subir-astrologer · 7 months
Let’s us understand the aspect first in non-technical way and then astrologically.
When we were in school then one can always remember that there was a teacher who speaks very less but his / her eyes use to speak.
When we use to talk then his / her one glance on us was like warning to stop talking and pay attention in class lecture.
So here one can understand that the aspect of the teacher on the student change the behavior of that student and draw his attention towards the lecture and the student stop misbehaving as he is under the aspect of the teacher’s attention.
When we go in any ashram or any holy places then if any saint or yogi see us then we feel blessed and happy in our heart because we got caught by the sight / dristi of a holy person.
We get scared when any criminal sees us and we get tension and worry as they can harm us.
In the same way in planetary aspects of Vedic astrology all the planets are have 7th aspect / dristi but there are few special planet which have some extra dristi / aspect apart from the regular 7th aspect.
Mars got 4th , 7th and 8th aspect.
Saturn got 3rd, 7th and 10th aspect.
Jupiter got 5th , 7th and 9th aspect.
Mars and Saturn are malefic planet and Jupiter is benefic planet in Vedic astrology.
The nature of functional benefic and malefic keeps on changing as per the position of the horoscope. According to KP Vedic astrology the significances decide the functionality of a planet.
So, a planet with good significance aspecting a weak negative planet will strengthen that planet to perform positively and minimize the negativity of it and vise versa.
When a planet aspect on another planet then it also imparts its qualities on that planet and thus change its usual normal nature, be it positive or negative in either ways.
The aspects of the planet give its impact on the houses also, be it positive or negative.
Let’s understand with an example :
It is seen that Saturn in 5th house of a vedic horoscope delay or deny marriage. Saturn being a very big planet does have the capability to give such impact.
It is known that Saturn has 3 aspects / dristi i.e the 3rd, 7th and the 10th. When Saturn is positioned in 5th house then its 3rd aspect is on 7th house which is house of marriage, the 7th aspect is on 11th house which is know as the house of fulfillment of wishes and the 10th aspect is on 2nd house which signify family in a horoscope.
So due to Saturn’s aspect / dristi on the 7th house of the horoscope it creates hurdles and thus delay the matter of marriage or completely deny it. ( this is in general, an observation )
Saturn’s aspect / dristi on the 11th house delay the wishes or completely deny the wish.
Saturn’s aspect / dristi on the 2nd house delay in making a family or deny for making a new family or adding a member to the family.
Like wise there are positive effects also from the aspects.
Readers should understand that Vedic astrology is very very complex subject and aspect / dristi is one of the parameters while making an analysis for a prediction so one should not jump with the gun only by studying the aspects.
Delhi abhi bhi bahut dur hai / Katmandu is very far. This is a dialogue and not Vedic astrology ha ha ha ha ha . . . . . .
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raynastar03 · 2 years
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This is Shadow Rayna, Rayna's counterpart. She managed to escape the Mirror world but the mirror shattered, injuring her wing and leaving dmk behind. She swore to gather the shards to free dmk.
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This is Dristi the Moth puffball, she is shipped with Morpho Knight. Her eyes behind her wings cause major confusion, may cause the affected to hit themselves or even become severely sick. Best not to sneak up on her... She comes from the underworld.
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This is Clementine the Waddle Dee, she likes Prince Fluff but he doesn't know what to feel. I need to figure more stuff about her kamskd
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Feel free to ask questions to my new ocs!!
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peachesandmilktea · 2 years
My wife Drist is knocked up again so I am extending formal invitation to you to visit us at Todoroki estate after she gives birth as a baby's godmother. - Enji
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atharvyogshala · 10 months
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In this dynamic posture of ashtanga vinyasa, I am using my both hands for additional support to my quads and extending my spine over to the right leg.⁣ ⁣ If you feel it’s hard for you to use one hand to lift your leg all the way up , you could use both of your arms to lock your knees as well as strengthen your spine.⁣ ⁣ You can find a blogpost on this pose on our website, link is in our bio. 🤸🏽‍♀️
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sweetd3lights · 1 year
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  All rights reserved  by Ostravske Dristy
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talonabraxas · 11 days
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Eyes of the Universe 'Portals to the Other World' Talon Abraxas
Ajna Chakra: The Third Eye Center
Ajna chakra is the chakra of intuition and clarity located at the third eye, which is between the eyebrows. Ajna is associated with the color purple and with the mind element. The qualities of this chakra are inspiration, intuition, and inner vision. Through Ajna chakra we experience insight, which should not be confused with mundane thoughts. Insight refers to those ideas we receive when the mind is calm and quiet.
The gland associated with Ajna is the pituitary gland, considered the master regulating gland because it secretes a hormone that monitors the activities of the other glands of the body.
Just as the pituitary gland is the master gland, Ajna chakra governs all other chakras, so when it is out of balance, all other chakras cannot come into perfect alignment.
When Ajna is imbalanced we may experience poor memory, eye problems, headaches, or nightmares. We may also have an excess of energy that we are unable to channel towards any one goal or productive outcome. When this chakra is in balance we are able to tune in to our inner knowing, trusting our intuition, and tapping into our creative imagination. A balanced Ajna chakra allows us to integrate logical thinking with intuition so that we may move through the world better able to make balanced decisions.
The mantra KE-SHAM may be chanted to bring about the insightful qualities of Ajna. Asana, or postures, that serve to balance Ajna include child’s pose or any posture in which the forehead touches the ground. Postures in which the gazing point, or dristi, calls for movement of the eyes (such as in Marichyasana, or Sage Twist) will also help to balance Ajna. Nadi sodhana pranayama, alternate nostril breathing, will help to activate Ajna chakra.
As the lower chakras become balanced the path to opening Ajna chakra can be reached. Each chakra helps to build on the previous chakra in order to move towards the next. Moving through the higher chakras becomes possible when all the lower chakras are balanced.
As we move up the chakras, balancing each one, Ajna chakra shines an insightful light on our lives that we were not previously aware of, illuminating that which was previously unknown. During your Asana, Pranayama, and meditation practices, notice when the mind becomes quiet. This quiet and clear space will allow you to glimpse what is possible through Ajna chakra.
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santmat · 7 months
Meditation For Beginners - Let's Go Within and Explore Inner Space
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Today, an Introduction to the Sant Mat Approach to Meditation, the Goals and Methods of Spiritual Practice.
Seven Teachings of Sant Mat: 1) God is Real. 2) God is Love, the Ocean of Love and Compassion. 3) All of the world scriptures teach about the same manifestation of God as inner mystical Light and Sound. 4) Our true identity is the soul, the self, and the soul is part of God and, like God, pure love. 5) During this human existence, we have an opportunity to experience God. 6) The Third Eye is the Seat of the Soul, thus there is the need to look within in order to get in touch with our soul and God. As we experience communing with God's love during meditation -- Surat Shabd Yoga -- we can rise above body-consciousness and explore Inner Space, the "Kingdom of the Heavens" that are within us. "We travel back from the Realm of Darkness to the Realm of Light, from the Light to Divine Sound, and from the realm of Sound to the Soundless State [Anami, Radhaswami]." (Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj) The drop merges back into the Ocean of Love. 7) As we get initiated into the Mysteries of the Spirit by a Living Teacher (Master, Sant Satguru), the purpose of our life is fulfilled. Reuniting with God is our reason to be here: "It was for the sake of the God-conscious beings that our True Lord created this earth, and began this play of death and birth." (Adi Granth) Guru Kabir says: "For millions of years you have slept. This morning, will you not wake?" (Seven Teachings of Sant Mat, from the Sant Mat section of SpiritualAwakeningRadio.com)
"By practicing devotion through these four techniques: Manas Japa (Simran, recitation of a divine name or names), Manas Dhyana (Dhyan, focus on the divine form), Dristi Sadhana (Yoga of Inner Light, Inner Seeing, Inner Light Meditation, focus on the Infinitesimal Point), and Nadanusandhana Yoga (Surat Shabd Yoga, concentration on the inner Divine Sounds) - the practitioner consecutively transcends the realms of darkness, Light, and Sound which cloak the Supreme Truth -- the Divine Reality." (Maharshi Mehi)
"Make the mind quiet as only a quiet mind can meditate. Don’t understand meditation as a burden, do it lovingly. Don’t pay any attention to the outer sounds during the meditation; concentrate at the Eye Center." (Santji, The Ambrosial Hour)
"If we set a fixed time for our meditation, and we also set a fixed place for sitting for that meditation, then the mind also gets used to it. If we keep changing the time of our meditation, or keep changing the place of our meditation, then that gives an opportunity for the mind to also create havoc with us. And then the mind also reminds us of so many other things that have to be done. And that way, it keeps disturbing us. So, if it is used to sitting at a fixed time, it realizes that, 'Yes, this is the time for meditation,' and then, it leaves us alone for that time." (Baba Ram Singh)
Note: In the Sant tradition, the complete methods and secrets of the full meditation practice are communicated at the time of INITIATION (Diksha) by a living Master (Sant Satguru, Competent, Qualified Teacher) or a representative of a Master. (Jai Guru)
Meditation For Beginners - Let's Go Within and Explore Inner Space - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Listen and/or Direct MP3 Download @
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In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhasoami,
James Bean
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts
Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts
Sant Mat Radhasoami
A Satsang Without Walls
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dristclwn · 8 months
dristy what are we doin for halloween? im gonna go as a clown so its not like a big difference from my everyday style
For Halloween I'm just showing up normal because I'm a clown who believed in a man
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mrworrywarts · 6 months
A friend from the Evening College.
Glen Campbell's cathartic lyrics of "Rheinstone Cowboy" reads as," This world is where the hustle's the name of the game and nice guys get washed away like the snow in the rain ". Sometimes i think this resonates with me but then my thoughts envisage and I encounter that We can't become snow that is washing away .Notwithstanding we are the Rain that washes away the snow.The pouring power comes from the light of a pure soul that helps you declutter all the negativity in and around you. Here i dedicate this to my friend at college who has been a torch bearer by casting constant light of Hope, Warmth, Positivity and Compassion. She is recognised as Dristy but for me she's at par with my family. She never let me become the washing snow . Perhaps she always stood by my side in my rugged times with the gritty gesture. Wherever i went up in that Evening College. Classrooms and playground and canteen so free.I had no better friend than She. You breathed on me and made my life a richer one to live, when I was deep in poverty of emotions,you taught me how to give. Dried the tears up through your words and pulled me from my shrinking hole, quenched my thirst and satisfied the burning in my soul.Now, each of us has our own special gift And you know this was meant to be true. And if you don't underestimate me I won't underestimate you.
Yourrrrrr friendshipppppp meanssssss a lottttttt
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diariodeunyogui · 1 year
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Cada asana del sistema de Ashtanga Yoga contiene un punto de observación en el cual concentrarse.
Existen nueve dristis y cada uno tiene la finalidad de conducir la mirada hacia el interior, provocando a su vez la interiorización de los sentidos o Pratyahara. Los dristis son los siguientes:
Nasagrai (la punta de la nariz)
Angusta ma dyai (los pulgares)
Broomadhya (el tercer ojo o entrecejo)
Nabi chakra (el ombligo)
Urdhva (hacia el cielo)
Hastagrai (la mano)
Padhayoragrai (los dedos de los pies)
Parsva (lejos, hacia la izquierda)
Parsva (lejos, hacia la derecha)
Al utilizar la disciplina impuesta por los dristis, la mente se centra y los alumnos aprenden a mirar "hacia dentro". Así se inicia el desarrollo de la concentración (Dharana) y la meditación (Dhyana), las ramas sexta y séptima de Ashtanga.
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subir-astrologer · 8 months
Ketu is not exactly a malefic planet, it’s a philosophic planet. Unlike rahu which is after acquiring material pleasure, ketu keeps itself away from it as it feels it is of no need as it is a temporary effect as Ketu do not believe in attachment as it a moksha ( salvation ) giving planet. It is a spiritual loving planet.
So ketu acts like a retarding agent when its in conjunction with a planet. The degree of conjunction will act very good when its between 0 to 3.20 degree and till 8.0 degree it goes well and after that the impact get diminished with the degree differences.
From example when a planet is creating a temperament in an individual then ketu will try to pull the temper down by auto suggestion back to the individual that is it necessary to raise the temper to that high or can it not be solved with negotiations or discussion.
The person who understands this will always listen to the inner voice of ketu to rectify his decision given by a planet with which ketu is in conjunction.
Since we are living a domestic life with lots and lots of attachments so one need to identify which are the ketu’s advice that are need and which are to be understood only, as ketu likes to live a life of a sanyasi ( leaving one’s family ) and we can not and will not like to leave our family life.
Another example when ketu is with venus then it will influence it to channelize the energy of sex in awakening of kundalini than wasting it for a short temporary pleasure.
The same conjunction may interpret differently in different horoscope as there will be impact from many other parameters on the conjunction example aspect / dristi etc etc.
This is only example for understanding the nature of ketu and do not want everyone to directly follow ha ha ha ha . . . . . .
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betterlovers · 2 years
I know in my heart, that one of those 3 links is gonna be a Rick roll
Cmon Dristy I thought we moved past that. This makes so sad. Please donate to my emotional relief fund here
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peachesandmilktea · 2 years
I knocked drist up again with my potent and virile sperm. She just cannot stop opening her legs for me. So she's with child again. What will I do with so many kids? I already have enough to defeat all might but she keeps popping them out. - Enji
I don’t know how many kids you and @drist-zoi got while I was away but I’m pretty sure you can build an army by now, congrats 💕
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sweetd3lights · 1 year
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All rights reserved  by Ostravske Dristy 
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santmat · 9 months
Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast:
Seven Steps to Heaven, The Way of the Mystics, Following a Living Spiritual Path
"Blessed are the souls who in today's materialistic world have an inclination towards spirituality." (Swami SantSevi Ji Maharaj)
Today, A Spiritual Talk (Satsang Discourse) by Swami SantSevi Ji Maharaj at Maharshi Mehi Ashram, Kuppaghat, Bhagalpur, Bihar, India
The Seven Stages of Ascension to Heaven According to Swami SantSevi Ji and a Living Spiritual Path Called Sant Mat
Praise or Bhakti (singing praises: banis, bhajans, kirtans, odes, psalms, hymns);
Prayer (Communion With God -- Conversations With God);
Manas Jap (Simran, "Praying Without Ceasing", Mentally Repeating/Chanting the Name or Names of God -- Mantra -- the First Stage of Meditation);
Manas Dhyana (Visualizing the Form of the Master* -- the Second Stage of Meditation);
Dristi Sadhana (Seeing Inner Light at the Third Eye Center -- the Third Stage of Meditation);
Nada Sadhana (Hearing the Inner Sounds -- Surat Shabd Yoga -- the Fourth Stage of Meditation);
Reaching Kaivalya: Oneness with Soundlessness, the Nameless One (ANAMI), the Formless Supreme Being, Supreme State, the Ocean of Love (beyond all forms, lights and sounds) -- the Fifth Stage of Meditation -- the Isht or Goal;
*NOTE: Visualizing the Form of the Master: “In Kali Yuga no other spiritual activity will succeed. It is only the contemplation of the Satguru’s Form, repetition of the Name of the Supreme Being, and concentration on Shabda [Spiritual Sound] that will be successful and beneficial”. (Soamiji Maharaj)
Seven Steps to Heaven, The Way of the Mystics, Following a Living Spiritual Path - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Listen and/or Download @: https://traffic.libsyn.com/spiritualawakeningradio/Following_A_Living_Spiritual_Path.mp3
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In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, James Bean Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts Sant Mat Satsang Podcasts Sant Mat Radhasoami A Satsang Without Walls
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