#drk is I will watch over you. i love you so much I will put myself in harms way to keep you safe
me firmly grasping all the vaguely support shaped jobs in 14 like
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miqojak · 5 months
Character Associations: Jak
(Funny, I had this same prompt in two different versions saved in my drafts from the last two times I did it in past years, intending to do it again since it has been years! Good time to tag me...even if I took a month or so to get to it! xD )
I'll smash together these two old ones and put them into this one, resulting in a bit more things to fill out: "5 Things" and "Character Features" - with 3-5 things per category.
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✧ Paranoia ✧ Disdain ✧ Curiosity ✧ Confidence ✧ Arrogance
✧ Silent Nod ✧ Clipped wave or nod ✧ Silent, judgemental stare: first impressions don't always go over well ✧ Faint smirk, almost as if she knows something you don't ✧ Fanged grin, if she likes you
✧ Red ✧ Black ✧ Gold ✧ White
✧ Handmade, perfumed oil (Spiced and earthy/citrusy) - a connection to her past, and the family she lost ✧ Well-oiled leather - what she's often garbed in ✧ Campfire smoke - another reminder of her family/past ✧ The scent of a savory meal on the stove/in the oven - she loves to cook! Having suffered with hunger and near-starvation, the ability to cook good food now is something she relishes.
✧ Leather mini-skirt/pants/clothing in general - good for sneaking, or for drawing the eye where you want it...away from where thieving hands might be wandering ✧ Loose-fitting cloth fabrics - the better for the hot places she likes to live/dwell in ✧ Sandals - for when it's hot! (Boots or sneakers when practicality + comfort is the goal.) ✧ Lots of piercings - in her face, and ears.
✧ Drinking - She drinks now and then, and no longer tends towards being an alcoholic ✧ Drugs - She no longer abuses somnus, and smokes moko a little now and then to relax ✧ Works out too much/pushes herself too hard, out of the paranoia associated with having been a Garlean prisoner of war. If she's fit and fast enough, no one can catch and cage her again! ✧ Holds herself (and others) to incredibly steep, almost unachievable standards out of a belief that one should always be bettering themself. ✧ She loves breaking and entering as a hobby! She doesn't even steal things, most times - maybe moves things around, or breaks things, and just makes herself at home...it's about the power and control, not the stuff.
✧ Throwing knives - often coated in non-lethal toxins, and sheathed in hidden holsters in her clothing. ✧ Lock-picking tools, if she's out to do some B&E ✧ DRK soulstone set in a bangle on her tail
✧ Languid, but alert - in the manner of many a large, feline predator; she may seem to be completely at ease...while simultaneously ready to act at a second's notice ✧ Shoulders squared and chin lifted, a stance of stubborn pride ✧ A tail that lashes in anger, or sways slowly when in thought - this body part betrays the otherwise carefully controlled actions of the rest of the little woman. ✧ Feline ears that are almost always on a swivel for sounds that are out of place, or words spoken softly - seeking things meant to go unheard. ✧ Examining her nails - either truly bored, or trying to project disinterest
✧ A weathered, leather-bound sketchbook ✧ A desert campfire, as the sun sets on a sandy horizon ✧ Piano music drifting from another room ✧ A dark, viscous, canine shadow with too many eyes and teeth that hungrily slinks across snowy wastelands ✧ Opposing aesthetics of dark leather, and gold jewelry set against pale, flowing cloth; the street rat, and the empress, juxtaposed
✧ Cold-Blooded - Zayde Wolf ✧ Somebody's Watching Me - Madelyn Darling ✧ Knife Under My Pillow - Maggie Lindemann ✧ THAT BITCH - Bea Miller ✧ Here Come the Wolves - Lola Blanc (An especially poignant and multi-layered song for Jak!)
Tagged by: @hares-and-hounds
Tagging (a bunch of people from my notifs, but do it if you want to, and tag me so I can see!) - @briar-ffxiv @xmimiteh @wpip-raham @uldahstreetrat @captainqster @shieldandarrow @merlwybs-wife @alannah-corvaine @madalyn-maeve @ashenbun @thedawnforged @why-raven @ivyffxiv and...anyone else! YOU, reading this! Do it, and go ahead and tag me so I can read about your OC! (This took me ages to think about and finish, so no rush on knocking it out - in some categories, I even had a hard time coming up with three things, much less five!)
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years
Jan 9th, Saturday 14:17
The three stood infront of the entrance.
Unmoving, when they simply waited for one of them to say something. Anything.
Jens knew why. Since they had bid goodbye to Lars and Olivia, he had been oddly quiet all day. And though Lotte and Lucas had tried to let him be and go on with their conversations, it also affected them. It caused the talking to get more sporadic on their way to the hospital until it died down once the car was parked.
Jens couldn’t quite place the feeling he had. A bit like a fight or flight type situation. Uncomfortable to put it lightly. 
But Lotte grabbed his hand and it reminded him that he wasn’t alone here.
„Okay, we should probably head inside. Mom is definitely that close to call us.“ Jens tried to joke a little, if only to lift his own mood, while the smile on his face felt a bit off. However, it seemed to to be working when Lotte’s lips curled up into a more pleased expression.
„We should hurry.“ She agreed, looking up over to Lucas on her other side with expectation.
„Sorry to dissapoint, but I can’t go in. Only one person and that person is Jens.“ He excused himself, as Jens watched him comb through his hair. Nervous, he thought and sighed. It should be Jens explaining that to Lotte instead of the younger boy.
It wasn’t even that he wouldn’t be happy to see his mom. If he could he would spend every minute he could with her. No matter, if that only meant to watch her sleep all day.
Instead he had to do with the couple of days a week, for the couple of hours he could stay, under the restriction to always have a new negative test before entering her room. It was a hassle.
And he’d do it anytime.
Yet, it wasn’t the reason of his restrained behaviour. If Jens was completely honest with himself, he hated being here. Hated the white walls and the few people crossing in the hallways, dressed in white with deep frowns and drk shadows under their eyes. And most of all did he hate to see her get worse.
His mom already had texted him this morning to tell him, that she was a bit weak today and that he should let Lotte know as well. Which he had done. Jens just wasn’t sure his little sister understood it.
„So, I’ll meet you here around nine then, I guess?“ Lucas asked, as he briefly kneeled down do give Lotte a tight hug and then went to peck a quick kiss onto Jens’s lips. 
„Definitely. Promise to not forget about us, okay?“ It felt easier to make that joke, when he saw Lucas’s roll of his eyes and his bright grin. 
Lucas hadn’t been cross about his afternoon alone, especially not when he had made plans to go to his place and zoom call his friends in Utrecht. To talk and play games and just have fun. Jens almost envied him. And he hated himself a little more for that. 
He would see his mom, instead of calls and texts, and he’d cherish it in the future to have been with her in person instead of seeing his friends. Right? Right.
„I could never. And I’ll definitely send them your love, expecially from Lotte, alright?“
„Yes!“ Lotte shouted at Lucas, before he pecked another chaste kiss on Jens’s cheek, and went to leave the two siblings to their hostital visit. He turned two more times to check up in them.
It made Jens genuinely smile, as he thought of it adorable, while he joined his little sister to wave at the boy growing smaller in the distance with each new step.
„Ready to see mom?“ He asked Lotte, who turned her head to beam at him, nodding furiously as she clutched his hand even tighter. This certainly helped to calm the low anxiety he felt in his bones, when they entered the building and headed towards the desk. 
And while he listened to his little sister explaining roughly what she would have to tell their mom about Olivia’s sleep-over, he managed to clear their visit at the front desk. The way to his mom’s room was not even that long. Yet the dread was seeping in the closer they got.
Perhaps it was just the unknown. 
Perhaps it wasn’t even as bad.
His brain was just defaulting to assume the worst.
But as they reached the room, halfway down a smaller hall on the first floor, he stood corrected. Or validated. It was hard to tell.
„Mom.“ Lotte’s excited voice and leap forward onto the person sitting up in bed, when the door announced their arrival, didn’t match the sight Jens found.
Even though she was propped up against the headrest, with a big pillow cushining her back, she looked exhausted by the simplest movement. Her shoulders slightly hunched and her eyes tired. 
Jens swallowed.
„Hello, my beloved children. It was so boring the last couple of days.“ Their mom said, patting the blanket to her side, to gesture for Lotte to join her. Which his sister didn’t needed to be told again, when she already crawled onto the bed and settled right next to her. „I am so glad you are here.“
He closed the door behind him, his gaze briefly wandering outside, as if someone would come and get him out of here. But the halls were silent and the nurses desk empty.
„Jens said you can’t eat cake. But I made him bring you a little piece anyway. Maybe you can try the chocolate cream? I helped making it.“ Lotte proudly declared, while she waited for Jens to step into the room and hand her the little plastic box from the backpack he had carried.
„Oh I’d love to try it.“ Their mother smiled, wiggling her brows, as she watched Lotte fumble with the lid.
„Apparently baking is now on the list with cooking.“ Jens said. He determined that he would try to ignore anything but the happieness he obviously still felt in seeing his mom. Everything else he could think about tonight.
„It took so long though.“ Lotte voiced, the complain slurred, as she presented the thin slice of Olivia’s brithday cake to their mom, a fork ready to be taken.
„She exaggerates. An hour at most.“ Jens teased and copied his sister who had stuck out her tounge at him. It at least made him huff a laugh, as much as the other two giggled sitting on the bed. 
With a shake of his head and a flood of compliments from their mom as she tried the cake, Jens collected the chair from the window to place it right next to the hospital bed. Right next to his mom on the other side from Lotte.
„And we build a pillow fort. It’s still up. Lucas said, I could keep it over the weekend.“ 
Yeah, Jens decided, it felt good to be here. __ __ __ tagged: @odi-et-amo85, @tayspots
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avtonome · 4 years
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hey y’all ! i’m kat and i’m super excited to open; i have two super clingy cats in case any of you ever need a visual pick-me-up, i’m a uni student in canada and a Big skincare and dark chocolate junkie, more than likely gonna be typing replies while indulging in either jsyk !
tried to keep it short since i’m a rambly bitch, but here is a link to tally’s currently basic stats, a wc page will be up soon though i have some under the read more, here is her messy as hell pinterest board, and i’ll be posting a little tracklist for her playlist later ! and if tumblr ims are as much of a nuisance for you as they can be for me, you can add me on d*scord at GENUINELY sick of this shit#2030 if you’d like to plot ! anyways, without further ado:
[  im jinah  .  twenty-three  .  cis female  .  she/her  ] just saw TALLULAH “TALLY” HONG dragging their suitcase up the steps to CABIN 4D  .  good luck living with HER  ,  word around campus is that they’re SUPERCILIOUS  ,  DARWINIAN  ,  ASTUTE  &  ALLURING  .  apparently they're the EVENT COORDINATOR.  let’s hope this new living situation doesn’t affect their SENIOR year of COMMUNICATIONS.
tw: drug mention
her parents’ only child together, tally’s the oldest out of her and her half-siblings
also, never call her tallulah. friend or otherwise, don’t take the risk DKLGSJDLK
grew up with a silver spoon, her dad being a wall street giant and her mother being an entrepreneur with a love for art ( so much so that her two partners after separating from tally’s dad were artists themselves sdlkgj )
basically could’ve been a main character on gossip girl with her reckless antics and partying as a teenager…. and now, even SGDLKF
drk how to elaborate on that, aside from stressing that from her teen years onward she’s presented her own take of a rich bitch, and is a socialite/fashion week regular type if i were to describe where she stands rn
is attending hollis at the behest of her father so he has at least one child who could take a senior position in his company simply to keep it in the family
isn’t the most studious person, but she’s gotten far enough to begin wrapping up her major in communications with a marketing minor
she reasoned that, with her reputation in nyc, she’d need the bit of knowledge in how to clean up her messes. even if she wasn’t the one who had that responsibility
though.. the entire time has been spent sleeping with some of her rich friends, drinking and smoking pot, with the occasional hit of whatever clean enough drug that one of her friends had on them
when she’s not getting an education, she’s pissing off her neighbours with her house parties back in nyc or at her beach house in malibu/the family’s new house in beverly hills.. something of the sort at least ( while getting a moment’s peace bc i already know this bitch hates sharing a dorm 90% of the time GDSFLKJD ), staying in the good graces of the media as a budding, fun yet classy heiress — despite doing dumb shit the second she’s inside of a gala or club
as for her time here as the event coordinator somewhere in wyoming ?? she ABHORS it !
she hates organized sports, she hates camping and being restricted ( to some degree in this case ) so why is she here ?? ..... i still haven’t worked that out, i just like to fuck with my muses DKFLGJGSDF
but fr, i thought it would be funny to watch her seethe in a rather unfamiliar element so ! she can have fun with that !
personality and shit
her little blurb on my indie is: refined party girl still set in her ways with her future left uncompromised; detached and pretentious, she soaks up the attention that continues to roll in
which. we’ve basically been over already LKDFSG but still
if i were to use a label to describe her, she'd be the sovereign
she’s messy as hell, but puts on the façade of a poised woman who has some fun because she knows it bodes well
she’s not a complete dick per se, but she can be snide and boastful
Big superiority complex, independent and lives lavishly with reckless abandon 
probably jets back and forth between nyc and l.a during the school year a good bit, so ig she hates the environment if it means not having things go her way !
non-committal as all hell and will abandon girl code if she drops you FGKLJFS
.. fr, she’ll fuck an ex-friend’s ex if she Technically saw them first, so being spiteful And resolving some past attraction ?? right up her alley !
keeps her true inner circle small, but gets off on attention and likes to stay cordial with some people, so she’s got quite a few friends all the same
she’ll fight tooth and nail to protect her image and won’t hesitate to throw anyone under the bus to do so/in retaliation if they screw her over
which happens to mean that her family is to be protected as well. fuck with any of her sisters ?? you’re Done. try to compete with her father ? she’ll leak your suspicious investment history to the times fskgdljlsf
there really isn’t much to expand on tbh, though i will say that her emboldened nature and need for a good time however she can get it comes out more than her uglier side ( except her vanity. that’ll never go away KSFDG )
some quick plot ideas
a childhood friend or two that she made back in nyc or through events she attended when she was young, whether they’re still friends or not for x reasons can be discussed of course
could carry over into a trio type of thing depending on where she stands with either of them, or they’re a different couple of pals she’s made since coming to hollis
enemies are always fun ! probably rooted in a competitive streak more than anything else but i’m all ears for a more complex reason
ex-hookup(s), current hookup(s), throw it all at me klgfjd
a hateship/ewb would be fun with her too, oh my god sfdgklj
surely there are quite a few wealthy kids here, but that doesn’t mean that someone who’s using her for their fifteen seconds of fame, or just to get some perks out of their friendship, is necessarily a write-off — not that she cares too much about fake friends, face value hype and knowing they need her more than she needs them gives her too much satisfaction fkskgls
an ex-something, open to anyone.. who's fc was born earlier than like. '97 since jinah's on the higher end of her twenties dfsjgklsd and someone who's at least a junior. either someone her parents forced on her to straighten her out that she wound up liking…. after a good period of her telling them to fuck off sdglk or someone she’d been seeing for a while at her own accord. would’ve ended the same way: with her calling it off because she didn’t want to settle down, not even for a relationship ( and perhaps bc she’s scared of commitment with her cracked family dynamic that’s been a thing since age two, but that’s another story jsdfkg )
kinda relates to current hookups, but her designated event pal would be super fun ?? sdgkflj like they go to all of these big parties and galas together, then meet up in the nooks of the venue or head back to her place before she throws an after-party of sorts. they’d be decent friends beyond this though, them being someone she trusts a good bit compared to others in her circle
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ghosttownaz · 4 years
Underground Uprising’s “Artist of the Week” - D. Carter
We are back with the Underground Uprising's "Artist of the Week" and this time we have a director/videographer to showcase!  D. Carter, the man behind "To the Top Visuals" is the first "AOTW" to  be chosen for their skills behind a camera and after you get to know him and his work a little better, you'll be a fan or an eager artist that wants to work with this diversely skilled man from Arizona.
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Where are you from?  What was it like growing up there?
"I was born in Mesa, Arizona. Raised in the East valley of Phoenix, bouncing from Chandler, Gilbert, Mesa, and Tempe. I've been here my entire life. I moved a lot, but mostly throughout the east valley. I love AZ, it is a place I'll always represent and call home. I've met several solid people who've played huge roles in my life. I've had a lot of great memories and a lot of bad one's. But I'm sure it's like that anywhere you are from. The one thing i love about Arizona is its difference in nature. You can go from the Phoenix desert at 120 degrees and take an hour and a half drive up North and be in cooler weather and surrounded by pine trees. Growing up here has been a long experience and journey. I don't know any other place better than I do Arizona."
What kind of videos/movies/tv inspired you as a kid?
"I grew up loving a lot of sci-fi and comedy films. "Star Wars" brings out my nerdy side and i could watch those movies over and over despite how many times I've already seen them. I also loved movies like "The Matrix" , "Romeo must die", "Predator", "Alien", "Rush Hour" "Chappelle show" and stand up comedies to name a few. As a kid I was heavy into "Pokémon" and "Yu-Gu-oh!" I don't care what nobody says that was my thing. Lol. I really enjoyed movies or shows where their was a main character who was separated from the rest "The one" or they had special abilities that no one else had. Some badass "lone ninja" type stuff. Lol. I actually try implementing that on my own projects. I think it's cool."
When did “To the Top Visuals” start?
"[It] originated as "Carterora Productions" about two years ago. As I was building my portfolio as an artist going by "D Carter", I needed content. I didn't have the money to afford photo shoots or music videos all the time with what I was trying to do. I knew I needed to put things out but I was limited. I hated that feeling. I originally invested into camera equipment with a business partner who had experience in multimedia in hopes to grow as an artist and build a business shooting music videos and doing photo shoots for other artists. My partner and I had conflicting schedules and (life happened) at the time and couldn't run it full force attacking it head on together like i was intending to. So I ended up doing it by myself. I started building relationships and taking on big projects like Weddings, Corporate videos, small business videos, artist photo shoots, artist music videos etc.. I really had no experience what so ever with a camera or knew anything about it. But I did my research and learned more and more over time. I had to learn the ins and outs of a camera, a drone, editing, all while having my own style to it. It was very over whelming for a while because I was also trying to be a music artist. Then all the sudden I was a videographer and a photographer.
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I've had my fair share of gigs and the experience is really what took me to a new level. Although I still am the learner and have much more to figure out. It has skyrocketed my opportunities and building relationships being able to it all.  Until I met my manager, (Danielle Ellis) aka "The Matrix" We built a team together under the label "To the Top Music Management". She has helped me immensely to grow as an artist. We decided to partner and run the multimedia business I had built, together and rebrand the name to match what we had already started in To the Top Music management. To make things simpler, thus the name "To the Top Visuals".
Favorite director?
"I loved Tarantino films, Spielberg, and of course George Lucas for giving us star wars lol."
What do you both think of the current state of AZ Hip Hop?
"I think anyone can agree that Arizona is a hotspot for talent. I've met so many talented and credible like minded individuals who are all here trying to do the same thing. The driving direction in AZ hip-hop is in full acceleration. One day i believe AZ will be known for Hip hop like California, New York or Atlanta. One driving force will be Respect the Underground and what they have put on for the city, year after year. Especially with the showcasing of talent at each years Annual Hip hop festival."
Advice for up and coming creators and artists?
"My best advice, do what you love to do. Not because it's cool. If you truly love the ART and can dedicate your life to it, then take every opportunity thrown at you. I mean that as in right away. Not next week, next year, or when you're ready.. Because you will never be "ready". The time is now fam."
Biggest lesson learned in your career?
"My biggest lesson as a music artist, was to stop making music for other people. Make music that YOU like. Don't follow the trends. Separate yourself from the rest. I see to much of the same things nowadays. I also learned that this is a business, not a hobby. You need to have both a business mindset and a creative mindset or else this will be very difficult for you. It was for me. The last important thing I learned is don't listen to what people think or criticize you on about your art. And that goes for the multimedia side as well. Your art will never be good enough for some people and that's okay. You have to accept that. The ones who enjoy what you do will follow."
What are you most proud of, what is your biggest accomplishment so far?
"What I am most proud of in this journey in the music business and multimedia business is the experience itself. Never did I think 4 years ago I would be where I am today, strategizing and executing a clear vision with Mic Myers, Talika, KMRN, Genesis, and Drk Matr, all of which are a part of our label “To the Top music management” as well as hosting Hip-hop night at Good Time Charlis in Chandler. I've worked with or had the opportunity to surround myself with several successful artists and media artists such as Whitney Peyton, Sincerely Collins, Fat Belly Filmz, Shot by Dub, Delly Everyday, Bag of Tricks Cat to name a few. I've collaborated with super producer Kato on the Track, on a beat and had the opportunity to meet and learn from him. I've taken pictures of several local artists whether it be photo shoots or performance photos for groups like The Kotton Mouth Kings... The opportunities are out there.. I'm proud of my journey and I cant wait for what's next."
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Who would you like to collab with in the future?
"I would love to collab with Futuristic one day, but I'm sure everyone would want that since he's one of the faces of AZ hip hop right now.. J Rob the Chief is another artist i believe is next level. I'm open to collabs with anyone who is serious about this honestly. Eventually I'd like to expand outside of AZ and collab with other we'll known artists. But overall I want to grow and help others grow too."
What’s the next move for To The Top Visuals?
"To the Top visuals has a few videos coming out that we are excited about. One of which being Whitney Peyton. She is an incredible talent and has given us the opportunity to collab with her. So stay tuned for that. Otherwise, To the Top Visuals is open for business and taking all inquiries for video, photo, beat production, studio recording, album art or cover art, or even if you need help learning the business side of music etc.. So hit us up we got you!"
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by: Steven Sandage
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ofthedarkestlight · 5 years
1日 - prompt #1: voracious
it can be short, they said. I`ll keep it short, she says four pages later, as always. 
@sea-wolf-coast-to-coast music
rating: PG
warnings: none spoilers post DRK 50
“You`ve always got your nose in a book.” The blank look that Sid receives over the spine of a dusty tome revives one too many memories of the same visage against different backdrops. Of pale yellow eyes that could see right through him, disarming his senses until the tiniest of smiles cracked across that stoic mask.
But in the present, the pale simulacrum is replaced with vivid colour. Eyes like a polished amber stone with hair thin cracks running through it, the only shimmer being that of the flame threatening to flicker over the low wick of the candle. Kaoru didn`t have time to waste. Precious moments that could be spent better himself, making muscles taught and tear, flesh to rend and bleed.
It helped distract him from the ghosts that threatened to creep under his skin.
And after all, he wanted to become more like his late mentor. The one he was being silently compared to this whole time, even if everyone liked to pretend otherwise. Kaoru Lightheart.
A useless Dark Knight.
Even his own birth name tried to mock him for even attempting to harness the abyss. On top of that, attempting to emulate Fray Myste, the brave warrior who died fighting for what he believed in? 
A laughable endeavour. Somehow, the more hopeless it was, the more he felt the itch under his skin, the mania to drive himself right into the trap he was laying out for himself. Kaorus sighs, a gasp catching in his throat, forming a stitch in his side from how shallow his breathing had been until Sid decided to come knocking. 
Another turn of the page. Another piece of information devoured. 
Another step closer to being anyone but himself.
Sid can only shake his head. Another thing he can`t help but notice they have - had - in common. When something was wrong, just pretend it didn`t exist but forcing your way through over something you actually had control over. On occasion, if his vision blurs, Sid sees a reflection, and has to remind himself that Kaoru was simply a boy. There are many things it wouldn`t be fair for him to do, least of all force him to pretend he was someone else. 
Sid wishes he could do something more. Just as he wished he could do something more back then.
What holds him back is a simple thought: what gives him the gall to think he deserves to even take up such a space? What role does he play in this boy`s life? Was he a replacement for a mentor, as Kaoru was a replacement for a companion?
He shakes his head before these thoughts could devour him even further. He leaves Kaoru to it, knocking twice against the wood of the door of the Cloud Nine Innroom, letting him know he would be back. It was part of their little unspoken code that had developed over the scant few weeks they had known one another. Once was goodnight, and ten times was for the love of Halone, do you plan to sleep in until the Eighth Umbral Calamity, Kaoru?!
He passes by well after Rielle had gone to sleep only to see another book in Kaoru’s hands, his previous tome and yet another stacked haphazardly on the nightstand. The words catch in his throat as he thinks to say something, anything.
But instead he offers the single knock as his missive of goodnight.
“I told you we would be training today.” Sid scowls, watching Kaoru`s knees buckle as he trudges through the snow. His chainmail was skewed across the hip and his hair was tousled. “You stayed up to all hours again, didn’t you?” Kaoru had been avoiding getting any proper sleep, and the gods only knew for what reason; at any pressing, Kaoru would simply scowl like your organs were his next meal. “I have an insatiable appetite for reading.” Kaoru deadpans, a quiet nip at the heels that challenges Sid to bite back if he dared “More like you`re a glutton for punishment.” Sid grunts. Kaoru looks at him with that same steady gaze he`d been wearing since they met on that snow covered hill. A hyur boy who`s diminutive size betrayed how he was covered in blood, fixing Sid with a cold gaze. A scene he had seen many times before, but of a man with a slightly different face. 
The worst difference of all were the eyes. Despite being the cooler, calmer one of the two, Fray`s eyes always had a deeper fire burning within. Kaoru`s were so devoid of light, of anything even remotely resembling happiness. It stirs something within the knight, an emotion he thought has been long since buried.
Sometimes I wonder, am I a dark knight, or a babysitter? Kaoru quirks an eyebrow as Sid remains still for an uncomfortably long beat. It`s when he strolls over that Kaoru flinches instinctively, raising his arms to cover his face in fear. All the better for Sid, who loops an arm through and right around him, hoisting the hyur over his shoulder like a sack of popotos. “Wha-- hey! Put me down right now!” For the first time in a week does he hear a sense of urgency, a sense of any emotion in Kaoru`s voice. He feels the spark rumbling in Kaoru`s throat, and imagines what it looks like in his eyes.
He hopes to see it firsthand very soon. “I`m throwing you back in bed and chaining you to the bedpost if you so much as get up.” Sid proclaims matter of factly as he makes his way back up the steps to the Forgotten Knight. “I`d like to see you try.” Kaoru growls, weakly attempting to fight back. But with no sleep, he can barely budge a hair on the Xaela`s head. It`s clear that he`s fighting a losing battle, and with a huff, Kaoru gives up the ghost before letting his weary body droop against the broad shoulders of his new mentor. He`s far too tired to feel awkward about being tucked in for the first time in his life. It`s a strange, alien notion, but none too unwelcome as Sid fluffs the pillow behind him once before covering Kaoru with a blanket right up to his chin. “I`ll ask the innkeep for a glass of warm milk.” Sid scoffs as Kaoru`s eyes flutter closed. He waits for a few minutes, the five longest minutes of his whole life, before testing the waters.
Kaoru opens one eye, surprised to see that Sid is still there despite all of the protests and scowls he`d delivered since they`d met. He`s lucky he didn`t blink, else he would have missed Kaoru`s lips forming the most inaudible “thank you” that Sid has ever heard in his life.
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