#you can assume connections
hiddenpxpercuts · 9 months
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"Oh, hey!" Luca greeted the other and gave them a soft smile. "I was just about to go in and have myself some pasta. I learned how to make several different varieties and it is just delicious. Did you want to join me?"
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desturnoska · 2 years
Desislava glanced from her office toward the window about ten feet away. Snow was coming down hard in big fat flakes that stone white against the black night. It was just after 10 p.m. and she realized she had been in the office for more than 12 hours. It was time to go home but she wasn't ready to met the drama in the real life, the drama that haunted her lately but she couldn't spent the whole night working so she took her coat and she moved quickly to the elevators. She knew she had to call Alexander but she felt like she didn't need a protection or ride or anything from him right now.
Outside Des was met by a blast of snow and wind pummeled her in the face. At least ten other people were standinf on the curb, trying without any luck to hail cabs driving by, all of them occupied. "Great, just great" she mumbled to herself buttoning her wool pea coat not wanting to admit she had to call her husband.
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zoeybelmonte · 6 months
location: driftwood coffee who: anyone @aurorabaystarter
Something about being in a room that smelled like coffee brought comfort to the brunette, it was almost like a warm embrace. Zoey held the warm mug close to her as she sighed happily now that she got her fix of caffeine, she was able to be more human instead of a drained out robot who snapped at a small inconvenience. "I believe the only drug I will forever not let go of is coffee, that is my lifeline. A good cup of joe and I'm ready to go," She said to the other that was nearby.
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
"Write for yourself" and "Comments are good" are not mutually exclusive ideas.
"Comments are good" is true! They are good! We like them! It's nice to leave them and it's nice to read them.
"Write for yourself" is how you get through the draft knowing that feedback is not (and it never is) guaranteed.
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doodlingwren · 3 months
✨️Gold Saints✨️ if they were to be ✨️Dungeons and Dragons✨️ characters
If you were wondering what I’ve been up to in the last few days, I was making this list based on my own headcanons. Mostly, I decided for what kind of class or subclass they could be. I don’t think I will add a race or a background for them because I am not up to date with the latest released manuals 😂 and these are just the official builds. If I had to look through the homebrew material I'd still be searching. Also, I used the classes of the fifth edition ^_^
Aries Mu
He’s an artificer (or if you are more familiar with the older name, he’s a tinker). There’s even an Armorer subclass, that let him have proficiency with heavy armours and so he can go in the middle of the battlefield without too many problems while still being a smith. When I say it’s perfect, I’m not even joking. Mu is possibly the easiest one to translate as a DnD character.
Taurus Aldebaran
Look, I would love to say paladin, but since he’s more on the pure physical strength rather that paladin stuffs, I’d assume for him a class like a fighter. I wouldn’t mind for him some sort of fighter + paladin multiclass where for the bigger part is a fighter. Maybe a Champion fighter + some levels of an Oath of Devotion paladin. Those subclasses are very basic, but they do the work. I cannot put his as a barbarian because well, I don’t think it would fit him (maybe the strength part, but only that).
Gemini Saga
He’s the dungeon master.
Okay, joke aside Saga is a bit more difficult. Visually, I think he’d be a paladin. Unlike others he has a good balance between physical strength and use of cosmos (both for attack and defence purposes). The subclass is a bit tricky, in the end it could be the Oath of the Watchers, since at least at the beginning, his wish was to protect Earth and then maybe he could later become an Oathbreaker? I’m partial to the Watcher since one of the spells for this class is Banishment and if it isn’t the poorer version of Another Dimension ability, I don’t know what it is.
Cancer Deathmask
He has the necromancer vibes without being a necromancer. In short, Oathbraker paladin: he can cast the ✨edgy✨ spells with ghosts and undead and it kind of makes sense that during the fight against Shiryu his cloth yeets off because of how bad he fucked up.
Leo Aiolia
Undecided between a normal fighter or a paladin. If he had an animal like Leo Kaiser in ND had those huge lions, he would be the ultimate ranger (subclass: Beast Master). But he doesn’t so… paladin. Maybe the subclass could be Oath of the Ancients, but I’m not sure.
Virgo Shaka
I’ve been thinking of where to put Shaka for almost two hours. My mind says monk, but my heart says wizard, but he must be a paladin somehow. Monk could be the perfect class for Shaka: you can easily see ki (the magical energy that empowers a monk attacks) as cosmos and the training/asceticism part would make sense for him. My only problem is that personally, I don’t see Shaka as someone that would resort to fighting bare hands against enemies (which is the core concept of the monk class). And mostly important, the monk class don’t have armour proficiency, which is the point of being a Gold Saint (neither does the wizard). As a wizard, I’d put him in the War Caster subclass, but being a wizard would make him a sort of cannon glass (wizard have the highest damage output, but at the same time the lowest number of hit points, aka life). Unless it is the Shaka from KotZ, then I could forgive a monk/wizard multiclass. As a paladin, I’m not even sure if he should be an Oath of Devotion. So, I will use the ace up my sleeve and say: Shaka is a cleric either with the Light Domain or the Order Domain, but I’m partial to the first one.
Libra Dohko
MONK. ASCENDANT DRAGON SUBCLASS. And if you feel silly enough, either a few levels of Paladin – Oath of Devotion or some levels as a Fighter - Battle Master .
Scorpio Milo
I am afraid that I have no clue of what Milo could be. My personal idea would be to make some sort of rogue, so I could imagine his scarlet needle to be a kind of sneak attack with a poisonous dagger. The subclass in this case would be either an Assassin or a Swashbuckler, to have the best implement of damage output. Maybe also a multiclass with a fighter (Champion subclass)?
Sagittarius Aiolos
He could be a paladin (Oath of the Crown?) with a feat like Crossbow Expert or a fighter with the Arcane Archer subclass. But because of his role as the Sagittarius Saint, I’m for the second option. Truth to be told, I wouldn’t mind a multiclass between those two.
Capricorn Shura
Another character that could be a paladin or a fighter BUT I say fighter AND the subclass must be Samurai, which is one of the best for striking powerful attack with a sword. No paladin class could do such things.
Aquarius Camus
Camus, like Aphrodite, has that kind of power that can be based on some sort of natural element, that would make me go “HE’S a DRUID!!!” if I didn’t know better. My main problem with druids is that they cannot wear or wield anything made of metal, therefore there would be no possibility for him to achieve a gold-saint-like kind of armour. As a paladin, Oath of the Ancients has a few spells that are ice-based, and I would implement that by giving him some levels in the sorcerer class (the subclass isn’t important for choosing those spells, but I’d like for him the Storm Sorcery subclass).
Pisces Aphrodite
Like Camus, he could be a druid, at least on paper. The ranger class has access to some druid spells, but I don’t know if it would match Aphrodite aesthetic completely. As a ranger, I’d go for a Fay Wanderer subclass and maybe a few paladin levels (Oath of the Crown subclass). He can have some levels a cleric (Nature Domain) as a treat.
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llewellyn-baxter · 5 months
Llewellyn's hand braced on a tree trunk and he stood with his head bowed for several moments, trying to shake off the strange sense of fogginess and light-headedness. And his stomach churned... It was the type of sensation that occurred with a sudden unexpected drop. A mist eased throughout the surrounding area and there was a certain smell that couldn't be placed- earthy, for sure, but also weirdly enough, something more pungent. Why did his limbs all feel so heavy and achy? Why was he so tired? The man couldn't really recall what he'd been doing moments before, or where he was even at...
And he certainly had no clue that a faerie portal had just shaved ten years off his life. Ten years taken away with family and friends.
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At some point, the tall gentleman began to walk. He wasn't sure how long or what direction, but somehow, Llew managed to wander within the town limits. "Welcome to Greywood.." he murmured to himself with a faintly bemused expression across features newly aged a decade. There was something familiar about this place, too, but that brain fog persisted. He couldn't shake that something was off and yet, there didn't seem to be anything out of place, either. It all looked normal enough. "Excuse me," Llewellyn politely reached for a passerby to stop them, "do you have any water?" He offered an apologetic and uncertain smile. "I'm sorry, I just- I could really use some water.." Boy, could he! Felt like he hadn't had anything to drink in days.
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isfjmel-phleg · 2 months
#random personal stuff#back on my soapbox feel free to ignore#okay I'm about to get controversial sorry#but after today's sermon I'm a bit baffled by a double standard#in which women are told not to let work get in the way of prioritizing family#but men are told to work MORE in order to prioritize family#which is it?#I'm not saying that there isn't ANY truth in either of those statements#but the emphasis of this construction seems to assume that children need fathers primarily as people who make money#I'm NOT saying that there's a problem with a dad who works and a mom who stays at home (that's a good option)#I'm NOT saying that there's a problem with dads who have to take on extra work to get by (that's a self-sacrificial thing)#what I'm saying is that when a career is portrayed as the ideal focus of a father & only the mother's bond with the children is encouraged#then what you are liable to get are children who have little to no meaningful relationship with their father#supporting your family is good! but children need a present father just as much as they need a present mother#I'm speaking from experience here#I love my dad and get along fine with him - he's a good person!#but he was frequently physically and emotionally absent from my life when I was a child#and I still struggle to connect with him#it's an extremely different relationship from what I have with my mom - who WAS there my entire childhood#tl;dr I wish the kinds of churches I've observed would a) stop inadvertently promoting fathers' workaholism#and b) encourage both parents to invest in their families in the best ways that they can
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valleyxrose · 1 month
who: open ( @bluestarters )
where: farmer's market
Valley had never thought she was a Farmer's Market kind of girl. Of course, she'd never imagined that she'd be living in a town like this at all. Ever since her first marriage, she'd become accustomed to the finer things in life, and the finest things are hard to come by outside of the city. But here she was, getting her expensive shoes muddy at a market that stank of fish, just as she'd done every week all summer.
She had to admit that Blue Harbor was charming. There was a reason, after all, why she hadn't left town yet.
She smiled at the vendors as she perused their goods, comparing everything in her mind to things she'd seen in her travels. Everything reminded her of something lately. Everything was a memory. ...She was getting sentimental in her old age.
Not wanting to be weighed down by memories and connections, she got the attention of the person closest to her. She pointed to two things she couldn't decide between.
"Which would you choose?" she asked.
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shadowblade8192 · 3 months
i think its been well documented that each episode since wild blue yonder has had a name check (if you dont know what that is, its whey they say the name of the show/episode title in the episode itself), and i was wondering, since its not the same character every time, could there be a connection between them? i cant think of anything but i did make a list of every character who spoke the first name checking line in each episode so if anyone else can find a connection then do add it in the tags anyways heres the list:
wild blue yonder - donna noble the giggle - the doctor the church on ruby road - the doctor space babies - the doctor the devils chord - timothy drake boom - the doctor 73 yards - ruby sunday dot and bubble - lindy pepperbean rogue - rogue the legend of ruby sunday - carla sunday empire of death - TBA
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
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give him to me NOW!!!!!!!!!!! or i'll settle for a release date pwetty pwease
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hiddenpxpercuts · 1 year
@recklcssabandon (Stiles)
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“Why am I here, Stiles?” Lestat asked the other, raising an eyebrow at him. “I was in the middle of my feeding time and you whisked me away for this emergency.”
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Violet and Purple are not the same color
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Neuralink methods are unsafe at this stage given the animal deaths and shouldn’t be greenlit for human clinical trials. Calling it eugenics because of that is a bit much though.
There are other research projects doing similar, but safer, methods to help paralyzed people though. I hope people try to get on these research lists and don’t turn to musk out of desperation
It isn’t really a reach to call a procedure with over 60% mortality rate being marketed as a miracle cure to the disabled an example of eugenics. Frankly, there is a stronger word I’m tempted to use for it.
I don’t believe Elon Musk is unaware of the dangers. I don’t think any of the high profile scientists he hired are either.
At absolute best faith I can see Musk simply not caring about the risk and just using this as a desperate attempt at making back some money since he lost so much with twitter and SpaceX.
That’s giving him the most benefit of the doubt imaginable.
However, I would not call it overly cynical to suspect that this may be intentional. Is Musk really stupid enough to just think it’ll be fine because he’s the main character? Yeah, that’s plausible. It’s not any less plausible to say there’s an ulterior motive. Not when he rubs elbows with far-right figures often. Not when he’s a billionaire rich on his parents’ bloodied slave money.
I don’t trust a white man who grew up reaping the benefits of apartheid to be a friend to the disabled. I think the goal in this project has less to do with improving quality of life for the disabled and more for making the disabled less inconvenient to their abled caretakers. It’s very much giving 21st century lobotomy.
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arolesbianism · 3 months
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New dupe real! Also new pod????? Olivia is that you girlie speak to me
#rat rambles#oxygen not included#screenshots are from the steam page#there is ofc a Lot to unpack here gameplay wise and Im guessing some things will be tweaked design wise but Im lore pilled so.#anyways Im not sure how I feel abt this dupe's design but I will still welcome them with open arms hello#but more important here to me is the pod#because erm. thats a very very different looking pod.#I dont wanna jump to any conclusions or speculate too hard because chances are its just olivia getting new drip#but like. what if its not. what if this is like a new new printing pod#I assume that if it is a new pod then olivia will like be able to connect with it somehow but idk#because it rly depends on how ambitious theyd wanna be with this dlc given that to rly make a new pod thats super not olivia theyd have to#do a lot of work to make that change prevelant in the rest of the gameplay#now chances are if it is a new pod its one that doesn't have a human consciousness inside it#even if it was there rly arent many options for who it could be and no good options from a narrative standpoint#now this pod looks quite gutted so maybe it is just a normal printing pod that got kicked back online when olivia sent some guys to kick it#now heres the most negative thing Ill say abt these screenshots. the fox critters are rly ugly imo#I like the bunny guys tho WAUTWIATSWAUT WAIT#ARE THEY THE SAME SPECIES AS THE ANCIENT SPECIMEN SKELETON?#I dont think they line uo perfectly if I remember correctly but the big one has the same tusks and is also yknow big and fat like the#specimen is described to be in tbe story trait logs#Im willing to bet so much that theyre at least related in some way#maybe the one that was initially sent back in time was used as a basis for these guys or smth#my main reason for saying this is that I have to imagine these guys have to have some other purpose than being data storage#its seems that you can shave their coats which is probably the main thing but I imagine they probably drop a good amount of meat too#also important to note that they are grazers which is good to know#also I think the upside down plant is going to be this planet's muckroot equivalent#oh and for the fox deer I assume theyll be farmed for their antlers which will probably shed wood or smth#not a clue what the new plants will do but idrc#Ill care abt the gameplay after I get my new lore <3
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mxharleyhua · 7 months
who? open starter (4/4) @merrockinspo where? silver pines jr. when? an unseasonably warm day in march
Maine rarely had nice winter in early spring, so Harley was determined to take advantage of it. In the warmer months, he spent most of his outdoor time at the beach but it was far too cold to resume those activities. Trying to think of outdoor activities he didn't usually do, he was reminded that there was a mini golf course out in the suburbs.
His eyes followed the bright red ball as it rolled well past the hole, bounced off a rock at the exact wrong angle and into the pond. "How many points do you think I lose for that?" He asked the other player.
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fadedstarsfms · 1 year
open starter @chqstarter location: Star City Denver
It wasn't a very busy day at the movie theater but Ripley was stuck with a bunch of annoying people this shift. She volunteered to sell tickets because there was absolutely no way she was going to work with anyone else. Drumming on the counter, she immediately threw her sticks in her back pocket once someone came up to the window. "Listen all the movies that we're playing absolutely suck right now. I'll either get you in for free or I have a secret mission if you're willing to accept it." She waggled her eyebrows for extra emphasis. "I'll ditch work and we can go somewhere else because what are they going to do, fire me?"
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