astridkolch · 4 years
I own nothing, everything belongs to their respectful owners being Hasbro, @breakdownsbuttlights @auri3 @ghangajii @soursoppi @qiuomg @zeropercenter @negatable @mango-parfait @charlattes and @mapelie. Thank for allowing me to use your artwork! Please check them out!
Some little fun I had and in part of participating in Dratchtember.
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inaliakitsune · 3 years
Drift is still trying to put his past behind him and become a better mech, a better Kami to those who worship him. Little by little, it's working but there's a constant set back, mostly in his dreams when he can do nothing to stop them.
Ratchet is there with him every step of the way, helping to mold him into the Kami he want's to be. Without him, Drift would surely break and go back to his old ways. At least, that's what he's convinced himself of.
This is my piece for the day 1 prompt of Dratchet Party this September, Dodged bullet!
I’m exploring/delving into a new AU I’ve had in mind and can’t wait!
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I know it's implied on the name that September is the month for sweet Dratchet appreciation, but what does Dratchetember imply exactly?
It’s a week of prompts for people who want to do Dratchet-related art or fics. 😊 I’ve never been able to keep up with the prompts, but those who want to give it a shot should check out @dratchetparty on Twitter. From what I understand, it will run from the 20th to the 26th this year.
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zeropercenter · 5 years
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for dratchtember 2nd day: appreciation
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verenvuoto · 5 years
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doodles for dratchtember on twitter!
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notwhelmedyet · 5 years
Dratchtember Day 2
prompt: Appreciation
(also on ao3 here)
"Oh, it's not that I mind people thinking I'm good at my job," Ratchet said. "I am good at my job. Pretty damn good, if you ask me. But sometimes you just get the feeling that if we could program the medical droids to do surgery folks wouldn't miss me. You know?"
"I know that you should be asleep already," Drift said. "Go on, to bed with you," He gave Ratchet a playful shove towards the berth, then scooted around him to blow out the candles he'd lit earlier.
"Mm, you're probably right," Ratchet said. "If I remember this, morning Ratchet isn't going to like that I got all mooshy on you."
Drift followed Ratchet onto the berth, scooting up to snug himself against Ratchet's chest. "Oh don't worry, I already knew," Drift whispered against his plating. "I am your conjunx."
"Hey Ratchet," Thunderclash said. "How's it going?"
Ratchet looked around the medibay. Fairly uneventful morning, really. "It's going. Something up?"
"Oh not medically," Thunderclash said, holding up his hands apologetically. "I was just - it's been awhile and I remembered how much I missed playing fullstasis with you. Wondered if we could schedule a game?"
"Oh." Ratchet smiled. "I can probably squeeze you in sometime."
Whirl flagged Ratchet down in the hallway, which could only mean one of two things: either someone was bleeding out or he needed help tricking Riptide into believing improbable things about Cybertronian anatomy. "Doc! Don't look so excited to see me," Whirl drawled.
"What do you need?" Ratchet asked, trying to gauge based on Whirl's face which of his two options were more likely.
"Nothing, nah I'm good. Just wanted to say thanks for the advice you gave me last week. 'bout the Hornhead. It was good advice, I owe you one. Remind me that next time we're in Swerve's, 'kay?" Whirl sauntered off with a wave of his claw and Ratchet wondered what the hell was happening.
"It's quiet in here," Ratchet said, looking around the observation lounge. "We planning a surprise party for someone?"
"What, no. Should I be? Is there someone who wants a party?" Rodimus looked around like there might be someone with a deep longing for festive activities lurking behind a pair of chairs. "I know you don't like parties, Drift informed me that Parties Were Out of The Question."
"...cool," Ratchet said, not quite following where this was going. They'd get to the point eventually. Sometimes it just took a bit of vibrating before Rodimus settled down to teh right dimensional plane of conversation. "So, you wanted to meet?"
"Drift tells me people don't appreciate you enough," Rodimus said seriously. "But that parties were out of the question. And I know you melted down both of the Rodimus Stars I gave you so I'm a bit stumped here."
Things were starting to take shape. Ratchet even had a vague and blurry memory of the night before that almost explained things. "Really, it's fine. You know how Drift is, he blows things out of proportion sometimes - "
"He's usually right about you, though." Rodimus smirked. "Anyway, I don't think you need to hear it from me, but you're important to a lot of people for a lot of things and most of them aren't reattaching limbs. So, uh, thanks. For the advice and the persistent shoves between my shoulder blades when you thought I could do the right thing but I wasn't sure if I should jump."
"If I don't die from terminal embarrassment before I get back to my room, I am going to murder Drift," Ratchet mumbled into his hands.
"Careful now, that's my best friend you're talking about," Rodimus said. "Anyway, don't think you have to walk all the way back to your room. Oh! Yeah, nearly forgot - you have tonight off, Velocity and First Aid forgot to comm you."
A hand brushed up against Ratchet's side and he startled, then lowered his hands to glare at Drift. Drift beamed at him, throwing a wave over his shoulder at a retreating Rodimus as he draped his arms over Ratchet's shoulders. "Hey beautiful," Drift said.
"Don't tell me you threatened people into being nice to me," Ratchet said.
"Really? You think I had to get the swords out? People like you, Ratch. They just get the impression from somewhere that you're not the kind of person who wants affirmation." Drift pressed a kiss against the corner of Ratchet's mouth, then leaned back to smile at him. "I don't know where they get that idea. It might have something to do with this crotchety jerk who throws things when they try to talk feelings."
"Can't imagine who you're talking about." Ratchet said.
"Mm, I'll just have to give you some clues," Drift said. And then he kissed Ratchet again, smile sharp against his lips and hands soft against his helm. Ratchet melted a little, but he didn't let it show.
Too much. And if he did, well, Drift was his conjunx, after all.
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coralus · 6 years
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Milkmaid & Milkman for #Dratchtember!! 
Milk AU, base from the curse of Dratchet community in discord lol
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tfrarepairing · 5 years
September 15, 2019
Hello, everyone! It's a glorious day here in the fine state of Kansas, and I hope it's just as beautiful wherever you are! 
I've got a quick reminder for you all: you have 1 week left (well a week from tomorrow) to submit your seasonal prompts for the Trick or Treat Challenge! All you need to do is comment on one of the challenge posts (Dreamwidth/Pillowfort/Tumblr) but you can also shoot mod eerian a DM or email them to [email protected]
And lastly, before I get to the fun stuff, we still need user-created prompts for the Weekly Requests! DM or email those to mod eerian any time.
Now, since the #Dratchtember event has got me thinking about the IDW Comics, we'll start off with their first gen run! (That's the 2005-2018 series.)
Megatron/Ratchet--a view to a kill
Eilta-1 / First Aid  -  alarm
Senator Shockwave / Skids  -  lodge
Ultra Magnus|Minimus Ambus / Prowl  -  agency
Deadlock / Wreck-Gar  -  admission
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lesbianratchet · 4 years
goign to back to university in september but at the same time...dratchtember month
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inaliakitsune · 4 years
Dratchet Party September 2020
I participated in Dratchtember this year but forgot to post about it here! I had so much fun during this event and cant wait until I can draw some stuff for it! You can read my pieces by following the link to the series! Just know that none of them fall in tune with each other. Each fic is its own little thing! Dratchet Party fanfics! ~~> https://archiveofourown.org/series/1932778
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do you know if Dratchtember is happening this year? I tried searching for Dratchtember 2020 and found nothing 😥
Did you check Twitter? I’m pretty sure I saw something there. As far as I can tell, it’s happening!
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zeropercenter · 5 years
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dratchtember day3. bloodshed
after mtmte issue 15
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All my Dratchtember posts together from Twitter!
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notwhelmedyet · 5 years
Dratchtember Day 3
Prompt: Bloodshed Angst & hurt/comfort - Drift isn’t exiled after Overlord’s attack. Instead he’s stripped of his Autobrand and imprisoned in the brig. This is what happens next. (also on ao3 here)
"You mind if I come in?" Ratchet asked.
Drift stared sullenly at him, unmoved like he hadn't heard the question. Damn, maybe he hadn't - internally, Ratchet was vibrating with urgency, the need to get hooked into Drift's medical readouts. But he forced his body to stillness, redirected his fury down to dispassionate diagnoses. He wasn't going inside without Drift's okay.
Drift seemed to realize that, inclining his head to welcome Ratchet into the cell.
Ratchet lowered the forceshield and unlocked the door, coming to kneel beside the bench at the back of the cell. "You going to tell me who did this?" Ratchet asked, hooking in and letting the numbers replace his guesses.
Drift shook his head.
"You protecting them or punishing yourself?" Ratchet asked. "We both know you weren't behind Overlord - certainly not alone."
Drift's lips curled, revealing fangs still bright with fuel. "You sound like them."
Ratchet put him back together in silence, what he could repair outside the medibay. He lingered on cleaning the cut on Drift's helm - superficial, unimportant except for the part where it'd nearly given Ratchet spark failure when he'd first gotten to the brig, seen half of Drift's face streaked with fuel.
"If this happens again, I'm going to go to - " Ratchet's words died on his lips. He couldn't go to Rodimus, not after how the sentencing had gone. Ultra Magnus was gone. Red Alert was in a drawer in the morgue. "If I have to lock myself in here with you, I'm going to stop you from throwing yourself on a blade out of guilt," Ratchet declared.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to die," Drift rasped. "Dying's too easy."
Ratchet wondered if he meant for them or for himself. He suspected Drift meant both. And damn, he was going to get Rung down to speak to Drift, he was going to do something -
But in the short term there was a wormhole and an urgent comm and the best Ratchet could do was to promise he'd be back as soon as he could.
The ship was full of bodies; mostly legislators, some crew. Tailgate was dying and there was a limited window of time that any of Tyrest's miracles could save him. Ratchet didn't have the luxury of going down to the brig to check on one self-sacrificing scapegoat.
He went anyway.
The security system indicated that none of the doors had been improperly opened or damaged and so the Decepticon prisoners should have been safe in their cells. Sure enough, when the elevator opened, all the carnage was contained to the walkways between the cells.
There was a silence to the cell-block that that Ratchet hadn't heard since they picked up the Decepticon prisoners on Temptoria. The remains of eight, maybe nine legislators crowding the walkway between the cells; there were the bodies of three Autobots. Drift's cell door was open.
Ratchet checked the bodies first - all miraculously alive. Ratchet recognized them - Pyrene, Dirac and Toxin. Someone had used the emergency kit on the wall to stabilize Kirac, whose left leg had been torn free and who's chest had been crushed by the impact of a legislator's gun. The other two weren't nearly as bad off. Ratchet could deal with them later.
He went to the doorway of the cell and looked inside. "You mind if I come in?" he asked.
Drift stared at him, stretched out on the bench with his one leg twisted to wrongness and ruptured optic leaking down his face. His hands were pressed up against his side, Ratchet would have bet shanix there was a hole neatly matching a legislator's blade under his fingers. Drift stared at Ratchet and smiled.
"You're okay," Drift said. "Frag, Ratch, I was really worried about you."
"Worried about me?" Ratchet said dismissively, hustling into the cell to stop Drift from hauling himself up to a sitting position like a maniac. "I feel like you have more important things to worry about."
Drift snorted. "I'm not dead. What's happening up there? The rest of the crew? Rodimus?"
"We're still doing our headcount. There were some casualties but Rodimus is fine." Ratchet plugged in to Drift's medical readouts and sighed. "So, how did your cell door get open?"
"Someone must have left the door open," Drift said. "Forgetful of them."
"Yeah, I bet." Ratchet growled. "How much of this was the legislators, Drift?"
Drift turned away, and Ratchet knew he wasn't going to drag a confession out of him - not if Dirac and the other two hadn't.
"I'm taking you up to the medibay," Ratchet said, sliding one arm under Drift's shoulders and one beneath his knees to lift him as gently as he could. "Rodimus confessed, you know. He didn't even make it a full week before he cracked."
Ratchet had expected Drift to take the news as stoically as he'd taken everything else since his sentencing. Otherwise he would have waited until they were safely past the Decepticon prisoners watching from their cells to break the news. Instead, Drift crumbled and Ratchet had to walk him to the elevator like that, shielding him with his body as best he could.
Ratchet woke up at the sound of the door creaking open, and he was already sitting up and ready to go back on call before he realized it wasn't First Aid at the door of the relief room. And it wasn't Ambulon - wouldn't be Ambulon ever again.
"You mind if I come in?" Drift asked.
Ratchet held out his arms to catch Drift as he staggered across the space between the door and Ratchet's berth. Drift climbed into Ratchet's arms, squeezing Ratchet tighter than he would have dared touch Drift's battered frame. Ratchet felt like his spark was as raw as the patches on Drift's plating, gone soft at someone's arms holding him tight even if it was out of their need for comfort and not a desire to comfort him. "You're going to be okay," Ratchet whispered, voice breaking.
"So are you," Drift promised. "That was unbearable. Knowing you were in danger, knowing that you were hurt and not being able to save you...Primus. Ambulon. I am so sorry, Ratchet."
"There's nothing you could have done," Ratchet said. He wanted to say that there was nothing anyone could have done but he preferred not to lie to himself.
"The same goes for you," Drift said. "Ratchet, I don't - I don't believe I should be forgiven for what I did. I was complicit. If it weren't for me Overlord would never have been on this ship - "
"That's also true for Rodimus," Ratchet said.
"I don't have to reckon with his guilt, Ratch. Mine is more than enough." Drift pulled back, brushing noses with Ratchet as he did. "I don't think I should be forgiven but I don't think I can bear to leave you like that again."
"Think about yourself for once in your life," Ratchet grumbled.
"I am. Ratchet, I love you." Drift said. "I love you every and any way you'll love me back."
"Well, damn." Ratchet reached up to brush his fingers over Drift's cheek, beneath the eyepatch he'd be wearing for another three days, at least, while they waited for his new optic's connections to his brain module to stabilize. Drift shivered at his touch and Ratchet decided he'd held himself in enough for one week. He'd lost more than he could bear and he'd fucked up more than he could fix and there was nothing he could do about any of that now. But he could kiss Drift.
When he broke the kiss, spark thrumming in his chest, he leaned back to take in Drift's face; tired and drawn but with optics brimming with life and tears. There was a smile on Drift's face that he'd never seen before - real and hopeful.
"What do you know," Ratchet said. "I love you right back. And I'm never going to let you do anything that stupid and self-sacrificing again, even if I have to take on the whole damn universe to stop you."
"I'm really not worth taking on the universe for."
"Deny you'd do the same thing," Ratchet said. "I dare you."
"Kiss me again and I'll believe you."
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ao3feed-dratchet · 5 years
by not_whelmed_yet
I'm doing a few short ficlets for Dratchtember (link) this year, because I have no self control. I'll probably go through later and clean these up a bit with formatting/editing. Much more raw than my usual posted fics, but hopefully in an enjoyable way!
Words: 2207, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Transformers (IDW Generation One)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Drift | Deadlock, Ratchet (Transformers)
Relationships: Drift | Deadlock/Ratchet
Additional Tags: Ficlet Collection, Fluff, Angst, Kissing, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hurt/Comfort
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Will you take part in this year’s Dratchtember?Please I'm really looking forward to seeing your beautiful work of dratchet🥺
Oh man. I really, really, REALLY want to. I, er, might be writing some fanfic as we speak. But I am also being hit hard by real life and have much less time than I would like at the moment, so... we’ll see. Wish me godspeed, and thank you for the note!
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