#ds bridget
richcrudele · 9 months
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I made a video about DsiWare games
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broken-clover · 1 year
One (Semi-obscure) Fact About Every Guilty Gear Character
I like trivia. And I like Guilty Gear. Being a series that’s been around for the better part of two decades, it’s only natural there’s some details that are less known about. So I wanted to make a silly little compilation about that, inspired by ‘One Obscure Fact About Every Total Drama Character’ by voiceunderthecovers on Youtube. 
As the title suggests, I also specifically did my best to pull out facts that may be less known even to fans of the series, so ideally there’s no ‘Sol is based on Freddie Mercury’-tier stuff here. I tried to find something interesting for everyone!
Characters are listed in order of their first playable games
Missing Link
Sol Badguy- Sol was originally meant to be voiced by actor Koichi Yamadera rather than developer Daisuke Ishiwatari, but given the developer's budget at the time, he would have been too expensive to afford
Ky Kiske- While Ky has been consistently voiced by Takeshi Kusao for the entire series' run in Japanese, he has been given a different voice actor for every dubbed game for both the English and Korean versions. This means that Ky has had seven official voice actors in total, making him among the highest of the cast alongside Testament
May- May is one of only a few characters in the series to have a tattoo, and only one of two where it is not implied or indicated to be magical in some way, alongside Potemkin's barcode
Potemkin- Several of Potemkin's moves across games reference Hinduism. Strive's 'Garuda Impact' is named after a birdlike demigod that acts as a mount for Vishnu, while Xrd SIGN's 'Trishula' is named for a divine trident-like weapon wielded by the god Shiva
Chipp Zanuff- According to prototype and side materials, Chipp is 22 years old as of Missing Link.
Faust- Possibly to go along with his nature of being a doctor with the desire to treat anyone he comes across, Faust's blood type is O, the universal donor
Axl Low- Axl claims the specific date he desired to return to was May 14, 1998. This is the same date that Missing Link was released in Japan
Millia Rage- According to her Xrd SIGN story mode, Millia's favorite flower is the Easter Lily
Zato-1- Based on his abduction dialogue in Strive, Zato believes in aliens
Kliff Undersn- Despite being removed from the Wii version of XX Accent Core, along with Justice, both their names and endings remain in the game's code. They also both contain original art that had never been used up to that point
Testament- The twin demons that Testament summons in Strive are the same singular familiar they possessed in prior games, simply named ‘Succubus,’ possibly split into two entities similarly to Ramlethal's familiar Lucifero
Justice- In Missing Link, Justice was voiced by Arc System employee Takuya Morito, who also voiced Chipp
Baiken- Baiken was initially a difficult character to include in the series, as due to being an amputee, it brought up issues with compliance standards at the time
Anji Mito- one of his aliases, Hirasawa, was actually planned to be his name during the start of X's development
Venom- During the winpose where he spins his cue, it is able to interact with any remaining balls that are still set up nearby
Johnny- Johnny is implied to have a close history with Gig, the main antagonist of the DS spinoff game Guilty Gear Dust Strikers
Jam Kuradoberi- In Blazblue, Litchi Faye-Ling's theme 'Oriental Flower' is a remix of her X theme, 'Babel Nose'
Dizzy- In the Guilty Gear XX Burst Encyclopedia, full-bodied sketch concepts exist for her wing entities, Necro and Undine. It is unknown currently if the designs were ever meant to be implemented into the game or if they were simply unused concepts
Bridget- Bridget’s usage of a yo-yo as a weapon was inspired by a world-class yo-yoer that Daisuke Ishiwatari knew during the development of XX
Slayer- In SIGN, Slayer is shown to be able to control his limbs even after being severed
Zappa- In his Accent Core character art, Zappa is drawn with six fingers on his right hand. This has never appeared before or since, and is likely just an error. However, in some circles, six fingered-hands are viewed as spiritually significant
I-no- Her main guitar weapon, 'Marlene,' closely resembles the real-life Starplayer TV model manufactured by German company Duesenberg. One of her design inspirations, Sheena Ringo, owned a similar guitar, which she referred to as 'Dietrich.' Collectively, both may be a reference to German actress Marlene Dietrich
Robo-Ky- In #Reload, Robo-Ky is unique in that he has two separate standard match themes, with a day version and a night version depending on what round is occurring
Sin Kiske- In all of his playable appearances, Sin has never been depicted wearing socks
Izuna- Despite often being assumed to be a kitsune due to his foxlike ears, it is implied through his story in the Overture Original Material Collection that Izuna is actually a tsukumogami made from a hairpin
Dr. Paradigm- Prior to Strive bringing back several actors from SIGN, Paradigm was the only character to have a consistent dub voice, retaining the same actor in SIGN that he did in Overture
Raven- The portraits used for his non-playable appearance in XX are traced from the illustrations used in the side novel Lightning the Argent
Bedman- He shares his voice actor with the character Marth from the Fire Emblem series in both his original Japanese and English dub voices, Hikaru Midorikawa and Yuri Lowenthal respectively
Ramlethal Valentine- Ramlethal is the only Xrd Valentine to not be associated with a holiday
Elphelt Valentine- Elphelt is the only playable female character depicted wearing earrings. There are more playable men in Guilty Gear that wear them than women.
Leo Whitefang- The PS3 console version of Xrd SIGN contains unused prototype art for an alternative version of Leo's character portrait
Jack-O Valentine- Similarly to Elphelt and Ramlethal, Jack-O is mechanically unusual as a character, in her case due to her servant-summoning mechanic. It is often believed that this is a reference to the tower-defense style gameplay of Overture, where the original Valentine appeared.
Kum Haehyun- Haehyun only speaks with her own voice during her outro animation. All of her other dialogue is spoken through her mech
Answer- Possibly as a way of properly proportioning the third lens of his glasses, Answer's model contains a second nose above the first. This was left in place and simply made invisible rather than be removed in the final version
Nagoriyuki- Though he was teased in the very first trailer for Guilty Gear Strive at EVO 2019, he remained unnamed for almost a year until his official trailer was released along with Leo’s in July 2020
Giovanna- Despite it being her debut game, across the entire script of Strive's story mode, Giovanna only has 22 lines of spoken dialogue, totaling 157 words overall. For reference, Sol speaks more than that during his first 10 lines
Goldlewis Dickinson- Along with Bridget, Delilah, and the Valentines, Goldlewis is one of the few characters who canonically has a sibling
Happy Chaos- In Baiken's Strive DLC trailer, an error occurs near the beginning where during a brief pan along the character's name, a trait consistent along all of the Seaon 1 DLC trailers, it erroneously reads as 'Happy Chaos' rather than 'Baiken.' It is unknown how this mistake occurred or made it to the final version, though it was fixed by the next installment, as Testament's trailer lacks this error
Delilah- Her English voice actor, Jessica DiCicco, voiced another adolescent telekinetic, Franke Athens, in the cult classic game Psychonauts
That Man- With his full name being given as Asuka R. Kreutz, he is one of only two characters to be given a middle initial, alongside Bedman
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sanctaignorantia · 5 months
Hear me out!
I'm going to draw a parallel between this DS trailer and this DS2 trailer, what do they have in common?
In one we have Cliff fleeing with Sam in his pod while BBs Theme plays in the background, now we know everything that happened and we know that he was trying to save Sam. In the other we have Fragile running away with Lou in his arms while BBs Theme plays in the background (this time sung by Higgs/Troy)… In both cases we have someone trying to save a baby while this lullaby plays in the background. OK, I GET IT.
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We know that during DS1 we were only able to access Sam's memories because of Louise, and that it's thanks to her that Sam discovers the whole truth of his past, so we now know that all those scenes with Cliff weren't "real", they were just "memories".
Now let's go back to the theory that this guy here is Higgs and that he's shooting at Fragile or Louise:
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Now let's take 2 pieces of information that the second DS2 trailer gives us:
1) here is the first time Sam meets Higgs after he returned from the Beach because Higgs is giving an "entrance show" and also because Sam asks him about Lou's death. If it wasn't their first time meeting again, then perhaps none of this would be happening;
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2) the sentences thrown into the middle of the trailer while Higgs is making his big rock diva entrance:
Fragile: He's alive? Sam: He called himself a ghost, but… Fragile: He found a way back from the Beach just so he could kill us? Sam: He said he came back to get revenge on you and me.
-> If Sam is warning Fragile that Higgs is back, then this part of them talking is probably after the scene of Higgs appears to Sam, right?
-> And that scene where Higgs introduces himself to Sam is the same scene where Sam questions Higgs about Louise's death.
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If this scene of Sam talking to Fragile is after Higgs' "return", then how could Fragile say that Higgs is there to kill them if the scene of Fragile running away with Louise and being "shot by Higgs" happened first?
This leads me to think that the scene of the guy pointing the gun and the scene of Fragile and Louise in that field full of fire may not even be part of the same thing (now) and if they are, they can't possibly be happening at the beginning of DS2's story - unless the whole scene is a dream of Fragile's about the future, but it still wouldn't make sense how Higgs would kill Lou in the future if when Higgs comes back Lou will already be dead - unless at that moment nobody knows that the man with the gun is Higgs… Then nobody knows he's back.
But back to why I mentioned that DS1 trailer…
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We know that Kojima doesn't place anything by coincidence, everything has a connection. If we know that Cliff was part of Sam's memories and his battlefield was part of his own spiritual memories of grief and anger over the loss of his son and wife and the relationship between that and Bridget, then what would stop this whole scene with Fragile being the same?
If we're trying to find out what happened to Lou then I think it makes sense that in DS2 we'll have something similar to Cliff's super cell, but this time, instead of going to Cliff's "personal hell", we'll be going to Louise's "personal hell" (and I think I've already said something about that) but only Fragile will have access to this "battlefield" and so we'll be able to play with her. With Cliff, our mission was to defeat the mysterious soldier who kept shouting for his BB. At the end, after defeating him, we were sent back because Cliff hugged Sam. Here with Fragile this "spiritual pain simulation" would end every time Lou died.
I know it seems painful to relive the girl's death from time to time, but that's the great mystery of the game, just as Cliff was the great mystery of DS1.
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Sam: I was there. I saw her home. And it was a hellhole.
*Making an edit to add something: -> If Higgs had really killed Louise in that scene from the first trailer, then when Sam questions him Higgs would react in a way to brag about it, we know…. If his intention is really to get revenge on Sam and Fragile then killing Louise would be doing it in a very terrible way. But no, we don't have Higgs bragging about it, on the other hand, he seems to feel sorry for Sam and seems to want to help him understand what happened to Louise.
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Higgs : You still don't know, do you?
What's Higgs talking about?
Don't we know it wasn't him who killed Lou?
Don't we know that Lou isn't dead?
Don't we know that Lou never existed?
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reunioninn · 9 months
hey btw gg fans if youre not on twitter
jay eazy, after signing a bridget cosplayers ds, wants to learn about guilty gear lore
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skyllion-uwu · 2 months
what's your top 5 mains from any game?
Wanda from DST
Willow from DS
May from Guilty Gear
Bridget from Guilty Gear
Uhhhh what other games do I play where you choose a main character? Oz from Monster Prom
Bonus joke answer: Wes when it's Wes Fest
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imadhatt3r · 4 months
I'm thinking waaay too much about what pokemon would be the partner of which DS character so screw it, I'm writing it down
Sam- Dewott: A grumpy otter? Like that's just perfect for him, come on.
Lou- Victini: Okay hear me out- I usually don't like assigning legendaries to characters who are just normal people, but DS2 is definitely implying that there's more going on with Lou than we think. Victini is cute, playful and somewhat childlike, just like Lou, not to mention more powerful than it looks like. I also like that victini is the "lucky charm" and victory pokemon just like Lou is to Sam, due to protecting him in BT zones, and I like that it's associated with a lucky star, shining bright, just like Lou does in Sam's life 🥺 and it has these silly little wings like Lou's shirt in DS2 🥺
Bridget- Mismagius: I can see Bridget having a ghost type in general, and mismagius fits design-wise the most. Mismagius can control people's minds and give them hallucinations, which would fit the way chiralium works on people and her role as the leader of the UCA. They can also put people to sleep and lock them in a dream world, which kinda reminds me of DOOMs, and we know she's partially responsible for it existing in the first place.
Die-Hardman- Arcanine: Loyal and devoted, just like he was to Bridget and her dream of uniting America. It's also very powerful and respected, like Die-Hardman is as the president and even before as Bridget's right hand. Plus it's a dog pokemon, one that's commonly associated with warfare and law enforcement in-universe, so it fits his past as a soldier and his political career.
Deadman- Togepi: I think that him having the literal "baby pokemon that's still in its eggshell" would be a cute nod to his association with BBs, since togepi is literally the most baby of all baby pokemon. Maybe once he forms a bond with Lou it can evolve into a togetic, to show his own personal growth. Alternatively I can see him having a blissey since again, it's like THE doctor/nurse pokemon, so he'd have a fully-evolved form to show his status.
Amelie- Jirachi: I think that she is one of the examples where having a legendary is justified, plus jirachi isn't even a legendary, it's an even rarer mythical pokemon, so it fits her being a being that's even larger than life on Earth. Jirachi is associated with space and stars, so once again, something larger than Earth, and it's a nice parellel with Lou's victini. Jirachi is also known for granting wishes, and Amelie's choice leans on either fulfilling the universe's wish to cause the extinction, or Sam's wish to keep the world going. It's also dormant for long periods of time, just as the extinction events are separated by thousands or milions of years. There's also it's signature move, doom desire- Explains itself, really.
Heartman- Amaura: Any fossil pokemon would fit, but amaura nicely reflects the snowy mountains Heartman lives in. It's said that amauras aren't expected to live long in the modern, warm environment, but the cool mountains seem like just the right place for one to thrive. Sadly, amauras in general are physically fragile and have a lot of weaknesses in battles, so it fits Heartman's ill heart and his own health issues. Sidenote, but I can see him having a huge, fancy aquarium with luvdiscs as his pets, just because he enjoys his own heart motif so much 😭
Mama and Lockne- Umbreon and Espeon respectively: Look, I know that eeveelutions are kinda basic, but hear me out- They both start out as eevees, so I believe it's a nice way of potraying them as twins. Lockne is painted as the more sociable one, a leader of her community who has a husband and wanted to have a baby, so I think that she'd have a day-based espeon. Mama is more focused on her work as an engineer and is content with being single and not having children, so the nocturnal umbreon fits better- I can see her working up to the dead of night. Both umbreon and espeon have a cosmic theme (moon and sun), and the sisters were named after two lakes that were created when a meteorite fell to Earth and split in two. Umbreon and espeon are also, imo, associated with intelligence and grace, which I think both sisters have.
Fragile- Zebstrika: In general I feel like Fragile would have an electric type pokemon- I thought about a ghost type, but electric pokemon have that playfulness and energy that ghost types often lack. They're often speedsters that hit hard and have weak defenses (aka they're fragile) but they also only have one weakness (they don't break that easily). Zebstrika is fast and powerful, plus it's a zebra, which brings to mind horseback mail carriers to reference Fragile Express. It's black and white with blue eyes, so it fits Fragile's black clothes with blue accents and her fair skin and hair. I can also see her having a more carefree and happy blitzle in DS1 that then evolves into a zebstrika in DS2, to show off her growth and her new more involved leadership role, since zebstrikas are often leaders of packs of blitzles.
Higgs- Cofagrigus: Yeah, yeah, not very creative I know, but if it fits so well then why change it? Cofagrigus, of course, is based on a sarcophagus, aka ancient Egypt, aka Higgs' interest. Cofagrigus is said to be a human that has forgotten all of its memories, kinda like how Higgs transitioned from a normal human to Amelie's servant. They also enjoy eating gold nuggets, which can nicely tie in with all the gold Higgs wears and his association with chiral crystals. They swallow humans that get to close and turn them into mummies, so it's kinda like Higgs killing people and turning them into BTs for Amelie to control. And, well, he literally comes out of a sarcophagus in the DS2 trailer.
Cliff- Houndoom: Like Die-Hardman, a dog-like pokemon shows off his loyalty and devotion, but the addition of dark type ro houndoom shows the price he paid for it. Houndooms are, like I've said, dark types, to show off his associations with the Beach, but they're also fire types like arcanines, Die-Hardman's pokemon. They have a skeleton motif to tie back to Cliff's skeleton soldiers and his own death, plus they are usually seen leading packs of houndours, their pre-evolutions, showing Cliff's leadership over his squad. Houndoom's howl is said to come from the grim reaper and the burns from their fire are said to never burn, so it fits with Cliff's anger and how dangerous he is since he came back from the dead.
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ashkav · 4 months
(About your post about the relationship between Sam and Amelie/Bridget) GOD, RIGHT?! The relationship between them is insane and so complex, I really wish that it will be explored in DS2. Can you imagine being raised by this like, goddess of destruction and extinction and not knowing about it, and then finding out that you have to be the one to kill her to save humanity, all the people you've just started to develop relationships with, to provide a good world for your daughter, but... That's still your mom. That's your sister who comforted you when you were a scared child.
I think that Amelie is such a fascinating character, because she's so hard to pinpoint- she offset the balance of the whole world to save a child she accidentally killed in the process of developing a way to save humanity and decided to raise that child both to atone and provide Sam with the best life she could after killing her parents, but ALSO as a human killswitch that will be forced into talking her out of wiping all life on Earth, which is such a huge responsibility for ANYONE, and Sam didn't even consent to do that! You can make compelling arguments for both "she's a monster" and "she meant well".
I feel like she's almost kinda outside of human morality in some way, because, well, can she even be considered "human"? I think that yeah, kinda, but the burden she was forced to bear warps her, in a way, to the point where she cannot be fully seen throught the conventional spectrum of human morality. I mean of course, her using Homo Demens to kill tens of thousands of people is undeniably an evil act, but when you look at her as someone who is pretty much biologically destined to wipe out at least millions of people (given that the post-Stranding population numbers are much smaller), you can see how she would see that number as pretty much nothing in a cosmic scale. Not that it justifies it but you know, optics.
And she's this godlike being who has a very close relationship with this one paticular human, her favorite out of all people in the world, one who she raised since infancy and manipulated on a molecular scale (like you've said). She has done so much harm to him, irreversably warped him to the very core, but she undeniably loves him. Sam's her baby, her little brother she comforted and looked after- this god of destruction still shows a human side. She has absolutely traumatized Sam and she clearly feels guilty about it, but she probably thought that it had to be done, to give millions of humans a potential chance. Just as the BBs are used as sacrifices for the chiral network, Sam (a former BB at that) was used as one both for the network and humanity.
I love that the trailer of DS2 (the first one) has the dreamcatcher hanging off the celling as one of the first visuals we see. I REALLY hope that the aftermath of Sam's relationship and goodbye with Amelie will be one of the main themes of the game- and I think that a compelling argument can be made for Amelie "putting a piece of her soul" into Lou at the end of DS1, but I don't want to bore you 😅
(Sorry for yapping, but I'm going through death stranding withdrawials and this post scratched an itch. I adore talking about the lore and themes of this game, even if it is often overlooked 😅)
ohghug thank you so much for the big long ask im dying to talk about this too and you have given me so many things to respond to and build off of. i will literally never be bored of DS analysis.
i also hope she is directly in DS2! i think its pretty much confirmed she'll be there at the very least in a 'haunting the narrative' kind of way considering Higgs seems to be leading a cult with her as their messianic (?) figure, but Sam deserves some sort of resolution that isn't a desperate goodbye on the beach. i personally need him to have a screaming crying confrontation with her able to RESPOND to everything she's done. like you say, Sam must have the most complicated and tangled feelings about Amelie bottled up inside him and he deserves the chance to get some closure on at least some of it beyond 'your sister-mom doomed herself to her own personal hell to save you specifically and coincidentally also the rest of humanity, and her final act was to bring your baby back to life.'
i want to hear more from Amelie so bad. how does she justify herself? how does she consider her own morality in the grand scheme of things? what we do know from the first game is extremely interesting but even her relationship with Sam, the one thing the game spends so much time establishing and drawing upon for Amelie's reasoning, is so thin for most of his childhood! i want to know so much about the intricacies of how she ticks, how she justifies what she does to literally the one person she loves most in the whole wide world! it's not completely unjustifiable, just the same as it isn't completely justifiable, but i'm so so curious as to what angle she uses to approach this moral problem.
and i completely agree that she probably isn't even on human morality levels, but does Amelie think herself beyond it? what are the implications if she believes herself to be condemned by most human morality spectrums? does she even care? if she was asked, would she lie? i mean, she's a politician, so she must think about these things. as you said, optics, but is she so far removed from humanity to fundamentally misunderstand just how deplorable her actions might seem to others. even when she's rushing through justifying herself to Sam, it's not particularly... strong. it weak because she genuinely doesn't see a need to justify it further, she doesn't know how to be any more convincing than that, or because she wants Sam to judge her as harshly as possible so he'll agree to be the trigger to her very elaborate assisted suicide?
and it's interesting you bring up biological destiny, because i was literally just thinking about the conspicuous lack of Bridget's parents. obviously, Amelie is formed by spiritual mitosis and not really birthed, but Bridget never once mentions her own parents or her own childhood even as she spends so much time discussing Sam's and her own parental role. people usually draw on knowledge of how they were raised when they become parents (which has awful implications considering the shitshow of Sam's childhood) but the effect of this big empty space no one brings up makes Bridget feel like an entity who spawned fully formed, knowing her purpose immediately. actually, i don't think anyone ever talks about the parents of the extinction entities. can they have parents? are they born at all? their birth must be effected in some way by the eternal umbilical cord, and that parasaurolophus Heartman showed us a picture of must have had issues in the egg considering the yolk is usually absorbed through where her umbilical was. maybe she was just birthed by the universe, maybe all extinction entities were, and that where their umbilical connection leads back to. but imagine being Bridget's mother. imagine being (or at the very least feeling) responsible for creating the end of the world in human form. we already know the umbilical connection is extremely important in Death Stranding, touching a BB's allows you to share it's powers, it ties BT's to the world of the living, carrying a DOOMS afflicted baby gives you DOOMS too. what would it feel like to carry the Extinction Entity?
i imagine pretty fucking awful, if Lucy is any example to go by, and she only had DOOMS which is literally just a very minor form of Amelie's dreams. i wouldn't be surprised if Amelie's own mother committed suicide/ went insane/ was otherwise distant from her, but the implications of such trauma from Amelie's early life makes me think very hard about Amelie potentially inflicting similar mother trauma on Sam in the Bridget form to act out her own fantasies of the comfort she never received in the Amelie form. and that would be fucking INSANE and also make so much sense. I agree she probably does feel guilty about the trauma she's giving Sam , but i think more than justifying it as for the greater good, she desperately desperately needs someone to understand her to form a connection, and she would absolutely inflict it on him if she thought they could grow closer because of it. it would develop Amelie's inability to actually understand Sam as a person (her insistence on Sam reconnecting, the amount of times she says 'i know' something about him without ever listening to him adamantly refuting it) because she's so blinded by what she expects him to become from her conscious or unconscious conditioning. she expects his trauma responses to be like her trauma responses, but she literally doesn't know enough about humans to realize children aren't all the same malleable ball of clay and have their own intrinsic personalities and quirks from birth (and i think this is probably the way she justifies her treatment of BBs in general. like "what do you mean children are people, they're obviously children." she recognises inherent tragedy in the death of a child, but she doesn't actually understand that children are more than potential-people.) obviously this is literal grasping at straws theoryposting here, but the point is i need Sam to grill her with surgical precision on screen and i need to be able to watch it and make notes.
you could never bore me with the implications of the Lou-Amelie connection. never. this has been on my mind since day one, and i really do not think it is an accident that our first look at Elle Fanning is her in a mask. all the masks of the first game lead back to Amelie in the end - Diehardman's black mask was Bridget's first, Higgs only started wearing his gold mask after becoming radicalized by her - and i think Elle/Lou's golden mask is going to follow the exact same pattern. and then her strings...
i am literally unable to imagine what the end game of this connection will be. there are so many ways it could play out and so many angles kojima could bring to it if he so wanted. i really hope it's not that Amelie used her god powers to fuck with time and some part of her without memories reincarnated as Lou because i can only imagine the torture of raising your own mother. it would just seem... selfish, i guess, for Amelie to walk back her promise to bear eternal solitude, even if there is something deeply tragic about her doing it to be close to Sam again. something very Orpheus and Eurydice about it, but like that myth, i can't imagine it ending in anything except tragedy. at the very least Sam deserves happiness, even if Amelie objectively doesn't (and probably can't be without access to Sam, which would probably drive Sam miserable.)
plus Sam deserves to have at least one meaningful relationship that wasn't engineered for him by Amelie in some way.
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vyragosa · 1 year
kinda convinced by now DS2 might be about genetic drive, continuity of Kojima's long-standing obsession making sense as well
here's why, everyone was made to wear Bridget's DNA by the end of DS in the form of a brooch, the cause of Sam's wife death also due to DOOMS being genetically passed down to the foetus (the original Louise), the Extinction factor and mention of its possible counterpart as an evolutionary advantage, which, evolutionary advancement is outright mentionned by Amelie as a goal during the final beach scene and exctinction as an opportunity for it
Fragile's skin being healed also raising questions to the treatment for it to happen, the appearance of an adult BB, consciousness in a machine, the fact that Louise is named after another child (her more than suspiscious origins and coincidentally ending in Sam's hands, never brought up)
now as for potential inspiration: recently there's a rise in biohacking through "homemade" gene editing, the pandemic itself making him rewrite the game, genetic material at the forefront now add to this the rise of misinformation and a visible cult in the DS2 trailer
interesting stuff in perspective
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raiden-brannigan · 5 months
Tbh, most of the lgbtq+ DS hate is from twitter, was just very concerned that it had begun to migrate here, and I'm glad that's not happened so far
Yeah Amelie is a very weird character, and even after years I still dont have very concrete opinions on her, beyond kinda high key hating her and Bridget, but still very mixed about them overall
She's definitely a parallel to conservative politicians, but shes not entirely human either? And she has a lot of connections to shintoism and japanese folklore, and I feel like theres information that I'm missing due to being a westerner outside those traditions
(I want to make a full post on this at some point too, mainly because I dont see anyone else talking about this)
Oof yeah that sounds super rough. I'd say it's ok cause tumblr is a very queer site but also I've seen some wild LGBT takes on here so that literally doesn't mean anything
It's interesting because she absolutely was given a shit hand at life and you can see why she ends up the way she does, but at the same time she makes a lot of shitty decisions and is basically the cause of almost every characters suffering in the game. I actually saw someone bring up that she has a lot of ties to Japanese themes and writing and some of it is lost in "translation" between their culture and us in the west, which is what causes a lot of that complete amelie hatred in our side of the fandom (again, not that she doesn't necessarily not deserve it, but it going to harassment anon hate levels for anyone who has anything slightly neutral to say about her is a little overboard. You're not wrong for disliking her, she's not a great person, but some people just go SO far with it)
There's also the issue fandoms been having of gravitating towards this level of harassment and entitlement which i think just exasperated everything to what we have now. Iunno it's rough out here lmaoo
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higgssupremacy · 7 months
No need to be sorry at all! I don't think it's stupid, just a little silly, but I do like it a lot!
Also the "bossfight" I'm referencing is a bit unconventional/not a traditional fight per se, but is kinda similar to the cliff boss fights in a way
And how there might be parallels between mgs naked snake x ocelot and samhiggs and that might tell us how higgs learned the lullaby (without amelie/bridget getting involved. Please keep them away from this boy)
Also i think cliff should get to beat up higgs just a little, as a treat and maybe by the end of it they come to understanding like the samhiggs one where cliffs like "ig this guy's alright/can understand what this dude and my son see in each other"
(god I really need to finish making a DS specific blog/ and write the full post)
Dear anon, this sounds like a whole awesome story!
I have to admit, I once wrote a fanfic about Cliff helping Higgs to courted his fiance (Cliff didn't know it was Sam!) but it was humor with a pinch of angst (because of Higgs and his... um, lack of social skills).
I would love to read something serious about their interaction! I like to think about Cliff as a parental figure to Higgs: he can teach and trane and help like a real adult, which Higgs never had.
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tillman · 1 year
I should also clip that ds bit millia has a very nice and cute chat with may dizzy and bridget who all are very sweet to her snd she seems genuinely happy. 💪 #girlies.
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Brisket <3
Bridget images time. Only have one pose, and I kept on clipping into the model in the weirdest areas. If I forgot anything major, please tell me!
I had a hard time telling if the large text was made up of Rs, Os, As, or Ds, i.e. I couldn't tell if it was "RD²" or "AO²" or something along those lines lmao. "AO" would be fitting, as it means "blue" in Japanese, but you never know with GG, especially with the variance in fonts. Looking at someone looking at her texture files, the second letter has more hard inside edges on its left side which makes it look more like a "D", so I'll go with "AD²". I'll be using the term "scratch" for the basically-unreadable text.
Apparently the smaller chicken-scratch text is readable, and I'll be using this Reddit post as reference.
Look under the cut for images.
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Fullbody front.
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Fullbody back.
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Symbol pin. Large text is two capital letters "AD" with a squared symbol next to them, text engraved around edge is illegible.
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Neck collar. Has silver zippers.
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Torso area.
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Large silver handcuff.
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Text on right side of hoodie. Text is the same as head pin, text underneath is supposedly "My Way CO.LTD.".
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Bottom edge of hoodie.
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Sleeves. Both sleeves are identical, having dark blue details and gold-colored crosses. Blue text reads "AD²" with black text reading "the same as the text on the right side of her chest "My Way CO.LTD.". The crosses read "GROWTH" with "My Way CO.LTD." underneath to the side.
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Back of hood. Reads "AD²" with "My Way CO.LTD." underneath to the right.
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Her gloves. Yellow section reads "AD²" in a block with "My Way CO.LTD." to the side.
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Yo-Yo details. Each bullet reads:
" 28 "
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Legs + skort.
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Shoes. In order: Front, side, back, underside. Text on red tag reads "AD²", while yellow text on white plate reads "RD²" with "My Way CO.LTD." underneath in black.
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Roger front and back.
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Large tags on front and back, both identical. Text under grinning bear symbol reads "FEAR ○ BEAR".
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Small tag on outer side. Text is meaningless scribbles.
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tomyo · 1 year
Tomyo's Harvest Moon Marathon
So I have collected a ridiculous amount of Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games lately that I have not actually playedl, 11 of which I bought within the last year in fact lolol. So I want to try and actaully get a decent session into each of them this year.
The Games (and Marriage Goals):
Harvest Moon (Eve)
Harvest Moon 64 (Karen/Elli)
GBC3 (As Sara/ No Marriage)
FoMT Replay(Karen/Elli)
MFoMT (Kai ig)
Save the Homeland (N/A)
A Wonderful Life SE (Not sure but want daughter)
Magical Melody Replay (Dia/Gia/Ellen)
DS Cute Replay (Skye)
Island of Happiness (Elliot/Lanna)
Tree of Traquility (Toby/Julius)
Animal Parade (Wizard)
My Little Shop (N/A)
Tale of Two Towns (Not Sure)
A New Beginning (Felicity/Yuri)
Trio of Towns (Woofio)
Hometown Story (Dexter)
PoOT Continuation (Bridget)
Of Course, I expect to be playing the AWL remake later this year as well (Nami is the only option) and at some point I'll Hopefully also pick up the FoMT one too! Debating how much I wanna try to finish my collection too lol. Personally just missing AnWL, Sunshine Islands, HoLV, Grand Bazaar, and SoS but I don't know how much I care given some current prices atm.
Anyway, this starts my playthrough journey! I'm actually starting with Harvest Moon SNES itself thought I don't intend to play these in order necessarily. Will probably play it cocurrently with the 3DS games. The list is a little overwhelming so I'm debating what I will start with.
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remimibanana · 2 years
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I posted 92 times in 2022
That's 92 more posts than 2021!
56 posts created (61%)
36 posts reblogged (39%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 54 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#youtube - 13 posts
#pokemon - 10 posts
#hololive - 9 posts
#doodle - 8 posts
#splatoon - 7 posts
#pokemon scarlet and violet - 5 posts
#hololive en - 5 posts
#splatoon2 - 5 posts
#korone - 5 posts
#goldenglow - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 99 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
VShojo Japan is here!
We have two new members joining the brand new VShojo Japan branch! This was announced at Anime Expo at the VShojo Next Panel with an video featuring:
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Kson the tough Yakuza and new angel in town, Amemiya Nazuna!!!
Welcome to VShojo you two! They will be debuting on July 17th, so please look forward to it! (why do I sound like I'm the one who's VShojo promoting them XD)
I actually woke up and saw that Kson had VShojo in her name and I was like....wait. She's a part of Vshojo?!!!! WHEN?!
And then I went through her tweets and understood what happened lol
I also saw a video of when she walked onto the panel in person saying her iconic catchphrase: GOOD MORNING MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!
See the full post
27 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
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Yeah can you tell I like Bridget a lot lol
30 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Pack Wave 2!
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That's right everyone, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Wave 2 is FINALLY here! I'm so happy with the courses!
Some of my favorites are:
Waluigi's Pinball (Absolutely love this stage to bits, played it a lot in Mario Kart DS and 7 and just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
Mushroom Gorge (Wii, played this mostly in 7 who doesn't love this stage! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
Kalimari Desert (My brother loves this stage, I had a strong dislike as a kid lol but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
Sky-High Sundae (The totally brand new track! It looks amazing! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
44 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Sana is graduating......
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At the end of the month, July 31st, Sana will be graduating from Hololive. I woke up seeing people wishing her well and I had no idea why people were doing that...until I read she was graduating. It really hurt since I really loved Sana.
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She was also the first person I drew in my sketchbook so I'm so happy I did. I'll really miss her, and I wish all the best for her in her future endeavors!
48 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Look at Korone!!! She's a SEGA Ambassador now!
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I was watching the Sonic Station live with my limited Japanese while not doing my work to see this surprise! I always watch the Sonic Stations when Korone is there (*´▽`*)
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She has a new Sonic outfit with green eyes and blue hair! She is also holding a cute Knuckles plush. I was so surprised to see it you know, I didn't think she would have a whole new outfit! It looks so good on her, would wear it 100% in real life.
She's truly going places~
See the full post
105 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Always a Bridesmaid - Book 2
By Annee Jones
Hosted by DS Book Promotions
US https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BSVYS7LN/
UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BSVYS7LN/
CA https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BSVYS7LN/
AU https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0BSVYS7LN/
Available on Kindle Unlimited
Will Bridget have the courage to seize the opportunity of a lifetime? And can she find the sweetest prize of all, a love that will never end? As a food server at a TV network, Bridget Palmer’s used to catering to demanding reality stars during their televised wedding ceremonies, but when it comes to planning the menu for her own nuptials – well, there’s slim chance of that happening anytime soon since there’s no groom in sight. The only man on her radar is her little brother, who she’s raising after the death of their parents. She’s too busy to date, especially since she’s dreaming of opening her own farm-to-fork restaurant one day. Opportunity knocks when a contestant on the baking show, Wedding Baker, drops out unexpectedly and none other than the hottest actor on television, Slade Morgan, suggests that she step in. She has nothing to lose and everything to gain – but can she trust a man who’s always pretending to be someone he’s not? ***This is a short, sweet 2-hour read featuring a feisty heroine, a hunky hero, and a zany cast of characters! It is without extreme foul language, on-page sex, or violence. This story is the 2nd in Annee Jones' Wedding Baker romcom duet, following DEAN. Both BRIDGET and DEAN may be read as stand-alones - however it is recommended that both be read for maximum enjoyment. Grab your copies today!
Follow Annee Jones:
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Annee-Jones/e/B08KSFSHX1/
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Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAnneeJones
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@AuthorAnneeJones @DS Book Promotions
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