#( i take like 3 drinks to get drunkish so... )
hel7l7 · 9 months
teenage girl problems when i'm 24 :)
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sparkly-angell · 5 years
Carols from the Past
Bucky Barnes flash Bingo Holiday Card 3 - Jingle Bells
“All I want for Christmaaaaas…” Tony jumped down from his living room couch, wobbling on his legs but successfully holding himself together, even in his drunkish state. He took a deep breath, pointing his index finger at Bucky while his other hand held the remote control close to his mouth, in a foolish impersonation of a mic, “It’s yooooooooooooooooou!!!!!!!!!!”
His voice cracked right at the end, and Bucky bursted into a joyful laugh, Tony following right after. He couldn’t hold himself anymore, he’d been biting his lips the entire time Tony performed this karaoke version of this Christmas song, but the poor state his boyfriend was in barely helped him stay composed.
Tony hadn’t been able to hold himself, no, Bucky snorted fondly, lost in thought as he danced in front of the television. He had been so eager to show Bucky everything about Christmas traditions and its entanglement with the pop culture of the 21th century, they started celebrating on the 24th.
“Relax,” Tony had said when he asked if they weren’t starting things too early, “there are a lot of countries that celebrate Christmas on the 24th. Just sit back and enjoy. I want you to have fun.” his eyes had shone, very much alive.
It was technically the first time Bucky would be celebrating Christmas after finding himself in this new century, and even if it was overwhelming, because even his best friend seemed to know how things worked nowadays, Tony helped him navigate through it all with ease.
“I want the Christmas Eve to be just the two of us.” Bucky had said, hoping that if he had a preview of what would be happening in the next day with all the Avengers included, he would be able to enjoy it more.
Tony had agreed without a second thought, and promptly arranged everything they would need for that day. That’s how they ended up where they were now, in the genious’ penthouse drinking an unholy amount of eggnog and singing these traditional christmas songs.
Even though Bucky couldn’t get drunk, his blood still coursed through him lazily, giving him the perfect headspace he needed to enjoy the holiday. Maybe he was drunk with love, he pondered, looking as Tony babbled on about the next song he would sing.
He was at peace as sat back on the couch, drinking his eggnog and watching with mirth as Tony hips moved recklessly in what Bucky was sure he thought was sexy, but ended bordering adorable, to the rhythm of bells from the new song he chose to eviscerate.
Tony cleared his throat, gave him a clumsy wink, and started singing.
“Dashing through the snoooow…” Bucky rolled his eyes at the smaller man’s performance. His lover was many things, but a good singer was not one of them. “In a one-horse open sleeeeigh,” Bucky frowned, nostalgia hitting him in the guts.
He knew that song. 
Flashes of his younger self singing it with Steve rose in his mind. For a moment, he was back in Brooklyn, with his Ma and Stevie, eating turkey and huddling together near the fireplace, singing happily to the tunes from a nicer time.
Tony’s voice brought him to the present, although with a small twinge from his heart at the new (old) memory. He smiled as his lover stumbled closer, stretching a hand for him, and Bucky went with it.
He rose from the couch and rested his hands on Tony’s hips as the man lead them to the center of the living room, where they had previously moved away the coffee table so they could dance. He enjoyed the feeling all on his own, listening Tony sing his childhood song for a while, before the urge to join in overtook his abilities to stay put.
He joined Tony on the chorus.
“Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! Oh what fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!” he got so involved with the music, he hadn't realized Tony had completely frozen between his arms, and looked at him open mouthed, until he opened his eyes and looked at Tony.
“What, sweetheart?” he asked, the smile on his face never phazing.
“You know this song.” Tony’s question sounded more like a statement than it probably should.
Bucky snorted and kissed Tony right next to his lips.
“Of course, you dummy. Some songs are older than me.”
Tony mock gasped. “That can’t be true, you are ancient.” Bucky giggled.
“That makes this song what? Prehistoric?”
Tony nodded eagerly, but a tiny smile creeping on his face broke his acting, “Most likely.”
A beat of silence, both looking into each other’s eyes before breaking into a set of loud laughs. Tony was breathless by the end of it.
“No, but seriously.” Bucky cleaned the tears from his eyes after he got himself under control, hands going back around his tiny boyfriend hips. “Isn’t this a Thanksgiving song?”
Tony tilted his head to the side, frowning. He swirled Bucky’s long locks with his finger as he answered. “No?”
“Are you sure? Cause I’m almost a hundred percent sure we sang it on Thanksgiving.”
“Jarvis?” he asked, not taking his eyes from Bucky’s. The music had ended a few seconds ago, yet they still swayed slightly, both oblivious they were doing it.
“Sergeant Barnes is correct. The song was initially written for Thanksgiving festivities in the late nineteenth century, although became a known Christmas song in the beginning of the twentieth century, the exact date is a mystery, I’m afraid.”
“Thanks Jarvs.” Tony said, blinking at the new discovery. “Well… we live and learn, don’t we?”
“Yup.” Bucky said, popping the ‘p’ stronger than necessary. He gave in the urge to lean down and kiss Tony properly, heart beating faster as Tony let out an approvingly hum and brought their bodies closer.
The kiss heated up quickly. They broke apart, both panting for air as they flushed their chests together. Tony smirked mischievously.
“I still haven’t shown you the best part of Christmas yet, sugar.”
Bucky raised a single eyebrow.
“Oh? Show me, then.”
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latinasmoak · 7 years
Nocking Point Wine Tasting Party
Aka the event where I just had the most INCREDIBLE, amazing, fan-fucking-tastic night with Stephen Amell and my girls Jesi ( @jesileighs ) and Kristy ( @cbcbiology ) 
After many requests on twitter to write this out on tumblr here I am. This is long so take a seat! pictures are included and before you ask me “HOW THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?” let me tell you “I HAVE NO CLUE I’M SHOCKED AND IN AWE ABOUT THIS TOO!” ok? On with the story
We arrived at the Nocking Point Warehouse in Walla Walla around 6pm, after waiting to pay our $10 tasting fee and showing our ID’s to prove that yes we are all over the age of 21 we got inside the super crowded, super hot warehouse where all the action was happening. It was overwhelming, where do we go? what do we do? We all three kinda looked at each other and decided to go get ourselves some wine before we do anything else! While we were getting our drinks on, the amazing ladies who were servings us the goods totally let us know where Stephen was, he was so beautiful lol, there was a line to meet with him and chat and to MY SURPRISE it was relatively short, after getting our drinks we zoomed to get in line. It was while we were in this line that he showed us in his Instagram Video (i’m the girl in red behind the girl with the striped shirt)
While I was in line Jesi was making fun of me cause I was taking nonstop pictures of Stephen like these ones
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So we were laughing and having a good time, drinking our REALLY YUMMY WINES (I had the bubbly myself, fucking delicious) waiting in line to meet this amazing man....
SO I DON’T KNOW IF YA’LL KNOW THIS! Cause I didn’t write about it but during the HVFF Portland, I was the girl that was taking all the pictures of Mini Felicity, you know the one he reposted on all his social media accounts? 
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Yes this was me! And Jesi is Mini Felicity’s mom, ANYWAY’S BEFORE IT WAS EVEN OUR TURN STEPHEN SURPRISED US, Cause Jesi had her phone out, ready to facetime with Norah (mini felicity) cause she was upset that she wasn’t at the party to meet Stephen (or in her mind Oliver) again. Stephen saw that Jesi was facetiming someone and he just appeared behind her! wanting to know what was going on, when Jesi let him know he was facetiming with Mini Felicity HE LIT UP, IT WAS SO PRECIOUS! LOOK AT THE PICS I AIN’T LYING
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I was shaking and taking pictures like crazy while all of this was happening, REMEMBER IT WASN’T OUR TURN YET! THERE WERE PEOPLE AHEAD OF US STILL WAITING!!! But the facetiming didn’t take a lot of time. When it was over he went back to the group before us, asked for a bathroom break and he left his wine glass and his water bottle with the girls in front as PROOF that he would come back! He comes back, they spend a lot of time chatting, Jesi, Kristy and I are all entertaining ourselves while we wait, I’m honestly just looking at him and how beautiful he is lol. 
 When it was finally our turn to chat with him we were SO EXCITED! We made sure to let him know that we were apart of the Mini Felicity crew, and he made a quip about us being the cool kids lol. We then asked if Emily Bett knew about Norah? Cause she never reacted on social media to let us know so we were dying of curiosity and after we asked him he was like “Yes of course she knows who Mini Felicity is!” but then its like a lightbulb turned on in this head and he took out his phone, SURPRISED US cause he had the picture of him hugging Norah SAVED IN HIS CAMERA ROLL and he just texted Emily the picture!!
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WE WERE DYING!! LIKE OH MY GOD IS THIS REALLY HAPPENING????? It was and Emily replied SUPER QUICK, like instantaneous and he flipped his phone over and showed us her reply “Who dat? She's cute." to which his response was "Her name is Norah."
After that Cassandra walked up to us, and Stephen, Cass and Jesi were able to chat and compare stories about having cute little sassy girls who steal everyone’s hearts. (fyi Norah want’s to be Mavi’s playdate SO BAD) Since I got the feeling our time would be up I asked for a selfie with Stephen and he was like “Of course” my hand was shaking like crazy, I took my pic and i was like “I’m so sorry I can’t stop shaking” and he was like “Hey! It’s okay, I think we nailed it!” For the record I think so too!
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I then took a pic of Stephen with Jesi and Kristy asked to take a pic with Stephen AND Cassandra, all the pics were CUTE AF, so anyways we got out of the line, thanked them profusely for all their time and giggled like crazy that THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED!! WE IMMEDIATELY went onto Twitter and shared all the info, pics and excitement, my mentions became a mess, and we are all so dang GIDDY! After that we spent hours just having fun, roaming around, drinking lots of wine, Jesi had a fish taco with mango salsa that she would not stop raving about, Kristy kept her company and I went inside so i could keep on drinking the bubbly (its my favorite okay??)  
I’m drunkish, TIPSY okay. My face is flushed, I’m really just so HAPPY and having the time of my life, I had already made like 10 new friends just chatting about how awesome Arrow is and watching some intense LARGE JENGA games going down. Jesi, Kristy and I decide to refill our wine glasses and go to the corner that has the TV screen on with Arrow playing. Season 3 was on and it was all good until a FELICITY AND RAY *IMPLIED* SEX SCENE WAS HAPPENING. I WAS OFFENDED and I walked away lol, got myself some more wine. When I came back Netflix was asking us if we were still watching, we all cackled and the moment Jesi realized it was on netflix she was like “Alejandra change it to 5x20″ and i was like YESSSS. So I did.
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and we were super proud of it too. 
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At this point i’m at the stage where I’m on the floor, giggling and enjoying the life. taking selfies of myself drinking wine on snapchat, talking to everyone on twitter
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here are some screenshots of the DETAILS of what was happening during this moment. I AM SHOOKETH
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Here are some links of the twitter posts that you should totally check out if you have a twitter!!!
also this live video of me being SHOOKETH and crying about what just happened is still on twitter (its just not live anymore lol)
Listen there’s more, feel free to explore the crazyness of my Twitter but I have to go and get ready to drive back home to Boise.  I’ll finish it with this.
I feel so honored and blessed that this happened. I DON’T KNOW HOW IT DID BUT IT DID AND I’M AN EMOTIONAL WRECK BECAUSE OF IT.  I’m rooting for this man forever and ever. I wish him all the happiness and success possible! I’ll be a fan for life. 
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binnie-remade · 7 years
92 statements tag!!
Rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people
tagged by: raquel! @iloveyoojung ❤️
ok here we go!
The Last:
1. Drink - lukewarm water from a bottle i accidentally left under blazing sunlight 
2. Phone call - my mamã
3. Text message - [in portuguese] “THEY PUT LEMON ON MY SUSHI”
4. Song you listened to - dracula by f(x) (i mean, technically it’s playing as i type this) 
5. Time you cried - uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh it was either two days or two weeks ago............i can't tell...............
Have You Ever:
6. Dated someone twice - yep
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - yep
8. Been cheated on - nein
9. Lost someone special - uuuuh yes?
10. Been depressed - i am currently
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - YEP i cleaned the mess up afterwards tho and i remember feeling really proud of myself for wiping a toilet seat with wobbly knees and blurry vision vjuhkbbkjfdbnxd
List 3 Favorite Colors:
12-14. mmm black, white, pink/red
In The Last Year Have You:
15. Made new friends - irl? not that i remember
16. Fallen out of love - ......................not yet
17. Laughed until you cried - probably but i can’t remember a specific moment 
18. Found out someone was talking about you - oui
19. Met someone who changed you - OUI
20. Found out who your friends are - ,,,,yeah
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list - haven’t kissed anyone since haikyuu season 1
22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: everyone really! i almost automatically unfriend everyone i don’t talk to/like anymore  
23. Do you have any pets: the prettiest cat!!
24. Do you want to change your name: nah i like joão too much
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i turned 18 so my best friend and two other schoolmates took me out to eat hot dogs and look at ducks and peacocks!! i love them!!!!!!!! tho later that day i had a huge fight with my dad and had to brush off the ever so familiar death wish~wonderful .......actually thinking back on it i don’t think it was on the same day,,,,,,was around that time tho
26. What time did you wake up: 8-ish am
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: oh wow i can’t remember for the life of me but i was probably talking to raquel!!
28. Name something you can’t wait for: idk man some sense of peace? i know that’s a generic wish but i’m sick of fear and uneasiness and uncertainty i want to live
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: this afternoon! she left for a vacation but i’ll probably see her again on friday night
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: THE WHOLE THING 
31. What are you listening to right now: kick by f(x) dfdhusgkd
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: ghfdg no
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: if it take off my jacket i get cold (which makes me sleepy) but if i put it on it gets too hot dfjdshgdksgdfjg
34. Most visited website: tumblr + youtube
38. Hair color: naturally it’s like a dark brown but now it’s reddish
39. Long or short hair: medium-ish? right now it’s a little below my collarbones, though it’s layered in a strange way because of my outgrown undercut
40. Do you have a crush on someone: perhaps? 
41. What do you like about yourself: my chin dimple! it’s cute!
42. Piercings: i used to have pierced ears but after several allergic reactions and an unpleasant encounter with an earring stuck INSIDE my ear lobe and thus having to be pulled out through the back over a kitchen sink, i think i’m okay. i kinda want a septum tho???!!
43. Blood type: i have no idea like i asked my mom and dad but neither of them know fdgkfdbjds tho probably an O???
44. Nickname: ervilha (pea in portuguese), fifi, mary mary, mary john cena (i made the mistake of telling my best friend what the kids from elementary school called me and now she won’t let it die), my last name, etc.
45. Relationship status: Sistar_-_Lonely.mp3
46. Zodiac: capricorn
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite tv show: i don’t really watch tv apart from cooking shows,, does anime count? if so then either zankyou no terror or oofuri
49. Tattoos: nonce at the moment!
50. Right or left handed: used to be left handed but was forced to switch to my right for some reason
51. Surgery: none yet
52. Piercings: nah
53. Sport: mariahcareyidontknowher.gif
55. Vacation: im fine being a hermit
56. Pairs on trainers: ein?
More General:
57. Eating - the greatest
58. Drinking - bestest
59. I’m about to - pee cause i’ve been sitting hear too long
61. Waiting for - the sweet release of Death™ (imma keep this answer because Same™) (shit me too)
62. Want - to pee. a hug would be nice too.
63. Get married - meh
64. Career - uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh
65. Hugs or kisses - why not both?
66. Lips or eyes - eyes
67. Shorter or taller - i don’t really care tbh but around same height?
68. Older or younger - (wait as in for like.dating?) doesn’t really matter to me personally tho an age gap wider than a year or so is where i draw the line
70. Nice arms or nice stomach - uuuuuuuhhhhhhhh neither?
71. Sensitive or loud - they’re both great!
72. Troublemaker or hesitant - i.. don’t know? 
Have you ever:
74. Kissed a stranger: nah.. i mean, i kissed a free hugs guy on the cheek once while i was drunkish...
75. Drank hard liquor: does cachaça count?
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope but i’ve broken my glasses because i fell asleep on them
77. Turned someone down: not that i remember
78. Sex on the first date: who is sex i don’t know him
79. Broken someone’s heart: yah
80. Had your heart broken: yAH
81. Been arrested: JESUs no
82. Cried when someone died: i don’t think so
83. Fallen for a friend: i mean i really only end up crushing on friends so!
Do You Believe In:
84. Yourself: uuuuuuuuuuh sometimes?
85. Miracles: nah
86. Love at first sight: nein
87. Santa claus: DJFKDdfgjbdfh yah
88. Kiss on the first date: i mean why not go for it!
89. Angels: yEAh
90. Current best friend’s name: joana~~~
91. Eye color: brown
92. Favorite movie: i dont really watch movies so i can’t really pick one vdjhshjgdf
OKAY SO!! i have to tag 20 people but i don’t know that many hfdjgsdf anyway tho in return i’m tagging @intothenewworldbysnsd @ultsunny @moonzitao @anarcha-lesbian and @lunahobi ! ! ! 💗💞💓💕💝
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scorrigan · 7 years
just another numbered post
the last: 1. drink: COFFEE 2. phone call: my sister 3. text message: “oh no thats like 10 years or more" 4. song you listened to: Last Tango in Dub by The Toasters 5. time you cried: Watching The Big Sick starring Kumail Nanjiani
have you ever: 6. dated someone twice: Nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yeah 8. been cheated on: I’ve had girls break up with guys go out with me and go back to the guy?  I guess I’m the cheater, years ago? 9. lost someone special: Yes 10. been depressed: Yup 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Drunkish, yes, dead drunk no, thrown up no.
3 favorite colors: 12. Duck Blue 13. Forest Green 14. Cream
in the last year have you: 15. made new friends: I dont think so... 16. fallen out of love: yeah 17. laughed until you cried: yup 18. found out someone was talking about you: recently! 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20. found out who your friends are: nope 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope
general: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: Kids, I have a confession.  I never signed up for facebook.  23. do you have any pets: not currently. 24. do you want to change your name: Yes, I want to add a letter. 25. what did you do for your last birthday: My sister actually won free tickets to a broadway show.  That was decent.  26. what time did you wake up: 8:40 am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching a terrible tv show. 28. name something you can’t wait for: its secret. 31. what are you listening to right now: A podcast 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: several. 33. something that is getting on your nerves: polite aggression.  Nazis in our streets and government. 34. most visited website: tumblr 35. hair colour: brown 36. long or short hair: standard 39. piercings: ears none 40. Blood type: I dont know 41. nicknames: mr pencil stubs 42. relationship status: single af 43. zodiac: aries 44. pronouns: Dude/him 45. favourite tv show: I’m highly anticipating the Tick, I hope the dude finally gets it right.  I’m watching Twin Peaks. 46. tattoos: none 47. right or left handed: left 48. surgery: tooth extractions, none otherwise. 49. piercing: none. 50. sport: running from zombies 51. vacation: take time off to look for new uh, ployment. 52. pair of trainers: Running with asics? wear converse black on black and adidas.
more general: 53. eating: I might have a slice.  I had a banana. 54. drinking: coffee 55. i’m about to: buy a shirt 56. waiting for: work to be over 57. want: new ployment so I can move. 58. get married: doubt it.  59. career: Im at a loss right now. 60. hugs or kisses: both, dude 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: I am exactly median 63. older or younger: I am exactly median 64. nice arms or nice stomach: stomach 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
have you ever: 67. kissed a stranger: yeah 68. drank hard liquor: I like mixed drinks. 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: in the OCEAN!!! 70. turned someone down: yes 71. sex on the first date: sure, if its going super amazing well 72. broken someone’s heart: more like soured someones stomach 73. had your heart broken: too often. 74. been arrested: no. 75. cried when someone died: yup 76. fallen for a friend: yes. 
do you believe in:
77. yourself: sure. 78. miracles: maybe 79. love at first sight: those are bad words but... magnetic attraction? 80. santa claus: this is how children learn about society’s lies. 81. kiss on the first date: if its going well! 82. angels: hmm.
other: 83. current best friend’s name: Scott or Kelly 84. eye colour: brown 85. favourite movie: Raising Arizona... I GUESS
Tagging @i-want-to-be-wonderwoman @idrils  I dunno  tag your own self.
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