#drunk yui
diacripticcomplex · 6 months
can i resquest some yui drunk + subaru?
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Yui’s POV:
Reiji told me he left some cranberry juice in the fridge for me but I couldn’t find it, I did however see a clear bottle filled with red liquid in it, maybe he poured all the pouches in here to make more space..? Well I was thirsty so I took it out and poured myself a glass. I sipped it, it was very good! Usually the cranberry juice has a lil bit of a bitter aftertaste that I usually don’t like. I know it would be bad to drink some more but I really did like how this was tasting. So I drank another..and then another..by my 5th cup I started to feel a bit light headed and woozy. It started to get hot, so I left the kitchen and stumbled my way up the stairs, I don’t remember what happened after that but I do remember seeing Subaru’s handsome face. I held his face in my hands, maybe I was dreaming? I could see his face blush slightly he looked both confused and flustered, Subaru was so cute. I just wanted to kiss him a little..so I pecked his cheek. This was my dream, I could kiss Subaru without any issues right..? “What are you doing?” He asked, his voice expressed confusion, I took of my shirt. “Its hot Subaru..I feel so hot..can you touch me with your cold hands..” I tell him, as I take his hand and guide it to my chest, his touch felt so nice. “Are you inviting me..?” Subaru asked, I had no idea what he was talking about I just wanted him to cool me down..
It was hazy but I remember us kissing passionately, I don’t remember how I got on top of him.. or how my underwear came off but I see myself jumping on top of his part, it felt so good to ride him, he was holding my waist and pressing himself up so that he was pounding into me while I rid him, it was sensational…this was such a realistic dream. Would it be wrong to call out Subaru’s name to him..? I began to moan his name out, taking his hands and sucking his fingers, this caused him to flip us over and I instantly felt weird…I was very confused, Subaru was pounding into me..this was not a dream. “What..why Subaru..?” I ask him, he doesn’t seem to care and is more focused on the sex. I tried kept telling him to stop and when I tried pushing him off of me he covered my mouth and continued to ram into me. I was sobbing at this point, I didn’t want this right now..I didn’t even understand how I got here..
After a few more strokes and what felt like a half hour go by he finishes. “Why did you do this to me..?” I ask him, quickly wear my clothes. “Huh? You were the one who came onto me!” He got defensive. “No way, why…how could I?” I ask him back. “I don’t know, you came into my room stripping and taking my hands to touch yourself.” He explained..I didn’t understand what was going on. Until there was a knock on Subaru’s door. It was Laito. “Oooh~ looks like you two just had some wild sex, without me such a shame~! Little Bitch, did you drink the red alcohol I left in the fridge?” Laito comments and then asks me, I just remembered that I did…I had no idea it was alcohol…I have to be more careful next time.
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jigokuraku drunk headcanons (modern au version)
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ps. let's just say I wanna know what they do in the wild times (refer to my modern au fic on ao3 for more details) I also didn't include nurugai and mei cause they're kids huhu
does not get drunk
like zilch nada
it's sad cause he drank alcohol at the age of 8 or 9 as part of his training
and bcos his tastebuds are so numb, he actually has no idea if someone poisoned his drink or if he is drinking alcohol at all
might also be the designated driver lol
you know takagi-san from "the teasing master takagi-san"?
the girl who teases her crush in a smooth way and the guy has no chance to get his revenge?
yep that's yui when she's drunk
makes gabimaru blush 24/7 by teasing him in her own innocent way
knows no boundaries bcos she is never ashamed to get close to him (he secretly likes it tho but it's better if they get a room 🫣)
even asked him to kiss her one time in front of their friends (they did but gabimaru held out a hand to cover their lips bcos yuzuriha wanted to take a picture)
does not get hangover
remembers what she did and is surprisingly happy about it
well as long as she's happy then gabi thinks all is well in the world
the crying drunk
as someone who follows rules 24/7 and is never one to break down her strong facade, sagiri lets out her cool when under the influence of alcohol
would get soft and mushy abt every single thing
"gabimaru, your love for yui is such an admirable thing!"
"I am glad I met a person like you, yuzuriha!"
would also mention names of couples from dramas she binge-watched (fyi sagiri is a major fangirl of theatres and dramas as per canon)
gets hangovers
ends up sleeping while crying
gets embarrassed abt what she did the next day
the laughing drunk
anything can be filled with humor and she makes fun of anything
AND ANYONE (especially toma much to his own dismay)
would even console sagiri while she's crying bcos she loves her like that
even encourages yui to flirt with gabimaru openly just for the sake of getting a blushing pic of him as blackmail
is the main source of all drunk pics and vids
lowkey scared of senta when he's drunk bcos she is suddenly reminded of senta when he's in his study mode
everyone is suddenly friendly to her after drinking parties (some would still not hesitate to threaten her just kidding)
strict scary drunk
the one who commands the rowdy crowd bcos he can and he will
yuzuriha thought senta will just be that one quiet drunk in the corner
until she remembered senta as a focused individual who lectures her bcos of her poor grades
even sagiri and tenza got mad respect towards him
he is clueless abt this alternate personality
and yes no one tells him abt it
the angry drunk
I swear he is angry at anything and anyone
would even pick fights bcos he believes he is righteous like that
it's like shugen has another brother from the criminal side of things 👀
would still go boasting abt how his older bro is the coolest guy he's ever met
but will also fight him bcos he is drunk and his vision is blurry so he doesn't recognize he is speaking to him
would challenge everyone to a drinking game, especially fuchi and gantetsusai
he loses tho
barfs everywhere (might've slept on them too)
is the one who threatens yuzuriha the next day despite hangover
the buddha drunk
yeah chobe is wild and brash and has that typical yankee attitude but when he drinks, he suddenly turns into the wisest man alive
preaches good things abt life much to toma's chagrin
even tells gabimaru not to resist yui's flirting attempts bcos she is showing her love like that
tells stories abt how he saw toma as a baby and how it turned his life for the better
"I don't mind doing everything for my brother"
he says that with a gentle smile on his face (creepiest thing ever)
would also cry with sagiri abt soft and mushy things
he's not bothered by his drunk antics tho (but toma is hence why he is on his way to strangle yuzuriha)
delirious drunk
like he sees things no one sees and laughs about it
acts like he's best buds with everyone
has the habit of taking his clothes off bcos it's so warm and he's feeling hot (does not even care if there are people around)
would even defend this habit by saying "being naked should be normalized! people don't wear clothes centuries ago!"
does not remember everything until nurugai tells him abt it
apologizes to everyone the next day
another delirious one
tbh he can handle alcohol so well but for a blind man, he "sees" things (based on his pov lol)
he tells everyone how tenza looks like a slug of meatball
also walks in a zigzag manner but still thinks he's walking on a straight path
in fear that he might be involved in further accidents, fuchi decides to throw the liquid out of his cup out the window
lectures everyone the next day abt how excessive drinking can ruin their lives (um excuse me????)
another crying one
tbh no one really invited him (except for sagiri)
is actually a combination of sagiri and toma tho
would fight everyone but would also cry when the other person fights back
"why are you fighting me? didn't you know that war is bad?"
lectures gabimaru abt not flirting back with yui
"you should be grateful your lady is showing adoration for you and your manliness"
mans up the next day and takes responsibility for his shameful actions
the drunk who acts like they're soooooo drunk
I won't elaborate any further cause jikka is always drinking in the manga
yes he also has blackmail pics and videos like yuzuriha
beware of him at all costs
fuchi and gantetsusai
designated drivers
I joined these two bcos they both observe the people at the party
and they could really hold their alcohol pretty well
at par with gabimaru ngl
would always look out for shion in case he destroys things
also calms senta down when he's angry
tbh gabimaru was their designated driver lol
but bcos gabimaru is ummm "busy" with his wife, they're the ones tasked with taking care of everyone
teases the shit out of everyone bcos no one fights against them
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oblako · 8 months
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LOVE to see it <3 would love to see more of it <3
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chiefyakousdilftits · 7 months
YuiKou Headcannon Under The Cut !! ✨
Yui, drunk ; “ I just feel like I’m failing everyone, and everything I do is wrong. I know I’m never enough for anybody and that everything I have tried has ended in failure, I don’t deserve happiness, I don’t deserve to have a good life, I’m not important, I’m not special - 😭😭 “
Yakou, drunk ;
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urban-unease · 6 months
The guys have ABSOLUTELY played this right?!
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slexenskee · 2 months
Don't Forget About Us (MDNSY Oneshot)
Makoto spares him an unimpressed look. “You looked like you were going to cry in front of a KFC of all fucking things a couple hours ago— and now you’re the drunkest I’ve seen you in months and seem determined to somehow sing your way out of a crisis.”
For an ask about the new bff learning about the past bff
Read here [link] or below:
“Not here,” Satoru says, which draws her up short.
They’ve just finished up a show at a nearby club, and despite the late hour are utterly ravenous. Kenji and Yui begged off for the night, leaving Makoto alone with her lead singer. Makoto has led them to the nearest appropriately greasy and unhealthy restaurant within eyeshot— a KFC. Not her go-to pick as far as fast food or even fried chicken is concerned, but beggars can’t be choosers. 
Except they can, apparently, because Satoru seems pretty staunch in his disapproval. 
Makoto stares at him incredulously. “Don’t tell me you’re on a diet,” she laughs, joking.
Her laughter fades as Satoru’s expression remains unchanged. She doesn’t think she’s ever seen that look on him before. Distant and constellated. Even with his glasses off he’s a bit impossible to read. 
“Seriously?” Her look turns skeptical. 
He’s the size of a waif and eats more sugar than should be statistically possible. And a bit of processed fast food is hardly the worst thing he’s done to himself in the time she’s known him. The cigarette dangling from his lips is a sure sign of that. And since when does he have a problem with fast food after a live show? He lives for this shit. 
“I just don’t like fried chicken,” he returns, which is a blatant lie if she ever knew one. He likes fried chicken just fine; he especially likes it at one in the morning, when he’s starving after a setlist. 
She rolls her eyes. “Oh my god, get something else on the menu then.” She’s starving right now, and the tantalizing scent of fried food is only making it worse.
“Anywhere but here,” he says, and this time, she can hear the threadbare shot of panic in the bottom of his voice. 
Does he… Is he being serious right now? Evidently yes. Taking another look at him, he really does look unwell. 
“Okay,” Makoto says, slowly, taking a step back from the well-lit doorway. “We’ll go somewhere else, then.” 
“Preferably with alcohol involved,” Satoru adds, flippantly, and turns on his heel, as if the sight of a single fast food restaurant sign could do more damage to him than the excessive alcohol he’s about to consume. 
Makoto lets it go, for the time being. This weird but shockingly talented bandmate of hers has the strangest hangups sometimes. She’s just learned to accept them, for the most part. And not ask too many questions— he gets real squirrelly with those. And every time she thinks she’s getting closer to the truth of him, he twists the paradigm around with yet another absurd and/or vaguely horrifying revelation.  
Makoto shoves them into the nearest izakaya she can find— ironically a yakitori joint with ample fried chicken on the menu— and immediately orders them a round of beers that Satoru tacks on with a bottle of sochu. Ah. So it’s going to be one of those nights. They order a responsible amount of food with their drinks for the first few rounds, but eventually it just turns into the two of them getting wildly drunk and staggering out of the place draped over each other in search of the nearest karaoke bar. 
Makoto would have thought the guy would have had enough of singing, what with performing a whole setlist just a few hours ago, but drunk!Ru-kun really only has two modes, slutty stripper Ru-kun or karaoke star Ru-kun, and since he’s still hung up over Hawks these days, it looks like they’re shutting down the karaoke bars tonight. 
Not that Makoto minds, necessarily. It’s been ages since they’ve had a night out like this, and she’s got a whole weekend to be miserable and recover from what’s shaping up to be a raging hangover before she has to drag herself to work again. And for whatever reason, she’s sensing Satoru might be in desperate need of a night out himself. 
The place they stumble into is equal parts nightclub and karaoke bar: a large, darkly lit open interior sprawls before them packed to the gills with dancers; disco lights zip across the crowds and the bottle services girls fighting their way to their tables with sparkling champagne thrust into the air like shooting stars; and at the far end an inebriated girl with cat ears is belting out a fairly decent rendition of Mariah Carey’s Shake it Off as she struts across the bar. In short, this is probably exactly the sort of place they were both looking for. 
Makoto swindles them a free table with a bit of flirting with the hostess, and finds herself holding court among a generous crowd of random inebriated strangers thrilled to get drinks off her tab, while Satoru wanders off to find the mic. She loses track of him for a bit, but is unsurprised when he resurfaces wearing someone else’s blonde wig, up on the bar himself singing Baby One More Time as he fumbles his way through the dance routine with the cat-eared girl in tow. Still in his stage outfit from earlier in the night, he honestly looks like someone paid him to be up there, which is probably why the entire bar is clamoring towards him like he’s a celebrity or something. 
He shows up at her table eventually, sprawling himself over her and the booth with his borrowed blonde wig in tangles across his face. She throws it off him as he makes grabby hands for a bottle of champagne on the table. She should probably cut him off at this point, but she’s wasted herself and doesn’t have enough fucks to care anymore, so she just pours them both another glass and clinks their glasses together. 
She has no idea what time it is when she starts to feel hungry again and orders food. They could have been in this place for hours or days, and she wouldn’t be able to tell; it doesn’t seem to be in danger of closing on them any time soon. The crowds come and go, but the place stays packed and the loud music has yet to bother her, so she doesn’t feel inclined to leave. What would be the point? There’s no food at her apartment, and ever since she broke it off with her last fling, no one waiting for her either. From the way Satoru constantly gets his turn at the mic, she doubts he’s in any rush to leave either. 
So maybe they’re both just eager to run away from things. But for his sake, she should probably get him to talk about it. The last time he was having some kind of internal crisis he was trying to drown out with alcohol, he’d ended up sleeping with a Top Three Hero and catching feelings for him.
“Okay, so what the hell brought this on,” she finally corners him, after he’s done with an obnoxiously impressive cover of Despacito for a guy who speaks absolutely no Spanish, and is once again sprawled in the booth with her.  
“What? Nothing.” She supposes she should at least be happy to see him putting orange juice in his champagne, even if he’s yet to touch any of the food. 
Makoto spares him an unimpressed look. “You looked like you were going to cry in front of a KFC of all fucking things a couple hours ago— and now you’re the drunkest I’ve seen you in months and seem determined to somehow sing your way out of a crisis.”
“It’s not my fault everyone keeps shoving the mic at me and picking great songs,” he retorts, stubbornly. 
This probably means she should drop it and just let him run away from his own problems, but beyond just trying to save himself from the worst of his own vices, at this point she’s also just curious. 
“Fine, drink your way out of a crisis,” she amends, then shoves a plate of dosas at him. “And at least eat something if you’re going to do that. I’m not dragging you home if you’re too drunk to walk.”
Satoru pouts ferociously, but nonetheless reaches for a crepe and tears off a bite. “I’m not having a crisis,” this idiot insists, like the emotionally stunted idiot he is. 
“Really? Let’s go to a KFC then, if you’re not having a crisis about it. We’ll bring the whole band.”
“I’m not having a crisis about fucking fried chicken, okay,” Satoru says, expression turning a bit pinched. “I just— it was bad timing, is all. If I hadn’t just gotten done with playing our last setlist I would have been fine to eat there.”
This draws Makoto up a bit short. Her brow creases. “What does the setlist have to do with it?”
Satoru stares at her for a moment, indecipherable. Then he grabs his champagne and downs the whole thing. He sets the empty glass on the table as he says, “I almost had to kill my best friend in front of a KFC, once.”
It’s so unexpected she nearly drops her own drink. “What?” 
No, seriously. What the fuck? 
“He’d gone off the rails and killed a bunch of people,” Satoru continues, only bewildering her further. “I was supposed to put him down, but at the time I just couldn’t do it. I tracked him down, stood outside the store ready to kill him, and I just… I couldn’t do it.” 
Makoto leans back in her seat, reeling. 
She’d call it some bizarre made up bullshit, but sadly, every facet of Satoru’s life sounds like bizarre made up bullshit, so it’s probably the truth. 
She scrambles for a response. “I— when was this?” 
“A while ago,” he answers, clipped. He reaches for the entire bottle of champagne, and this time doesn’t even bother with the glass. She doesn’t stop him. 
She has no idea what she expected from this mysterious and eccentric bandmate of hers, but admitting to attempted murder was really not in her cards for the guy. Then again, what did she expect? She watches him down the entire bottle as she tries, and fails, to get her thoughts together. There’s just so much to infer from this and she doesn’t even know where to start. Just what kind of guy was his best friend, that he’d gone on a killing spree? And why would it ever be Satoru’s responsibility to execute him for his crimes? And what does that have to do with their setlist? 
She at least gets one of the answers she’s searching for.
Satoru wipes at his mouth, looking out into the strobe lights as he says, “He wasn’t a bad person. He just… wanted more than life could ever grant him.” 
Makoto blinks, realization dawning hard and fast. 
(I wanted more than life could ever grant me)
Satoru never talks about how he writes his music. He swears, in fact, that it doesn’t really mean anything to him at all— that he just makes them up off the top of his head. Makoto had never once believed that, and now she has the proof. She’s heard him sing Today is the Greatest hundreds of times at this point, but she’d always thought it was about himself. The more she learns about him, the more she realizes some of those lines align a little too closely to his own experiences to be anything but personal. But she supposes two things can be true at once; that song can be about him, but still remind him of a friend he’d lost. 
She almost doesn’t want to ask, but… “What happened to him?”
Even the stifling, crowded warmth of the nightclub plunges into ice as he says, without looking at her, “I can only hope he found more peace in death than he did in life.” 
Makoto startles at the implication. 
But at the time, I just couldn’t do it. 
So he managed it, in the end? 
Before she can even fathom up a response, the cat-eared girl is leaping over the booth to wrap her arms around Satoru, begging him to get up and help her duet yet another Mariah Carey song. 
“Make it Don’t Forget About Us and I’ll do it,” he says. 
Without hesitation she agrees, and he grabs his ridiculous wig and jumps over the seat to join her. He’s probably eager to once again run away from his feelings and, this time, she can’t blame him whatsoever. Or on second thought, as they really get into it in the chorus, she has to wonder if this isn’t actually him running from his feelings so much as confronting them head on? "When it’s real, it’s forever" indeed. 
She learns a hell of a lot about her ridiculous bandmate over the course of the following months, but she never quite gets a straight answer over his former best friend, and possibly first love, and she never directly asks, either. If he wants to tell her, she’ll listen, but otherwise she’ll let him approach it in his own time. 
But she does make sure he knows she’s around if he ever wants to talk about it. 
They’re at that same R&B karaoke joint, this time enjoying their time in a far more sedate and far less exorbitant manner with drinks at the bar. Satoru has long since lost that blonde wig, but the bartenders have clearly never forgotten ‘Karaoke Queen Ruru’ because they shower them with a generous amount of free shots and make pointed questions about the karaoke queue every time. Satoru waves them off with a laugh though, insisting he’s just here for a quiet night out. 
“You’ve gotten boring ever since you got wifed up,” Makoto denounces as he hedges off yet another turn at the mic.
Satoru’s expression turns a bit pinched— and panicked. “I’m not married,” he hisses, furtively. “And don’t say that so loud! I don’t need the rumors to get any worse.” 
“Not married yet,” Makoto revises, rolling her eyes. “For reasons that still allude me. What are you waiting for, exactly? You can’t ask for a more public or dramatic proposal than the one you already got.”
“It’s not that,” he insists, rolling his glass in his hands. 
Makoto blinks at him. “Don’t tell me you’re getting cold feet.”
“I’m not,” Satoru remarks, although he does look a bit shifty-eyed. Makoto squints at him. A bit of dread sinks in her stomach.
“Satoru,” she starts, cautiously. “If you really don’t want this…”
“It’s definitely not that either,” he assures her quickly. His mouth pinches into a tight line. “I know it took me, like, an inconceivably long amount of time to get to the point where I can admit it outside of our various discographies, but I do want Hawks. I don’t have any doubts about it.” 
He stops, the silence holding for a heavy, offbeat moment as he seems to want to say more, but can’t manage to force the words out. Makoto isn’t sure what else to do but wait patiently for him to finish, and when he doesn’t, flag the bartender down for shochu shots. Nothing like a bit of liquid courage to brace yourself for some trauma dumping. 
Satoru huffs out a laugh as she rolls one down the bar towards him, clinking their glasses together. “Thanks,” he says, as they cheers.
“What are friends for?” She counters, tossing the shot back. 
Satoru follows her, then sets the glass back down on the bar as he wipes the salt off his lips. “I don’t have any doubts,” he repeats, after a moment. “I guess I just… need a bit more time to let go.”
Let go? Her brow furrows in confusion. Let go of what? 
Then she remembers the last time they were at this bar. The last time Satoru had run away from his past straight into the arms of excessive alcohol and a cat-eared girl singing R&B classics. Remembers his request for his last song, where he’d stood on top of a filthy bar and belted out, “I’m just speaking from experience, nothing can compare to your first true love” to a packed dance floor all singing along with their hands in the air. 
She sets her own glass down. “Were you and your friend… were you two like that?” She asks, hesitantly. 
Were you lovers, before you killed him? 
She’s a little relieved when he shakes his head. Romantic or not, she’s sure that doesn’t lessen the pain, just makes it a different kind of regret. 
“No. Well— not exactly.” He looks conflicted. “We never… it was never like that. It might have been, but, well…” 
Then he had some kind of psychotic break and turned into a mass murderer, and Satoru had to be the one to put an end to him permanently. Right. What a fucking mess. No wonder this guy has spent most of his life doing his level best to avoid his own past. The more she learns about it, the more depressing it gets. 
She nudges him sympathetically with her knee. “It’s okay to mourn the loss of what could have been,” she says, gently. “It’s not wrong to need time to move on— no matter how much time that is.”
Satoru nods, looking lost in his own thoughts. 
Makoto bites her lip. “... Does Hawks know?” 
He blinks, surfacing from his own head to look at her. “Yeah,” he answers, without hesitation. Then he lets out a sharp, bitter chuckle. “He knows everything, but he sticks around anyway. I don’t really know what I did to deserve him.” 
“And what are the rest of us then, chopped liver?” She kicks him in the shin. “I’m not going anywhere either, you jerk.” 
Satoru’s eyes are very wide as he stares at her. Then he ducks his head, a bit bashful. “Yeah,” he agrees, looking a little wistful. “I got really lucky with all of you, didn’t I?” 
“Damn right you did!” She kicks him again for good measure. “I’m sticking around, no matter how many stupid identity reveals you try to throw at me. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.” 
He barks out a laugh, grinning widely. “Good! Mark your words, I’m holding you to that!” 
(And when he confesses his plans for an anime of all fucking things, and reveals an entire past life’s worth of trauma at them, she screams a lot but she does, indeed, stick around to turn it into the best damn anime ever produced.)
idk I was listening to a lot of Mariah Carey's 2000's hits and remembered I'd made another Satoru cross-dressing alter-ego specifically to sing R&B karaoke hits so here we are 🤷‍♀️
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equinox-86 · 5 months
Noctis Character Profile
"Greetings. Kaminashi's top Vampire Hunter squad at your service. Please report any sightings to HQ immediately."
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C a n y o u h o l d h e r h e a r t ?
Most of the info listed here is still a work in progress :P Some things might change. Note that Noctis is very cold in the beginning but gradually warms up to the vampires, which results in forming strong connections and friendships later on.
Kanji: アエクアリス・ノクティス
Romaji: Aekuarisu Nokutisu
English: Aequalis Noctis
Also known as:
Pyromaniac, Jirai-Onna, Alcoholic, Chichinashi, (and many others, by Ayato) Bitch-Chan (by Laito) Livestock, Lilith (by Ruki) M-Neko-Chan (formerly by Kou) S-Neko-Chan (currently by Kou after witnessing Noctis kicking Ruki and Yuma in the balls during MB's Prologue) Drunkard, Punk, Mesubuta (by Yuma) Lilith (by Azusa and Karlheinz) Woman, Vessel, Bloodbag (by Carla) Chew toy (Shin)
Her Nicknames for the DiaBoys:
Ayato: Ayarou (Ayato + Yarou) Laito: Netorare/Cuck Reiji: Megane/Four-eyes, Mom (jokingly), Old man Shuu: Old man Ruki: Ojou-Chan (jokingly) Kou: Gigolo Yuma: Gorilla (due to his strong physique), Meathead Carla: Old man (jokingly after getting along) Shin: Cyclops, Eyepatch-bastard, Ankle Biter, lap dog Most of these nicknames aren't in use anymore or used jokingly after More Blood and Dark Fate.
Personal Information
Age: 18 (Physically)
Status: Alive
Race: Demon/ "Lilith" ( She is from a demonic species higher ranking than a Founder.)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'3
Hair Color: Black (natural) and Fuchsia (dyed)
Eye Color: Blood Red
Occupation: High ranked Vampire Hunter, 3rd year Student at Ryoutei Academy
Relatives: Unknown
Hobbies: making cocktails
Favorite Food: Alcoholic Beverages
CV: Yoko Hikasa
A mysterious figure with an unusual name. Affiliated with the church lead by Seiji Komori, Noctis was sent to the Sakamaki Mansion under false pretenses as a "Sacrificial Bride" in order to ruin Cordelia's plan and gain the Sakamaki brothers as allies for the sake of the assassination of Karlheinz, as well as to stop future women to be sacrificed to vampires. Unable to bear the thought of dooming his adopted daughter Yui Komori, Seiji forged a plan to train and send a powerful demon whose memories he took, to doom the Vampires. If Noctis were to die as a result of the plan, he would feel no guilt, as she is not human. She believes she is human, as she spent her time living among them.
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Noctis is a very calm and patient person, who could snap fast if someone acts unreasonable. She's very defiant to the vampires and doesn't tolerate their abusive behavior towards her, often engaging in physical fights with some of them. The mistreatment results in her getting dependent on alcohol and she is sometimes seen drunk during school hours in HDB. Despite appearing like an honor student at first glance, Noctis tends to engage in delinquent behavior. Despite of this, she is a responsible person that manages to complete her tasks decently, such as supervising Ayato and Laito to make sure they do not to cause trouble at school under Reiji's order. Noctis likes to throw sassy remarks at the vampires. She often gets in unnecessary trouble for running her mouth. She takes joy in teasing Ayato and Shin, who are quick to lose their temper, which she finds humorous. Noctis' has a resting face which makes her seem cold and serious, but it is easy to get a reaction out of her. She keeps her thoughts and feelings to herself and rarely shows compassion towards the vampires as to keep herself safe and not give them an opportunity to use her weak points against her. Rather than showing pity, she gives them advice from a rational perspective. She's very analytic and observant. Laito managed to break her cold barrier by constantly toying with her emotions for his own amusement, mainly enjoying the new expressions she makes by provoking her and putting her in situations that would cause her to show fear. His little games of psychological manipulation slowly resulted in Noctis showing more emotion and eventually warming up to the Vampires in More Blood.
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In most outfits, Noctis is seen wearing a heart choker on her neck and on her thigh to make biting more bothersome to the vampires. It serves as an extra protection measure.
She is always carrying a lighter with her.
With her drinking habits, Noctis developed spitting fire using alcohol and a lighter as a special skill.
Noctis hates cranberry juice as a result of drinking it too much to restore her iron levels.
When Reiji nags her too much, she jokingly starts calling him "Ossan" (おっさん) meaning "old man." Here, she refers to him or any other vampire as a grandpa due to how old they are.
Opposite to Yui, Noctis is a demon with a "human heart." Due to her memory loss, she was treated like a human by the church and learned their morals and values.
Noctis has a reflex that causes her to punch what causes her fear. For example, If someone were to jumpscare her, they would get punched by accident.
As a result of sharing a roof with 6 men, Noctis started to adapt manly speech mannerisms, such as using "ore" instead of "atashi" when referring to herself.
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psychedelic-ink · 11 months
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Sorry I'm late everyone!eEnjoy all the fantastic fics everyone and don't forget to show love to the writers 💜💜💜
please show your support by commenting and/or reblogging!
categories include: pedro pascal characters (everyone), misc. (miguel o'hara, santiago garcia, tommy miller)
as always don't forget to check the warnings before reading!
click here for last months fic recommendations
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Pretend Alleyways by @radiowallet (dieter bravo x marcus moreno)
Eyes Open by @radiowallet (marcus moreno)
Like a River by @/radiowallet (marcus moreno, frankie morales)
Yours for the Weekend by @pedropascalsx (javier p)
Pleased to Meet You by @intheorangebedroom (frankie morales)
The Secret by @frannyzooey (marcus moreno)
Short Days, Long Nights by @/frannyzooey (joel miller)
The Waffle House Chronicles by @softlyspector (joel miller)
Adversity by @the-ginger-hedge-witch (frankie morales, ezra)
Palomino by @fuckyeahdindjarin (jack daniels)
Midnight Alley Series by @prolix-yuy (dieter bravo, tim rockford)
LJ’s Bangathon 2023 by @prolix-yuy (all pedro boys)
Simple Treasures by @/prolix-yuy (oberyn martell x m!oc)
done for by @pedrito-friskito (frankie morales)
catalyst by @ezrasbirdie (frankie morales, joel miller)
cupcake by @/ezrasbirdie (jack daniels)
I bet you say that to all the girls by @toomanystoriessolittletime (jeol miller)
Caught by @toomanystoriessolittletime (frankie morales)
Girls' night by @/toomanystoriessolittletime (frankie morales)
What Happens in Vegas… by @wildemaven (jack daniels)
… Never Really Ends in Vegas by @/wildemaven (jack daniels)
Thought That I Was Dreaming by @haylzcyon (dieter bravo)
Grass is Greener by @/haylzcyon (frankie morales)
Close - An Insatiable Extra by @magpie-to-the-morning (frankie morales, santiago garcia)
Joel Miller x college neighbour AU by @fuckyeahdindjarin
Dieter Bravo x library AU by @/fuckyeahdindjarin
Superhuman stamina by @astroboots (miguel o'hara)
Girl and boy Interrupted by @/astroboots (santiago garcia)
use me by @inklore (miguel o'hara)
torment by @/inklore (miguel o'hara)
burrowed in under my skin by @dameronscopilot (miguel o'hara)
dial drunk by @rqgnarok (tommy miller)
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missuswalker · 10 months
the craig hcs are so good can we get those for stan??? omg
yes ofc 🤭🤭
relationship headcanons || stan marsh x fem reader
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✮ summary: stan as your boyfriend 🤭 ✮ warnings: nsfw content, alcohol, reminder that characters are aged up
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tries to act very cool around you for the first month
kenny likes to mess with him and he freaks out
"dude, don't embarrass me in front of my gf 🙁"
takes everything you say too seriously for the first month as well
"stan youre so annoying" "im sorry 😕"
apologize to him now.
takes a good amount of time to get completely comfortable with you
after that he's all "fuck you, get out of my house"
and then makes out with you
hoowee he looves french kissing
anyways, he wants you to be the big spoon
"y/n, everything is shit 😞🤓" "i know, stan, just go to sleep"
gets super emotional around you when he's drunk
"and- and 😢😢 i just really.. 😖 i really like you 😩 please don't break up with me 😭" "i just wanted to know if you wanted subway"
if you really want him to, he'll TRY to stop drinking so much just for you
still fighting that battle
he loves you so much, he tries so hard to get everything right with you after wendy
he doesn't want you to leave him
if you guys shower together, he likes when you wash his nasty hair
this is only when he's a little drunk
doesn't like you to see him fully naked if you guys aren't sillying
he's a little nervous, that's all 🤞🥰
talks to everyone about how he's gonna marry you one day and make you mrs. marsh
you're like the light of his life
but he hates when you call him stanley
if he's with his friends and you walk past, he's immediately walking away without a word and following you (like that one clip of joe biden following the ice cream truck)
wants you to wrestle with him
don't tickle him though because he gets embarrassed for giggling and being all like "stoppp 😊🥰"
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really sexually frustrated
it's so bad
gets a boner over everything
worse than kenny
"hey y/n 🥰 how are you 🧐 you look nice today 🤓 can you please give me head 😁 pretty please 🙏"
doesn't like sexting because he's worried kyle will find it and give him a lecture about digital footprint
unless he's wasted
like gone
then he's texting you "fucdk beab, wish yui were hrre. pics?"
don't give him pics, he prints them out on his dad's printer and puts them in his wallet
very slow, sensual sex on a good day
super caring but vv quiet
maybe grunts when he cums
when he's drunk, wants you to ride him so bad
"shit, y/n, so good for me"
embarrassed the next day when he remembers he said that
does it more if you like it though 😻
wants to ask you to suck him off all the time but doesn't because he doesn't want you to be like "😐" and break up with him
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vampdes · 1 year
— “HOW IT CAME TO BE.” [winning bets over losing them was surely your soon-to-be career at this point. especially since you didn’t lose the drinking challenge that yui had challenged you to only an hour ago, saying that you wouldn’t win the said challenge. daniel’s the one who had to clean up the ‘mess’, though.]
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PAIRINGS. daniel park / m!reader
CW. lowercase implied, implied + mentions of: alcohol consumption [beer + soju], betting money, reader drunkingly ‘flirting’ w. daniel, friends to lovers trope.
NOTES. YAAAAAAAAH, i got this out earlier than intended 😼 im like a beast ong. enjoy!! 🫶🏾
EXTRA. “how it came to be” jay h. edition —› xxx / masterlist.
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the soju you had downed only seconds ago burned your throat and made your chest feel warmer than usual. you’d been out with the group consisting of: yui, daniel, jay, eli, and zack for a whole two hours. when it was first mentioned to you, you said that you were going to stay sober the whole time! and it didn’t matter if you drank, you’re a heavyweight anyways!
however, when you got there, yui bet you a pair of concert tickets that you’d be drunk before her. and obviously, you accepted the challenge! you weren’t one to back down from challenges, especially ones you knew you could win.
then the bet started.
bottle after bottle of soju, a can after a can of alcoholic beer was drunk until the last drop. yui wasn’t giving you a run for the said concert tickets anymore, she ran to the restroom to throw up due to the immense intake she downed in the matter of one hour. you, on the other hand, were sharing a strawberry flavored pocky stick with daniel and on the verge of sleeping right there on your feet.
the feel of soju still felt lively on your tongue, you could still feel the taste of it on your taste buds for it mixed in with your salvia a little too well. your head wasn’t spinning nor was your breath ragged as it was only moments ago, you were trying to seem calm, but your heart pounded against your heart so loudly that you could hear the rhythm tap your eardrums repeatedly.
“daniel.” you whispered his name as though it was a prayer, you picked your head off of his shoulder and looked him in his jet black eyes. his lips caught your attention more than his eyes did, though, which caused him to mumble the sentence “my eyes are up here, [name].”.
he said your name with a breathy, desperate tone, making the soju that warmed your heart make it burn as though it was a campfire. “but your lips,” you mumbled, your own lips parting to make way for the words that were stuck in your throat.
“but my.. my lips?”
“they’re kissable.”
the tips of daniel’s pale ears turned a bright shade of red as he let your words process in his head. he wanted to make a quip, a flirty retort to your words to keep the conversation going, but the words died on his tongue when you intertwined his hands with your own and placed your head back on his shoulder. his heart raced at an unnatural speed, he could even feel a thin layer of sweat build up on his now clammy hand that you held.
he glanced down at you before looking back up at the full moon that showed down on both of you, coating you in the glossy, white light of the universe, “..yeah?”.
“i don’t know,” you laughed, “jus’ wanted to hear your voice.”
he let a warm smile overtake his blushing features, acknowledging the warm feelings you provided him with. he didn’t know why but he felt dizty as though he was the one who drank soju himself. “thank you.” he didn’t know why, but he felt something for you. it was a strange something, a lukewarm, heartfelt something.
the sound of your quiet laugh made his heart become overwhelmed with that ‘something’ feeling once more. “what’s so funny?” he questioned, tilting his head in order to rest his head on top of your own.
“it’s just.. you downplay yourself, you know? you don’t understand how amazing you are. you don’t understand how special you are to me, i do want you to know that i love you with all my heart, i truly do.”
daniel’s eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, once more letting his brain process the words of affection you spoke. his words died on the tip of his tongue. he didn’t realize it until you mentioned it, but he’d been letting tears fall on top of your messy, ruffled hair. the tips of your strands were now wet with his tears, and he immediately regretted it. “i’m sorry, i—”. you laughed off his words, pulling up the brim of your sleeve in order to wipe away the strayed tears that lay on his face.
“don’t be sorry, dan, don’t be. you’re too pretty to apologize for such ridiculous things, you know that, don’t you?”
“you think i’m pretty?” he questioned, letting his teary eyes look down on your silhouette.
you now stood in front of him, your eyes fluttering in an attempt to stay alert on your feet. “i think you’re pretty and smart and kind and most definitely charming. i also think you’re a horrible cook. but i know for a fact,” you paused, looking up at him, meeting his teary eyes. “that i’d never trade you for the world.”
he let out a laugh. not a condescending one, no, never that. it was a laugh of utter and complete disbelief. you’re so,, he doesn’t know how to explain it because he knows that he can’t put what you are into a form of words that would create a sentence. you couldn’t be compelled to just one sentence or just a sentence for that matter, you deserve the whole world, no, you deserve the whole universe and a box of strawberry flavored pocky. he loves you, he realized.
it was as though the moments, the memories of you two together had flashed in the movie theater that sat inside of his brain. each and every second he replayed it back and forth, reminding himself of the simple touches that you granted him with, the sound of your melodic laughter that never left his mind, not even for a second.
daniel park, the leader of the most famous band in korea, had a crush on little ole you. the choreographer that demanded him to be on time, the choreographer that had his entire schedule memorized down to a t just so you knew when he was free in order to hangout, the choreographer that always mention that it was so busy but always seemed to have spare time for him.
he knew from now on, he’d always make sure to be on time just for you.
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toomanytookas · 2 months
March Fic Madness: Reading List
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Thanks again to @the-blind-assassin-12 for creating the March Fic Madness challenge!
I've already posted my stats for the challenge over on this post, but here's a list of what I read!
I find that, for me, lists without any description end up leading to decision paralysis/having to click a lot of links without knowing where you're going, so I've tried to provide a super brief summary of each fic as a taster (obvs more info is provided by the author on each fic’s actual page). If you're an author whose work is listed here and feel I've misrepresented your fic, let me know and I can change the little blurb, it's obviously not my intention to do your work dirty! <3
List is alpha sorted by character then by author.
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stay sexy and don’t get murdered - @chronically-ghosted- oneshot > Against the backdrop of a murder mystery, the reader and Dieter resolve some relational conflict and lean into their mutual feelings.
vamp!dieter drabble - chronically-ghosted - oneshot > Vampire!Dieter permits journalist!reader an interview. There’s a “Say it. Out loud.” moment.
the howler monkey - @covetyou - oneshot in series > Dieter struggles with some strong feelings and is comforted by his PA.
Laminated - @katareyoudrilling - oneshot > Dieter’s asking around the hotel for sex and his vasectomy seals the deal for the reader.
Go Play Your Video Games - @kedsandtubesocks - oneshot > Reader is a cozy video game streamer and Dieter, still a famous actor, is a fan.
One Day at a Time - @rebel-held - chaptered (ongoing) > Reader is a tutor for a young actor on the set of Dieter’s current flick.
The Kit Kat Trilogy - @schnarfer - series (complete) > Reader and Dieter hooked up 10 years ago and meet again at Christmastime.
Purple Haze - schnarfer - oneshot > 60s fashion photographer Dieter does a shoot with model!reader.
lost, found - @sp00kymulderr - oneshot > Reader comforts Dieter when he is (re)confronted with his family's homophobia.
dieter x poppy oneshot - @wildemaven - oneshot related to chaptered fic > Smutty lil’ footjob after a long day. Part of the Sweet Creature universe.
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A Girl Walks Into A Bookshop - @oonajaeadira - chaptered (complete) with an open followup series > Post Prospect. Ezra owns a bookshop and he and the reader fall in looooooooooove.
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frost on the windows, flowers in the bed - @5oh5- chaptered (ongoing) > Both reader and Frankie have travelled to Paris for a reset. They hook up at a bar on NYE.
in another life - chronically-ghosted - oneshot > Smutty, domestic slice of life oneshot.
All For You - @goodwithcheese - chaptered (complete) > Childhood friends reconnect at their 25 year high school reunion.
Hold Fast - @jeewrites - chaptered (ongoing) > Reader is a physician by day, powerlifter by night and meets Frankie through Pope’s gym.
Tommy’s Party - @luxurychristmaspudding - chaptered (complete) > Angsty (ANGSTY) roommates to lovers.
Lions Ain't the Kind - @qveerthe0ry - chaptered (ongoing) > Developing early relationship ft. subby!Frankie.
Dial Drunk - schnarfer - oneshot > Childhood friends who shared one intimate night reconnect and begin to dream of a better life together.
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Cognitive Dissonance & Decoherence - @prolix-yuy - chaptered (complete) > WestWorld injected with a sentient host Jack.
losin' you - wildemaven - oneshot > The beginnings of reconciliation between exes at a rodeo.
Javi P.
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Paranoid Heart - goodwithcheese - chaptered (complete) > Two souls who are a bit too worldly wise for Laredo meet through their parents and fall for one another. [Still working my way through this one!]
Seen - katareyoudrilling - oneshot > Older reader refuses to take Javi’s flirty attitude at face value, but finds the man behind the bravado appealing.
Go Your Own Way - schnarfer - oneshot > The development and decline of a complicated romance with young fuckboy Javi.
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No outbreak/fully alternate universe AUs
Maintenance Request - @burntheedges - chaptered (ongoing) > Lit prof reader and [official title redacted] Joel meet as he works on facilities maintenance and landscaping around campus Helen - @kiwisbell - chaptered (ongoing) > John Wick AU but where the wife character lives and angst about revelations of the past ensues. nervous joel oneshot - wildemaven - oneshot > Joel is feeling anxious about satisfying the reader during their first time together.
Jackson AUs
Seams - @fuckyeahdindjarin - chaptered with additional series oneshots (ongoing) > Seamstress reader meets Joel when he needs help with his pants and the flirty beginnings of a relationship bloom. baby, i'm yours - @joelsgreys - oneshot > Joel has insecurities about being good enough for the reader. You Brought Me Poison Flowers - @ohforficsake - chaptered (ongoing) > OC Lennie runs the Jackson apothecary. we've got one thing in common, it's this tongue of mine - @youcancallmeelle - series (two parts, of which this is one) > A fun clandestine relationship.
Post-Outbreak AU
safe and sound - @janaispunk - chaptered (ongoing) > Joel & Ellie crash land at the reader’s home post Joel getting stabbed.
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this high of you & me - kedsandtubesocks - oneshot > Dealer!Lucien shotgunning with reader.
Hungry Eyes - @missredherring - oneshot > Ex!Lucien observes the changes in reader's confidence at a party where she’s with her new beau.
Marcus P.
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Only for you - burntheedges - oneshot > Established early relationship. Reader has a variety of piercings that Marcus finds exciting.
All About the Bass - katareyoudrilling - oneshot > Musicians!reader and Marcus meet at community orchestra rehearsals.
Headshots - @secretelephanttattoo - series (complete) > Photographer!reader is hired to take headshots for the FBI and meets Marcus. Series covers their relationship over several years.
Wash Day - secretelephanttattoo - oneshot > Established early relationship. Marcus washes the reader's hair.
Third Time’s the Charm - the-blind-assassin-12 - series (complete) > Marcus and reader navigating their early relationship while he travels for work and settles into life in DC.
Shane & Tim
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bloody kisses by @perotovar - chaptered (ongoing) > Shane’s gay awakening is full of angst and a bit of getting into trouble. He gets help (and eventually help? 👀) from one Det. Tim Rockford.
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diacripticcomplex · 3 months
Ayato x yui smut but a college au please 🙏
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Yui's POV:
I didn't even notice the time, it just hit 1 am...I have been studying for this Statistics final since 8 pm..I didn't even notice time was going by so quickly, I did have like 2 cups of coffee which is very unlike me but I did need energy. I suck at math, I always have, Statistics was the only somewhat easy math course available for the prerequisite courses, my major itself has nothing to do with math at all, I don't understand why they are making me take this..I sigh to myself then yawn, I should head back to my dorm. I start putting away my books, packing everything into my bag and making my way out.
I was studying at the campus library,everyone had left hours ago so it was so quiet and honestly kind of creepy. I stepped out of the building and, and began my long walk to the dorm buildings. I heard music from a distance though, it was loud and coming from the dorms it sounded like party music, who parties on a Sunday night? I was a scholarship student so I tried my best to stay away from the rich kids, they were usually the party kids. I'm surprised campus security didn't shut down this party yet. Anyway I made it back to my dorm and just my luck, this loud party is on my floor..I won't be able to sleep at night if this continues and based on what I was hearing, it seems like their party just started. "SHOTS SHOTS SHOTS! WOOOHOOO!" I heard people yell in sync, it was very annoying. I'm not one to EVER go up to someone's door and tell them to keep it down but tonight might have to be the night...
I was shaky, nervously walking over to this roaring room. I somehow managed to muster up the courage to knock on the door, but that did nothing, I doubt anyone heard that light knock, so I did it again harder this time. The door opens. "Hey guys, it's okay~ it's not campus security, it's just some cute girl." A tall slender guy stated, he had a fedora on and smelled of liquor. Before I could even usher out a word he grabbed me and pulled me inside. There were red solo cups and empty bottles all over the floors and tables, there were a few people passed out, some were dancing about. "Hey, who's the host of this party?" I asked out to the guy with the fedora, he chuckled slightly and pointed at himself and a guy all the way in the back, he had spiky red hair and dangerous green eyes, his look was hard to forget. "I told you to stop inviting girls with a lackluster chests man." he said to the fedora guy, which made me look down at my breasts and I could imagine just how bright red my face had turned. "Don't look at my chest pervert, anyway I came here to ask if you guys can turn it down, I have an exam and I can't sleep if it's this loud." I tell them both, they look at me then each other and begin to laugh. "Not this foolish bitch thinking she can tell us how to live our lives~!" the fedora guy laughed out. "If we turn down the music, what will I get in return?" the other guy asked, his eyes gleamed at me. His gaze was very intense and it made me uncomfortable. "my gratitude" I stated firmly, this caused them both to laugh. "the fuck am I supposed to do with that?? How about you take your gratitude and go fuck yourself with it, or even better, let megive you that honor." His words were very rude and disgusting honestly, he was probably drunk but still doesn't give him the right to talk to someone that way. "No thanks, you're not even my type." I told him. "You heard that, Ayato? I think I am her type, I'll give you a great time little bitch." The fedora guy commented, I just wanted to get out of there and sleep already. "You two aren't making any sense at all, I'm leaving." I tell them and attempt to leave but to no avail.
The guy named Ayato grabbed me by the wrist and squeezed it, it hurt. He handed me a red solo cup with some drink in it, "We were just joking around, right Laito? Come on, have a drink before you go." He seemed sincere in his speech, I guess one drink might even ease my nerves a bit. I told myself I wouldn't party in college but in this circumstance I think I have no choice regardless. I drank from the cup, it tasted good, nice and sweet. "Woah look at her jugging that, that's kinda hot" Ayato commented. "Want more?" he asked. I don't know why but I agreed, I drank and drank so much everything started to get blurry, I don't even remember what happened next.
Ayato's POV:
This ballsy girl walked into our party room, and ended up bringing some new entertainment to this party, she got so drunk she didn't even pass out, she started stripping her clothes off and dirty dancing with me, she smelled like a virgin it would be cool to take her virginity while she's all wild like this, I was turned on by this tit-less girl, I started to feel up on her while we were dancing, less dancing and more groping at this point, her nipples being twisted in my fingers, while I took my other hand and slid them into her shorts, she was soaking. She moaned lightly, and looked at me with such needy eyes. She cupped my cheek and went in for a peck, this made me laugh, I pulled her into a deep tongue kiss, I could tell she's never kissed anyone before, she was totally new to all this, I'm her first everything it seems.
I take her into my room, and throw her onto my bed. She was already half naked due to the strip dance from earlier, I took off the remainder of her clothing, they were getting in the way. She was spread out right for the taking. Her legs were very nice, they would look even better wrapped around my waist. I crawled on top of her, pinning her wrists down, I kissed on her neck, down to her pathetic chest, licking and slurping on her breasts, leaving my marks all over her skin. I took my fingers and slid them right into her. fingering her, pushing my fingers deep into her, she moaned out to this. "What's your name?" I asked her, she had flushed cheeks. "Yui.." she whispered to me. "Yui..open and hold your legs for me, I'm about to take you." I command her, her drunk self is very compliant. She does as I ask, and I insert myself within her, thrusting hard and fast.
Before I release myself in her, I pull out would be a bad move to impregnate her, I release myself on her breasts instead, I think all the sex drained her because she fell asleep on my bed. Well this is awkward now. I slap her face to wake her up. "Alright you can leave now." I tell her, pulling her out of my bed and throwing her clothes to her. She looks at me with sadness in her eyes, I don't know why she's giving me that look. She's shakingly walking out of my room, putting on her clothes in the process. She leaves, and the partying continues you, its laughable if she really thought the party would be over cause she opened her legs for me.
The next morning there was a campus alert that someone hung themselves in their room. It was on my dorm floor, I went out to look just like everyone else and I could feel my stomach dropping, that girl from last night..Yui she's the victim..I threw up to this sight, everyone looked at me strangely. I ran back into my room. "Ayato, wasn't that little dead bitch with you last night?" Laito asked me, I turned to him and nodded, I felt like throwing up again. "Oh who cares, she's dead now, come on let's throw her a funeral party~! May she rest in peace the silly dead little bitch~" he chanted, and again the partying continued like nothing happened..I still remember those saddened eyes she had, I really must have been that good she had to kill herself after, she's dumb I would've given her more.
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madammidnightsblog · 1 year
Diabolik Lovers Sub Partner HC
Sexual Content. Yeah. Oh and sex positions mentioned.
Raspy moans
Favorite position is The Lotus
Ayato is a damn brat no matter what you do, no punishment fazes him long enough to keep that pretty mouth shut
Always reminding you that he chooses to submit and he could easily dominate you whenever but folds quick as hell when you grab the back of his head by his hair
Choke him. Just do it.
Praise him, he will love you forever
Loves feeling your lips on his inner thighs
He claims to hate overstimulation but he is always begging for it
Cut him, bite him, do anything to make him feel pain. He gets drunk off knowing his life is in your hands
Always boasting about how he is the one to put you in your place but he is always the one of his knees, eating your pretty cunt out as a way to greet you in the morning
Has a big master/mistress kink
Deep and husky moans
Loves biting and sucking on your inner thighs since he is almost always laying between them, loving how warm they are and likes feeling caged between them
Favorite position is cowgirl, preferably when he is laying down
Calls you ma'am no matter where you guys are
Likes to sit behind you and gropes your breasts just because. A plus if your nipples are pierced or big
Loves when you ride him in the empty school hallway as a reward for coming to at least one class
Record you dirty talking and you two having sex to listen to everyday
Once got caught by Reji getting a handjob in the lounge and his cries of Mommy and reji refuses to expose that no matter what due to just forget it
Calls you Mommy when deep in subsapce
Wants you to peg him all the time
Pillow princess out of laziness
Will cum his pants if you call him Prince
Once called you Mommy in front of his brothers ans refused to look them in the eyes in the eyes for a week
Surprisingly, not a complete brat. He prefers obey since you make him so good just by praising his good behavior
Laito is a begger, begging to be taken anyway, anyhow, and anywhere
Has a lewd, loud, and slutty moans
Definitely calls you Mommy
His favorite position is doggy
Thigh riding is a must
Will eat you out under any table, no matter if his brothers and Yui is in the room
Has many dildos and love to use them
Hates how easy it is to get him needy and desperate
Refuses to admit he is a sub and puts up a fight but in the end submits to you
A major brat, a mouthy one at that
Has threatened to kill you but forgot about it after you gave him a blowjob
A loud moaner once you get him lost in pleasure and his moans are elegant and beautiful
Nipples are his weak points
Bosses you around which you let slide most of the time until you get tired of mouth
Won't admit it, but he loves the Splitting Bamboo position
Almost got caught by you once, he was humping his chair's arm rest at the thought of you smacking him and degrading him
Into roleplaying
Has a finger sucking kink and ??creaming his pants kink??
Vampire reader
Poor girl mindlessly humps your thigh everyday due to the years of ignoring her desire all thanks to the church
Thanks to raised to be a nun only to be put in a vampire's liar, she is so innocent and thinks you fingering and eating out of her is what friends do and you refused to correct her
Calls you Senpai
Loves any position that allows her to hold your hands
Cries everytime she has an orgasm because sweet girl can't handle such a overwhelming feeling
Has cute and whiny moans
Due to you being a vampire, she grew to having a blood amd biting kink
Loves to eat you out when you're stressed
Had back stage sex and got caught by a hair dresser
Wears any pretty dress and/or skirt just for you to push the material and tease him
Calls you Mistress
Favorite position is Queening in Bondage
Liked to wear vibrators and plugs in piblic
Like a bitch in heat, he needs to fuck 24/7
Has a choking kink
His dirty fantasy is to have a candle dripped onto him while you drag a knife across his skin
Wants to have car sex
Once Kou was being punished by using vibrating panties an during interview
Pet play is one of you two's favorite
Is very shy and embarrassed doing anything sexual no matter how long you two have been together
You two have sex in his coffin a lot
He wants to try handcuffs and bondage but is worried his vampire strength would ruin the mood
Likes any position that you can fuck him from the back
Once used a gag on him and now he wants to use it all the time
Calls you Mommy or Baby
Hushed and pretty moans
Knife kink
Blushes when you swallow his cum
Pretends to hate it being called Puppy
Loved outdoor sex, especially in the rose garden
Refuses to have sex in the library after accidently ruining a book with cum
Grew to love being submissive after a year of doing it
Calls you Eve, nothing else
Mute moans
Likes angry sex and shower sex
Missionary position is his favorite, loves seeing you under or above him
Very vanilla but never boring
Does like roleplaying as teacher and student
Hates having sex in open and public settings
Has a spit and marking kink
Always covered in hickeys
Will bite you in obvious spots in a territorial way
Food play all the way
Blood kink
Sweet and feminine moans
Loves Widely Open, Fitness Friends, and X Marks the Spot sex positions
Once he humped your pillow when you were sleeping on the bed next to him only for you to wake up and force him to keep going until he couldn't cum anymore
For your safety, you two only fuck on his terms or he gets violent due to him not being in the mood
Mirror sex with Teddy watching
Had sex in the Wax Doll room once but can't force yourself since the 'dolls' creeped you out
Temperature play is his favorite
Food play too
Deep growl-like moans
Sex is only for bedroom and garden
Outdoor sex is a must
69, Spooning, Froggy-style, Against the Wall, and Cowgirl positions
Calls you by your name or Baby only
Voyeur kink
Really wants to do shower sex but afraid you'll fall
Likes the scratches he leaves on your back from the hard pounding you done
Likes it when your bite up his neck but gets sad the marks don't last long thanks to quick healing
You gave him a handjob under the dinner table once to test the limits which almost gave you two away
Knife, blood, and smacking kink
Very rough and wild sex, he loves it when you bully him because it makes him feel loved
Sex anywhere, the poor baby needs to feel yoo on him
Calls you Mommy in bed and Eve outside of the bedroom
Soft and adorable moans
Cries a lot
Any position is fine, just make sure in the end he can see you and cling to you because he gets overwhelmed easily
Degrade and praise kink
A sweet angel and needs constant reassurance
The best at eating you out
Loves sucking on your nipples
Really into kissing, the sloppier, the better
Hates blindfolds, he has to see his Mommy at all times
240 notes · View notes
dia-souls · 7 months
💮 Arts & Edits Masterlist 💮
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🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
💮 Artworks ( Admin Afra )
💮 Dia-souls Edits:
💮 Happy Kiss Day
💮 Drunk Yui Komori
💮 Happy birthday Ruki
💮 Shu Sakamaki CGs gif (1)
💮 Shu x Yui Manga scenes
💮 Reiji x Yui Manga scenes
💮 Ayato x Yui Manga scenes
💮 Kanato x Yui Manga scenes
🌹 _____________________________________ 🌹
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thetriumphantpanda · 11 months
TheTriumphantPanda's 1,000 Followers Celebration 🥳
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I can't actually believe that I'm writing this post AT ALL. There are now 1,000 of you all here for little old me and my writing.
I just wanted to take a moment to say a HUGE thank you to every single one of you. Back when I started writing again earlier this year it was because I felt incredibly lost in myself and I wanted to build a community of incredible people and have a space for myself to be creative whilst dying over completing my Masters degree. Never in a million years did I think 100 of you would stick around, let alone 1,000 of you, so I am completely overwhelmed by all the love I'm feeling from you all.
SO. To the celebrations. To thank you all for being here I'm going to celebrate with a smut sensation. I've been inspired by @prolix-yuy and her incredible bangathon, so here's how it works:
Choose your a Pedro boy from this list: Joel Miller, Javier Peña, Frankie Morales, Dieter Bravo, Marcus Pike, Javi Gutierrez, Dave York, Agent Whiskey or Oberyn Martell
Pick a sex position/situation or kink (Or both!) from the list below and send your request into my ask box.
I'll write a smutty drabble/one-shot for your request!
I'll be accepting requests through July 15th so get them in! Lists under the cut!
And, a massive thank you to @morning-star-joy for the fantastic as always banner! ILYSM.
Sex Positions & Situations
Doggy Style
Reverse Cowgirl
The Lotus
On a chair
Mutual Masterbation
Rocking Horse
Face Sitting
Shower Sex
Public Sex
Mirror Sex
Orgasm Denial
Dry Humping
Anal Sex
Clothed Sex
Break-Up Sex
Make-Up Sex
Thigh Riding
Waking up with Oral (Specify whether you want your Pedro boy to be doing the waking, or being woken!)
Drunk Sex
Kink List
Breeding Kink
Daddy Kink
Age Gap (legal!)
Dom/Sub dynamic (Specify which you want your Pedro boy to be!)
Use of Restraints
Use of Blindfolds
Use of Whips
Use of Gags
Use of Nipple Clamps
Temperature Play
Breath Play
Food Play
Cum Play
Praise Kink
Uniform Kink
Voice Kink/Dirty Talk
Free Use
Roleplay (Specify which kind you'd like to see)
Use of Sex Toys
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(more to come feel free to make any requests or commissions!)
Unicorn hat ruki
Drunk kou (sober Subaru)
Yuma and bunnies
Yuma and yuriko
Yuma - HIMBO
Ayato x yui
Sober Subaru (drunk kou)
Daddy Dom
Carla -HIMBO
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