is generally matriarchal without making the matriarchy into the patriarchy but in reverse)
you know how there are animals that help people with trauma? yeah that's a thing you explicitly help with and it's a really touching story
there's a quest to help a centaur propose to his boyfriend and while you're doing it you pick up a quest to help the 2nd centaur propose to the 1st centaur and it's as adorable as it sounds (the description of how they first met still sticks with me)
ENBY CENTAUR! also a couple other characters referred to with they/them pronouns
wide variety of skin tones for most of the expedition npcs as well as the centaurs and dragon visage forms
The entire 'stay a while' quest is poignant and touching. How time and distance can make you forget things but you can't forget everything and the pain can still be as raw and real as it was ten thousand years ago
horde and alliance actually acting like allies and even being friends and respecting each other *its been 18 years.gif*
Also the whole general theme of finding new lands and helping the dragons reconnect with the place that was once their home is *chef's kiss*
General mood and feeling for me reminds me heavily of the best parts of mists of pandaria.
Also the bad guys in like just a few cutscenes and quests make a lot more sense and have much more interesting and valid motivations than anything SL tried to do.
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Ok so before I go farther I’m just gonna spew out what self shipping ideas I’ve been cooking in my head for like a week (spoilers for dragonflight!)
So obviously Neltharion left a simulacrum, I’m still outside Abberus and have no idea if he’s good or bad atm but in my mind he’s super nice to the trio like surprisingly nice, plays into their emotions like the bastard he was and convinces them that his powers are in a helmet of his design. So he fans the flames between Sabellian and Wrathion and puts them through little trials Ebyssian is here too but he’s just really tired at this point and he’s generally just shutting down like seeing you dead father again can’t be good for you.
ANYWAY Frozal is like “this is super fuckin sketch and somthing is up” so she goes to investigate the helmet during a trial and she puts it on and surprise surprise she gets fuckin Remmy Ratatouille’d by Neltharion because he wants to continue fucking things up in the world. So anyways Neltharion is now free to leave Abberus with the meat puppet he’s possessing but before he leaves he rubs it in his sons faces and generally just rude shit like he never loved them and they’ll never be worthy of his title. General Neltharion being a dad stuff. Then he flies off above ground and goes incognito for a few days and all hell breaks loose between Kalec and Wrathion trying to figure out where the hell their girlfriend is and how they’re gonna free her from the digital ghost of a world destroying asshole. Anyways that’s the quick recap I might make a fic out of this bc there’s lots of ideas I’ve got for it but I’m gonna play though the rest of the story now just wanted to write this down before I get more info and change it
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dazespritefairy · 1 year
spoilers for Dragonflight the Azure dragons questline/story:
I know Senegos's death was supposed to be sad and all and it very much was, don't get me wrong, but I love how after the minute everyone was happy, Malygos and Sindragosa was at peace, he was just “Hate to break the mood guys, but who wants to attend my funeral?" lolll Dude literally said he was choosing to die at this very moment and he could've at least waited a day or something but he doesn't want to. So instead he waited until the very moment every blue dragon was here and seemed happy for once and said "Sooo uhhh bye!" I've been laughing about it for hours because it was such a power move. Senegos just wanted to make sure everyone was already here for his funeral and we already had the party plates out. You don’t get many huge power moves as an old dragon and he chose to use the biggest one to accidentally ruin the mood.
Senegos: "I'm glad you are all here to witness- MY FUNERAL."
Kalecgos: "I was giving a happy speech though-"
Senegos: "NO."
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katieskarlette · 2 years
Veritistrasz?  More like “TearYourHeartOutWithALLtheDragonFeels...istrasz.”
Also, my Rheafarian shipper heart leapt when he said he had loved a black dragon pre-corruption, because it’s a canon red/black relationship!  Yesssssss!
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earthbinder · 2 years
i am behind on dragonflight story forgive me (idc about spoilers i just havent played in like months) but i DO think. thrall appearing to beep at wrathion and serve as some variety of . hand and/or bodyguard is pretty sexy
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silriven · 1 year
Revisiting “The Vow Eternal”
Some spoilers for Dragonflight Patch 10.1: Embers of Neltharion.
I decided to go through The Vow Eternal again to see if it'd read differently knowing how the story shakes out in Embers of Neltharion and I realized there are so many references to Wrathion wanting to be an Aspect or trying to act like he will be that it's kind of depressing lol
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Overall I still really like the story and how Wrathion is portrayed...but this ending definitely doesn't hit as hard knowing that most of the in-game story to follow will be all about why he's unfit for the role and basically not a great individual.
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It's like er, sorry, Wrathion, you actually won't find kinship and a home on the Dragon Isles.  In fact you're going to immediately be at odds with pretty much everyone including both of your brothers, whom you will fight with and belittle...constantly. And you'll be so lost in your drive to ascend to this position you now think you're "owed" that it'll undo the progress you've made and the character development you've undergone from spending your entire life trying to prepare for this responsibility.
So I...uh don't how we're supposed to revisit and interpret this short story now.  Is this like another unreliable narrator/biased perspective kind of thing where we, the readers, are supposed to recognize that Wrathion is being arrogant and delusional here.  Are we supposed to look at his flaws, like the alcoholism, his discomfort at the wedding, his arrogance, loosing his temper, all of which I still like and think make his character more interesting, and go "oh, clearly this is all more evidence for why he shouldn't be Aspect"?
I don't think that would be as much of a disappointment if Dragonflight dealt more with Wrathion's personal struggle over all this, if it seemed like learning this about himself was the point or that the story was going this way with him for a reason, but as it is, it just seems like the reason is that the narrative has to knock him down a peg or twenty for the purpose of making Ebyssian the obvious choice.   
 I think how this whole thing resolves, how Ebyssian becomes Aspect and how Wrathion handles this, will matter a lot.  Lately I've been starting to wonder "oh, god, how far is this going to go?  Are they going to make him have a fit or something when Sabellian and the rest of the black dragonflight side with Ebyssian and storm off like he did in MoP?"  But if this ends up being a personal reckoning for him that leads to some character development and we get BfA Wrathion back for a bit, that would be something.
In retrospect, it's also a little funny that Ebyssian wasn't in this story at all, not as Wrathion's plus-one or at the end when all of the dragons travel to Wyrmrest to answer the call of the isles.  He's not even mentioned once.  Like a good chunk of this short story is dedicated to Wrathion observing and interacting with other characters in a way that seems designed to get readers back up to speed with who's who in Azeroth's main cast.  You'd think they would've wanted to at least remind readers about Wrathion's known brother, too, if he was going to play such an important role in the expansion lol  Not to mention that he is Wrathion's one known family member and there are so many references to Wrathion feeling lonely or being the "only" member of his dragonflight.  This also would've probably been a really good time to mention if Wrathion and Ebyssian's relationship, which seemed really good at the end of BfA, had become strained or if their personalities were already clashing.
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wowthings · 2 years
New expansion content heads up!
Tagging with #The War Within.
I mostly post scenery without spoilers, but if there is a story spoiler, I will tag it #TWW spoilers. Dragonflight spoilers are tagged with #Dragonflight spoilers.
Sometimes I accidentally post main-blog stuff here. Sorry. I’m old.
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wolfandwild · 2 years
I was thinking about trying Dragonflight from Classic, what do you think of the expansion thus far?
Hey there! I've been having a blast in Dragonflight so far, and would definitely encourage you to give it a go. I don't know what level you play at/what you like to do in game, but for some context around my answers I play at a KSH/Mythic raiding level and I'm also a bit of a collector and a lore whore. Things I've been enjoying:
Raszageth is a solid villain - not super complex or groundbreaking, but she's got good narrative presence, her motives make sense, and she's a got a cool design
Great raid with some great trinket/ring loot design
Love the new renown system and frequency of rewards on the track
Better main/alt life balance - everything you do contributes to your progress somewhere
Better alt catch-up systems
Trading Post is very cool
Dragonriding is super fun and will make you feel 10 again
Evokers are a fun new class addition
Some well-executed story beats and questlines, I'm also pretty invested in where the story will go next (trying to be vague and spoiler free)
New talent system adds a lot of depth and customisation and the ability to make some really niche builds
Class balance has been generally solid with regular and responsive tuning passes being made
Great characters - again trying to be spoiler free here but there are a lot of great NPCs, old and new, to enjoy
Significant improvements in diversity of representation
Visually beautiful
Honestly, it feels like a lot of the things that were weighing the devs down in Shadowlands have been resolved. It's a lot freer creatively and more joyful of an expansion. There's a real sense of exploration and wonder and it's been a pleasure to just get in and explore what the world has to offer. Hope that helps, happy to expand on anything in more detail.
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