#drarry omo
heartzanonymous · 2 years
drarry omorashi!
This is my first omorashi fanfic, be nice pls
"Here, Dray, you're going to dehydrate yourself," Harry muttered as he passed a water bottle over to his boyfriend. Draco was fully enticed in a book, taking and downing the fifth water bottle that Harry had passed to him without even taking notice of how many he'd went through. . .at least, not until he felt a familiar pressure in his stomach, shifting a bit but not bothering to get up yet. He could hold it, this book was getting good.
Three more bottles down, now Draco needed to get up. He and Harry needed to go to class soon, anyway - slowly, he rose from his seat and went to make his way to the restroom, stopping in his tracks when Harry spoke.
"Where are you going? We have to get to class."
"I was just going to-"
"Hold it. Come on," for just a second, a dominating tone ran through Harry's voice as he pulled Draco along by the hand. Maybe Draco would never admit to Harry having full control over him, but he and Harry both knew the truth.
Draco had managed to silently make it through potions, seeing as he sat on the other side of the room due to his & Harry's house difference. Now though, it'd been about an hour and a half of holding it, his leg bouncing up and down as his thighs squeezed together. It didn't help that History of Magic was a particularly boring class, therefore he had nothing to focus or distract himself with.
"Harry," Draco managed, voice shaky and quiet as green eyes flickered over to him, the Gryffindor's lips curled in sick amusement.
"Please, I gotta go," he begged, only for Harry's hand to snake a hand over to his boyfriends abdomen and gently press down for a few second, earning a shaking gasp from the blond as a small string of curses left him.
"You're a big boy, aren't you," Harry teased, watching Draco's usually paper white face flush light red and hearing a small growl bubble from his chest.
"Yeah, but-!"
"Yeah," Harry mocked, earning another grumble as Draco inhaled steadily and spoke again, clenched jaw unfaltering despite his crimson face.
"Yes sir, but we still have thirty minutes of class. I can't --- please," he pleaded again, shifting in his spot. Rather than replying, Harry moved his hand down to Draco's inner thigh, earning a sharp inhale.
"You're dry. I think you'll be okay." "Wh - " "You'll be fine, Baby, just relax will you?" That name - Harry took advantage of it when he could, watching as his boyfriend grudgingly turned back toward the front of the room, leg still gently bouncing as a hand occasionally wandered between his crotch - to no avail, a small spurt creating a wet spot in his boxers as a small whine threatened past his lips. Not good, not good.
"Sir, please," he begged again. Usually he'd wait it out a bit longer, but he wouldn't want to risk wetting himself in the middle of class at eighteen years old. Nope nope nope.
"Fine, you have to go?" Harry spoke a bit too loudly for Draco's comfort. "Then go."
He snapped his fingers quickly - the release trigger he not-so-accidentally trained Draco to respond to - watching with a grin as different expressions washed over pale features. Momentary relief, realization, and absolute mortification as he squirmed against wet trousers. It wasn't enough to be noticeable to the untrained eye at least, but Harry and Draco both knew that if he didn't get up soon, he was gonna leave a humiliating mess in his seat. Finally, Harry offered Draco a nod of permission as Draco's hand shakily rose into the air.
"Yes, Mister Malfoy," Professor Binns questioned, pausing his droning about endless wars.
"Washroom, Sir," Draco answered back, keeping his voice as steady as possible and raising from his seat instantly when he got a nod in reply, bolting out of the door and followed by Harry just a moment later. Just as he thought his boyfriend might have mercy on him, another snap echoed through the corridors and without time to think, a steady stream started down Draco's legs as he sunk to his knees, hot tears of humiliation fresh on his cheeks.
"Aw, I guess you couldn't hold it afterall," Harry pouted in false sympathy as he squatted next to Draco, gently wiping his tears and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead as he slowly helped him to his feet and used his wand to clean the spot on the floor.
"There you go, Baby - you did really well, let's get you cleaned up, alright?"
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tommyuni · 6 years
Kpop au
Drarry fluff fic
Written by Tommyuni
originally published on wattpad
There he is, Draco Malfoy Sunbaenim the lead singer of Slytherin the worlds most popular kpop group.
I watched his head peek out of the black, tinted car designer shoes carefully stepping out and his dark sunglasses being pushed up his nose with long, slender fingers. Whilst I grasped my camera at the ready, finger itching on the shutter as he walked closer to the screaming fans.
"Draco saranghae~" "omo Draco notice me oppa :3" "oppa saranghae" gushed the fans all of them pushing against one another to get a glimpse of the famous idol yet I stood my ground readying myself to snap some photos.
I blushed a deep green as he walked closer towards me, he was way sexier in real life.
Suddenly disaster struck a giant bus swerved off the road and was heading towards him! I threw my camera to the ground and tackled Draco to the side like Jonah Lomu and then ran towards the bus and ate it! "Omg you saved me" said Draco "yeah" said I "who are you?" Said Draco "I'm secret" I said then I ran away.
"Who the fuck I wanna suck that guys dick" said Draco "saranghae secret oppa" he whispered as he adjusted his growing erection "nobody must know I am gay for my roommate, adopted brother and bandmate Harry Potter sunbaenim" he screamed towards the crowd of fans all of whom afterwards died in a tragic plane crash.
I watched Draco from the rooftops as I took off my mask he must never know it is me, Harry Potter the lead rapper of slytherin, his roommate, his best friend, his adopted brother and biggest fan.
"Saranghae Draco oppa" I whispered as I jumped off the building.
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