#drdt headcanons
pinovapie · 14 days
DRDT Headcanons!! (1/idk)
Decided to post some headcanons for various characters!! (there might be some mild projection on my favourites lol) idk if i'll do more for other characters?? Also, sorry for less Teruko HCs,,, i meant to do 5 for each but uh,,, you can tell who my favourites are i guess??
Also, disclaimer, these are headcanons!! I wrote these before Chap 2 Part 2, they may be disproven and become out of date in the future!!
Under a read more to not clog up space,, also TW: (unintentional) Self harm
He grew up on a farm.
His parents had a ton of kids in the hopes that at least one would be successful. Whoever got the best test results/ won an award/ has the highest salary (based on age, idk how old Ace's siblings are) was the favourite and showered with attention.
This meant Ace and his siblings grew up willing to literally and metaphorically shove eachother face first in the mud to be the favourite child. There was a lot of sabotage, insults and threats constantly.
He struggles to form meaningful friendships due to trust issues.
He'll hold a grudge for years. He probably still despises and talks shit about some kid who stole his chair when they were 6 or something.
He used to love animals until one day he woke up and the world was more terrifying than he remembered. The comforting bark of a dog is now a horrifying sound that sends him spiraling with panic.
He's overly sensitive to light and sound.
He chews his lip, bites his nails and scratches his arms/wrists when bored or uncomfortable. Maybe that's why he always wears gloves, to do less damage?
Sometimes when it's too much they'll go non verbal. They're fluent in sign language as a result.
They sometimes judge the things people name their pets. They'd never say it out loud but they think certain pets have really stupid names.
They struggle with tone, often coming across as sarcastic and fed up when they're being genuine.
If they get postively overwhelmed (like flustered due to compliments etc.) they make cat noises instead of speaking (like meows, chirps, etc.). They find in really embarrassing.
If they are in a downward spiral, they'll grip something (their cloak, hair, a soft toy, etc.) and just hold on to try and ground themselves.
Nico took a couple skirts from the dress-up room to wear in private.
In a non killing game au, they'd join Rose in painting more frequently. They end up preferring watercolours though.
They may have a journal where they might talk shit about certain individuals in the class.
Despite her trust issues and bad luck with relationships, she's a romantic at heart. It may take a while for her to admit her feelings but she'd like someone to give her flowers and take her to dinner just as much as anyone else.
She likes horror films because she can experience the thrill without being in danger. I think she'd also like those rollar coaster simulators since an actual rollar coaster would probably be too dangerous with her luck.
She loves sliced cheese because she can avoid having to cut cheese with a knife. Similarly, she'll spread spreads with a spoon because it's less risking than with a knife.
Due to constantly moving, she owned a couple of those plastic picnic sets (the plate, bowl, cup sets) and had to wash them frequently. As a result she's secretly super grateful to Hu and Eden for cleaning after meals because it's one less thing to worry about.
She had to remind Charles to seperate his dark and light washing a couple times, even after the initial explanation of washing machines.
He's on the Asexual spectrum. Like he'd never consider it himself but if his partner wanted to, he'd be comfortable with it because he likes making his partner happy.
He's usually trying to keep the peace but he will argue with friends or customers if they try to pick/buy a god awful outfit.
He worked at a boutique before becoming a personal stylist. He kept giving customers unwanted fashion advice that made their outfits the talk of the town. Word spread and after a little while people started showing up for the advice.
Does not understand humour or sarcasm at all.
He's fond of baby animals but would never hold one out of fear of hurting it.
In a non killing game au, he'd probably find out peoples fashion preferences so he can get them suitable clothes as presents.
He's probably the only cast member to politely listen to Veronika's rambles without wanting to throw up. He'd probably get roped into movie nights after Arturo and Ace triple locked their doors to avoid such movie nights.
Various people have caught him raiding sweet foods (sometimes even just eating sugar straight out the bag) at like 3am on multiple occasions.
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jayjayr · 2 months
if whit ever dated someone he would 100% use those sqiggly lines to flirt over text.
some corny shit like "hey cutie~ :3"
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minjeungsno1fan · 3 months
I’m having a Moment so here’s a list of random DRDT headcanons I have ^^
- David is autistic and the only people he doesn’t mask around are Teruko, Eden, and Xander.
- Min collects insect memorabilia like butterfly keychains. She shows Hu this collection sometimes.
- Xander has more piercings than just a tongue piercing, but they’re all hidden under their clothing or hair.
- Teruko surprisingly has no allergies. However, her being around people who do seems to make their allergies a million times worse.
- Veronika’s favourite movie is Paranoid Park (2007). Her least favourite movie is Human Centipede (2010).
- Charles is colourblind (tritanopia) and his safety glasses are specially made to also be colour-correcting glasses.
- Whit is almost always pestering Ace about helping him touch up his hair dye since his gray hair is showing. When they’re together, the hair dye will get brought up more than once.
- Levi has a huge collection of clothes that are not his size. Like, they’re closer to Eden’s size. He keeps them for his clients to look at and figure out their style.
- Rose loves to paint her family, but she rarely does it because she doesn’t want Richard Spurling to own something with their likeness on it.
- Eden can perfectly imitate a cuckoo clock because of how long she’s spent around them. She uses this ability for mischievous means more than she’d like to admit.
- Nico is actually slightly allergic to dogs. Being around one usually just gives them the sniffles and some teary eyes for a while, though. Nothing serious or deadly.
- Arei cannot braid her own hair. She has to ask someone else to do it for her and it’s always super embarrassing for her since she’s usually bullying these people but then she shows up and asks for help with her hair of all things.
- J is absolutely obsessed with punk music. She gets tickets to a ton of shows for free because she worked on the set and usually brings either Xander (who is just as big of a fan of it if not bigger) or Hu (who adores all kinds of music) with her. Or both of them.
- Hu cries when she laughs. She doesn’t even have to be laughing particularly hard, just a little giggling is enough to turn on the waterworks. It ends up worrying everyone around her who can’t tell if she’s laughing or crying, but she goes to great lengths to assure them that she’s fine and for them not to worry about her.
- Arturo couldn’t leave his hair alone if his life was on the line. Curling it, cutting it, dying it, putting it up in weird styles, there is nothing he hasn’t done to it at some point. Currently he curls the front two strands that lie in front of his ears and straightens the rest because a celebrity he likes has natural hair like that.
- Ace’s nose twitches like a rabbit when he’s mad. He gets ridiculously angry at people who point it out or imply that it makes him cute in any way, which in turn makes his nose twitch more.
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davidchiemcore · 4 days
drdt werewolf hcs (can also be applied to mafia but i use werewolf terms)
implied spoilers? but mostly just to stop it from being so long
teruko: always villager. audibly sighs in relief whenever she gets a different card, revealing her immediately. she also accidentially makes too much noise when shes flipping cards and doing her role most rounds, and gets killed immediately whenever she does have a fun role to play. hates the game
xander: pretty good at the game, surprisingly. has a good poker face and trustable attitude, whenever he gets caught as werewolf its bc of a stupid verbal slip up. "seeing" someone was dead during the night when his alibi is supposed to be a non-active role and stuff like that
charles: overanalyzes everything, stays quiet most of the round unless he has something important to say. will suddenly interrupt conversations with realizations about who is suspicious. when hes the werewolf, his tell is becoming more talkative
ace: yells when he dies. when hes the werewolf, he will betray the other werewolves out of fear if pressured. really unreliable minion due to this. Doesn't like to share what he knows but easily pressured into it. Not very helpful, goes along with the majority decision during the voting phase
arei: often gets mistaken for a werewolf due to her attitude. doesnt like sharing information unless it benefits her, even when on the villager team. despite this, very good at being the werewolf. will manipulate emotions to stop people from suspecting her, ie. giving fake tells to throw people off
rose: similarly to charles, very quiet but very analytical and will pop into a conversation to call someone out. helpful asset to the vilager team, only good at werewolf when she has other wolves with her. actually falls asleep during the night phase and misses her role cues.
hu: leads the group discussion and encourages everyone to chip in. her tell as the werewolf is to become more pushy and talk over people. tells everyone "its just a game" when they get upset but actually becomes very heated when she gets accused
eden: not very good at the game... gets indecisive when shes the werewolf amd cant decide who to kill, same with voting for the werewolf. often holds up discussions trying to make everything absolutely clear. however, never suspected as the werewolf and has a really good time when she wins, teases everyone about it
levi: has a good poker face but contributes to discussions well. takes him a while to get used to the game, constantly consults the book for the rules on each role because he used to ask questions outloud and give himself away. once he gets more comfortable, shockingly good at the game, but doesnt enjoy it due to the high tensions
arturo: veronika forces him to play even though he has no real interest. walks away from the table after he dies. good at being the werewolf due to his disconnect from the emotions of the game and doesnt get heated when hes accused. not very helpful as a member of the villager team. gets bored during the night phase
min: gets really invested in the game, tries to appear disinterested. spends her free time reading up on the different roles and asks to try out new ones. very good conceptually and creates a lot of strategies, but often falls apart due to getting agitated and forgetting parts of the plan
david: surprisingly good at being the werewolf, laughs it off as just being a part of the game and really just pure luck, but he actually puts a lot of strategy in. very guiding during the day phase and openly shares what he knows, even when hes werewolf he creates a fake story to fit in. actually enjoys being the first death because it means he gets to watch everything unfold. tries to pick up on peoples tells
veronika: absolutely adores the game. most likely to force others to play with her. offers to be the moderator, has the entire script memorized. gets too into the game and psychoanalyzes everyone, can get fixated on one suspect though and unintentionally lead everyone the wrong way. has a great time whether she wins or loses
j: most likely to point out logical contraditions that other people miss. says she doesnt care about the game but actually gets really invested. gets frustrated when accused of being the werewolf when shes actually not, or when people wont listen to her points. rage quits but then comes back an hour later to see if theyre still playing
whit: claims to be the werewolf every round whether or not he actually is. likes adding silly things to veronikas script. actually really good at being the werewolf because he has no real tells, acts flippant no matter the situation. makes jokes as if hes actually in the game like pretending to snore at night. never spills what he knows until its important
nico: gets really nervous playing as the werewolf and much prefers to be on the villager team. doesnt like sharing what they know. overall uncomfortable with the game concept and prefers to watch instead. relieved when they get killed off
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amberinn · 18 days
Someone has already drawn this
We need more Nico Hakobyan & Gin Ibushi interactions
They're like
Pet therapist worker and the kid in the area who loves Nico's work and always hangs around to watch them work and they generally get along pretty well, because they're
Well they're different, they understand each other.
They both love animals so so much too.
Nico enjoys their little buddy always hanging around, Gin gets tons of animal care experience by observing Nico at work and all.
I don't exactly know what a pet therapist is, but I imagine there's like an office.
Sometimes you get called for private sessions at someone's house, perhaps.
But I'd like to like.
I think Nico WOULDN'T accept those on the account of:
1. Stranger danger, why would you go to someone's house especially if you're a logical person like Nico Hakobyan or stuff
In that "I see things that make sense, and I do things that make sense to me, but if you expect me to follow society made rules of behaviour then that's stupid. I don't accept."
2. Social anxiety
I like to believe if Nico had an office they would feel more comfortable being there and stuff!
^u^ so that's their work environment... to me at least!
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soapsinthebox · 18 days
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Some Diana and Felicity designs for Kuro / @librariansrose (... the blog name isn't being tagged for some reason, i apologize for that)
ramble under cut:
-i imagine Diana being a disowened child in this weird void between sister and stranger to David. i thought that would be neat
-She lives on her own in a shelter
-i think of there being alot of discussion about her online, and whether if she really even is the true sister of the inspirational speaker, much to both of the siblings dismay
-I hc that kid arturo actually braided his hair, so felicity did so too to match (something something, the braids being metaphors for the giles parents strict parenting something)
-Doesn't go outside very often, homeschooled and extremely sheltered
-EXTREMELY dependent on arturo due to her low self esteem thanks to their parents.
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i-am-kat-hi · 5 months
Choir headcanons for DRDT!
As a choir kid, I feel like I need to make choir headcanons for the cast.
Soprano 1(The highest of the 'female' range): Eden Arei Soprano 2(Still high but a little lower than the 1's): Hu Min Alto 1(The lower of the 'female' range but not the lowest): Rose Veronika Alto 2(The lowest of the 'female' range(I'm an alto 2 :3)): J Teruko Tenor(Highest of the 'male' range): Nico Charles Baritone(Middle of the 'male' range): Whit Ace Arturo Bass(Lowest of the 'male' range): Levi David Xander -------- You have perfect pitch. No questions were asked. Hu J(Due to background, J has perfect pitch but hates singing)
Sings wonderfully(surprisingly?): Eden Ace Xander Levi
Yeah, they sing. A little off-pitch but it's still good!: David Arei Nico Rose
Ok they kinda belt a lot but it's still singing...!: Whit Veronika Teruko Min
They say singing is childish...: Arturo(He sings really well) Charles(A little off-pitch)
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rachelcommitscrimes · 7 months
wheeew lordy teruko in a black sports bra and grey sweatpants somebody save me
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David is the reason shampoo has instructions.
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mystiquedrops · 4 months
DRDT HC, lmk what you think !
SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 2?? (Is it even spoilers- Idk- but JUST incase. Mini spoilers Ig-)
Oh and, spoilers for KNY as well since I took inspiration from it a bit for said HC-
Whit probably dyed his hair after his mother died as memory of her.
But it doesn't end there.
He probably mimicks her personality as well, similar to Shinobu mimicking Kanae- 😊
HC approved?? Or rather- any thoughts on said HC? (I pulled this HC out of my ass, but anyways-)
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Can I request Nico headcanons?
10 Days of DRDT: Day 8! Ace/Nico, so I did some Nico headcanons for you!
Nico Headcanons!
- They go into the dress-up room at night sometimes to try on different outfits. Usually when they go to feed the fish in the relaxation room, as long as no one else is around.
- Ever since trying to kill Ace, they’ve found it hard to look at themself in the mirror.
- They attempted to take up embroidery while trapped in the killing game.
- They’ll sometimes absent-mindedly copy the mannerisms of the people around them, but they do their best to stop themself doing it, since people used to bully them for it.
- Nico has scars all around their body but predominantly on their hands, arms and legs. That’s partially why they wear the gloves on their hands all the time.
- Nico has multiple pairs of cat slippers in different colours, but only the ones they’re currently wearing are in this building with them.
- Nico is the kind of person who befriends people for their pets, and not their personalities-
- They give people nicknames! (technically this one is canon already but shhh)
- Nico befriended a goose once. Not entirely sure how, but they’re happy to get another friend-
- If Nico had the choice, they’d adopt all the animals they found that didn’t already have homes. But they’ll settle for making sure the animals are cared for properly by other people too.
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jayjayr · 1 month
R.I.P. Veronika Grebenshchikova....you would've loved The Red Means I Love You....
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minjeungsno1fan · 2 months
The people of tumblr seem to like my DRDT headcanons, so I’m going to seize the opportunity to ramble about one of my personal favourites from that list I posted.
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That being that David Chiem has autism.
I see myself in David like. An unhealthy amount (not more than Arei but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it) and I am autistic, so I projected that onto him ig
ANYway, I view him as being autistic for a bunch of other reasons other than self projection so here’s a list:
1. This may seem silly, but actually the whole microwaveable oatmeal/foods that are easy to make thing he’s got going on.
Autistic people often have safe foods that they’d eat over and over and more often than not those foods tend to be plain and textureless and pretty easy to whip up. Dev confirmed that David CAN cook a decent meal he just prefers other foods/meals and prefers not to cook.
2. Autistic people are more likely to be depressed. This is a statistical fact. In fact, people that have autism are four times more likely to suffer from depression than those who don’t.
While allistic people can be depressed and I am in no way saying they cannot, it’s just one thing that adds onto the pile of reasons that I think David has autism.
3. He literally masks. Throughout the entirety of chapter 1 and chapter 2 part 1, David is masking to make himself appear more likeable and approachable and normal.
He does not actually feel the way he says he does because he knows that’s not what his peers want to hear. It takes two people getting killed and the threat of a third for him to publicly say he has depression. As someone who also masked in public a lot when I was younger, this is an incredibly relatable feeling.
There are more reasons than these three, but it is pretty late at night right now so um live laugh min jeung and sparkle on sisters or something
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a-blog-for-kat · 20 days
Day 8 of 10 of 10 days of DRDT: Time for Despair!Ace Headcanons :>
Ace adores horses, like, a LOT. His favorite horse is a horse he named Stardew that he’s had for an extremely long time. 
Despite his eccentric personality, he truly does care about everyone and wishes the best for them. He just wants everyone to live in peace and happiness.
He’s in deep denial about his sister’s passing since he idolized his older sister so much. Instead he just never brings up the fact that she’s dead, and always refers to her in the present tense.
To continue the third fact, he dyed his hair jet black with red streaks because his sister’s favorite color was black. Funny because both him and Whit dye their hair black for different reasons.
During chapter one, he found Teruko shaking and sobbing in a ball after seeing David’s body, Ace was able to comfort Teruko and then bam they became besties.
Ace hates bitter coffee, he will dump whole cups of sugar and creamer into his coffee to make it extremely sweet.
He once made a one off joke about turning Veronika’s execution into a horror film, something she’d probably enjoy.
Ace refused to share Xander’s secret because he was worried that’d ruin Xander’s whole life, but damn was he so wrong about that.
Ace and Whit have a mutual playful-like hatred towards each other, nothing serious, though. However one day Ace put his red dye in Whit’s black one and uh- it didn’t go well for Ace-
Ace calls EVERYONE nicknames. Every single person. Ruko, Alex, Rosie, Ceci, everyone he knows has a nickname. He has gotten yelled for it and will never stop.
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amberinn · 19 days
Thinking about Charwhit the way Whit has ALWAYS wanted a romantic partner (with no success) and now that he HAS one
Thinking about Whit plopping his head on Charles shoulder
Thinking about Whit generally being a bit clingy, if not affectionate
Like he just loves it all
Charles, and the experience
And the fact that there's someone in here who he's close to, who loves him
He treasures it
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classtrialguru · 1 year
David is the type of person to grief a whole Minecraft city and then build a cat sanctuary.
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