#rune bingo
kasirose · 4 months
Prompt: Voyance Rune
For the By the Angel Bingo hosted by the @malecdiscordserver
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Rafe got his first rune and Max wanted to be like his big brother so he magicked/drew one for himself :3
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real-life-living-dead · 8 months
By the Angel Bingo prompt - Alliance rune
My fill for one of the prompts for the 2024 Shadowhunter bingo.
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Here is a link to my master post: Masterpost
The bingo was housted on the Malec discord server @malecdiscordserver/ @MalecServer
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Writer Things Bingo [ 01 ]
hello and how are you?
We are going through our Hoard of Tag Games and getting things done! So here we are to get some of these out into the Worlds and Realities finally.
Thank you to the wonderful @andromedaexists for tagging us! You can find his response right here! :D
Rules: Want to join in? Click this link! You'll get a random board, feel free to use the link again to get one to your liking if you want. Fill it in by clicking on the ones that fit you and see if you can get Bingo! Or even a Full House!
Tagging with no pressure: @lockejhaven | @athenswrites | @worldsfromhoney and of course, open tag! if you wanna play bingo, come join us!
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we ended up almost getting a Full House, but it was not to be this time around. (*≧▽≦)
This was super fun, and we ended up enjoying just filling things out, even though this definitely called us out. [ gods do we wish we were a notebook writer, we salute you heroes. ]
☕ Natsume Rune, the Natsume Rune System
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cleansingfiire · 5 months
@bells-of-black-sunday (cannot send anon media)
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mauannacreates · 1 year
Hi this is the June edition of flufftober by @flufftober. I did a mix of both the pride and normal bingo and I also tried to incorporate every single one of those bingo pieces in, even though I may not of?
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Anyways, this month, I decided to do it a bit differently. And it's not just for the long word count that I did. It's because of it being based in a different environment than I'm used to with these characters. I think they call it alternate universes? Well, I'm basically doing my characters based on a school environment, which is not how it usually goes, so I'm not going to ramble on about this any longer, let's get started.
Wow, it’s finally June. And this month is special… And, it’s not just Pride month. It is a cool month, and I placed the rainbow badge on my white shirt after my mum dropped me off at school and when she wasn’t looking. Cause the last time I wore a rainbow… well, let’s say she wasn’t that pleased. Walking on the pavement through the gates, with a big present tied into a green bow on my hand, my heart flutters as the thoughts of the person I wanted to give it to comes through my mind. Could I perhaps try to find them before class, or maybe hide the soft present in my locker before recess where I can bring it out later to look for them…?
“Lulu…!” I jerk behind me, and they had came. The scent of aroma flows past as I twists towards the pink fox standing taller, and the fact that I could only reach up to their muzzle. Their ears bounces as their neat pink fur shows through their flowy green hair, reaching to their shoulders. And they’re… Jules gives a smile, that it made my heart skip a beat, And their eyes, staring from my face to down across my body. The leaves flowing through the cold breeze, they glimpse back up towards my face. “Nice badge.” My face heats up, jerking my head away from them. 
“Thanks…” I mumble. “I just put it on… I didn’t want to put it on beforehand, in case…” My throat crunches shut. I can’t just say to them how bad my mother is. But, their mouth curves slightly. 
“So, they’re not as accepting?” I gives the smallest bob, that feels like bricks I can’t even shake to. But Jules gives a small smile, with their mouth curving slightly. “That’s understandable.” 
“I mean, my mum’s strong on her opinions! But… Uhh… I’ve got to show my support somehow.”       
“I’m proud of the support Lulu.” My heart, oh gosh… They didn’t mind it…? Uhhh… 
“Here,” I say, extending the present I held towards Jules. “Since it’s your birthday soon, I got you a gift.” 
“A gift…!” Jules say, laughing. “No, it’s ok Lucie, you don’t need to get me anything-”
“It’s ok Jules.” I reply back, and their smile falls, their eyes glance at her, still looking as they grasp the present and flickers down towards it. They twist towards the table nearby and sit on the table. I sit across from them. Jules tears the paper with a quizzical look. But when there is a sign of black fabric, their mouth twitches to a tight curve. And throw their head towards the table as they laugh.
“Oh my god!?” They glimpse back at me. “A dress…?” Oh… Did I choose something wrong? But with how the corner of Jules’ mouth perks up and the touch of their hand on my arm makes my fur stand on its ends. “It’s ok Lulu. I love it.” They actually do…? And with their eyes crinkling up to their teeth showing… She couldn’t help but look down. 
“You welcome.” I lay my head low for a while longer. Paper shuffles as the fabric comes off the table… But, they mustn’t be looking. So, I flicker up, and they had held the black dress towards them,  with a slight smile on their face. She couldn’t help but smile back at how happy they look, until they flip the dress through their head and it went through them… The flaps of the dress goes down their knees in spikes, with fabric overlaying each other. And there is a bit of a gap between their body… Jules’ smile withers.” It seems a bit too big…” But then their muzzle flings towards with a weird smile creeping up their lips, and their eyes glimmering. “I got an idea. Follow me Lulu.” 
They fling the dress on their arm as they picked up the scrunched up paper and throw it in the bin. Then they start walking. I start to follow, going through the pavement floors and up the stairs into a room, when a ringing sound goes throughout the school. I twist to Jules, my brows. “The bell…! We might have to-” 
“Lucie, it’s ok. Let me assure you, you’ll be fine.” And their arm wraps around me, and my tail couldn’t help but shift as they glance down towards me. “Sometimes, the teachers they’re… Not that helpful, there wouldn’t be much point in taking a lesson from them.” 
I twist back… Maybe my mother might… then I shake my head. No, even if she did, there wouldn’t be any point in going to those lessons. Either being yelled at by the teacher or falling to sleep because of their lessons. There’s no point, and maybe… My mum wouldn’t know either. I shake my head as I allow them to lead me deeper into the school rooms. 
It has been a while since Jules opened the door to a classroom -- the textile room to be precise. There’s a table of sewing machines on the side of the room. Then in the center, there’s some mannequin wearing a white dress. Lucie couldn’t help but stare at it as Jules goes and sits down on the sewing machine and slides the thread into the needle. And now, they have the dress placed into it, and they are sewing the dress up. They said they were tightening the dress, and they even offered me to do it a bit. I did try, but… Uh, let’s just say that they squealed as they said I was doing it the wrong way. Part of me felt bothered, but Jules was laughing as they said it was ok to me. It somehow helped. 
They unpicked some of the hemmings off and twist towards Lucie. 
“There’s a certain way and a certain space to go and sew the dress.” Jules says, clipping the footer back onto the sewing machine. Then the needle starts to move, gliding up and down as the dress shifts more towards them. It’s captivating to see how focused Jules is as they look at the dress coming towards them. And their hands laying flat on the fabric. That is… Until the door’s knob starts to twist! I swift my head towards the ajar door as someone orange comes in. 
“Jules, I get you love your sewing but shouldn’t you be in…” The orange bear trails off, his cerulean eyes narrows towards me, I couldn’t help but tense up at how his ear twitches slightly as the needle throbs continues… “Of all the people you could bring to ditch class with you, it had to be Lucie?”  But then it slows down to a stop. 
The room tremors to a jittery vibe as Jules shifts their muzzle towards the well-putted bear’s direction, and the corner of Jules’ mouth twitches. “Yeah. You jealous?” 
“No,” He scoffs. “I am not-” 
“Then why would Mister School Councilor Braedon want to pry here of all places, hmm?” Their feet taps on the ground as they take a quick glimpse at Lucie. “Are you, perhaps…” They pause, their eyes turning towards Braedon, but with the subtle big smile on their face… What are they planning…!?  “Interested in seeing more of my sewing skills like you usually do?” 
“What…!? No!” Braedon says, but his face starts to tint red. “I usually crochet here too, Jules. It has nothing to do with your sewing skills.” 
“Sure.” They say. I would think that they’d go and continue sewing, but instead, they’d interlace their fingers together as they stare at Braedon. 
“So… What are you doing here Braedon?” I ask. 
“Trying to get Jules out of trouble.” he gives a smirk back and looks a bit too amused. Considering that Jules jerks off the chair to a stand. 
“No Mister Councilor…! I am not in any trouble!” Jules says, giving a slight laugh. “And what about you? How’s your cause of trouble?” Braedon’s brow perks up, “You’re not wearing any rainbow today.”
“Why not?” 
“Because. I can always celebrate Pride month without the festivities of the rainbow.” Braedon says.  
“Yeah, true true…” They say with a slight smile on their face. But wait… I could have always celebrated Pride month without the hassle of putting the badge? But then, the hassle was kinda worth it, right…? “Oh wait! I have an idea!” Jules says as they had gotten the black dress and ran towards Braedon, interlocking their hands around his body to see how it’d fit. “Let’s make our own fashion parade! You can wear this dress and-” Braedon breaks the hold around Jules and they fling their arms back with the black dress and groans.
“No Jules, you can wear that dress.” Braedon says as he twists his muzzle towards me, “Luce did give you the dress afterall.” My face started to heat up. How did he know? But Braedon takes a few steps towards Jules. “And besides, the only thing I will do, is to make sure that you will get flung towards the ocean, and make sure that you’d look stunning there.” But Jules lets out a gasp. 
"No! You wouldn’t…!” 
“Try me.” He says with a smirk going across his muzzle. He actually couldn’t be serious…! I quickly bring my legs towards Braedon. 
“Wait…! You’re not going to actually throw them, are you…!?” I say, and Braedon gives a slight laugh. 
“No. They’re too cute for that.”
“Hey…! I am not cute!” Jules’s fur puffs out slightly and he snorts. 
“Yes you are Jojo.” Braedon looks a bit too pleased, even with Jules tightening their mouth to a smile with their ears twitching and eyes narrowing. “I am proud of the cheeky little gremlin you’ve become. Especially with involving Lucie with your love affairs.” 
“What…!?” I couldn’t believe what he was saying either. Love affairs!? “Brae Brae, I like people watching me with what I do, and with Lulu…” Their eyes barely glimpses at her… Her face bubbles like a kettle with the way they almost seemed… Shy. “She gave me a gift and… I really wanted to show her that I liked it…” They finish quietly and I couldn’t believe it… Was that why they wanted me to follow them? My stomach flutters like a huge gust of wind storms around my stomach. I didn’t think Jules would like the dress that much. But with a small smile tracing their lips… 
Gosh. My throat tightens. I didn’t know what to say… Or if I should say anything. 
“How nice of you.” Braedon says. “I am sure Lucie gladly appreciates that comment.” Am I really that obvious…!? But before I could say anything else, he twists towards the door. “Anyway, I’ll let you two do whatever you were doing… Admiring each other's company or something.” 
“You’re not going to stay?” Jules says, and Braedon barks a laugh.
“As Councillor, I can’t always shift duties like you two.” And his laugh quietens and Braedon flickers between Jules and I. And what’s with the jittery air? Was there something wrong…? That is until a smile stretches across Braedon’s muzzle. “Seriously, have fun. I’m not going to tell anyone.” 
“Will do.” Jules says putting their thumbs up. 
“Mhm.” I reply and Braedon gives a wave before he turns and closes the door behind him. 
And now, it is just me… and Jules. They turn, and my heart starts to churn. What is making me feel like this…!? To the way they scan from my head to my toes. But they stutter back with Jules’ eyes widening. 
“Aah, sorry Lulu. I just…” Jules bites their lips to their ears flopping down. “Let’s just…”  They stare at her for a bit longer before they suddenly twist away. “Forgive me. Let’s continue.” Jules goes towards the sewing machine and sits onto it with the dress on hand and starts to put the dress on the sewing machine and the needle weaves in and out. But… Do I even go near them…? Their brow curves as they continue to use the machine… Their tense mouth wavers a bit as they focus on the dress. The machine stops moving the needle. And the pink fox turns towards her. “You coming Lulu…? I’m not going to bite y’know.” Their lips curve as their eyes scan around my face. I give a slow nod. Taking my time to walk towards them, and their eyes seem to be glimmering… It made my legs want to freeze in place and my heart beats as if they… Admire me. That is, until Jules jerk their face away when I am close enough. A laugh wanted to come out of my lips, but I tried holding it in as I sat on the chair next to them… But the way their eyes tenses as they glance at me from the side, and with their fur tinting… Ahh, they must have noticed it.
“Sorry.” I mumbled.
“Lucie… It’s ok.” Jules gives a small smile. “Everything’s ok.”  
And a sense of calmness flows through me as I couldn’t help but smile back. Jules had continued sewing the dress. The dress shifts with Jules sitting, their body relaxed and their tail twitching.  That is until a smile spreads across their face as they shift the machine forward and back a few times before lifting the needle up and snipping it off. They take the dress and they opened the zipper from the back, and taking their old leather jacket off and flopping it onto the table. Then they ride the dress towards their shoulders and try to zip it up… Their face starts to blossom like roses. 
“So… How do I look?” Jules asks. The way their dress hangs throughout their legs to the way they stare at me with their brows curving down. I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around them as their floral scent captivates me. Jules lets out a gasp, along with my heart humming to their heart beats. I glance up at them, and couldn’t help but smile as I felt myself want to come closer to them. I shift my hand to their face as I went and place a kiss on their cheek. 
“You look nice and beautiful…” I pause…  “Or should I say handsome?” Their mouth twisted. Did they actually not like that compliment? But they give a smile, a crinkled one. 
“It’s ok Lulu.” Jules says, their ebony eyes stares at me before their soft hands places on my sides! My fur starts to prick out when I could feel their lips brushes on my forehead. And with the smile that spreads throughout their muzzle, “Thanks.” Nothing wanted to come out of my throat. Not even a peep! All I could do is give a slow bob. Then a bell went. Loud and clear. We are still looking at each other… Their eyes dark enough they would probably suck me inside a hole I could barely escape in. 
“Shall we go?” Jules asks. 
“Yeah.” I say. We turned as I opened the door, and there were other people walking outside. Some are familiar, others not. I turn to Jules. “You ok?” Jules gives a nod. 
“I’m ok.” They said, just low enough that I could hear. We started walking. And as I searched around, people seem to be waving at us. I couldn’t help but smile. And then my fur starts to fluff up at the touch of someones -- Jules’ -- hands wrapped onto mine. 
And somehow, despite all the worries of giving the present to her tail quivering as Jules is walking next to her… Somehow. Everything seems to be ok. 
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summonedglory · 1 year
If you're wondering where in the world I've been, it's the end of the quarter, which means my already very full work calendar got a whole lot busier. I'd say things will go back to normal next week, but there's a lot of changes in my team and I've taken on extra projects for the end of the year so. Likely not? 😅 So expect this blog to run on very low activity. I'm still around (please let me know what the best way to keep in touch is, if you'd like that? I'm a very very old potato when it comes to discord, but if that's what people use, I'll bite the bullet and try, maybe?) but I'm also very slow to write anything. My activity tab also seems broken so if you've answered or tagged me in anything in the past week (couple of weeks? i have no clue when it started 🙃), please nudge me 💜
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
*slams hands on counter* Dlyas RF4 for the character bingo! (I finally read the post and you had one of my favorite video games on it)
sdafasfjldjslk he was my first bachelor, love that boy. Good boy, good taste.
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lunapwrites · 2 years
Me: [keeps drawing cards and runes flagging a major upheaval on the horizon.]
The news: "yeah so Russia deliberately crashed one of the USAF's drones, and--"
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lumitylovingcatgirl · 6 months
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k-hotchoisan · 1 year
🔮 Divination with the Demon 🔮
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Behemoth demon!San x fem witch! Reader
Synopsis: outcasted by your previous coven due to your overly sharp and dangerously specific divination readings of the fall of your coven, you were exiled to being alone for the next 562 years. Sick being in solitude and missing your deck, you summon a behemoth demon to make a new one.
Word count: 6K
Genre warnings: general Smut, San is an eldritch being so he has like a demon sized dick, ritualistic things (magic talk and lingo), demonic contract with San through unprotected sex, riding, multiple orgasms, creaming & cream pies, oral sex (f receiving) cum drinking (not a lot), bulge kink, finger pricks (only once), dry humping(?), biting and bleeding, San is a really sweet behemoth—just like the one in the game!❤️
A/n: loosely based off this wonderful game—The Cosmic Wheel, Sisterhood🔮 (please go ahead and support indie creators! ❤️). I was so inspired bc the behemoth in game is such a flirt hehehehe no please I’m down bad for enough people already. 😐
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“So you were exiled here due to treason within the coven, and concern of spreading panic via divination readings by the supreme”, the witch arbitrator announces as she reads out from the book. “You’ve been here for 289 years already?”
“Concerned is an overstatement”, you reply through gritted teeth. “She cursed me, banished me here for the next 562 years, and burned my deck. That’s pretty fucked up.”
The arbitrator raises an eyebrow as her gaze returns to the book. “Well I suppose I could grant you visitation at least because by the records here so far, you’ve been pretty-behaved.” Your temper cools off a little—just a little. It was a step forward, albeit a fucking tiny one. “Yes. I think that would be fine, Arbitrator. Thank you.”
She nods at you. “Behave well and I’m sure she can’t implicate anything else on you. Please take care”, she says before leaving the window on her flying stick. You stare as her figure quickly disappears into the starless night sky.
You sigh in annoyance. It was ridiculous how the supreme deemed your divination readings a threat, then subsequently accused you of treason and causing unrest within the coven, just because the other sisters had started leaning onto you for your accurate readings. Was she afraid of your prophesized dissolving of the coven, or was she simply scared of being overthrown? Whatever it was, being stuck here in solitude for 562 years, and your deck burned at the stake was not on your bingo list.
You nibble on your thumb nail, thinking of what to do. 289 years had passed since then, and all you had been doing was meditate and reflect on your actions. You had an itching to get your deck back—or least have a temporary deck or something. Your eyes flicker to your grimore lying at the bottom of your bookshelf and a lightbulb goes off in your head.
If you couldn’t get your deck back, why not make a new one? However the only issue is that a contract had to be made in order to breathe magick into the deck. You’ve never tried this ritual before but desperate times called for desperate measures—you really needed to do a reading.
You circle the wooden floor with your fingers, feeling the bumpy texture—each crease and indent. Retrieving your matchbox, you pull out the deep purple matchstick from the bundle, and began lighting the dark-coloured candles formed in a circle, and finally the incense sticks that were lodged in a miniature caldron, used for holding said sticks for your rituals.
Dabbing your your index finger with a black inky substance, you draw out a summoning rune onto the wooden surface, chants leaving your lips as you do so. It was a perfect full moon that night, just what you needed. You sit at edge of the summoning circle, with your grimore open at the side, carefully reading the spell.
Taking out a small silver needle, you prick your middle finger, letting the blood pool the size of a pinprick before letting the drop of blood splatter onto the middle of the black rune, reciting your final chant.
For a moment, the room is dead silent. Then the wind picks up, howling into the dead of the night, the flames on the candles dancing to keep burning, then being quickly extinguished one by one. Your curtains flutter violently, as you notice the full moon turning into a crimson colour. You stay seated as the wind whirls around you and the grimore’s pages flipping non stop. The rune activates, along with your blood which sinks into the black ink, and something slithers up to your window.
“Come in,” you invite, your gaze never breaking from the entity. It hisses at first before turning into a more human-sized creature as it enters your room, its feet gingerly touching the wooden floor.
The candles’ flames flicker back on, you look up at the entity standing before you. He barely looked like a behemoth demon—not like the one described in the book at all. Instead, he looked pretty fucking young—he has an appearance of a younger male actually. His eyes were silts as black and red markings smudged at the ends of his eyes. Speaking of his eyes—they were a glowing red, almost enchanting. Incantation runes were littered all over his arms and limbs, all visible since he was wearing a black vest. A third eye was present right smack in the middle of where his cleavage dived into, it’s iris a deep red as well. His hair is jet black with cream streaks and slicked back, highlighting his sharp cheekbones and facial features. His lips are stretched slightly wider than a human’s, and seemingly torn black wings extended out from his back.
He tilts his head at you in curiosity. “A witch summoned me?” he asks as he inches closer to you.
You nod, still seated. “I’ve summoned you to make a blood bind with you. I need a new deck.”
“Well, you’ve definitely summoned the right behemoth, that’s for sure. What happened to the deck you’ve been using?” he prods, his jet black fingers tapping on his chin.
“It was burned by my coven’s supreme. She banished me here because she was scared that the coven would dissolve because of my divinations”, you reply.
“Quite a bitch isn’t she?” the behemoth replies. You nod. At least someone fucking agrees.
He cracks his knuckles. “Well, you’ve definitely came to the right behemoth. They call me San”, he introduces as a smile spreads over his pretty face.
You smile. “You don’t look how what I expected you to look actually.”
And that cracks San up, his sharp fangs all visible. “I get that a lot. It’s just my secondary form I prefer to take on since the first usually can’t fit through windows.”
You surprise your laughter, amused at how casual this behemoth is being. “You’re pretty casual for a behemoth actually,” you point out.
San nods. “Well, I am an eldritch nonetheless, and I’ve been here since these universes were born—I’ve watched them be born and destroyed countless of times. I don’t really feel the need to be intimidating since I’ve been around for too long. You’re the first to have summoned me since the past 3 centuries.”
You nod in interest. “Must have been pretty fucking boring out there, huh?” San only smiles, and that slightly gets you. You look away and shut the grimore before turning back to him.
“So walk me through the process, San” you request. San moves forward and he sits across you, his boney wings tapping against the window panes at how wide they were.
“Well, you know the basics, but we’ll go through it together—the elements—fire, air, earth and water are always the building foundations of any deck. You get that, right?”
You nod.
He continues, “then we go onto the elements of each card—the Arcana—which will determine how you read and interpret the cards.”
Pretty basic deck stuff, but it was great that he was taking the time to refresh your memory since it had been way too long.
“I will go through each element with you per day—you’re basically going back to magick school again. Then once the final element is sealed, that’s when I’ll bind myself to you, through another ritual”, he concludes. “Any questions?”
“What’s the other ritual? Do I need to prepare anything?” You ask. San shakes his head. “The only thing you need to prepare is your consent.”
“Yeah, sure of course.”
“Then I’ll see you tomorrow. Get some rest y/n.”
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Day one: Air
Sure enough, at the same timing as the previous night, San slithers into your open window, his serpent-like tail splitting into two, long legs as he climbs into your room.
“Good evening to the lovely behemoth”, you greet. San exposes his fanged grin. “I see you’re already prepared for the first lesson.” He glances at the empty deck of cards piled up on the small wooden table. Scattered around are more candles, another stick of incense, crystals and a bowl of ink for rune casting, and finally, a small crystal sword right by the plate.
He begins. “The element air represents the ability to reflect, communicate, to be aware and to perceive. Let that flow through your veins as you charge the card.”
You gingerly placed an empty card onto the selenite plate, and San sits across you, as usual as his fingertips touch yours, where he ends up linking his fingers with yours.
“It’s time to seal the card. Tell me,” San asks, “what do you crave for the most? Power? Love? Knowledge of the universe?”
You pause to think about your answer. And you tell him once you’re ready. He nods in agreement. “You seem like the type.” You roll your eyes.
“We literally just met yesterday, San” you joke. He shrugs, “feels like I’ve known you for an eternity.”
“Lying ass,” you poke. “But you did mention that the last time you did this was, what, three centuries ago?”
San nods. “It definitely has been awhile. To be fairly honest, I had an inkling we would meet soon, just not this soon.”
“And the universe brought you to me”, you hum. “Okay. Back to the Air ritual.”
He gestures you to shut your eyes and you do, so he follows shortly after.
It doesn’t take long for the magick to activate. You feel your energy getting sucked off by San and it feels though as if your body was about to be ripped into a million pieces. San throws his head back in pleasure as a low, manic cackle rumbles through his vocal chords.
“Yes, that’s lovely. Pour in all that energy into me, master”, he sings. He soon lets go of you, and you gasp for air, beads of perspiration clinging onto your forehead and temples. Your hands had slipped out his and you clutch your chest, taking slow breaths.
“Fuck, San, is it supposed to hurt so much?” You heave, eyebrows furrowed. How in Astaroth’s name will you be able to pull through the next three elements if Air is already leaving you clutching for your fucking life? Granted, witches are immortal, they cannot die, but they can still be gravely wounded.
San turns to you and pats your back gently. “I’m sorry my master, it is part of the blood contract. If it makes you feel better, you only have to go through this once per element.”
You stare at him in disbelief, unsure if you should be concerned or relieved. San materialises a silk handkerchief and dabs the sweat off your skin, and your heart flutters slightly at the gesture. Also, since when did he start calling you ‘Master’?
“Your first air card is ready”, he reminds you. “Now you can create more air elemental cards. Be proud of yourself, my master.” He points to the glowing card on the selenite plate. You reach over and flip the card, and sure enough—what you had envisioned on the card was imprinted onto the once empty card. It glimmers a gorgeous white at its accents. You feel the light and airy feeling surging through your hands as you touch the card, and your heart is racing at how many air cards you can begin creating.
He intertwines his fingers with yours, to steady yourself, and you notice that the third eye on his chest was white now. Your breathing has stabled now and you lie onto your bed where San hums you to sleep, telling you to get some rest.
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Day 2: Water
“Are you feeling better?” San asks as he hops into your room. You nod, feeling a strange surge of energy after a night’s rest. The sky was always the same—dark and starless.
“We can start with today’s element”, you say, prepared for the class.
San smiles and nods, as always, he takes a seat across you, and you can’t help but get lost in his crimson eyes.
“Water is all about flow, dealing with emotions, fluidity, spirituality. It is a passive element, often linked with healing and love. However, most witches tend to forget that the calmest elements can be the most deadly when used right.”
Undoubtedly, water was always of both opposite spectrums—extremely calm or extremely malevolent if it wanted to be. Today, you had a small chalice decorated in jewels on the body, filled with moon-charged water. You take another empty card, and begin sketching out the rune you want, with your first water card in your head, clear as day before settling it onto the plate. Once you were done, San’s fingers snake in between yours, and you’re starting to get used to this feeling already.
“Now, the Water seal. Tell me; who or what do you hold closest to your heart? You family? Your intelligence? The coven?
It takes you awhile to think of an answer but then you’re confident when it comes to you. San nods as he lets the answer sink in. “I was kind of hoping you’d stray and say my name, yknow,” he teases. You laugh and slap his palm lightly. “It very well could be. It’s kind of hard to pick though honestly. Maybe I just want to feel something again.”
San cocks an eyebrow, quite touched by your passion. “May this lift any heaviness you feel then”, he says, drawing circles into your palm. Your heart only flutters even more.
“Take a deep breath, master. The element will be sealed soon.”
Just like the previous time, the magick activates, and again, you feel a sharp pain, as if struggling against rough tides of water, your breath sucked out of you. San, humming as he absorbs your energy again, his eyes glowing a pale shade of blue this time. You exhale to get a hold of yourself as the feeling washes over as quickly as it came, clutching the edge of your table. You take deep breaths, your vision focusing on the blue glowing card on the selenite plate. You flip the card over, the serotonin boost seeing how gorgeous the water card was—metallic blue covering the borders of the card and the elements within the card at perfect places.
“I should give you a reading for fun”, you suggest, your fingertips tracing the edges of the card. San’s eyes light up at the idea. “We should do one when you’ve got all four elements. I’d love that.”
You slip the card above the Air element card, clearing out the table, preparing to get some rest as San accompanies you through the night.
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Day three: Earth
“Now, Earth is known to be an element of grounding, practically, foundation and stability. It reminds you of who you are at the present moment and gives you a place to stand on”, San explains, flicking the coins on the table. “Just like the ground, it is reliable because it is strong enough to hold you up. The only thing is that it’s hard on you as you are hard on yourself.”
“Tell me; what do you tend to harbour the most? Grudges? The past? Emotions?” He asks again. You tap against your lips, wondering about the answer, and then you tell him once you were ready. He nods in acknowledgement. “Interesting answer, as always from you. You’d probably have a lot you held in, especially in the past hundreds years in solitude.”
“Meditation can only get you so far, when you remember that you were exiled for telling the truth”, you say quietly, staring at the moon, which had turned into a shade of ivory. “My sisters were everything to me.”
San knew that very well. Witches treated each other closer than what a conventional family did. A coven was supposed to protect and bond the sisters, not outcast them.
“But do you still have sisters that you want to see?”
You nod, your eyes twinkling at the thought of two precious sisters who had been there through everything. And you yearned to see them again, now even possible that the arbitrator had granted visitation rights. Maybe you’d send a falcon to them once you were done with your deck creation.
“Now, shall we begin? You’d best prepare yourself, master,” San says as he takes your hand in his. You feel your hands moulding into his automatically, nothing but comfort being offered.
Again, San begins extracting your energy and this time was no different from the previous—it stung, it hurt and a wave of nausea hits you this time. Through the ringing in your ears, you hear San’s laughter as the magick seems to tickle him if anything. And then, it was over.
You tilt your head backwards, trying to get some cool air, trying to let the nausea leave your system.
You feel a warm hand pat your back, then rubbing circles.
“You know, most witches would immediately throw up after this round. You’re holding up really well.”
“Guess I’m one of the best witches then?” You find the strength to joke a little. San laughs and replies, “one of my favourites too.”
The nausea soon goes away and colour starts returning to your cheeks. By then, you were already holding the Earth element card up against the moonlight, admiring the sand-coloured decals lined across the card, as well as the border.
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Day four: Fire
San looks rather chirpy tonight, there was a bounce in his steps as he settles himself onto the lavender carpet. “Someone’s excited,” you smirk, putting one of your spell books away.
“Of course! Fire’s my favourite element”, he exclaims, playing around with your unfinished deck. You’ve had created a handful of elemental cards already, 12 of each element, while San was both in and out of your room. All there was left was the Fire element and the deck could almost be complete—you could already taste it. You already did a couple of readings as a warm up with San and you found out a couple of things through the divination readings.
One, his true purpose—other than aiding in the creation of divination decks—was to destroy other universes and guide the dead stars to the recreation of a new one.
Two, despite his chirpy demeanour, the cards revealed that there was some kind of loneliness he harbours, being detached and left to watch over the cosmos for millenniums.
Three, you sort of deduce that he was summoned also to seduce you in some sort of way—and he finds that amusing, and he doesn’t deny it.
Needless to say, San is greatly impressed by your divination skills and offhandedly mentions that he’s in love with the cosmos for bringing him to someone like you.
Soon enough, the both of you were back to business—sitting across each other, a wooden wand splayed across the table this time round.
He begins.
“Fire—the element of willpower, ambition and energy. Those who are able to wield this, wield it well, those who can’t—it takes them awhile. Fire is for inspiration, drive, passion. One of the most beautiful yet difficult elements to control. In the beginning, mankind was the first and the only mammals to be able to manipulate fire.”
“No wonder you like this element so much”, you point out as you scribble the rune onto the empty card.
“If you’re able to handle earth, fire might be a level up in intensity. Don’t push yourself if you can alright?” San reminds you, and you could spot the excitement glinting in his eyes. “Now for the seal; who would you sacrifice to the cosomos for your divination deck? Your immortality? Your coven? Or your family?”
That question weighs heavily in your mind and San gives you the time to answer as he plays with your fingers. You finally give him your answer, and he nods in understanding. “You’re willing to let that go?” You nod.
He smiles, “as long as you know it’s the right choice for you. Let’s begin.”
The ritual starts as usual—the swirl of flames from the candles, the howl of the winds. You prep yourself for the burn and it comes—albeit painfully. San’s eyes are fully engulfed in crimson red now, glowing as he feeds into your energy.
“Beautiful! Your essence is beautiful master! I’ve never felt such extraordinary energy from a witch!” He cries out as red fluid leaks down from his eyes. The runes and symbols on his limbs start glowing and his wings expand, filtering the moonlight. That is all you could remember before your mind buzzes, your ears ring and your head pounds as you black out.
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Day ??
Your eyes flutter open, and something is different—you feel it. All the pain you’ve felt has faded, as if it never happened. In fact, energy was surging through you—so much energy. You slowly sit up as you look around the room. Everything looks the same as when you finished the fourth ritual. Perfectly at that moment, San emerges from the darkness and appears slightly different—his hair was slightly longer, his eyes had red smudges, which for some reason made him look even more attractive, and the third eye on his chest was a bright red.
“Hey, you’re awake”, he exclaims as he levitates over to you.
“Was it successful?” You ask. San furrows his eyebrows.
“My master, you were out cold for a couple of days, and the only thing you’re worried about is if the Fire ritual was successful? Care for yourself a little more would you?” San pouts as he pulls a cup of cold water into your arms with his magic.
You thank him softly as you take small sips.
“I was out for a few days from the ritual?” You ask again. San nods. Apparently you blacked out just right after San had finished feeding you, and he had caught you in time before you hit the floor.
“How are you feeling though? Any pain?” He asks, concerned as he brushes his fingers across your forehead. You shake your head and tell him you feel a little more different—more powerful or something. San pulls out the beautiful Fire card, reminding you of your craft. You break into a smile as you take the card off his hands and embrace him into a hug.
Now there was only one ritual left—whatever it was. San hasn’t told you yet and you were too engrossed with creating your cards that it slipped your mind.
“The last ritual,” you say, and you notice slight red tinting his cheeks and your curiosity peaks.
“The last ritual, is to bind us together”, he pauses, “through sex.”
Your jaw drops. “Holy fucking shit. Are you serious?”
San nods. “Yeah I am a behemoth in contract after all. That’s why I uh, said the only thing you needed to prepare for for the final ritual was your consent.”
It wasn’t about that. It was about you being fucked by a demon. You haven’t had physical contact with a human for years, let alone a whole ass demon.
“It might hurt compared to a mortal’s but I’ll try my best to be gentle”, he continues. But you see his confidence slowly dwindle the more you stay silent. “I need to consume your blood through biting as well in order for the pact to be bonded by blood.”
You never thought this would be how the contract would finish. Butterflies filled your stomach as you realise how attracted you were to this behemoth who, despite existing since the birth of the cosmos, was gentle and a soft, even a flirt. If anything, it was almost an honour to be one with him.
“Please, San. We can start the ritual. I wouldn’t ask for anyone else to do it with,” you confess as you leave yourself vulnerable for him. That sealed your consent, and the markings on his limbs start glowing again. San held an expression of relief and affection. He reaches out to you and traps you on the bed, in between his arms.
“I’m sorry. I’m just so happy to hear that”, San confesses next, and his eyes glow a soft, dark red hue. You could see he was trying to hold back.
He leans in slowly and you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. He is lips are soft and there was a slight burn as you kissed him, but it only drives you to want to indulge in him even more. Only behemoth demons could taste this good. Maybe only San.
You feel his appendage hardening above you and your heart races. He wasn’t kidding—he was way bigger than any of your previous mortal partners. No way was he gonna fit in you. But at the same time, the challenge of trying to take him was exhilarating to think about.
As the kiss continues to deepen, San pulls off his vest, revealing it bare, and you realise that only his limbs were covered in symbols. He peels off your top and tosses it onto the floor as he continues to kiss down to your chin then to your neck. You exhale in pleasure as your fingers find locks of his hair. His tongue licks your neck and it drives you crazy from the slight pricks.
Your bare tits are out for him to gawk at and he dives into them, licking and squeezing them, only pooling the arousal in between your legs.
Your grip on his hair tightens as your soft moans increase in pitch.
“Does that feel good, master?” San asks as he shifts forward to give you a kiss.
You trace some of the runes on his muscled arm, recognising a few of it. “You’ll look even prettier when my rune is engraved onto you, San”, you flirt, and you feel his cock harden even more, pressing against your cunt. “Of course, only for you, master,” he hums as he rubs you against him, and your mind starts getting lost in the pleasure. He peppers kisses down from your nipples, to your abdomen, then your pelvis and finally to your pulsating pussy.
He spreads your legs, glancing up at you before licking your clitoris, the small barbed edges of his tongue causing your hips to jerk upwards. He dives in deeper, wanting to turn you into a mess.
San slowly plunges two fingers into your wet cunt, swallowing hard at how tight your pussy was, imagining how his cock would definitely fucking stretch you out perfectly. He glances up again, looking at you for a reaction before continuing to pump his fingers. Your moans fill the room as he finger fucks you in bliss, hitting the perfect spot. He adds another and your hips lift from the pleasure. It takes a while for you to adjust, and he pulls out his fingers, soaked in your essence. He gives his fingers a good suck.
“Witches tend to have good tasting essences, and yours just happens to taste the best.” Red creeps across your cheeks.
He removes his pants and underwear, revealing a girthy cock, red and angry, spilling with precum. You had to touch the sides of your lips to make sure you weren’t drooling too much. Fuck, how are you gonna take that in you?
“You’re gonna be fine”, San assures. “Tell me if it’s too much for you okay?”
You nod and San presses his tip at your entrance, and pushes in. Your eyes roll back as he pushes another inch in. Fuck, even the heavens could never compete with this feeling of pleasure. San pauses for second and your eyes flicker to his face, which is contorted in pleasure. He seemed like he was about to explode—and he wasn’t even fully in you yet.
“Y/n, you’re so tight. Gods, you’re squeezing me so good”, he pants, his grip tightening against the sheets beside you.
You decide to be a tease, and you shift your cunt deeper into your cock, and San fucking loses it. His eyes were flickering from crimson red to a lighter shade of red. “My master,” he pants in between. “If you’re gonna do it like that, the heavens won’t know what I’d do if I lost control.”
And that provokes you to tease him even more as you push yourself deeper, at the same time bringing your pleasure to almost a fever pitch. San groans as he pushes the rest of him into you.
“Fuck, San, you feel so amazing. If I knew you’d feel this good, I would have summoned you way earlier”, you cry out as he barely pulls out fully before rutting back into you.
San doesn’t forget to pamper you with kisses. It stings, definitely, but the pleasure is definitely overriding the pain. In fact, the pain was probably egging the pleasure even more.
His fingers trace the bulge at where his cock lies in you. “We fit so well, Master. Don’t you think so?”
You were starting to feel to fucked out to form any rational thought, but you nod, staring at him through hooded lids. He fucks into you a couple more times before you stop him. San’s face switches to an expression of concern immediately.
“I want to ride you. I want to feel your cock fully in me, San”, you barely say, rubbing his face gently with your thumb. He sighs in relief as he pulls out of you, causing you to cry in pleasure again, a string of precum connecting his cock to your pussy.
He takes your hand and guides you to his lap as the both of you get comfortable on his lap.
You adjust yourself to sit on his cock and you start grinding against him, the mix of his and your precum reducing the friction and enhancing the pleasure. You made sure you move forwards to reach the tip of his cock and grind backwards. San throws his head back, crying from pleasure as more precum leaks from his sensitive tip. Grinding up on his cock was making you even more soaking wet, sparking even more pleasure as your clit rubs against his wet cock. You continue to swerve your hips on his cock, loving the slight friction that tingles your core. It builds up from the previous time he ate you out, and when he fucked you in missionary.
“How does that feel, Master?” San asks, half lidded. He was starting to get lost in the pleasure every time you grind up to his tip.
“It feels amazing. I think I’m gonna cum-“ you fight to finish the sentence as you speed up, feeling your orgasm approaching sooner than you expected. You cry out in bliss, your orgasm flooding you as your pussy pulses against San’s twitching cock. San is doing everything in his power not to just lift you and fuck you like this, seeing how soaked you were in pleasure with him.
You feel his hands trail up to your ass as he lifts you up gently, angling his cock at your entrance, and slowly lets you go. Your hands press hard against his naked chest as tears start pooling at the corners of your eyes, while drool starts pooling at the corners of your lips as you sink onto his cock.
“You can take me, Master. I know you can”, he whispers into your ears. You sink in deeper to his length and your fingers dig into San’s broad shoulders. His hands snake to your thighs and he cheekily pushes you down and you scream from the fullness of his cock.
“There you go. There’s my good Master. I love how your pussy feels around my cock”, San encourages. He lifts your ass and drops you back into his cock. “Doesn’t it feel good?”
You nod. “So good it’s almost sinful”, you mange out. San snickers. “Nothing too sinful if a behemoth is fucking you so well.”
You lean in for a kiss, and this surprises San but he immediately reciprocates, deepening the kiss quickly.
Soon enough, you are just mindlessly bouncing in his cock, every thrust sending you closer to the edge. San struggles to keep it together as well, as you feel him rutting his hips up.
“Master, I’m gonna cum”, San says, with an expression of desperation and desire.
“Go ahead. You’ve been doing so well”, you reply as you comb his hair back. He leans in, lips attached to your neck as he continues to fuck into you desperately. He bares his fangs and bites into you as his cock spurts into your cunt, filling you up to the brim. Blood pools at the base of your neck, and you cry from the simultaneous pain and pleasure, your second orgasm hitting you right at that point as you cream all over San’s cock.
San licks up the blood on your neck, and the skin heals almost as quickly as it broke just mere seconds ago, and he’s still fucking cumming in your pussy, his lower abdomen twitching.
He removes his lips from your neck and blood stains pool at the corner of his lips. You lift yourself off his cock, his cum just dripping out of your pussy. San holds you gently as he uses his free hand to collect the mixture of fluids on his fingers. He pushes his cum-covered fingers to you and you take it eagerly, savouring the taste albeit it being salty. He takes his turn to lick his hands.
“The contract has been sealed, master”, San confirms, and his eyes glow a bright red.
“That’s lovely. I wouldn’t ask for anyone else, San”, you smile as you plant a kiss on his lips, which takes him by surprise, but he seems nothing less of satisfied.
As the planet begins to shift from the blood pact being created, it shakes the universe. You don’t know what’s about to happen, nor do you care. A burst of energy enters you as you levitate into the air, feeling the energy of the cosmos, as well as elements of the deck. Your cards shuffle, and float around you, and you see all of your creations in its glory. Your own divination deck, bonded to you by blood.
You take a deep breath in, as you settle back onto the bed, your cards shuffling back into its deck, onto the selenite plate. Something catches your attention, and you walk over to the full length mirror leaning against the wall. Something is glowing. You gasp, looking at the behemoth’s rune engraved into your skin, a beautiful crimson red as the glow fades. San, right behind you, tracing over your rune fondly. You look up to him and you notice he has the same rune engraved into this skin—and the only rune around his chest.
“Now we’re official bonded. You did so well, my master,” he compliments, stroking your hair gently, understanding how taxing the rituals must have been, still admiring the shared runes you both had on your bodies. “I will make you happy, I promise.” Your heart skips at beat at his words.
“San”, you call out, even though he’s standing right by you. He hums in attention, his eyes now on you.
“Do you think we could do this more often? Like the fucking?”
San is stunned for a moment as he processes the question. No one had asked him that before. Usually the binding rituals were solely to bind the energies of the witch and behemoth, and it is never done again. He’s confused but he agrees, seemingly happy that you enjoyed the ritual with him.
And that’s what you drown yourself in—doing divination readings for others and San as well, and taking his cock whenever you felt like it. It was too good to pass on. Not to mention he was so good at aftercare—making sure you were alright after every session. Undoubtedly, San, himself, was really starting to enjoy having sex with you as well.
You couldn’t think of wanting anything else.
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tw1l1te · 7 months
The Final Promise₊˚✩⊹
Chapter 4
Linked Universe x reader
Warnings: Mentions of mental health and depression, angst, fluff
Two days have passed since you left Castle Town, you and the chain just crossing the threshold of Hyrule Field, but not quite in Gerudo Valley.
The terrain was still slightly grassy, though the grass itself was yellowing, the land being very dry. The sun has long set, so you anticipated settling down soon, as you could feel the energy shift that has happened in the past couple days. Everyone was tired.
“Let’s setup camp under that large tree. Wild, why don’t you and the traveler start setting up dinner. The Captain and I can do a quick scout to see any possible encampments near us or any danger we need to be aware of. We should be back before dinner.” Time announced, motioning Wars to follow him.
You asked around the group seeing if there was anything you could assist with, but no one seemed to need anything for the moment. With a sigh, you propped yourself up against the tree and opened up the book Shad gave you. You might as well be productive.
Flipping through the book, there wasn’t much that related to your quest. Sure, some interesting tidbits about Hylian history and wars, but nothing of note. You halted your flipping at the page labeled: Other Worldly History: Ancient Runes and Magic. 
Hyrule has been known to be a connection between various cultures, nations, and worlds. From the beginning, Hyrule contained loopholes and magic that could alter worlds, change the flow of time, and access completely disconnected dimensions. Nobody has successfully accessed said dimensions, but there are plenty of theories and magical concepts that support the possibility of accessing them.
A particular religious group, according to rumors and first-person accounts, have been seen performing rituals and dark magic that provides a window to a dimension. Though the group itself has no name or distinguishable faces or names, a few colleagues have been able to record the rituals and notes on how their procedures work.
You continued skimming the page, the author noting the black garb that the members wore and possible translations of the language. Everything was up in the air though. Flipping the page, you notice that there are diagrams on how the rituals are performed and how you could access “Hylia’s Mirror” through a very complex and specific execution of moments and chants. 
The ritual began with placing your palms on the ground, or as the book liked to call it: “Connecting to Hylia’s body”. Weird.
You closed your eyes and lifted your palms, pointing out two fingers and drawing a large triangle around you, all sides and angles congruent.
You opened your eyes and tried to follow along with the specified hand signals, but you messed up halfway through. This was gonna be harder than you thought.
The smell of dinner was tantalizing, so you shut the book and placed it in your pack, deciding to play wizard again later once you've eaten. You don’t think you’ve eaten since you left Castle Town, as you all didn’t really stop walking unless taking a few hours to sleep.
You plopped down beside Four, leaning against him. He was sharpening one of his shorter blades, no doubt it being overused the past few weeks in close combat.
“Saw you playing wizard over there. Anything helpful?” he asked, eyes not leaving the blade.
You hummed. “Some dark magic stuff, lotta weird shit. I was too hungry to actually understand anything,” you said, looking at how Four’s fingers held the blade and handled it. 
“I would help you, but I'm considered useless in the reading aspect. Can barely read signs if I'm honest. Only know the basics.” he said, stopping his sharpening and placing the blade back into its holster. 
You were about to mention something about his comment when Wild called out to dinner, just in time for Wars and Time to return. 
“Y/n over ‘ere was being magical and doing magic spells,” Twilight chuckled, gesturing at you “Chantin’ some gibberish, I tell ya.” he laughed, you rolling your eyes in response. 
“Yeah, yeah. Mock all you want, but at least I’m getting somewhere. I think?” you paused. 
“We can leave the demonology till later, let’s eat. I know you guys are starving, and I made heaps of food for tonight.” Wild smiled, handing out bowls to everyone. Does he carry a whole fucking kitchen on him?
“Who’s game did you play first, Y/n?” Wind asked, mouthful of food.
You pondered for a second, having to recollect your memories.
“Ummmm…. I think it was Skyward Sword, so Sky’s yeah. I think I was like 8 or 9.” you said, taking in another spoonful of rice. 
“I miss being a kid, at times. I remember not having to worry about anything, just when I was going to play with my friends or what flavor of cake I was going to get for my birthday. Getting older changes you, for the better or worse, I honestly don’t know.” You said, looking over at everyone.
“I feel like i’ve gotten older faster since I first joined you guys, in a sense. I can’t really explain it. I guess adventuring, or rather being a hero forces you to grow up faster…” You trail off, looking at the fire.
Time pipes up “I agree with that, as I first left the forest when I was seven. The hero’s duty seemed inevitable, regardless if I postponed it or not.”
Wind nods, “I had to leave Grandma when I was 12, to save my sister Aryll. Even when I defeated Ganondorf and returned home, it didn’t feel the same… I wasn’t a kid anymore.”
You scootch up to him, letting him lean against your side. “I know I can’t change your past, Wind, but I just want you to know that I was there with you for every step of the way. Every nick or scratch you got, I made sure you were not alone. I’ll never leave you alone, any of you, whether or not I’m physically here with you or not. You’ll always feel me with you, in here,” You point at his chest. 
Wind sighs sadly, “I love you Y/n.”
You sigh in contentment, “I love you too, squirt. You’ve always been like a little brother to me.”
“Call me squirt again and I’ll shank you in your sleep~” Wind said in a sing-song voice, but you knew he held no malice. You just chuckled at his “threat”.
“It’s so strange to me how we all felt you there with us, Y/n. Even if we didn’t hear you most of the time, you always gave us warmth.” Wild said.
“You guys gave me warmth too, and were there for me in my darkest days. Even just accompanying you for a few hours a day made me feel less alone,” you looked Wild “Even when I felt abandoned, I know you guys wouldn’t leave me.”
“13-year-old me would be so happy if she knew she was talking to her favorite heroes. She needed that. I needed that.” you said, combing through Wind’s sandy hair.
Legend frowned at your comment. 
By the implication of your tone and words, it seems like your early teens weren’t joyful or memorable. You needed them. You needed him. He wished he could’ve heard you back then. It seemed like some of the others could hear you better during their journey, but he only heard you a few times. And from what he remembers, most of them weren’t happy. 
He was also one of the last members of the group to recognize you. He only remembered you about 4 or so months ago. His past had clouded him and his mind, leaving him as leftovers.
Leftovers of Hylia’s game. He hated that damned goddess. A fraud. A parasite across each and every era. He had nothing to thank her for. Nothing besides… you. Simple, yet irreplaceable you. Millions of people had seen his quest and lead him through it, but you were an outlier. A special one. His guide. 
Marin was a memory at this point. Not even a dream, like he thought she was. She was a distraction… a replacement. A replacement for you. Kind, smart, perfect you.
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bytheangell · 2 months
Love at First Dance
(Read on AO3) (Created for @malecdiscordserver's By The Angel Bingo!)
"What are you glaring at?"
Magnus looks over at the sound of Alexander's voice, shocked out of the focus he previously had on Lorenzo Rey, who he wasn't even sure he wanted at his wedding even after the change of heart and bit of redemption he earned himself.
"What?" Magnus asks, both to stall and in the hopes that, perhaps, they could simply change the subject. He shifts to focus himself fully on Alexander - on his husband. As it should be, honestly. He doesn't need to be worrying about anyone else today, least of all a warlock he barely likes and a Shadowhunter he barely knows.
"You look a little too upset for someone on their wedding day. You're going to give me a complex if you don't tell me what's on your mind," Alec says.
"If you must know," Magnus starts, turning his gaze back in the direction of Lorenzo and Andrew at a small table in the corner, laughing in that way you do when you're going to really impress someone over something he's sure barely warrants it, and- okay, he's getting bitter and judgmental again and he really needs to stop it.
"What am I looking at?" Alec asks, glancing around the room in the direction of Magnus' gaze. "I don't see- oh."
Magnus feels vindicated in the fact that Alexander's voice drops in confusion, brows furrowing and a small frown taking over his features. At least they're on the same page about this.
"They're flirting. What's that about?" Magnus asks.
"Yeah, I'll admit, I hardly thought Lorenzo would be Andrew's type," Alec says slowly.
"Andrew can do better," Magnus states simply.
"Magnus..." Alec starts carefully, in that tone that implies he's choosing his next words carefully. Magnus can already sense what's coming next.
"I'm just saying. One decent decision does not undo centuries of being a raging jackass," Magnus says, before Alexander gets a chance to defend Lorenzo.
"I know," Alec agrees. "And I'm not saying it does. But I am saying that Andrew doesn't have a history with Lorenzo. All he knows is the man who realized he made a mistake, and did whatever he could to fix it - including risking his life to go to Edom with a bunch of people he barely knew, putting his life in our hands."
Magnus made a 'humph' sound at that, but couldn't disagree.
"He helped me save your life, Magnus. At the very least, I owe him a chance to start fresh with someone. Isn't that what you got, with me?"
"You knew plenty about me," Magnus argued. "But," he conceded. "I see your point. And I suppose he's been... tolerable recently."
Alexander smiled at that.
"But I'm still saying that maybe cupid's arrow could use a new accuracy rune," Magnus added, half-under his breath but just loud enough for Alec to hear, barking out a laugh.
"Maybe you're right. I guess time will tell," Alec said, glancing back over to where Lorenzo was currently holding his hand out for Andrew to take before leading them both onto the dance floor.
"Perhaps we should join them on the dance floor," Alec suggested, reaching his own hand out to Magnus. "You know, just to keep a closer eye on things."
Magnus shook his head, taking his husband's hand in his own. "No, you're right. I'm staying out of it. Besides, I have more important things to focus my attention on."
Magnus leaned in to kiss Alexander, gentle and lingering several seconds before reluctantly pulling back. "I believe I owe my husband a dance."
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Writer Things Bingo [ 02 ]
hello and how are you?
We got ourselves double the trouble with this particular Tag Game, but hey, these are always fun to do, so here we go with another bingo card!
Thanks to the wonderful @dogmomwrites for tagging us! You can find their response right here! :D
Rules: Want to join in? Click this link! You'll get a random board, feel free to use the link again to get one to your liking if you want. Fill it in by clicking on the ones that fit you and see if you can get Bingo! Or even a Full House!
Tagging with no pressure: @serendipminiewrites | @the-ravens-requiem | @sparrow-orion-writes and of course the happy open tag! grab a bingo card and join in on the fun everyone! c:
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Still ended up coming up short for our dream Full House, but hey, we got ourselves some solid bingos as well as new things to tick off for ourselves!
Got some familiar ones, in both the out of bounds and easy to mark off, and hey, this is still very much a lot of fun! [ also, excuse us, FUTURE TENSE, dear Beings, WHOMST!? ]
☕ Natsume Rune, the Natsume Rune System
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questmouse · 13 days
Some Qftim: Reborn facts because why not \(・w・)/
Facts about Drew Brothers (Aka: Bendy & Boris)
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Bendy can read/write in cursive. Meanwhile, Boris can't read or write in cursive.
Boris has learned many things from Bendy about being a mechanic, infact Boris learned at the age 8 about: Repairs, Maintains Machinery, Motors, etc.
Both of the siblings have a nonverbal language system they use taps kinda like morse code.
Bendy has wide vision, but Boris has tunnel vision.
Boris hasn't had time to maintain his inner animal instincts - such as wagging his tail, growling/whimpering when threatened, and other characters have a problem like these, characters such as: Mickey, Oswald, Ortensia, ect.
Boris has an excellent sense of hearing and smell.
Bendy doesn't have a nose... so he can't smell things.
Boris doesn't really like eating meat, but he eats it so he can grow up to be big and strong.
Facts about Walt Brothers (Aka: Mickey & Oswald)
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Anytime Oswald is mad at Mickey or anyone else, he stomps around just like a rabbit.
Mickey has been a guardian of the bunny kids since after Ortensia had passed. He always helps Oswald with the bunnies, mainly taking the bunnies to the park, events, ect.
Oswald knows it's a burden to have Mickey help him, but despite that, Mickey appreciates being able to help out whenever he can, Oswald feels like the luckiest rabbit to have a brother like Mickey.
Mickey tries his hardest to have his home be very welcoming to his friends. On multiple occasions, he's let his friends stay at his place. His home is described as cozy and homey.
Oswald and Mickey both have a thing for cats.
Oswald has been in 3 relationships, Fanny, Ortensia, and Felix. Meanwhile, Mickey has been in 2 relationships, Minnie and Mark.
Mickey can purr like a cat since Mark taught him, and he only does it near Mark & Oswald.
Oswald knows how to professionally bake, he can make one fancy looking carrot cake.
Ever since Mickey saw Bendy and Boris, he felt close to them. He always thought of adopting the two, and Mickey told Oswald about his thoughts about adopting the two.
Facts about Cup Brothers (Aka: Cuphead & Mugman)
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Mugman is still very salty that Cuphead sold their souls to the devil.
Cuphead & Mugman both have daddy issues with their folks: Blackhat and Doctor Flug
Cuphead has had multiple pet cats throughout his life as an adult, his current one: Jackpot (Aka Figaro)
Mugman and Cala Maria are currently dating and have been known as the "old couple" they go birdwatching, bingo, etc.
Cuphead keeps his hair jello yellow because he loves the scent of lemon.
Mugman used to used to have jello brown hair, but he didn't think he looked good with it.
Cuphead has the following weapons: Peashooter, Spread, Charge, Roundabout, Converge
Mugman has the following weapons: Peashooter, Chaser, Lobber, Crackshot, TwistUp.
Facts about Felix The Cat
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Felix wanted to adopt Bendy and Felix, but he found out from Oswald that Mickey wanted to adopt them, and they are currently talking about adopting and sharing custody of Bendy and Boris.
He is slightly colorblind but it's not really noticeable to him.
When he first met Oswald he thought he was a weirdo and jerk, but after trying to build a relationship with him and getting to know him better he's been wanting to ask Oswald to go on a date.
He's got fast and sharp reflexes.
Felix hangs out with Sheba every Friday night after she closes the book story. Sometimes, they get drinks and talk about their week or their personal life.
He doesn't tend to make many friends, but he's really socialable when he's with his close friends.
He's currently reading about his new adventure with Bendy, Boris, Cuphead, Mugman, and Mark.
He's a decent chef and knows his way around making a good meal.
Facts about Mark Izuru (Aka: OC)
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He is currently learning about all the kinds of runes that are in the world.
He lived outside of Inkwell Isle’s before he became an adult. He lived on an island with few people. His people know the language: Latin, and when he left the island to go look for the runes, he had to learn English from people be didn't know.
Mark is willing to do anything for Mickey. He makes sure Mickey can feel special anytime he has time to be with Mickey when he's not busy with work.
He was confused about his Sexuality when he was a teenager, but after meeting his now ex, he's only into guys.
He is a great acrobatics and knows how to move around in small areas, tight places, etc.
Mark has a has a very high spice tolerance. He's challenged Cuphead several times to eat spicy food, and Mark has managed to come out on top when they eat spicy food.
He acts smug to Cuphead and Mickey, Cuphead because he likes to taunt/tease him, and Mickey, since he loves him and loves to tease him, he sometimes teases just to get a cute little reaction.
He has a connection with magic, and he's been trying to show Mickey all the kinds of magic he could do, and Mickey has been trying to incorporate magic into his Circus.
What do you think about this headcanons? :]
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mermaidhugs · 3 months
if u wanted a bingo u should do c3 with frey/margaret (rune factory 4) (this is half joke but also if u wanted to >:3c )
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They're drinking one of margaret's favourite gifts "prelude to love"
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which is literally a lesbian flag coloured drink 🤔👀
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mistyarcana · 3 months
you rbed bingo from me, so it's my duty to send an ask!
how about oisín hakivnar (my problematic fave) and adaine?
Hey!! Thank you so much for asking :D First up is Adaine! She's so so special to me and I love dressing her up in fun little outfits or accessories (I'd like to think she wears big silly earrings + maybe those librarian glasses chains but I have yet to draw her with them!). Secondly, Oisín. He's so catty and its genuinely the funniest thing ever. Also I'd like to think that he WAS genuinely messing up on the beer-pong and later was like "um... yes.... all according to plan.. of course..." and then scrambling to write the runes on the inside because I think it's funnier. What a guy. I need him to be thrown off a cliff
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(And here's a quick doodle for waiting so long!! Tumblr has the wonderful habit of eating my asks or not showing me them)
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