#dress code is: mutant business casual
dr-n-dustrielle · 5 months
…was someone supposed to inform me about Komodo Joe’s wedding at any point prior to…oh I dunno, the WEEK before?!
In fairness I didn’t get an invitation. If I can’t convince Gin or bribe Brio to bring me as their plus one, I’m crashing it. I’m not turning down free food and booze
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sash-au · 1 year
SHIELD is made up of 4 divisions- Internal Division, Field Division, Inhuman Division, and Science Division.
Internal Division
Internal Division is essentially the behind the scenes division, as well as the lead division. The Director is part of Internal Division, all other divisions report up to the different sections of it, and it gives the orders to the other divisions. Of course, not all Internal Division groups give orders, but as a whole, that is its job.
They’re the main section of Internal Division, with the Director directly leading them. They create plans and give orders to the other divisions (especially Field Division and Inhuman Division) from SHIELD Headquarters, the Helicarrier, or one of SHIELD's other facilities. The Director and Deputy Director fall into this category.
Intelligence Officers
They’re what makes up most of Internal Division. Their job is primarily to find information on targets, prisoners, possible recruits, and really anything they need. They have lots of computer programmers and hackers, as well as interrogation specialists. They also deal with some of the fallout from superhero fights. Field and Inhuman Agents on reconnaissance missions report directly to them.
Field Division
Field Division is the main division of SHIELD and what most people think of when they think of what SHIELD is. The majority of non-powered agents are in this division, though there are Mutant agents in this division as well. Field Division takes care of most off site and tactical issues, such as arrests, reconnaissance, and general missions.
General Field Agents
These are the agents that take care of most of what Field Division does. They often take care of smaller crimes, as well as helping out with smaller aspects of superhero fights, such as evacuation, cleanup, and taking out henchmen, so that the heroes can deal with the main portion of it. They also are typically the ones tasked with recon missions. These agents are grouped in squads made up of about 7 squad members and 1 squad leader.
Like the name implies, these are the agents that are sent out specifically to kill targets. They’re often sent alone, so there aren’t any squads in this group. Sometimes an assassin will be temporarily assigned to accompany General Field Agents on one of their missions if their target is connected to that mission. Assassins are some of SHIELD’s best fighters, as well as being fantastic stealth operatives and spies when they need to be.
Arrest Agents
Again, like the name implies, these agents are sent out to capture targets and bring them into SHIELD custody. These agents often have incredibly fast reflexes and speed to be able to chase down and capture anyone who might try to run away. They’re also very good at moving around quietly and some double as spies when needed.
Inhuman Division
Inhuman Division is very similar to Field Division, except everyone has powers. There aren’t any groups in this division, they pretty much do whatever Internal Division tells them to do. They tend to take care of power related crimes, especially if Inhumans are involved, as well as helping superhero teams a lot of the time. They are also tasked with finding newly awakened Inhumans and help them learn how to use their powers to them and see if they want to be recruited. Similar to Field Division, Inhuman Division agents are put in squads of 8.
Science Division
Science Division doesn’t have official groups per se, but sometimes there are teams made for specific projects. Science Division consists of many different agents in different areas of science/engineering. They do a lot of work making technological advancements for SHIELD, as well as making the necessary chemicals for certain things, experiments on stuff that was brought back from missions, etc. 
Chemical Engineering
Forensic Science
Dress Code
Internal: Business Casual or SHIELD Uniform
Field/Inhuman: SHIELD Uniform or Superhero Costumes (for powered agents)
Science: Casual or SHIELD Uniform, often paired with a lab coat
Anyone with at least 2 years of field experience can be a squad leader, so the youngest are 15, though that's rare. Most squad leaders have more than 2 years of experience though. 2 years may be the minimum, but you still have to be extremely qualified, like Steve Coulson, who got his command at 16.
Powered Agents can have costumes and hero names. Usually only the Inhuman Division and some mutant members of the Field Division actually do this though. If Internal/Science division agents take advantage of this rule, usually they just do it if they need a costume that helps focus or control their powers, or if they have powers that require them to go into the field for emergencies. If that's the case, they're more likely to also have superhero names, but they usually just go with the costume.
Especially with the younger generations, it's getting pretty rare for SHIELD agents NOT to have some sort of power. Because their primary recruitment demographic is young powered people, that makes up most of the organization at this point.
The Field and Inhuman Divisions work together a lot.
0 notes
memeadonna · 3 years
You are an intern working at Fatgum’s Agency alongside our favourite Hard Himbos: Tetsutetsu and Kirishima. Your quirk allows you to control metal, which attracts the attention of a certain someone. 
Alternatively: I thought Tetsutetsu might have a thing for piercings and then @malicealieness bullied me until I posted this because we Tetsutetsu simps are starved for content (and don’t worry guys she promised to post more of her own writing if I posted this so I’m more than happy to do so (I love you mom ❤️))
Word Count: 5,971
This story is NSFW. Minors DNI. 
Warnings: Switch Tetsutetsu and Reader, Piercings, Size difference/Kink, Mentions of Blood, Biting and Scratching, Loss of Virginity, Vaginal Intercourse, Creampie, mentions of birth control, Tetsutetsu being a Simp, mutual pining, this boy deserves more love. 
Update: Part Two is Out! 
When Tetsutetsu was in his last year at UA, an underclassman joined him and Kirishima at Fatgum’s agency. She was in class 2-A and went by the hero name Metallica. That was you, and you were certain he was terrified of you when you first met. To start with, your quirk was metal manipulation; you could control anything metal and, as the name implies, manipulate it however you’d like – changing its shape, sending it flying, or even adjusting its hardness – and that meant if he were to ever fight with you, he would be at a major disadvantage. It wasn’t like you wanted to hurt him (unless you counted raking your nails down his back and biting his collarbone), but the threat was there. 
Tetstutetsu spent a lot of time staring at you, especially when you were in your hero costume or when the two of you had been left alone for a moment. On the rare occasions you met up with him on campus, he always stared at your piercings while you talked. You had ended up fighting with UA over their dress code: students in the hero course were supposed to be limited to only earrings (which you had several of) and small necklaces as jewelry, but due to your quirk you preferred to wear as much metal as you could. Different metals reacted differently to your quirk, and because of that your piercings, bracelets, and rings had been a mix of many different types that you had painstakingly organized so it was stylish rather than garish. It was hard to pull off so many different colours, but you managed. The school wanted you to only wear the piercings in your earlobes during class (the rings were fine), but after a long argument, you managed to convince them to let you wear something so your holes didn’t close up. The stainless steel you ended up with was much less flashy than the other colours you had had before, but you didn’t mind. It was a versatile metal, and the ability to shape and change it to your will was an asset. Besides that, your piercings were not technically support items, so you could use (and had used) them at the sports festival. 
The first time you met Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, Fatgum had insisted the three of you go out for food together. Kirishima had spent the whole time talking and laughing with you, trying to get to know you, and Tetsu had just spent his time staring like he was in a trance. You were used to people staring – like someone with a mutant quirk, the large number of piercings you wore every day was unusual, and you had gotten used to stares and comments. You tucked your hair behind your industrial and sipped on some boba. His eyes never left your face, scanning over the barbell bisecting your eyebrow then down to the one on your tongue as you took another sip. 
“So, metal,” Kirishima spoke, kicking Tetsutetsu under the table and shooting him a glare that said Pay Attention. “Tell us about that.” 
You waved your hand, the ring on your index finger unwrapping itself and forming into a bowl shape. You concentrated as it dipped into your parfait and brought a delectable scoop of vanilla ice cream up to your mouth and took a bite. Tetsutetsu’s brain was all but short-circuiting as you casually dunked the ring into your untouched glass of water and wrapped it back around your finger. As you explained how your quirk worked to his companion, all he could think about was being bent to your will like that. His legs felt weak and shaky, and he was so, so glad you were all sitting in a dark restaurant. 
He seemed skittish around you – never wanting to be alone with you, always fidgeting when you used your quirk. Even Fatgum noticed his strange behaviour and pulled you aside to ask if anything was wrong. You felt so guilty as he asked you if the two of you had had a falling out and what he could do to help – was the transition into working at his agency smooth? Were you happy in the position? Why does one of his interns hate you? He hadn’t asked that of course, but the question was there. 
In the end, you had cornered your colleague. “I’m not going to hurt you,” you had told him softly. “I don’t think my quirk would even work on you. I don’t want to find out though, because if it did hurt you, I don’t think I could forgive myself.” You told him. “I want to be your friend, Tetsutetsu. I don’t want you to be scared of me.” 
Scared? It had taken him almost ten entire seconds to process this as you tried to make yourself look as nonthreatening as possible. “I – I’m not scared of you,” he had answered dumbly. 
Your friendship blossomed from there. He had to hide a boner whenever you used your quirk in front of him (which was a lot, you tended to overuse it if anything), but now he got to see you smiling and make you laugh, which melted his steel heart every time. He felt extraordinarily guilty whenever he’d sneak off to the bathroom, shove his shirt into his mouth, and beat his dick like it owed him money. This resulted in more than one shredded shirt and several raised eyebrows from Kirishima, but he learned to pack a spare change of clothes in his bag. At least his frantic two-minute tangos were almost enough to get him through patrol with you. Almost. 
His situation became more difficult when the agency was working towards a major drug bust. You and your coworkers were excused from school for two weeks and were living out of the agency’s basement. There were three rooms set up there – one for Fatgum with a massive bed, and one for each off-duty intern. Someone was supposed to be patrolling at all times, and all four of you were feeling exhausted. Esuha was not a horribly busy city, but as the dealers you were after were backed more and more into a corner, they began to lash out and take matters into their own hands. 
Tetsutetsu was so ready to slide into a comfortable pair of pyjamas, eat a quick dinner and pass out, but the zipper on his hero suit was stuck. Of course it was. Kirishima had taken up residence in the room Fatgum normally slept in, and was snoring loudly, so he shuffled his way over to your door and reluctantly knocked. 
You answered the door after a few moments, wearing only a tight tank top and a set of loose pyjama shorts. You were rubbing sleep from your eyes, and if he wasn’t so hyper-focused on what he was sure was the outline of a set of nipple piercings through your tanktop he would have felt bad for waking you. “Zipper,” he said quickly, fighting to tear his eyes from your chest. “My zipper is stuck.” 
You reached out your hand and activated your quirk, but frowned slightly. “Your zipper is plastic. Wonder what moron made that design choice. If it gets too hot, it’ll melt,” He was about to agree, but then your hands were on him and he was so, so thankful it was plastic. “Come over here, the light is better.” Your hands unclasped the steel straps across his shoulders, and you used your quirk to send it across the room to rest gently on your nightstand as you worked to get him out of his jumpsuit. He barely registered the door closing and the sound of the lock sliding into place as his brain once more began to short circuit. 
You pressed closer to see the zipper better, which only gave Tetsu a great view down your shirt. He had to be hyper aware of his hands, so he didn’t accidentally touch you. He was a gentleman, after all. He had to be a gentleman, even when you once more tugged him towards yourself to get him closer to the light on your desk. Yup. Had to be a gentleman. 
You continued to fiddle with the zipper, tugging it this way and that. You stuck out your tongue and dragged it backwards along your lip so the little ball on it clacked against your teeth, and he had to physically stop himself from letting out an unmanly noise. 
You triumphantly grinned as you finally got the zipper unstuck, and then your tongue was back in your mouth. “I think the fabric got caught in the teeth!” you told him with a grin. “It was no match for me.” he was so close to you now. You were all but pressed against the wall by him, and as you looked up into his eyes, a lazy smirk crept its way onto your face. “What? Embarrassed that you had to ask me to help you out of your clothes? Aren’t you at least going to say thank… you…” your voice trailed off as he leaned in closer, one arm bracing himself against the wall above you. You weren’t a small person, but he had hit a growth spurt in his time at UA and was now almost 6’6. He made you feel small. 
He didn’t lean in to kiss you like you hoped thought he would but instead leaned over to your ear. As you felt his lips ghosting against the shell of your ear and his warm breath prickling the hairs on the back of your neck, you felt your heart fluttering in your chest. “Do you have any idea how much you make me want you?” he growled out, voice gravelly and low. “Are you doing it on purpose?” he pulled your earlobe and the trio of studs it housed into his mouth, and you had to place your hands on his shoulders to stop your knees from buckling. 
He was so warm as his tongue teased at your earlobe and one hand came up to run itself up your side, splaying itself over your ribs before slowly trailing upwards. “Well, this is one way to thank me,” you smirked to yourself as he pulled away, snapped out of his trance. “Not even going to kiss me first? No, you’ve just gotta fondle my piercings, don’t you? You have such a one-track mind.” 
You ran your hands up from his shoulders to his hair, pulling him closer and standing on your tiptoes to kiss him. It wasn’t heated or anything, just a simple brush of your lips against his. He leaned into it, and for the briefest moment, as you pulled away, he chased your lips. He caught himself as he did, a bright blush spreading over his cheekbones. “I’m sorry, I-” 
You kissed him once again to shut him up, deep and slow and filled with passion. He relaxed above you, letting himself become putty in your hands and against your lips, pushing his body flush with yours and pinning you to the wall. He was strong enough to keep you there – he could easily snap your neck if he wanted – but the way he held you was so gentle. Like you would break if he wasn’t careful. 
That was nice, but it wasn’t what you wanted. You bit his lip which made him yelp and took the momentary parting of his lips to conquer his mouth, tugging his hair as you took control. He let out a sweet little whine as he felt the barbell against his tongue. He wrapped his arms around you and lifted you off the ground, holding you by the ass and thighs as he stumbled backwards towards the bed, kissing you more and more frantically. As you wrapped your legs around his body you felt him throbbing against the soft skin of your inner thigh and smirked triumphantly to yourself. He sat down on your bed and you peeled his jumpsuit off, grinding down into his lap as you kissed. 
Once the fabric was pooling around his waist, he flipped you over onto the bed, pinning you beneath his hulking form. “You’re awfully bold,” he rumbled. “Thinking you can get off domming me.” 
He kissed you deeply, a rolling kind of pleasure that made your knees weak and your toes curl. A wave of desire swept you away and made you almost forget your name. Then, you remembered you were Metallica and you had a series of bracelets on your nightstand. Maybe it was time to put them to good use. 
He was back to mouthing at your ear and teasing your numerous piercings, then trailing his hot mouth down your neck, before grazing sharp fangs along your collarbone. You squealed as he gripped the collar of your tanktop in his teeth and ripped it violently off of your body. The animalistic look in his eyes sent a lightning bolt of pleasure through you, and his hands left your wrists to rip the remaining shreds of your top off of your body. He sat back to admire you, letting out a quiet “Fuck” as he took you in. 
He was right, you had a set of matching barbells in your nipples, but he hadn’t known about your belly button piercing. It was one of the more basic piercings, but he seemed enraptured by it for a moment before his hands reached out to cup greedy handfuls of your breasts. One of your bracelets clicked around his right wrist and yanked his arm upwards, sending his body crashing down onto yours. You giggled at the “oof” he let out, and wrapped your arms and legs around him, mouthing at his ear. “I am bold. That’s why you like me,” you held his cheeks in your hands and gave him a commanding kiss before returning to his ear to whisper: “I’m also going to get off with your pretty mouth.” as you sank your teeth into the shell of his ear he full out moaned. What a glorious sound that was. You formed your bracelets into hooks to pull off his boots and his hero suit, careful not to tear it. He did need the thing after all. 
Pressed up against you like this, he could feel the rise and fall of your chest as you breathed, and also the drag of cold metal across his body. He began to kiss and suck at your neck and shoulders, relieved that the bodysuit you wore under the armour of your hero costume would hide this come tomorrow. He resisted the urge to sink his teeth into your warm flesh. That was probably too much for your first night but in the future…
Yielding his right arm to you, he used his left to finally grab one of your breasts and caress the barbell with the pad of his thumb. He felt you shift underneath him, and then your thigh was between his legs and he allowed himself to hump it out of desperation. “God you are such a needy bitch,” you laughed into his ear. “Do you really want me this much?” 
You were winning. You were winning and he knew it. But if there was one thing Tetsutetsu was, it was hard-headed. In more than one sense of the word. He redoubled his efforts on your collarbones, leaving dark hickies that would probably take days to fade. You raked your nails down his back to get a reaction and he bit you. Hard. The strangled wail you let out was more than enough to make him come back to his senses and he pulled away with a hundred apologies on his lips. “I didn’t mean to-” 
“Fuck that was hot. Yes please, more,” you sat up with him and gave him a kiss, ignoring the taste of your blood on his tongue. The feeling of your tongue piercing against him once more made him lightheaded, especially as he felt your bracelets closing around his neck like a collar. You pulled away from the heated kiss with a sly smirk, your lips just barely grazing his as you murmured: “You want to act like a dog then I’ll treat you like one.” 
His response was to lift you up a bit so he could get his mouth around one of your nipples. You squirmed in his arms, letting out breathy groans, tugging at his hair and struggling to keep hold of your quirk. He switched breasts, falling backwards so you were on top of him. One hand grabbed the meat of your ass and as you finally released your psychic grip on the bracelet restraining his other hand he was squeezing and fondling the tit he had just been sucking. It was like he couldn’t get enough of your body, and that thought made you gush.
He pulled away from you, grinning triumphantly. “Not so tough now, are you?” he teased, pulling you into another kiss as his big hands roamed your body, squeezing and touching and sometimes just holding certain parts of you. You couldn’t help but feel grounded and safe in his arms, even though you were still bleeding from the shoulder. The warm, fuzzy feeling of safety spread across your body, mixing with arousal, and you smiled into the kiss because he was yours. 
Fucking finally. 
You then squealed as he ripped your shorts in half, tearing the thin fabric off of your thighs and laughing to himself as you slapped his chest. You pulled back to pout at him. “You asshole I liked those!” 
“Fuck, baby,” he answered, hands exploring the newly exposed skin. “I’ll buy you new ones to show you just how sorry I am.” Based on that grin, the amount was zero. You rolled your hips down into his just to wipe that smug look off of his face, and the way he gripped your body to help you made sparks dance inside of your core. You could feel him throbbing against your sex, and based on what you could feel pressing up into you, you were almost sure you would be sore tomorrow. 
You made a show of crawling down his body and snapping the waistband of his briefs against his toned stomach. You peeled the garment off and tossed it over your shoulder. In the two seconds you were turned away the smug bastard had folded his hands behind his head and had leaned back into your pillows like he was presenting himself to you. 
Your eyes took in his muscular frame, sweeping from his toned arms down to the throbbing cock between his legs. You tapped the tip. “This is bullshit,” you told him. 
“What?” his brows furrowed. “Bullshit?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, what exactly I supposed to do with this? It’s as thick as my wrist what the fuck. Can it even fit in my mouth? Of course you would have a magnum dong,” you rolled your eyes at him as you pressed a kiss to his tip, wrapping your hands around it. “Fucking bullshit. You’re lucky I brought lube.” 
As he processed your words you licked his tip, and that damned piercing grazed his sensitive skin, drawing a strangled gasp out of his lungs. You smirked up at him, giving him another slow lick as you showed off the tongue piercing. He spread his legs a bit and bit his lip, closing his eyes as he slipped one hand into your hair. “You’re good at that,” he mumbled, pleasure washing over him as you finally slipped him into your mouth and gave him an earnest suck. He was absolutely mesmerized by his cock disappearing into your mouth, and the position of your body between his legs (face down ass up – something he hoped to explore more later). 
You worked more and more of him down your throat. You reached over and tugged his hand away from his body to bring it gently over your head. You winced as he stretched your throat open for himself, moaning happily as you gagged around him. “Shit, sweetheart…” he let you pull off of him and a hot bolt of guilt shot through his chest as you coughed. “Princess, did I hurt you?” 
After coughing a bit more you offered him a sweet grin. “I’m okay, just-” you coughed again, “-your stupid horsecock is too big for me to blow.” 
“Oh,” he turned bright red. “Sorry.” 
“I have another idea,” you grinned at him, taking his free hand and kissing his fingers before pinning it back behind his head. “Harden it.” 
“What?” his eyes widened and his cock visibly throbbed. “O-okay.” He obeyed you, and you licked your lips as you watched the grey steel colour spread across his dick. It was pretty, which was a weird way to think about a dick. It was also way too thick, and you were sure was going to mess up your insides, which only made you want him more. 
You raised your hand over him and met his eyes. “Tell me how this feels,” you told him. He nodded at you, and you activated your quirk. His heavy eyelashes fluttered as his back arched, and his breathing picked up speed. 
“Tetsu, baby, talk to me,” you cooed. 
“Feels good!” he moaned, spreading his legs more. “So good!” 
His eyes were all but rolling back into his head as you played with him, and his cock pulsed hard beneath your ministrations. It was almost strange, really, because normally when you manipulated metal it was obeying you and nothing more. With Tetsutetsu, you could feel his nerves lighting up with pleasure, and you smirked to yourself as you twisted your wrist to make him vibrate. He let out a loud moan as you did, and you giggled to yourself. 
He squirmed more as you stroked him with your psychic grip, careful not to change his shape. Lord knows that would happen if you did that. “Gonna cum!” he moaned, back arching. “Fuck, what are you doing to me Sweetheart?” you looked up at him, at how wanton he was for you, and your insides clenched around nothing. 
You straddled him and leaned up to kiss him again. “I’m ruining you,” you answered lowly. “You’re mine from now on.” 
You could feel how his throbbing changed as he came. You felt the thick streams painting your ass and back, and smirked to yourself. He arched up into you and moaned loudly, before slumping backwards, limbs jelly, and panting loudly. “Fuck,” he moaned. “Sorry.” 
You reached down to yourself and gathered some of your slick on your fingers. You spread them for him, showing off how wet you were. “Looks like we both enjoyed that,” you told him, watching as his eyes widened once more. He leaned upwards desperately, and you watched in amusement as he sucked your fingers into his mouth. You once more clenched around nothing, and the slick between your legs only got slicker. You wondered if you could take him with how wet you were. 
Probably not, but you wanted to try. 
Once your fingers were clean you leaned down to give him a kiss, your hands gently tracing themselves over his pecs and down his abs. He had released his hardening after he had finished, but he was still hard beneath you as you continued kissing him, your tongue piercing clacking against his teeth every so often. You slid back down his body and he reached his free hand out to cup your ass. “You’re covered in it, baby,” his voice was gruff and husky. 
You brought his massive hand up to your mouth and then it was your turn to suck his fingers clean. He watched you with hooded eyes, and as you pinned his wrist behind his head alongside his other one, he watched you with growing trepidation. You were also a little nervous – would he even fit? You should probably stretch yourself out first, but it just looked so delicious to you. You wanted to feel him. Now. 
You wrapped one hand around his thick shaft and guided the tip up to your lips. You were so slick it was practically gushing out of you, and as you ran his head along your lips and thought “I’m going to take all of this,” your lust only grew. 
You started to lower yourself down onto him, holding him steady. The pressure of him trying to push inside gave way little by little, and he threw his head back with a ragged moan as you slid the tip inside. It was so thick it was hard for you to breathe, but the stretch felt euphoric. You coaxed more of him into you, bit by bit, but stopped suddenly and pulled off. You used a bracelet to bring over your lube bottle and you squirted a generous amount onto his cock. 
“Where do you get off on having such a stupidly huge dick?” you asked him. “Are you trying to split me in half?” 
“You’ll learn to take it,” he purred at you, and that thought made you clench once more. You imagined him one day effortlessly able to slide it inside of your ruined pussy, imagined how the stretch would burn so good as you eased him back into you. You could feel him tugging against his restraints like he wanted to grip your hips and help you. You braced yourself against his pecs as you sank further down onto him, and he grinned smugly at your efforts. “Your face is so fuckin’ cute when you’re stuffed too full.” He purred, groaning as you sat back up and slid him in once again. “Not even halfway down yet and you already look like you’re about to break.” 
“In your dreams,” you teased back, riding him slowly as you slid his too-big dick further and further inside. Your body swallowed him up like it was made to, and the stretch burned the way you had hoped it would. He was quite a bit bigger than the toy you normally used on yourself, and you wondered briefly if you should get a new one to train your body better. You raked your nails down his chest and slid a bit further down. “Just shut up and enjoy this.” 
He looked down and watched his dick disappearing inside of you, and licked his lips. Even with all of that lube, you were still the tightest thing he had ever felt, so tight he could barely move. Even tighter than he had imagined. As he watched you take him, he noticed the slightest tinge of red on his dick. As he realized it was blood, he was not proud that his first thought was to thrust up and ram as much of himself as he could inside of you. You let out a choked sound and clenched around him, scrambling for something to hold onto. “Fuck baby, you okay?” he asked, apologies tumbling out of his mouth in a borage. “You’re bleeding, did I hurt you?” 
You had released your psychic grip as you lost focus, and he was instantly up with his arms around you, peppering your face with kisses. “I’m sorry princess,” he cooed, running his hand down your back. “Are you okay?” 
“Yeah,” you answered, looking down between the two of you. “Just surprising. Guess that was my hymen breaking or something.” 
He thrust up into you as you said that, once more attacking your neck with bites and hickies as he carefully rocked your bodies together. He growled at you as you tugged on his hair and let out a strangled sound. He rolled you over, so he was on top, and kissed you hard as you wrapped your legs around him. The drag of his cock inside of you hit all of your nerves at once, and in this position, you were almost certain you couldn’t push him off even if you wanted to. 
You once more restrained him, pinning his hands on either side of your head and using his bracelet-collar, brought his face down to you. You kissed him sloppily, once more tugging on his hair as he moaned and panted into your mouth and sucked on your barbell. The feeling of being stuffed beyond what your body could take was absolute euphoria, and as your toes curled and you held on tightly, moaning as he kissed and bit you, you knew you would have to do this again. “Princess,” he cooed. “You feel so good! Fuck!”
“Y-you too,” you hissed, scratching at his back. He tugged at his restraints once more, but as you held his hands firm you smirked up at him. “What’s wrong, want to touch me?” you slid your hands down your body and began to tease your clit, back arching as he sped up his thrusts. 
“The things I’m going to do to you,” he growled. “Gonna make every inch of you mine!” he carefully lowered his body so he was in a push-up position over you, and lavished your breasts with his tongue, sucking on your nipples like he was trying to pull out your barbells. He worked them with his tongue, which made you moan and keen and scratch. You could feel his arms shaking with the effort of holding himself up, and at the same time felt the drag of his abs against the back of your hand with every thrust. You used your free hand to tangle in his hair, and he bit down again as if on instinct. You let out a surprised yelp and he kissed your sensitive flesh as an apology, licking at the little beads of blood he had left on one of your breasts. Your cunt clenched around him as you heard the gravelly noises he was making, although he was stretching you so open you weren’t even sure it could be called clenching. You were too overstuffed and it was everything you had ever wanted. 
“Please,” he groaned. “Please let me fucking touch you. I need-” he cut himself off as he kissed you once again, sloppy and full of passion. “-I’m gonna cum. Need you to first…” you released his hands and he was immediately pulling you up into his lap, kneeling on your bed and bouncing you on his dick while he kissed you hard. Your legs were too high off the mattress to kneel on it, so you settled for wrapping them around his waist instead. He slid a hand over your abdomen. “I can feel myself!” he growled, pressing down. “Right here.” You kissed him back, moaning because you could feel it too. Feel him destroying your insides. 
His fingers found your clit and roughly began to abuse it. He was so hot inside of you, pulsing like he was happy to be there. You panted against one another, lips connecting and sliding apart as he bounced you for all you were worth. It was wild, it was feral, and he was grunting like a caveman as he claimed you. You gripped his muscular shoulders desperately, looking up into his eyes as he smirked down at you. He kissed you again, long and hard and slow, and you felt his tongue turn to steel in your mouth. You tightened your grip on his shoulder, activating your quirk on him. 
The change swept across his entire body, including his dick, and as he jackhammered even faster into you, you manipulated his body to send twinges of pleasure zinging through him. You could just about hear his thoughts, every “Yes!” “Good!” and “More!” and then the word “Mate!” popped into your mind and you once again clenched hard around him. 
He let you fall backwards a bit, once more kissing at your chest as he fucked your plaint body. Your back arched from the new angle, and you gripped at him desperately, insides twitching as they waited for that last push over the edge. You trusted him to hold you and released your death grip on his shoulders, splaying your hands in the air and making his entire body rapidly vibrate. That feeling threw you into an orgasm almost instantly, and your insides clenched around him. You leaned backwards and he held you close. It was so intense you couldn’t even scream. All you could do was lie there stiffly, unable to even breathe as the feeling washed over you. He kept fucking you through it, burying his teeth in your shoulder once again as he pumped you full. As you came down from your high, you gasped for breath and wrapped your arms around him once again. You kissed him desperately as he held you, and as he leaned back into your pillows he kept you in his arms, his cock still buried deep inside of you. You panted against him, aftershocks making your pussy twitch around him. 
The metal beneath your fingers softened to skin, and he ran his fingers gently through your hair. “Fuck me,” he croaked. 
“What, again?” you laughed a bit, drunk on the euphoria flowing through your body as you reached up to kiss him again.
“I should get my zipper stuck more often,” he grinned, running his fingers gently over the bite on your shoulder. “Does it hurt?” 
“A bit, but I like it,” you looked at him flirtatiously, before lifting yourself on shaky limbs and reaching down to pull him out of you. The wet Schluck! sound made both of you giggle, and so did the wet slap of his softening dick hitting his abs. 
He let out a gasp as his cum began to pour out of you now, dripping heavily all over him. “Fuck, we didn’t use condoms!” he looked absolutely mortified. 
“Relax,” you gave him a kiss on the cheek. “I’ve got an IUD.” 
He pulled you back down to rest on his chest, tracing patterns into your skin. His eyes drifted from the piercings in your ear down your jawline and up to your lips, and he gently ran his thumb over them. “You’re my girlfriend now, right?” 
“Mhm,” you mumbled sleepily, nuzzling further into his chest. 
He resisted the urge to do a happy dance or pump his fist in the air. “We should get cleaned up,” he kissed your shoulder as he sat up and carried you to the western-style shower. You clung to him as he turned it on, and finally put your feet down as the water warmed. 
You removed the bracelets from around his wrists and neck very carefully, and as you smiled up at him, he smiled back. He then blasted you full in the face with the showerhead and the two of you were giggling again. He washed your body carefully, reverently, and even somehow made hosing you out with the shower head feel intimate. 
By the time you were done with your shower, you were putting on your hero costume to go out for your patrol. He helped you zip up your padded bodysuit, and his dick stirred back to life beneath his towel as you gently draped your armour-esque hero costume over your body. “You should go rest in your own room, Fatgum will get suspicious,” you gave him a kiss and used your quirk to slide his hero suit onto him, doing up the zipper with a flick of your finger. 
“H-huh?” he stared down at it as you clasped his chest straps. “But I thought the zip was plastic!” 
You chuckled a bit. “How else was I supposed to get you alone in my room?” you teased, before offering a wink and slipping out the door. 
“Clever girl,” he whispered to himself, grinning like a moron. 
Taglist: @malicealieness 
(If you would like to be added to the Taglist, please send me an ask :D)
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ask-fallout-mayhem · 5 years
A Tour
[Below the cut is the second part of the encounters between @ask-fallout-emmet-brickowskiand @ask-fallout-mayhem]
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[Previously General Mayhem had offered a tour of the Systar Systems HQ to GCBC, Rex, and Emmet, and against all better judgement they actually agreed to come see it.]
>Mayhem leads the group to the entrance of the vault, and goes to signal the guards to open it.
“Looks like everything’s good to go, let’s start the tour, get you to meet Wa’nabi and then back home!” - “Awesome!” Emmet says happily as he approaches the entrance. “I have never been in a vault, especially one that is in this great condition!” Bad Cop nods absentmindedly at Emmet’s enthusiasm as he looks around. He feels slightly overwhelmed by how nice and clean it is compared to the last vault he wandered into. Rex startles him out of his thoughts by putting his arm around his shoulder.“Crazy isn’t it.” Rex tells him. “It’s so clean and perfect but, believe me when I say this, ‘Don’t trust it’.” Bad Cop looks at him like he is crazy before shoving his arm off and continues to follow Mayhem. “So, where is this Wa’nabi person and how long do they want us staying here?” - >The group is ushered in and Mayhem steps off to the security section, and gets out of the power armor, to reveal a person who doesn’t seem quiet right. Bright blue hair that has a reflective quality to it, markings on her face that seems like tattoos with the texture of scales, and some sort of spike like objects in her hair.
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“So Wa’nabi is gonna be on the 5th level, oh let me get you a map real quick, the meeting should be relatively short, but first I was gonna take you through our faculties on the 1st and 2nd floor, are there any in particular you would like to stop at?
And if you’re uh friend Rex there gets to stressed out, we have a meditation room we use to help new time members relax and get used the environment down here, it actually gets used a whole lot of use by the synths that travel here, apparently this place reminds them of The Institute a little to much, so anyways we can take a break in there for him if need be, or just head back outside real quick to get some fresh air.” -
The three men are taken aback by Mayhem looking nothing like how they imagined her but don’t say anything. Emmet happily takes the map and his eyes are drawn to the cat room.
“You guys have a cat room!?” He exclaims as he continues to scan the map.
Rex huffs at Mayhem’s offer before walking over to Emmet. “I’ll be fine.”
“He’s thankful for the offer though!” Emmet tells her without looking up from the map.
“Don’t worry about him.” Bad Cop says as he takes a glance at the man. “I am curious though, does New Vegas or any of the surrounding places know about this place?”
“A lot of the surrounding locals know about us, or at least know that there’s some sort of organization set up here, and the surrounding settlements are at least familiar with our work, though they don’t always know that we’re the ones behind it. The people that do know of the the Management aren’t always super fond of us, but they like that we remove groups of hostile super mutants and raiders, so even if they don’t like the Management, they like that we make the wasteland a safer place to live.
So we could stop at the cat room first if you guys want, all the cats in there really well trained and non hostile.”
“I see.” Bad Cop nods. “Thank you for telling us.”
He walks away from Mayhem to go see what the others are doing and at the mention of going to see the cat room, Emmet looks up from the map with excitement in his eyes.
“Can we?!” Emmet asks her while trying not to explode from excitement. “I mean if it is okay with you and the Management.”
>The group travels to the 2nd level, were they pass some older generations of synths and super mutants, Mayhem waves at them as they pass and they smile back, after a few minutes of walking through bustling hallways she leads the group into a rather big room, filled with numerous cat trees, food bins, and of course cats of all different colors.
“So this is the cat room, all the cats you see were rescued from a vault that was over taken by raiders, over time this just sort of became a relaxing room for our Management residents, since animal companionship lowers stress and all that.”
>She steps back to let the guys go pet and/or cuddle the cats, and as she does so tries to start a casual conversation,
“So how did you all meet?” - Emmet gasps when he sees all of the cats and almost immediately starts to play with them. As Emmet gets down to the cats’ level, Rex joins him and smiles a little as the animals come over to check them out. Bad Cop hesitates a bit but, soon joins them. “I met Bad Cop when I was running from a deathclaw.” Emmet tells her as he plays with the cats. “I managed to make it mad and while I was running away, I ran right into Bad Cop. Rex though, we met him when we were under attack by some raiders.” Bad Cop nods as he pets one of the cats. “One of them managed to shoot my arm while we were hiding. Emmet didn’t, and still doesn’t, want to kill anyone or thing which meant we were sitting ducks. Luckily, Rex happened to be in the same area as we were and saved our butts.”Rex chuckles and gently hits Bad Cop’s shoulder. “I’m glad I did! You guys are pretty darn cool.” He then turns to Mayhem. “I do have a question for you though, Miss Mayhem. Where did you hear about Bad Cop and his old job?”
“We heard about him through some of our satellite members, they sort of work like off campus members of the Management who volunteer recording information so we can better build our defenses and learn how to improve our own living conditions, we’ve probably learned the most from our observations from the Master Builders, really great group of people if you ever get the chance to meet them.
But you just said ‘his old job’, does he not work for Business anymore?”
Rex nods. “The Master Builders are pretty darn interesting.”
At the mention Business, Bad Cop tensed a little. “Yes, we do not work for that man anymore. A few days after we started to work for him, we realized that he wasn’t as nice as he seems. Didn’t leave though until he had one of his deathclaws attack Good Cop.” He sighs. “We still do caravan guarding every so often but, we prefer to stay on Rex’s farm and help protect that. I hope that this doesn’t cause any problems for you or the Management.”
“Oh it shouldn’t be a problem, that’s just interesting to learn.
Moving on from thar we could stop at some of the other facilities, or we could head straight to Wa'nabi if you so desired.”
Bad Cop nods and shoos the cats away before standing up. “I believe that we should go see Wa’nabi. They are probably wondering where we are.”
Emmet sighs at Bad Cop’s response before also standing up. “As much as I want to stay here, I agree. We should go see them.”
“Oh I’m sure she’s not busy wondering where you are, and she’s gonna be super excited to meet a Deathclaw farmer, that’s like incredibly cool and impressive.”
>Mayhem takes the group back to the elevator and takes them to level 5, briefly mentioning that levels 3 and 4 are the resdiential areas. They exit on to the 5th level and find it’s filled with countless rooms with walls made of glass, peering in one can see meetings going on in almost all of them, people talking, negotiating, all sorts of important looking activities going on.
“The throne room is all the way at the end, oh and it’s not actually a throne room, that’s just sort of a nickname for it.”
>They arrive at the door of the ‘throne room’, unlike the other rooms here the walls were concrete and a large metal door blocked the entrance, and in front of the door stood a women with light blond hair.
“Hey Susan, I’m just finishing up a high profile tour, ahead of schedule cause I’m just the best, is Wa'nabi open for us to go in?”
>Susan rolls her eyes and nods, and turns to put in the access code to the door, unlocking it and Mayhem encourages everyone inside, where they see Wa'nabi for the first time.
>From what it appears, she seems to be some sort of super mutants, probably about ten feet tall, her skin almost looked like it was melting, and her hair, did she really have hair, it looked like some sort of soft plastic. But all that aside, she was still pulling off a look, sporting a bright yellow dress, so spotless it must have been pre-war, and a metal crown that may or may not have been made from the tip of a rocket.
“This is our great leader, Wa'nabi, and Wa'nabi this is the officer from New Reno, who recently was let go from his position under Business, and his two friends one of which is a Deathclaw farmer.”
>Wa'nabi seems a little startled by this news for the some reason at first, but quickly gains back her composure and smiles as she extends her hand to Bad Cop.
“I hope your travels here went well. Have you been liking the HQ so far?”
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Bad Cop was taken by surprise when Wa’nabi extends her hand but doesn’t show it. Good Cop then switches in and takes her hand.
“It has been a wonderful experience! Everyone is so nice and kind! We are thankful that you have invited us here.” Good Cop tells her with a bow. “If you don’t mind us asking, how did you find this vault?”
>She laughs, and answers,
“Oh I don’t mind at all, I was looking for a place to build a home base for Systar System, this was before we had become the management, so it was mostly just a small band of settlements back then. I had heard rumors that there was an empty vault in this area, and went to check it out, and low and behold it was completely empty, except for the General here,”
>She pauses here, glancing over to Mayhem for a brief second and pauses in her speech, as if she was trying to find the right words, before continuing.
“She was the only vault dweller that was left down here, and she had complete knowledge of how everything worked down here, so thanks to her we were able to transform the HQ into what it is today.”
>She readjusts herself after this, and shifts her attention to Emmet and Rex.
“So which of you two is the deathclaw farmer?”
Rex lights up at the mention of his farm and steps forwards with a smile on his face. “That would be me. The name’s Rex. Rex Dangervest.”
He puffs out his chest a little. “I’ve had my deathclaws for a few years if you wondering.”
“Well that’s stupendous, it must take an incredible type of bravery to be able to tame them.”
>But her voice shifts into a more stern tone after this,
“But we should move on to the main topic at hand. As you have seen we’re a relatively peaceful organization, just trying to make the wasteland a little more habitable by allowing anyone who needs a home to join us, but due to this open door policy, several groups recently have started to view us as a threat, going so far to even contact non-aligned residents to try and persuade them to rally against us, and a previous high ranking officer and a Deathclaw trainer would be exactly the kind of people these groups would go after.”
>She takes a short breath and repositions herself, sounding more sympathetic now.
“So what I’m asking, and behalf of the Systar System’s Management, is to not give in to the pressure of these other organizations to fight us, and to help dissuade rumors that we’re a harmful group, and if you agree to these terms we can offer you honorary membership to the Management, meaning full access to our facilities, a place to reside if you ever should need it, and of course our support should you ever find yourself under attack, would you all be willing to accept this agreement?”
Bad Cop then switches in. “Yes. We accept.”
“We’ll make sure that you don’t regret this decision.” Rex tells her.
>And with a smile, Wa'nabi shakes the hand of everyone and has Mayhem lead them out and back to the helibird to take them home.
“Oh man this went like great, I can’t believe nothing went wrong, usually by this point there would have been some major miscommunication and everyone would be upset, but you guys were really great sports through this. So yeah if you ever need any help, we’re just a distress call away, oh and if you’re ever in the area you could check on my radio broadcast, I try to play cool songs on there.”
“Of course! We’re glad that we are helping you guys out!” Emmet tells her with a smile. “This is going to be so much fun!”
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Apocalypse - Prologue
Day 1 – Everyone is gone. Disappeared without a trace. I think they're dead. I kind of hope that they are. Death would be better than the other option. That option is hunting us now. We just came back from a trip to this utter wreck of a country. We're still unsure what caused this, and in a way, I kind of don't want to know. If I know what happened, or how it happened, it makes it all real. For the moment, I'd prefer that I could pretend that this is all just a bad dream.
At the moment, I'm sitting in the hideout we found writing this. The building looks weather beaten, but its steady enough and at least the doors and windows lock. We've blocked off the windows with furniture; glass can still break after all. There isn't much supplies in the house, but we've collected together some food that is in date and safe to eat. Along with food, we also found a first aid box that we'll be taking with us when we make a run for it. One of us is bound to get hurt before we get back to HQ safely. There's a Ford Focus parked outside. Pinky is looking for the keys to it at the moment, and making as much noise as he can in the process. Pinky isn't his real name obviously. We have abandoned our names. We have no use for them, and its maybe safer if we don't have them. At least, we've been told that its safer.
Pinky, Risky and I are the only ones that came back into this mess. Any other survivor has lived through it all. We're in this hideout with two other survivors. One male, the other female, and the female has enough muscle to take out any of us. They aren't much older than us. Maybe just in their twenties. They are dressed in combat wear, browns and khakis. They both have guns, and the male has a belt of bullets slung across his shoulder. They have small radio earpieces to keep in contact with whoever they are taking orders from. They only introduced themselves as Alpha team; they didn't bother to give out their code names. They told us that they were trying to help and proved themselves by bringing down our attackers. They got us in here and managed to calm us down. They didn't really explained what caused this, maybe they don't know. They are the ones that told us to abandon our names and they gave us code names. I don't think any of us were happy about that, but we're not causing a fuss for the moment. I wonder what will happen now... “Found them!” Came Pinky's voice from the other room, causing Pyro to put down the pen she was using and glance to the door. In the faint light of the candles, Pinky stood only just visible. He had a grin on his face and was twirling a set of keys on his finger; he was clearly pleased with himself. His short brown hair was messy, but it looked like it was meant to be like that. Pinky was the shortest out of them with a medium build. The male of Alpha stood up, soon followed by the female, who on her way, grabbed Pryo's arm roughly, pulling her to her feet. Pyro grabbed the notebook she was writing in before being pulled towards the back door.
The nameless male took the keys from Pinky and pushed the button to unlock the car. It worked and he opened the back door, stepping out and sweeping the area with his gun. Upon deciding that the area was clear, he ran to the car. He climbed in the driver seat, and set about starting the car up. Pinky, Pyro and Risky were pushed out by the brash female. The three of them were forced to sit in the back of the car, and Pyro habitually fastened her seatbelt, and Pinky did the same after apparently deciding it was a good idea. Risky didn't bother. Once the female of the Alpha team got in the car, the male pulled away from the house. The street was dark and forgotten. Most of the street lamps were broken, or flickering on and off. Only a small number worked normally, and those did nothing to fight of the looming shadows of the night. Every house was clearly abandoned, and they passed a couple that were still burning a little. The car ride took them to the other side of town. After about twenty minutes, the male slowed to a stop outside a chain link fence. This fence surrounded a warehouse district and there was a gate guarded by men with guns. The driver rolled down the window and stuck his head out the car. “We've brought in more survivors. Chief wants them sent to Tennant ASAP.” He called out to the men. They only nodded their acceptance before allowing the car through. After a moment, they stopped again. This time in front of a warehouse and the Alpha team got out. Pinky, Pyro and Risky all followed their lead but hesitantly and followed them into the warehouse.
The warehouse was brightly lit, and the first half – closest to the doors – was full of what a single, casual glance would decide was junk. On closer inspection, it was clear that the cluttered desks were full of research and orders. The computers were storing databases full of information. Behind the rows of computers and desks there was about 5 rows of ten or eleven folding chairs, and the small group slipped into the back row. There was a tall muscled man on a raised platform at the front. His voice was loud and it echoed along the warehouse. He spoke just as the group sat down, launching into a short speech. “You all know of the mutants that plague our country. We have shut off any and all public transport. We have isolated ourselves in order to spare other countries from suffering from this. All you need to know is that we are alone. Do not rely on help from others. Do not rely on mercy. These mutants will not show you any. I am the second in command and you will call me Tennant; our leader is called Chief. Do not expect to see him, you never will. Your orders will be received through the radio earpiece that you will all be given, or through me. You will follow these orders, or you will die. Those are your options. You will be given combat clothes and weaponry. We do not have time to fully train you to use these weapons, so you better pray that you can learn fast under pressure.” Tennant paced to the other end of the stage he was on, carefully looking over them all. He paused for a moment before continuing. “The mutants have hard flesh on their front and backs. Bullets will eventually penetrate this and kill them, but for a quick death, aim for their sides and the neck.” He paused again, seemingly to allow everyone to understand before he gestured for a clipboard to be handed to him. He called a list of names out and had them line up at the front. He then went down this group, splitting it into small groups of three, giving the group a title and sending them away to get gear.
Pinky, Pyro and Risky were made to join this line after a while and after a moment of silence, Tennant began reading names from the clipboard in front of him and separating them into teams. Pyro glanced at Risky, but received no expression from the taller female. Pinky was on her other side, but he was too busy curiously looking down the line to acknowledge her. Tennant stopped in front of them. He gazed over them, taking in their appearance and build. He was judging their fighting skills and ultimately, their younger age. Late teens was hardly an ideal age to be thrown into a war with mutants. He took a moment's pause, considering. He must have decided that age meant nothing to him, because he looked back at his clipboard. “Pyro, Pinky, Risky. You are together.” He said, about to move on when Pinky snapped his head up to look the tall man in the eye. Pyro could feel the anger and tension roll of Pinky. It was met with steely indifference from Tennant.
“Are you serious? We sound like fucking goldfish!” Pinky exclaimed. He was finally causing a fuss about the codename, was he? That or he was angry about being made to fight at a younger age. They hadn't been trained, and none of them had wielded a weapon before. Tennant raised an eyebrow at Pinky's outburst and then turned his back on the group, ignoring them and moving on down the line. Risky gave Pinky a hard, cold look which he either didn't notice, or simply ignored. “I can't believe I'm getting stuck with two girls! Seriously? Girls? What good can we do together. I may as well go and slit my throat now because I'm going to die.” Pinky ranted, oblivious to the looks he was getting.
Tennant spun round and marched over to them; a look of pure hatred on his harsh features. He pulled a pistol from a holster that Pyro hadn't noticed he was wearing and aimed the barrel at Pinky's head. The teen fell silent, staring down the metal of the gun. Pyro saw him swallow but then Tennant lowered his gun and spoke in clipped tones, “You three will be team Foxtrot. You will accept that, and work together or you will die. I do not have the time to deal with your pathetic, childish attitude. Understood?” Tennant paused and Pinky gave a slow but definite nod. When Tennant looked at the girls, they also nodded, though neither was too happy with Pinky's clear feelings about them. He thought that they were useless, and weak and that annoyed them. Not that Risky would say, and Pyro wasn't going to risk having that gun aimed at her instead. “Get going.”
They left and Tennant continued on his task. Pyro and Risky were walking in step with one another but Pinky was ahead of them, muttering to himself. It was almost impossible to hear what he was saying, but Pyro heard something about being team fish. She sighed and shook her head. She tilted her head back and stared into the night sky with grey eyes. If they didn't learn to work together, they would be killed. That much was obvious.
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