rayearthdudette · 3 years
Thinking about unrequited love recently.
Specifically Drautos/Nyx, because it's so easy to fall into that mindset of Drautos quietly loving Nyx while knowing it will never happen. Not with a happy ending anyways.
Not with what he's done, what he's willing to do.
Been thinking about how he watches from the shadows and tries to memorize Nyx's smile while he trains.
How he imagines those gleeful smiles being aimed at him, filled with light and happiness and- the bite of reality is always worse afterwards.
Thinking about how he'll indulge in little touches, imagining something more, and inevitably hurting himself with the weight of denied affection. The itching ache of need beneath his skin enough to make him curl into himself and just breathe.
Thinking about how he'll wake from a dream of a warm body next to his and find only cold sheets. The image of a languid Nyx, sweet and content, fading swiftly and leaving him bereft.
How his love winds tight, barbwire sharp, around his lungs anytime he pauses long enough for those repressed thoughts to burble up from the pit in his mind he'd shoved them into.
How he's caught off guard each time it happens and he has to struggle against the molten ball of lead that sits where his heart once was, stinging, burning agony crawling up his throat that he swallows down, down, down.
I've just been thinking about it lately.
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garbria · 2 years
Nyx catches Cor’s eyes, but discovers maybe everything is not as it seems.
For Nyx week day 5, wounds.
My mirrorverse!Cor fic, where he is not a nice guy. Also, my first Titus/Nyx fic!
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lythane · 5 years
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Just realised I totally forgot to post my piece from the amazing @kingsglaivezine that I had the pleasure of being a part of this year!  I loved working on this and i’m super pleased with how it turned out. 
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mirrorworldangel · 5 years
Five Favourite Male Character’s
I was tagged by both @simonxriley and @r6shippingdelivery at the same time!
Tagging @rayearthdudette @lj-todd @mischief11things @glacialispictorem @dimethief and anyone else who wants to do it!
1. Julien “Rook” Nizan (R6S)
2. Nyx Ulric and Titus Drautos (FFXV: Kingsglaive )(they are a matching set fight me!)
3.Slade “Deathstroke” Wilson and Floyd “Deadshot” Lawton (DC) (can’t choose)
4. Raiden (Mortal Kombat) 
5. Ezio Auditore da Firenze (Assassin’s Creed)
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lj-todd · 6 years
Challenge, Reincarnation AuTitus/Nyx
(Went with a modern reincarnation!AU for this one, Nonnie. Hope you enjoy it!)It had been happenstance that Nyx Ulric had met Titus Ulric. A chance meeting that could have easily been missed by a step being taken different.Nyx had been leaving a coffee shop, having stopped in after his daily jog to grab a banana-mint smoothie, and his left shoulder had clipped the shoulder of the man entering the shop just as he was leaving. Normally he wouldn’t have noticed, he had nerve damage in his left arm, something he’d suffered with since birth, but an odd tingling sensation had shot through his arm and he’d immediately turned to apologize, only to fall still and silent as the man turned to look at him.It was like the world, the universe, had slowed and Nyx swore he was having a sense of deja-vu. Those stunning green eyes widening slightly as the man seemed to have the same reaction to him.They stood there, for several minutes, staring at one another, barely daring to draw breath, and then they were trying to speak at the same time, tripping over their words and then laughing at the aubserdity of it.
“Sorry,” Nyx laughed, stepping aside with the man, who introduced himself as Titus. “I just…have we met before?”“Not unless you’re part of a law firm,” Titus chuckled. “Or the city’s justice department.”Nyx snorted.“Nope,” he said with a smirk, deliberately popping the P. “I am but a humble bartender.”“Which bar?”“The Glaive.”And on and on their questions went, back and forth, trying to find some explanation for the odd connection they felt to one another, and yet nothing overlapped. Nothing popped. But they both knew it didn’t matter. This was not going to be their only meeting.It started simply enough, meeting for dinner or having a drink together, getting to know one another even though it felt like they’d already known each other for centuries. And then, without either of them noticing, it moved beyond public places. They spent a few nights together and then entire weekends and it wasn’t long before Nyx was all but living at Titus’ cushy uptown penthouse. It just all felt natural. Even the first time they fell into bed together, Nyx keening and bucking, Titus holding him down and giving commands in ways that Nyx had never known turned him on before, had felt like the most natural thing in the world.That night had been the first time Nyx took note of the strange white line, almost like scar tissue but completely smooth skin, on Titus’ right collarbone and, when he reached out to touch it, his entire left arm felt warm, like a fire was simmering beneath the surface of his skin. Titus explained he’d been born with the mark, just like Nyx had been born with bad nerves on the left side of his body.They laid tangle together one night, Nyx’ fingers dancing lightly over the mark on Titus’ collarbone, Titus’ fingers tangled in his hair, both sated and happier than they could ever remember being, when Nyx could almost hear Titus’ voice in his head.“I told you, just wanting doesn’t win wars.”He blinked and, for a moment, he could see, almost like a memory of a memory of a movie, playing behind his eyes. Of an impossible battle. Of magic and fire and his knife plunging into Titus’ chest.He blinked again and the images vanished as quickly as they had come.He started when Titus suddenly kissed his forehead, hand trailing down, brushing lightly, barely noticeable, over his arm, reaching down to take his left hand, thumb rubbing absently over his middle finger.“I don’t know why I have the sudden desire to apologize,” Titus whispered and Nyx realized the man, like himself, had had one of those strange deja-vu moments. “To beg your forgiveness.”Nyx hummed and snuggled closer, tipping his head back to brush a gentle kiss to Titus’ lips.“Doesn’t matter,” he whispered, kissing Titus again, grinning into the kiss when Titus groaned. “All that matters is right now. Us in this moment and however many more moments we get to have together.”Titus chuckled and tugged Nyx closer, so there was no space between their bodies, so Nyx was practically laying atop him, willing to forget the strange feelings and images in favor of just being with Nyx.
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grossularlilium · 6 years
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Nyx & Drautos
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seladorie · 7 years
you have a dragon au? are you willing to share anything about that? :DDDD
so it’s based on this dragon prompto fic here which i said that i might continue one day
this may not be the way people imagined i would continue it buuuut same verse
it has somehow developed into thinking about how drautos is also a dragon, how nyx starts to suspect that he’s not human, and confronts him, and well. this happens. this lil teaser.
Drautos grabs him by the throat, and slams Nyx against the wall.
“Be quiet,” Drautos hisses. “I won’t have you ruining all my hard work.”
“What—the fuck—are you?” Nyx gets out, pulling at Drautos’ hand and finding no give. He thinks briefly about summoning his weapons and stabbing him but he wants—he wants to know—
The Captain sighs. “I’m a dragon, Ulric. I’ve been pretending to be human long than you’ve been alive.”
“A dragon?” Nyx asks, his effort at escape lessening. As he relaxes, Drautos’ grip on him eases a touch. “But I thought—don’t they usually have horns?”
“Not necessarily. That’s one of the more obvious features, but it’s only one possible feature that follows us in our human form.” Drautos shrugs. “I have scales on my back.”
Vividly, Nyx sees played out in his mind a memory, when an MT soldier tried to skewer his Captain from behind with a lance. Nyx warped to help him, knowing that the second it would take him to warp would be the second in which his commander would find himself with a brand new hole, but as he got there to strike the MT down, Drautos was still standing. The sword had only sliced his clothing.
“But don’t—dragons have hoards, and territory, and—what are you doing here?”
The hand tightens, and Nyx arches, trying to relieve the pressure. Drautos steps in closer until Nyx can feel the heat from his body, and his arm presses against his chest like a bar.
“Listen to me, boy,” Drautos growls, an edge of inhumanity and immortality on the words. Nyx shivers because wow he’s never heard Drautos sound like that before, and he desperately tries to hide it since now is not the time. “Insomnia is my territory. The Kingsglaive and its soldiers is my hoard. And you, even though you a nosy, upstart piece of shit, are mine too. And you’re going to keep this quiet. Understand?”
“Yes, sir,” Nyx says. Drautos stares him in the eye. Nyx doesn’t think about his pants are growing tighter by the second. Recklessly, he adds, “I’m yours.”
Drautos blinks. He looks pleased but not sure how to handle that, so Nyx continues, “So that means you’ll help me take care of this boner I’ve got?”
Too much. Drautos drops him and reels backwards. “What?”
“If i’m one of your treasures, does that include sex?” Nyx asks, propping himself up straighter against the wall. “Cause. I’m down. Or up, actually, I guess.”
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apluseffort · 7 years
BoP: A Cold Night
A gift for @ahintofblue for their birthday yesterday! Here’s a small thing that takes place in the Bird of Prey universe that I really need to get back to. I hope you enjoy!!
AO3 Link
The mountains were cold. Drautos knew this well, especially during the winter months when he had an army to manage. Luckily, it was just Nyx in his company this time. They were unable to avoid the snow showers of mid-winter that had come and gone within the spanse of two days. Two days of cold and misery of staying in a freezing tent with only so much dry wood to burn.
In weather like this, it was essential they stay warm as best they could. Even if it meant another night of being wrapped in furs and woolen blankets while staying as close as they could to each other without it getting too awkward.
The birds didn’t seem to mind snuggling up to one another, Drautos muses one evening as he rests against his bedroll. The coal embers of their fire pit were down to a warm red glow and was Drautos taking his turn to keep an eye on them to ensure the fire didn’t go completely out. Nyx is fast asleep curled up in his thick blankets and furs, his head resting near Drautos’s layers of blankets.
The man was invigorating with his stories and odd customs; a wonderful break from the doldrum life Drautos had come to know. Picking up falconry was never something he’d dream he’d been capable of, but Nyx had a way of drawing him in. A smile, a flirtatious wink and Drautos would nod and follow along… within reason, of course. But out here in the wilderness he wonders if he could ever see himself going back to his life before Nyx.
Would he even want to go back to that life?
At the end of their journey, would they have to split ways? Or would Nyx come back with Drautos to start something together? There were too many variables when it came to Nyx and his motivations, but Drautos found himself willing to risk it all on the hope that maybe...
“Hey, Captain…”
Drautos glances down to see Nyx drowsily smiling back up at him. If he were a lesser man he would be visibly affected by the affectionate gaze of his partner, something he could easily have blamed on being overly warm underneath the wool blankets and furs. Instead, he feels the telltale warm twist in his gut as his face reveals nothing on his face as he turns his full attention towards this man.
“Wanna switch off? I don’t mind a shift change right now.”
Nyx finishes his question off with a yawn, his hand not quite making it to his mouth to cover it. Drautos scoffs, the palm of his hand moving to brush through Nyx’s hair on the top of his head. The strands were oily and tangled from riding as his head being covered by a warm fur trimmed hat all day. They weren’t far from the next lodge outpost where clean, hot water, caravans of food and a proper roof over their heads awaits. Lodges were a bit of a luxury, but it was a small price to pay when the last proper hot water bath had been nearly a month ago.
Drautos doesn’t bother answering Nyx’s question. Instead, he keeps running his fingers through the other man’s hair in a soothing rhythm, consistently doing the motion until Nyx has fallen back asleep.
He’d let his partner rest for just a little while longer.
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Tbh I'm a multishipper, but I can't decide who I ship more: DrautosxNyx or DrautosxCor
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ulric-nyx · 7 years
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rayearthdudette · 4 years
Hmmm.. This bit of writing has been bugging me constantly in the background of my thoughts. It doesn't really fit in any of my stories, but it's fun. So. I guess I'll spit it into the void for y'all?
Premise: A Nyx from a much happier timeline and is married to a younger Titus Drautos gets yote into FFXV canon because of Reasons.
"Alright, there is no doubt you're from another... universe, as I am looking at two separate Ulrics," His Majesty looks genuinely gobsmacked as royal dignity will allow, working his jaw around the words as much as his brain is the entire situation.
The Nyx Ulric that had been, for lack of a better term, spat out of the Crystal smiles sheepishly.
There is a thankful good many physical differences between the two, allowing everyone in attendance of the hastily called meeting to tell them apart at a glance.
Ulric, their Ulric, has been giving his counterpart increasingly worrying looks as the man had recounted the differences of their worlds. The worst of which is the counterpart's mention of his living sibling, Regis is only partially aware of Sir Ulric's personal history, but the loss of his sibling as a driving factor is one of the few things he did know, and his heart goes out to his glaive.
Unfortunately, there is nothing he can say to comfort the man and he keeps any words that build up behind his teeth. Sir Ulric would not appreciate them, not at this time.
"I suppose we might as well set you up in one of the citadel guest suites while a solution for this phenomenon is sought out."
The other-no he had asked to be called by his first name to help distinguish the two, no matter how strange addressing one of his glaives so personally feels-Nyx blinks.
"I.. I guess that will be alright. Makes sense, especially since.. Well," he gestures a little awkwardly and Regis marvels a little at how much more carefree this version is, how easier it is for the man to smile widely and studiously pushes away the pang of guilt.
"Would you want my help with-"
"No, no thank you. It would be best to have knowledge of your existence kept as under wraps as possible and-" Regis glances at his still tense Shield and Marshall,"-a guard will be assigned. I hope you understand it isn't out of ill will towards you, but needs must."
Again, Nyx simply smiles and is calmly accepting," Of course, of course my only request is something to help me from going stir crazy from inactivity."
And that is another thing about Nyx, he's far more formal than any of them expected, but was squirrely about answering pointed questions on that front, prompting Clarus, Cor and, admittedly Regis himself, to keep up a tense wariness. The man didn't necessarily hide, but managed each time to slide around the questions by answering a different one or throwing in information of his world to distract.
"Drautos, who do we have available for guard detail?" Regis turns to address his Captain that had chosen to stand at the back of the room, the wound on his thigh still too aggravated for a long period of sitting.
Nyx stills, eyes blown wide, and whips around, "Drautos? As in Titus Drautos?!"
Captain Drautos limps forward a bit, unimpressed, "Yes. I had assumed you would have my counterpart in your world as well, even if you hadn't mentioned me explicitly."
Nyx doesn't answer, open mouth staring at the Captain.
Clarus clears his throat when the silence grows awkwardly long and Nyx startles, face turning crimson.
"How old are you?" He blurts out suddenly.
Drautos' eyes narrow, expression now disapproving,"Forty-five. Why does that matter?"
Impossibly, Nyx turns redder, "Holyshityou'rehot! I mean-that is-" Nyx makes a strangled dying noise and drops his face into his hands.
Regis has never seen Drautos look so shocked, eyebrows raised so high they almost disappear, his Captain's jaw working as the man tries to find words to respond.
Sir Ulric is staring at Nyx, flabbergasted.
"Ok, I know that sounded kinda bad and weird, but-" Nyx makes eye contact with Drautos, "-let me explain. First things first, I'm married to your counterpart," both Ulric and Clarus squeak in surprise, Cor falls under a suspicious coughing fit and Regis freezes," and two, he's only twenty-nine. So, uh, seeing you is like getting a sneak peek of my husband in a decade and a half," Nyx maintains eye contact despite his obvious embarrassment, "Which is fantastic because.. Wow. Just. Wow. If my Titus ages like you, I'm going to consider myself even luckier than usual."
And Regis has the rare pleasure of seeing his reserved, unflappable Captain blush.
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titusdravtos · 7 years
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“This is Glauca. King Regis is dead. The ring is on its way to Section D. We must recover the ring to realize our goal. If Ulric or the Princess get in the way, take them out. Reclaim our hearth and home.“
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lythane · 7 years
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Inktober Day 5 - Sunrise / Drautyx
My boys spending eternity in couples counselling.
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lj-todd · 6 years
Prompt #12, Drautyx
Nyx snuffled sleepily as he rolled over, twitching in surprise when he came up against another body. Which was odd. He always slept…Blinking sleepily, groggily, Nyx opened his eyes and, slowly, a tiny smile graced his face.Right. He wasn’t back in Galahd any longer. Hadn’t been for nearly a month. He had come to Cavaugh to fulfill a promise his father had made. A promise of marriage. Between the Ulric and Drautos families.Nyx had been, naturally, hesitant at first. Especially when he’d first arrived in Cavaugh. He’d never met the man he was meant to marry before. Had done little more than converse through a few letters before Nyx had made the trip to the small western town where his betrothed lived. Where his betrothed was the local sheriff.Nyx had not known what to expect when first meeting the man he was to marry but, he had to admit, it certainly had not been Titus Drautos.
With a sleepy murmur, he snuggled closer to Titus, wrapping an arm around the large man, smiling to himself when he felt Titus shift slightly, the big man inhaling deeply as he started to wake.Nyx lay there, pretending to sleep, but couldn’t keep the smile from his face and Titus chuckled softly, reaching up to cup his face. Those big, warm, rough fingers spanning over his cheek and brushing against his ear.“Sleep well, darling,” Titus asked, voice still full of sleep and the twang most of the citizens of Cavaugh possessed. It made Nyx’ smile widened as he once again opened his eyes, finding Titus watching him.“Always sleep like a baby when you’re here with me.”And it was true. For a week Titus had been gone, his duty as sheriff forcing him to chase a wanted man, and for that week Nyx had tossed and turned and slept so poorly that the moment Titus had come home, weary and exhausted himself, had gotten his husband fed and then promptly drug him to their bedroom where they’d both finally gotten a decent night’s sleep.The next morning had been much more memorable and Nyx still had the hickies to prove it.“I’m glad you’ve settled so well,” Titus told him, smiling slightly, moving his hand to run his fingers through Nyx’ dark hair. “Worried you’d get homesick or decide being married to a small town sheriff wasn’t enough for you.”Nyx snorted and crawled over his husband, settling lightly, easily, astride the bigger man’s hips, loving how Titus’ hands gripped his waist, thumbs pressing with just the right amount of firmness into his skin.“How about,” Nyx purred, reaching up to pluck Titus’ black hat from the bedpost, dropping it atop his own head. “I take you for a ride and show you just how happy I am to be here? Would you like that?”He grinned down at Titus as he watched those beautiful green eyes darken with desire, feeling the older man’s cock hardening beneath him.“Think you can handle this old bronc, boy,” Titus growled deeply, making Nyx shiver even as the man’s hands tightened slightly against his skin. “Might be a bit too rough for a sweet city thing like you.”Nyx rolled his hips, gasping as he felt Titus’ cock drag against his skin, loving how it made Titus groan in response.“Yeehaw, cowboy,” the younger man laughed before leaning down, kissing Titus passionately, loving how Titus kissed back with just as much passion.If they didn’t leave their bed until almost noon, well, that was hardly anyone’s business but their own.
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kingsglaivetraitors · 7 years
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    “I mean.... okay.”
Reposting this here finally.
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grossularlilium · 6 years
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Red Dragon Titus Drautos / Galahd Coeurl Nyx Ulric
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