musingsanddrabbles · 5 months
@dreamingofimpalas asked:
Can you write out a small scene between Emmett and Esme, when Emmett first joined the family? I think it would have been really sweet to see, especially because they're both such family-oriented people. I could imagine Emmett being so nervous at first and Esme just guiding him along through the process.
Word count: 1,305 | Characters: Esme, Emmett, Rosalie, Edward. | no content warnings.
It's been six months since the addition of Emmett to their coven. Esme remembers the day Rosalie came home carrying a fatally wounded Emmett as if it was yesterday; she's still immensely impressed with Rosalie's self control. Esme couldn't have done the same, she simply didn't have the restraint. It still stuns her to know that Carlisle managed to restrain himself from simply draining her dry when transforming her. The self control of them both was beyond admirable.
Between now and Emmett's addition, Rosalie confided in Esme why she brought Emmett home. Rosalie's honesty admittedly took Esme by surprise, but amongst Rosalie's admission, Esme could make her own. Esme didn't remember much of her son. What she could remember was the mop of dark hair and a flash of blue she could only think were his eyes. Emmett reminded Rosalie of Henry in the same way he reminded Esme of her own son. They both let grief-stricken laughter bubble from lips with their confessions, relieved the other one understood.
Ever since that hushed conversation while the men had taken themselves hunting, Esme has gleefully watched the blossoming relationship develop between Rosalie and their newest coven member.
Emmett's feelings have been evident since eyelids revealed the blood-red of newborn eyes. Despite impassioned pleas from Rosalie as she cradled a wounded Emmett, Rosalie has since been tentative of Emmett. There's no denying how Emmett has brought life to Rosalie once more; her laughter often fills otherwise comfortable silence and her face is usually adorned with a smile which never fails to reach her eyes. Rosalie struggles with proximity, golden eyes flicker to find Esme whenever she finds herself and Emmett alone in the same room as one another. Rosalie never had to ask— Esme understands in a way neither Carlisle or Edward (regardless of ability) could possibly begin to.
It's raining when Emmett joins her in the kitchen. Usually she can be found experimenting with recipes no-one can eat, or, like today, simply painting. She has the backdoor open, her easel with its back against the open door and just to the side, herself perched on a dining table chair. Esme owns multiple aprons; they are either adorned by cooking stains or paint stains, but Carlisle is always there with a new one, his mouth set in a smirk which she is only privy too.
Despite Emmett's size, Esme didn't hear him slip into the room. It's only when she glances up at her view and is met with his large figure, muscular arms crossed over his broad chest, that she realises he's even there. Her startle moves her paintbrush abruptly against canvas, an out-of-place brushstroke staining the otherwise grey of rainclouds. There is an immediate sigh, one that causes Esme to discard her palette and place her paintbrush into the glass of water she has faithfully placed next to her. Emmett's expression changes from his usual smile to that of which Esme can only describe as a boy knowing he's about to be admonished. An immediate grin captures Esme's lips and before he can even begin to apologise, she's put a hand up between them to silence him.
"It's fine... I suppose you're looking for Rosalie?"
And again, his expression changes from guilt to bashful and Esme grins wider.
"Unfortunately for you, she's gone hunting... with Edward of all people, and no, I don't understand either. Hold tight, son, she'll be back before you know it."
This time, Esme is rewarded with Emmett's own grin as he grabs a chair to sit at the table. There is the unmistakeable sound of splintering wood between Emmett's fingers, their eyes meeting with the realisation he's broken a chair, but Esme's quick to reassure, "please do me a favour and help yourself to the rest. I've never liked these chairs. Apparently Carlisle got them for a steal... I can see why."
Assured he's pardoned for his second mistake in less than five minutes, Emmett finally settles. His arms rest across the top of the backrest as he straddles the seat of his chair. For a moment he observes Esme's unfinished painting before rewarding her his attention once more.
"About Rosalie," he begins, gingerly rubbing the back of his neck as he speaks. "Uh, well... uh..."
Esme crosses a leg over the other, amusement playing on her features as she leans back against her chair. She's patient, she can wait for the end of his sentence, but that doesn't mean she can stop an eyebrow from arching in anticipation.
"... Well, uh... you seem close to her, is what I'm trying to say..."
"And," he coughs, a fist coming to tap against the palm of his left hand, "I was wondering if she's mentioned me at all?"
Not the question she expects him to ask, but progress nonetheless. Esme tilts her head, her cheeks aching with her grin. "Hmm, well... she's mentioned that you ripped her coat the other day. Apparently it was designer..."
Emmett swallows, his eyes falling to concentrate on rhythmic punching. "Uh, yeah... Carlisle says he can purchase a new one, current season and all," he explains in a flurry, his words contending with each other to get out.
"But—" Emmett's head raises with unmistakeable curiosity. "She's also told me how much she enjoys spending time with you."
"Even with ripped coats?"
"Even with ripped coats, Emmett."
The man finds his grin once more, his hands settling with Esme's confession. That isn't what he came to ask, of course, but it was a good start. Something tells him Esme is half expecting his next question, but it doesn't make it easier to get out. "So... knowing that... I was wondering if you could, uh, maybe tell me what she enjoys?"
There it is.
"If she hasn't mentioned it by now, may I suggest you offer to dismantle a car?" she replies, lazily wiping paint-stained hands against her apron. "And I don't mean by brute force, Emmett. Surely a man such as yourself knows his way around a toolkit? I can say she definitely does."
"Do you really lack that much faith in me?" he retorts, coaxing a laugh from Esme.
"She's also rather fond of perfume," she continues, watching the cogs turn in Emmett's head with every drip of information she feeds him. "Her favourite at the moment is Twenty Carats by Dana. Don't worry, I'll make sure to buy some for you. She doesn't have to know I told you."
Emmett exhales as if blowing through a straw, his fingers curling and uncurling against the palms of his hands. If it wasn't already obvious how he feels, he's sure it is now.
"Anything else?" Esme adds, watching the man piece together various plans in his mind.
Emmett shakes his head, standing as suddenly as he appeared and, in his enthusiasm, completely severs the backrest from the seat. He slowly pushes the now detached backrest towards Esme, her fingers coming grab it with an exasperated sigh, but fondness demonstrated in both her eyes and smile.
"Now, if you'd excuse me, I've got wood to repurpose and you've got a toolkit to find... I think the garage is your best bet."
He offers Esme a faux salute, his excitement palpable amongst the two of them. "Yes, ma'am."
And with that he's gone again like an unseasonal hurricane whirling through the house. Hopefully, the chair is all she has to fix... Esme doesn't even spare a thought for the garage.
When she finally settles once more, paintbrush between fingers, Esme glances up to catch familiar figures approaching the house. Edward's gaze catches that of Esme's and he lopsidedly grins. Rosalie doesn't look particularly happy at Edward's side, but Esme's sure it's nothing a little engine oil won't solve. The plan's in place, now Emmett just has to ask.
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wastheheart · 5 months
Can you write out a small scene between Emmett and Esme, when Emmett first joined the family? ❤ I think it would have been really sweet to see, especially because they're both such family-oriented people. I could imagine Emmett being so nervous at first and Esme just guiding him along through the process.
Answered here, @dreamingofimpalas! Thanks so much for the suggestion, I hope this satisfies?!
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dreamingofimpalas · 1 year
⛤ Hiatus Status: Active
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Last Updated 9/15/24
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In Regards to Bullies in the Loki Fandom
(Previously "Regarding Loki-G0dofstories & Support for Them")
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Items tagged with #my stuff are made by me. Please do not repost, distribute, claim as your own, etc. I also have a couple of side blogs (unfortunately, I can't follow back on them). Also, please let me know if any of my links are broken so I can update them - thank you! Save us both the trouble and please block me if you're anti-LGBTQ+, anti-shipping, etc. ⛔ 👋 Minors, please block and / or do not engage with posts that are tagged with 'NSFW'. Thank you for your cooperation.
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⛤ Names: Jade / Jaden, Cass / Cassius ⛤ Pronouns: He / Him | They / Them ⛤ Hobbies: Drawing, gaming & game development, video creating, role playing, writing, website building, Photoshop & graphic design, wood-burning ⛤ Tracking: #dreamingofimpalas ⛤ Fav. Ships: Destiel (Supernatural), Johnlock (Sherlock BBC), & Drarry (Harry Potter) ⛤ Short Bio: Late 20s, fanfic writer, gamer. Multi-shipper with multi-fandoms.  Ship and let ship / OTP and let be. Open to roleplaying (18+ only), just start a post and tag it with #dreamingofimpalas, #Cassius-Blackwood, or #CassiusBlackwood ⛤ This Blog's Birthday: 7/22/2017 ♡ ⛤ Previous Tumblr Years: 11/4/2012 - 2/17/2016 ♡
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⛤ Twilight-Volterra (Twilight side blog; 18+ rec, minors DNI / block nsfw) ⛤ Cassius-Blackwood (side blog; roleplaying; 18+ rec, minors DNI / block nsfw) ⛤ FandemoniumFantasies (very first blog; used as an archive)
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nikkoliferous · 19 days
This is the bully list after what happened to @abby118 . It comes from a famous Loki GIFS creator on tumblr who is also getting harassed & showed in the toxic behavior of this person behind these many alts accounts. Share it with everyone !!
lokilaufeysondiaries strangegodsloki queenofstarsign85 dreamingofimpalas hereitgoesagain067 buckybarnes-winters0ldier themoonsmaven nerdconpp crackships-r-us69 lokisimp89 lowkey-lokid souls-for-fandoms cassius-blackwood fandemoniumfantasies ladylovelyfan2014 lokismilkshake goddessofvictoryy
PSA for people being targeted by any or all of the above blogs.
personally, I am agnostic on the topic of preemptively blocking people (and sharing block lists, for that matter). I don't usually block people myself unless I'm getting directly harassed and they're becoming a distraction/it's the only way to get them out of my notes. with that being said, that's a personal choice of mine, and I fully support the rights of any blogger to block any other blogger for any (or even no) reason. nobody is entitled to read or interact with anybody else's blog.
this should also go without saying in this day and age, but I do not condone nor encourage anyone going to any of the above blogs to counter-bully them. do not spam their posts' notes, do not send them anon hate, so on and so forth. just block (or don't, if you prefer) and move on. not only for your own sake, but because from my limited direct interactions with/knowledge of a couple of them, it's clear that they crave the attention and it only feeds into their self-pitying view of themselves as the perpetual victim (despite them being the aggressors in each instance I've borne witness to). don't feed the trolls, etc etc.
stay safe out there and do what you need to do to take care of yourselves, loki fandom. 💚💛🖤
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londonlock · 3 months
@thedynamic and @dreamingofimpalas tagged me in the best question of all time: can u tell us who ur blorbos are????? girl ima give you a blanket and a forest clearing and let’s look up at the stars while i infodump for hours
i’m tagging @tworidiculousmen @bbcsherlock @betweendoctorsanddetectives 💗💗💗
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berrymischief · 26 days
✨💖✨ If you receive this, you make somebody happy! Go on anon and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or somebody you think needs cheering up. If you get one back, even better ✨🌸✨
thank youuuu!! love you, @dreamingofimpalas 💖
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twilight-volterra · 5 months
🔹Status: Semi-Hiatus
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This is my side blog for Twilight-related posts. Occasionally, I make aesthetics and GIFs. I also do Twilight roleplays on my RP blog below (18+ only, please).
Last Updated 8/25/24
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