#dreamlight valley theory
nibsthoughtcorner · 1 year
The Old Ruler and The Forgotten
A Disney Dreamlight Valley Theory
POTENTIAL MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE MAIN STORY! (Also spoilers for Dazzle Beach Story Quest and Glade of Trust Story Quest)
So here’s the dealio
When I unlocked the Story Quest for Dazzle Beach, I obviously got that lil cutscene of The Forgotten going into a portal through that cave, and if you remember the cutscene, the shot was of The Forgotten’s shoe.
Now I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but I noticed that with “my” Forgotten, the shoe looked an awful lot like the sneakers my character was wearing.
And obviously if Disney was going for a unique design for The Forgotten, they wouldn’t design them wearing plain clothing.
Which leads me to believe that The Forgotten isn’t their own person, but rather a different form of The Old Ruler (aka us, which we only find out after Glade of Trust Story Quest)
I propose that The Forgotten is a physical manifestation of the negative/shadow side of The Old Ruler.
If you remember some of The Old Ruler’s diary entries, they start to get kinda creepy after Dazzle Beach is unlocked. You see weird purple drawings, which is the same color of the magic making up the Night Thorns, as well as the same color as The Forgotten’s apparition.
In those creepier diary entries, The Old Ruler talks about more negative emotions such as fear, longing, loneliness, and other such feelings. Which leads to the next point.
The Forgotten is the manifestation of The Old Ruler’s negative emotions and fears.
This would explain why, despite the fact that Merlin is a wise and powerful wizard, only we can get rid of Night Thorns. They’re born from a twisted version of our own magic. It’s essentially a reversal of our own spells.
It would also explain why we’re the only ones who can enter and leave the cave Ursula is trapped in. The Forgotten trapped her, and since we and The Forgotten are counterparts of each other, we serve as the exception to any spells and effects The Forgotten placed on the valley.
Now with this theory in mind, it now makes more sense as to why The Old Ruler tried to leave. The baseline logic here was likely that, since The Forgotten and The Old Ruler are connected, The Old Ruler thought that if they left Dreamlight Valley, they would, by default, take The Forgotten with them.
The problem, however, is that it seems that, if The Forgotten was more dependent on The Old Ruler prior to The Forgetting, they became much more independent by the time The Forgetting happened. This probably means that The Forgotten does indeed have its own consciousness, despite supposedly coming into being as a manifestation of negative emotion.
Now obviously, I don’t have all the information. Like, I seriously started Dreamlight Valley on Xbox, and I’m replaying it on Switch. On neither console did I ever reach The Forgotten Realm. My assumption here is that once I do, I’ll have a lot more to work with in terms of lore surrounding The Old Ruler, The Forgotten, and their connection to each other.
But for now, since on Switch I only have The Plaza, Peaceful Meadow, and Dazzle Beach, this is as far as my theory can go with the knowledge I have.
Once I unlock other regions (and subsequently more lore), I hope to revisit this theory and come up with a part 2, where I add more thoughts, proposals, and possibly tweak any assumptions I feel may have been disproven by the lore.
I hope you all enjoyed my theory and analysis on the connection between The Old Ruler and The Forgotten in Dreamlight Valley.
And hey, if you enjoyed my little theory, check out my blog for future theories and thoughts (and maybe even analyses).
Until next time,
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dreamlight-violet · 2 years
Forgotten Lands theory?
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I love the Forgotten Lands, especially in the rain. It's so spooky! I hope Maleficent and the Evil Queen live here and I think they probably will!
The green fire and the thorny vines are clearly a nod to Sleeping Beauty, whereas the two fruits that grow there (apples and gooseberries) are a nod to Snow White.
We also see the pumpkin house... who could live there? The Fairy Godmother, perhaps? As another powerful magic user, and a fairy like Maleficent, that wouldn't be too far fetched.
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yuri-is-online · 1 year
I haven't been playing Dreamlight Valley as much recently, but there's something... interesting about how Scar is easily the one villain I would say is genuinely the player's friend, he even admits that he thinks of them as his friend (very grumpily) in one quest. It makes me think of how Leona is technically part of Yuu's class, he and Rook are the direct seniors of Class A (at least if I understand Portfest correctly) so he is probably the Housewardern who sees them the most other than Riddle. I know it probably won't happen, but if the timeloop theory is real I would love to see him get more focus in round 2. I just want more Leona and Yuu interactions, and if you had told me that when I started the game I would have laughed at you.
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miko2495 · 10 months
Looking at Rapunzel's lyrics that are scattered around and...
I think she knew Flynn/ Eugene but the Forgetting made her forget and Gothel took advantage of that as well as the whole night thorn thing
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unfairaddiction · 2 years
Mother Gothel quest line spoilers!
This is more of a theory than anything else.
Listen, hear me out, what if the curse mother Gothel was using when she was trapped by the OG ruler wasn't for rapunzel.
Mother Gothel knew that the OG ruler was becoming distant and that they were about to leave, she know that the forgetting was being caused by the OG ruler being pulled back to the real world.
She wasn't going to trap Rapunzel, she was going to trap the OG ruler and keep them in the valley.
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stretch-time · 2 years
dude dreamlight valley is so fucking weird I can have Woody from Toy Story talking to Kristoff from Frozen
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buff-borf-bork · 2 years
i dont want to be combining twst with dreamlight valley based off of one dlv theory i had as soon as i started the game but its too late---
(and didnt get very far cause 2 days in and got error messages)
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shiplessoceans · 6 months
Magnus Protocol theory incoming:
Disclaimer: I have only listened to the original podcast once through. Binged it in the span of 2 months while playing Disney Dreamlight Valley (it was a dark time in my life, I cope how I cope). I am still hazy on the finer details and names (Bouchard's, Leitners etc etc.)
But I had a thought around TMP episode 5 and I am more convinced of it now having listened to the latest episode.
I think when Martin and Jon went through the rift, they went to an alternate universe, but also an alternate TIME within the universe.
And in the timeline of the Magnus Protocol as we are listening to it, they are both either older than when we left them, or long dead having lived for years in this current world.
The evidence we have is their voices on the computers. I did initially wonder: "wait, have they been turned into A.I voice programs by the horrors?"
But it's far more likely that they made each recording and put it into this old analogue system that could handle and contain the records without glitching.
Which would mean the Institute (Office of Incident Assessment and Response) as it currently exists could have been established by Jon and Martin, or at least they took part in setting it up in an attempt to prevent what happened in TMA from happening here. Yes, they brought the horrors through, but they can contain them. Keep the records random, screen young people for some kind of study (not sure what that's about yet) and then hire a bunch of casuals to sit around on shifts and catalogue the recordings to feed The Eye. But keep them vague, rotate staff in and out frequently and make sure none of them can become The Archivist to repeat the ritual.
Gwen mentioning time travel study feels important.
The Magnus Insistute was destroyed in this universe, which feels like something Jon and Martin would do, to prevent history from repeating.
Gwen being a Bouchard could be a coincidental throwaway, red herring style, because Elias Bouchard wasn't innately anyone special until the horrors marked him. Gertrude being alive in this universe feels important and is another indicator that history in this world is different than in TMA.
I think we're supposed to think this world is different because it's an alternate universe but I am convinced Jon and Martin made changes to try to fix the timeline.
My question is: Who's watching? We know we only ever hear security footage and people's mobile phones secretly listening to them and in the most recent episode a tape switched on in the burnt down Institute to record Sam and Alice digging around.
We are listening. We are still avatars of The Eye. But I have to wonder if Jon is off somewhere, unable to keep his eyes off things, making sure nothing is going wrong...
Will come back and eat my words if I'm wrong!
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left-handed-moths · 6 months
Nobody is theorizing enough about the Dreamlight Valley Rift in Time spring update So here’s my theory:
-Ancient’s Landing is full of blue glowing rock technology
-There’s an ancient power under the island
-Atlantean text has been all over this game from the start
-There’s a big door partially underwater and it looks like we’re probably going in there next
Conclusion: Princess Kidagakash is down there
EDIT: it’s Oswald 🤷🏻
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thebardscipher · 9 months
The Forgotten Guardian
Fandom: Disney Dreamlight Valley
Character: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, Player Character (mentioned)
Summary: A very lucky villager is tasked protecting a Spark of magic
Other Notes: Spoilers for A Rift in Time, Based on a Theory I have for A Rift in Time, Written based on an Image in my head and a Vibe, Edited and Posted at 2am I do not care if its "bad"
He had paced here for so long, He wasn't sure how long it had been, but it was long enough that the drips of the water that echoed throughout the cavern had formed a puddle that he could walk through in his pacing. The moss had grown, though he couldn't tell if that was due to time or the magic that had been brought to the Isle.
He had been asked to keep watch of this area long before that magic had arrived. He had been lonely and longing to see someone else before the magic had arrived. The magic that now he paced to keep away from what he protected.
Pacing kept him focused, helped keep his thoughts on his task. Protect what he had been asked to protect. If he stopped pacing, he would get antsy and fidgety and his thoughts would spiral into thoughts he didn't want to think about. Of dark magics, and broken promises, and history repeating itself. How he had been abandoned...again!
So no, he wouldn't pause. If he paused and didn't focus on his task, the source of all magic that kept this place, and the Valley, and anywhere else that used the magic as it mean of existing could be affected by the magic that just seemed to push against the safety of the cavern. A magic that could affect time, speed the process of growth and decay. A magic he didn't want to imagine what it would do to what he protected.
He protected a priceless Relic. Something so strong that it had been locked somewhere deep below the Isle. In the right hands, it brought life into the new and old of the Valley and outer reaches, but in the wrong hands it could destroy. All it took was a Spark and a Thought.
The right hands, well...he hadn't seen Them for a while. They had tasked him, all that time ago, to protect the Relic, knowing he had seen it work and understood its power and he had been willing. He wasn't always trapped in this cavern, guarding it like he did now, but They had grown antsy, They grew distrusting, and They had asked him to hide it away and soon tasked him to not let anyone near the Relic but Them.
They had visited everyday to make sure he wasn't lonely. To tell him stories of the Valley. To bring him gifts and stuff to pass the time away. But They grew more and more anxious, more and more closed off.
The last time he had seen Them, the coldness in Their eyes and body language felt too familiar for comfort.
And the Spark dimmed not long after that. The fear that he might fail the one task he had been given is what caused him to pace. And not long after that, this foreign magic that he so desperately tried to keep at bay had arrived to the Isle. He had no context as to why, but he didn't want to figure out the consequences of the two magics mixing.
It was during this pacing that something suddenly changed. It started with the Relic glowing bright, bright enough that he had to pause and shield his eyes. When the light died down, it wasn't by much. The Relic glowed brighter than it had in a long while. Nearly as bright as it had right when he had first been tasked to protect it.
There was a pull of a familiar magic now in the air. A magic that mixed well with the magic of the Relic and the Isle. A magic that he hadn't felt in a long time.
But he couldn't let his guard down. He had his task and he was determined to keep the cavern and its contents safe from the other magics around.
A little bit of time passed and the Relic pulsed again, and there was a shift in the magic around him. The time magic pulled back, not completely, but enough that he noticed it. He paused and flicked his ears about, There was no sounds that he would say was unusual for the cavern. Water dripped and the drips echoed. The almost constant hum from the magic of the Relic was there. His own brathing and the very faint hum from the magic that radiated from him filled the air. But nothing out of sort.
That meant the Relic was safe...for now at least. So he went back to pacing. However, it was a different kind of pace, one more slow and cautious, waiting for something to leap from the shadows, waiting to hear the sound of an old friend.
He wasn't sure how long this period of wary pacing kept up, but it was longer than the previous period between the Relic pulses. This time when the Relic pulsed, he stopped his pacing to turn and look at the Relic, up on the altar They had created to keep the Relic safe. He could feel the shifting of magic around him and probably throughout the entirety of the cavern, if not throughout all of the Isle.
The time magic that had been like an infestation were shifted and melded into the magic of the Isle. For a second he was panicked, had he failed his job? This is what he had feared...but this didn't feel bad, almost felt more accepting than he had thought.
Then the peace was interrupted. The dripping of the water turned into a trickle, which then turned into a roar as the cavern shook.
He bounced into action running up the steps of the altar. He hesitated at the top, eyeing the Relic as if it held the answer. When it gave him nothing, he turned to watch the cavern fill up, stopping halfway up the steps.
It was quiet for a few minutes before the shaking returned, thought it lasted much shorter than last time. A blue light emerged from below the water and bubbles started to raise toe the surface of the water. Stepping stones popped up onto the surface of the water. The stepping stones led his attention to a small alcove on the wall opposite of him. He watched as the stone door that sat on the wall was pushed open and the light of day made him squint.
When he cleared his eyes, they made contact with the figure who had opened the door. He met those same eyes from all those years ago, though no longer as cold and bitter as back then. His ears raised as They let out a gasp.
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starriislxt · 7 months
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝ — about me.
໒꒰ྀིっ˕ -。꒱ྀི১ — hello!! welcome to my blog, my name is serenity but you can call me ren or renni or seri, here's a little introduction.
BIO. she / her pronouns. twenty one. my star signs are scorpio sun, virgo rising, and virgo moon. & my personality type is infp-t.
SHOWS & MOVIES. avatar & avatar: the way of water, marvel movies, tangled, encanto, frozen, aquamarine, outer banks, think like a man, your name, the chronicles of narnia; the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe, steven universe, monster high (the old ones), barbie movies, bratz movies, atla, gossip girl, the big bang theory, mike & molly, amphibia, the owl house, gravity falls, the middle, regular show, infinity train, wandavision, the falcon and the winter soldier, loki, degrassi, friends, she-ra, ouran high school host club, arrow, the flash, winx club (the original), always open to suggestions and recs !!
BOOKS. since you've been gone, criminal, the secret to dating your best friend's sister, diary of a bad boy, wait with me, the hate u give, the outsiders, diary of a wimpy kid series, dork diaries, etc.
LOVES. blue, red, green, black, listening to music, binging tv shows, watching romance/comedy/fantasy movies, iced matcha latte, reading, writing, video games.
HATES. rude peope, horror movies, getting a tv show spoiled (unless its me spoiling myself), winx club & monster high reboots.
MUSIC. chris brown, nicki minaj, jack harlow, beyonce, tyga, a boogie wit da hoodie, doja cat, sza, bleu, lil baby, etc.
HOBBIES. reading, writing, drawing & playing video games.
GAMES. sims 2 & 4, la noire, horizon zero dawn, god of war, among us, disney dreamlight valley, t3 arena, stardew valley, avatar frontiers of pandora.
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amtrak12 · 11 months
NanoWrimo Day 3: First Big Writing Day
Daily Goal: 3250
Completed: 3282
Running Total: 5147
Type: Final scene of chapter 14 and first two scenes of chapter 15.
Feeling: That mistakes were made :S I ended up chained to the computer all day because I got distracted decorating/posing for the current Dreamlight Valley 'villain lair' photo challenge (whoops, 2 hours gone!). Then, I edited not only chapter 10 but also chapter 11 (whoops the second). Which is fine, in theory. Those chapters are getting published on 11/10 and 12/1 respectively, so it needed to be done. But my energy levels haven't recovered from the past two work weeks, so I was flagging before I even started my actual writing for the day.
Conclusion: I'll try to stick to a better schedule tomorrow. Also shout out to "Something Just Like This" by The Chainsmokers/Coldplay for getting me through the bulk of today's words. You were really hitting the spot today! Couldn't have done it without you, buddy!
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dreamlight-violet · 2 years
I know I just touched on this in my last post, but it's just so disappointing that the mined list of characters appears to be accurate.
While I am pleased that it looks like we'll be getting Vanellope (and likely ralph along with her) in June (early summer "a princess races into the valley"--this can only apply to Vanellope as no other princesses are associated with racing), it's disappointing that we won't be seeing Mulan, Sleeping Beauty or Princess and the Frog until... who knows. 2024 at the earliest. Hercules is (surprisingly) on that list but there's no hint of them on the roadmap or in-game items, and it feels weird that they continue to use Belle in loading screens and provide so many Beauty and the Beast items without it being on the roadmap.
It is still possible that Belle will be in the second half of the year and honestly? I don't see how they could not have her be the August/Early Fall DLC, considering most people expected her to be the February DLC. But if she doesn't get in by EOY, I have no hope for Mulan, SB or PatF in 2024 either. However, I am fully open to being wrong and will be happily surprised to be.
(As far as my boy Hans goes? Unless he's confirmed for F3, I doubt we will ever see him.)
tl;dr: Wreck it ralph for June/Early Summer, Beauty and the Beast for August/Early Fall, and for October through EOY: Cinderella, Tangled, or Monsters Inc (based on in-game references such as items, locations and Memories).
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nibsthoughtcorner · 1 year
Hey guys
It’s Nib
As much as I like doing other creative stuff on my other blogs, I really wanna get some thoughts and theories out into the world to see what people think.
So uh
A lot of these will probably be 1 AM Epiphanies
If you like overthinking about small details and very subtle symbolism in (mainly) video games, welcome to the blog!
Some of my main interests include:
Genshin Impact
Honkai Star Rail
Twisted Wonderland
Disney Dreamlight Valley
Other Interests I might mention include:
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (no spoilers please it’s my first play through)
Cult of the Lamb (same note as above)
Devil Butler with Black Cat
Project SEKAI
Cookie Run Kingdom
Ensemble Stars (English)
Obey Me! (Not the new one, the old one)
Please note this is a LGBTQ+ safe space :)
Also be warned, since I have ADHD, my postings will be inconsistent, and when I do post it’s probably going to be something I’m hyperfixating on, or a thought that just won’t leave my head
If I have to think about this stuff at 1 AM, then so do you /hj
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miko2495 · 2 years
I do like the cute concept of living in a Disney world full of magic, princesses, heroes and villains; I am mostly invested in the lore surrounding the player character.
While we do have little bits and pieces of that lore in the forms of the torn pages from the Old Ruler’s diary, I think I have enough to guess what happened thanks to the recent update.
So, allow me to indulge myself and share this theory with you all:
Long ago, before the Forgetting and the Night Thorns, the Old Ruler lost someone very close to them. Due to this loss, the Old Ruler couldn’t help but feel a crushing loneliness (and possibly grief) despite still being friends with the valley’s inhabitants. They slowly became less cheery, more distant and possibly cold.
Then, the Old Ruler couldn’t couldn’t take the loneliness anymore and wanted to get rid of it. Stealing some spell books from Merlin’s library, they found the spell they were looking for and tried to cast it but the orbs’ magic prevented them from doing so. After ripping the orbs from their pillars and putting them where no-one can easily find it, they tried the spell again and it worked.
This spell is what separated the Player from the Forgetting in a physical sense and while it did work, there’s two consequences of this spell: the Player is teleported to another world and they have no memory of their life in Dreamlight Valley. With the orbs gone and the valley low on Dreamlight magic, people started disappearing, they started forgetting and the night thorns appeared.
So; who did the Player lose?
Their parents or a very close friend.
By what? That’s the one thing I don’t have an answer for.
Of course, I could be completely off but just imagine the Player getting access to other rooms in the castle, they get to the throne room and they find something that triggers them to see flashes of their past in the valley.
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axelwolf8109 · 2 years
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194 notes - Posted November 15, 2022
For those who haven't gotten far in Disney Dreamlight Valley yet, save as much hardwood, stone, iron ingots, and clay as you can because Minnie will give you a quest and you need 100 stone, 100 hardwood, 30 ingots, and 200 clay
213 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Ateez school smut. All of these are 18+ and with consent:
-Valedictorian Seonghwa tutoring you and your struggling to understand so he compromises, You cockwarm him and he'll help you and every answer right he hits your gspot with the tip of his cock and whatever you get wrong he spanks you. You're a trembling mess on his cock by the end.
-Class Nerd HongJoong and you are working on a project together. You had already finished your half and watch him as he works, tongue poking between his lips, glasses sliding down his face. You slip under the table without his noting and unzip his pants, fishing his cock out and suckling him in your mouth. He reaches under and roughly pulls you further onto his cock before roughly fucking your throat.
-Football Captain San was watching you cheer on the side of the fridge during practice. He always grew hard watching your tiny skirt raise over your plump ass. After practice he stands nearby, looming over you as your bent over your bag. Everyone else had gone already so he was free to lift your skirt as he humped against your ass. You move your underwear and he slips his cock into your tight hole and begins to thrust like a man possessed.
-Choir boy Jongho always had the solo until you moved and started at school. He was amazed by how you sounded and soon enough you were practicing together after school and he pins you to the wall and kisses you. He yanks your legs up and moves the skirt of your dress. He growls when he realizes you have no underwear on and after he frees his cock and slides himself into you grunting as he fucks you hard.
-Dance Captain Yunho stumbles for the first time when he sees the way you move. He swore his cock had tented his sweats instantly when you did a split. He was glad you both were alone when he pinned you to the floor, tore a hole in your leggings and slid his cock into your wet heat, fucking into you hard holding your legs open in the split.
-Baseball Captain Wooyoung always scored a perfect game but he couldn't seem to get anywhere with you. But he wound up cornering you after a game and the constant flirting between you both and began kissing you, gently feeling you up and he lifted you up and your skirt groaning when he feels how wet you are and thrust into you hard groaning at the feeling of you and the satin tights.
-Basketball captain Mingi wasn't very good with math so you offered to help him out. He tried paying attention but the low cut dress you had on had him distracted. He couldn't take it and leaned over, sliding the straps down, feeling himself close to bursting when he saw you didn't have on a bra. He pulled you into his lap, and onto his long thick cock and had you ride him while he messed with your breasts.
-Art club president Yeosang had practically begged you to model for him. He started with a bikini look. He tried ignoring his hard on when he looked at you but almost fell off his stool when he looked up again and saw you had taken it off and he stared right at your tits. He dropped his paints and walked over and kissed you hard, groping your breasts with paint covered hands. He pulled you into his lap, slipping off the bikini bottoms and sunk his cock into you, groaning at the tight wetness. He kept covering your body in handprints leaving a paint trail over your body as he fucked you harder.
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