#drawn on fire alpaca
cherrypop547 · 2 years
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wow the quality!
it dropped
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kiokesu · 6 months
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"I am disappointed, I admit. I thought my brother had better… taste."
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moe006 · 6 months
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haha giant robot go boom
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six-six-cicada · 6 months
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doodle dump over the past Idk how long. anyways
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darewolfcreates · 1 month
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Splat- Dare's final fest gear :]
lil extras for the outfit
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and then the prototypes (y'all landing on a design and getting around to doing the digital art for it took like a month-)
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w0nderous · 7 months
I love me an OC animatic :D
Witness a normal evening with Blue, Anne and Diane in their favorite Starbuck. Bleu cannonically cannot swim, and Anne is just a violent gremelin, so obviously I had to do this audio at some point.
This is a sneak peek from another video where I plan to make a bunch of random animatics of funny scenes with these characters, and them stick them all together in a nice compilation. Stay tuned :)
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lynnthestrange333 · 11 months
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Idk how posting works at all on her as a mere lurker. But decided i can archive my shitty art on it
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jackobbit · 8 months
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We did it!! We’ve reached 200 followers! I wanted to take a second to thank you all, I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: it makes me so happy to know that y’all like my silly little art and characters!! Thank you all so so much!
I held a poll a while ago asking if y’all wanted to do an art raffle at 200, and you all responded saying that you would like that! So listed below are my rules to enter my raffle! If you want examples of my artwork, then check out the ‘my art’ tag on this blog!
- 2 winners will receive a digitally drawn image of a character of their choosing (either an OC or a canon character from a piece of media!) The image will be fully shaded, and may include a simplistic background if desired.
- Winners may choose if they want their artwork drawn in Fire Alpaca or Magma, seeing as the way I draw in each program tends to have its own style!
[How to Enter]
- Step 1: Reblog this post so that others may see it as well!
- Step 2: Leave a comment! It could be about anything! Your fav food, how your day went, a neat thing you got to see once, anything!
And just like that, you’re entered! I’ll be reaching out to the winners through their Tumblr! If you don’t respond within 48 hours, then your spot will be re-rolled, so keep an eye out!
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walkingsterotype · 2 years
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just some doodles that I posted onto my mcyt discord server (ft. trans tango and scar (DISCLAIMERS: don’t bind using bandages))
I would also like to mention that all if these were drawn with a mouse and fire alpaca
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qwuilty · 1 year
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Summer of 1997
(Traced off of a screenshot of the game and drawn over in pixelorama and fire alpaca with custom dude sprite on top)
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unholycourier · 6 months
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poorly drawn quinn using fire alpaca and the mousepad ( my tablet pen still won't WORK )
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nobodysdaydreams · 9 months
My Last Minute and Probably Wrong Guesses for @tmbswhodunit (and my undoubtedly flawed logic to go along with it)
Drumroll please...
Petrichor - @mashpotatoequeen
The title is lowercase and most of her recent titles are also lowercase
Many of her fics have titles like this (fancy words like eucatastrophe or bellis perennis)
This fic is very beautiful, amazing word choice, gorgeous visuals (which is what I really love about her writing 💖). I also enjoyed Constance and Sticky's sibling dynamic very much!
We'll Both Be Completely Home in Midair - @oflightningandstars
The title of this fic on AO3 ends in a period, which Moth has done on occasion
The AO3 version also lists where the title is from, which is a Moth staple
The fic is locked. Moth is one of the only people who consistently locks his fics
Even when you ignore the first three points that make me look overly analytic (sorry), the fic is about aliens, which is very similar to the "Cirque des Etoiles" concept which involves stars and spaces AND the Dr. Who AUs, which at some point involved Moth.
The writing, characterization, and concepts are also absolutely beautiful, so they match Moth's style perfectly!
Steady On - @mvshortcut
Milk always double spaces between their paragraphs and also this feels a lot like Milk's writing (and had me on the edge of my seat the whole time! seriously the part where Martina doesn't take Mr. Benedict's hand...why do you do this to me... /lh /I loved this fic!)
Milk's titles are all capital letters, so this fits that (sadly so do many of these fics, but that at least narrows it down)
Milk consistently tags both the books and shows for their fics. There are only two fics in this that fit that requirement. It was for this specific reason that I only tagged the TV show for my own fic (at least for now. I'll probably edit my tags now that the exchange is over).
The Interview - @acollectionofcuriousreblogs
Summary is a longer sentence, other authors usually use shorter ones.
The way the paragraphs are spaced is very similar to her other fics
The angst is AMAZING and very similar to that one snippet I saw on her tumblr during whumptor with her OC's (which was also very well written, but also hurts??? And what happens to Sticky??? The public (me) needs to know! /lh /great writing).
The Alpaca -@lizardwoman-from-earths-core-2
Has used *** to separate lines in fics before
The fic is unrated, and some of her fics on AO3 are also unrated, which is generally rare.
I really enjoyed this fic. The line "some has Godfathered my daughter" made me laugh. 😂
Art: A Psychic Among Us - @heyitsthatonesmolgay
Has made fan art for me before (which I love😍) however, that was a pencil sketch, so it's hard to compare the styles.
You can make gifs and animations for free with fire alpaca (according to google) which I know Nick uses
The way Nick titled the fan art was to put "art" or "fan art" before the title of the art in all caps, which matches this style.
This art is fantastic, I love the animation, I love the concept, just...all of it. 10/10. Anyone in the fandom who makes art is officially a wizard in my book because I don't know how they do it.
Fairytale- @fandom-queen-13
This one gave me the most trouble out of all of them by far. At first I was 100% sure fandom-queen-13 was the one who made some of the fanart, because I have art drawn by her for my SOS fic (if you haven't see it, it's amazing!) BUT! The art submitted to the exchange didn't match the style. Also, I know Crow does a lot of fairytale AUs, and I know Sophie and I have talked about them too, so that really threw me off. HOWEVER, there were three key things about this fic that tipped me off:
1) The bold alternating text in the fic and use of ~ matches other works of hers on AO3
2) The fact that it says in the description that this fic was inspired by "@sergentsporks". There is no one with that URL on AO3 or tumblr, HOWEVER, there IS someone named "@/sergeantsporks" and I found this post: https://www.tumblr.com/sergeantsporks/695958143301255168?source=share. Only one person in our fandom liked the post. Once I figured that out, it cracked the case wide open (unless of course someone else liked and unliked the post in which case this entire guess post is completely wrong. If that is the case then um...my bad? 🤷🏻‍♀️)
3) The writing is amazing and completely blew me away, not unlike the art style I'm more familiar with. Seriously, this was a FANTASTIC concept and I loved it so much! Werewolf Kate and Milligan my beloveds!
Card Games - @ae-jurumi
This one was difficult. Once I determined that fandom-queen-13 was in fact likely NOT an artist, I was down to Amphibian and surprisingly, realized at the last minute that I forgot to consider Sophie as an artist. I've seen some art from Amphibian in the past, but it can be hard to track down because they have two blogs, and as for Sophie, she writes such great fic that I find myself forgetting "oh yeah, she's also an amazing artist, like really good???" however, I had to go with amphibious entity for this. Why? The art seemed slightly more their style, and most of Sophie's recent fics have titles where all words were capitalized.
Most seem to agree with me, as the tmbswhodunit poll had them winning for this
Has only written one fic that I know of (which was INCREDIBLE everyone read it) but the odds of them doing art for the exchange seemed higher
This art was amazing. It's so beautiful, I can't even tell if you drew it or use software to do it, but either way, it's incredible and proves my earlier point that all fandom artists are wizards.
I Have Spent My Entire Life Clamoring Towards It - @mysteriouseggsbenedict
All words of title are lowercase which Frances sometimes does
Posted to an anon collection as well as WhoDunIt and I know from the discord that Frances was worried about the fic being posted properly
Mary Oliver is a poet, and we know Frances studies library science
A wonderful and sweet fic, and we know that Frances is a wonderful and sweet person. Suspicious. /lh /affectionate
Seriously a very wonderful fic. I love anything where Nicholas Benedict is a good dad and a good mentor.
Cat Fic - @crow-in-springtime
Second word of title is lowercase, which is consistent with how recent fics on AO3 are titled
Author took finals according to the tags, and Crow is in the right age range for this
Has tagged fics "I wrote this instead of sleeping" before
Usually writes fairytale focused content (which I LOVE), however, this fic also seems very much in the wonderful adorable whimsical style of Crow
Crow also tags both the TV show and Book on AO3 (as does this fic)
I love this fic. But the cliffhanger though: what is the cat's name??? 👀
Don't Grow Up Too Fast - @sophieswundergarten
It is to my great shame that this took me the longest to guess and it might not even be correct
But it matches the technicalities of Sophie's writing: the use of long dashes, each word of the title is capitalized.
The biggest give away is that it’s one of the only works Sophie DIDN’T give kudos to, and you can’t leave kudos on your own work.
Also, the writing really does feel like Sophie. I know she loves nicknames, and the "Pen/Penny" thing is a nickname. So. There's a clue right there.
She also loves sibling dynamics, so focusing on Rhonda and Number Two's relationship fits that too.
Sophie already commented on two other fics and she doesn’t seem like the type to comment on her own fic and throw everyone off (would be impressed if she did though)
The writing leaves me with a warm feeling that I get whenever I read fluff by Sophie. So the more I think about it, there more confident I am about this guess. I think I just had to eliminate a few other choices first.
Amazing fic btw. They are such a family 🥰
And...finally...as many were quick to guess both on tumblr and in the discord:
Sirens of the Sea and Sky - @nobodysdaydreams
The Crangst (Crack + Angst) style is my bread and butter (though I usually emphasize the angst more).
It’s the longest fic in the bunch, because in classic Bods fashion, I never know when to quit. The whole paragraph of backstory was completely unnecessary.
Also in classic Bods fashion, the fic has a glaring typo (I wrote that Mermaid Curtain drove into the water instead of dove into the water. I fixed it on AO3 but not before everyone read it on tumblr. Oh well. At least this way we can imagine mermaid Curtain driving his golf cart into the sea).
Genuinely curious to know the exact moment in the fic that made @sophieswundergarten and @myfairkatiecat go "oh gosh dang it Bods" and all but @ me and/or private message me about it (as I suspected they might).
Don't judge me. This is finals did to my brain. They melted my mind. I swear, if this is the first fic of mine you've read, literally any of the other 7 works on my AO3 are so much better than this, I promise.
Really, who else could it be? Who else would do this? The silliness and absurdity haunts me like a plague. I will never be free. Never. I didn't even try to make this funny, this is just what my brain is like 24/7. I've never seen one episode of Sailor Moon and have barely watched any H2O and that was years ago. So why write that into a fic? I don't have the answer. I know not what I do. But I hope that at least some of you enjoyed it, because despite everything, I really enjoyed writing it!
Thank you @mahpotatoequeen for putting this together and thank you to everyone for your wonderful fics! When I have more time, I will be leaving comments on them all because you all are extremely talented deserve them! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 💕💕💕💕
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starwhoopsass · 1 year
Art study of the way @pespillo uses the "Electronic signboard" brush for Fire Alpaca
lol I started this art study like... a month or two ago I FINALLY finished it
Eyestrain warning under the cut:
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^^^ drawn for @thestraystarproject by @kindestegg
references used: https://rentry.co/ny3f7n
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references used: https://rentry.co/fp72x
I posted some other art related to this art study but I didn't wanna include them but you can find the post here!!
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ballcrusher74 · 1 month
if fire alpaca had a speedpaint playback feature or smth im gonna be so honesjt some things would probs be over 10 hours or smth. but that's also just because i keep my pc on with the project open when im sleeping LOL
i spend lots of time on my things and sometimes days . im crazy
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newtidy38 · 2 months
holy shit fire alpaca 15 scale brush no pressure at both ends around like a 100-400 pixel large canvas drawn with mouse????????
Yeah, it's peak right?
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llulabeee · 2 years
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First time I’ve drawn willow, honestly this was just an excuse for me to play with the new plant brushes on fire alpaca. Haven’t drawn on the computer since may because mine broke lmao
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