writingmeraki · 1 month
the etiquettes of a true bodyguard — j.ww drabble.
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❝ in which wonwoo proves the theory of humans tending to crave what they can't have and he realises that he definitely wants you.
( or you wonder if this was all your karma catching up to you when you become the bodyguard for the renowned notorious rockstar. )
pairing : rockstar!wonwoo x bodyguard!reader, one-sided enemies to ?? genre : angsty, fluffy. warnings : mentions of attacks, injuries, knives, stalkers, treating of wounds, blood. wonwoo is sort of rude. notproofread.
a/n at the end ( it got too long ) pls read and also lmk what u think of this : )
word count : 3.3k
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Don’t believe in rumours regarding your clients. (The truth is far more better albeit there’ll always be exceptions. )
You'd mastered the art of nonchalance. 
If such a thing did even exist but in other words you were very in control of your emotions, usually being able to maintain a calm facade even if there was chaos around you. 
You suppose it was due to your occupation, after all being an agent did require a lot of keeping your emotions in check.
Even when you weren't doing your job and doing something else, it wasn't as if there was some sort of on and off button where you could switch up your personality and let loose. It just wasn't habituated to you. 
Being a bodyguard however was different. A favour is what it was. You owed a favour to someone and that someone made you repay the favour by being a bodyguard for someone else they knew. 
You couldn't argue about it because at the end of it still meant you were repaying back what you owed. 
It was like a glorified version of a babysitter. Following someone around, making sure they don't mess up or get messed up. That's the whole jist of it. 
Or at least it was what you thought initially. 
But you forgot it wasn't children or teens. Rather grown ass adults. Almost your age type adults. 
Said adults being rockstars part of a rock band that was composed of four of them.
Apparently, in this industry it was common for these celebrities to have personal bodyguards because of the threats they'd face such as fans who get a little crazy, jealous people who tend to push the limits to the max with death threats, paparazzi who have no idea what a personal space is and the list goes on and on. 
You never had been a bodyguard before so when you discovered all the reasons a “mere” singer would need one, you were shocked to say the least. 
Yet, a favour is a favour and you would keep to your word and do your best, so that's what you did. Being the best bodyguard was the goal. 
It was your first time doing such a task? Mission? You couldn’t quite understand where this role would fall into because unlike the past where these roles were just disguises, this was actually the real deal. 
And just as you did in the past, you did a background check on your target, no wait clients.
SVT. A short form of seventeen. The year they had formed the band. SVT is composed of four members. They were a rock band that rose to fame over the years, gaining a loyal fanbase due to their unique music style and concepts.
Choi Seunghcheol, the lead guitarist. Also the leader of the band. He was younger than you but he was the oldest amongst the four. He was someone the public adored, his personality was contrary to what usual rockstars were stereotyped as, quite the gentleman.
Kim Mingyu, the drummer of the band. He was coined with a golden retriever like personality, outshining in a room full of people just by his mere presence. Tall, buff and once again quite contrary to the stereotypes. He was the charmer of the group you suppose.
You were wondering if they were actually a rock band at that point, but then came the other two. 
Hansol Vernon Chwe, keyboard player, clung onto the typical stereotypes like it was his coat. Rebellious and confidence was his whole get-go. He was true to his role, on and off-stage.
All of them were in fact, completely different on stage based on your research.
And how could you forget Jeon Wonwoo? 
Saving the best for last you suppose. Jeon Wonwoo, the vocalist. It was as if there was more than enough information to know exactly what he was like. Reckless, rebellious, passionate, charmer. There were numerous rumours surrounding him, in fact they all did, but it seemed he was the public’s favourite. From being a frequent party-goer, to the typical supposed playboy, it seemed that he was always a topic. 
They all did have their fair share of rumours, you had to dig into all the dirt, even the worse one because after all you wanted to be ready for what would come. 
You should have known with the glint in his eyes and the smirk on his face the first time you saw him when you were introduced to SVT, that he was not going to make your goal easier.
Gradually, you got introduced to the rest of them and learnt they were alright, as a matter of truth,you got along with Seungcheol a lot in the way you were both pretty much the oldest, where you were older by two years to him, so it was almost as if he looked up to you for a lot of advice. 
Mingyu was well…Mingyu. He had that energy in him that seemed to outshine any room he walked in and he was actually quite a sweetheart too. Always listened and took into consideration.
Vernon was basically almost like a kid to you. He'd say the most out of place shit that would always catch you off guard and had you contemplating why exactly you were there. It was actually quite a contrast to what you had searched about him. A good contrast, you concluded.
However, you were fine with all of them. The problem begins with Jeon Wonwoo.
Him with his messy hair, messy eye makeup that somehow suited him, lips that curved up into a perfect smirk. He was trouble if it existed in human form. As cliche as it sounded. It was their whole aesthetic though, the messy looks and makeup but he somehow looked like he was born to be a star like that. 
He was reckless though. You think that’s one of his flaws. Or he purposely tried to make your life harder. It seemed, the rumours were not just that, they were the actual reality of him.
And due to the whole rebellious thing he had going on, he hated you. 
Wonwoo in other words, did not like the idea of a personal bodyguard following him around everywhere. He knew due to their subsequent rise to fame, the negative parts would also come. He was fine with having security when they were attending events, going to the airports. As a group it was fine. But he dreaded it the day he was informed by his manager, Seungkwan, each of them would be assigned a personal bodyguard to be with them all times of the day.
Perhaps, it was because he never understood the need for one. He was not attacked physically but then again, it was always better to be safe than sorry. 
The first day he saw you, despite all of them being a bit taken aback by how young you actually were and not only that you weren’t too bad on the eyes either, he was annoyed. 
He could feel it in his bones, you were someone who stuck to rules. Always being by the book. Wonwoo hated that. And he would do just about everything to make sure, you’d quit. He did not need a personal bodyguard before. He wouldn’t need one now. 
How wrong he was about to be proven.
“Mr. Jeon, you should be more care-”
“Don’t call me that.” 
Pausing in your steps, you furrowed your eyebrows in question. You were making sure your own annoyance wouldn’t be shown. Wonwoo did not pay attention to you suddenly not trailing him, going forward towards the midnight grocery store. 
It was ridiculous to think he needed someone to protect him when he was just going for a quick five minute run to the store that was near their hotel to get a drink. 
He was just about to go quietly and be back without anyone noticing but of fucking course, you were able to somehow know. 
“This is ridiculous, it’s just five minutes.” He spoke with anger, his eyes glaring at you, pretty lips in a scowl. You wondered if he knew that despite trying to look intimidating, he somehow looked more pretty. 
“Just? A lot can happen in five minutes.” You said calmly, eyes making contact with him. You could tell he wasn’t used to people not cowering away under his glare.
He inhaled sharply, eyes closing for a brief moment, “Whatever.” 
He pushed past you, making sure to knock into your shoulder. If it weren’t for the brief discontent you felt towards him, maybe you could have appreciated how put together he looked despite it almost being very late. Grey and black were his colours. 
And that was how you’d ended up mid argument, trying to tell him to be careful of the darkness caused by the absence of some street lights. They were turned off probably due to malfunction. It gave the entire street a very eerie vibe because since only a few were functioning, it would be hard to make out who was walking in front of you. 
You were accustomed to the dark, knowing what to keep in mind and always being observant. However, Wonwoo wasn’t. His judgement at the moment was clouded by irritance at your presence. 
It was only for a brief second but you were able to make out a quick flash of movement just in front of Wonwoo. It was fast, likely so no one can know. Wonwoo had turned to putting his attention on his phone, scrolling and mumbling curses at you under his breath. 
The store was still a few metres ahead, standing out by being one of the few only lit buildings. It was due to the glow of the lights of the store, you were able to catch the movement. 
Before you knew it, you instinctively rushed forward and harshly grabbed Wonwoo’s arm, him almost dropping his phone and yelping, you threw him behind you. 
The intruder appeared from the right side, where there was an unlit tiny alley, the perfect place to wait for unsuspecting late nighters. You grabbed the knife that was raised midway, ready to slash into the person ahead. 
It was so fast, Wonwoo felt he would have missed it if he blinked because next thing he knew, he was suddenly shoved far to the left. All he saw was you holding the hand of a fully black clothed person, who was in turn holding a knife. The knife that would have likely pierced him if…if it weren’t for you. 
You did not care if the knife was pressing into the palm of your hand, piercing your skin, all you cared about was making sure nothing were to happen to Wonwoo. And so when you heard what you thought was a gasp of pain, you roughly pushed away the intruder, who was also in shock because he did not expect you. And tonight, he did not want a fight he wasn’t even sure he’d win and so he escaped when he got the chance. 
You quickly rushed to Wonwoo, who’d by your shove, had stumbled and fallen. He didn’t even realise it, trying to make sense of what just happened in the past few minutes. 
“Mr.Jeon!Mr Jeon- Wonwoo!” You were shaking him harshly by his shoulders as he blinked back to reality upon hearing his name. His name for the first time from you. In probably the worst case he could imagine. 
“Are you alright?” Out of pure concern, you held his face, scanning for injuries as you pushed back his hair. You then took his hands and did the same to make sure he wasn’t hurt too bad. Just a little scrap from falling.
Wonwoo, for the good of everything, could not explain why his heart felt like it’d combust the moment you touched his face and brushed his hair. He knew why you were doing it but it didn’t stop his heart from fluttering.
He was confused. He hated you. Was it possible he couldn’t quite understand if it was truly hate?
“Wonwoo?” He realised he still hadn’t replied, but when he heard his name for the second time, he also had another realisation. He thinks he likes the way you say it. 
“Yeah- yeah I’m alright I-” He muttered, looking away as he stood up, “Let’s just- let’s just go back.”
He decided he didn’t want to go to the damned store, nor get the drinks. He just wanted to rest. His head felt dizzy at the idea of almost being hurt severely. It was though it only took a few moments for him to realise maybe he had been wrong all along, heck not maybe, he was definitely wrong.
“Okay, let’s go.” 
You didn’t even question him as he trailed right beside you, almost to the point you were in sync, when a while ago, he seemed repulsed at being near you. 
You followed him up to his room, but not before making sure there was no one trailing you and informing the other security around the hotel, regarding the intruder and telling someone to also inform the police.
He didn’t get irritated like he usually would, in fact he was too quiet. 
“Are you actually fine Mr.Jeon?” He frowned, he didn’t like the way you called him, remaining ever so in character.
“No- no don’t call me that, Wonwoo is fine.”
 You blinked once, twice to make sure you were hearing correctly. You slowly nodded, “Oh-kay, but,are you alright?”
“Yes, I uh- I'm fine.”
“My apologies, you weren't able to get your meal.” 
You were sorry? He could have died and you…you saved him but you were the one who felt bad?
He hated the fact that only now was he actually realising what could have possibly happened if you weren’t there. 
He felt stupid. 
Glancing towards you,his gaze drifted towards your hand, the injured one half-heartedly wrapped with a makeshift bandage from your handkerchief likely.
“Let me bandage that for you properly, I feel it is the least I could do.” 
You were about to argue, as you would, about how you’d do it yourself and to not fret over you because it was something you were pretty used to. Besides it wasn’t as big of a deal anyway, just a minor scrap. 
But before you could, he reached out for your hand, holding it in his and looked back up at you. And this time, the way he did, it made you feel…uneasy. His hand felt warm. Very warm. Compared to your bleeding out hand.
Uneasy in a way where your heart fluttered. You couldn’t seem to form a thought as you stared right into his eyes. They were a rich brown colour that reminded you of pools of honey under the sun. It was unusual for you to ever think like that for someone let alone your actual client. 
He spoke in a soft tone, you were sure you wouldn’t hear if you weren’t so close, “Please?”
 It was definitely not normal for the way your throat seemed to dry up upon hearing him say that word. 
“Oh-okay, alright.” And without much thought, you agreed and convinced yourself it was definitely not because of the puppy eyes he’d given you or the way his hand seemed to hold yours as if nothing else in the world existed for him. 
You think those were what you’d call famous last words, because at the moment, you were regretting even agreeing. It wasn’t because of Wonwoo in particular, in fact he did prove to be someone who knew how to bandage efficiently.
But it was also because of him, your mind was simply a haywire. 
You sat down on his bed, immediately hit by his signature smell as soon as you stepped in the room. It was everywhere but not in an overwhelming way, in a way that indicated it was a room that was lived in by him. 
He came up with the first aid kit from the bathroom and sat beside you turning his body towards you as you faced forward with your feet down, feeling unprofessional to even sit fully on his bed. 
Not that the whole ordeal would even fit into your etiquette rule book but perhaps you were beginning to realise, there were certain things you were wrong about. Or right. 
You specifically remember a particular article where the headline described Wonwoo as a “shallow brat with an attitude as well.” and to a certain point, it seemed that they may have been right. But that was not the case now.
Or was it ever the case?
This time, the truth was indeed far better than the rumour. 
It was as if the silence was enough to occupy the space between you two, him carefully cleaning your wound and disinfecting it. He glanced at your face during that part and was unsure whether to be worried or amazed by the fact that you didn’t even flinch when he wiped the hydrogen peroxide over your open cut. 
Your tongue was weighed down by the thoughts running in your mind, it was as if the person in front of you was actually another person. 
He was close to you, and the juxtaposition of moments ago to the current moment almost made you chuckle. It was hilarious how situations could change so quickly.
“There. Done.”
Raising your hand, you examined it with a scrutinising gaze making sure it was properly done. It made him feel slightly nervous yet he did not know if that was the only cause of that or upon the realisation of how your knees were touching the whole time — still were.
You got up, much to his disappointment, nodding along. 
“Good job actually, you’ve done great.” You swore you could see a faint blush painting his cheeks and his ears a shade redder than normal. You clenched your hand beside you, hoping it would calm your weirdly speeding up heart.
And this was when it really hit you, about where you were….who you were.
Clearing your throat, you spoke up, “Well I should get going now. It’s far too late and you should get some rest as well.”
Immediately he slightly frowned at that, blinking in a bit of amazement at how quick you’d changed moods. Then again, the night seemed to be all about too many quick changes. 
You moved towards his door, not wanting to glance at him, not wanting to think or do anything that was definitely not just against your etiquettes but also your overall job. 
He was safe. He was sound too. Everything about him was good and what he needed was rest and you did too because it was one hell of a nigh—
You paused in your footsteps, already out of the door as you turned back around to face him.
He stood against the door, as he stared at you with those same honey eyes of his, that you think would never fail to amaze you, even in the most unlikely of situations. 
And for the first time, or his first, he saw you smile. One corner slowly lifted while the other followed as you shook your head. And this time, it was his mind that seemed to blank out because holy shit. 
“Goodnight…Wonwoo.” You said with a grin as you waved him once and then turned back around. Nonchalantly. As if you hadn’t just…just smiled at him the way you did. 
And did you just address him with his first name without him whining about it?!?
His hand reached up to his chest, pressing tightly to his left part and realizing just how fast it beat against it.
Yeah he was sure about one thing.
This was in no way the so-called hatred he desperately wished he felt towards you existed.
But then again, did it ever?
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a/n : urm hi. so um this was a very random idea that sprung to me like ages ago literal ages actually and i decided to pick it up and finallly finish this piece? it feels incomplete because i am actually maybe ( if this does well ) making this into sort of a drabble series with this same pairing but yk different scenarios and their dynamics changing as well? sorry if this feels rushed! i wrote like till a certain point way long ago and after that it's recent, i haven't written in a while so please excuse the weird flow as well. i just wanted to have some fun and also post something to show im alive hahaha pls let me know what you think and whether you'd want to read more of this pairing because tbh i kinda love them lollll :DDD
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perm. taglist ( open ! ) : @mansaaay ; @gyuguys ; @toplinehyunjin ; @cherrylovescheol ; @stagefrjghts
( if you want to be added just send an ask/reply to this !)
all written works as well as images and edits (unless credited) belong to pri. do not plagiarise, repost, re-edit or claim as yours. pics mostly found on pinterest.
writingmeraki Ⓒ 2024
feedback is always appreciated 💌 !
links : main navi ! | svt masterlist ! | info !
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svthub · 1 year
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welcome to the disco! choose your partner for a whirl around the dance floor to the grooviest tracks today. get funky as you boogie the night away.
This collab will contain a combination of SFW and NSFW works. See each individual fic for tags and warnings.
Join the 70s;teen taglist!
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dancing queen ~*~ @duhnova
[NSFW] smut, fluff, tiny bit of angst ~*~ disco club owner!choi seungcheol x performer!reader (fem)
the stage is where you felt the most comfortable, letting go and singing for everyone that would sit and listen. but it was hard making a living in america, every corner you turned there was trouble waiting for you because you were too comfortable with your sexuality for the public’s liking. so when you stepped off the ship that took you to your new life in paris, you were surprised to collide with a disco club owner who was in a similar boat as you.
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every summertime ~*~ @lovelyhan
[NSFW] smut ~*~ jeonghan x reader
you're not really interested in the run-down record shop back in your hometown. but people aren't oblivious to the way you keep trying to get into the owner's pants—not even the owner himself.
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curse the stars ~*~ @shuadotcom
[NSFW] smut, fluff, strangers to lovers au, 70s au~*~ salesman!joshua x starlet afab!reader
meeting someone at the disco to take home for the night is customary for you, especially in your line of work. but meeting this man on this night at this disco feels more like fate as joshua becomes much more than just your routine one night stand.
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do re mi ~*~ @onlymingyus
[NSFW] fluff, smut~*~ junhui x wife!reader
synopsis: you were from different worlds. he was responsible, frugal, and sensible. you were a child of the times, a free spirit. the house had problems and it was small, but at the end of the day it was home…you were home.
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with the band ~*~ @the-boy-meets-evil
[NSFW] band!au, smut, angst ~*~ drummer!soonyoung x journalist!reader (afab)
you’re fresh out of college with big dreams about changing the world with your words on a page. the last thing you expect is to end up covering a tour and you certainly don’t expect to fight falling for the drummer. what happens on tour, stays on tour, right?
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rogue ~*~ @smileysuh
[NSFW] strangers to lovers, slow burn, smut ~*~ wonwoo x afab reader
“lay back,” he instructs next. “I’m going to take your panties off.” your heart races in your chest as you realize what he’s about to do, and you fall onto your elbows on the hood of his car, breathing heavily as wonwoo leans down and begins to press kisses up your bare legs. his fingers hook in your panties, and he drags them down, exposing your hot core to the cool evening air. You can’t help the gasp that leaves you, and as wonwoo positions your thighs over his broad shoulders, you think you might actually faint from the tension.
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all about that bass ~*~ @angelwoozi
[NSFW] fluff, smut, band!au, neighbour au ~*~ bassist!jihoon x reader (afab)
the first time you meet your neighbour, it's when he is rolling up to his driveway for the first time, the cheapest skates with him. after that, you always try to get a peek of him when you hear his door slam, because oh my my he is so cute. little did you know that your cute neighbour can also work a crowd like he owns it, all with his bass and his presence.
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manhattan sunrise ~*~ @seokgyuu
[NSFW] detective!au, criminal minds! au, crime, exes to lovers, angst, smut ~*~ detective!seokmin x fbiagent!reader
lee seokmin is a very successful and admired detective in the NYPD. pp until now he has had no trouble catching the bad guys. but when an especially horrific serial killer starts roaming the streets of new york city and he faces perplexity for the first time in his career - his superiors send a unit from the FBI trained to profile serial killers, which contains none other than you - seokmin’s high school sweetheart.
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tight laced ~*~ @drunk-on-dk
[NSFW] fluff, smut, roller rink au ~*~ shop clerk!mingyu x afab!reader
it was kim mingyu who sold you your first pair of roller skates. regardless of the fact you were born with two left feet, a tired student, and were running low on funds, the charming clerk somehow convinced you it would be worth every penny. maybe it would be worth it to join your friends for midnight skates rather than being cooped up studying on weekends. however, the main selling point? skating lessons were included
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darling i’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream • @dkakapizzaboy
[NSFW] crime, mystery, suggestive ~*~ conman! minghao x fem! reader
minghao has had a pretty easy life…partly due to his sharp looks, but mostly due to his even sharper mind. his day job, you ask? oh, just your average little joe conning wealthy women out of thousands of dollars …until he meets you.
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aretha franklin and otis redding ~*~ @wonwussy
[SFW] angst, fluff ~*~ seungkwan
your brother had been labeled mia soon after he left for the war. three years later, the war has ended, and you know he's not coming home. maybe this stranger can help you find a little peace.
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remember when ~*~ @multi-kpop-fanfics
[NSFW] fluff, comedy, angst, suggestive, childhood friends to lovers to exes to friends ~*~ vernon x fem!reader
growing up in the suburbs of athens during the seventies was turbulent to say the least - but is it turbulent enough to break the backyard trio friendship? only time could tell.
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mood rings, drive thru theaters, and the latest issue of tiger beat ~*~ @bitchlessdino
[NSFW] angst, smut, fluff ~*~ lee chan x college student!reader (afab)
when you fall in love, it can feel like you’ll be with that person forever, that there isn’t another being in the world you rather be with. This case is just as heavy in your youth, tutoring a boy you’ve only ever walked circles around, while you wear a mood ring from his parents souvenir shop so you could feel closer to him. When it happens, you don’t expect things to crash harder than the way they do.
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the-boy-meets-evil · 1 year
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fluff 💕 | angst 💔 | smut 🔥 | completed ✅ | ongoing ✍️ | upcoming 🔍 | paused 🧍 note: whether my fics contain smut or not, this is an 18+ blog and i request that minors do not interact.
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right where you left me 🔥💕💔✅(8.6k) - hoshi x reader, ex!wonwoo x reader. the one where soonyoung doesn't realize how much he needs you and you run into your ex while away for the holidays.
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you're mine🔥✅ (3.5k) - idol!seungcheol x reader. porn with a little bit of plot. the one where you think you've finally gotten the upper hand and couldn't be more wrong. all roads lead back to you 💔🔥💕✅ (10.6k) - ex!seungcheol x reader. exes to lovers. the one where you and your friends take an annual cabin trip for the holidays and your ex decides to rejoin the group.
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building blocks 💕🔥💔✅ (19.7k) - master's student!jeonghan x TA!f!reader. the one where jeonghan ends up in your structural engineering class because he likes to build legos. i dare you💕🔍 - best friend!jeonghan x reader. the one where you and jeonghan play a game of daring each other.
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not according to plan 💕💔🔥✅ (~22.1k)(teaser) - joshua x f.reader. fake dating. the one where you need a date to your ex-fiancee's wedding and end up in way over your head.
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coming soon...
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with the band 🔥💕💔✅ (~8.2k) - drummer!soonyoung x journalist!reader. 70s au (vaguely almost famous-esque if you squint). the one where you're an up-and-coming journalist covering an aspiring band when you run into a drummer that's hard to resist.
right where you left me 🔥💕💔✅(8.6k) - hoshi x reader, ex!wonwoo x reader. the one where soonyoung doesn't realize how much he needs you and you run into your ex while away for the holidays.
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right where you left me 🔥💕💔✅(8.6k) - hoshi x reader, ex!wonwoo x reader. the one where soonyoung doesn't realize how much he needs you and you run into your ex while away for the holidays.
on second thought 🔥✅ (6.5k) - roommate!wonwoo x reader. the one where your roommate suggests you fuck during a dry spell and it gets a little messy. 34.6037° S, 58.3816° W 🔥💕💔✅ (22.8k) - art thief!wonwoo x secret agent!reader. the one where you get sent to buenos aires on a mission that changes the way you see everything.
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a new home for the holidays 💕🔥✅(10.5k) - holiday/christmas!au. the one where you can't go home for the holidays and a normally grumpy jihoon makes it worth it.
*drabbles* welcome surprises 💕✅(1.4k) - est. relationship. birthday drabble for lauren. the one where you want to surprise your boyfriend after a long day.
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along for the ride🔥✍️ (4.1k) - idol!seokmin x reader. porn with a little bit of plot and a side of soonyoung being a menace to society. the one where you jump at the chance for a free vacation and get more than you bargained for.
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fool for you🔥💕✅ (4.8k) - best friend!mingyu x reader. fluff and smut. the one where you and your best friend have a pact to never spend valentine's day alone.
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all i want for christmas 💕✅ (1.8k) - minghao x reader. straight fluff. the one where you trade to get minghao for secret santa.
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once upon a summer💕💔✅ (8.6k) - seungkwan x reader. 90s collab. the one where you live in a beach town where every summer is the same until seungkwan blows through.
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can't run away💔✅ (15.6k) - ai!vernon x reader. sci-fi collab fic. the one where you're a smuggler that's always running and vernon just happens to cross your path on the run himself.
today of all days 🔥💕✅ (4.6k) - est. relationship vernon x reader. the one where reader thinks they're not bothered by valentine's day until it seems like vernon forgot.
when you finally see it💕💔🔥🔍 - roommate!vernon x reader. roommates/friends/idiots to lovers. the one where you don't realize why you like your traditions with your roommate until they're gone.
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take my hands (we can fall together) 💕💔🔥✅ (total wc 23k) - brother's best friend!chan x f. reader. fall collab. the one where chan's friends with you, but he's your brother's best friend and you've always been a little out of reach.
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lonelywhalien22 · 2 years
pretty lies - part one
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pairing: vernon x reader
rating/genre: enemies to lovers, slow burn, ANGSTY fluff, band au
summary: supporting your friend mingyu becomes way more than you ever could have bargained for when you become involved with one of his bandmates
warnings: cussing, vernon has issues in this story but please remember this is a work of fiction, mingyu stans don’t hate me but mingyu and reader are just friends
word count: 3.4k
series masterlist | next chapt.
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Music blasted out your eardrums as you maneuvered in between dancing bodies, attempting to juggle two cups of a mystery mixture back to your friend. It was late on a Friday night, and Mingyu had convinced you to go to yet another party against your better judgement. You’d agreed as long as you could leave after two hours, but as soon as you’d arrived he’d dragged you around for drinks, dancing, and chatting with a bunch of people. Before you knew it, it had been over three hours, but you weren’t necessarily complaining - the party was more fun than you were expecting, and you didn’t mind staying around for a little longer. You knew that had been Mingyu’s plan all along anyways. As you finally found him again in a spot you two had carved out in a corner, you noticed him sweet-talking a brunette that hadn’t been there when you’d first left just minutes ago.
“I’m actually a drummer in a band -” you heard him say with the sultry voice he reserved for parties.
Ever the charmer as usual, you thought to yourself as you finally arrived, handing over the cup to Mingyu as he gave you a quick thanks and went back to chatting up the person, his flirty smile back on as soon as he turned away from you. You gave a quick greeting to the girl so you didn’t seem rude.
“So how do you two know each other,” she asked nervously, trying to seem as if she was having friendly conversation but clearly wondering if the two of you were dating.
“Y/n’s a family friend, almost like a little sibling,” Mingyu waived off casually. “We’ve known each other since we were kids.” 
Much to your annoyance, he ruffled the top of your hair to further the point. Giving him a piercing glare, you took the hint and excused yourself, saying you had to check in with another friend before Mingyu could do any more damage to your scalp.
You snagged a rare empty chair at the small kitchen island, deciding to do some people watching as you sipped on your drink and waited for Mingyu to finish. The party was being hosted by another member of the band Mingyu was in so there were lots of music types there. Whenever you had asked him, Mingyu described their music as, “deep in the trenches of darkness,” whatever that meant. If the abundance of black clothing at this party and the loudness of the music was any indication, you figured it just meant punk rock or something. Having set your drink on the counter, you reached back for it blindly but miscalculated where it was, your hand bumping it over as you felt a sticky liquid begin to soak your fingers.
“Shit,” you said under you breath, turning around to see the mess of red liquid. 
Your eyes searched the counter for paper towels, pulling several from a nearby roll and quickly dabbing away at the mess as some of the spill made its way down the counter to where a few other people were sitting, completely unaware in the loudness of the crowd. The liquid had even begun to bleed into a notebook that was sitting on the counter surface. You quickly picked it up and wiped it dry, panicking as you saw that some of the pages were now stained. As you continued to do your best to dry it off, the person seated next to you finally seemed to notice the commotion and turned around.
“What the fuck?”
“Sorry, I spilled my drink but I’m cleaning it u -”
“Get your hands off my stuff.”
You took your eyes off the mess you made, looking up towards the terse voice. A guy was scowling at you, his eyes a dark hazel under a mess of short wavy brown hair. You were so startled by the anger that emanated from him that you froze in place for a moment.
“Did you hear me? I said drop it,” he spat again before snatching the book out of your hands and grabbing more paper towels, quickly opening the book and dabbing the inside pages.
“What’s your problem?” You replied, now pissed off. You’d said sorry and had cleaned up the spill immediately and yet this guy was acting as if you’d just purposely set fire to his stuff.
“Just leave me alone,” he said in a tone of finality. He didn’t even bother looking back over at you again, eyes focused completely on the pages of the notebook.
“Fucking asshole,” you muttered under your breath as you abandoned your seat at the island, scanning the crowd for Mingyu. It took you a few minutes, but you spotted him on a couch, the brunette now practically sitting on his lap as he spoke to her with hooded eyes. Huffing, you waited a few moments to catch his gaze, nodding off towards the front door when he finally saw you, a look of concern on his face as he noticed your expression. Mingyu nodded quickly and turned back to the girl, leaning in and whispering something to her before pulling out his phone. You decided you’d wait outside for him to finish, the cool air helping to calm you down a little.
The door opened again a minute later, and you heard Mingyu walk out to stand in front of you, a sheepish smile on his lips.
“I’m sorry y/nnnnn, please forgive me.”
He probably thought you were still upset about his little lie earlier. You rolled your eyes in a playful annoyance.
“Little sibling? You do know I’m older than you by six months, right?”
“Of course, I know! I just didn’t want her to get the wrong idea.”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. Let’s just get out of here please?”
You reached up and ruffled the hair on his head in retaliation, although it didn’t have nearly the same effect considering the twelve inches he had over you in height. Mingyu laughed as he pulled out his phone again, calling for a ride share pick up.
You were quiet on the way back, letting Mingyu recount his success story from tonight as he giddily waved his phone, the brunette’s contact info now saved. You didn’t even bother telling him to spare you the details like you normally would. Your encounter with that one guy had soured your mood and you really just wanted to decompress in the quiet of your apartment.
“Y/n? Did something else happen tonight?” Mingyu questioned, finally realizing towards the end of the ride that you were a bit out of it.
“No, just tired” you decided to lie, not wanting to concern him. You knew he’d feel excessively guilty for bringing you if he found out what happened.
The car slowed in front of your apartment and you eagerly climbed out.
“Goodnight, I’ll call you sometime this week!” Mingyu waved cheerfully, still clearly a little tipsy. 
“See you Mingyu.”
Mingyu’s call came much sooner than expected. Just three days later, in fact. It was Tuesday morning, and your phone’s vibration had jerked you awake about a half hour before your alarm. Grumbling, you reached for it to see a silly selfie of Mingyu light up your cell screen.
“Hello? Mingyu?” you said sleepily.
“Y/n, I need a huge favor.”
“What is it?” you said with a concerned tone.
“My wreck of a car isn’t starting. I can take the bus to work no problem, but I also have practice with the band tonight and the location is too far from any stop - plus I’ve gotta bring all this equipment. Could you give me a ride? Practice is at six,” he said pleadingly.
“Ok, I’ll pick you up when you get off and take you over, just text me then,” you said simply. The line stayed silent.
“Mingyu?” you asked uneasily. “What are you not telling me?”
“Well, I called to have someone take a look yesterday and apparently the part they need to replace in my car is kind of hard to find since it’s such an old model…”
“Ok. So...?”
“They said it’ll probably take a month at the very least to get it and make the repair.”
You let out a sigh.
“Y/n??? Say something please.” The man was practically crying on the other end of the line.
“Just promise me you won’t make me drive you to and from your hookups.”
“Thank you y/n I love you so much-”
You hung up the phone exasperatedly and curled back into bed, trying to savor the last twenty minutes of sleep before you had to get up for work. Hopefully you didn’t regret agreeing to this, although you’d never actually decline a friend in need.
Your phone vibrated with one last message from Mingyu:
Mingyu: thanks again. really. <3
You: of course. now let me go back to sleep please.
That evening you pulled up to Mingyu’s apartment, about a half hour before six. You shot him a text and waited patiently. Two minutes later the door to the apartment opened, your friend’s back facing you as he carried out some equipment and kicked the door shut again with his foot. You hopped out of the car.
“Here,” you said as you opened the trunk. “Is there any more stuff inside you need help carrying?”
“Yeah, just the stuff in the black carrier bags. It’s all piled up right by the door, thanks,” Mingyu said with a huff as he gently placed the first load inside your car.
As you entered Mingyu’s apartment, you saw a bunch of boxes scattered all over his tiny living room. Some of them were open, an assortment of items peaking out. Clothing, some books - one was filled entirely with old dvd’s. Mingyu reappeared to grab the last bit of stuff and lock up.
“What’s with all the boxes? Are you moving out?” you asked.
“Kinda the opposite actually. We just got a new guitarist and singer for the band and I’m letting him stay with me for the time being.” 
“I should’ve known that stuff wasn’t yours when I saw the books.”
“Haha, very funny.”
Once you made sure everything was secure, the two of you got back in your car and made your way to the band’s practice location. 
“I’ll show you the way, it’s actually the same place where the party was last night,” Mingyu explained.
Like he’d mentioned earlier, the house where the band practiced was in a secluded area away from the city. You didn’t even recognize the route as you drove it. After several miles of quiet forest and trees he finally motioned for you to pull into an upcoming driveway. As you turned off the car, Mingyu quickly hopped out and opened your trunk, beginning to carry stuff inside the small house. He didn’t even knock on the door, simply letting himself inside. You grabbed some of the lighter things from the trunk, one handle in each hand, and followed after him. Upon entering the house, your nose twisted a little at the stench. The walls were a yellowish-tan color, and you saw some half-eaten food laying out on the stained kitchen counter. Beer bottles and red cups littered the space, clearly remnants from the party that had yet to be cleaned up. What a difference sober eyes made.
“You can bring that over here, y/n,” Mingyu motioned you over to where he was already pulling out items and setting them up. As you set the stuff down, a guy in a red flannel and jeans appeared out of a hallway near a back corner.
“You’re here! What’s up man?”
“Hey Jay, good to see you. Smells like shit in here though,” Mingyu said in a joking manner.
“I know, I know, I still gotta clean up some. Last time I’m hosting a party,” Jay responded, picking up the half eaten sandwich and taking a bite before noticing you standing next to Mingyu.
“Hello there,” he said amusedly with a friendly smile. You gave a little wave in return and introduced yourself.
“Sorry for the mess. I promise it’s normally cleaner in here.” Jay began shoving stuff off of a couch in the corner, assuming you’d be hanging around.
“It’s no big deal! I’m just here helping Mingyu unpack and then I’ll be on my way.”
“Yeah, so you can stop pretending,” Mingyu finished, coming back inside with the last bit of stuff from your car. “Where’s Vernon anyways?”
“Man, your guess is as good as mine. Didn’t you see him earlier today?”
“Only for a second this morning before he went who knows where,” Mingyu responded regrettably. “Dude doesn’t tell me anything.”
You checked the time on your phone. It was five minutes after six. You weren’t sure if you should wait around until the other guy showed up or if you should just leave. Mingyu had told you that practice would last until eight tonight, and you hoped this Vernon guy didn’t make it last even longer by showing up late.
“Mingyu? Do you need anything else before I head out?”
“No, thanks again for driving me here. We should still be done at eight if you can come get me then?”
“Of course. You guys have a good practice!”
“See you y/n!” Jay gave a small wave.
You finally exited the house and walked back to your car. Just as you had shut the driver door and put your seatbelt on, you heard the roar of a loud engine, a motorcyclist approaching the house and speeding into the driveway. As the rider pushed the kickstand down and hopped off, you noticed a guitar bag strapped to their back.
That must be Vernon, you thought to yourself. 
You continued watching as Vernon took off his helmet, a large hand raking through a familiar head of brown waves. He looked up slightly and you realized where you recognized him from. It was the same guy who had went psycho on you during the party last night. Making his way to the house entrance, he glanced at your car instinctively, the two of you making eye contact. Your heart raced a little, expecting him to confront you in the driveway, but he just kept walking, staring at you for a few more seconds with a slight frown on his face before shifting his attention back to the house and heading inside.
I can’t believe this shit.
You started your car and immediately pulled out of the driveway.
series masterlist | next chapt.
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smileysuh · 2 years
in no way am i saying ‘plz make this into a fic’ but in a way i’m more so asking your opinion/thoughts on ‘what do you think the fic could consist of if it were to be written’
- work anon :D
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i've had a rock band hip hop line wip in my drafts for mONTHS- and this is- this is them- holy fuck-
the crack synopsis as it stands right now is: The classic: i’m the hot lead singer with a hot girlfriend that all my besties wanna fuck, that i bring around like bait on a hook, then act shocked when a sharky boi takes a chompy chomp. - with Cheol as the lead singer-
but tbh- we could also do y/n as the lead singer, bass Mingyu, guitarist Wonwoo, drummer scoups- and they all wanna fuck her so bad but the bro code stops them from making a move, and she just- gets increasingly horny and seductive until Mingyu snaps and fucks her, then Scoups and Wonwoo are like excuse me- me too please-
god... so many options.
so many delicious options-
my wip list is a mess i can tell you that much- they are SO FINE
is Mingyu even ALLOWED??? that SHIRT- *dies*
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wwounu · 5 years
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“‘I like that’, what is he, a teen?”
“Who ya’ talking about?!”
“Uh, no one!”
You grumble, stuffing your phone underneath the cushion as you proceed to wipe the windowsill, lifting up the items on there.
“C’mon, don’t gimme that,” exaggerates your roommate, smiling almost teasingly, “it’s someone,” she sings, “and I’m guessing that he also gave you that bracelet too — you’ve never removed it since I first saw it.”
Stopping between actions, you fiddle with the silver jewellery. “It’s a good luck charm… It means nothing-“
“Hm, sure. Whatever you say,” your roommate winks and you shoot a scornful look at her before the door knocks, “coming!” She then turns to you, confused. “I wonder who’ll be up at this time of night… You go get it, I’ll finish your side.”
You shrug and watch your roommate hurry past you to clean your bed and desk. The door clicks as you proceeds to open it, a loud creak following.
“How can I — oh shit.”
Stood in front to your surprise is no other than an over six-foot narcissist, eyes droopy and clothes thrown on as a cap pushes back his hair and a loose shirt fits around him, smile radiant as ever.
He isn’t looking anywhere else expect at you, a feeling of butterflies erupting from your belly as he continues to stare. “I told you I was cleaning,” you harshly whisper, hoping your roommate doesn’t catch the two of you, “why are you here-“
“Girlfriend,” he giggles, sounding like a lovesick teen, “how cute can you get?”
“Not that much if you don’t leave right now.” You try and push him but he resists, staying in his spot.
“Come with me. I wanna be with you-“
You wave your hands in the air, signalling him to stop. “I can’t leave like this!”
“Go change then!” Whines Mingyu, a little bit louder — it made you feel a bit guilty that you liked seeing him like this, whether he was being genuine of tiredly clingy. You accept his request as you didn’t want him to get any louder and make your roommate suspicious.
You hush him, lightly slapping his cheek before pinching the fat between your fingers. “Wait here mister. Do not say a word.”
Obediently, Mingyu nods as you walk away, meeting your roommate.
“Had no idea who that was, they ran away as soon as I opened the door.” You lie, hoping it’ll convince her. “I’m getting dressed to get some snacks at the store. Want anything?”
It wasn’t like you were going to buy something anyway, you just had to do a convincing job. “Not really. Stay safe though.”
“I will,” feeling accomplished, you hurry to your wardrobe and dress up for the weather, wearing a jacket to shield you from the breeze. You weren’t trying to look good for Mingyu, but a small hint of lip tint wouldn’t hurt anyone, right?
You walk back, fixing your hair, and find that your roommate has disappeared. Searching for her, you hear her voice coming from the door, immediately warning you about what was going on.
Slightly running, you hear her and Mingyu laugh, closely stood together as Mingyu holds a camera in one hand and his phone in the other, your roommate pointing at the screen and mumbling some things.
“That was her during our first night at the dorm, she was really homesick so I treated her to some BBQ to make her forget about. She still cried a lot though.” Your roommate laughs and you remember that memory too, growing embarrassed towards the fact Mingyu is exposed to that fact too. “Oh! And this is her when she modelled for me for the first time, we went into the fields and used lights and stuff. That was fun.”
“Looks like you had fun.” Mingyu adds, a fang showing through his grin. “You’re super talented at taking photos.”
“I know, thanks for saying so.” Confidently, she replies, seeing you in changed clothes. “Y/N! You’re here! And not going to get snacks, liar!” But she laughs, sending a small wink on your way.
You awkwardly make your way to the duo. “Whatever,” you mumble, “isn’t a big deal…”
“Well I had to keep our guest,” she winks again — she’s so annoying sometimes, “company, so I was showing him some pictures I took.”
“Oh no. That’s no good,” you sigh, nervous for what’s to come. Mingyu lowers the camera, smiling towards you.
“It’s better than you’d think Princess. Your roommate does a good job at making you not ugly.” You stick his tongue at him, watching the amused expression form on his face.
“‘Not ugly’? You called her pretty for every photo I showed you,” your roommate blabs, which Mingyu reddens slightly, “you went into a mix of puppy and heart eyes — he looked so starstruck Y/N, he just doesn’t wanna admit it.”
And now you’re both red while your roommate giggles with glee, sighing an ah, young love, before getting her camera back.
She scrolls through her photos, saying without thinking, “I showed him the picture I took when you fell asleep at Christmas-“
“The one where I got drunk and cuddled that anime body pillow? Why show Mingyu that — it’s embarrassing!”
“Um,” Mingyu voices, lifting his phone at you, “too late?”
That jerk, he set it to his background, you shut your eyes in embarrassment, not wanting to look at Mingyu nor your roommate.
“Well!” Grabbing your attention, your roommate claps. “I don’t want to hold up on your date,”
“It’s not a date-“
“So I’ll let you two lovebirds go.” She points a look at you. “Don’t do anything stupid,” she looks toward Mingyu, “don’t do anything stupider.”
Mingyu nods his head, waiting for you to put on your shoes so that you’ll be on your way.
“Don’t bite Mingyu when you kiss him Y/N!” Your roommate finally says, shutting the door before you could run back in and kill her.
“Oh my god,” you rub your eyes, deadpanning at Mingyu, “this is your fault you know.”
“And you still agreed to come with me.”
“Because you complain too much.” You glare, waiting until you’re both outside of the campus ground so you can cling onto his arm.
Not to your surprise, Mingyu takes you to a 24-hour ice cream parlour (not your regular place since it would be a walk to get there) and sits you down, ordering a double ice cream for two.
Your eyes light up at the new sight, ready to ruin the piece of perfection before Mingyu smacks your hand, pouting. “Picture first!”
“Ugh, fine!” You impatiently wait for Mingyu to take a photo, pouting. He stays still for longer than you’d expect, so you turn to wonder when he’ll take a picture. “Mingyu what’s taking you so long-“
You hear the shutter from his phone, a smile spreading on Mingyu’s face. “There you go. Picture perfect.”
“You sap,” you snort, picking up your spoon, “let’s just eat already.”
And you mainly eat in silence, shyly looking away whenever you’d glance over each other. You decide to speak to fill the air of silence, even though it was comfortable.
“So,” you lick the spoon, “care to tell me why you brought me out so late for ice cream and embarrassed me in front of my roommate?”
Mingyu hums, briefly removing his cap to fix his hair, “We’ve turned official, haven’t we?”
Your ears heat up, surprised at Mingyu’s words. At first, you were about to ask when this happened until you remembered about the texts, emotions wanting to explode because of the puppy-like boy.
“That’s true, how stupid of me,” you sigh, “can’t believe we ended up like this.”
“Agreed.” Mingyu laughs, stealing a bite on your spoon, ignoring your hey! At him. “It’s late though, and I don’t know if your roommate would be fine with me staying over — I know Wonwoo would be asleep but he’s a light sleeper.”
“Should we disappear for a few more hours? Just you and I?” You suggest, smiling a little.
Mingyu reflects your smile, the corners of his lips twitching to prevent it from growing. “I’m okay with that.”
Finishing your desserts, Mingyu takes you by the hand and leads you to a nearby field to take you to the top, exposing the view of the skyline and city silhouettes behind. You sit on the grass, sat near each other.
Despite the rush of feelings, you and Mingyu couldn’t deny that everything felt different. Enemies to ‘official lovers’, like summer meeting winter, a clash between things. It was funny to reflect on your so-called ‘timeline’ with Mingyu, the you when you started college wouldn’t ever thing of ending up here with the drummer you once hated.
“Funny how we use to hate each other and we’re like, dating.” You observe, wanting Mingyu to hear your thoughts.
“And that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t kiss you-“
“Well, that was important, but I think if I didn’t say yes to your proposal, none of this wouldn’t have happened.” You state, hearing Mingyu hum as he answers back.
“I was the one who was assigned the assignment in the first place.”
“Technically I went up to you because you avoided me for weeks,” you fuss
“I’m the one who said I loved you first,”
You stop partway into what you were thinking to say next and so does Mingyu, choking at his words, both sitting in a new, awkward silence. Just thinking over your bickering moment makes you smile, hoping small moments like that still happen, whether it’s over tiny details or silly, irrelevant things to laugh over.
“Yeah,” you admit, “yeah you did.” Leaning to him, you prop your chin on his shoulder, eyes flickering at him.
“What are you doing?” Stammers Mingyu, eyes avoiding you.
“Looking. You’re something out of many — from confident and flirty to sappy and clingy. I don’t understand how you do it.”
“Natural talent maybe? Or I’m so irresistible for you.”
“There’s confident Mingyu again,” huffing, you take off your chin from the male’s shoulder, staring at his side profile and remembering every line, curve and mole.
You think over your next words, wondering what reply Mingyu would come up with — Mingyu was something new and refreshing to you, and your favourite thing was to experiment reactions from him.
“Do we… Kiss now?”
Further suggesting, you observe the slow transformation of Mingyu’s face burning a shade of pink, hidden away by the blue light of the sky and moon combined. He turns to you, checking if you were being serious and when he gets the indication that you are, his lips wobble into a smile and frown, making his lips quiver.
“Is that what you want?”
Nodding without hesitation, Mingyu cocks his head back a little, timid, as you both wait for each other. You never knew Mingyu to be the shy type; maybe this boyfriend and girlfriend thing made things a lot more fun. A new side to Kim Mingyu, a new chapter for you and him to explore.
He speaks up quietly, “Do you want me to go first or you-“
“Oh my god, kiss me already,”
You crawl over to him and close the distance between yourselves. This was just another kiss with Mingyu, just like the one at the fountain, except it carried new feelings to it. A shy, playful form of love — a layer of fondness and adoration — something of beauty.
You slip slightly in the awkward kiss due to your uncomfortable position, but Mingyu catches you, supporting you up as his lips sweetly move against yours, When you get the hang of things, your hand reaches to Mingyu’s cheek, rubbing the apples as you feel how soft they are, more-so falling even further when you can feel Mingyu melt at your touch.
When you part, Mingyu doesn’t wait to bring you in again, wanting to fall under your fingertips, not scared of holding back and jumping a leap of faith, which by the looks of things, he doesn’t regret. How cliché, you think over the thought, grinning.
Fully pulling away from each other and ghosting a love you over his bottom lip, Mingyu reaches for your hand, weaving his fingers with yours as your noses touch, forming into a hug where he buries his face into the curve of your neck.
You liked the way he held you — holding you tight as if you were going to slip through his fingertips, but treating you with fragility as if you would shatter into pieces — his grasp translated into words, like sweet-nothings to protect you and be with you until the end.
Mingyu at the start of his college days would have never expected to be here in this moment with you either, and he’s not going to let the chance go.
“I think we proved everyone wrong,” Mingyu says in a soft voice, feeling the vibration in your hum that’s shortly followed, lips curled and eyes closed.
“What did we prove?” You inquire, curious to what Mingyu has to say.
Mingyu plays with your hair, smiling at the peacefulness you found between each other. This was it; This was what he wanted. Just you and him, the night feeling less colder, less lonelier, like the moon finding the stars like how Mingyu found you.
“Two wrongs can make a right.”
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OPPOSITES ATTRACT PART SEVENTEEN (FINAL) — Drummer!Mingyu x Violinist!Reader
not gonna lie, i’ve gotten way too emotional writing this. without mingyu’s au i would have never thought of imagining a whole series with the whole of svt, so his series in particular makes me more fond than anything else... i hope original readers of the au enjoyed this new ending, and for first-time readers, i hope you like it as equals too~ and i’ve started his au on one of my closest friend’s birthday, so why not finish it on wonwoo’s birthday? hehe... that said, we’re officially finished with out 10th member and have three more to go, how insane is that?! the sad thing is that opposites attract is now taking a small hiatus, the least it’ll last until is september, but i think its time for me to relax and not stress myself with so many tasks after this year. im not leaving tumblr (hopefully not!), i’ll still update everyone with stupid thoughts from me now that summer is here, and will stay up late to catch up on everyone and destress... however!!! im sososo proud to announce (and spoil for you guys) SEUNGCHEOL’s au, who may be a hopeless romantic just to cover up the fact he’s sorta a fckboy lol i’ll leave it there since thats all i can confirm, but for now, you can check my masterlist for other things such as ymmdawn to request something (requests will be opening tomorrow~) or my lucet iaspis au if youre curious hehe. until then thank you for joining mingyu’s journey and hopefully enjoying the silly ups and downs... until next time everyone~ | hopeless romantic!seungcheol
one • two • three • four • five • six • seven • eight • eight ½ • nine • ten • ten ½ • eleven • eleven ½ • twelve • thirteen • thirteen ½ • fourteen • fifteen • sixteen • sixteen ½ • seventeen
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lessonata · 5 years
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Have some courage today Get under the blanket and scream  One more time Let’s put out that fire in your hands, clap
Clap clap clap clap!!!
Hiiii! Finally breaking outta the 2-year slump with this 🥁🎺MARCHING BAND! SVT Clap Banner I made back in 2017 but never got around to posting :’(
⭐️💎To SVT, our Diamond Kings, who taught us how our identity isn’t confined to one aspect of ourselves, how we’re all multidimensional in character.
Who raised us up with their explosive energy from all their performances, personalities, and songs!
⭐️💎And this is to Carats, and to you- cos maybe we’re all just diamonds in the rough, brimming with untapped potential. :’)
Let’s endure more, and keep polishing ourselves til we finally become our best versions Ideal Cut
Let’s keep marching on, and raising our banners and flags high to cheer SVT and everyone on!
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164cm-of-talent · 7 years
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Cr: s_fe_m
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th84u · 2 years
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title: siren eyes
contents: skater! yunho x drummer! reader. smut, mild angst; college au, skater au, enemies to lovers au, reader is afab, seventeen’s hip hop unit makes an appearance. warnings: profanities, mentions of drug usage, consumption of alcohol. nsfw, switch! yunho, dom! reader, whining, use of pet names (puppy, pretty boy), praise and degradation, edging, begging, oral (m and f receiving), humiliation, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (pls do not practice this) and more :| i am gone.
summary: typical enemies to lovers; he gets jealous, and you decide to fuck him.
word count: 3.8k
note: happy (late) yuyu day! if y’all go feral, blame @hwasrie for this! he chose all the prompts (smut, enemies to lovers and hate sex)! bet y’all thought i was gonna write fluff HA i actually was. then my husband went and gave me these prompts so… welp, the love of my life gets what he wants :] i also put my whole meiussy into this so god forbid it flops
taglist: @yunhoflrtz​​ @tohokuu​ @wooyoung-a​ @ateezinmymind
i don’t understand it.” 
groaning, you reluctantly look up at the boy standing next to you. jeong yunho’s voice was recognisable from miles away and tonight, he was the one person you were hellbent on avoiding. 
“what don’t you understand?” you ask, arching an eyebrow. the growing smirk on his face was all you needed to know what he was about to say. “don’t you fucking dare–”
“how on earth a drummer as shitty as you could be in such a great band,” he hums, swirling the red cup in his hand. the signature cocky look of his always angered you more than anything else. “even i could play them better than you.” 
balling your fist up, you clench them tightly. the male giggles, watching your very desperate attempt to not punch him in the face right there and then. 
you had promised your friend, san, that you would try to be as civil with yunho for just one nigh. of course, since it was his birthday party, you agreed, but now, you realised just how difficult this was going to be. it was yunho, after all. 
exhaling, you excuse yourself from the scene, throwing your cup as harshly as possible into the bin. “fucking hell,” you mumble as wonwoo, the bassist of your band chuckles. “he gets on every last fucking nerve of mine,” you groan as he patted your back gently.
“screw him, i say,” mingyu pipes in, downing the cup of alcohol he had. you roll your eyes as vernon snickers. 
“i think gyu means that literally,” the youngest pipes in. “he’s just trying to get your attention, y/n. we all know he’s head over heels in love with you.” 
you snort. “him? in love with me?” you gesture for wonwoo to hand you his pocket mirror, and he does. fishing in your jacket for your eyeliner, you pull it out and begin to put some on. “please, you’re all either deaf, or blind, or both.” 
for the first time that night, you all hear seungcheol chuckle. “oh, darling,” he wraps an arm around your shoulders. you grunt, glaring at him before putting some more lipstick on. “you’re sorely mistaken. want us to prove you wrong?” 
humming, you look up at seungcheol’s almost hungry gaze and smirk. shoving your lipstick into your back pocket, you hear mingyu patting his lap. you take a seat and can already feel wonwoo’s breath on your skin placing kisses down your neck. 
“mhm, i dig this,” you giggle as seungcheol sat in between your legs, tracing circles on your thighs. vernon sat beside mingyu, leaning in as his hands slowly moved down your body. “why haven’t we ever thought of this before?”
mingyu groans. “what, trying to make yunho jealous?” he asks as you giggle.
“no, baby. fucking each other,” you whisper, grinding down lightly as he shudders. before there is an opportunity to tease him about it, you feel someone grab your wrist, yanking you up from mingyu’s lap.
nearly tripping over seungcheol, you look up to find an enraged yunho, now dragging you away from your band members. turning back, you see the four grinning.
“go get that dick, bestie!” vernon yells as the other three yank him away. you giggle, waving to them before yunho pulls you around a corner.
there’s not a single word exchanged as he pulls you up the stairs, his grip on your wrist never loosening. when you were pushed into a room, the sound of the door locking, you were immediately pinned against the wall.
looking up at yunho, you smirk when you see how angry he looks. “what the fuck was that?” he growls, one hand titling your chin up, the other beside against the wall, beside your head.
“oh, nothing,” you feign innocence. “just hanging out with the four.” you inhale a sharp breath when yunho presses his body closer to yours, his eyes fixated on yours. there was just something so enticingly dangerous about his eyes– they were seductive.
“you know what the fuck i mean,” he hisses. “what, are you trying to make me jealous? trying to get my attention, princess?” he smirks cockily, tilting his head as you hold back a sarcastic snort.
you hum with a smile. “y’know, seungcheol said that you’d be too much of a pussy to make the first move,” your gaze switches from his eyes to lips repeatedly. yunho realises and humps nervously. “but you’ve proven him wrong. good job, pretty.”
as he cheeks flush, you take the opportunity to grab his arm, flipping your positions and pinning him to the wall. he lets out a soft gasp and the air around you stills. the silence is suffocating, and the sexual tension was intoxicating. maybe fucking yunho would be a good idea.
“you see, yunho,” you grin, nudging your knee in between his legs as he bites his bottom lip. “i have been wanting to fuck this bratty attitude out of you for far too long. i can’t deny it— you’re really fucking hot,” you whisper, moving your hand up to his face. your index and middle gently hovered over his lips, pushing past them hesitantly, but he instantly begins sucking on them, tongue swirling around your fingers.
“please,” his voice is muffled as your fingers rest on his tongue. rutting against your thigh, the male whimpers. “oh god, please.”
“fuck,” you hiss, pulling your fingers out of his mouth before tugging him down by his hair. “you’re such a fucking whore, aren’t you? you think you own me, huh?” you stare into yunho’s glossy eyes, tears brimming in the corner of them. “you think you’re such a big boy, don’t you, yunho? with your dark makeup and skateboards— you think you’re better than me?”
he laughs. “of course i am, y/n— i’ve always been better than you,” he grin cockily.
humming, you continue smiling. “is that so?” you say softly as he nods confidently. letting go of him, you take a step back. “then i’m sure you don’t need me here,” your grin widens when you see his cocky smile drop. “i’m not good enough to make you cum, yuyu,” you pout. “so, i guess you’ll have to find a common whore to fuck instead.”
you reach for the door handle, grinning when you feel him grab you wrist once again. by the time you’ve turned around, tears were sliding down his rosy apple cheeks. “no, y/n, please— you can’t leave me like this,” he begs as you hum, pulling away.
“but i’m not good enough for you, yuyu,” you mock him. “i’m too fucking stupid to help sluts like you.”
there’s a satisfaction when you see him desperately squeeze his thighs together. “no, no, y/n- i didn’t mean it,” he whines, holding your hand tightly. “i need you, please, fuck— only you can make me feel good!” his eyes glisten under the faint light as you lick your lips.
god, he had the most beautiful eyes.
you snicker, grabbing the collar around his neck. “i’m gonna fuck some manners into you, puppy, and by the time i’m done with you,” he shudders as you lean in closer to his ear. “you’ll only know how to cum and beg for me.”
the wanton moan yunho let’s out boosts your ego even further. yanking his collar forward, you revel in his flustered look. “strip and get on the bed.”
your command has him scrambling away while you take your own socks off, slowly taking your jacket off.
turning back around, the sight of yunho kneeling in the bed, hands in between his thighs, cock semi-erect, has you inhaling a sharp breath.
oh, you were going to have fun with him.
“mhm, such an eager whore for me,” you hum as yunho nods. “are you familiar with the colour system?” he nods and you chuckle. “of course you do, you fucking whore. bet you’ve fucked so many girls, but could never satisfy them with your tiny cock.” you tug his collar again, taking him by surprise before kissing him harshly.
yunho tastes of cheap alcohol, that stupid smoked salmon appetiser wooyoung was passing out , and cigarettes. he tasted fucking divine.
yunho squirms as you lean forward, slowly pushing him down onto the bed. his soft whimpers make you grin cockily into the kiss, you hand moving down his body at an excruciatingly slow pace.
breaking apart, your fingers are now ghosting over his cock. “shit, please, y/n,” yunho whines, trying to thrust his hips up, but your hand pins them down firmly. “fuck!”
“i didn’t say you could move, puppy,” you coo, retracting your hands as he whines. “you’ve just lost the privilege of me touching you.”
“no, no, no, please,” he sobs beneath you. “i promise i’ll be good! please, please– i’ll be good for you, y/n.”
“one chance, yunho,” you say sternly as he nods his head, chanting ‘thank you’s softly for you. finally, you take hold of his cock and he gasps, trying to resist the urge to begin rutting into your hand. “colour?”
“green, green, oh, fuck,” he moans as you begin increasing your pace.
chuckling, you press kisses down his neck, raking your nails across his chest. “need everyone to see who you belong to, puppy,” you growl, sucking particularly hard at his collar bones. “show all your friends how this stupid drummer fucked you stupid— how i fucking own you.”
he whimpers under your touch, fingers tightening around the sheets. satisfied with the light bruises you had left, you let your nails graze down his body, tracing his abs softly. “who knew the skinny skater boy had such a delectable body,” you lick your lips, finally moving down to his cock.
yunho let out a loud gasp when you take him into your mouth. “oh!” he moans, squirming as you gripped his hips tightly, holding them down. your tongue swirled around his tip, nails digging into his flesh. your chipped black nail polish shone under the lights as the most obscene noises echoed throughout the room. euphoria was an understatement to what yunho was feeling.
your saliva mixed with his pre-cum, the act of you bobbing your head at an excruciatingly slow pace drove yunho insane. his mewls, soft pants and quivering moans echoed in the room as music from downstairs played faintly in the background. boy, were you glad wooyoung had played his sex playlist.
“o-oh– oh fuck!” yunho began to convulse under you, pants picking up as his hand hovered over your head. he was so close! he wanted to cum– no, he needed to cum; he wanted you to make him cum. yunho so desperately wanted to grab your hair and push your head down to take his cock fully, but to his dismay, you pull away. “n-no, no, no!”
“hands to yourself, whore,” you hum, licking his slit, gathering all the slick up. he whines in protest, but ultimately draws his hands back.
crawling back up, your hand continues to move along his cock, teasing him. “you’re not going to cum until i do, slut. maybe if you can make me cum without your hands,” you grin as he cocked his eyebrow in confusion. “i’ll consider letting you cum inside of me.”
yunho gasps as you move to sit on his face, leaning back to try and make it easier to move your hand. “you think i can’t hear you, huh?” you moan as his tongue begins to lap at your slit. “i’ve heard you, puppy. when i’m sitting on san’s bed– i can hear you fucking your hand in the next room,” you pause, gasping softly when yunho’s tongue enters you.
arching your back slightly, you tighten your grip on yunho’s cock as he moans, shooting vibrations up your pussy. “oh fuck– just like that, baby– keep doing that,” you moan as he continues to try and make you cum, chasing his own high as well. “i can hear you– fuck– begging to cum inside me, huh? want to fill me dumb, don’t you baby?”
yunho nods, whining against your pussy. “please, y/n– let me make you cum,” his words are muffled, but coherent. before you can even reply, yunho continued thrusting his tongue. “dumb puppy wants to make you feel good.”
grinning, you thrust your hips forward, letting out soft gasps and moans. “you like it when i call you puppy, baby?” he nods fervently. “mhm, you’re my cheap slut, and my pretty puppy, aren’t you?”
“mhm, i am!” he moans as you increased your pace. “fuck, i’m gonna cum! please, please let me cum!”
“a little while more– you have to make me cum first,” you warn the boy as he whines, striving to make you cum. “god, you clearly know what you’re doing,” throwing your head back, you groan when yunho concentrates solely on your clit. “fuck– oh, god, i’m going to cum.”
yunho continues to nip at your clit, your thighs shaking as you felt the knot inside of you begin to tighten. “you’re going to cum with me, understand, puppy?” he nods, whining. he starts to thrust his hips upwards to meet your movements. how pathetic.
grinning, you feel the knot tighten even more, knowing that it was about to snap. “c’mon, puppy,” you whisper, forcing him to look up at you. tears streamed down yunho’s cheeks and you groan at the sight. “cum for me.”
with that, you allow yourself to cum, tugging at his hair for leverage. that sends yunho over the edge and he lets out a loud whine before coming. hips stuttering up, streaks of white cum paints your hand and his stomach.
panting, you slowly get off yunho, thighs shaking. “god, how many girls have you eaten out,” you sigh, turning to admire how messy yunho’s face looked with a smirk. hooking a finger under his collar, you pull him up as he gasps. “you sure do know how to make a girl swoon, don’t you, puppy?”
“mhm, only you,” he hums and leans in to kiss you. tangling your fingers in his red highlights, you allow him to nip at your bottom lip, tongue heavy against yours. yunho is like an alcohol you always go back to despite swearing to never touch it again— he was painfully addictive. 
you pull away, tongue still sticking out as yunho stares at you with lust. those damn eyes of his were calling for you. “has anyone told you— fuck,” you pant, sitting in yunho’s lap as his cock brushed against your slit. “that you have the prettiest eyes?” his cheeks flush red yet again, anticipation welling up inside him. “fuck, you have what us drummers call siren eyes.”
your back arches as his tip enters you slowly, yunho gripping your hips tightly, eyes squeezed shut. “s-siren eyes?” he whimpers, gasping as you continue to sink down on his cock. “w-what’s that— oh fuck, you’re so tight!”
grinning, you pull him closer, his chest flushes against yours. “you… you really don’t know, huh?” you start rocking your hips as a string of garbled, sweet moans left yunho’s throat. “whenever someone looks into your eyes, there’s only one thing they say to us.”
“w-what— ah! w-what would that be?” his voice trails off into a high-pitched moan, allowing himself to indulge in the pleasure you were gifting him. “c-can i move my h-hips please?” he asked, watching you nod, face twisted into a look of pure bliss. as he began to thrust upwards, your breath hitched, his cock hitting all the places no other person had discovered before. 
leaning in, you twirl his hair with your finger before nibbling at his ear. “fuck me,” you say breathlessly as yunho’s body tensed. you immediately lift yourself up and began to bounce on his cock. the pleasure was worth ignoring the burn in your thighs. “your eyes scream ‘fuck me’, yunho,” you whisper through gritted teeth, this foreign sense of euphoria engulfing you. “but nobody has fucked you well, have they, pup?” you ask as he cries out, indicating his incoming orgasm. “answer me, pretty. no one has fucked you like i have, right? only this stupid drummer can make you feel this good, huh?”
“y-yes!” yunhio cries out, thumbs digging into your flesh, yet careful enough to not hurt you. “yes, only you can make me feel this good! no one fucks me as good as you do, y/n!” tears streak down his cheeks as you coo mockingly, wiping them away with your thumbs. cupping his cheeks, you stare into his glossy eyes, indulging in that beautiful, fucked out look of his. “p-please— please can i cum inside you? please, i’ll be so, so good for you— only you!”
your ego swelled, a sadistic grin on your face. you had completely ruined jeong yunho. 
“of course, my pretty puppy. you wanna cum inside me, hmm?” you press at the bottom of your stomach as he groans, nodding. “fill me full of your cum, breed me until i’m full of you,” yunho moans at the thought, eyes squeezing shut. “c’mon, work harder pretty. make me cum and you can too.”
nodding, yunho buries his face into the crook of your neck, increasing his pace in an attempt to chase his high, and your own. his sweet moans, adorable whimpers and begging flooded your mind as you drew closer and closer to your own orgasm. “k-keep going, yuyu” you moan and feel him throb inside you. “f-fuck, i’m going to cum. cum with me puppy— fill me up!”
“f-fuck, fuck, you feel so good!” yunho whines. “i’m coming, i’m coming, i’m coming- ah!” 
with that, both of you reached your highs, back arched out in pure ecstasy. yunho’s fingers gripped your shoulders, fingernails digging into your skin. the marks would serve as a reminder to both you and him of this very night. you let out a loud moan, body shaking as you threw your arms around yunho’s neck, pulling him impossibly closer. 
panting, you attempt to regain your composure, slowly sliding off yunho as his cum came gushing out of you. he moans at the loss of contact, staring straight at his cum oozing out of you. he so wanted to push it in and make you take all of him completely, but you had other plans. 
“i’ll be right back,” you hum, planting a soft kiss on yunho’s nose before rushing to the toilet. 
that snapped yunho out of his daze, the realisation of what he had just done washing over him. getting off shakily, he hears the water gushing from the toilet and he grabs his clothes, curing himself aloud. “yuyu?” 
his heart flutters at the nickname you had bestowed upon him, but he quickly discards the thought. rushing to put his clothes on, he sees you come out of the toilet with a frown. “yunho, you need aftercare-“
“no, what i need to do is fucking leave,” he hisses, tugging at his belt. “this was wrong. i shouldn’t have done this. not with you. anyone but you”
you chuckle, leaning against the wall. “why? don’t want anyone to know the drummer of ‘trauma’ fucked you?” he grunts, pulling his tank top over his head. “can’t say i didn’t see this coming.” 
he laughs. “what? you knew this was going to happen?”
you hum, picking up your own clothes. yunho fully expects you to say more, but the shine of a singular tear shocks him. oh, god. he fucked up.
sighing, you put your own clothes on as yunho stares at you awkwardly. “what?”
“nothing,” he speaks curtly, adjusting his jacket. “waiting for you to be fully dressed before leaving.”
“oh, so suddenly you’re a gentleman?” you mock him and he rolls his eyes, opening the door. 
just as you walk past him, you suddenly turn around, pulling at his collar again. he lets out a squeak, surprised by your actions. the smirk on your face has yunho blushing all over again, as you hum in satisfaction. “you’ll be back, yunho. i know you will.” 
placing a soft kiss on the corner of his lips, you smile sweetly and yunho feels the butterflies in his stomach flutter. you pull a small bottle out of your pocket, spraying it around yunho as he coughs, slightly taken aback. “you smell like sweat and cum,” you hum, spraying some on yourself as the glitter from the perfume shines on both your bodies. “oh, and you might want to cover those up.”
before he can ask you what you’re talking about, you’re already gone. 
looking down, he sighs, trying to wipe the glitter on his hands on his jacket when he realises what you were talking about. “fuck,” he groans. “so many hickies… y/n, your concealer!” 
for days, yunho couldn’t stop thinking about you, and he hated it. you had bewitched him, and since he didn’t know what to do, he went to the one place he knew he could relax and forget about you momentarily: the skatepark.
but, to his absolute dismay, you were there too.
yunho groans when he sees you standing beside his skate group, giggling at something hongjoong said. frowning, he feels this bitter feeling sprout within him. he walks over, one hand holding his skateboard, the other in his pocket. “what’s so funny?” he asks, purposely bumping into you harshly. 
looking up at him, yunho fully expects you to glare daggers at him, but instead, you grin. “oh, we were just showing off scars.”
yeosang nods. “y/n has some pretty neat scars.”
hongjoong giggles. “not neat— just pretty,” he winks at you, irking yunho even more. 
“really? why don’t you show me some too?” he asks, fingers drumming against his skateboard.
tilting your head slightly, you shrug. “i have to go soon, so i’ll show you all my last, most recent, and favourite scar,” you hum, turning around lifting your shirt up. the rest of the boys whistled in approval, grinning at the sight as yunho scrambled to stop you, but froze. pointing at your shoulder blades, you grin. 
“a really cute skater boy gave me these,” you hum. the moon shaped marks of yunho’s nails were etched into your skin; a permanent reminder of that night. “i don’t quite remember his name, so i made one up for him.”
seonghwa arched his eyebrows with a grin. “oh? and what would that be?” jongho snickers, eyeing hongjoong who stared at you, waiting for your answer. mingi grinned, resting his arm on yunho’s shoulder, noticing how red the male had turned.
turning to yunho, that sadistic grin you only showed him in the bedroom made its appearance, sending chills down the male’s spine. the feeling of your hands ghosted over him, the heavenly sounds you made echoing in his mind causing him to tense up once again, yet never breaking eye contact with you. it was as if you were pulling him in— seducing him. 
as those two words slipped past your lips, yunho knew that he was fucked. he would be coming back to you every time. he would beneath you again, at your mercy— under your control. 
“siren eyes.”
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nayaaatv · 2 years
”my answer is you” - wen junhui ✦
# : band au, angsty angst, kind of fluff if u like squint (i think im lying)
warnings ! : mentions of alcohol, mentions of food if that counts,, a very sobby jun, swearing. no happy ending ? depends on how u see it
wc ! : 1.1k (tee hee)
a/n : this was supposed to be a very very very long fic but turned into a oneshot bc i got lazy,, this is really bad so aha i might fix it in the future (?)
ft. mingyu, hoshi, and minghao.
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some people may say your breakup was very healthy, and maybe you thought that too, but...
its always going to be messy.
and it was. you were leaving him for college and he was leaving you for his career. it sounded mutual, ish.
at first, maybe it was healthy. you both agreed that maybe it was for the best considering your situations, that was until you found him on your porch.
stupidly drunk. crying all over the place, begging you to come back to him. you had to get one of his band mates to pick him up.
after that, the breakup hurt much more. you climbed in bed sobbing your ass off for days. you didn't even want to leave him.
maybe you were just scared of the cons of long distance, maybe you were scared of what college would do to your relationship, maybe you just fell out of love.
out of all those thoughts, it definitely wasn't the last one.
you moved on eventually, found new people and a boyfriend. you assumed he did too.
you and your boyfriend, decided to go to a yearly couples festival.
it looked familiar, you thought. you went anyway since it was your boyfriend who was suggesting to go.
you got ready and got in the car.
you wore a white floral dress you probably haven't worn in ages, since it was sitting untouched in your closet.
"we're here!" your boyfriend, mingyu cheered.
the gentleman opened the car door for you and smiled, visibly excited for this particular event. you smiled back as you walk with him to the entrance.
it was beautiful. all the pretty lights, the food stands, the tables, everything was amazing. though, you got a massive wave of deja vu. you shrugged it off for the sake of your date.
“lets get cotton candy !!” mingyu suggested.
you nodded and walked with him to the food stand. whilst waiting for the cotton candy to form, you heard a familiar voice start to speak.
you looked around to be met with the wooden stage in the middle end of the venue, surrounded by a bunch of lights and speakers.
the slightly familiar band walked up the stage, making everyone turn their heads.
“hey everyone, hope you’re having a great night tonight! requests are by the booth over there. hope you guys have fun.” the singer cheered as the crowd cheered along.
and then it hit you. it wasn’t just a band, it was the band he was in.
the band your ex, jun, was in, the lead singer actually. your mind went blank as you saw all the familiar members all together like before. you smiled in slight shock, happy to see him living his dream.
“babe? you okay?” your boyfriend asked. “hm? im fine, gyu” you assured the boy.
although you moved on for good. you couldn’t keep your evil thoughts locked away. ‘has he moved on?’, ‘what if we didn’t break up?’, ‘does he still remember me even?’
you managed to push those thoughts away for a while and continue your date with your precious boyfriend.
the man in question on the other hand, wasn’t the strong soldier you were.
he noticed you while fixing his equipment with his members. his eyes glossy from the sight of your smile.
wishing he was still the reason of it.
“jun? you ready?” his drummer, soonyoung, snapping jun out of his thoughts.
jun nodded, awkwardly walking up the stage to make a quick introduction.
a solid thirty minutes go by. your head finally at ease, taking selfies with your boyfriend. in just a snap, you forgot about jun. though he, was unfortunately still at stage one.
endless staring throughout the night. he, in fact, did not move on, like at all. he sang and sang trying to hold himself back from evil thoughts of his own.
right before he knew it, it was the last song. he stared at the request paper dully.
‘Try Again - Jaehyun and d.ear. my girlfriend loves this song, like a lot, i hope you could play it, thanks !!’ he read.
he froze for a moment, rereading it a few times. for once, he asked his members if they should do this song.
by song I mean the song you used to sing in the car with him. jun used to find himself dreading to the melody. now, he doesn’t know what to feel.
he put the note down and announced the next song.
you look up from your table to the familiar melody, whilst your boyfriend jokingly groaned, as if he wasn’t the one who requested the song. but neither of you needed to know that anyway.
“gyu gyu gyu gyu” you shaked the boys shoulder repeatedly.
“i know, babe i know.” he laughed, adoring your excited smile.
the singer was barely focusing, nearly voice cracking at one point. he tried looking everywhere but your eyes. he was unsuccessful after 32 seconds into the song.
you noticed his gaze and waved happily. your boyfriend doing the same.
although there was a bright smile on his face, his world was slowly breaking apart. time stopped in his eyes.
“So whenever you ask me again”
his eyes started getting glossier. he started to remember things he wished he could forget.
“How I feel, please remember...”
he wished he was still singing with you in the car, having no care in the world. he wished he was still the one who walked you to school. he wished he was still the one you were on a date with. he wished you were still there to support him after a gig. he wished he was still the one pressing his lips against yours.
“My answer is you.”
eventually, the song came to an end. as you were gathering all the food and stuff you bought with your boyfriend. jun was crying his ass off backstage like the day you split. his bandmates comforted him whole-heartedly.
“its alright bud, atleast she’s happy, right?” minghao assured the older one. 
jun didn’t even want to cry at all. it felt wrong to him, but he just couldn’t stop sobbing. some nights, he wishes he didn’t break up with you, and tonight, was probably one of those nights, and maybe the worst of them all.
sooner or later, the singer got himself together and left the venue with his band.
although you’re not with him to hug and kiss after a gig, he’s more than glad that you have someone who loves you a lot. and maybe, just maybe, this was the closure he needed. we’ll never know, he doesn't know either. a he knows is that.
he was and always will be joyful to see your pretty smile.
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taglist ☆ : @guavagyu 💫
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k-nonsense · 2 years
As a newer carat, this is my impression of each Seventeen member (mostly based on Going Seventeen):
S.Coups: The cutest leader (who would also cut you for his members).
Jeonghan: he embodies “play smarter not harder” and “if you aren’t cheating, you aren’t trying.”
Joshua: A true Californian bringing the laid back vibes.
Jun: Not sure he knows what’s going on but he’s having fun and that’s what matters most.
Hoshi: 🐯.
Wonwoo: the gentlest soul.
Woozi: an actual genius.
DK: Extra 100% of the time.
Mingyu: 6’2” of pure sunshine (and muscles).
The8: He’s everyone’s bias wrecker right?
Seungkwan: Also extra 100% of the time.
Vernon: Walks to the beat of his own drummer.
Dino: low key hilarious.
How do you choose a bias for this group? Everyone just watch Going Seventeen, you will thank me later. It’s bat shit crazy in the best way.
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urninhongs · 2 years
hanggang kailan, profiles 2
SYNOPSIS, kung saan nag away si seungcheol at si yn at nadulas niyang nasabi na mas pipiliin na lang niyang lumayas ng bansa. masyadong sineryoso ni seungcheol at binilhan siya ng ticket, not knowing na merong ibang nag-aantay sa kanya doon.
PAIRING/S, choi seungcheol × f!reader × yoon jeonghan
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choi seungcheol, 27, lead vocalist ng kanilang banda na “ an ode “, tambay sa xylo
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joshua hong, 26, bffie ni cheol, sub vocalist + rhythm guitarist ng banda
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kim mingyu, 25, dapat mag-iinherit ng multimillion company ng family niya, kaso mas pinili maging lead guitarist ng isang banda.
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lee seokmin, 25, baby boy ng fandom, hindi marunong mag no pag may humihingi ng picture, bassist ng banda.
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lee jihoon, 25, cold on the outside, mas cold on the inside, tsundere of the group ayaw aminin na mahal nya kaibigan nya, drummer.
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wen junhui, 26, may secret stan account, laging viral ang tweets, keyboard sa umaga, tiktokerist sa gabi.
PROFILES | prev / masterlist / next
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loveonthesidelines · 3 years
the library
last updated august 10, 2021
to read • the directory
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pollenat · 3 years
“An empty lighter” | ljh.
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➛ SEVENTEEN’s Indie drummer!Woozi. We’re back to Jihoon smoking, but this time after a bottle of beer, so you’ve been warned about the usage of cigarettes and alcohol.
➛ Word count: 1472.
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➛ This short follows the events of “Readings done in smoke”.
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The night you is a different type of person. At least so says Mingyu, someone who has had many chances to observe you in different surroundings. The night you is apparently surrounded by a dark cloak of mystery, as if your breath belonged to late hours.
“You emanate with power. I wouldn’t mind writing a song about that.” You know what he means by sweet words and longing looks. Though anyone else would find it impossible to deny Kim Mingyu, you’re an oddity. His fluttering lashes, attractive features, lower pitches – you cannot say you don’t find him beautiful. Just not in I’m-in-love type of beautiful.
“Sure thing, Mingyu.” Though you look away, his falling shoulders are visible in your peripheral vision. Disappointment, you bring him nothing but it.
Your gaze meets Jihoon’s. A second passes and he looks away, too shy to admit his curiosity. Despite a whole sea of moving people between the two of you, he still found and observed you. His act goes on for a moment, but then he turns to Jun and tells him something. Presumably asks about you and Mingyu. Your position – his silhouette leaning towards you, hand resting above your shoulder, eyes still set on you and your indifferent lack of movement – cannot be taken out of context. Jun looks at you as soon as Jihoon is finished talking, then turns to stare at him and laughs. Yeah, everybody knows, but nobody understands. It’s the case of poor Mingyu and cold-hearted you.
“I need to get myself a drink.”
He perks up instantly. “Oh, I can go get it-“
“No. Thank you.” Mingyu freezes in place as if struck by a cold breath down his neck. “I’m perfectly capable of getting it myself.”
His following gaze accompanies you until the crowd takes over. When under the influence, Mingyu can be a bit… intense. He doesn’t mean wrong, he’s just helpless when it comes to love. Your rejection gave him a lot of pain, then you didn’t handle things well and it isn’t wrong to say the guy still has some hope.
“Thanks.” The beer may not be the best anesthetic, but you’re lost on what to do with your free time. The club is full of strangers. Aside from your bandmates, nobody can charm you with company.
“You guys don’t mind the loud music?” Jihoon and Jun look up at you.
“Do we look like the library type?” The latter laughs at his own joke, turning to check whether his friend is just as amused. Jihoon just smiles and nods.
“From the distance you sure do.” A third beer bottle is placed on the small table. “Entertain me, please?”
“Mingyu looked pretty eager to entertain you over there.” Jun’s snickering has your eyes rolling. No need to make you feel even shittier.
“Save it. He’s just drunk. Give him a minute and he’ll be entertaining someone else.”
Nobody responds to that. You’re sitting in perfect silence, though your surroundings are anything but silent. People move around, twisting, jumping, licking each other’s faces off and among them sits a somber you. Mingyu’s disappointment haunts your memories. You want the thoughts gone. Swig after swig, you meticulously complete a circle of taking and putting away your beer. Next to you Jihoon nods to Jun’s comments. How nice would it be to enjoy yourself? Maybe if you’ve just done what Mingyu wanted of you – fallen for him – clubs would be a drama-free experience? Maybe-
“Want to go for a smoke?” Jihoon offers you the sight of his lighter. It surprises you – firstly, just a moment ago you were lost in thoughts. Secondly, of course, Jihoon knows you do not enjoy nicotine. You’ve told him yourself. The thing is, something about his asking gaze lets you know that the smoke isn’t about smoking.
“Yeah, why the hell not.”
“Huh?” Jun looks back at you, surprised, meanwhile Jihoon doesn’t comment on the sudden change of heart. It’s a wordless understanding between the two of you. “You’re smoking now? Since when?” Both you and Jihoon ignore the third party. “Hello?”
Outside is nice. Though the city air is polluted, it’s a mare of freshness – a change from the overused breath of sweaty partygoers.
You inhale a big swig in and watch as the smoke-like creation escapes your lips. Jihoon is silent for a longer moment, until he realizes he doesn’t have a cigarette out. He takes a moment to search pockets, slapping every single one loudly, before he sighs in victory. A paper pack is produced out of his jeans, along with a lighter he hid before leaving.
“Shit. Empty.” You offer a sympathetic smile to the discovery. “I don’t suppose… Of course not.”
“Haven’t considered keeping an emergency lighter.”
“Maybe you should start.” He answers, staring dejectedly at his untouched cigarettes. “Be a step ahead of me.”
It’s a fun thought to imagine – offering Jihoon a lighter before he can even find his. Watching surprise bloom on his cold features. Stopping yourself from smiling in answer. Feeling useful to someone. Doesn’t mean you’ll make it happen. You don’t plan on encouraging his smoking habits. Also, the possibility feels too intimate. Like a comforting kiss shared between lovers, with an exception being that you do not plan on kissing Jihoon’s lips.
It makes you wonder how desperate to escape Mingyu’s affection you must’ve looked back then, so that Jihoon, someone you aren’t in any way close to, took it upon himself to cheer you up.
“Are you alright?” He asks, fingers still gripping the sad pack of cigarettes.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?”
For a moment you lack proper words, so you wave hands around, doing your best to confine the meaning in your gestures. “The whole… consoling thing. Why are you consoling me?”
“Well,” Jihoon looks embarrassed. “I saw you and Mingyu and- Ekhm, you looked uncomfortable. Or bored? I’m not nosy, or anything. I just felt like you may need someone to help you get your mind off of it.”
Through his hard features and bored eyes, you can take a glimpse at a man who’s interested in people in his close surroundings. Feels nice to be taken care of.
“I’m used to it. You can’t really control your feelings, so I don’t hold it against Mingyu.”
Jihoon stands quiet for a moment, his eyes staring at your feet. You aren’t sure what’s so interesting to him in your boots. A group of drunks passes the two of you, laughing at something you lack the context of. Neither of you acknowledge the disruption.
“Here’s the thing – you shouldn’t get used to it. He needs to learn boundaries.” His words irritate you. After all, they’re an accusatory finger directed at someone who’s your close friend.
“You’re talking about him like he’s some predator.” He does nothing to correct you. “Mingyu’s just lovestruck, doesn’t mean me any hurt. I don’t need your protection, Jihoon. I’m capable of dealing with this myself.”
“I know you can deal with it, but… You need to stop yourself from putting it away. It won’t do any of you good.”
His confidence in a diagnosis that’s nothing but wrong has you fuming. If you weren’t under the influence, you’d have the strength to explain your situation. But in the current context? With alcohol buzzing, embarrassment plaguing and coldness biting? Your exterior is a fragile egg shell, about to be dropped on a hard surface.
“Fuck you.”
“You know nothing about Mingyu and I, so- Fuck you, really.”
“I didn’t mean-“ but you’re already marching back inside. “Where are you going?” Hot tears stream down your cheeks. Why are you so mad? “(y/n)!”
The truth is, you don’t understand what does Mingyu see in the night you. They’re just clad in darkness, hoping to keep the nocturnal thoughts away. But the night brings you nothing but sadness. The power is a mask for contradictory powerlessness. You’re so lost on what to do, how to feel, you depend on wordless passiveness, along with the hope that someday the hardships will pass.
“(y/n)!” Strong arms hang on your neck. Mingyu reminds you of a small child and that’s why you know the feelings you’d want to push yourself into feeling won’t happen. “Where did you go?”
“Let’s go, you’re too drunk.”
“Too drunk on my love for you?” You choose to ignore Jihoon’s presence. He followed you all the way back. Fuck his caring nature. Fuck his stubbornness. Fuck the night and its consequences.
“Yeah, yeah.” Two pairs of eyes stare intensely at your face. “You’re suffocating me.”
Mingyu weakens his grip, but laughs. One of his hands lets go and is instantly grabbed by Jihoon who pulls it over his shoulder. Together, you lead the man out, both avoiding Jun’s confused stare.
Fuck the night.
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➛ To be continued.
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➛ pollenat’s list of headcanons
➛ pollenat’s list of shorts
➛ pollenat’s list of scenarios
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41 notes · View notes
wwounu · 5 years
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“Mingyu… Mingyu where are you…”
The phone in your hand, you try calling him again only to end the call because it wouldn’t be any use, checking the 25 minutes you had remaining. You needed to find Mingyu quickly.
So best believe when you ran into the campus garden, although it being a lengthy walk to get there, you were more than relieved to find Mingyu with his back facing you, kneeled on the rocky floor. It almost looked like a painting of bittersweetness.
“Mingyu,” you break, scared at his state.
“Go away.” Mingyu demands. “Go away and leave me alone.”
“I’m not going to do that, I’m not going to go away.”
“Stop saying that — I want — I you to go.”
You’re stepping closer, slowly but surely, ignoring all of Mingyu’s warnings.
“Mingyu…” You call out gently.
“No, stop it,” almost broken, he says, “I don’t need you — or anyone-“
But when your fingers touch his shoulder and he turns around, you can’t help but break at the tears streaming down the drummer’s face as he gasps for air, hands gripped onto the fabric of his pants.
You fall and manoeuvre your way to him so that he can hide his face in your shoulder before sobbing even more. It’ll leave a wet patch, but the feeling of Mingyu with you was worth it. It was the only way to keep you sane; nothing else.
You shush him through petting his hair, almost cradling him as he hiccups between cries.
“I’m scared. I’m so scared,”
Mingyu manages to mumble out like a mantra, the words sticking to your mind. What went wrong?
“It’s okay now, I’m here.” You assure him. You want to play it safe but it was important to know what was wrong. Mingyu, in your many years of watching his narcissistic ways, confident smile and stupid pride, watching his walls break down felt unsettling. “What’s going on Mingyu?”
“I’m scared.” He can only repeat the chosen words, making it harder to understand him. You decide to pry him open a little more, hoping he can escalate.
“Of me?”
You feel a shift on your shoulder — he’s responding — he partially nods, but shakes his head after a pause.
“The audience?”
A hesitated shake.
“… Performing?”
And Mingyu takes a while to respond. In fact, he doesn’t respond at all, meaning you had to say something to ease him. But before you do, his croaky, raw voice beats you to it.
“That day — when I messed up in front of my entire high school — I didn’t trip. Jun pushed me.” Mingyu holds onto you a bit tighter and you feel his hands shake violently, holding onto you like he was your last lifeline. “The whole school laughed — until the end of that year, the band wanted me dead for something I didn’t mean to do — Junhui had the nerve to laugh to my face when he didn’t know what he did. I remember — I remember going home that day — and my family was so disappointed in me,” laughs Mingyu in pity, “their son ran away after being an embarrassment, I ruined a day for the whole school and became the laughing stock, and I had to keep it in for hours until I got home and never left my room — all I wanted was for someone to tell me it’s okay, it’s not my fault. It’s not my fault Y/N, it’s not my fault, I didn’t mean to-” He repeats in a mantra, breaking down into another set of sobs.
He continues with slight ease despite the fumbling over words.
“And when I entered the office the next day to apologise for my actions, I… I suddenly couldn’t do it. Everything went tense and my throat went dry, it was either that I breathed too much or didn’t breathe at all. I couldn’t do something as simple as apologise. Then — fuck — and… And ever since then — I couldn’t go on a stage. Full or empty. It makes me so anxious seeing the stage lights and thinking back to that time, paranoid that someone might do that to me again and I hate it,”
A few more hot tears reach your shoulder before he adds on.
“So what did I do? I learned to live with that fucking demon in my head. I couldn’t mope about it so — so I fought back. I kept fighting back with anyone who dared to taunt me over that concert. Eventually — it worked. Everyone was convinced over this new Mingyu — fake Mingyu. As for Junhui — I hated him the most — I hated him for acting so fine when I carried his consequence,” Mingyu repeats that bitter laughs, “stupid right? Always acting like a drama queen because I don’t want to back down, because I don’t want to fall vulnerable over anyone and everyone — and now — and now I hate him even more.”
“Why?” You slip out under a whisper.
“Because-“ Mingyu lets go of you, head still bowed as his fingers move to grip his hair, starting to cry in frustration. He was tired. He was hurt. He was scared.
He was in love.
“Because I think I’m in love you!”
“Huh?” Caught off guard, a tug in your heart.
He picks up the pace in speaking, “And it isn’t easy to cope with at all — I’m an asshole and you forgive me every time, when you said you wanted to forget about the kiss my heart fucking hurt because I fell in too deep by then, when I see you I want to stay with you, when you speak I suddenly get happy and your smile makes my day — fuck, what am I saying?”
“And — and I get so nervous around you because I’m scared to mess up but I know I can’t fix things because I’ve caused you so much pain from be being nothing but a arrogant jerk to you — when you’re with Jun, I can’t help but hate it — you’re so different with him and it’s like I’m helping the person I hate the most, fuck, I am helping the person I hate the most! And he’s so much more of a man than I am because he confessed to you first — can I do anything right?”
Mingyu keeps on rambling, stuttering and chocking on his words. You could tell the drummer had a lot to say, but you had to get the male’s attention first because you didn’t have a lot of time left. Although the volume of your voice kept increasing, it didn’t stop Mingyu. Mingyu overlapped with incoherent words and curses.
You force, having enough at this point. He whimpers, lifting up his head for the moonlight to shine on him, beautiful just as heart-wrenching at the same time.
“Listen…” Although your eyes wanted to look at the stones, you needed to keep your focus on Mingyu, “Jun never confessed to me…”
“Don’t give me that bullshit,” painfully smiles Mingyu through the tears, “he was calling you all sort of things. Things that I can’t bring myself to say…”
He heard us? Is this what triggered it? You process, shocked at how miserable Mingyu must’ve felt.
“Mingyu. Jun doesn’t like me — he never would — he... He likes someone else.”
“Someone... Else?” Croaks Mingyu, tilting his head.
“Yeah. It’s complicated.”
This time, you gaze at Mingyu’s wet eyes, taking in the appearance. This was a first for you, but to him, this was one out of a million.
“Oh…” Mingyu blinks. “Oh,” he repeats, louder once in realisation.
“Yeah,” you nod, “but besides that… This is some serious stage fright and anxiousness in you Mingyu, why did you keep it in for so long?”
Mingyu shrugs. “I thought I would be ok. Ends up, it totally went a different direction. I don’t like people seeing me like this, why would I show this side of me when I can show another?”
“It’s unhealthy Mingyu… You can’t show it to everyone, but to no one? That won’t do. Someone needs to be there for you.”
“Then who?”
“I’ll be there for you.”
Mingyu’s features soften, just like a child about to cry over a scratch on the knee, eyes formulating tears.
“Y/N, I…”
“We’ll talk about this later,” you cut, hoping Mingyu would understand why, “we have a performance in seven minutes. Y’know, Jun was the one who told me you were gone, he seemed pretty panicked about it.” You nudge him, smiling slightly. Wiping the stray tear from Mingyu’s cheek, you say, “My, my… You look so ugly Kim Mingyu, what happened to the narcissist I used to know?”
Mingyu breaks out into a blissful giggle, the type that would make you want to keep Mingyu forever.
Theres a few moments of silence as you wipe Mingyu’s stained tears off his face, running a thumb across his cheek. “There you go. All handsome now.”
Mingyu feels his cheeks and ears heat up. His eyes speak something else, ones with adoration behind them. “Uh, yeah,” the drummer says with a stutter, “we should go.”
Before Mingyu stands, you take a hold of his sleeve and look at him straight in the eye so neither of you could break eye contact.
“Wait — Did you just say you… Like me?”
Although the younger semi-goes into panic mode, he interrupts himself with a rather rough, calmed huff and shuts his eyes, accepting the rejection that’s bound to come.
Shyly, he utters, “Yes?”
But instead, he’s met with a light giggle, followed by the pressure of soft lips on his cheek before your voice meets his ear.
“Sweet, I like you too.”
With new found confidence, you reach for Mingyu’s hand, running back to the concert hall where you and him might possibly get in trouble for cueing late. It was anything but a worry, as you and Mingyu find a grin taking shape on your faces, interlacing each other’s fingers when you laugh.
You didn’t look the neatest, neither didn’t Mingyu, but that was the audience’s question to speculate why you were like that, hoping that they would wonder what happened to them? or why are their clothes damaged? not knowing a story of love, miscommunication, and a fish inside a drum that led to this moment.
No one knew because it was yours and Mingyu’s story, a story that can be translated into words as well as musical notes and harmonies, full of layers and a clash of instruments.
Mingyu stares at the bright light, feeling tense by the grasp of his hand. You look at him, bringing him to his senses by the light squeeze. “Everything alright?”
Mingyu holds in a breath, jaw clenching, before he nods. He was going to do this. It’s a big step. “Everything’s-“
“Focus on me.”
He doesn’t realise how tense he is just until he crosses his eyes on you, all worries washed away and your presence shining through. You can see him physically relax in his eyes. 
You send a smile, a soft one, “Better?” It’s quiet but to Mingyu it’s louder that he could ever hear.
“Very,” he slips a stammer, walking on that empty, polished stage with you.
Remedies don’t cure in one night, but wherever you would be, as long as it was with Mingyu, he’s pretty sure he would be fine.
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OPPOSITES ATTRACT PART SIXTEEN — Drummer!Mingyu x Violinist!Reader
is it safe to say theyre official? and i hope you understand mingyus side now
one • two • three • four • five • six • seven • eight • eight ½ • nine • ten • ten ½ • eleven • eleven ½ • twelve • thirteen • thirteen ½ • fourteen • fifteen • sixteen • sixteen ½
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bassisthhj · 4 years
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So you can throw me to the wolves
Tomorrow I will come back, leader of the whole pack
Every scar will build my throne
bassist hwang hyunjin coming soon
bandmates: @guitaristhanse @drummer-eunseo @keypianisthwa @vocalistsomin
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og: @yanlee musician: @/m-brian hyunjin:@/yanderehyunjin
🏷: @killerchaeyoung @fairy-dejun @hernameisangel-oc @switchseola @hackerxiaojun @sweetandsleepyjamie @softlee @shin-haneul @ares-bc @vampirekjisoo @vampiremomo @midnightanda @mitsukojen @uridolz @skz-cb @moonlightchn @guitar-sihyeon @witchy-ryu @witch-seulgi @hryeonjun @kpopshelter @thewolfpack-cb @venom-kyun @catwoman-lisa @idol-academy @bloodlustbots @fallen-angelheejin @kikomizukii @powerpuff-3ye-cb @mafia-chae @mafiawyk @darkfaeskz @prof-mingyu @deadly-skz-gods-cb @babie-sanie @safeheavencb @4seasons-skz @thebloodpack-cb @warblerchangmin @himboxxuxi @gleeyounghoon @somichu-android @demon-nct @weiwuxian-cb @mitsukojen
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