#drop shadow creation service
Hello can i ask for a hcs artoria lancer with male or gn reader who haves alucard from hellsing powers? Also the reader was randomly transported to the fate universe from their own universe and everyone just thought the reader was a spirit who have amnesia and have made up a new identity from somewhere
Let me just say that I had a blast and a half while writing this.
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A one in one hundred septillion chance brought you to Chaldea.
A flare of the ley line at the exact right moment allowed you to incarnate in this world.
And it was an event like no other.
Shadows grew long, the air dropped to the point where the world outside of the arctic base would be a boiling hot summer day, and the summoning circle flared black and red.
Then you appeared from the circle, dazed, lost, confused, barely able to speak, barely able to comprehend the world around you.
Guda and the others did their best to help you in the moment, but the storm of chaos that is Chaldea quickly brought their attention elsewhere.
That being said, Guda did assign someone to keep an eye on you.
Artoria Pendragon Lancer.
A regal woman with enchanting beauty and power to match it.
She was a kind woman, if a tad awkward and a bit of a glutton.
And something about her… called to you.
Like a breeze on a day where the weather is just right as you lay in the shade of a great tree.
Comforting, calming, gentle, kind, and wonderful.
These are all words you would use to describe Artoria.
She was all of those and more.
And so, as soon as you were stable enough, you were instantly at her side whenever she called for you.
It also helped that Da Vinci was all too happy to let you test run her weapons.
So the two of you would always be sent together.
Her lance to close the distance and destroy the enemy, your guns to cover her approach with ammunition that no mortal human could ever hope to use.
Over time the two of you grew close.
Closer than guardian and protectorate.
Closer than comrades..
Closer than friends.
The two of you became lovers.
And despite how little you knew of yourself, you were happy.
But then, on one fateful day, everything came crashing down.
You never once had used your Noble Phantasm in service of Chaldea, not because you couldn’t use it, but because you were afraid of it.
Of what it could mean for this life you had made.
Of what it could mean for the family you had in Chaldea.
It terrified you, but as all of Chaldea faced down the last of demon pillars, you knew what must be done.
And so, you told your master to do it, to use their command seal on you.
And as the command seal activated, darkness surrounded you, engulfing you. In all honesty, it would be more accurate to say, the darkness was emanating from you and swallowing the world around it whole like a ravenous hound.
Bugs, arachnids, gaping maws with dozens of sharp teeth, these and a hundred more horrible things made up your form and the swirling aether around you. A massive pitch black hound, lounged behind you, the closest thing Artoria had ever seen to human cruelty in the face of an animal in her entire life carved onto its face.
You raised your hand, the back of it pointing forward towards the massive creature as a burning flame ignited upon it to make a seal, and the world around you ignited in turn.
“You asked for my name once, and now, I will finally be able to answer you…” you stated before trailing off.
Then, an infinite number of eyes opened upon your body, upon the darkness, upon the shadows, upon every single dark place for a thousand miles as you spoke once more as all who bore witness to what was happening felt ice flood their veins.
In that moment, a universal truth was revealed to them all.
A glimpse into the realm of God.
The infinite sea at the heart of the world.
The Womb Of Creation.
In that moment, all who bore witness to this knew one thing.
You could not be allowed to begin speaking, much less finish what you were saying.
Alas, no one could make any semblance of a move to stop you, that is the power you commanded in this moment as everything became clear with each word you spoke.
“In the sea without lees, Standeth the bird of Hermes, Eating his wings variable, And maketh himself yet full stable, When all his feathers be from him gone, He standeth still here as a stone, Here is now both white and red, And all so the stone to quicken the dead, All and some without fable, Both hard and soft and malleable, Understand now well and right, And thank you God of this sight, The bird of Hermes is my name, and so I am found eating my wings to make me tame.”
You were not a saber nor archer, lancer nor caster, assassin nor rider nor berserker, nor were you a pretender or avenger or ruler.
You were a Foreigner, an existence that is completely incompatible with reality.
And You?
The only thing that you cared about was this.
A single blemish upon her could not be allowed, you refused to even entertain the thought.
She was the king, she was the one whom you loved and was loved by in turn, she was the one who had put her trust in you.
No, if even a single scratch was to befall her…
Millions of cruel and sickening punishments shot through your mind like a swarm of locusts blotting out the sky to devour the crops in the field below.
Something like that could simply not be allowed.
The black aether that comprised your body opened its eyes.
And then all hell broke loose.
By the time the flames died, the dust settled, and the screams subsided, nothing remained on the battlefield aside from you and the soldiers of Chaldea.
After this, you would only stand in Artoria’s presence to slaughter her enemies with brutality that was unmatched.
You haunted the edges of her vision, her shadows, her every move.
And it broke her heart.
She wanted to laugh with you again.
To eat with you again.
To be merry with you again.
That was her one wish.
And eventually, after many nights of gazing into the shadows of her room, after many nights of silent prayers, you answered her call.
Because it broke your heart to be away from her as well.
You wanted to laugh with her again.
To eat with her again.
To be merry with her again.
That was your one wish.
A wish that, as “The Bird Of Hermes” was forever out of your grasp.
Even now, you were only running on sheer willpower to keep yourself tied to this world.
Your return to the world you come from was inevitable.
Or, that is what you thought.
But Chaldea doesn’t let one of its own go that easily.
They all fought tooth and nail to keep you around.
And they succeeded.
So then you and Artoria returned to the same way it was before.
The Master Of The Holy Lance and The Bird Of Hermes
Steel and gunsmoke.
Light and dark.
Laughing with each other.
Eating with each other.
Being merry with each other.
And loving one another.
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 6 months
what other fandoms do you enjoy outside of ASOIAF?
Lmao, the big list of Things Misa Enjoys
I very much enjoy anime & manga. I got infected with those brain worms back in high school, & they simply will not leave. Particularly into Sailor Moon, which I haven't stopped thinking about since 1999, (I have OCs for that & a fic I'm gonna one day sit down & plot out beyond This Is The Vibe. I have a few things floating around in my brain, but I just haven't made the time to do anything with it. Maybe since I'm at reception for 6 hours I'll do that 🤷🏻‍♀️) & JoJo's (I also have OCs for this one, but no fic. I do have a homebrewed ttrpg system to run a JoJo's campaign with, though. But I need to finish statting enemy Stand Users & some character design. Also it's not a priority because I have an asoiaf campaign trilogy to finish running). I don't read or watch anything with the quickness, so I haven't watched a ton of newer anime or made that much of a dent in my reading of Berserk, but I do enjoy both newer stuff and Berserk. I even have a couple figures from Demon Slayer, which is probably my favorite newer series? It feels very nostalgic to the series I grew up watching.
I was into the Netflix Witcher series, but I haven't been able to bring myself to finish season 3. No amount of Joey Batey tits or confirmed pansexual Jaskier can really build my hype back up when I've heard the last bit of s3 sucked & I know I probably won't watch season 4. I have collected all but the last book of short stories though, so once I've worked through more of my books I need to give a fair shake before donating I plan to start those & get into The Witcher proper.
The Elder Scrolls is very good & fun, & I know the plots of all the mainline games even though I've only ever actually played Skyrim to completion. I have...I have so many OCs for that. And a fic I'm slowly working on that tells the story of the Dawnguard DLC by way of Lapsed Viglant Of Stendarr & Werewolf Vampire Hunter Are Forcibly Adopted As Serana's New Parents (and also I am confirming Serana as, like, eternally 19 because she feels very teenagery/early 20s-y to me). Fun fact: two of my current very close friends (my Platonic Wife included) were made by way of TES (and then another friend was introduced to me by a TES friend). So, thanks for your service, Todd Howard. Y'know, I guess.
It feels very "What are your hobbies? / Magnets." to say, but, like, dolls in general. I've collected porcelain dolls since I was little (but that collection got pared down massively when I moved from Texas), & I'm currently working through a clean/restore/dress/display of my old Bratz dolls. I've also dropped real adult money on dolls to (out of box, bc it sparks joy) display in my apartment. Specifically the Sasha (my best girl) Rock Angelz repro I waited almost a full year to see drop, Heather Greyson from Shadow High, & The Pride Bratz (I had a giftcard). I need to finish cleaning my old Bratz before I drop money on more though. So I know my shelving situation, lmao.
I am not not into Dragon Age, but I also complain about it all the time. I refuse to engage with it in a multimedia way. What I cannot learn by playing the games/have told to me in those games is simply not for me to know. Just...the way the franchise is handled & how it feels very obvious that Bioware wants to tell an incredibly specific story (while still allowing for character creation?), all the lore decisions they're making that feel like retcons/throw away everything I got invested in early (hello the dwarves & the dalish & Alistair's everything), & the increasing non-optional nature of the comics & books...it brings my blood to boil. The games are fun though! I have fun playing the games! And my personal Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor trios can be pried from my cold, dead hands!
I'm gonna be real, I know much more about Th Old World Of Darkness than Vampie v5, but I am into Vampire The Masquerade. This is, again, a "I have learned everything in bursts of hyperfixation that last a varying length of time," but I would very much like to take one of my two special vampire boys out for a spin one day. Because they're there! They exist & they are appropriately melodramatic, & I love them. Evil, fucked up, Hecata thug & flouncy, Catholic For The Aesthetic Toreador music producer my beloveds 💕
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drowning-in-daiya · 6 months
Twisted Ties: Chapter 1: A Threat to be Wary of
Vittoria Bellincioni is the heir apparent of the Bellincioni family, in the past a noble house in Italy, now a prominent family in the mafia world. 15 turning 16, she's set to debut in society and participate in the family's inheritance trials to prove her power and worth as the future leader. However, threats, unbeknownst to her, lie in the shadows and she is forced to Japan for her safety. There living amongst the twin she never had the chance to meet and a branch family of the Bellincioni, she encounters strange characters and circumstances that expand her world more than she could have ever predicted. Join this tale of growth, betrayals, grief, love, and affection between friends and family in a KHR retelling following a new cast of characters!
Notes: Characters are aged up and the story will parallel the arcs of KHR. Also, references to technology and current events take place around 2023 and not when the original story was set. Assume OCs are mixed/black. Warnings, relationship tags, and characters included will adjust as chapters are posted. There will be eventual violence and mentions of child abuse. Trigger warnings will precede the chapter including themes that may be uncomfortable for readers.
Posted on ao3 and here because I know personally sometimes I don't feel like following a link outta tumblr and just won't read something if it's linked like that 💀  Anyways enjoy!
“Donna, the princess’s life is in great danger.” Dark eyes flicked to the figure on her right, then scanned the five other faces seated at the table. All wore grave faces at the news. Her guardians took the heir’s safety seriously and looked ready to go to war. A small smile cut her face. 
“Is that so? Care to elaborate, Gia? That’s quite the bombshell you just dropped.” If the others were disconcerted by her carefree reaction, years of training and service schooled their features to not reveal such feelings. 
“Of course, Donna. I’ve received numerous reports that a small group has plans to assassinate Princess Vittoria. It seems they wish to cripple your line before she can ascend to the head of the Bellincioni. It’s well-known the line only passes to women, so your three sons are of no consideration. With Vincenza’s removal from the family and position and your preference for Vittoria to Aurelia obvious, they know you have no one else close to ready for the position. And we’re old now, Contessa.” Gia, her closest guardian and friend, rarely used her name in official meetings. 
         Contessa looked into the face she’s seen for over fifty years, now decorated with crows feet and fine lines. Once bright and energetic in their youth, her eyes were now clouded with a deep layer of weariness. She understood too well what was left unsaid. When Vittoria and Aurelia were born sixteen years ago, it was risky even with the best doctors practicing modern medicine and their witchcraft combined. Now at fifty-nine the time for trueborn heirs was well past for her. Besides, she herself didn’t think she’d have the luck to produce another one on par with Vittoria’s innate powers. She was her special creation. 
         She steepled her fingers at her mouth and considered. After a moment she spoke. 
         “You all are far too busy with responsibilities to the family to personally care for her. If someone is making moves and making no effort to hide their intention, it’s possible they have something in hand that makes them confident they can carry out an assassination even with her behind heavily guarded walls. It’s possible they even have an inside contact. We need to consider safety measures for the heir,” she said. The room darkened at the suggestion of a mole in the family.
         “Surely my spies would have found anyone cowardly enough to sell out their family before this,” Lauretta, her guardian who specialized in shadow magic and presided over the family’s espionage activities, said. Her affronted tone suggested offense at the leader’s implications. 
         “Are you saying I’m wrong? Can you with 100% confidence tell me you can guarantee every member of this family’s loyalty?” There was a dangerous edge to Contessa’s question. 
         Lauretta opened her mouth but hesitated to speak. The Bellincioni family was vast with many branch families under its purview. With the turn of the 19th century into the 20th, it had undertaken efforts to expand internationally and now held many businesses outside the main mafia family. She’d be a fool and a liar to say yes. 
         “I’m sorry, Donna. I would never suggest you were wrong. I merely meant a spy in our ranks would have trouble hiding for very long. But perhaps I am overconfident in my own abilities. I apologize profusely,” she said with a deep bow, forehead centimeters from the table. Contessa let out a light laugh.
         “Of course. I know you and the others are deeply loyal to me, and the family too. You above all demonstrate it every day you toil to protect us in your shadows,” she said. Lauretta looked up with a prideful smile. “Though, it is Gia bringing this news to us, and not you. So wouldn’t that suggest there is a flaw somewhere in your ranks?” 
         Lauretta’s deep colored skin paled to a sickly gray. Apologies spewed forth and a tremor shook her so hard her teeth clacked. Contessa looked on placidly. The other guardians kept their gazes fixed to the table in front of them. Some clenched their jaws and swallowed their words; others hid smiles at the plight of the youngest in their ranks. 
         “Oh well,” she sighed. “Perhaps this goes to show how formidable the enemy is. Calm now, Lauretta. I do not blame you for your oversight, nor any of you for not discovering this sooner. What is important now is deciding what’s to be done. Gia, is there any information to go on to find these villains?” Contessa asked. 
         “Unfortunately, there’s not. It’s all tentative right now-”
         “That’s not like you bringing half-assed intel to the table. If it’s tentative, then it’s not certain there’s a hit out for her in the first place. We shouldn’t panic or make big moves until there’s more definitive information,” a sharp voice interrupted. Eyes swiveled to Zelmira, the group’s fire user, who sat with hands linked behind her head. She raised a brow and curled her lip in a sarcastic smile. It wasn’t unusual for the fire user to oppose Gia. She took it in stride, however, and leveled a cool look on her. 
         “Any threat to the princess’s safety is of the utmost importance, no matter how tentative the information is,” she said. 
         “I’m not saying it isn’t. But Vittoria is to debut in a month. The mafia world is holding its breath in anticipation of the little Bellincioni princess who’s been hidden away all this time. Isn’t the timing of this supposed plot a little odd?” Zelmira asked. 
         “Quite the opposite. When better to strike than during such a big moment for the family? It would be a devastation to lose our last heir so close to her inheritance trials and they know this.” Another voice, Amara who usually ran interference for the two, piped up. 
         “There’s still Vincenza.” Silence enveloped the room. Despite the warning looks thrown at her, Fiorentina sat tall and kept eye contact with Contessa. 
         “She lost her status as heir years ago, though,” Amara said. She chanced a glance at their boss whose eyes pierced Fiorentina’s.
         “I know she made her mistakes in that messy affair with the Vongolas, but she was a child. I’m sure she’s grown since then and is regretful of her choices. And she’s powerful in her own rights. Unlike Aurelia, she has access to her earth flame. And she practices earth magic to boot. I’ve heard she demonstrates great mastery in her work with the Varia.” Her voice was impassive as she spoke, not revealing what she truly thought of her words and suggestion. 
         “Sixteen and out in society is hardly a child. She was set to hold her trials in less than a year, just like Vittoria. And are you keeping such close ties on one who betrayed their family?” Gia asked. 
         Zelmira scoffed. “I’d hardly say participating in a coup in another family warrants the title of betrayal. In fact, if it had succeeded, we’d be praising her instead.”
         “It didn’t, though. It was an illogical move that threatened our relationship with the Vongola. A woman who lets a man drag her down like that deserves no leadership position.” It was rare for Contessa to speak of Vicnenza who, though just her niece, had obviously held a special place in her heart. Even when Vittoria’s powers became evident and the potential for her growth immeasurable, Contessa held fast to Vincenza as heir flouting tradition. For a woman who holds fast to the customs of the family like her life depends on it, it was a shock to say the least.  Even more a shock when that affection shattered so easily eight years ago. Since then, she hadn’t uttered a word about the girl. 
         Fiorentina’s spirit magic could sense the volatility of Contessa in that moment even though the other kept a careful, blank face. She wanted to push back but knew it would be futile. Eight years was not enough time to cool her anger. 
         “What about Aurelia?” Sienna’s lazy voice floated through the tense air. 
         The guardians all looked uncomfortable and waited for someone else to name the elephant in the room. 
         “Well, if she had access to her earth flame and magic core, maybe…” Amara weakly said. 
         “Not to mention she hasn’t received any of the necessary education for leadership over the Bellincioni,” Gia added. 
         “And if she didn’t look like a carbon copy of her father, maybe she’d be considered,” Zelmira said with a laugh. She tilted her head when the others regarded her in silence.
         “What? I’m just saying the quiet part out loud. Aurelia was cursed to look like Emilio, God rest his soul, and lost at the outset. Her lack of power was just the icing on the cake. Thus, the poor thing was exiled to Japan with those weak-willed Palladinos.” 
         It was no secret the animosity between wife and husband in their surprisingly long union. But to speak of it and claim it as the reason she would never be heir was gutsy, even for Zelmira. The implication that Contessa would be so vindictive to a child for who she looked like was a dangerous one.
         Surprisingly, Contessa said nothing, though. In fact, she looked suddenly contemplative. 
         “Sienna,” she said. The woman languidly looked towards her boss. 
         “You said before you’d heard Reborn was heading to Japan? Do you know what for and where?”
         Brows furrowed in confusion, Sienna thought back to what she’d heard from a lover. “The Vongola head sent him there for his heir, I think. It was Nani- no maybe Namimori. Why?” Sienna couldn’t fathom why the boss cared for the hitman. Sure, he was talented and famous across the mafia world. But the Vongola had a claim on him. A burning curiosity began in her, especially when Contessa smiled at this.
         “Timoteo’s heir? It seems he’s scrambling after the deaths of his sons. But that’s good news and the greatest of all coincidences,” she said. The guardians looked at each other. 
         “Donna, I’m sorry but I think you’ve lost us,” Amara said. 
         “Aurelia and the Palladinos are stationed in Namimori. Correct, Donna?” Gia asked, though it was less a question and more a showoff that she knew where their boss was heading with this. 
         “Yes, they are. Vittoria will be sent there immediately. I’ll send a message to Reborn to ask if he’d look out for her. Fiorentina, prepare everything she will need for the flight and in Japan. Gia, go and inform her and Carina to be ready within the hour. Zelmira and Lauretta, prepare a security detail for the trip. I want Zelmira to stay and brief the Palladinos and set up safety measures in Japan, but after, come back. The Palladinos are adept enough to handle most issues and know the protocols for those outside their purview. Until the threat is neutralized, she will continue her education there. Perhaps it will be good for her in the end.” Contessa rapidly issued her instructions. 
         “Why send her away? Won’t that put her in a vulnerable position?” Zelmira asked though she was already tapping away at her phone issuing her own directions to her underlings. 
         “Vittoria has never been seen in public. If a decoy stays here while she’s sent secretly away, it’ll keep whoever is targeting her off her back, hopefully until we can discover and destroy them.” Gia said. 
         “But why Japan? Surely not just because that hitman will be there?” Sierra asked. 
         “Obviously not. It’s a plus he’ll be there, but it’s more to do with the Palladinos. They’re easy to forget, but when Sienna brought up Aurelia, it reminded her they have some usefulness. Right, Donna?” Lauretta looked expectantly to Contessa, hoping for praise for her understanding of the boss’s mind. 
         “Reborn and I have some history, so I’m sure he’ll care for her even during his mission,” she said, but she looked distracted. Lauretta’s shoulders slumped at being ignored.
         Fiorentina stared at the head, an inkling that something was missing here but unsure what. She caught Gia’s eyes, the right-hand seemingly appraising her like she was appraising the boss. She inclined her head and stood. 
         “I will have everything settled within the hour, Donna.” Without another look at either, she left the room. The others took their leave quickly after until it was just Gia and Contessa. 
         “Will you not see her off?” Gia asked, though she was sure of her answer already. 
         “No need. I have some things to take care of and I trust you’ll explain it well enough. Try not to frighten her. Matter of fact don’t tell her why she’s going at all. Wouldn’t want her to worry over nothing,” she said and swept from the room. 
         “Yes, boss,” Gia said to the empty space.
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imageexpertindia · 1 year
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Long Shadow Creation Service
Shading is a loop that should work for your section as it helps the image look more reasonable. That little lifelike detail can make an impression, making the subject easier to examine. 
 Reflection Shadow 
 Photoshop Shadow Effect Service 
 Natural Drop Shadow Service 
 Realistic Photoshop Shadow 
 Floating Shadow Creation 
 Casting Shadow Creation
#photoshop block shadow
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daywalkers-fic · 1 year
05. meet the cast (pt. 1)
The Company: a traveling mortuary company that provides services for both hire and charity. Some of their services include, but are not limited to: corpse preparation, funeral ceremonies, headstone design, coffin crafting, memento mori commissions. Their mode of travel is this really peculiar hearse caravan.
The idea of The Company came about in part because I had read somewhere that some cowboys were buried with custom designed cowboy boots to be placed by their graves – then I wondered, what about all the folks that were left alone in the wild and are left alone to just perish? Or what about in settlements that don’t really have an undertaker or formal funeral company to help one of their own? Everyone ought to be sent off, remembered. My initial thought was that it would be cool to have a specific company/group that travels the West that specializes in cowboy burials – memento mori pieces, custom headstones things, burials etc. Then, during that time where I was trying to pivot to a more gothic-fantasy-western sort of direction, I thought the idea of this company would be so freaking cool. They would be the in-betweeners of the “monsters” vs. “hunters” in this universe, and be associated with all things Death. Soul senders? Collectors? Ditto if I have totally written that off yet hmm.
Anyways! I’m still flushing out the members of The Company, but so far, I’ve sketched out enough to formulate a group of four individuals. These folks share a deep and respected relationship with death/death culture. Their “titles” only highlight their role of expertise within The Company’s services, but they are more than capable of intersecting and assisting each other when needed. Folks!!! I introduce you to:
Rupert Fritz Worth, The Surgeon with an eclectic taste in fashion and curio collections. Has been suspected of time travel on three separate occasions—both in America and in the Austrian Empire. Like many other professionals in the field, he began as a barber, specifically impressive facial hair styling, until necessity and opportunity brought him into medicine.
Ed McCullen, The Carpenter shyer around the living than the dead. Though he can handle the sight of blood and rotting flesh so much as a flinch, the idea of engaging in small talk with a stranger is enough to make his stomach hurt. Feels safe in the shadows of his friends. Whittling is something that helps to calm and ground him as well. He has quite the collection!
Dara Quinn, The Undertaker leading The Company and all of its business matters. Between managing finances, organizing funeral services, and meeting with patrons, they have taken up in learning about the occult. It’s partly out of curiosity and partly out of an amusement of people’s peculiar devotion to the supernatural—if it’s so popular, it must be real, right? They love a good mystery, and nothing is more mysterious than things you can’t see or control.
Chester Reeves, The Reverend who is impressively handy with a gun. Was he naturally skilled? Or did his profession call for him to learn how to handle firearms? His past has greatly shaped his views on life, fate, and death. Insists that he is less of a profound speaker than an accidental philosopher when he unintentionally drops words of wisdom.
Delfina “Della” Rivera, The Chemist with a keen talent for brewing. Tonics, moonshine, balms, perfume, poison—you name it, she can make it. She had no interest in profiting from her creations, content with experimenting new recipes and sharing with others she meets When she isn’t buried in her chemistry kit, she assists Rupert with embalming and dressing of corpses.
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thequietmanno1 · 2 years
Thelreads, MHA 260, Replies Part 1
1) “Anyway, where were we… Oh right, the pillar men were about to deliver the beating of a lifetime, so, let`s get started with Chapter 260: Life`s Work.”- Huh, I don’t actually recall this page when reading the manga the first time. Must be a volume edition. But yeah, anyway, here we have the two principal locations and protagonists for the different phases of the operation, the muscle and the brains working in concert to cut the PLF’s retaliation off at the knees. After a certain fashion, you could say everything they’ve done throughout their entire lives has lead them here, as the culmination of their lifetime of hero service, and now it’s all going to be put to the test…
2) “…
This is not the Mountain-side hotel of doom. Horikoshi, why must you betray me like this?
But that`s fine, because it only means we`ll see the jojo reference taking place before anything else. Hori knows what we`re here for after all.”- Well, it seems this chapter will be focusing more on the hospital of doom instead, which is an appropriate name, considering how Maruta managed to hide an entire Resident Evil-style lab full of Nomu creations underneath there just prepared to launch straight at his enemies with the click of a button, no matter what rooms were in the way. That is not good healthcare service 3) “Oh yeah, you ain`t getting away from this reference, there`s no escaping the jojo references my good doctor.
there is no escaping them
I tried”- This entire chapter is just Maruta getting hope spot after hope spot and believing he’d managed to outwit the heroes and secure his exit/victory, only to get outplayed at every turn despite his precautions. 4) “Oh, nullifying already Aizawa? Good catch there, the file said he was quirkless but there`s no saying what might actually be his quirk, and it seems like you weren`t willing to take the risk of a wrong info ruining everything.”- Since Aizawa’s quirk is activated by glaring angrily at the opponent, he’d probably had it on active involuntarily just thinking about Maruta and what he’d done to his friend from the moment he entered the hospital. He might be rational and keeping very firm control over himself, but make no mistake, he’s pissed, and just itching for an excuse to vent some catharsis out of Maruta’s hide. 5) “oh jeSUS FUCK that`s creepy. Alright, so he was either able to shapeshift to a certain extent to look more friendly, or his quirk was to keep himself young. Either way, that mask is out, now we see the true shadow within.”- And this means there’s another reason for Maruta to fear Aizawa’s presence, because if he’s turning off his quirk- which apparently delays aging to the point that AFO was using it as his temporary placeholder before he found a quirk that would grant him actual immortality- then depending on how old he actually is, if Aizawa keeps the glare going, Maruta could go the way of Donovan from the last Crusade.
And it’d be awfully bad hygiene to have so much dust in a hospital. 6) “Phelps your sources suck, have I told you that? But anyway, it seems like it was the latter rather than the former, his quirk was literally to not age, and, more importantly than that, AfO also had this quirk…”- There was actually a big hint dropped before that the Doctor was far older than he seemed. Back when he was prepping Tomura for his surgery, he says that he’s the one that actually named the ‘Quirk Singularity’ theory, and that nobody but All For One actually considered his theory had any factual basis at first. 
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However, back during Bakugou and co’s second Licence exam, we were first introduced to said theory by Shishikura, a student, showing that the quirk singularity theory has long since caught on in the public domain, with more and more evidence popping up to support it in the younger generation and the stronger quirks they possess. 
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In hindsight, this was showing how he’s been the top-most researcher into cutting-edge quirk science for at least a century or so, long enough to have developed the kind of mentality that could figure out how to ‘clone’ quirks or artificially duplicate them, as well as be able to come up with the concept of the Nomu and how to remodel the body to withstand the power of such abilities. 7) “Oh, fair enough, so it is exactly that, they have been cloning quirks with ease, and considering the bomber nomus we`ve seen in Vigilantes, that process has been going on for quite a while now, Fuck`s sake man, what else can Trigger do?”- Not only is Maruta’s research the primary resource and foundation of a lot of All For One’s plans, but his own duplicated quirk is likely the source of All For One’s extended age, his stopgap support allowing him to almost become immortal, depending on how far it slows down the aging process or has since been amplified, meaning that he’s literally the reason why All For One’s plans were able to be as far-reaching and destructive as they were with the Nomu as well as the reason his evil was able to exist long enough to reach Izuku’s generation.
8) “That`s pretty much the same thing Phelps, it`s more of a matter of semantics there, unless you`re thinking on the possibility of literally creating a new quirk from scratch, which, being honest, I could see Trigger being able to do.”-So far, that ability seems to be limited to something All For One alone can do, with his unique ability to interact with quirks themselves, hence why One For All was created in the first place, but by now, Maruta must be close to artificially duplicating the same process. At the very least, since he can demonstrably clone quirks, they’ve got a lot of ‘disposable’ powers to experiment with to see if they can reliably duplicate All For One’s combination process. It seems in exchange for lacking the power to do anything itself, All For One’s quirk is capable of doing stuff with quirks that the science of the future can barely scratch the surface of, which is pretty impressive when you consider it’s still a first-generation quirk ability. The only person who rolled a higher number than All For One on the quirk lottery was his brother, and his winning power was one that took literal centuries of effort and tireless work to bring forth its full potential generations later.
9) “Mic: dinosaurs, turning people into, it`s not rocket science. They want to destroy the world, they have no qualms about the methods to achieve that ending, as long as they get there. Yeah, Shirakumo was just another test subject, another stepping stone on their path to victory, you`re not going to find some reason or logic behind it, it was merely convenience.”- Mic’s patience, restraint, and his shades are very nearly at the breaking point.
10) “Really dude, you`re gonna step in front of a bunch of pro heroes, one of them being the current number one and certified hardass Endeavor? Really? You must reaaaaaally admire this man because I`m sure as fuck wouldn`t step in front of Stallone if he was roughing up my chiropractor.”- This is basically the equivalent of Arnold Schwarzenegger roughing up Ghandi on a good Samaritan visitation. To this doctor, it doesn’t matter how much of a respected and well-known public hero Endeavour is, his work situation has brought him into much closer contact with Maruta, and thus he mistakenly believes he ‘knows’ the doctor better than the heroes, do, which just gives a glimpse into how thoroughly and efficiently Martua’s been able to hide his real self from those around him, as well as the lengths he’s gone to, to appear to be the exact opposite kind of person on the surface than he really is.
11) “Well, the patients certainly are having a blast, its like the actual avengers showing up to your room, but they pretty much kidnap you instead of taking pictures by your side. Bonus points for the guy squeeing over being carried by Tiger, he`s our current audience stand-in.”- Oh hey, that hero carrying the other patient next to Tiger is Gentle’s old school classmate who made it successfully as a hero.
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12) “Yeah, sure, that`s exactly what`s going to happen, now that you tempted fate. Sorry bunnybakugo, but it`s not a matter of of someone is going to die, but who.”- Well, that’s good news for her, because bloodshed and death is exactly what Miruko was looking for when she signed up for this mission, along with pretty much every other instance of hero work she does. @thelreads​
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pixcretouch · 2 months
Elevate Your image with Pixc Retouch Company.
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Drop Shadow Photo Editing Service:
Drop shadow photo editing is a transformative technique that adds depth and realism to images by incorporating shadow effects beneath subjects or objects. By strategically placing shadows, the visual impact of the main subject is enhanced, making it appear grounded and three-dimensional against the background.
Here's a concise overview of the process:
Subject Selection: The first step involves isolating the subject or object intended for the drop shadow effect using precise selection tools.
Shadow Layer Creation: A new layer is generated beneath the selected subject, dedicated to creating the shadow effect.
Shadow Rendering: Using soft brushes or gradients, the shadow is meticulously drawn to mimic natural lighting conditions. Adjustments to opacity, blur, and color are made to ensure realism.
Blending and Integration: Employing various blending modes and refinement techniques, the shadow layer is seamlessly integrated with the background, creating a cohesive visual narrative.
Final Touches: Fine-tuning adjustments, such as edge refinement and overall image enhancements, are applied to perfect the composition.
Drop shadow photo editing elevates images by imbuing them with depth, dynamism, and a professional finish, making them visually striking and captivating to the viewer.
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clippingace · 2 months
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Enhance product images with our professional shadow creating service.
Adding shadows adds depth and dimension, making them visually appealing.
Our skilled team specializes in creating various shadow types, including Drop Shadow, Reflecting Shadow, Natural Shadow, and more. Trust us for quick, high-quality results.
Request a free trial to experience our service's quality firsthand for e-commerce, advertising, and social media purposes.
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suvo73 · 3 months
Shadow Creation Service: Enhancing Visual Appeal
ChatGPT 3.5
In the realm of digital imagery, the importance of presentation cannot be overstated. Whether it's for e-commerce platforms, product catalogs, or marketing materials, captivating visuals are crucial for attracting and retaining audience attention. One often overlooked yet powerful tool in achieving this is shadow creation services.
Imagine a product photograph devoid of depth, lacking the play of light and shadow that brings it to life. Shadows add realism, depth, and dimension to an image, making it more engaging and convincing to the viewer. However, capturing the perfect shadow in-camera isn't always feasible or practical. This is where shadow creation services come into play.
At its core, a shadow creation service involves digitally adding or enhancing shadows in post-production. Highly skilled graphic designers meticulously craft shadows to complement the subject, considering factors such as light direction, intensity, and surface texture. Whether it's a subtle drop shadow to ground a product or a dramatic cast shadow to evoke a mood, the goal is to enhance visual appeal and realism.
One of the primary benefits of employing shadow creation services is consistency. In an e-commerce setting with thousands of products photographed under different lighting conditions, maintaining a cohesive look across the catalog is essential. By standardizing shadows through digital manipulation, brands can ensure a uniform aesthetic, strengthening their brand identity and fostering trust with consumers.
Moreover, shadow creation services offer unparalleled flexibility and customization. Designers can tailor shadows to suit specific requirements, whether it's adjusting opacity, softness, or perspective. This level of control allows for creative expression and experimentation, enabling brands to convey their desired message effectively.
In addition to product photography, shadow creation services find applications in various other domains. Architectural renderings, for instance, benefit from realistic shadows to simulate natural lighting conditions and convey spatial relationships. Similarly, in graphic design and advertising, strategically placed shadows can draw attention to key elements and evoke desired emotions.
Furthermore, the rise of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies has expanded the scope of shadow creation services. Realistic virtual environments rely on accurate lighting and shadow simulation to enhance immersion and believability. By integrating seamlessly with these technologies, shadow creation services play a vital role in creating immersive digital experiences.
In conclusion, shadow creation services are indispensable tools for enhancing visual communication in the digital age. By expertly manipulating shadows, graphic designers breathe life into static images, captivating audiences and driving engagement. As brands continue to prioritize visual storytelling, the demand for high-quality shadow creation services is poised to grow, shaping the future of digital imagery.
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afrin2000 · 4 months
Title: Harnessing the Art of Shadows: Exploring the Essence of Shadow Creation Services
In the realm of visual artistry and digital marketing, the play of light and shadow holds a profound significance. Shadows add depth, drama, and dimensionality to images, elevating them from mere compositions to captivating works of art. In the digital landscape, where aesthetics reign supreme, the demand for impeccable shadow creation services has surged. This article delves into the intricate world of shadow creation services, exploring their significance, techniques, and impact on visual storytelling.
Shadows are not merely absence of light; they are visual elements that define form, texture, and perspective. In photography, cinematography, and graphic design, shadows play a pivotal role in shaping visual narratives. They enhance the mood, highlight focal points, and create a sense of realism. From the subtle chiaroscuro of Renaissance paintings to the dynamic interplay of light and shadow in contemporary photography, shadows have always been central to visual expression.
In the realm of digital marketing, the importance of shadows cannot be overstated. E-commerce platforms, in particular, rely on high-quality product images to entice customers. Well-crafted shadows can make products appear more tangible, accentuating their contours and features. Whether it's a sleek gadget, a luxurious accessory, or a sumptuous dish, the right shadow can elevate its appeal and influence consumer perception.
Shadow creation services encompass a range of techniques aimed at enhancing images through the strategic manipulation of shadows. From drop shadows to natural shadows, these services cater to diverse aesthetic preferences and project requirements. Professional shadow creators leverage advanced software tools and meticulous craftsmanship to achieve seamless results.
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evaannaph · 4 months
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Shadow Making Services
By adding shadows to your photographs, you can enhance the realism of your images and gain an advantage over your competitors.Your photographs always gain depth, dimension, perspective, realism, and visual intrigue from the use of light and shadow. Applying light and shadow effects thoughtfully and strategically usually maximizes their ability to grab viewers' attention in your photographs. Our skilled professionals are prepared to produce this for you using our shadow creation service in an extremely polished manner so that you can be properly represented. Additionally, our editors are experts at drop shadow services.
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emilylenna12blog · 5 months
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Image Shadow Making Service
We offer photoshop shadow creation services like drop shadow, natural shadow, existing shadow, floating shadow to make your photo look realistic.
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babupixc · 5 months
Top Drop Shadow Creation Service
Making of Drop Shadow
Pixc Retouch provides a professional Drop Shadow photo editing service. We offer a wide range of services, from basic Drop Shadow color correction and cropping to advanced retouching and background removal service. Our team of experts will work diligently to ensure that your photos look their best.
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♦ What is Drop Shadow ?
A drop shadow is a visual effect that creates the illusion of a shadow behind an object, making it appear as though it is slightly elevated above the surface it’s placed on. This technique mimics the way natural light casts shadows in the physical world, adding depth and dimension to two-dimensional designs.
The drop shadow effect typically consists of a blurred, semi-transparent shadow that extends from the edges of the object. The size, opacity, and angle of the shadow can be adjusted to achieve different visual effects, from subtle and realistic to bold and dramatic.
♦ Incorporating Drop Shadows in Graphic Design
Use Subtlety: While drop shadows are powerful, it’s essential not to overdo them. Subtle, well-balanced shadows tend to be more visually appealing and realistic.
Consider Light Source: Always keep in mind the direction of the light source when adding drop shadows. Shadows should fall consistently in one direction to maintain realism.
Adjust Opacity and Blur: Experiment with the opacity and blur settings of the shadow to achieve the desired effect. A softer blur and lower opacity can create a more realistic, natural shadow.
Mind the Background: Be aware of the background against which your design will be placed. The contrast between the object, shadow, and background plays a significant role in the shadow’s impact.
Test Different Angles: Depending on the design and context, you may want to try shadows at different angles to achieve the desired visual effect.
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Importance of Drop Shadow in Graphic Design
Depth and Realism: The primary role of drop shadows in graphic design is to add depth and realism to flat elements. By creating the illusion of an object lifting off the page or screen, drop shadows make designs more immersive and relatable to viewers.
Visual Hierarchy: Drop shadows can be used to establish a visual hierarchy within a design. They help guide the viewer’s eye by indicating which elements are closer to the foreground and which are in the background. This is particularly useful in layouts with multiple elements.
Contrast and Emphasis: Drop shadows can be used to emphasize specific elements within a design. By adding a shadow to a central object or text, it can be made to stand out more prominently against the background, drawing the viewer’s attention.
Consistency: In branding and design systems, drop shadows can be used consistently across various materials to maintain a cohesive and professional look. Consistency in design elements helps reinforce brand identity.
Visual Appeal: Beyond their functional benefits, drop shadows can contribute to the overall aesthetics of a design. When used judiciously, they can make a design look more polished and visually pleasing.
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Navigating the Legal Labyrinth: Your Guide to Digital Drop Servicing Legality
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The allure of digital drop servicing is undeniable. The freedom, flexibility, and potential for substantial income draw aspiring entrepreneurs like moths to a flame. But amidst the entrepreneurial glow, legal considerations often shimmer in the shadows, waiting to catch the unprepared off guard. Fear not, intrepid business builders! This comprehensive guide unveils the legal intricacies of drop servicing, empowering you to navigate the labyrinth with confidence and build a thriving, compliant business.
1. Demystifying the Model: Understanding Your Legal Role
At its core, digital drop servicing involves acting as a middleman, connecting clients with skilled freelancers to fulfill their digital needs. While seemingly straightforward, your legal role as a "drop servicer" is nuanced. You're not just a matchmaker; you're potentially playing several roles depending on the specifics of your business and client contracts.
Independent Contractor: You engage freelancers as independent contractors, meaning they're responsible for their own taxes and benefits. This requires clear contracts outlining roles, responsibilities, and independent contractor status.
Employer: In some cases, your relationship with freelancers could be classified as an employer-employee relationship, imposing additional tax and benefit obligations. Seek legal advice to avoid misclassification.
Agency: If you manage and control the work of freelancers, you might be considered an agency, responsible for withholding taxes and complying with employment regulations. Consult legal counsel to determine your agency status.
2. Contractual Candor: Forging Agreements that Protect You
Ironclad contracts are your legal shields. Clearly define the scope of services, payment terms, intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations, and dispute resolution procedures with both clients and freelancers. Utilize standardized agreements for efficiency, but tailor them to each project's specific needs.
Client Contracts: Specify deliverables, timelines, revision policies, and fee structures. Outline potential liability limitations and termination clauses. Ensure clients understand your role and any limitations of relying on freelance work.
Freelancer Contracts: Clearly define project scope, expected quality standards, communication protocols, and payment schedules. Specify ownership of intellectual property created by the freelancer and include non-compete clauses if necessary.
3. Tax Transparency: Rendering unto Caesar (and the IRS)
Uncle Sam expects his share. As a business owner, you're responsible for reporting your income and paying taxes, including self-employment taxes. Keep meticulous records of income and expenses, consult with a tax professional, and comply with all relevant filing requirements.
Independent Contractor Taxes: Ensure your freelancers understand their responsibility to report and pay taxes on their earnings from you. Provide them with independent contractor forms (1099-NEC) at year-end for accurate tax reporting.
Sales Tax: Depending on your location and service offerings, you might be subject to sales tax collection and remittance. Research your local regulations and comply with all applicable sales tax laws.
4. Intellectual Property Intrigue: Who Owns the Creation?
The ownership of the intellectual property (IP) created by your freelancers can be a tangled web. Clearly define who owns the copyright, trademarks, and other IP rights in your contracts with both clients and freelancers.
Client Ownership: Typically, clients own the IP rights of the final deliverables created by freelancers under your service. Ensure freelancers assign their IP rights to the client through the contract.
Freelancer Ownership: If freelancers retain ownership of their work, clarify how clients can use it and establish limitations to prevent potential copyright infringement.
5. Data Dilapidation: Safeguarding Sensitive Information
In today's digital age, data security is paramount. Implement robust data protection measures to safeguard client and freelancer information, including:
Data Confidentiality Agreements: Include confidentiality clauses in your contracts to protect sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure.
Secure Data Storage: Utilize password-protected cloud storage solutions and implement data encryption technologies to secure stored information.
Privacy Compliance: Review and comply with relevant data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, if applicable to your business.
Case Study: Content Crafting with Clarity (and Compliance)
Meet John, a budding digital drop servicer specializing in content creation. John outsources writing gigs to talented freelancers while ensuring legal compliance in his business:
Independent Contractor Contracts: John uses standardized independent contractor agreements with his freelancers, clearly outlining project expectations, roles, and tax responsibilities.
Client Scope of Work: John defines deliverables, ownership of content, and revision policies in his client contracts, protecting both parties and clarifying expectations.
Tax Transparency: John maintains organized financial records and consults with a tax professional to ensure accurate reporting and compliance.
IP Ownership: John assigns ownership of copyrighted content created by freelancers to his clients through a clause in their contracts.
Data Security: John utilizes password-protected cloud storage for client and freelancer information, encrypts sensitive data
6. Legal Limbo: Avoiding Liability Landmines
Understanding and mitigating potential legal risks is crucial for a thriving drop servicing business. Proactive measures can shield you from unwanted liabilities:
Insurance Protection: Consider liability insurance to cover potential claims arising from errors or omissions in deliverables provided by your freelancers.
Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Outline dispute resolution procedures in your contracts to address potential conflicts with clients or freelancers in a structured manner.
Client Communication Transparency: Maintain clear and consistent communication with clients, setting realistic expectations and promptly addressing any concerns to avoid misunderstandings and potential legal disputes.
7. Local Landscape: Understanding Regional Regulations
The legal landscape regarding digital drop servicing varies across geographical locations. Be aware of and comply with local laws and regulations pertaining to:
Business Licensing and Permits: Check whether your drop servicing activities require specific licenses or permits to operate in your region.
Employment and Tax Laws: Familiarize yourself with local regulations regarding freelance workers, independent contractor classification, and relevant tax obligations.
Data Privacy Laws: Depending on your location and client base, compliance with specific data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA might be necessary.
8. Professional Partnerships: Seeking Counsel and Support
Navigating the legal intricacies of drop servicing can be daunting. Don't hesitate to seek professional guidance from:
Business Lawyers: Consult with a business lawyer experienced in digital business and freelance agreements to ensure contractual clarity and compliance.
Tax Professionals: Collaborate with a tax professional to understand your tax obligations, ensure proper reporting, and optimize your tax strategy.
Industry Associations: Join relevant industry associations or online communities for professional insights, support, and access to educational resources.
Final Verdict: Legality – The Cornerstone of a Thriving Drop Servicing Empire
Building a successful drop servicing business requires more than just marketing savvy and client management skills. A solid understanding of the legal aspects fosters ethical business practices, protects you from unforeseen liabilities, and paves the way for long-term success. Embrace transparency, prioritize compliance, and invest in expert guidance to navigate the legal labyrinth with confidence. Remember, a legally sound foundation is the cornerstone of a thriving and sustainable drop servicing empire.
Quote to Ignite Your Path:
"The best and safest thing is to dare to try." - Helen Keller
Don't Miss the Opportunity:
As you embark on your drop servicing journey, remember the wealth of resources available at https://digitaldropservicing.com/: Discover comprehensive legal guides, downloadable templates, and expert insights to empower your every step. With dedication, strategic planning, and a dash of legal wisdom from https://digitaldropservicing.com/, you can build a drop servicing empire that stands tall amidst the legal labyrinth, fueled by integrity and destined for success.
People Also Ask:
Is digital drop servicing illegal? While not inherently illegal, operating a drop servicing business requires compliance with relevant laws and regulations regarding taxes, data privacy, and intellectual property. Consult with legal professionals to ensure your business operates within legal boundaries.
What are the biggest legal risks of digital drop servicing? Misclassification of freelancers, intellectual property disputes, data breaches, and potential liability for freelancer work are some common legal risks. Implementing contractual clarity, data security measures, and compliance with relevant regulations can mitigate these risks.
How can I protect my drop servicing business from legal issues? Clearly define roles and responsibilities in contracts, prioritize data security, implement risk management strategies, and seek professional guidance from legal and tax experts. Remember, prevention is always better than cure in the legal realm.
By embracing legal transparency and navigating the labyrinth with knowledge and proactive measures, you can transform your drop servicing aspirations into a legally sound and flourishing reality. So, step into the world of digital drop servicing with confidence, knowing that you're equipped to handle the legal twists and turns, and embark on a journey of entrepreneurial freedom and success!
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sagarcloud · 5 months
The Best Reflection Shadow Creation Service
Get fast help from photoshop reflection shadow creation services professionals. When you need to add shadows to your images in order to make them look more realistic and professional, then professional reflection shadow creation services will help. See how we can create natural looking shadows in Photoshop: Cloud Retouch offers professional photoshop reflection shadow creation services like drop shadow, reflection shadow, existing shadow, floating shadow etc.
There are various ways to create shadows in Photoshop like drop shadow, reflection shadow, existing shadow, floating shadow etc. You can choose the best method for creating shadows according to image requirements. If you need help with tutorials check out this video tutorial on how to use Photoshop Drop Shadow effect. The Best Reflection Shadow Creation Service
Cloud Retouch offers photoshop reflection shadow creation services, such as drop shadow, reflection shadow, existing shadow, and floating shadow. Your images will look professional after our expert team adds shadows to your image as required. All this is made possible with our professional Photoshop reflection shadow creation Service.
From basic to advanced level editing, we are a one-stop solution to your Photoshop editing needs. The creation of Photoshop reflection shadows is one of our areas of excellence. Our work is unique, and we give your images a brilliant touch. We do all kinds of photo retouching, using the latest Adobe Photoshop software to make any photo better according to the client. We’ve been around for years, and we have experience with many different kinds of images. Photoshop reflection, shadow creation is what we do best.
Establishing professional photoshop reflection shadow creation services, for example drop shadow, reflection shadow, existing shadow, and floating shadow, to make your photo seem real. Our people are experts in this area, and they will add the shadows so that they can be added to professionally edited photos to add to their value rather than detract from it.
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Professional Photoshop Reflection Shadow Creation Service
Cloud Retouch provides a professional Photoshop reflection shadow creation service. We provide excellent services at reasonable prices. With our team of experts, we will design the ideal shadows for your photos.
We are a reflection shadow creation service with rich experience. We know how to make the best shadows for your photographs, and we can do it fast. We also have very low prices, so you get the most for your money.
Our Photoshop reflection shadow service works on a same-day basis. Results are of high standard and accompanied by excellent customer care from our staff. We will work together with you to achieve the desired shadows for your photos, and we will make sure that they come out just right.
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backlinkcr · 6 months
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Castaway Shadow Creation
Drop Shadow Creation
Floating Shadow Creation
Reflection/Mirror Shadow Effect
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