#dragons nine realms buzzsaw
ellulemmu · 7 months
Buzzsawty getting headpats :3
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howtodrawyourdragon · 8 months
When the Dragon Club first discovers about Jörmungandr's existence and how he's been locked away in the Dark Realm for the past 1,300 years, I genuinely thought that this episodes was going to be like one of those "oh, The Big Bad isn't actually the Big Bad, but just Scary And Misunderstood and we're going to find out that Hiccup was actually wrong about locking it away, teaching Tom that sometimes the people before us were wrong."
Then Thunder unlocked Jörmungandr's cage to save Tom's life, much to the horror of the Dragon Club kids, and the first thing that thing did was eat the Sky Torcher Buzzsaw brought. A really big dragon!
Just grabbed him by his neck, dragged him into the cage, and ate him.
You could hear the crunching noises.
Like Snotlout once eloquently said... Hiccup is always right.
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thelaughingmerman · 10 months
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I don't know what the canon outcome for Buzzsaw will be but 'forced to do community service in Rakke Town under watchful eye of random Rakke Town member' definitely isn't it. But I'm going to pretend anyway because it humors me. (Their name is Everest).
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buzzsaw-burne · 10 months
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hed probably just give them dragon indigestion
(featuring half a quote from ice age)
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
Eugene Wong and Leonard Burne (Buzzsaw) are both annoying beyond belief, but they somehow make each other (slightly) more tolerable when together. There’s a bizarre simultaneous tension and chemistry going on.
I hate them so much that they need to get together and kiss.
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readbyred · 1 year
Unironically I might ignore the whole fandom telling me to forget abt Nine Realms’ existence because. Hell, I might get myself a fave. That Buzzsaw guy is so fun I swear
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awsydawnarts · 1 year
Hey hi hello why the fuck isn’t “Buzzsaw”’s name Axel???
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rosiethedragongeek · 2 years
Buzz saw is so annoying fuck
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ellulemmu · 9 months
An inside joke with @pancakesmyhtie
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lumiidragon · 6 months
So now that I've seen the last season of the Nine Realms, I can finally give my own personal review on it, and the last seeing as how this was the last season and TNR is officially over.
So let me start out on a, sadly poor note with this: this season was super disappointing... The big finale, the end-all, the conclusion to The Nine Realms was...flat. Boring. Pointless. Like, this was actually probably one of the more poorer seasons...
So let's start with The World Serpent (Yeah, I can't spell the other name, so I'll just refer to it as 'The Serpent' for ease. This dragon was honestly a really cool design, but not as a "predator of all dragons and the destroyer of The Hidden World". First off, a top-tier predatory animal that is meant to destroy all dragons and the dragon ecosystem...doesn't make sense. Why would an animal like that exist??? If The Hidden World is supposed to be this perfect dragon paradise, then why is there a dragon that literally goes against this notion. Also, this dragon was literally seen poorly trying to catch a terrible terror in a flock of three that was just casually flying around its face like a cat trying to catch a fly and not doing very good at it. This is the dragon that can supposedly take down any dragon such as a Red Death? A bewilderbeast? Any titan-class dragon? No, I don't think so. The poisonous gas attack it has is powerful, but this dragon just doesn't scream "Destroyer of The Hidden World" to me. Not that a dragon that is destined to destroy the world all the dragons that are damned there forever makes sense anyways, but still. On top of that, this dragon spent most of its time "defeating the Riders" by hitting them with the same amount of power any other dragon enemy has and then just taking off. That was pretty much it. It hit once or twice then ran away. The series literally only made this thing to be "unbeatable" because they made the Riders' dragons have 2 HP per battle and have the bad guy dip afterward, thus drawing this out through the entirety of the season. This dragon wasn't powerful, it was long-winded. Finally, the final battle was so.......boring? The group brought in an "Army Of Dragons" to defeat this thing, which would have been cool if it weren't for the fact that they basically just brought one or two dragons a piece. That's not an army and if a handful of common dragons with two special bosses (the Faultripper and the Sky Torcher) is all that it took to beat this thing, then this dragon was never the ultimate dragon destroyer the legends made it out to be. I could really go more into how The Serpant and the battles with it were pointless, boring, and just anti-climatic, but this section has gotten long enough, so I'll leave it at this.
Next up, Tom and Jun. Their romance drama was so pointless and added literally nothing to the story. This is the last season and it's only 6 episodes long. They don't need teen romance side-drama this late into the series, they need to concentrate on what was supposed to be the issue at hand. That, and Jun breaking it off with Tom over him doing the same thing he's always done since Season 1 really shows their compatibility as a romantic duo. But yeah, their whole romance here was just completely pointless and added nothing to the series. Also, Alex and Eugene was also completely unnecessary with what they were trying to build.
Then we have the villains. So Buzzsaw's goons and Linda are the most pointless characters in the villain side of things. The bumbling side kicks to a villain can be charming, but when every villain's group are just kids in adult bodies that still need to be babysat or else they can't do anything right, then it gets annoying and kind of pointless. Linda was probably the worst of them. As for Buzzsaw, his redemption was too much a play off of Dagur and, in my opinion very unnecessary. It felt like they only redeemed him because they didn't need him anymore, but didn't have the time to properly deal with him. As for Sledkin, she was actually a decent villain for what the series was giving, but ultimately fell into the weak trope of "I'm so desperately obsessed over my final goal that I am just throwing self preservation out the window so I can be pointlessly reckless despite being a very intelligent individual" and ended up getting killed over it (which I'm surprised TNR actually had a human death in this).
So let's finally move to my final complaints with this season:
-Thunder being "alpha" is bullshit. There is no way the night lights (yes, even the Elder Night Light) are the "Kings of Dragons" when most dragons didn't give them two glances. So there is no way Thunder is an alpha. I'm sorry, but no. Also, with the Elder Night Light passing, it's nice to see how literally no one cared since Thunder can glow like a radioactive lightbulb now, I guess. They grieved Sledkin more than this dragon. Thunder hardly even cared. Along with the night light thing, Thunder's family is not only useless in the series, but seeing as how we never get a real reason as to why night lights are breeding with each other, I am not convinced that this family line isn't just a messed up family wreath than a family tree at this point. Nothing was explained, so the fans only have the fact that there were only 3 night lights from Toothless (Toothless who was basically never mentioned in this series) and the Light Fury (who wasn't mentioned at all) and no others exist, but we see night lights having kids with each other....I....ew.
-The Raker episode was literally just not necessary and could have been left out altogether and nothing change. This is the last season, we don't need pointless spoilers.
-Olivia was being built as a true character earlier in the series, shame she was basically forgotten about. Same for the other parents.
-The Gods Realm was boring and really uninteresting to look at. Like...it might as well have been any chamber in any cave around the world, not the "Lungs of the Hidden World", which the dragonite still makes no sense and there's no way they would have run out of oxygen in that massive chamber that quickly with the stone removed. None of that made sense.
-There's no way Tom would have ever learned how to communicate with dragons with Valka's staff. I don't know where they got this "Hypnotizing" thing from, but Valka lived alone with dragons for 20 years. She communicated and learned their language that she developed replications of in her own way. Tom cannot learn that in a short montage because Valka's power with dragons came from her connection and understanding from more time of experience with dragons alone than Tom has even been alive for. The staff was a tool, not the power itself. That, and Hiccup would never use his mother's staff. That's A. not his approach to dragons anyway, and B. his mother's. Valka most likely would have had her burial with that staff. Oh, and it's nice to see yet another thing just be casually destroyed and not cared about.
-And I think the last thing I've got for this massive post is the ending. Yes, the dragons leave. What a surprise. This time, the dragons choose to leave and more or less say "Sorry kids, you guys...eh, kinda suck.". The Riders were basically pleading with their dragons (mostly Tom) that there had to be another way and the dragons wouldn't even let them touch them anymore. They acted like they had their fun and it's gone stale so it's time to leave. Great...bond??? Of course, it was over "HOOMANS BAD." so why bother to fix the world when you can just hide in a dead-looking cave system forever? Right? Not only that, but the group itself also split up, expect for Tom and Jun of course, because how else can the series end off with the romance that they pointlessly shoved in.
So yeah, this season was......not good. I really had my hopes out for the series ending much more interestingly, but in the end, with the dragons shoving themselves away again, nothing came from this series other than Tom gets a girlfriend and the group learns the true power of video calls. So in all, I give TNR a personal 5-6/10.
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thelaughingmerman · 11 months
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Figuring out how to draw him? Can't wait to see what this freak does next.
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asm5129 · 6 months
Dragons: the nine realms—final thoughts (Full series spoilers ahead)
Genuinely, I’ve become quite fond of this show over time. It definitely needed to grow into what it actually wanted to be, and with only 7 or 8 episodes a season it took half the show to get there, but even so I think it really found it’s footing as it went on—some somewhat forced-feeling team drama in the penultimate season notwithstanding.
In terms of the characters, I grew quite fond of Tom, Alex and Jun, and even managed to come around to D’Angelo later on—probably later than the writers intended though, haha. Eugene less so but they surprised me by giving him some genuine emotional moments , particularly in the last two seasons, and most of them hit right. It never felt like the show was just repeating what people already saw, Tom isn’t Hiccup, Jun isn’t Astrid, and D’Angelo isn’t Fishlegs. The closest direct parallel would be Eugene to Snotlout frankly, and that’s about it. These characters feel like their own characters, not a cheap attempt to continue the popularity of what came before.
Also, Alex is pretty autistic coded, but never confirmed. Jun kinda is too honestly. I appreciate that the things that we might call their special interests are never devalued within the show, both turning out to be incredibly useful many, many times. Alex is an introvert who spends most of her time on her tablet, and even as she makes friends and socializes more that never changes. Jun has interests many dismiss as “weird” and she has genuine trauma around being referred to as such that is taken seriously.
The supporting cast of parents and other crew members of the research station the majority of the show was based in or below were pretty strong, with even some much less significant cast members getting fun moments, and also add a nice sense of diversity to the world.
The bonds with their respective dragons also always felt well established and strong, and I was genuinely sad when the riders had to let their dragons go in the last episode.
Dr Sledkin and Buzzsaw as villains never hit the heights of Viggo in RttE but actually think I prefer them to the human villains from HTTYD 2 and 3—definitely liked them more than Drago from 2 at least. And i actually felt like Buzzsaw’s change of heart at the end of this final season didn’t come out of nowhere. We had seen, in particular last season, that he is a man starving for genuine connection, so when his dragon—the only creature, dragon or human that it could be argued ever genuinely seemed to accept his presence—was actually at risk it makes sense his ability to put up a bold front would crumble.
World-wise, while the titular realms themselves couldn’t be realized as the kind of beautiful environments we got from the films or even RttE, I think there was some really great usage of the modern day setting for the conflicts that drove the characters and the story alike. There was also great use of the established stories from the HTTYD series. Even though we as the audience knew a lot about Hiccup and co, imo they managed to make Tom discovering that history meaningful. He is a direct descendant of Hiccup, yes, the finale makes clear the fact that Tom being very much a blend of Hiccup’s ability to connect to Dragons and love of exploring and Astrid’s more blunt, action-focused impulses was always very much intentional. I think that’s a smart play, and the legacy of Hiccup proves a source of very compelling drama for Tom’s expectations of himself.
I’m also particularly fond of how the final two seasons really reconnected to the Norse mythology that has almost never been brought to the forefront outside of aesthetics by introducing the World Serpent who has a name I’m not motivated to look up how to spell right now. Regardless I think the way they tied the world serpent and ragnarok into the story was quite well done, and the built in fear of the world serpent being the reason dragons freak out at snakes is a fantastic bit of retroactive lore.
If these characters were brought back aged up, with a bigger budget for new stories I would watch it. This is by no means a masterpiece of a show, but there’s a lot to appreciate.
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buzzsaw-burne · 6 months
Give him a little bit more time I genuinely think Buzzsaw will drop that nickname and go back to Leonard. I think he's been associating the name with negative things and what I feel like the writers wanted to show was he was also trying to be something hes not. Eugene hit the nail on the head in the earlier seasons, chasing the Thunderbird was making him volatile and angry. His obsessions screwed with him and that was seen, and even noted in the end, when Tom compared Buzzsaw and Sledkins ambitions, but even noted earlier on when Tom himself was obsessed with opening the scroll case.
Prior to the Thunderbird/Dragons, Buzzsaw was also implied to be chasing after some sort of approval, probably from his mother, which was also making him volatile. He took D'Angelo words to heart, as evidenced by the removal of the cages and Jack's harness. He's done chasing and looking in the mirror to figure himself out.
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howtowhumpyourhiccup · 9 months
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Disgrace of The Family
Summary: Written for Angstober 2023 Day 1. Set after season 6’s “Poison.” Coming home without the Book of Dragons makes Tom feel even worse than he feared it would.
Warning: /
Rating: General
Characters: Tom
Pairing: /
Words: 534
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon, The Nine Realms
Prompt: Honorbound
Whumpee: Tom
Author’s Notes: Knowing how the loudest portion thinks of The Nine Realms, chances are people will come across this fic thinking it's going to bash Tom.
It is not, make your own fic, Tom is baby. :)
Hopefully the first of many TNR fics.
When Tom returns home after the Buzzsaw fiasco, he’s almost glad that his mom isn’t home yet. Though it feels bad to enter an empty dome, he wouldn’t want to explain to her that he lost the Book of Dragons. It’s like losing a priceless family heirloom.
Besides, it would also require telling her about the axe-wielding madman he and the other Dragon Club members have been encountering in the Realms. And if any of the adults knew… Well, they would probably have to say their dragons goodbye for good. And if the events of today have shown him anything, it’s that Tom isn’t ready to say goodbye to Thunder yet.
Leaving his backpack by the door of his room, he closes it and drops down onto his bed.
Today has been awful. Awful! Thunder could’ve died because of Buzzsaw’s poison dart and then it turned out he didn’t even have the antidote like he claimed he had! Tom never wants to see the Nightlight in so much pain ever again.
He still can’t believe he just gave him the Book of Dragons. Of course, he did it because he thought Thunder was running out of time and anyone of them would’ve done the same. Even D’Angelo said as much, but knowing so doesn’t lighten the guilty pit in his stomach in the slightest.
He rolls onto his back and stares up at the ceiling.
“I wonder what he would’ve done,” Tom wonders out loud. He finds himself thinking of a man who is long-dead.
‘Hiccup,’ that was the name of his ancestor. Or who Tom assumes to be his ancestor on account of sharing a last name with his mom’s grandfather and a bunch of other clues. He must’ve been the author of the book Tom lost. Or he was certainly a big part of it.
What would he have done had he been faced with Tom’s situation? Or was he so good at being a dragon rider that he simply never got into situations like this? He was a Viking, after all, and Vikings were tough people.
Sitting up in bed, Tom faces a picture taken of the portrait that is the most likely to be Hiccup’s.
He thought having it near, having something physical beside the book, something to look at would encourage him. He feels a strange familial connection with it even if there’s literal centuries separating the two. He hoped it would help him make the right decisions, help him make the ancient dragon rider proud, but now he just feels like he is failing and disgracing a family name he hadn’t even heard off before until a little while ago.
If Hiccup had been here… would he have been angry with him? Disappointed in him?
Or would he have understood Tom’s actions today?
“Oh great, and now I feel even worse,” Tom mutters. He drops back down onto his side, facing away from the picture as he can no longer bear to look at it.
He’ll get the book back. And not just to keep Buzzsaw from using it with bad intentions, but also because he doesn’t want to be haunted by the disappointment of a long-dead ghost.
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artinandwritin · 2 years
Things I liked about the Nine Realms season 3 (a very, very short list);
The textures seem to be getting better? The lighting hits better on the never dragon models too
Tom almost dying the entire time is funny
Alex. She's a treasure
Eugene and Buzzsaw's weird psychology talk??? What the hell was that lmao
How the fire realm being hot isn't brushed over and it actively works against the kids
There wasn't a lot else. It's okay I guess? I'm not as mad as during the first two seasons. The music is intense at times but it's pretty fine.
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chameshida · 2 years
Nine realms season 4! Timberjack! New Mist Twister! Snow WRAITH! 3 MORE ICE DRAGONS! B A B Y N I G H T L I G H T !
The trailer does get me pretty excited! There're actually a lot of thing to talk about so I'm going to do that!
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First up these guys! It looks like a slithersong nadder hybrids as well as vaguely remind me of Hushboggle. Of course I don't I'm not saying that these guys are hybrids (already got into an arguement before that no just because dragons look like a hybirds or name like a hybrids doesn't mean that they are hybrids) I think they'd be neat on either direction wheater they're original species or the first instant conformation of natural hybrids in the show
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Next up, Timberjack! Timberjack is not on the list of dragon I expected to see on ice realm but upon thinking about it, it is a dragon that fit mr. axe 'em guy over here very much, and from the brief shot in the trailer it does seems to have lazzo over it so It might actually be buzzsaw's dragon
But the first thing that caught my attention more than the lazzo is the wing ridges, make me wonder if this might be the varient, the evolution or the titan. Timberjack has never made appearance on the series before and despite showing up in the sequels here and there we are never really seeing its woodcutting action. Maybe the ridges are added to make it make sense because the original wings doesn't really look like it can guilotine the tree like book of dragon said?
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Snow wraith are very expected for this season the thing that gets me is that these boys are HUGEE. Are they going to go for titan angle again or the evolution will actually make them huge this time
this is my personal opinion but the fact that snow wraith is small always disappoint me and make me not liking the dragon very much. Like you see the promotion image and thinking yay big tough snow dragons!
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when in reality there're like a small gremlin, like the smokebreath, no bigger than gronckle. (which isn't a hate on small dragon like smokebreath but it's just so unexpected that i am disappointed)
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Speaking of big tough dragon--my beloved!
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I make own post about this guy already. Really looking forward to see it. Though to add on a bit, other than reminding me of my snow wraith hybrids it does also remind me a little of foreverwing and Ironclaw
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Featherhide being protective of Webmaster, nothing to comment on more but awww
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and lastly the killer, baby nightlight. I'm surprise that it does look more in line with our night light more, almost as if they use the model from the movie rather than redesign it like Thunder, (maybe to avoid blacklash?) but I do see the wingtip still
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oh there's also mist twister. I think wu wei is pretty underdeveloped so if he get the spotlight in this episode that'd be nice. The color is nice!
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