#dreamdragon standard
pandoriasbox · 3 years
Ch1 Into the Wood - Into the Wildwoods (Standard)
The large irish cob snorted as the last of the load was added to his back. Eversong looked over to where Az was finishing up and his eyes followed her as she walked over to him. Immediately his muscles relaxed as they made contact and he felt her reassurance pulse through their connection. The rider was giddy, excited but also nervous, this was the first time the pair were heading back up to Redwood Point since before the fall of Garnok. So much had changed and yet at the same time it felt like so little. The world was still turning, Az still worked as a ranger and to all those she shared her job with it was just another average day.
Az planted a gentle kiss to the soft snout of her beloved companion, opening her eyes to see his beautiful duo colored ones staring right back at her. “It won’t take long to get up there, it’s already cleared and then I can unpack all this stuff at the station.” She smiled and let him nuzzle her hand. Az had felt trepidation at the thought of going on such a long term mission without her other half but thanks in part to Rowan the stallion was allowed to accompany them. The senior ranger had pulled a few strings and with some convincing Eversong was allowed along as a packhorse so the team was able to carry extra gear and supplies for their initial expedition.
Once she was sure Eversong was ready, the redhead returned to her other equine companion Foxfire. The buckskin let out a snort and pawed at the ground as she awaited her rider. Az gave her a pat on the neck before giving her tack a once over. The trip shouldn’t be too long but it wasn’t exactly the same as going between the southern station and Dundull. Taking a deep breath she swung up into the saddle and led the two horses to join the small group gathered at the base of the road to the station.
“Alright mates, everyone good to go?” Rowan called out to the assembled rangers. A general affirmation rang out from the group. “Okay good, now Az I’d like you up front with me since you have the most experience up there out of all of us. Everyone else ride in formation as we discussed.” With that the expedition began in proper, Az trotting up to meet Rowan at the front. The group of six rangers began their journey up through the recently cleared brambles.
“So Az, you excited to head back up into Redwood? Your reports were pretty minimal but that route really helped with getting the foliage cleared.” Rowan glanced over, smiling warmly.
The redhead chuckled softly and nodded. “Yeah, it’s been a good bit but I gotta say all those rumors of Hartwood really got me interested. Thanks for getting me on the mission… and uh… thanks for letting Eversong come along.”
Rowan waved their hand dismissively. “Eh don’t worry about it, I know how much he means to you and honestly you seem to have an even stronger connection with that stallion than Foxy or any of our own. There’s something special between you two and I’d like to have that with us.”
“Ah yeah, you could definitely say that, something special I mean.” A tiny flush filled Az’s cheeks as she thought about how much deeper it went. It wasn’t every day your very soul was intertwined with another’s but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Sighing softly she let a smile bloom across her lips as she leaned forward to pet the mare she rode with her free hand. “Foxy’s a good gal though, hardy and determined… when she wants to be.” The two let out a laugh that made the mare snort and flick her ears back before returning her attention to the overgrown trail before them. The rest of the ride up the pass was mostly in silence but Az certainly didn’t mind. She enjoyed the serenity and scenery surrounding them, mindful of the precarious cliffs and rock bridge as they reached them.
The station soon came into view and it looked just as worn down as the last time Az had visited it. The roofs were covered in fresh growth, there was still a broken window in the stables and the pasture fences were a mess. They had a lot of work ahead of them but she knew they could get this place looking almost as good as new. The horses were tied up to the safest part of the fence, Eversong having his packs unloaded while Rowan directed the other rangers. Az was given fence repair. The others did their best to get the rest of the station up to livable standards. She waved to Enitan as she passed through the pasture gate while he set to work fixing the door to the stable. Eversong nickered behind her and she paused to give him a gentle pet. “Hey buddy, we made it. You and Foxy did a great job.” Az grinned as he nuzzled against her and she gave him another pat. “Careful now, I got a bunch of nails on me.” She laughed softly as he snorted at her and returned to his grazing.
Much of the fencing for the paddock was old and even a few sections showed signs of mold or too severe of damage. She sighed and set to work, patching holes as she could with existing material before returning to the stable to find some spare wood. It was as she was on the last part of the fence, as far into the forest as one could get when she sensed something was amiss. She knew bears and wolves lived out here but that wasn’t what sent a prickle down her spine. All the training that Evergrey and Ydris put her through came flooding back as she straightened and stood back up. It was no simple animal that stood behind her, it was something that exuded a magic she couldn’t quite place. That only put her more on edge however.
She realized too late she had her back to the forest. Slowly, carefully she began to turn around, knowing that whatever was behind her could easily be something provoked into attacking if she showed any sign of danger to it. Her free hand tingled as her magic was just a heartbeat away. It wouldn’t be good to use it here, memories flooding back of the forest fires she caused back when she first fled to the area. She heard a shuffling of what sounded like hooves and finally she got the first glimpse of the creature from the corner of her eyes.
White caught her eye then the rest came into view and finally she stood face to face with it. Az’s heart thudded as a deer with a head as white as snow and body made of plants slowly approached her. She stood frozen in its presence, her mind reeling trying to understand what it was. She had never seen such a creature, even its antlers were made of branches and unknown blossoms sprang forth. However what struck her the most were its milky white eyes that bored into her. She didn’t realize she had been holding her breath until the creature’s head turned and it suddenly bounded away.
Coming back to reality Az realized she heard hoofbeats behind her before a whinny rang out and she blinked. Turning around she found Eversong huffing and pawing, his concern ringing clearly across their connection. The ranger hopped the fence and stood beside him, calming the large stallion just as Tiera came running after.
Once she caught her breath she sighed in relief to see the cob was safe with his owner. “Hey Az! Sorry about that, one moment he was just peacefully grazing and the next I looked up and he was gone! Don’t know how but he got the lead rope untied and booked it. Did you uh… want me to bring him back up to the stables?” The younger ranger grinned sheepishly, feeling embarrassed for letting a horse escape on her watch.
Az smiled and picked up the loose lead rope, tossing it over Eversong’s back. “Naw it’s alright, I’ll bring him back up once I’m done giving the fences a once over. Why don’t you head back and check the other horses?” Once Tiera nodded and began her way back Az scrambled up onto the bare stallion’s back. “Naughty boy, you know you’re supposed to be on your best behavior.” She whispered playfully, smiling as Eversong snorted back at her and began moving along the fence line. Az kept her eyes out for any more damage but as far as she could tell everything was as fixed as it was going to get. “Thanks though...” she said softly, “I don’t know what that was… I don’t think it was dangerous but I just… blanked there. I’ve never seen anything like it and I didn’t want to hurt it.” Eversong let out a soft nicker and Az smiled as she sensed his acknowledgement.
She knew thoughts of the white deer would keep her up that night, they filled her mind as she helped clean out the main station cabin. Eversong retired to the pasture with Foxy and the other horses; however he remained vigilant for the strange stag. Az tried her best to reassure him they were probably safe but she could feel how defensive he grew of her. Despite her own concern for him she was grateful he was here watching out for her.
Night came quickly as their work kept the rangers busy. Az soon settled down in her bunk, trying not to toss and turn as images of the deer filled her mind. Questions flitted through her thoughts such as why it had appeared to her now? Where was it from? Jorvik was certainly a magical place but thinking back to what she had sensed… that wasn’t pandoric energy in the slightest. She hummed softly and rolled to her other side. If anything it felt more like the Sleeping Widow or the Singing Yew, ancient and integral to the island rather than alien and unnatural. Yawning, she reached out through her connection to Eversong, feeling him weakly reply. The stallion was settling down to sleep as well but he returned her call.
“Can you help me sleep?” She asked, feeling his reply shortly after and a sense of calm washed over her. Soon she forgot her worries about the stag and felt the sweet embrace of sleep surrounding her.
Morning came with the breaking of dawn, light filtering past the tall trees and into the grimey windows of the cabin. Az winced as the warm rays hit her face and she rolled over to avoid them. However what she couldn’t avoid was the loud alarm of one of the other ranger’s phones. Groans rose up from several of the others, Az among them as she finally gave up and moved to get out of bed. “Jeeze who’s got the crap ringtone?” She called out, rubbing at an eye.
“Ah, that’d be me, sorry I forgot to turn it off.” Astrid picked up the device, quickly silencing the blaring alarm off. The rest of the rangers stumbled out of bed, some dressing properly while others made their way to the kitchen. Az was surprised to see Rowan already at work making breakfast. The scent of bacon and eggs filled the cabin as she escaped into the bathroom before the others could hog it.
Settling down with a couple other groggy rangers at the table Rowan delivered a few finished strips of bacon to each and a couple fried eggs. “Mornin’ hope you all slept well!” Az snorted at how cheery they were, that was one thing the two didn’t share in common. Rowan was a morning person while Az was always a night owl.
“Ah about as well as one can on those old mattresses, I swear the horses are gonna get better rest.” She joked before snatching up a piece of bacon and popping it into her mouth.
“Yeah we were gonna get a few more z’s in until Astrid’s phone started blaring.” Yousef grumbled while pouring himself some juice.
“Well it’s still the work week, we can’t laze around too much up here. Lots to do after all.” Rowan smirked and tapped at the frying pan. “But I’ll let you guys sleep in on the weekends, if Astrid’s phone agrees.” They chuckled and Az couldn’t help but snort softly. “We’re gonna finish up the major repairs and cleaning today hopefully then start making plans on how we’re going to remap the Redwoods area. All of our maps are extensively out of date and any of the near complete ones have long been lost. As far as I can tell the last time they were updated was back during that Hartwood search.”
Az perked up at the mention of the mysterious ranger. “No one’s been up since then right?” She paused in her meal, looking between Rowan and Enitan who had been quiet since sitting down with her and Yousef.
Clearing his throat, Entian spoke up finally. “No, the whole area was abandoned since staff was short back then, right Rowan?” The Aussie nodded before Entian continued. “The rumors of the area being haunted didn’t really help so it kind of just fell to the wayside.”
“Haunted? Really?” Az tilted her head. “Rowan, you never mentioned that part.” Her gaze returned to the senior ranger while she took a sip of her drink.
“Ah yeah, I try not to spread those rumors to be honest, makes it harder to get a proper team together. See, we’ve been getting a decent growth in rangers over the last few years. Tiera and Astrid are a great example and given their skill sets I figured they’d be good on this mission. Of course Az you were my top pick.” They motioned at her with the spatula. “Not just because you managed to get up here on your own but you’re among our top rangers right now.”
The redhead blushed softly and smiled. “Thanks, that means a lot.” She paused, mind wandering back to yesterday with the deer. But she also couldn’t wait to start mapping out the Redwoods with Foxy and do some trail rides with Eversong off duty this weekend.
In the background of her thoughts the conversation continued. “They never found her did they?” Yousef asked.
“Nope, there’s been all sorts of strange rumors though.” Enitan started, Az tuning back into the conversation as he began talking about the famous ranger. Midway through the conversation Tiera and Astrid joined breakfast, listening to the storyteller weave the tale of Edith Octavia Hartwood. “She was a legend… one of the first rangers who stepped foot in the Redwoods and well, possibly even beyond. I think most of you by now have heard the tales of mysterious valley deeper in the mountains yes?” A chorus of mumbling agreement and nods mixed with confusion from Yousef. “Well, there’s believed to be this valley somewhere close to us past the mountain face. However no matter what no one seems to be able to get up there. Even attempts to use drones or satellite cameras all result in equipment lost or fuzzy photos. No one can explain why and so far everyone who’s tried to breach the mountain has met terrible fates. Most go missing, this station is the closest recorded settlement to where we think the valley is.” A murmuring of curiosity came from the group except for Astrid who rolled her eyes.
“Just bad luck and there’s probably some kind of weird magnetic thing up there. I’m sure it’s explainable with science.” She huffed, finishing off her meal and leaving to finish getting dressed.
Az frowned and watched her go before returning her attention to Enitan. “Please continue, I’d love to hear more.”
The fellow ranger nodded and proceeded with the rest of his tale. “Well, Edith as I said was a legend among the rangers as far as I know but at the same time she’s somewhat of an enigma. A lot of us know her for being one of the most dedicated rangers in decades but along with that dedication are rumors she might have been a bit… mad.” He took a sip of his drink before continuing. “You see, Hartwood was believed to be very passionate about protecting Mistfall and especially the Jorvik Wild Horses. Back in her day a lot more herds roamed the area, most of them seemed to be up here in the Redwoods but we even had a few herds back down in Southern Mistfall. Nowadays they’ve all but disappeared and only once in a blue moon do you see them but they’re still here. It only fueled the rumors of that secret valley further.” He waved his hand.
“Jorvik Wilds? Wait… aren’t those...” Az thought for a moment, it sounded familiar. She snapped her fingers, trying to remember. “Ah! Yeah weren’t those some of the horses that resembled primievel equines from before the Jarl’s arrival?”
“I see someone’s done their homework” Enitan joked. “But yes Az, they’re also basically a national treasure and highly protected. It’s believed Jorvik Wilds don’t just let anyone ride them, they share some of the strongest bonds with their riders and seem to choose their rider unlike most modern day horses. It’s fascinating really.”
“So… what happened to Hartwood?” Tiera piped up, leaning forward into the table now intrigued.
“Ah yes, as I said Edith was deeply interested in protecting these horses. However no one really knows what happened to her. The herds were starting to thin out in Southern Mistfall by the time she joined the rangers and during her days they all but disappeared everywhere but up in the Redwoods. She was the one responsible for the structures up here actually, right Rowan?” 
The Aussie nodded, having long since joined them and was quietly munching away at their meal while listening in. “Indeed. The cabin, the fences, there’s even an old watchtower somewhere up here that she had built. Everything was, as far as I understood, designed to blend in with the local area as much as possible. You guys think that the growth on the roofs is from time? As far as we know it seems that was one of her ideas for trying to make the structures less intrusive. Same for that old stick fence we call a paddock.” Rowan let out a small bark of laughter before leaning back in their chair and smiling. “I think she did a pretty good job though with the resources she had.”
Enitan nodded and continued. “Yeah, she got this whole place setup and running but for the most part she was the only one up here. There were a lot of staff shortages back then and as far as I’ve learned the building of Redwood Point was unfortunately more costly than they expected. It was nice for a while it seemed but over time the rangers up here dwindled until only Hartwood was left. No one realized she was missing until it was too late. She never came back down for her scheduled resupply and a small group went up to check on her. Everything looked normal but Edith was nowhere to be found. She had long since stopped contact with the southern station but usually still came by in person. No one knew when she actually disappeared so a search party went up right away. Of course as the story goes, still no sign of her and even looking through belongings didn’t leave a hint. It was as if she just up and vanished one day.”
Rowan nodded. “Yeah rumors still abound, those less superstitious think it was just wolves and she got unlucky. There was no sign of her horse either so they assumed both were lost. However those who spin tall tales tell of everything from a sasquatch to aliens. The search party scoured the entire area but there were no traces of her remains, no scraps of clothing, no horse, nothing.”
“Yeah she wasn’t the sort of person to just give up on her tasks out of the blue either. Some tried suggesting she just moved out one day but nothing in the cabin or watchtower signified that.” Enitan shrugged. “Actually I think all her belongings are still around here somewhere if the elements haven’t ruined them.”
“Uhh… you guys wouldn’t mind if I had a look up at them do you?” Az finally spoke up, her interest piqued. “I’ve been curious about Hartwood since Rowan told me about her early on in my time as a ranger.”
Rowan waved their hand. “Go ahead as long as it’s while you’re off duty. If you find anything out I’d love to hear it.” Enitan and Tiera agreed. Az grinned and the group finished off breakfast with some more cheerful chatting. The remainder of the morning was spent sorting out details regarding the last cleanup of the station for now and discussion of cartography. Az was on stable duty next and she was happy to visit Eversong and Foxfire before setting to work making the stable inhabitable again for their equine companions. Once the station was in working order again they could finally begin their real mission. Soon they would be mapping the Redwoods out all over again.
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jadesjunk · 2 years
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Reposting this as the old one for some reason draws in bots like bugs to a zapper. Hoping that’ll clear it as I’m sick of the alerts and blocking blank blogs. Apologizes to Icy and Ruth for re-tagging, I’ll be deleting the old post so I still want to credit you guys for all your help <3
August Pt2 - Monthly Drawing Challenge
The final piece for August’s challenge! I was so excited to hear we were getting dragon horses in game and while the green one has won my heart over the red I know which one best relates to Az. The in-game dragon’s name is even a reference to her, my hot-headed Flameflower.
Of course I took some liberties in redesigning it slightly (and no way was I gonna do all those scales right now.) I do like to imagine that Az figures out a way to extend her lifespan and lives for centuries, possibly even millennia on. This piece comes from that idea where in the far flung future Az has discovered where the dragons fled to. She cares and trains them but in the process managed to lose one of her arms. Of course, still being good friends with Ydris means she can replace it with a crystal one!
Lastly, so many thank you’s to my amazing and talented friends @wintry-art and @ruth-westside for helping me with this piece especially with my last minute shading. I couldn’t make this work without you guys. My understanding of art has progressed leaps and bounds thanks to them so please check out their art and send them some love!
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
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Jorvik Divined Rune Bingo Hosted by @jorvegiancollective
Current: Which horse felt like fate when you met?
From my short drabble of Az meeting Eversong: Spark
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
Seeing Double - Dreamdragon Drabbles
(This takes place several years following Garnok's defeat. Az and Lisa are married and somewhere in their 30’s. They run a remote magical horse sanctuary up in Northern Mistfall.)
Az sipped at her coffee as she watched the small herd of stallions that made up her liberty team grazing in the pasture. It was early morning and both her and Lisa were still pulling themselves together before heading out to feed the horses breakfast. Said musician soon came over and joined her, a cup of her own coffee in her favorite mug. A arm wrapped around her waist and Az smiled as she felt the shorter woman’s head rest against her shoulder.
Through the morning mist however the redhead counted out an extra horse in the herd that hadn’t been there the night before. Her mind slowly clearing she recognized the forms of Nightfall and Moony but now that she thought on it…
“Hey Lisa… do you see two Smokeys?” Az mumbled, hearing the musician make a soft huh noise before lifting her head and blinking a few times.
“Two?” She squinted out across the foggy expanse between them and the pasture, taking another sip of caffeine before her eyes widened. Just as her wife had said there were indeed two black marwaris out in the field, one was grazing with his herd mates as the other stood head raised and now looking right at them. He looked identical to Smokey even at a distance. His bright eyes were two different colors and he had the same facial markings and singular sock as his doppleganger behind him. Curled ears flicked towards the two women watching before he seemed to prance away, teasing or tempting them over.
Az narrowed her eyes in suspicion, there was no way that was a normal horse. “I’m gonna go investigate, can you get started on feed without me?” Lisa nodded and planted a soft kiss to her lover’s cheek before finishing off her own coffee and heading in the opposite direction. Az pulled her coat on and left her half finished mug on the kitchen counter before walking over to the mysterious new horse.
The memory of the day she had gotten Smokey came back clearly, how she had been working with her horses at the circus trying to train them in liberty. Despite the group all being stallions they worked surprisingly well in tandem together as long as a mare wasn’t present. Though Az chalked it up to her wild whispering, with most onlookers having no idea she could connect to the small herd on such a deeper level. What was special about that day was she had a particular audience, namely Ydris sitting on the edge of the circus ring watching. He had been curious about this liberty work since she mentioned it and wanted to see for himself. The circus tent was a perfect training spot especially as she could use his help to simulate crowds without worrying about endangering anyone or making a fool of herself.
However the last thing she had expected was for the magician himself to suddenly create a new member for her little performative herd out of thin air. Smokey, official name being Smoke and Mirrors of course, was a beautiful, sleek and graceful marwari that as far as Az knew was “created” by Ydris. That she had doubts of but despite her prodding Ydris stuck firm to his claims that he certainly did not steal nor borrow the horse from anywhere. Az seeing as she didn’t want the poor stallion poofed away adopted him. She found Ydris was right though, the dark marwari did make an excellent performer and in a way rounded out the small herd perfectly. Az never intended to go big with her liberty work but it was great for bringing in some extra cash for the sanctuary as well as using it with her training and teaching.
She paused at the fence, watching as the strange new marwari did the same, stopping his prancing to once more to look directly at her. There was no way Ydris wasn’t involved in this but the real question was who exactly was this mystery stallion? She doubted he would come all the way out here to give her an exact copy of her newest performer. While rare, the pandorian did like to pop in occasionally and play tricks on the couple and their sanctuary inhabitants. Typically it was harmless and she could tell the other horses in the herd didn’t care about this random new horse. A couple of them looked up at his antics but the rest continued grazing.
Az let out a particular whistle, one that she and Lisa trained all their horses to come when called. The whole herd lifted their heads and she smirked as the new marwari spooked a little from the several stallions suddenly rushing past him. She petted the boys' noses and necks, praising them before letting them wander back out into the pasture. Just beyond the group she could see the new horse snort at her and shake his mane before turning around and throwing his nose up into the air. That definitely wasn’t a normal horse if he was snubbing her. She suppressed a laugh, managing to only snort herself behind her hand. A soft nose nudged her and she looked up to see a familiar curious face looking at her with brown and blue eyes. Smokey had moved closer, the most timid of the group he of course had hung back. She gently cupped his face and planted a kiss to his nose. This was definitely the real Smokey but that still left the other horse a mystery.
After a moment’s thought Az hopped over the fence and clambered up onto the tall thin horse’s back. “Come on boy, I got an idea...” She whispered and directed him back towards his duplicate who had his back turned to the pair. The two rushed up behind the supposed stallion as Az cried out his name. “YDRIS I KNOW THAT’S YOU!” Which caused the horse to jump into the air and the equine illusion to falter. Az let out a loud bark of laughter as she directed Smokey to turn back around and prance back to the pandorian now sitting on the ground glaring at her.
“Well now that’s not fair...” Ydris pretended to pout before getting up and brushing himself off. Smokey continued prancing and snorting softly though more out of nerves from his rider shouting from his back. Az slid off him and gently patted him, letting him race back to his herd mates. “I see you’ve been enjoying my gift though...” Ydris murmured as he watched the horse canter away.
“He’s a lovely gift but that doesn’t answer what you’re doing here so early in the morning...” She raised a brow and crossed her arms, looking back at the magician. “Don’t you have some zonies to tend to?” Az’s lips curled up into a smirk.
“Ah indeed I do but Xin manages just fine. I just wanted to pop in, you haven’t been to the circus at all since you received him.” The magician's face morphed into a pretend look of hurt as he laid his hand on his chest. “Is my marvelous circus not worth returning to now?”
Az gave him a gentle punch to his arm. “Oh it is you drama queen but we’ve been busy, come on, Lisa probably needs some help with feeding and then we can catch up over coffee.”
“Busy? What for?” Ydris’ brows rose in turn and he followed after his friend. The pair drifted off into their usual chatter that had been less and less often since the founding of the sanctuary. Az didn’t realize how much she had missed the nonsensical man’s presence and in the back of her mind swore she would need to visit more often for tea.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
Fluffember 26 Pet - DD Standard
“You gonna keep her?” Rowan asked as they leaned down over Az’s shoulder. She jumped ever so slightly, not having heard the other ranger come in.
“Ah, well um...” She looked down at the bunny sleeping soundly in her lap. “I guess I was considering it… Seems like she won’t leave Eversong’s side, not a good prospect for returning to the wild.” She chuckled softly. “Do you think I should?” She glanced up at her friend and coworker.
“Mmm… I don’t think it’s a bad idea. Even if she fully recovers she might have a hard time surviving now between adjusting to domestic life and possibly being slowed from her injury.” Rowan moved to sit down beside her, gently reaching out and petting the small black and white rabbit’s soft fur. “Did you give her a name yet?” They asked softly.
Az sighed and rubbed at her face. “Yeah… I know we’re not supposed to cuz of attachment but I was thinking Stella? Since it means star and well… ya know.” She motioned at the marking on the rabbit’s head that looked rather true to the namesake.
Rowan’s lips curled up and they rubbed a thumb over the marking, the small bunny moving her head against the gentle touch. “Seems fitting to me. I’m sure Eversong will be happy too.”
“Yeah… I bet.” Az smiled, feeling a warmth in her chest at the thought of little Stella sticking around.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
Fluffember 22 Memory - DD Standard
Sipping at her tea Az paused in thought while sitting in the small caravan Ydris called home. She mulled a question over before finally asking it. “So… Pandoria looked differently than it does now right? What did it look like before Garnok?” She tilted her head slightly, curiosity in her eyes.
Ydris looked up from his work, brows raised as he studied her to make sure she was serious. “You really want to know?” He set the pen down he had been using and sat back. “It was beautiful...” He says softly, looking away. “Nothing died, it was timeless of course, just as I am and everything here at the circus… suspended in the way it existed when it entered.” He sighed and rolled his shoulders before standing up. “Come with me.” He moved to open the door for his ally, Az setting her tea down and following him out across the dark circus grounds.
They entered the tent silently, the crowds having long since dispersed as it was after hours. Ydris stood before her and began to work his magic over the interior, first summoning a massive all encompassing magenta fog. Az could barely see the slender magician through it but once it dispersed she found herself standing atop a tall cliffside of Pandoria in its prime. She gasped softly and moved closer to Ydris, placing a hand on the magician’s arm. He flinched ever so slightly but stayed still as she took in the view. “Behold...” he said softly, voice filled with pain and sorrow. “My home.”
Outstretched before them was not simply fragmented chunks of land but massive floating islands in the same skyscape she had seen when saving Anne. They stood at the tallest point on one of the biggest islands, alien structures spanned it and distantly she could see similar land masses beyond. Forests and plains covered the island, lakes of the molten looking fluid could be seen in the distance with similar rivers bisecting the land. Mushrooms and crystals sprouted freely and Az could make out so many new and unique flora she had never seen in her trips before.
“It truly is beautiful...” She said softly, hand still on Ydris’ arm. “I can’t imagine how much you must miss it...”
He could only simply nod, body stiff as he held back tears and refused to show his true emotions before the soul rider. Az could sense it as she looked over. She wished she had Eversong’s ability to sooth but after a moment’s thought she did the next best thing.
Ydris gasped and blinked as suddenly he was surrounded in a hug. He looked down at the redhead holding him in a way that felt so comforting and yet almost alien to him. Slowly he moved to wrap his arms around her as well and let out a deep ancient sigh. “Thank you Azalea…” He murmured softly.
She glanced up at him, surprised to hear him use her full name. “Hm?”
“Thank you for being interested.” He said over her shoulder, tears slipping down his cheeks where she couldn’t see them. “Thank you… for not condemning my home.” He took a shaky breath and felt her arms tighten around him. “Thank you… for being my friend.” His voice was barely above a whisper but it carried the weight of his words nonetheless.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
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Jorvik Divined Rune Bingo Hosted by @jorvegiancollective
Source: What do you think Aideen looked like?
There was a particular face that haunted Az’s dreams ever since her first return from Pandoria. It had begun with the golden figure from the plaza, Aideen’s statue. That metallic face had stared at her with an alien curiosity, that of someone or something that looked at humans much like she would an insect. Something of interest but so much less than she was. It made Az’s stomach turn in the worst way to be observed like that.
However at some point the goddess figure had shifted from simple observation to outright malice. She glared at Az as though she were the source of all the world’s problems. She began tormenting the soul rider, coming to her in her dreams and twisting them into cruel nightmares. Az tried to cry out asking why but she never got a satisfying answer. It was always this cold piercing reply of, “You don’t belong.”
Soon the nightmares escalated and Az was greeted by what she could only describe as her mental image of Aideen herself. She was beautiful in every way one would imagine a perfect American model might be. Slender, tall, an unbelievable form that tettered on the edge of becoming almost alien like a Barbie doll brought to life. Her hair was golden like waves of wheat and her eyes shone a bright blue like the sky on a cloudless day. But when Aideen looked upon her those soft sky blue eyes turned to a dark turmoil and raging sea. Her anger was directed at Az alone and it brought pure terror to the redhead.
Night after night she woke up in a cold sweat, half the time screaming from Aideen’s torment. Some nights Lisa would be with her, scaring the musician almost as bad as Az herself had been. Each time she would run her star magic over Az’s trembling form but find nothing out of the ordinary besides her accelerated heart rate. Eventually they would calm back down and drift off, often Aideen leaving her alone for the rest of the night.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
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Jorvik Divined Rune Bingo Hosted by @jorvegiancollective
Drop: What do you think is between the worlds?
Carefully the pair traveled along the strangely cobblestone like path through what could only be described as a sort of in between of the worlds. Azalea rubbed at her hand holding the reins, trying to stave off the itchy sensation that kept rising up. The closer they got to Pandoria the worse it got as soon it felt like her whole body was tingling. She winced as she scratched a bit too hard at her arms, feeling like something wanted to poke through her skin. Eversong glanced back at his companion, ears flicked back as he gave Az a concerned look.
“Hey it’s okay, look it’ll just be a quick in and out… I hope.” Az frowned as she looked ahead to where the portal to the other side was coming into view, feeling uncertain about their mission. The path they followed felt like it had been ripped from somewhere in jorvik and infused with what she could only imagine must be parts of Pandoria. Massive pink crystals covered the stones and any flora was tinged a similar purple or pink with wisps of grass and mushrooms peeking out of the cobbles as they ventured further. Some parts felt downright alien like the rune covered columns and archways that looked nothing like what the Keepers had crafted in Jorvik. They crackled with magical energy and the pair carefully avoided touching them.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
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Jorvik Divined Rune Bingo Hosted by @jorvegiancollective
Home: Share a little about your home on Jorvik. (Mistfall cabin and amongst friends.)
It had only been a few months since they moved to Mistfall but already Az felt like it was more of a home than anywhere else on Jorvik. The tall pines reminded her of her favorite camping trips with her family before she moved and being a little secluded away even from Dundull was pleasant. She already felt like she belonged amongst the rangers as well despite still only doing basic paperwork. Talks of springtime and all the work that would come with it always got her heart racing.
However tonight was a special night, all of her new friends since she arrived were available to celebrate Christmas together. Her new cabin was filled with decorations, a massive tree in the corner covered in ornaments, lights twinkling across it and the walls and even a few scented candles. Az had even finally lit the fireplace for the first time and a small fire crackled away behind the grate. It wouldn’t be long until Alex, Maya, Linda, Josh and Justin would arrive.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
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Jorvik Divined Rune Bingo Hosted by @jorvegiancollective
Storm: When were you most surprised during your journey? (Az’s First Transformation)
Azalea could no longer hear Rhiannon’s voice, the ringing in her ears grew so loud she doubled over from the pain in her head. Her hands clutched at her ears and she finally cried out as all she could do was try and survive the onslaught of pain wracking her body. Distantly she felt concern from Eversong and she knew he was close but she couldn’t comprehend anything other than the pain coursing through her.
When she finally opened her eyes she saw her mentor staring at her in fear, light flickering over her face as though she stood before a campfire. Eversong stood beside her, head raised and with similar light and shadows dancing over his painted form. A loud whinny from him brought her back to her senses and she blinked as she suddenly realized the light was coming from her. Looking down at her hands she found they had turned into red claws and she cried out in fear.
She barely heard Rhiannon shouting, both at her and at the druids arriving from her screaming. At the same time Eversong surged forward to protect her and stood between her and the quickly gathering druids. Az very nearly began hyperventilating before she felt a calm surge over her and she felt Eversong pressing her to jump into the saddle. 
A lariat barely missed the pair as Eversong dodged and did his best to keep her on his back in her woozy state. He whinnied angrily at the druids, ears pinned back as Rhiannon’s calming words did nothing to sway him back. He instead took off down from the paddock with his dazed rider upon his back. He could feel the flames of her hair licking at his neck as she slumped forward but he had to get her to safety and away from the druids.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
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Jorvik Divined Rune Bingo Hosted by @jorvegiancollective
Valley: Show us a memory of when you were new to the island.
From the moment the city skyline came into view to the docking of the ship, Azalea’s heart raced with excitement. She had finally made it, she was about to arrive in Jorvik and was one step closer to finally living out her childhood dreams. She clutched her luggage tight in a white-knuckled grip while preparing to disembark. The wait was worth it as when she finally made contact with the land Azalea felt the greatest rush. A wave of sensations rippled through her and she could have sworn the adrenaline almost felt like magic. Az held back from nearly squealing like a child as she hurried to find a cab or bus to Moorland.
Soon the dense structures of Jorvik City faded from view and Azalea stared out at the passing land as it transitioned from suburbia to the beautiful rural countryside. The trip through the mountains was fascinating but nothing could prepare her for the breathtaking sight of Mistfall. The massive pines and lush forest made her already feel a pang of homesickness. The trip through was all too brief and she swore to herself she would need to visit as soon as she got the chance. 
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
Fluffember 23 Music - DD Standard
The cafe was bustling as the evening settled in and everyone was excited for Lisa’s first real live performance. It was far from a formal affair but word spread fast in this part of Jorvik and before anyone knew it folks were packing into the small space. Az, Alex, Linda and Anne were crammed up against the wall but had front row seats, all talking excitedly. Az kept stealing glances over to her girlfriend on the stage who did the same. They shared warm goofy grins and Az waved at the musician who returned it with a small nervous one.
Az gave her a thumbs up and grinned as Lisa seemed to relax a tiny bit. Soon the lights dimmed and the cacophony of chatter died with it. The redhead on the stage took a deep breath and smiled out into the crowd.
‘Hey thanks y’all for coming, I appreciate all the love and support for my music.“ She took a deep shaky breath, glancing again at Az who helped calm her nerves a bit before continuing. “After so many requests I decided to try out live performances so thank you again for being here for my first one!” A round of applause erupted, making Lisa grin a bit wider and blush softly at how excited everyone was to see her perform. After it died down she got comfortable again on the chair provided and adjusted her guitar one last time. “I wouldn’t be here without the support of my friends and most of all my girlfriend Azzy, this song goes out to her.” Lisa picked up the first chords, letting them fill the small cafe as she shut her eyes and focused on the music.
Az flushed as she heard Lisa say her name and knew exactly what song she was going to sing. Her fellow soul riders gently nudged her and were grinning, lifting her spirits further. When Lisa finally began the first verses Az felt the goosebumps rise and her heart skipped a beat. Lisa was performing their song not only for everyone here but as the opening act of her first ever performance. She quickly brushed away a tear that threatened to spill over and enjoyed the song and her lover’s voice.
After the song ended the audience rang out their applause once more, Az letting out an excited hollar which was joined by Alex as they both stood up and applauded. Lisa flushed at her dorky friends but couldn’t help but grin as others in the audience followed. She finally laughed and thanked everyone before settling into her next song. The evening progressed far quieter and more appropriate to the venue as Lisa continued singing. It was still a magical night watching her spill her heart out to the crowd, doing what she loved most.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
Fluffember 20 Kiss - DD Standard
The pair of redheads watched as their friends departed, waving them off as each made their way home. However it left Az feeling like her stomach was doing flip flops as she was now alone with Lisa. Doing her best not to bite her lip from her nerves she leaned back on the picnic blanket and tried to just act normal. Their conversation was pleasant and casual as always, occasionally drifting in and out of their favorite shared pastimes and other interests.
Slowly the sky darkened above them and it wouldn’t be long until the fireworks would be going off. It was exactly why the pair had stayed behind, Az loved to watch the show and Lisa seemed to feel the same. However as they waited for them to start Az couldn’t ignore her pounding heart as her mind debated finally asking. She had been harboring this crush for a while and unlike ones she’d had in the past it wasn’t going away. But at the same time she couldn’t tell if Lisa had any inkling of feeling the same.
Suddenly the first firework went off, whizzing into the air and exploding so fast it made Az jump. Her hand brushed across Lisa’s and she felt a tingling sensation spark up her arm. Swallowing heavily she finally looks over to Lisa and finds her already gazing back at her. Despite her nerves she can’t bear to look away and bites her lip instinctively. The beautiful musician’s lips curl up in a smile and Az takes the plunge.
“Would you like to come back tomorrow… alone?” She asks softly, heart hammering so heart she thought it would break out of her chest.
Lisa’s hand brushes against hers again and her smile grows a little further before she softly replies. “It’s a date.” Az’s face flushes bright red all the way to her ears and she soon has the biggest goofy grin across her lips. The pair sit quietly together simply enjoying each other’s company as they watch the remainder of the fireworks. Lisa’s hand feels so soft and warm resting atop hers.
Az could barely sleep that night out of excitement and nerves intertwining and making her thoughts race. She had borrowed a room at Moorland Stables and once it was time to head up to the grounds she practically rushed out the door. She had given up on any further sleep to take care of Eversong in the wee morning hours, the excitement enough to make her feel like she was wide awake. She could have sworn the stallion had wished her luck as she heard him nicker behind her which only made Az’s grin grow wider.
The day flies by and Az swears it's a miracle she isn’t falling asleep on her crush. For the first time since she started all this soul rider nonsense her heart felt light again and she could push aside all her worries. The sun set so soon and once again she found herself enjoying a picnic dinner on the hillside with Lisa. Once they finished eating she watched as the fellow rider pulled her guitar out and began tuning it. Az sat watching curiously, wondering why she had brought it with and listened as Lisa began to strum it.
“I’m passing time… daydream away from it all… I make my escape into the clouds.” Her voice held Az’s complete attention and the song melted her heart. It was so beautiful and Lisa’s singing always made her feel at ease. “And take me away, to the stars, stars, stars in your eyes...” Az didn’t know why but something about the way Lisa sung it made her almost wanna cry. She rubbed at her eyes and smiled as she watched the musician work her magic upon the guitar. She finishes it off and looks back up at Az, a soft, warm smile on her lips. “What did you think?”
Az couldn’t stop smiling and clutched at her jeans. “It was so beautiful… how did you come up with it?”
“Well… I made it for you.” Lisa’s warm smile widens at the surprised and slightly shocked look on Az’s features. Gingerly she raises a hand to cup Az’s cheek and leans forward. The taller redhead leans forward and they finally meet in the middle to share a soft hesitant kiss. It feels like it lasts so much longer than it does but finally they part and gaze lovingly at each other. “I’ve had a little crush on you too...” Lisa murmurs.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
Fluffember 19 Home - DD Standard
The pair stood outside the entrance to their new home, a beautiful wild horse sanctuary built into the redwood forest of Northern Mistfall. Az wrapped an arm around her wife’s waist and hugged her close, smiling as Lisa’s head rested against her shoulder. They had worked hard to get the place up and running and it was finally a dream come true.
“It’s beautiful...” Lisa murmured softly as she wrapped her arm around Az’s waist in turn and nuzzled her lover’s shoulder. “I remember when dad and Josh put together Starshine Ranch but I think this is even grander.” She chuckled softly and Az’s grin only grew.
“Starshine is lovely but yeah, I think this place puts it to shame at least a wee bit.” They giggled together and made their way past the front gate to finally tour the completed property. The whole premises was designed to work with the local ecosystem and avoid disturbing it as much as possible. Along with that it was perfect for housing the wild horses they would be taking in, helping them recover in a familiar environment and make returning easier. Az gently ran her hands over the wood walls of the stable. Everything was designed with a rustic feel in mind that fit so perfectly with the wilderness surrounding them. The last thing she had wanted was an over the top modern design in the midst of Mistfall’s forests. Of course all the modern amenities still existed within their walls but the exterior looked like it was as old as the Redwood Point Station not far from them.
“I wonder if the rangers will be visiting us.” Az muttered half to herself, hearing Lisa make a soft curious noise. “We are so close and I guess I’m still kind of a vertan ranger in a sense...” Lisa looked over at her and shrugged. “Would be a good way for them to safely learn about wilds and how to handle them. Also to introduce the specialized rangers to magicals...” Az rambled a bit, Lisa smiling as she guided her wife towards their new house.
“I’m sure we’ll figure something out.” The shorter woman said as they reached the front porch and Az had trailed off. “I know a lot of the rangers still look up to you despite retiring so early.” Lisa grinned and Az couldn’t help but share it.
“True… now should we open some of those housewarming gifts?” She took Lisa’s hand as she led her into their new home.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
Fluffember 18 Tuck In - DD Standard
Az tossed and turned until she felt a hand brushing through her hair and opened her eyes to see Lisa gazing worriedly down at her. A frown tugged her lips down and she looked away in embarrassment. “I’m sorry for waking you again...” She mumbled, clutching at the mess of sheets and blankets around her.
“It’s alright, more nightmares?” The musician asked softly, moving her hand to hold one of Az’s. The redhead nodded and clutched at Lisa like a lifeline. “Want me to try singing you to sleep again? That seemed to work before...” She gave Az’s hand a gentle squeeze and smiled when it was returned.
“Please? If you don’t mind...” A sigh slipped past her lips and Az moved to lay comfortably again, still holding Lisa’s hand. She watched her girlfriend as she cleared her throat and began quietly humming. Soon the lyrics followed, soft and sweet it was the song she had written for her love. It always brought a smile to Az’s lips and finally she felt safe to shut her eyes again, focusing on the way Lisa’s voice filled her heart with joy.
Soon she slipped back to sleep and her muscles relaxed. The nightmares were kept at bay as she held her lover’s hand, feeling safe in her presence as her sweet song guided Az’s dreams to peaceful pastures.
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pandoriasbox · 4 years
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Jorvik Divined Rune Bingo Hosted by @jorvegiancollective
Swan: How do you envision Jorvegian Dressage?
Az dismounted beside the championship arena and quietly walked over to join Anne and Concorde where they sat overlooking the arena. The sun was slowly setting and the last group was training in the temporary dressage area Johanna had set up for the revitalized open house. Anne didn’t look back, she simply scooted over on the hay bale she used as a seat and patted it softly. Gingerly Az took a spot, leaving Nightfall ground tied to graze behind them.
After some momentary silence Anne finally spoke up. “So now that you’re getting into dressage what do you think of it?” She glanced over at the redhead, a small smile curled upon her lips that brought relief to Az.
“Ah… interesting to say the least I suppose?” She laughed softly, little Concorde looking up from where she had dozed off. “Honestly it’s a lot more work than I thought. But I suppose most things related to horses are.”
Anne smiled a little wider and nodded. “I’m glad you seem to be liking it, not a lot of western riders can get into it.”
“Oh yeah, I mean I personally don’t love english saddles still but I gotta admit you’ve got me with the western dressage. I’m gonna have to look into that after the open house is done.” Az grinned as well, almost leaning back too far on the bale before she realized what she was sitting on and righted herself. “So... I’ve been meaning to ask, do most Jorvegian dressage clubs usually do drill team and call that dressage? Not to uh...” Anne laughed for the first time since they defeated Garnok and it startled the redhead before her lips spread into a bigger grin and she laughed as well.
As they finally died down from their giggles Anne smirked and shook her head. “They’ve always been around, honestly I never understood it. It’s like they see the fancy move sets you do for freestyle then thought that adding about a dozen or more riders to that would make it better.” She snorted softly and leaned down to pet Concorde’s head. “I miss doing dressage with Concorde he… she…” Anne sighed softly. “We were a great team. We almost won internationally before Dark Core caught us.”
A frown slipped onto Az’s lips and she made a soft sympathetic sound. The group sat in silence for a while watching the riders below before Az spoke up softly again. “I’m sure when she’s full grown again you guys will make it back out there. Maybe Lisa, Linda, Alex and I can even go with you. Hell I know we’d bodyguard for ya.” Az smiled gingerly, hoping to cheer her friend up. Anne’s gaze shifted from the arena down to the small filly at her feet who nuzzled against her hand.
“Yeah… I’d like that. And I think we’ll succeed then, together.”
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