questythebot · 7 years
@dragonjaw thank u, i am so old
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artistic-man-of-war · 6 years
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Celeste Siannondel
My dearest Drow Bard/Wizard
Backstory Below
   Born under the name Ara Siannondel, Celeste spent her early years in the fierce and unforgiving Underdark, to this day she still remembers her first introduction to the ways of song. She stumbled into Open Mic Night at a tavern called Cloak & Gorunn where a young Svirfneblin named Sindri performed the most heartfelt love song for his partner —a Dwarf by the name of Thorin— she’d ever heard. Moved by his song the young drow met up with him after the show while they waited for her parents to arrive and take her home. When Thorin arrived to the tavern Ara found herself awestruck by his strange tanned skin and red hair. He’d looked so bright and lively compared to everything around her and it sparked something in her. After a short conversation, the reason Sindri had been so in love with the dwarf fully made sense to her. When asked how they met, the two promised to teach her to perform with the promise of learning their story along the way.
At the age of 18 she began her career as an entertainer, starting small with writing songs for Sindri and learning the lute from Thorin she learned fast and soon she was ready to write and perform her own songs, finding herself to be a natural at Bard spells in the process. She traveled Faerûn with the couple and soon her name was well known alongside theirs. Her name was known all the way from  Dragonjaw Mountains to The Hordelands for her songs of love and discovery. She’d even earned herself a nickname form Thorin (Norroghtharn). Taking the name with pride she felt no greater joy than performing and loving in the way she did.
All seemed well until a brash Upstart human by the name of Zasheir Jassan tried to upstage her in Deepingdale. Heckling her from the crowd and causing her to stumble in her performance. As much as she could let insults slide(hey, sometimes they were funny!), his were honestly terrible. Poorly thought out and using broken elvish in these insults annoyed her into challenging him, at her next venue he’d appear again and challenge her and their bitter rivalry began.  Realizing how at home and safe she felt on the surface Ara made a decision that would change her life forever. As she neared her hundredth year of life, she met someone that made her heart flutter. A dragonborn named Medrash had come to one of her performances and offered her lodging in his home. The two grew close between Ara’s performances and at one point the two shared an intimate moment as he shared with her his craft. When Ara begged him to teach her Wizardry he relented with a chuckle.
The day of her hundredth birthday was the day she cast her first Friends Spell on her rival although accidentally. That day she became someone new. No longer would she be Little Ara or Littler Thia. That day she chose a different name. She chose Celeste. When Medrash told her of his engagement she wept with joy for her dear friend. She sang and danced at their wedding as requested and she made sure that Medrash’s spouse knew she would be no threat to their union. Even though the night before the wedding Medrash had given her one last gift. A stone of polished Carnelian to hold together a Cloak he’d made for her a few years prior. He’d used the stone to teach her the spell “Detect magic” and she’d learned it held a scrying spell within it so he would always be close in some regard. She’s kept the stone and to this day she wears it over her heart to remember him by.
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moonmika · 8 years
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Fronk Dragonjaws. #doodle #illustration #orcishtechnology #steampunkstyle
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musical-lizard · 8 years
tag tag tag
@smolmuffinchimchim thanks for tagging me omg?? ily
Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 other blogs >:3c
Nickname: actually I dont rly have a nickname?? odd lol. some of my frens call me ‘kid’ tho
Gender:  ¿¿¿
Star Sign: Leo :*
Height: 4'11 or 150 cm im a smOL
Time right now: 10 pm
Last thing I googled: 버려 (bc I was looking for the song's lyrics haha)
Favorite Bands: avenged sevenfold, my chem, fall out boy, bts (,,,,)
Favorite Solo Artists: idk?? Hayley Kiyoko I guess
Song stuck in your head: Do You by Rap Monster whaa Last movie I watched: I think Moana ?? gosh I don’t watch many movies nowdays :c
Last TV Show I watched: the Fosters! I rly rly like it (its SO damn gay) and also there was a big twist in the ep i just sawww 
When did you create your blog: so I just checked nd my first post is fromm june 2013 so like,, about 4 years ago. jfc
What kind of stuff do you post: mostly just my aesthetic. Which is a lot of things haha I guess im just into A LOT of stuff but like mainly pastels, kidcore, hardcore music, bts, gay things and just things that make me feel good?? yea
When did your blog reach its peak: in july 2013 (jkjk it has never)
Do you have any other blogs: nope! This blog is a mess of all my thoughts and feelings rly sns
Do you get asks regularly: nah but its fine bc im an anxious piece of traSH (tho if u wanna msg me ill be grateful TT)
Why you chose your URL: I used to have a profile pic of a lizard playing the guitar and now its my brand™. Also I like lizards and music
Following: too many. Really. Im ashamed. (1337 I just like TOO MANT THINGS ok)
Posts: 93273 (+1 now haha >:3c) 
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw !! house PRIDE 
Pokémon Team: the one that has all the gay nerds (jkjk I don’t know anything abt pokemon)
Favorite colors: pastel blues and purplesssss
Average hours of sleep: 6-+
Lucky Numbers: 7 and 13
Favorite Characters: I GUESS from the TOP OF MY HEAD lapis from steven universe OR Giles from buffy (EDIT:: I forgot about Poussey??? Heck shes my baby nd I love her)
What are you wearing right now: pajamas that’s way too childish for an almost-20 yearsold but i DONT CAREEE
How many blankets do you sleep with: jus one (and all the pillows I can manage >:3c)
Dream job: dying™
i tag:::
@dragonjaw @vibbbes @yuvalbleich @buggyeyes @k-h-a-y-a-v-o-s  @stablesupport @somniare-stellarum @noellethepastelhobbit and anyone else who wanna do it~~ now im gonna sleep im tired bwaa
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turianosauruswrex · 8 years
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@gansmaltz @dragonjaw bless you both
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prospeleo · 6 years
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Водопад и пещера Пасть Дракона или Глубокий Яр. #goprohero5 #gopro5hero #herogopro #goprohero5blackedition #cave #speleo #dragonjaws #waterfall #glubokiy_yar #river #mzymta #sochi2018 #hiking #hikingadventures #пастьдракона #глубокийяр #пещера #водопад #водопады #водопады💦 #водопадик #река #мзымта #сочи2018 (at Водопад Пасть Дракона)
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musical-lizard · 8 years
@dragonjaw ❤💕
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