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It doesn’t take more than one minute until your ElectroID buzzes again. You frown a little bit, taking a look on what was right there. It seems the Performance Roles have been chosen!
Executive Producer: Arabella Salvatto Dancers: Hiroshi Miura, Theodore Hickson, Shiho Nishio, Kazuhisa Reizei Instrumentalists: Robin Flair, Amélie Pierlot, Itachi Noda, Pietro Di Mercurio Acrobats: Mimori Fujita, Naomi Ishii, Yamato Hitoshi Lighting Technicians: Cheshire, Ae-jung Han Roadies: Dai Ko, Fahkeet
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Just as soon as the performance has been revealed to you, the tension in the air was making it clear for you what was coming next: the motive. You are already preparing yourselves for it - be it torture, secrets or any bad thing coming right at you... You are pretty much ready for the worst.
It was because of it that when Sekai pressed the button on the remote control and money came from the ceiling you got confused. One of those silly songs, typical from TV Show quizzes, started playing and now you are completely puzzled. Taking one from the ground you can see something written on them with a red marker: The Winner Takes It All. It was then the music switched to that old song from Abba, playing in a much cheerier version than the original one.
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"That is correct! I have been so very satisfied with how you are doing here that I decided to grant you all something you will absolutely love - Rewards! Yes, the ones who get in the Top 5 will acquire a good sum in money, increasing on how high they got. As for the Star, well, I will be granting them not only the equivalent to the sum of one hundred million dollars in the currency of their preference, but also I will be their Fairy Godmother, making their biggest desire come true. Naturally, getting out of Oasis, isn't something in this list, that is something that can only be accomplished by killing someone! Killing will also grant you the thing you desire the most as well as some money!"
She stopped, letting the message sink on your head. Did she just say... One Hundred Million Dollars?! That's... That's just... How did she get her hands in so much money? On top of that, granting them the thing they want the most... That was certainly something to doubt, but we are talking about a person who was able to make the temperature rise to absurd levels. Only god knows what she can't make happen.
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"Naturally, the LVP will get a penalty in the end of this... And I really do hope this poor unfortunate soul is ready for what they are going to face. Well, have a nice training, my children! I am certain you will all do good. Don't disappoint me."
And with another button being pressed in the remote control, the lights went out. As soon as they come back, Kuro Sekai was gone. Where did she go? No one knows, but the money was still there on the floor, remind you what you need to do.
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IT’S MY LIFE [Motive 2 Update ft. Rewards & Penalties]
The information was know just before you, a new Top 5 has been formed: Dai, Teddie, Robin, Amélie and the start Pietro Di Mercurio. All of you were gathered in the big Studio, where you have made that very picture come to life. A moment of tension came to be, however... If there was an Applause Board, what will come next can only be...
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"My children, well done!" Sekai's face can be seen in your ElectroID, the one that showed you the rankings just now. “We are starting to have some progress here. The last performance was just ok and now I can almost say that it was good. Almost. I would put some more effort into it."
There wasn't much to do, but to hope that what Kuro Sekai has just said means something good in the end. That woman was probably the least person to say what was good and what wasn't. At any rate, the rogue celebrity wasn't quite done speaking.
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"At any rate, here I have the rewards for the brightest stars and also the penalties for the garbage that is the LVP. For the Top 5, again, I'm offering you the immunity to the motive, therefore your secrets won't be revealed. For The Star, I am granting access to all cameras in all accessible areas in Oasis so far. I think that might good, don't you think so? On the other hand... Well, there is the LVP, Kurogane. Hmph... Since you have done poorly in the Biographical Movie, your life will now be shown to everyone. Your position will be now displayed in all ElectroIDs and also your image will: all cameras will be pointing right at you at all times. Everyone can see you and what you are doing."
She giggles a little bit in her cruel, cold tone. There is still more to come, you can feel it.
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"Now, for the last penalty I have for you: the entire story of your life, Kurogane, will be first secret to be revealed. Your entire life, from the beginning to the very end - the whole backstory. As for the others that didn't make it to Top 5, don't be jealous, I will show your secrets to the world in detail, but not as much as I will do to Kurogane. Wait just 10 minutes, the audience is making sure they are comfortable for what is coming next. Hahahaha!"
Her image disappears soon after, the silence feeling your souls... Secrets will be revealed.
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Mother: Biographical Movie || Chapter 2 Performance [Pt.1]
Day and night no longer feel like they used to. This place. Its atmosphere exceeds in tearing down one’s spirit. So much so, in fact, that even time itself was starting to feel wobbly, and discontinued. Had it really been weeks? Or is it closer to a month now? Several months, perhaps? You’re honestly not sure. The tiring routine of extensive training and psychological distress corrupts even the healthiest mind. You’re not sure how long it’s been: But you’re damn sure you’re not close to getting out. Sekai’s laughter creeps into your sleep, haunting you with the thought of never again leaving this place. Never seeing your loved ones again. Stuck with the same colors and shapes, and faces, and sounds, for all the remaining breaths within you. However long they may serve you.
Schedule and teamwork are the recipe for sanity, for a good chunk of you. This performance required extensive knowledge and technique of all, about all. It’s easy to get yourself lost in thought once you’ve learned something new. Even more so when your life depends on it. Piles and piles of books, hours of this hell-forsaken fortnight spent on perfecting something you previously knew close to nothing about. These “boosts”, whatever they may be, make a machine out of you. Technique, specifically: You can’t help but take in whatever knowledge you acquire. You’re like a computer, storing data, ready to use it and expand upon it, whenever you see fit. With each passing day, you feel a slight tint of coldness latch to your chest. A small, faint, breath-like void. It’s as if Oasis itself, and the buildings that contain it, are ripping the humanity out of you. Bit by bit.
You didn’t have time care about it, though. Performance day creeped in faster. Sooner rather than later, you heard Sekai’s announcement, claiming the “big day” to be no more than twenty-four hours away. However long that is in this place; And so, you gathered with your remaining classmates and you followed the director’s instruction the best you could. You watched ideas being tossed back and forth, during the filming and editing process. You did your part. You gave your best and expected the bare minimum in return. It’s a strangely familiar feeling, since last time. The expectancy. The volatile air in every room you were in. Disaster could ensue at any moment, you were made very aware. But alas, so came the time to call it. The director clapped once, only to call everyone’s attention, and claim, for certain, that “Mother” was officially done. But there was little celebration. With seven hours left until the screening, and the dawn slowly approaching: Most defaulted to a night’s sleep.
The presentation was scheduled to midday. The sun was just cresting over the skyline as you managed to close your eyes. And quickly it rose. Hours later, you’d say, you were woken, Sekai’s voice blasting through the speakers.
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“Children of mine, how are you all this fine morning? This is a special day, after all. The audience is being directed towards the Movie Land Cinema as we speak! As well as a few hand-picked movie critics I happened to have the number of... And no, you cannot go there at this time. We wouldn’t want any of you scaring them away, would we now?”
She laughs to herself, fond of her diabolical scheme.
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“In a few short minutes, after they all are comfortably sitting down in their chairs, then I request all of your beautiful faces to be at the Studio, no time to waste: I’ve setup a screening of our own! How nice of me. We’ll watch just as they do! Should be fun, no? So, once you hear the beep, your doors will unlock, and I’ll expect all of you to be at the Studio. Is that clear? Good. I’ll see you later, my children!”
You were numb to those words, almost. You got the memo. You tested your door: And indeed, it wouldn’t open. So, you waited. Ten, twenty, thirty minutes. Thirty-two, exactly, when the speakers boomed a loud, deafening, one-second beep. The doors promptly unlocked, and you began to make your way to the Studio, feet dragging through the pavement, as you began to coalesce into the small crowd of your classmates. Nearly all sharing the same displeased look as you. In fact, a couple try to sprint toward the Cinema, only to find the door sturdily locked. It was worth a try.
Once you’ve arrived, you were faced with twenty or so director’s chairs, each with a name assigned. Naomi’s being at the very center, and the closest to the oversized screen hanging from the ceiling, not a few feet away. Smaller than the movies, but bigger than any ordinary TV you’ve ever seen. Displayed on it, only static. It’s only when the last one of you sat down that the screen turned black. And a faint piano tune began to play.
Amidst the darkness on the screen, a hoarse, breathy female voice spoke up: And so ensued a narration, explaining Naomi’s early beginnings, which depended on little of her own volition. Even before her birth, her mother, Kamiko Ishii, an already world-renowned ballerina, badly injured her knee, tragically terminating her dancing career. Not long after, she promptly married a man whom she didn’t love, purely for this wealth and appearance. A man of no substance, a blank slate of personality. Together, over the course of a year, they made the voice narrating the very lines you were hearing. “Me”, the voice, now familiar to you spoke up, “Naomi”.
From this point onwards, the narration becomes scarcer and sprinkled throughout the film, instead of acting as its bulk. Naomi’s childhood starts being depicted: A friendless, inhospitable first couple of years. Here it starts to become clearer what the big picture is: Kamiko’s undying thrive to refine and perfect her daughter into what she was never able to be herself. The perfect version of herself, a perfect woman; and the mind, heart, and soul of ballet. Her daughter’s cries mattered not, as her passion for contemporary dancing, any and all signs of rebellion were not only silenced but severely punished. The varied abuses become commonplace, making Naomi frightened of her mother. Her calls for help to her father were promptly ignored, his blind eye was made of steel. Already absent in most moments of her life, even this crucial need of aid clearly wasn’t enough. Naomi was alone. And alone she endured this pain for many years to come.
Since a very young age, Naomi was enthralled in one of the most esteemed ballet academies in Japan, where, during years of intensive training and borderline militaristic routine, her talents truly flourished. This can mostly be attributed to a single person, a teacher in the academy by the name of Akari Handa, the one person Naomi claims to compete with her mother in terms of severity. Hand-picked, this teacher played a major in Naomi’s teachings. The movie included several scenes of their training sessions and minute improvements, from day-to-day. And even in her impressive displays of talent, even to the academy’s standards, there was always one face ready to steal the spotlight: Kiyoko Arakida, whose flair easily outshined that of Naomi.
The piling pressure to surpass Kiyoko easily got to her. She attempted to befriend her, but her mother would always disapprove, until eventually forbid the idea altogether. She was to be considered an enemy. When the situation seemed like it couldn’t get any direr, Kiyoko received the lead in the academy’s next big production play by Akari Handa herself, a role her mother specifically instructed her to acquire, no matter what. In a scene of heavy atmosphere, proceeded by the role assignments, Naomi is scolded by her mother in a back room. There, in the midst of her anger and blinded judgment, she implied it was up to her, and solely her, to figure out a way to get this role back. Whatever that takes. No matter the consequences.
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In a fateful day within the academy, Naomi and Kiyoko met alone, and exchanged pleasantries, until ultimately, as Kiyoko turned to leave, beginning to head down a set of stairs, Naomi hesitantly, having her Kamiko’s works echoing within her mind, pushed her in the back. The girl tumbled forward in an especially well-crafted shot. Naomi’s reaction of terror and realization as the girl finally reaches the end step. The ballerina’s shadow cast on top of the unmoving body, now whimpering and bruised. She screamed for help, and the scene faded out. The next shot is her receiving the lead role from Handa. Sadness in the air caused by the tragic accident.
The remaining scenes are distant shots of her dancing, dubbed over by her narration. “This was all for you”, she said and paused, the applause echoing in the distance. “You, your name, your voice was the only thing in mind for the all my days and nights”, she said and paused, the applause echoed ever-so-slightly quieter, the still shot of the performance begins to fade. “Through your harshness and cruelty, through all the countless times I’ve wished for something better”, she said and paused, the applause now barely audible, the performance barely visible. “Through it all, I always thought of a way to tell you how much you’ve made me into who I am”, the applause ceases, the shot fades to black. “So, after all of this”, the background stillness continued, “This isn’t a record of my life. This wasn’t made with my story in mind. This is but a simple letter to you. And I do honestly hope you someday get to read it-”.
And so the film ends abruptly. Once the credits roll, the first thing to appear on screen is the movie’s title, in big, round calligraphy:
The movie’s theme cues as the credits roll and lights inside the building turn on. Sekai’s voice immediately booming from nearby speakers.
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“Wasn’t that wonderful? The audience seems pleased! We’ll have to wait a day or two for the critic review, but you shouldn’t feel too bad. I must admit… This was better than the last trash you did! If we keep going like this, maybe we’ll have something decent by the tenth performance or so. How exciting, wouldn’t you say, my children?” She laughs. “So, you’re free to go to your rooms. Rankings will be out tomorrow. As well as rewards for our esteemed Star and punishments for those who were too bothered to practice. That should be fun!”
The speakers turn off, the static echoing off of the room. The door unlocks. That sure was an experience.
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Open your eyes, Look up to the Skies and See || Investigation Period End & Trial Start!
The last moments have truly been stressful for each one of you. You are pretty much racing against time right now, each minute being a mortal enemy to be defeated in search of truth. Some of you have formed packs to search together while others had decided to go all alone in their search for clues to your heart's content. It was thrilling, exhausting even... Why do you have to go through this? Why can't you just go back home and live your life?
The dark of the night was slowly starting to dissipate in the sky, if you look at the time in your ElectroIDs, you can tell it is exactly 6 AM. It starts to buzz as soon as that hour comes to appear there and the taunting face of Kuro Sekai is right there to greet you.
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"I think you are good to go, I can't wait another moment. Meet me in front of The Theater right now, all of you." The rogue celebrity says those words before her beautiful image disappears from the screen. Not having much to argue about this, you feel obliged to follow her orders and make it there.
As you arrive there, you can already see someone waiting ahead of everyone else: Cheshire. The SHSL Street Magician is there wearing a hoodie that seemed to be a little larger than the previous she wore before the motive, waiting there with some worry on her face. Before she could say anything, however, the doors of The Theater opens... and there is Kuro Sekai in the flesh.
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"Hello, hello, hello! First of all, I'd like to say I'm very happy to see you all gathered here for this unique moment, my children. You all have me waiting so very long for this that I can feel my grandiose self sinking amidst this sea of delight over this moment." She laughs and motions for them to get in. Sekai seems to be pointing to the fountain, the one which divides the twin staircase. "Be my guests right now and stand right in front of it. Soon it shall appear.
Puzzled to some degree, your feet guide you to the said thing. The fountain is running a lot of water, you can barely see the wall behind it. Slowly, however, the flow starts to cease more and more, a sound being heard coming from it. In a matter of minutes, a passageway is visible right there.
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"Follow it until the end. There will be an elevator that you will be taking. I will meet you up when you reach the Trial Room. Go on, my children." The SHSL Glamour tells them and so walks upstairs, disappearing from your sight before the golden doors of The Theater are now closed. There is no escape right now. All you have to do is go ahead and face the trial.
Obeying the woman, you all manage to gather up in the spacious, pretty elevator in the end of the dark passageway. As soon as all the 19 students are inside, the doors close and it slowly makes its decent. It took some minutes, but, in the end, you arrive to what your captor called "The Trial Room". 20 Podiums are visible from the upper part where you arrived, one which was reserved to Retr0 had now a portrait of her in grayscale, a pixelated X inprinted right before her face. Sitting on a golden throne right in front of you is no one other than Kuro Sekai herself.
"That elevator is always so slow. Make your way to your assigned podiums, my children. The time has come. Who is friend and who is foe? Who among you is reaching for the heights and chasing all the lights that shine? Will it be the killer the one who conquered the light? Or will the light swallow them? Either way, it is up to you to find out."
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"Rejoice, my children! It's Showtime!"
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Case 1 - Retr0grade Boil || Voting Results
A majority has been reached! Now counting the votes...
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[Ae-jung Han]: 1
[Jitsuko Murasa]: 8
[Kazuhisa Reizei]: 1 
[Teddie Hickson]: 1
[Yamato Hitoshi]: 1
And the winner is... 
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It has been some minutes since Hiroshi had gone to the Mansion, the place where Sekai resides. Time passed by and suddenly you feel your ElectroID vibrating again. There you can see the roles she has addressed to each one of you:
Director: Hiroshi Miura Lead Actor: Naomi Ishii Supporting Actors: Ae-jung Han, Yoriko Kozakura, Theodore Hickson, Fahkeet Editors: Aibek Karimov, Kurogane, Cheshire, Robin Flair Camera Operators: Amélie Pierlot, Kazuhisa Reizei Writer: Yamato Hitoshi Sound Designers: Itachi Noda, Pietro Di Mercurio Special FX Artists: Mimori Fujita, Arabella Salvatto Lighting Technician: Dai Ko
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No Escape From Reality || Kuro Sekai Announcement
So it wasn’t Dai in the end. Even though the Oil Painter had been injured the true dead body you were supposed to find was Retr0's... or rather Eriko's, like it was written in the odd Sekai file that had been granted to you. In less than a moment, your ElectroID buzzes again and Kuro Sekai's face is again right before you.
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"Oh my, my! It was even better than I could have antecipated! You have fought bravely, my children, but in the end you can't stop the light from shining out of you! Light is an electromagnetical radiation, therefore not something to be stopped so easily from coming out." The celebrity tilted her a head for a bit and laughed under her breath. "Very well then... Time to give you all the instructions needed for what is going to happen right now. I need to evaluate how very much the killer's light is strong and for that to happen we will be holding a class trial."
Did she just say you are going to have a trial? Like one of those who have judges and attorneys and all of that? What the hell?
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"Now listen well, my children, the trial we are going to have will determine who among you is the one who murdered Eriko Kotara, previously known as Retr0. From this moment on you will be under the Investigation Period. I will give you some time for you all to find evidence of this murder case, at least until my patience runs short. After this we are all going to be gathering in The Theater for the trial." Too much information is coming to your minds, all troubled by the horrid things you have just gone through Sekai stops for a bit and then continues on telling you the instructions. "If by the end of the trial you so happen to find the murderer, they will be brutally executed before your very eyes. However, if their light comes to obstruct your eyes and they win, the murderer will be released from Oasis once and for all, the rest of you getting a harsh punishment of my own."
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"Rejoice, children! Don't be gloomy! Make sure not to spend too much time... You all know patience isn't my strongest attribute."
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Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?
Highway to Hell has finally shown its ultimate, ugliest form. Kuro Sekai, as she had exposed to you, was tired of waiting for you all to commit murder and seemed to have lost her patience. Angry as she could be, the SHSL Glamour unleashed a terrible blackout that made you all vulnerable to the heat, but, like a bless from God, it was raining. The temperature had dropped to a more comfortable level, but according the merciless woman death was coming in 12 hours to all of them.
Some people tried to find each other amidst the loud music and darkness, some even making sure to spend time by the side of ones they like most, enjoying those moments while trying to find out how they could escape that situation. You all were able to overcome a lot of misfortune, right? You were able to resist even a temperature of 60°C in order to overcome the evil plot of the rogue celebrity! You can do it!
Or so you thought... Hours rolled by and you weren't sure of what to do. Despair was lingering in the air while you were all too confused to even took action. Some of the sparse groups started to break apart, some people saying they would go do something else in some other place and things of the kind. You could trust letting that person go from your side, right? Nothing would happen to them, you were all classmates who had great faith in one another. You can do it if you stick together!
It was 4:30AM when your ElectroID suddenly buzzed in your hands, all the lights coming back all of a sudden and the temperature slowly getting lower. Confusion was all over your face when such a thing happened, intesifying when a word was seen in the screen of that mysterious device:
What? Was it over? Was it... Finally over? As soon as that message faded, however, Sekai's face appeared on the screen. Unlike you would expect, her expression was joyful.
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"My children, you did it! You finally did it! I am so proud! I would almost shed a tear right now for your newest accomplishment!" The celebrity was happy for what it seems, but there must be something very wrong happening right now. What could it be? "One of you has finally committed murder and now light has been opened inside them! Marvelous!"
Murder? Have you just heard that right? Someone among you has taken away the life of another student? Despair slowly is presented before you and the devious expression of the woman gets even more present.
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"Now, now, my children, I thought it would be much more comfortable for you all if you were to search for where the body is with the lights on and that music turned off. Why don't you go have a look around? I'll be preparing a brand new announcement to when the body is found... Hahahaha!"
Her image disappears from the ElectroID. The transmission is over. With that situation being presented, you all start to search far and wide for the location of your deceased classmate. It didn't take long, however, when you hear someone shouting and calling you all: Kurogane. Apparently he is in the Moonlight Garden. What could be happening there? Has he found the body or was it just a prank of the SHSL Glamour?
Once you get there, however, your hopes seem to have been drained away.
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Dai Ko was sitting down on the floor, his back laying against a green bush, fake like the other ones in this Garden. His neck covered in blood, seeming to have been slit... the blood laying there on his knife and on his hand, taiting the little greenish area where it exists with the shocking color of the blood. His head was tilted down, his hair covering his closed eyes.
The SHSL Oil Painter is right there, against that bush... All that blood was filling the atmosphere with utter pain, despair and horror. What should you do now?
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HIGHWAY TO HELL [Motive 1 Update #6]
Even standing near the door is uncomfortable. The heat permeating from underneath the frame in itself burns to the touch. It’s like a nuclear warhead was dropped just a few miles away; the rooms in Bates Motel, your bunker. With the granted immunities to the Top 5, it was relatively easy to escape the deadly heat; isolating everyone inside the cooled rooms. The access to food and water was still limited, but with quick runs to the cafeteria, it seemed that the Motive was under control.
And alas, it seemed your captor wasn’t too pleased with that.
A day after the heat was cranked up another ten degrees, Sekai requested, in crescent order of the Applause Board, one person leave their air-conditioned rooms into the fallout outside, for a random number of minutes, Top 5 and Star aside. The effects of the heatstroke was noticeable, but everyone came back. That was when she requested two people go out at once; then four and, ultimately, eight. The impatience in her voice as she kept on popping on the screen inside the room was easy to pick up on; slightly worrying, but everyone stood their ground.
Until, of course... She couldn’t take it anymore.
With a quick flash, the screen turned on once again. The face, while recognizable, held an expression so stern and wicked, it immediately sent shivers down your spine. The celebrity’s eyes, filled with silent rage. For a good ten seconds, she just stared everyone down. A dismal silence creeping over the entire facility.
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“So…It seems my efforts weren’t enough, huh?” Finally, the woman spoke up. Her voice, dissonant to her roguish expression. “And so you’ve conquered the hardships I’ve sent your way masterfully. Outplaying every step of my evil plan. I’m impressed! Honestly, I’m out of ideas on what to do next. You’ve got me! My most honest congratulations.”
You could almost feel the barrage of sideways glances being exchanged amongst the silence. This didn’t feel a tiny bit right.
“I’ve come here primarily to congratulate you all. Your work has been truly, truly outstanding, my children. I mean — it is the first and least harsh motive… But still!” She leaned down, clasping her hands together. “And secondly, and most importantly… For how superb your work has been, I’ve decided to reward you all… And what best gift than knowledge, huh? I’ve taken an executive decision and decided to share with you all the identity of your true captor.”
Your could feel your heart skipping a beat. She was acting quite weirdly, even to the likes of her. This wasn’t her. Where are the sarcastic, witty comebacks? The threats? The gunshots? What’s her real plan? What does she mean with “real captor”?
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“They should be hearing me right now, actually. Aren’t you excited? Finally, you’ll get the recognition you deserve!” She stared deeply into the camera, leaning in even more. A small smirk curls up on her lips. “So — without further ado… Say your warmest thanks to your true captor…b̧͜ź͏Z̷̴̀͝҉Z̵̢͟T͏”
A high-pitched buzz, followed by cracks and a clap of thunder; the electronics around you engulfed in sparks, and then, it was all dark. Gasps echoed from nearby. A blackout. The screen flickers, turning on, a beacon of light amongst the darkness - although you can't see Sekai in the black mirror anymore, a... Much more familiar sight is now cast on the monitor in front of you: Pictures, flashing on the screen for about four to five seconds each; profiles. Familiar faces - Ae-Jung, Robin, Yoriko, Dai, Arabella, Yamato, Umay... So on, until at the very last one, the screen flickered back to Kuro Sekai, smiling. She chuckled menacingly.
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“Oh, please... Don’t act so confused. Honestly, I couldn't make it clearer if I tried! Although... Obliviousness does seem to be a common trait amongst you all..."
She paused, exhaling a heavy sigh.
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"What a disappointment. I really had faith in you. All of you.” The electronics in the room flicker, darkness still wrapped around you, her deep crimson eyes staring you down. “Did you really not wonder why no help came? Or why there are cameras everywhere?” She sighs, her mien twisted with disappointment. “If only you had more time. If only I was more pacient. Bummer.”
The celebrity runs her index finger on the monitor, a doleful look in her eyes.
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“We did have a good run. You were certainly better than the last ones.” She waved “Goodbye, my children.”
The monitor powers down once again, the screen now cracked. And as the door slowly opened due to the power outage, the heat wave immediately hits you. The lack of air circulation was intensifying the heatstroke substantially. Even amongst the chaos, you knew you had to go outside. Bates Motel quickly turning into hell; Unfortunately, outside, the heat was just as intense; but surprisingly, there was actually a light breeze passing through. It didn’t help much, but it caught you off-guard.
Even amongst the night sky, just short of an hour outside was enough for you to start wondering if this was it. The barely visible landscape, lit by the faint moonlight, twisted by the heat. The hallucinations starting to creep in. You slowly feel your faculties stripped away by the intense atmosphere. And to one-up it all, there wasn’t a single drop of water available in the facility that you could find. The inside of your mouth was dry. Your heart was racing. Even under no Sun, you could feel the radiation in your skin. It’s a terrifying sensation. To not know if your heart will beat the next beat. You’re weak. After ninety minutes, you can barely move. This… This is it, isn’t it? It has to be. Sekai hasn’t said another word. The heat hasn’t dropped. The breeze stopped. Your vision began to fade.
That’s when you heard a noise.
Amongst the darkness around you, you hear a small, faint thump. And then another. And another. And many others. Drops. You light your surroundings with the ElectroID… It’s… Raining. It’s raining! You can barely believe it, but as the raindrops intensify, you feel the heat beginning to drop; not much, but enough. Never was the sound of a million water droplets hitting the ground so blissful.
The screens on the facility turned on once again. Sekai appears, glancing around the inside of the monitor.
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“Oh. How fortunate for you, isn’t it? I guess fate decided to give you all one last chance… How thrilling...” She puts her hand out,as if trying to feel the water droplets. “By our weather reports, this storm should last until dawn.” She stares down the screen one more time, an impish spark in her eyes. “And so, tonight: It’s death to one, or death to all.” You’ve never heard such an ominous tone from her before. “Now — will you rest in the shade, awaiting your inevitable death and of all others around you, or will you do something about it? Will you shine amongst this darkness or forever be lost in it? Your choice is all but mine.”
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“You have twelve hours. Good luck, my children.”
The monitor powers down. The speakers, apparently the only piece of tech still functioning in the facility, begins to play a deafeningly loud cheery tune. You can barely hear the others around you. Amongst this chaos... What will you do?
[Important Notes]
1. It’s dark, you can only see through the light of your ElectroID.
2. All areas previously explored are still accessible, with the exception of the dormitories, which appear to now be locked. Every other door in the facility that could be locked can no longer be.
3. The song blasting through the speakers is incredibly loud and you can’t escape it. In order to talk to someone, you need to be at least ten feet from them. Further than that, and the rain plus the song muffle them out almost completely.
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APPLAUSE BOARD! || Performance: Rock Concert
SS: Kuro Sekai ✦ Glamour
1st, The Star: Theodore Hickson ✦ Security
2nd: Dai Ko ✦  Sound Engineer
3rd: Kazuhisa Reizei ✦ Instrumentalist
4th: Hiroshi Miura ✦  Lighting Technician
5th: Ae-jung ✦ Instrumentalist
6th: Itachi Noda ✦ Instrumentalist
7th: Cheshire ✦ Singer
8th: Kurogane ✦  Sound Engineer
9th: Yoriko Kozakura ✦ Instrumentalist
10th: Mimori Fujita ✦ Instrumentalist
11th: Pietro Di Mercurio ✦ Roadie
12th: Fahkeet ✦ Roadie
13th: Aibek Karimov ✦ Lighting Technician
14th: Naomi Ishii ✦ Security
15th: Robin Flair ✦ Security
16th: Arabella Salvatto ✦ Roadie
17th: Jitsuko Murasa ✦  Security
18th: Yamato Hitoshi ✦  Roadie
19th: Retr0 ✦  Instrumentalist
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NO PAIN NO GAME: Rock Concert || Chapter 1 Performance [Part 1]
And so, it’s finally performance day; You had exactly one hundred and sixty eight hours to prepare for this very night and still, it flew by like minutes. Twenty Hope’s Peak students, kidnapped, transported to a deserted theme park, and forced to perform in front of a giant live audience — all while under threat of a rogue, bloodlusted celebrity and the fear of having their fellow classmates succumb to despair. It’s been almost three weeks since you’ve first been brought here, and your mind is still trying to digest it all. And still with your mind swirling, you found your heart skipping a beat as the speakers of the facility turned on; Sekai’s voice echoing from the other side.
“My children, the time has come: It’s nearly showtime! Time to get on stage and on your marks. The entrance to the backstage can be found in The Theatre! Just look for the dark tunnel backstage. And before you ask, yes, I lied! The performance won’t exactly be held in The Theatre… I don’t want to ruin the surprise though! Come on now! The crowd is starting to show up! You won’t keep them waiting will you? Hahaha!”
Her maniacal laughter was cut off by the speakers powering down. And as they turn off, you fell a heavy weight on your shoulders. You really didn’t want to move. But alas, you’ve well aware of the consequences. Fear driving you, you drop your task at hand, gather your courage, pick up a few things and start heading into the designated direction. Only able to wonder what the next few hours have in store for you and your classmates.
And there it was. In The Theatre’s backstage, now revealed, you see before you a completely unlit tunnel leading downwards. Reluctantly, you step inside. You walk for less than ten minutes before you see the exit… And what lies beyond you is enough to make you stop dead in your tracks: Far, maybe a couple hundred meters away, you see the giant backside of a rock concert stage. It’s… Big. Way too big. It’s tall like a building and wide like a stadium. And that’s only the backside. From the distance, you can already pick up the flickering of lights and the oh-so-ever-distant chatter of a crowd, and, less noticeable, but still important — the heat seems to be getting less and less intense the more you walk forward towards it. It’s still warm; the night sky here feels different from what you’re used to; much warmer by nature, and still, even the light breeze here, compared the insane heat of facility now behind you, feels, quite literally, like a breath of fresh air.
Collecting yourself, eventually, you reach the backstage entrance: A stairway, leading upwards into the massive stage itself. Once inside, the atmosphere is both hectic and heavy: People are already moving around frantically from side to side, cables and wires are being tossed from one end of the wooden backstage to another, the echoing of instruments being tuned and the distant taps into the microphone reverberate off this closed off space. This is exactly what you expected and much more. And you can’t help but feel a little overwhelmed by it. But alas, you quickly get into the swing of things: Preparing yourself the best you can and getting up to speed with the production. In a matter of an hour, everyone is as ready as they will get. You can already hear the roar of the crowd. And as you put on your mask, your outfits and wigs, it seems like the entire globe is right there before you. The moment you wonder if this is actually happening, the curtains are raised, Sekai introducing you all the audience.
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While the stage lights are still off, and for a split second, you’re still protected by the veil of anonymity: You watch, as your eyes adjust to the visage before you, the massive, gigantic, uncountably large number of people spread in front of you, to the horizon and beyond; you’ve seen rock concert crowds before, you knew what to expect… This is… Way, way, way above that. From what you can guesstimate, this is close to... Half to a million people, all screaming simultaneously in reaction to the faces on stage. And if it wasn’t for the fear of punishment, the trepidation of what Sekai might have in store if you do scream, you might’ve just given up; you might’ve just ran; you might’ve just screamed out of the top of your lungs for help. But yet, for the first time you can recently recall: Terror alone drove you. You swallowed dry, controlled your heartbeat, and executed the results of your training, true, or as true as you could get, to a Hope’s Peak Student.
During the performance, a couple of interesting things happened.
Firstly, the second drums, played by your hacker classmate, Retr0, weren’t quite on par with everyone else. Honestly, it was... Quite bad… Tried as she might, in comparison, it was a clear hinderance to the other instrumentalists. The rhythm wasn’t right, the dynamic wasn’t right, the sheet seemed entirely missing. Luckily, the main drummer, Mimori, picked up on what was happening and managed to play over it, masking the majority of it until the end of the performance;
Secondly, a barrage of ten or so rogue fans managed to jump over the barricade towards the stage, attempting to climb up and, supposedly, be closer to their adored performers. However, in a feat of strength and agility, the masked hoverboarder, Theodore Hickson himself, managed to fly by with his hoverboard, pick up three people under his arm and carry them back towards the crowd; Three times were enough to get all the fans restrained. It was a truly impressive sight to behold on its own;
Thirdly, and perhaps most unexpectedly, in the middle of the performance, a familiar face appeared on stage, temporarily hijacking the show for herself: Yes, the one and only, Kuro Sekai. And what a flashy entrance at that: From a floating platform, descending from the stage’s very rooftop, sitting by a white piano, she sings a high long-held note accompanying the song; The crowd went wild, you bet the screams could be heard several miles away. As the lighting focused solely on her, centered on stage. Every eye was on her, for a good span of seconds, where you saw yourself accompanying your kidnapper, in a quick sole performance worthy of the SHSL Glamour; And with a wink, she bows, as her section of the performance ends and yours continues, everyone slightly taken aback by the sudden appearance of the most famous person on Earth performing amongst this debuting cover group;
Mishaps aside, overall, the performance went by fairly “okay”; and while Sekai easily stole the spotlight for a good section of it all, the remainder of the concert went by better than you expected. You’ve never felt more relieved than when that damned final note was played; the unspoken permission for everyone to run backstage and recollect their breath — which you could barely do. Your heart was racing, you were covered in sweat. You feel like you could faint at any moment. But yet, it was over. The performance was finally over. Showtime had finally passed.
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NO PAIN NO GAME: Rock Concert || Chapter 1 Performance [Part 3]
You could cut the tension in the air with a knife. The poor man, still screaming, grasped by the hands strangling him, completely desperate in the face of death who was about to come to him. Some of you have already made up your minds; the overwhelming majority, in fact, choosing that man as the receiving end of Sekai’s might.
"What's your name, my child? They seem to have chosen you in the end." The celebrity asks him, her wolvish grin showing every single putrid inch of the evil intents she bears within her corrupted soul. The woman loosens the grip on his neck so that man can speak.
"Ni... Nishiyama Sadanobu... Please... Don't kill me... I... I'm a Hope's Peak Academy student... I... I'm the SHSL Dog Caretaker... I... I can't die... My... My dogs will... They will be... all alone..." The fan of orange locks couldn't help himself, the tears running down the mask that has been forced on his face getting more noticeable right now. "Please... I beg you... Spare my life... I won't say a word... I promise..."
"Oh my goodness, will you ever shut up? You're a dead man, my child, didn’t you hear them vote?!" Sekai groaned annoyed as she forced once again her hand against his throat.
However... Someone amongst the crowd stood up to defend yourselves against the celebrity's evil plot: The oil painter, Dai Ko.
The nearest object in his reach being the water bottle in his hand; while still seated in his wheelchair, he attempts to go up to her to hit her, clearly frustrated with the circumstance. She’s quick to react, however: Pulling a gun out of her coat and aiming it, not to Dai Ko, but to Amélie's head.
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"One more step and they both die." She says, more quietly than before.
The celebrity just smiles, looking at him, as she continues the countdown. The threat wasn’t enough to silence the oil painter, however, as he pushes the wheelchair backwards, standing up on his injured leg.
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"Kill Pierlot-chan and you'll have one less person to make a star and participate in your murders.” He says, attempting to reason with the woman. “Kill that man, and you're involving someone who doesn't need to be involved. He's innocent. Real or not, this is not a situation that involves him. Plus, this is hardly Pierlot-chan's fault. If you want to involve the person in charge, you should blame yourself. You are the producer after all."
And yet... She just continues counting; as he finishes his sentence, she's on the lower digits. She doesn't seem to react, she's... Just smiling.
“Shoot me, then! Not them!” He pleaded.
His desperation only widened Sekai’s smile. The countdown, slow, but steadily continuing. Dai, not caring much for his injured leg, tries to leap for Sekai’s gun.
However... Quicker than any of you could actually think, that bullet travelled through the room and the grunting of a girl. All your heads turned in the same time to see Amélie Pierlot covering her newly-acquired injury with her arms. That wasn't fake blood, that wasn't any kind of hologram nor technicolor - It was real, it was no fantasy.
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"W-What...? N-No... How... How come... Nngh..." The Executive Producer mustered to say amidst her excruciating pain in the abdominal area. "You..."
She muttered, before collapsing to the ground, still grunting in pain. Some of you, completely horrified over what has just happened, seemed to have forgotten about something else: Sekai still had a gun. Before any of you could say anything else... BANG! Nishiyama has been shot right in the chest, blood splattering all around faster she did that. The frenzy freak out session started - no one thought she would actually do that and the woman did.
"I mean... I guess you’re both just data anyway. So, why not shoot both?” She laughs before continuing. “You poor, simple-minded fools... Thinking you can defeat me... Me, the very embodiment of Glamour. Very well. This...” She points to the corpse on the ground. “Is the result of your choice. Perhaps you can still save Pierlot, I’m not really sure... It is all on you right now. I’ll be returning shortly with more about the rewards for the ones who got the best ranks and the penalties for the garbage who didn't do their job properly."
Sekai grabbed the bloodied corpse of Nishiyama Sadanobu, the dead SHSL Dog Caretaker, and she started to walk away from the room, smiling largely. When she was getting past the door, she turned away to add one more thing:
"Enjoy, children... Showtime is just barely starting... Hahahah~!"
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HIGHWAY TO HELL [Motive 1 Update ft. Rewards & Penalties]
The whole situation involving Nishiyama Sadanobu and Amélie Pierlot had just happened and some of you aren’t even sure what to do right now. After your captor left, Hiroshi Miura and the star Teddie Hickson decided to transport the investigative journalist to the Infirmary via hoverboard. Some of you could attest the girl who has been shot isn’t dead, but unconscious and severely injured by the bullet, therefore requiring close medical care.
When Kuro Sekai left the backstage carrying the dead body on her arms some of you decided to follow to her after the initial shock. The SHSL Glamour, however, had vanished already. A trail of blood from the deceased SHSL Dog Caretaker can be seen in the corridor, but soon fades away, as if the corpse finally stopped dripping blood. After getting all the preparations done, you are back to the Dark Side of the Moon Area. The heat seems to be as irritating as always, but a message on your ElectroID seems to be about to change it all:
“My children, hello!” Kuro Sekai, again. And to think there haven’t been even a couple of minutes you saw her. “Now at last we can talk about how you performed! The Performance was ok. I’d say… 6/10, too much anime. Also, what was the great idea of picking an outer-space thematic and then an anime song that nothing to do with that to begin with? Wasn’t that from BTOOOM? I believe that was the name. Either way, while some of you didn’t particularly do well, like the case of some Hackers around, others were simply outstanding! What strong arms you had there, Teddie Hickson. That was strength in all its greatness! Judging for what I’ve seen, I shall share rewards with the best ranked, while the one on the bottom of the Applause Board shall learn not to let me down.”
Thrills start running through your soon as soon as you hear that. What in the hell this rogue celebrity can have stored for you all?
“For the Top 5, namely Teddie Hickson, Dai Ko, Kazuhisa Reizei, Hiroshi Miura and Ae-jung Han; you are all acquiring immunity to the motive! Rejoice, my children! Your air-conditioning system is once again working in the dorm rooms you are addressed to. Now to privileges exclusive to the Star of this Performance, Theodore: he has full immunity to all threats for the time being and will be receiving in his ElectroID the position of every single student in the map session of the ElectroID! Isn’t that wonderful, my children?”
Kuro Sekai did sound happy now, flamboyant even. Her tone has changed completely after that. 
 “Now to the LVP, the true inconsequential garbage among you all - Retr0. This individual shall receive my penality: your location in the ElectroIDs will be always displayed to all of you... Every. Single. One."
When you think she was done though… That merciless woman goes on: “On top of that, I am making a slight little change to the Motive, an update for those who are still vulnerable to it, at least. The current temperature will be raised to 60°C! In addition, your showers will be no longer working and the fridge has been turned off until further notice. I will keep providing food for you all though… the spiciest food you have ever tasted! But don’t worry, this can be easily reverted… By killing someone else~! It isn’t like you don’t have any perfect victims now. Have a good time, my children!”
That was the last message and, as soon as you finish reading, it doesn’t more than two minutes for the temperature to rise even more, being almost like something in the air is making it hotter, hotter and hotter. Goodness, what will happen from now on?
(Since the Performance for this Chapter is over, the Boost Shop is off-limits and all the effects of Boosts acquired so far have worn off.)
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You all are looking at each other inside that room. There is a whole bunch of new information to process here and you aren't even done with that when suddenly a loud clap is heard, echoing throughout the room. Sekai is looking right at you, a large smile on her face.
"Very well, I think it is about time my guidance starts, isn't that so? Time to climb these hills and reach for the heights! Open your lights, my children! Here comes the first Motive and the first Performance!"
What? Right now?! You are still trying to assimilate all of that an now... You are going to have a Performance dropping on your head like that along with the Motives? And there wasn't even a message on fastening you seatbelts? Goodness, let's listen to what Kuro Sekai has to say.
"The first performance you'll do our amazing audience is one of the nicest ways of enchanting them: A Rock Concert! From guitarists, bassists to the ones in charge for the choreography and the illumination, you will be in charge of preparing for them a concert to remember for the rest of their days! Hahahah! I can already feel how marvelous that is, truly, truly! The songs you'll play, the instruments you'll use and the lightings and decorations will all be up to you! The place where it will be held is here, The Theater!"
Sekai seems to be extremely happy to announce that, a large smile on her face. She appeared to be almost ecstatic, joyful to say those words. You know the rogue celebrity isn't done talking, after all there is still the Motive to come.
"About the Motive you'll be facing, well, I have something just a beautiful in mind. It's always another day of sun in Oasis, but... What if we raise the temperature a little bit? Let's say... 50 degrees Celsius with no access to air-conditioning? That's right, my children, from this moment on you are all on the..."
The curtains behind her open you can see some of LED panels showing a message in front of a burning background. The words on them were HIGHWAY TO HELL, the same music that is now playing on the loudspeakers in the room.
"If I don't see a good presentation nor a body on the floor any time soon, my children, the situation will get worse. Much, much worse. Do your best! Surprise me! I'm hard to impress, I'm saying it already. With this, I wave you good-bye for now! Hahaha!"
Sekai takes two steps back and the red curtains close. When they open again... She isn't there anymore. The words HIGHWAY TO HELL are taunting you in the LED panels and you can already feel the air conditioner of this room getting turned off... Wow, is it hot in here or is it just you? The temperature is raising and... getting very uncomfortable.
"Remember, children! Training and Boosts are the things that will save you! In some minutes I will message you through the ElectroID with the roles you'll have for this Performance!"
Her voice came from the loudspeakers, but soon faded to gave place to that song by AC/DC. Is it only the Highway to Hell or... Hell itself?
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Welcome to the Dark Tomorrow!
It’s been five days. It’s almost hard to keep count; You have a lot to worry about, and keeping track of time is low on that list. It’s so strange… The very nature of this place is misleading; spending this much time here makes that ever more clear: So lively, yet to morbid. So mischievous, yet to saturated. It’s a...  Nightmarish wonderland. And of course, the cherry on top the cake, that cursed woman... “Kuro Sekai”, “dark world”. Few times has a name been so effectively branded into your mind. A world-famous celebrity gone rogue, eyes overflowing with bloodlust. Try as you may: It’s been five days, and yet… No answers to the questions haunting your stay.
It’s midday. The park speakers turn on; a very loud tune starts playing. To you, trying to relax by watching movies or concerts on television, the transmission on screen - as well as in every other screen in the facility - is hijacked, a pair of glowing eyes now stamped onto the curved glass. Crimson pupils of fiendish nature are now fixed on you in predatory fashion; a big flashy grin extends from underneath. And it clicks: That’s not a beast. It’s Kuro Sekai herself, your captor; arguably, just a different kind of beast.
"My children, good morning! It is nice seeing you. Your graceful guide is demanding you to appear in The Theater right now. Come here now! One, two, one two! Come to me, it is a mandatory attendance for all of you!"
Hell; what now? That God forbidden place exudes eeriness. Like a factory of bad experiences. You really don’t want to go... Your curiosity can be silenced, but the fear of punishment is too dire, that woman, whatever game she’s playing, she’s taking it seriously. You gather the time to test your luck has passed. There’s no way to fight it. Hesitation be damned, you eventually trace your way through the Road the Fame to The Theatre; the big golden doors wide open. The dark interior seems to almost whisper your name; a million voices, summoning you forth. You step inside.
Creeping through the endless darkness around you, eventually, there’s a flash; almost if you’ve walked through a curtain of pure penumbra, light shines down from several spotlights on the ceiling above, hurting your eyes — around you, no actual curtain to be seen; it’s as if the light itself “opened up” right in front of you as you continued to walk forward; a very interesting effect indeed. In the stage, waiting, posing before you dramatically: Kuro Sekai stares down at you, her red eyes almost piercing your skin. A chuckle echoes over the imposing feminine figure as she gestures you all to sit down in the first row.
"Welcome, once again, to The Theater! So, my children: How have you been these past five days? I mean... It isn't like I haven't been watching your every move, but asking is never a bad thing. Anyway —” She continues, before any of you have time to respond. “I have called upon you all here today for a reason, and that is because no blood has yet been shed... It is almost offending, really; but expected. That’s why I’m here today, to explain to all of you the full extent of my so beloved Killing Game."
Shivers crawl down your spine.
“See... This game isn’t senseless; I wouldn’t bring you here if I all wanted to do was watch my own personal bootleg of the Hunger Games — No! There’s reason for all of this, albeit hard for you little minds to understand right now. If I’m to summarize…” She lays her index finger underneath her lips, thinking. “I want to harvest your potential. I want you to see the world through my eyes. I want you to experience the world through my skin. And for that happen, I understand you’ll need some motivation.”
Her smile widens. A loud deep thump echoes from backstage; a timpani, playing a tribal beat. Her pose flashes once again, her arms wide.
“Yes, aside from my constant reminders, I’ll lay before you Motives. Tiny, almost unnoticeable changes of ambiance; to keep your eyes on the prize.” By the maliciousness in her voice, whatever these Motives may be… You can tell they won’t be small, much less unnoticeable. “Extreme scenarios will be brought onto you, and you’ll have to endure them until you follow my lead and kill one of your beloved classmates.” She laughs maniacally. “More about that later… For now, I have one other thing I’d like to say...”
The percussion stops. The Theatre grows dead silent. The woman on stage, smiling. Her arms falling limp by her side.
“And oh — I’ve been dreaming about this moment.” She inhales a deep breath. Her tone now gravely, every word breathed out. She pauses. “One, two…”
The timpani is hit once again, and this time, an entire orchestra of violins, cellos, and woodwinds begin playing rapidly from behind the red curtains on stage, all the hairs in your body reacting. It’s an explosion of harmony. It’s tense, it’s dissonant, the violins fight the cellos and vice versa, the percussion picks up the pace, pulsing; the woodwinds, almost sourceless, tremble the ground more than the basses; and still — perfect harmony is achieved. It’s ethereal and aggressive. You have never heard anything remotely similar. It’s cinematic. It’s unique. It’s... Godly; Until… A guitar riff breaks the harmony. A drumset entangles with the percussion. The epic orchestral piece then fuses into this intense, eighties rock interlude.The spotlights dance and transit between color schemes, accompanying the rhythm of the piece. You feel an endless stream of goosebumps travel down the back of your neck; Sekai’s posing changes accordingly, she exhales, the volume of her voice heightened, breaking through the instruments still playing behind her.
“This! Do you feel this?!” You’ve never seen her this genuinely excited; dare you say happy. “This feeling! You’re going to learn how to replicate it! In every way! Different ways! Better ways! Perfect ways! This is the light I’ll harvest from every single one of you. For this, my children… You’ll participate in Performances! Shows alike anything the world has ever seen. And you’ll be the mind… The muscle… And the hearts behind it all! You’ll make crowds cry at your sight, at your creations. You’ll have the world feel like how you’re feeling right now! You’ll be the epitome of entertainment.”
She raises her hand in a fist; the orchestra and band promptly stops playing, the finishing notes fading away, bouncing off the walls of the large hall around you. Your heart is racing. You still feel the goosebumps. Truly: Few times have you heard such a passionate speech — especially from such a devious individual. The words trouble your mind immensely, but the facade is undoubtedly worthy of the SHSL Glamour, that much can’t be denied.
“So, yes, my children… Every couple of weeks all of you will have to perform — many times in front of a live audience. The shows, when need be, will be hosted right here in this entertainment complex that is this park.” She drops the pose. “Take it as an extra piece of motivation. As, if you do well in the performance — that is, if you receive enough Applause — your life here will become oh so much easier. Prizes, immunity to Motives, and more! If you do well enough to stand out from the rest, you might even become a Star! That means, killing you doesn’t count until the beginning of the next Chapter, and, of course, extra prizes. So, better start training! Or if you happen to some coins lying around, you can spend it on the Boost Shop, a neat little piece of technology we made available to you. Spend the coins, put on the right helmet, and you’ll have certain abilities boosted until the end of the performance. The results of intense hours of training, all in one go, at the cost of ten measly coins. Keep in mind choosing what aspect of you to boost is kind of the fun, so… Think about it a bit before you go pressing any buttons at random, okay?”
Her tone got really dark and serious, contrasting with her initial flamboyant portrayal. Whatever these performances are, they aren't going to be simple to accomplish — and apparently, even harder to dismantle.
"Your Roles in these Performances will be randomized. Pray to Lady Luck or whatever shitty superstition you have that you are going to end up doing something you are good at, otherwise you'd better learn until the day of the performance . Ok, my children? I hope we have come an understanding here... Hahaha~!"
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