acidaddicted · 10 months
i think my boss might not like me coming to work fucked up actually
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hunter-sylvester · 3 months
Why I identify particularly with post-side-shave Hunter.
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Simply put: it's the destroyed version of him. The version that's been attacked and hurt. The version that's dealt with the consequences of his actions and still reeling from them. It's the Hunter that is actively hurting, lashing out, and bleeding. And hiding it despite it being so obvious.
I know it seems silly to hang all of that on a haircut. And it's not like he wasn't already traumatized as hell before Skip attacked him.
But we're talking about plot-points in a story. It's symbolic.
It's when the hurt is at a boiling point and bursting from the seams. Despite his best efforts, he can't keep holding it all in. He lashes out more egregiously (yelling at Emily in front of everyone), he acts more irrationally (crashing Clay's sister's wedding).
He's an ill adjusted teenage boy at the start of the film and, possibly counter-intuitively, I don't think he gets healthier by the end. To me, it all feels far too forced. He's been faced with the reality that Kevin's patience for him does have a limit. So he has to reel it all in. He stepped too far out of line and his father abandoned him just like his mother. While Kevin was still there for him, saved him, he also made it very clear that Hunter was on thin fucking ice.
The one person he has left made it clear that he went too far.
But...no-one's actually helping Hunter. Nix is useless (sorry, bro). Alan is worthless (not sorry). Nobody is really helping Hunter manage his emotions. Nobody is helping Hunter deal with himself before he makes himself more palatable to everyone else. Ok, he can't act out, but then what? He's still unstable, quietly bleeding, and traumatized.
Someone this repressed:
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Does not simply "get over it"
That anger is going to start turning inward. That aggression is going to start turning inward. You're not allowed to take it out on anyone else, because they will abandon you, but it has to go somewhere.
We see him reel in his outward aggression toward the end of the film but I'm not in any way convinced it's gone. Like he does with everything he can't deal with, he just bottles it up. But that shit will start to overflow. You can't bottle things up forever. It has to go somewhere.
Anyway Hunter Sylvester SH agenda /j
So...that's why I identify more with that version of him. The version that's been through the shredder, ruined by other people's hands, and is trying to quietly bleed his way through life out the other end.
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hel7l7 · 9 months
teenage girl problems when i'm 24 :)
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halfelven · 7 months
my f*ther hasn’t even been dead a year and my relationship with my mother has improved so much
still having a rough time with things though bc it takes a lot to heal. like had a dream she moved here and then she was playing with these kids and i had to excuse myself to go cry in the downstairs hallway bc i can’t cry in front of people even in my dreams bc it was hard to see her being so kind to them when our own relationship when i was a kid was so rough
like people do change and she has changed a lot for the better now that Cult stuff isn’t being drilled in her forever but i still did hate her once. and she’s always tried too hard to see the good in people, overlooking horrible things in them. but she was also so young when she got tangled in it all
sometimes i don’t understand people. who have no compassion for adult members or survivors of cults. “i feel bad for the kids but the adults are disgusting and should have known better” HOW!???? what makes you think they were thought anything better. god. does your compassion end the moment someone turns 18, even if they have known nothing else?
the isolation so they don’t know better is so much of it btw.
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wickedhawtwexler · 2 months
the instagram algorithm just keeps feeding me more and more chihuahua videos. this is gonna be a major problem next time i drink
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jascurka · 1 year
Uh oh made q mistame
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dirtnote · 8 months
im not used to friends being mad at me this SUCKS!!!!!!?
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conidiophore · 6 months
Slightly tipsy and. My god. Men. Please.
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possibly-pasta · 7 months
Want to be manhandled rn ngl
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sryluvidrc · 2 years
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Has Misha been banned from twitter yet?
26/01/2023: No.
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seilon · 1 year
text them shit about ur ex then, ruin his rep right back
just talked to one of my friends on the phone for a while and dw they already know everything I have to say more or less about him it’s just. I can’t force them to cut contact with him or anything especially without sounding like exactly what he makes me out to be (manipulative, controlling, whatever) so. as much as my friend has reassured me in a lot of ways I’m still sort of stuck at an impasse when it comes to Him
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cavechoir · 2 years
rewatching taskmaster s13 GAWD i am parasocialising so hard i want to fuck that middle aged woman......
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captain-habit · 2 years
Fun fact.
If you're SLEEP DEPRIVED enough, your vision might be a lil fucked up enough for certain contrasting pigments to give off a traditional 3D effect with only your eyeballs.
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cannibalmouse · 4 months
4.5 oz of very good vodka later and i realize i let the cat out but haven’t checked to let him back in
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nagdabbit · 6 months
What's your #1 pasta sauce?
specific pasta dish: pumpkin and chorizo bolognese
just every day can get it whenever: im one of Those People who just likes oil on my pasta. specifically walnut oil, but that shit costs money and you can get olive oil anywhere and even bad oil is still good
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