totentnz · 9 months
pinned post time (remake)
used to be drthamen 
sammy, 28 (may 13th), germany, nb biace, they/she
multifandom but currently focused on cyberpunk (clearly)
info about the main OCs under the cut
since i cant seem to link tags properly im just gonna list them, im so sorry fellas
cyberpunk 2077
V full name: valerie jeanne evans scene lifepath: streetkid, "netrunner" faceclaim: royal and the serpent other: pinterest board | spotify playlist info: the "small-time klepto punk from the afterlife", "the dirtgirl from heywood who found the guts to walk a few extra blocks from home" this how kerry & johnny describe streetkid v and that is exactly what she is. a troubled past, present and future, constantly pissed off with some bad habits. she's been a merc since she can remember but also had some "normal" odd jobs: repairshop for electronics, waiting tables, customer service and many others. she was the lead singer of rotten, a nu metal/ alt-metal band from night city that was doomed to fail thanks to aforementioned lead singer. she's always had a knack for technology so hacking badges and corpos came naturally to her. most people call her a netrunner, a pet-peeve of hers since it's not what she technically does. that being said, she doesnt shy away from physical altercations either though it usually ends in getting her ass beat. v spent her two years in atlanta with her brother vincent, he had convinced her to get out of nc for awhile in hopes it would help on her healing journey but the city has and always will have an iron grip on her. temperance is her canon ending (for now). while it seems nonsensical at first glance she wasn't going to take johnny's chance at a second life away from him just for her to die within months. besides, she would adapt to life behind the blackwall better than he ever could. v was always going to die young, might as well die for love, right? tags: -> otp; just the two of us - my personal flavour of silverv brainrot -> otp; mary on a cross - v & dagger (more below) -> otp; the ghost of you - v & lou (more below) -> p; a little bit happy - v & vincent -> p; my ordinary life - v & kerry -> p; rise rebel resist - rotten, the band she used to be in -> au: watch the world burn - 2020s AU -> au: generation doom - 2020s AU but more messed up -> au: say yes to heaven - happy AU johnny where gets a body, v lives, they are dating and kerry & v are best friends relations: -> vincent - twin brother also rotten's bass player -> dagger - band's lead guitarist and her ex also obsessed with kerry eurodyne (because im annoying like that) -> lou - dead ex, every day i inch closer to just scratching this ngl -> freddie - drummer of rotten, if v = johnny then freddie = kerry but ten times worse (they actually hate each other) might be kovachek's son idk sometimes i have silly ideas -> krasny - plays second guitar in the band, lowkey the mom of the friend group, will break up the fights between v & freddie, calls v a psychopath regularily Vincent (big WIP so there isnt much) full name: vincent raphael evans other: pinterest board info: same backstory as v, obviously. but unlike her he managed to heal to some extend; the polar opposite of what she is: he is happy, kind and believes that there is good in this world. moved to atlanta at some point to get away from the place and the people who hurt him (parents and v). v introduced him to the love of his life kerry and romance ensues, he even comes back to night city for a while. (i will be real with you the reason i made him initially was to romance kerry) not technically a "v" but i really dont care if you call him that. tags: -> otp; industry baby - did you know kerry and vincent are in love? relations: -> dagger - his bestie for some time, unlucky his sister broke her heart but they are still in contact -> freddie - had a crush on the band's drummer but things were messy enough already so nothing ever happened -> alexa - daughter, vincent & kerry had twins in my sims game so naturally they become somewhat canon. overachiever, became a lawyer -> rico - child (alexa's twin), rebellious nb disaster, gamer, lived in their parents house for a bit too long -> valonia - daughter, spoiled youngest child, named after v, kerry's favourite
dragon age
Athras - dragon age: inquisition full name: athras lavellan origin: dalish elf, mage (ice magic & shapeshifting) other: pinterest board | spotify playlist info: athras never wanted to eventually lead her clan so when the keeper sent her to the conclave she gladly accepted. the chaos that ensued and her becoming inquisitor, thus being responsible for so many more people really put that into perspective. she wears the dirthamen vallaslin but it extends down her arms and back, in hopes that it will help with her messed up spine (scoliosis girls rise) and enhance her magic capabilities. clan lavellan specialised in potion brewing and it's a craft she follows proudly since she has zero affinity for healing magic, which is one of the main tasks for a clans first and keeper. (she might not like leadership, but she still wants to be useful to her clan) her magic manifested as ice but later on she adapted the long lost art of shapeshifting. her preferred form is that of a raven with a wolf coming in a close second. looks lowkey evil with her dark hair, pale skin, SUPER tall stature (2m) and red eyes. she likes it that way since it makes her less approachable. doesn't like most people and hates very few. tags: -> otp; dream collector - i am forever stuck in solavellan hell -> otp; let's get this bread - after inquisiton athras builds a home in the woods and falls in love with a baker in the nearest village, their name is morgan (the shipname was a placeholder) -> otp; running with the wolves - her first big love, a dalish from another clan who happens to be a werewolf, his name is ilvin -> au: nas'taron - athras takes a nap in a temple and wakes up with dirthamen in her bones, they also fuck (can you believe i wrote "what if you fell in love with the person living in your head" before cyberpunk came out because i cant) -> au: the mad inquisitor - in order to find solas and bring him to justice she injects herself with red lyrium (#girlfail) -> au: professor lavellan - modern au duh -> au: all alone in a pack of wolves - after deciding to stop solas at all costs it finally comes to a confrontation but she caves in and saves his life at the cost of her own, she wakes up in his base of operations -> au: dhru'an'adal - ancient elvhen AU (the emerald graves grow around her sleeping body btw) -> au: dinathe'dirthelan - harpy AU i never did anything with and was inspired by my friend who did a similar au (hello reed) relations: -> mareloen - mother, she left clan lavellan not long after athras was born, she would visit when they were in the area -> rasdheas - father, lowkey a vampire, don't ask me how he dresses like that, has a lame leg -> fisara - sister, joins her at haven after the conclave because she was concerned. rogue/ bard, falls in love with josie -> deshanna - keeper of the clan and thus athras' teacher (also her aunt since mareloen is her sister), wears a plague doctor mask all the time, a little weird even for clan lavellan standards -> ilvin - her first big love i mentioned before, sort of becomes warden at some point lol -> morgan - the baker i mentioned before, they leave athras somewhat abruptly, might be my dreadwolf protag who knows -> agrippa - athras finds an abandoned child in the woods near her house post trespasser, turns out he is a mage and obviously in need of tutelage, another candidate for dreadwolf protag
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serbarris · 5 years
50 for the og ship vaimah and faralen? 😔🙌
50. “I forgot you used to like this stuff!” (Prompt list)
Vaimah plopped down beside Faralen and unloaded the armful of snacks he had acquired for their ‘day off’. Their day off still entailed a few meetings, as well as hosting a Rivaini ambassador for dinner, but the majority of their day they could spend in bed uninterrupted.
“I wondered when you’d be back, I’m starving.” Faralen said as she grabbed the bundle that had fallen closest to her and opened it, eager to see what was hidden inside. “I forgot you used to like this stuff!” She exclaimed as she saw the cubes of cake, saturated in golden honey and topped with bright green nuts.
“And I thought I was the one with the memory loss,” Vaimah joked, turning to grab the small cake from Faralen with teeth, chewing it slowly, and (hopefully) seductively as Faralen protested his joke (“Oi!”)
“You don’t get out of making bad jokes by making bedroom eyes, Vai,” Faralen warned.
“But we’re already in our bedroom, and in bed together,” Vaimah said, moving his hand up Faralen’s thigh and dipped his head towards hers, their lips only millimetres apart, “any eyes I make in here could be considered bedroom eyes.”
“You know I don’t like it when you joke about your memory, Vai,” Faralen started to say, her words punctuated by gasps as Vaimah kissed and nipped at her neck, his hands gently brushing against her underwear. After a moments thought Vaimah pushed Faralen’s underwear to the side, he could feel how ready she was, despite her slightly argumentative words.
“I’ll stop joking, if you admit the bedroom eyes worked on you.”
“I hate you sometimes.” Faralen said, as she moaned as Vaimah’s hands continued to play with her, touching all the right spots.
Not a single word about jokes or memory were mentioned for the rest of their day.
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dyrwoodan · 4 years
this will cone to no surprise to you.... but casmeraal, i know he'd treat me right
i mean he is evil and malicious but you are not wrong. he would treat nice the people he cares about, he would spoil them with everything. mainly sweets and pies but also whatever else your heart would desire!
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rosykims · 4 years
7 for the writing prompts 👀
“silent fury”
She’s not even half way through her first Nuka Cola when Burke finally decides to make his move.
“Fancy seeing you here again, young lady.” The older man grins, leaning sly against the bar’s counter with an air of someone far more important than he actually is.
Nova rolls her eyes and shoots Charon a withering look. It isn’t the first time the man has approached her unsolicited like this, but she had foolishly hoped that he would have learnt his lesson by now.
“Great. You again.“ She sighs, shaking her head at Charon as he tenses by her side. “Fuck off, please.”
“Now, now, my dear, I’m sure that language is hardly -”
Charon is at his feet in an instant, stepping between the old man and Nova, and bearing down at him with nothing short of pure disgust. “The girl told you to fuck off.” He says bluntly.
Mr. Burke blinks up at the ghoul, shaken and nervous. “But I -“
Charon takes a step forward, causing Burke to stumble backwards in poorly concealed terror. Nova can’t help but laugh as the man mumbles something hysterical to himself and all but runs from Moriarty’s saloon with his tail between his legs.
She’s still snickering as Charon moves to take his seat once more,right back to his original relaxed state. Or, relaxed for Charon, at any rate.
“You’ve gotta teach me how to do that.” Nova grins as she takes another sip of her cola.
“Teach you how to scare idiots?”
“Yeah, but also that,” she gestures to his face. “That whole ‘silent fury’ thing you’ve got going on. It’s kinda hot, honestly.”
Charon responds with a long suffering groan.
“Finish your drink, smoothskin.” He mutters as she laughs even harder.
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lvllns · 5 years
46. shimmer!
moonlight reflects off the water, the impression of thousands of glittering fish rippling across the surface has penelope so engrossed she doesn’t hear fenris behind her. she doesn’t even realize he’s there. not until his hand is on her shoulder, chin resting atop her head and she exhales heavily. letting her weight shift, bend, fall to rest entirely against him. she’s always propped herself up on her own, broken arrows and bent blades holding her aloft. now, now she finds herself with friends and help and someone who has carved a place for himself in her chest, just below her ribs. so she falls. just a little.
the bottle of fereldan whiskey hangs from her hand, bumping against her hip. it’s almost empty. this will be the end of this bottle and she’ll need to get more before next year.
“nell?” his voice rumbles against her back and she hums, twirling the bottle around.
“thank you,” it’s barely audible over the sounds of the water so she reaches back with her free hand, squeezes his bicep. years they’ve been doing this and he never fails to show up. sometimes with food. sometimes with nothing but his arms and voice and soft words.
she steps away.
the loss of his warmth is sharp, digs deep at the base of her spine, but she stands at the edge of the dock. alone. she pops the bottle open and pours what is left into the shifting waves below.
“miss you carv.”
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arlathen · 5 years
drthamen replied to your post: cannot believe i’m resorting to maxis match to...
maxis match is the only good sims cc and you can fight me abt it
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talizorah · 4 years
drthamen replied to your post: I really wanna post some pics of my cat to...
i love him also you need a kitty called cola or redbull lmao
his brother was called whiskey but you’re right i DO need another cat
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harelan · 5 years
tell us about the meta you were gonna write in the tags! pls i have a n e e d
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like ok YES obviously this is funny and also, this has been said a thousand times
however ,
one of my favorite things about solas (as a character) is just how obviously lonely and isolated he is and i mean he flat out tells you after his personal quest that he’s used to having no one he could turn to in grief. and this obviously extends back to before he erected the veil, when he was leading the elven slaves in revolt and they started making him out to be a god as well. a pedestal is a lonely place. (this compounded with how he counsels sera to use the jennies -- "You have already divided your group's membership. That is wise. No one cell can betray all your secrets.“ -- indicating that he ran his own rebellion with everyone working on a need-to-know basis and him being the only one who knew everything, meaning he really couldn’t confide in anyone in the rebellion -- lest they betray all his secrets -- and we know from the library in trespasser that he was something of a... pariah among the normie ancient elves) 
anyway. when solas says that spirits are his only friends he probably really means it; the only beings who could be sympathetic to him and also did not make him out to be more than he was. 
but i do wonder if solas’ ability as a dreamer affects how he can relate to spirits -- by which i mean, like, if he can shape the fade and if spirits reflect what you expect of them, his relationships with them would be quite one-sided. the fade and its residents could be a comfortable cocoon for him, a place where he could find comfort and support when he needed it, but the intimate reciprocal nature of a relationship between two imperfect corporeal beings... i’m just not convinced spirits could replicate that. 
which is why i think a friendship of any sort with the inquisitor is so important. they like him as a normal person. they value what he has to say and care about his comfort and safety. he can’t tell them everything, can’t lay all his troubles out for them, of course. but they are neither the rebel elves who see him and think “god” nor the citizens of arlathan who see him and think “traitor”. a befriended inquisitor is something different. 
this is all true of a romanced inquisitor, and then some. he is so lonely. part of me wants to set that as a defining character trait of his. his conflict is between his duty and his desire -- to bring back the people who isolated him because he must, or to abandon that duty and be satisfied with a world that is to him imperfect but that is home to people who value him as an individual. 
he knows he can’t. he knows himself. if your inquisitor has high enough approval to romance him, they’re probably some variation of kind or clever or curious. they’re in some way admirable and moreover they like him, too, as a person, and he knows logically that it’s a bad idea. he says it like a speech act, like “we shouldn’t” will give him the strength to stop himself. 
i’m not exactly sure where i’m going with this. this all hinged on me remembering that solas’ greatest fear is dying alone. not failure, not letting his people down. it’s living the rest of his life as lonely as he has been. 
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wolgrahas · 5 years
rami i gotta know which party you use with miriam and if you are up for it also her opinions on the companions in general
ofccc i’m up for it!!
i mostly use sten, morrigan and zev/leliana!! imma write her opinions :), remember kiddos that i don’t share some of these opinions so pwease don’t take offense ;;;; also: this will be really fckn long so beware sgfhsdgfsdj
alistair: miriam basically thinks the first time she met him he was an immature shem, a chantry handsome boy that had never faced what truly is living in a miserable condition. however, once he told her ab arl eamon she got even angrier lmao bc alistar had idolized eamon so much that she couldn’t stand it (she literally told alistair that arl eamon took advantage of him and that eamon is an asshole sdgfjdgfsghsj obv alistair is deeply hurted and they stop talking for a week or smth like that, in that time miriam was a narcissistic brat so she didn’t  care ab it [or pretended she didn’t care]), she thought he was too naïve, but at the end she appreciated him and valued his morals, tho she thinks he’s too innocent and unspoiled :///
morrigan: miriam ADORES morrigan, she’s her bff (with zevran and barkspwan [and leliana ofc]) when they first met they shared most of their world views (unless the chantry and mages, which miriam is quite indifferent ab and obv it makes morrigan a bit confused and angry sdfhsdf), they both thought love was meaningless and power was the one who had meaning, that survivability was the most important thing in the world bUT… their journey in the fifth blight changed them, and obv they don’t think this anymore. they share pride and logical thinking, which is enough for both of them to adore each other, morrigan is like a sister to her and so is she to morrigan.
leliana: OK OK OK OK how thE FUCK do i start with this?? ok, first: miriam had a HUGEEEEE crush on leliana the first time she saw her lmao like… “bitch why am i sweating am why i find her so attractive why wHY FFUCK I CAN’T TALK” gsfghfk bc before the events of origins miriam didn’t know she was a lesbian, she only knew she didn’t want to marry a man (or anyone by that time), tho she had multiple crushes on other women but she never identified them as such. ok let’s get on with it: leliana is the light of her life, the spring to her cold winter, the light in her shadows… at first miriam was content with watching leliana talk but the more she did it the more she wanted to kiss her, touch her and this brought her a lot of confusion sdfgjdsf until one night she was brave enough to kiss her sdfjdgsdjgsdhgfsdfdhfsdjfdshfsdgj ok maybe this cheesy as SHIT but m8 i just like this dgfsdhf
zevran: other of miriam’s BFF, at first when they met both also shared a lot of views, since the very beginning they were best friends tbqh and she had a lot of sympathy for zevran bc he is also an elf who has faced a lot of injustice. he has helped him a lot and he has helped her a lot too!! BFF RIGHTS!! DGSJSFDS
sten: ok, at first miriam liked to make fun of sten by replying to serious matters with jokes bc she is Like That and she found funny how serious sten actually was, bUT actually she discovers sten has a really amazing trolling sense of humour so they both connected more and finally they became best friends once she finds his sword :’)) besides they shared their hate for finding a fckn urn in the middle of nowhere for a nobleman bUT  y’kno… she is a grey warden and she had to do it to defeat the blight smh poor girl sdgfjsdfsgf
wynne: miriam doesn’t like her aT ALL, and even less when she sticks her nose in her relationship with leliana. no more words needed sdgfjsd
oghren: miriam doesn’t recruit oghren (mostly bc i don’t like him as a character bc he’s…… ughhh fgshjgf) 
barkspawn (the mabari sdgfjsd): actually his name was made up by alistair but miriam liked it so much that she accepted it as the mabari’s new name lmao. he’s The Best Friend, her loyal companion, the friend who would never betray her. her first days at camp she was so wary of everyone that the only companion she could trust was barkspawn, like… they were inseparable. and they’re still are, both having adventures together since day 1 :’)))
thanks for asking!! sorry for making this so long!! and sorry for my shitty english i tried my best!!
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fenharel · 5 years
drthamen replied to your post “There should have been a second ending to the Dragonborn dlc I don’t...”
what a mood
harelan replied to your post “There should have been a second ending to the Dragonborn dlc I don’t...”
thanks for reminding me to look for a miraak mod
its good to know im not alone
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pinayelf · 5 years
tokutenshi replied to your post “If Cullen and Imryll are both little spoons how does it work �� Do they...”
they face eachother. Cullen with an arm under her neck and the other around her torso (bonus points if her head tucks under his chin), and Imryll has an arm and leg thrown over Cullen. Both get the feeling of being wrapped up by the other
Okay this is really really really cute ;-; I may have to draw it
crystal-grace replied to your post “If Cullen and Imryll are both little spoons how does it work �� Do they...”
Race to bed. Whoever gets there first is little spoon for the night
They drew a line on the floor on where to start jfsidjf Your foot can’t stand outside the line
drthamen replied to your post “If Cullen and Imryll are both little spoons how does it work �� Do they...”
rock paper scissors over it
“She’s in the commander’s quarters tonight, did you hear anything interesting?”
“They’re playing rock, paper, scissors?”
hell5bell5 replied to your post “If Cullen and Imryll are both little spoons how does it work �� Do they...”
flip on the hour
I like this because it implies that they have to set an alarm to wake up every hour to switch nisdjfi
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totentnz · 1 year
drthamen -> totentnz
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serbarris · 4 years
💕, 💓 & 💗! 😁
💕 which OC changed the most this year in regard to personality & storyline?
Definitely Vaimah!! His storyline definitely changed the most from me changing things to do with his memory loss, and I feel like it’s helped a lot with how his and Faralen’s relationship progresses especially in the more limited time frame of the game
💓 which OC did you have to completely start over with this year?
In all honesty I have scrapped a load of OCs/ started over with a lot of them this year. Mainly Faralen and Vaimah’s children, Caeren is the only one definitely still standing out of the lineup and the other three are a twinkle in Vaimah’s nutsack
💗 which OC is completely new to you this year?
Quite a few!! Eilan and Aurick and Adela are all new this year, I still have to flesh out Aurick and Adela a lot more than I have tbh.
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dyrwoodan · 4 years
👗 for casmeraal and 🏠 for caiwyn? ✊😔
casmeraal’s wardrobe is just,, big pieces of fabric that vaguely look like clothes. and some pieces with floral motifs.
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i would describe caiwyn’s home as a mixture of orlesian and vampiric aesthetics?? i guess?? like it’s very orlesian on the outside but inside it’s darker and at times kinda art deco but also vampiric but also slightly orlesian. ya feel
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rosykims · 5 years
✨ for ashara! 💕
thank u sm !!!!!!!!! i love this question aaaaaaaa
✨ If your OC were a deity of some kind, what would they represent? What do they look like? How are they worshipped and what offerings would they expect? What are their places of worship like? Their followers? Their teachings?
i think ashara would be a very similar style as athena ! so primarily she would be all about wisdom and passion and whatnot, but i think she also has a darker side, specifically for order (bordering on obsessive) and vengeance. i would say tho for the most part she’d be a knowledge deity, but i think she would be seen as an ambivalent god like the way the olympians are in greek mythos. she’s most neutral, but can be capable of good and evil !
not to steal from mythal but ashara rly took the dragon aesthetic and ran with it lmao.....so i’d say she would be depicted as a dragon mostly ! she would probably be worshipped through acts instead of gifts, since she respects deeds ..... so people might go on pilgrimages in her name, to seek out knowledge and mysteries and such? altho i imagine u could gift her knowledge, secrets (like confessions maybe??) maybe riddles or strange artifacts or books? anything ~magic~ would be a plus in her eyes too. !!
worshippers would be students/scholars/teachers as well as adventurers and potentially leaders/warriors (who are appealing to her order/vengeance aspects idk) and teachings would revolve around a variety of things, but specifically the idea that you shouldnt be afraid of knowledge, and that everything you learn can become a tool to help you i guess. she would DEFINITELY have cultists who dedicate themselves to the study/practice of taboo subjects tho lmao
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lvllns · 5 years
“If you make one more stupid pun, I will literally stab you,” Beatrice’s voice is thick with sleep, her eyes half open in the dark room. “It’s so late Alistair why are you doing this to me?”
“You know,” she watches as he turns to face her, eyes glinting in the moonlight for just a second. “I can’t understand a thing you’re saying.”
“Fuck off,” her eyes narrow and she flings a hand toward him. He catches her wrist, chuckling as he pulls gently.
Beatrice scoots closer.
He places her hand on his chest, above his steadily beating heart.
“Go to sleep,” her voice shakes a little, eyes glued to her hand against his skin.
“Bea, you know I -”
“Alistair,” eyes flick up to his face to catch his gaze. He shivers a little when she says his name. It’s cute really, how much he likes how her thick Starkhaven accent wraps around the word. “Alistair.”
His entire body quivers this time and he dips his head, presses his forehead to her temple. “I love you,” he whispers, breath tickling the skin of her face.
Beatrice makes a soft sound at the back of her throat, eyes squeezing shut. “And I you, you insufferable pun addict.”
“You told me you thought they were funny!” He pushes away from her, face twisting up in the most affronted look she’s ever seen.
“They are!” Fingers curl loosely around his forearms as she draws him closer again. “Just not at, whatever fucking time it is,” she huffs a breath through her nose.
“Fine, fine, stifle my genius,” the smile that tugs at the corners of his mouth really doesn’t help him sell the annoyed look he’s going for. Beatrice laughs, a small tired thing. Strong arms wrap around her, pull her even closer so they’re seamed together from chest to ankle. “Love you.”
drabble list!
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