#ds9 5x09
fastdrawfarmboy · 2 months
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garashir · 4 years
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THE bedroom???
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chacusha · 2 years
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Favorite ship: Quodo (requested by @corpsebrigadier for the Edit Request Meme)
One Quodo screencap per season. From: 1x10 "Move Along Home" 2x12 "The Alternate" 3x23 "Family Business" 4x08 "Little Green Men" 5x09 "The Ascent" 6x12 "Who Mourns for Morn?" 7x25/26 "What You Leave Behind"
In my hubris, I decided it would be cool to pick one Quodo moment per season. I then spent the next three days doing speedy canon review while going "Ooh!" at every moment they interact... So I decided to narrow the space of possibilities a bit by doing a rainbow and only picking caps that facilitated the particular color assigned to that season. Unintentionally, the shots ended up sort of zooming out from top to bottom.
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captainsolocide · 4 years
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They are so ridiculous why do I love them so much
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ambassadorquark · 2 years
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i know i said i wasn’t feeling crozier/jfj and i still kind of am not but 1. guy eho has only ever seen ds9 5x09 “the ascent” voice: getting some real ds9 5x09 “the ascent” vibes from this and 2. fitzjames just continuing to grip crozier by the coat after manfully slapping him on the chest is so gay. what are you doing that for james.
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jazzypizzaz · 6 years
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current DS9 emotion of the day: Rom and Ben’s alliance wrt their sons’ friendship
1x02 A Man Alone: they both think that the other’s son is a bad influence and will turn their son into their cultural equivalent of a delinquent
5x09 The Ascent: four years later teaming up about how their sons need the other’s influence to balance out their flaws and become better people???
worried caring dads who learned from their sons’ complicated friendship to become even better wiser dads!!!
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captainsolocide · 4 years
Broke: I love you - I love you too
Woke: Fascist!!!! - Failure!!!!!
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jazzypizzaz · 6 years
canon compliant quodo?
I saw a tumblr request post for this, so I starting making a rec list... and then got carried away, because I love Quodo... but it’s divided into categories, so that might help with sorting through what you’re looking for?
I admit my own relationship to what’s canon or not is fast and loose, but below is what I came up with for which fics undeniably fit within established canon!  (You’ll notice only two of my own fics are on this list, because uuuhhh I’m more interested in characterization and emotional dynamics than strict details like, well, canon plots.  Luckily there are other authors doing the good work!)
what first comes to mind is that Paratale has done a fantastic job of fill-in and coda fics for relevant episodes (mostly pre-slash):
Sexual References, 2x08 Necessary Evil, During their first meeting, it sounds like Quark is propositioning Odo!  This is a follow-up on that thought.
Much Ado About Something, 5x09 The Ascent, Odo and Quark hook up on the runabout.  feels like canon to me...
Quark and Odo’s Get Along Jacket, 5x09 The Ascent, huddling for warmth.  this has to be canon... please...
Breathe, 5x12 The Begotten, Dr Mora upsets Odo.  Quark teaches Odo as a solid how to cry.  “Quark is Mom Friend, but he isn’t very good at it.”
Indifference, 6x07 You Are Cordially Invited, Odo betrayed everyone and almost got Rom killed!  Quark hasn’t forgiven him.
Have You Ever Danced with the Devil, 6x19 In the Pale Moonlight, Sisko muses on Odo’s hidden sentiments towards Quark.
Guilty as Charged, 7x23 Extreme Measures, Odo is dying and Quark has unrequited feelings.  Based on a deleted scene, but it definitely could slip right into filmed canon.
great coda fics by other authors (again, in chronological order by episode):
Increments, 2x26 The Jem’Hadar, spacebubble, After Quark’s eventful camping trip with Sisko, Odo drops by to check in on him.
Gestalt, 3x25 Facets, SweetPollyOliver, Exploring Curzon’s influence on Odo.  More of a character study, but some great bits on how “Curzodo” interacted with Quark in the forehead-kissing scene.
Possibilities, 5x12 The Begotten, spacebubble, Odo and Quark’s relationship with the idea of parenthood.  Bittersweet.
Elsewhere, 5x22 Children of Time, EldtritchTribble, Based on the canon AU from this episode. ^_^  CoT!Odo is a little deranged from isolating himself for so long; he sometimes talks to the Quark math program that Dax designed.  Angsty and well-executed.
Post-canon is always ripe for opportunity!  what is considered canon is more flexible... but a couple that come to mind:
That Which Makes Us, Coffeedormus, Two years after Odo left DS9 to rejoin the Great Link a message comes from Starfleet asking him to visit the station again.  Absolutely incredible, great exploration of what they mean to each other.  Odo has to deal with identity stuff from being immersed in the Link, alien style.
Come Back and Haunt Me, spacebubble, “Quark is tired of waiting. He travels to the Gamma Quadrant to collect on Odo’s bar tab. It’s almost like a fairy tale, but less romantic. Or is it?“  Very romantic and has a nice overall #mood.
Insufferable Beloved, EldritchTribble, “Quark orchestrates a grand gesture in an attempt to prove Odo right about him. He ends up proving himself right about Odo instead.”  Nice and meaty story, explicitly tagged as canon compliant.
The Case of the Caged Heart,  jazzypizzaz, Odo returns from the Great Link to Deep Space Nine and discovers that Quark is dead. He launches himself into a willfully delusional investigation to find out the “truth”.  Okay okay, maybe this counts as less canon-derived?  But I really like how it turned out...
Pre-canon, with Quark and Odo on Terok Nor:
Put Down Your Sword and Crown, spacebubble, “Odo knows Quark rarely gets drunk, so when he has to throw Quark in a holding cell one night, he makes a point of investigating why. They end up talking for quite some time.“
Words and Tricks, spacebubble, “Odo's used to regarding others with suspicion, but doesn't know how to handle the reverse. He stops by Quark's for some perspective. He watches Quark mix a drink.“
and, lastly, these are ones that could slip into canon, though less strictly tethered to it:
Running Up That Probability Curve, Paratale, bodyswap!!!!  Reads like a missing episode of DS9 in late season 6.  Pre-slash.
Soft as a Song, TheSigyn not technically slash BUT reads like a missing B plot of an episode.  (I also recommend just perusing through the Quark&Odo tag on AO3 since any gen fic involving them is inherently shippy...)
Of Holosuites and Silverware, NervousAsexual, A little conversation between them on mating rituals.  Cute banter.
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This, jazzypizzaz, post-Body Parts.  Odo breaks into Quark’s quarters as part of an investigation and ends up cuddling with him.  
All Your Unfinished Selves, spacebubble, okay okay it’s not canon really because it’s a bit more abstract, BUT it’s solidly grounded in flashbacks across time and universes of canon events???  also it’s fantastic.
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