#2x12 the alternate
hawkp · 7 months
Not liking the abusive vibes that Dr. Mora is bringing to the room today.
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nipslashtuck · 2 years
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“See, I’ve lied to you. I’m not your life coach. I’m the angel of death.”
2x12 - “Julia McNamara”
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Just realised I missed this one out seemingly 😅
DS9 2x12 The Alternate thoughts (I'm rewatching, so possible future spilers)
Quark and Odo's, uh, thing, is so obvious, whatever it is that they have
"You're serious?" "Have you ever known me know to be?"
The switch and bait, I knew there had to be an ulterior motive - yes, Odo, excellently played XD
Ughhh, Mora. He's half treating Odo like a child, half still like an experiment - "Haven't quite managed the ears yet", "Is the suit a suit, or part of you?" - really horrible intrusive questions, aren't they?
Just noticed that Odo's hair is modelled after Mora's...
Mora, Odo KNOWS this station, he KNOWS Quark's motives better than you. As do we - Quark was DEFINITELY hoping this would be a distraction to Odo.
"I integrate as much as I want to", and quite right too
"Tell me about this police thing..." "I enjoy my work as Chief of Security." STOP DOWNPLAYING HIS ACHIEVEMENTS
Oh my goodness, I can't stand him, I genuinely hate him. He's so clearly manipulative and abusive, gah.
As always, Jake and Sisko are wonderful. I'm with you on Klingon opera, Jake. I love how terribly Sisko is justifying why Jake should have to learn it.
"Just because you suffered through all that doesn't mean I have to." "Yes, it does." This reminds me of his conversation with Bashir in Forsaken about the ambassadors - "So now you take the same perverse pleasure in doing it to me" - man, Sisko definitely is consistent XD
I actually can't remember how this episode goes, they definitely don't find the changelings...
Mora bringing up a story Odo doesn't like, directing him to "Tell her", and when Odo does interrupting like he's a child is not how you treat people you love! Or at least it could be in friendly banter but this isn't! It's infantilising and patronising
Jadzia had such a tight, polite face - good for her not showing too much interest once she realises how uncomfortable Odo is.
Oh! Is this the hologram one?!
Lol, that "lifeform" is just those whaddya-call-them metal things you use in primary school with magnets. Iron filings! That's the one.
Okay, so not the hologram one, then...
I've often thought Odo and Julian have a lot in common: I hadn't added complicated parent relationships to that thought but now I kinda want to see Odo being able to talk to Julian about his complicated feelings and having someone who actually understands listen
Sisko again forgetting not everyone has a good dad... It must be nice to be Sisko
Well, I guessed that the being wasn't going to stay there as soon as Miles said "level five security" - if it's highly secure there's gonna be a breakout, right?
Jadzia! I thought she was benched for this episode, but yay, she's back!
"Doctor Bashir wouldn't listen to me and hid my clothes so I wouldn't leave." I love her to PIECES, and I DO like their friendship
Sisko just being like "yeah get to work" XD It's good enough for him that Jadzia managed to escape Julian
"I'm moving in closer. If you run into my wife, don't mention I did this." Oh Miles, that is not healthy communication.
"I'll come home tonight and she'll ask me how my day was and I'll say, fine, honey, how was yours? Sometimes I think she really doesn't want to know the truth, so I do us both a favour and..." Oh Miles, THAT IS NOT HEALTHY COMMUNICATION
Come on Jadzia, you knew how he'd respond to that suggestion.
She did it with such a straight face I'm genuinely not sure if she was goading him or if he's just imagining that
Ughhh that interaction was kind of fine until this monologue tho :( The flirting is fine since they're both fine with it - but why the writers gotta make Bashir so creepy
He's about to be got!
Ooh, no, he got away :D
Even if you WERE right Mora, telling Odo what he thinks is not the way to go!
Yeaaaa, Odo and Bashir sure could have a lot to talk about wrt parental figures who are proud because they see their sons as their achievements, and not proud for their sons' sakes
Mora, talking like that behind someone's back is never a good move. Man, Jadzia is so uncomfortable
No, Mora, Dr Bashir would try to understand!
Fuck you, Mora, turning him against his friends.
I do get that Mora is genuinely worried and concerned for Odo, but he's just bad and incapable of doing anything well
Just because you "gave him more than anyone else in your life" DOESN'T mean he owes you A THING - that is the first step of parenting
Oh I DO remember this episode now XD eventually got there
And now Mora is trusting the crew? Has he finally realised he can't go it alone? Or has he resigned to them "putting Odo in a zoo".
"If maximum stun doesn't bring him down immediately, we set phasers to kill." "Commander." "I know, Major." Oof, that cannot have been an easy order to give.
Self awareness! Finally! Bit late, but we can work with that!
"I prescribe rest because it's hard for a doctor to go wrong with that one." 👍
Odo has never been my favourite character, but I do like him, and this episode is just so heart-breaking. And infuriating. Go away, Mora, forever please.
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per1w1nkl3 · 1 month
omg!! odo lore episode!!!
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galateaknife · 3 months
Supernatural Wincest Reclist:
All stories here are over (roughly) 30k words, written before 2020, not frequently recommended these days (as far as I can tell), unearthed from various storage areas on my computer, and end with Sam and Dean together.
Please mind any tags and author-written descriptions.
If a story says (podfic available) underneath it, that means that I have a copy of the podfic. Feel free to dm me for a file.
I hope you find something new to enjoy here!
Under my skin by yourkidney. ~31k words. Post-S1. Ghost-induced mind meld.
(podfic available)
Chains of Babylon by poisontaster. ~43k words. Post-S1 futurefic. Dean is trapped in an evil mental institution.
(podfic available)
Turn of the Wheel series by gekizetsu. ~111k words. Vague S2. There’s a war between the elements, and Sam and Dean get caught in the crossfire.
This is Ourselves (Under Pressure) by clex_monkie89. ~30k words. Post 2x12. On the run from the FBI.
(podfic available)
The Things We Carry With Us by lovesrain44. ~48k words. Late S2. Dean thinks that Sam needs to get laid.
(if anyone has a copy of this podfic lmk, I lost mine a couple laptops ago.)
Black Velocities and Shining Movements by dimeliora. ~40k words. Late S2 AU. Sam is seriously injured, and something is seriously wrong.
Swear By All Flowers by sweetestdrain. ~37k words. Post-S2. Sam’s out of the game, and Dean is cursed.
(podfic available)
Crush by sonofabiscuit77. ~61k words. AU from mid S3. Partially outsider POV. Dean owns a mechanic shop and Sam teaches.
(if anyone has a copy of this podfic, I’ve lost mine)
Threefold Path series by rei_c. ~182k words. Alternate end to S3. Sam gets Dean out of his deal. It changes everything.
I’d Gladly Lose Me To Find You by flawedamythyst. ~36k words. Post S3. Sam makes a vow of silence to save his brother.
(podfic available)
And So Awakens Devils by concernedlily. ~59k words. Alternate S4. Sam ends the world.
Not Time’s Fool by FayJay. ~58k words. Mid S4. Dean gets turned into a girl.
(I’ve also lost my copy of this podfic and would appreciate another copy)
The incestuous courtship of the antichrist’s bride by fleshflutter. ~48k words. Post-S4 AU. A classic.
(podfic available)
As Through a Glass and Darkly by lexicale. ~118k words. Preseries and S1-5 AU with Hindu mythology instead of Christian.
Hidden by AxeMeAboutAxinomancy. ~79k words. S6 Daemon!AU. Sam’s back from hell but daemon is missing.
(podfic available)
Tornado Warning by dear_tiger. ~28k words. Early S6. Sam is walking around without a soul, and a man with no memory gets a job at a butcher shop.
Choir of Furies by Atanih88. ~32k words. Late S6. Sam’s wall has sprung a leak.
(podfic available)
Another Brick in the Wall by road_rhythm. ~170k words. Late S6. Sam disappears. Dean searches for him. Sam tries to survive.
The Allegory of the Cave by Jay Tryfanstone. ~36k words. Post-S6. Memories and emotions and a hunt in New York City.
(podfic available)
Absolute Zero by pixymisa and selecasharp. ~61k words. Post-S8 AU. Sam closed the gates of Hell, and now he can’t die and can’t wake up.
Sam Winchester’s Guide to Blood Magic, or How the Rockies Were Made by badbastion, thursdaysisters. ~46k words. S9AU. The apocalypse everyone forgot.
(podfic available)
The Partisan by nigeltde. ~39k words. Mid S9. Post-Gadreel claustrophobia and restlessness.
The Babel Fish Has Forsaken Us by orphan_account (indiachick). ~34k words. Late S9 AU. Phantasmagoria.
a long hard day, a long hard night by deadlybride. ~39k words. Post-S9. Dean’s body disappeared. Sam gets him back.
Apophenia by MeltinSkelton. ~149k words. S10 or thereabouts. There’s a hunt and human evil in a town by Austin. Mutual pining and fever dreams, with a side of pining Cas.
Baba O’Riley and Eleanor Rigby walk into a bar by thecapn. ~33k words. The only non-hunting AU I’m likely to ever recommend.
Captured by the Game by rivkat. ~54k words. Raised apart AU. Azazel sends Sam to gain the confidence of Dean Winchester.
(podfic available)
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aceofwhump · 8 months
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Whumptober 2023
Day 31: Alternate - Broken
Once Upon A Time 2x12
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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princeescaluswords · 9 days
ur addition to ur post about scott being forced to treat derek terribly reminded me of the way ppl react to alina killing the darkling. like yeah her killing him was the only way to resolve the situation she'd been put in (by darkles himself). yet ppl keep doing rewrites where alina is meant to 'fix' him or joins his side like. Huh?????
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(I must preface this with the reminder that I have only seen the Shadow and Bone television series. I know nothing of any differences that might be in the novels.)
There's nothing wrong with rewriting a story; that's what fanfiction is for, after all. But if someone wishes to write an ending where Alina Starkov chooses Aleksander Morozova, they have their work cut out for them. It requires them to alter the characters and histories of either the Sun Summoner or the Darkling (or both) so much that they literally become different characters. My concern (and I think you share in this) is that people believe that Alina, as portrayed, could easily have chose to be with Aleksander, as portrayed, and they could have a happily ever after.
I can't possibly see any scenario where this can be true. Let us propose, for example, that we vanish Mal Orestev. Poof! He never existed. Alina's early life would still have been dominated by oppression and prejudice, oppression and prejudice that exists in part because of Aleksander's choices, no matter how noble the motivations for those choices were at the beginning. While grisha have always faced oppression, Alina's youth was shaped by fear and disenfranchisement; her life was defined by either her race, her poverty (exacerbated by the Fold), or her potential as the Sun Summoner. This world, in turn, was shaped by Aleksander's actions. No matter how charming and passionate the Darkling is, Alina's history and her character would propel her to question her own feelings for him and his feelings for her. Alina would be betraying every part of herself if she chose the life promised by Aleksander, and I think the story, as portrayed, makes that very clear.
But let's say she did it anyway; with her strength of will, she decided that she would join with the Darkling and accept the injustice done to her (and everyone else) as insufficient to prevent her from being with him. There still can be no happy ending in sight. Nothing in the history or character of Aleksander Morozova indicates that he would be content or even able to treat Alina as an equal, as a real partner. He certainly didn't respect her when she defied him. Everything we see and know about him indicates a pattern of dominating everyone around him, from his loyal followers to his own mother. I don't feel that the fact that Alina is his equal in magical power would help their relationship in any way. Aleksander would see in the Sun Summoner a danger if he could not control her, and Alina would have to become submissive.
Again, fanfiction has great powers of transformation, but there is a limit to how far a writer can stretch plot, setting, and most importantly characterization before it must be questioned if there is still a meaningful connection to the original material. Once that point is breached, readers like you and me have to question if the writer is actually not a fan but only insincerely passing themselves off as one.
This is my problem with the many spiteful interpretations of Master Plan (2x12). For example, I often bring up that people rewriting that scene tend to ignore the immediate mortal danger Allison was in when Gerard demands Scott make Derek bite him. Their motivation is obvious. The know as well as I do that there is nothing in Scott's nature or history, as portrayed, would lead him to place place Derek's autonomy above saving Allison's life, especially when Scott knows that Derek's Bite will disable (if not kill) Gerard and thus save Derek, Allison, and Derek's pack as well? There is simply no alternative that makes sense.
Like Alina, Scott's decisions had been shaped by what he had endured for the previous twenty-four episodes. While, contrary to popular fandom interpretation, he didn't hate Derek, being honest with Derek would require him to ignore too much. Derek had concealed information from him (the alpha's very existence), manipulated him repeatedly ("It's not going to come for free"), disregarded his needs ("I can't let her live!"), and outright betrayed him three times (the locker room shower, the cure, Peter's resurrection). Derek had demonstrated that he would chose lethal violence repeatedly and -- what is arguably worse -- had been a spectacular failure every time he tried to do that. Gerard, on the other hand, had delivered on every single threat he had made. Peter himself made that point in Battlefield (2x11): "You weren't ready. Because of it, Gerard is winning." The wisest plan was the one Scott went with. The only possible counter argument -- Derek's terrible history with Kate -- was something that Scott did not know about. There's a reason Derek didn't hold Master Plan against Scott, and it wasn't bad writing.
I feel our dissatisfaction with particular fandom behaviors isn't about some insistence that canon is sacrosanct. To us, the transformation they are performing is incomplete and ill-wrought, like a badly Photoshopped picture where someone we appreciate ends up having three arms, because the writer/fandom isn't working with the whole subject but only the parts that they want to change, yet they try to pass it off as a real picture. For me, personally, this dissatisfaction also arises from the idea that there are not-so-hidden motivations for the transformation: racism, classism, decadence, and misogyny.
Fiction often portrays dark events as well as heroic events, and if it is quality fiction, all those events are clearly motivated and make sense according to the plot and within the setting. It's an organic whole. Alina would not choose the Darkling and be happy because it goes against everything we know about both of them; Scott created his Master Plan because it goes along with everything we've watched him experience. Different outcomes would require different stories.
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blaintism · 1 year
this morning i decided to rank every episode in which blaine appears or is mentioned by the merit of their blaine content. because, i don't know, i'm very neurodivergent or something. so here is, in my opinion, the best to worst blaine episodes:
1. 3x15 “Big Brother”: has a micro celebrity older brother, gets very upset about everyone pointing at him, skips skip day, gets a stuffed animal from his boyfriend, doesn’t feel good enough with his brother around, and reconciles
2. 5x07 “Puppet Master”: has an autistic meltdown, gets gas poisoning, imagines everybody loves him, wants to share his core wounds, gives jake strange advice, steals, and sends puppets to new york city
3. 4x07 “Dynamic Duets”: creates a superhero alter ego, meets evil warbler #2, does autistic stuff, and wants to stop feeling like he’s a bad person
4. 2x12 “Silly Love Songs”: makes a fool out of kurt accidentally, makes a fool out of himself in a gap, becomes a part of a ‘when harry met sally’ situationship, and sings two solos
5. 4x03 “Makeover”: becomes a huge nerd and the president, makes a friend, lies to artie, and realizes he is sad and alone
6. 2x20 “Prom Queen”: delivers part three of his traumatic backstory, is very afraid, makes his solo story relevant, and saves the prom!
7. 4x17 “Guilty Pleasures”: likes wham, is a swiftie in the alternate universe of the promo, sings sam a strangely emotional song, and sam is not homophobic to him
8. 3x17 “Dance with Somebody”: tells everybody that it’s not right but it’s okay, doesn’t want to talk about new york, and has weirdly tan hands
9. 2x16 “Original Song”: forms blaine and the pips, ignores mourning a bird in favor of love, conceives of the worst duet idea of all time, gains +1 boyfriend, and sings two solos
10. 2x06 “Never Been Kissed”: shifts the tectonic plates by making his first appearance, sings teenage dream, delivers part one of his traumatic backstory, and thinks that karofsky isn’t coming out anytime soon
11. 4x16 “Feud”: has cement hair, has his identity stolen, is on the bottom, and is forced to join the cheerios again by nicki minaj
12. 6x07 “Transitioning”: gets hit with some eggs, has a serious case of heart eyes, and cheats but in a cool way this time
13. 5x14 “New New York”: cheers up sam, becomes elliott’s facebook friend, has a good talk with kurt, and moves in with mercedes
14. 3x05 “The First Time”: gets virgin shamed, canonically masturbates, meets evil warbler #1, makes out with kurt hummel drunk, and has sex
15. 2x14 “Blame it on the Alcohol”: thinks it’s cool that kurt and finn are brothers, makes out with rachel berry drunk, defends bisexuals, and is 100% gay
16. 3x11 “Michael”: wants to be starting something, gives the warblers sensitive information, and could lose an eye!
17. 4x11 “Sadie Hawkins”: gets asked out by a girl, has a crush on a boy, and finds out the warblers are taking steroids?!
18. 6x04/05 “The Hurt Locker”: forgets his mom’s name, finds a bear in his house, remembers fettuccine alfredo, and sticks his tongue right in someone’s mouth
19. 4x14 “I Do”: gets groped in a prius, has his honor defended, has sex in a hotel room, and knows he and kurt will not be just friends
20. 5x16 “Tested”: has body image issues, watches porn, admits that he’s scared kurt will stop loving him, and is misinterpreted by the entire fandom
21. 4x04 “The Break Up”: screams, cries, throws up, sobs, falls to his knees,
22. 2x09 “Special Education”: helps kurt out at his new school, doesn’t audition for the solo at sectionals, sings the solo at sectionals, gives kurt bird advice
23. 4x10 “Glee, Actually”: who’s blaine? ice skates and has a mature talk
24. 3x01 “The Purple Piano Project”: joins the new directions, unknowingly blows up a piano, and tries his best to be friendly
25. 4x15 “Girls (And Boys) On Film”: sings three duets with three different duet partners, and has a starring role in kurt’s imagination
26. 4x21 “Wonder-ful”: understands kurt unlike anyone else, and wants to marry him
27. 5x01 “Love Love Love”: sings the best duet with kurt, gets back together with him, is more asian than sam and ryder, gathers every show choir in the state, and proposes
28. 6x02 “Homecoming”: gives us some information on his depression, wears curly hair until he remembers people are racist about it, and attempts to solve misogyny
29. 2x15 “Sexy”: takes advice from sue sylvester, is very cringe, and delivers part two of his traumatic backstory
30. 3x02 “I Am Unicorn”: #juniorgate, is the only person respectful of kurt, and gives great audition #1
31. 4x06 “Glease”: continues to suffer, breaks character, and stands hollow eyed in the hallway
32. 3x08 “Hold on to Sixteen” fights sam, fights finn, and does what his father said and let his mother mold him
33. 5x06 “Movin Out”: visits new york, considers being a doctor or a teacher, and is the piano man
34. 2x11 “The Sue Sylvester Shuffle”: sings a banger solo, mercedes and rachel talk at him while he eats, and he attends a mckinley football game
35. 4x01 “The New Rachel”: tells kurt to leave (affectionate) and is the titular character
36. 3x14 “On My Way”: has an emotional breakdown in front of god and everyone, and then raps
37. 4x05 “The Role You Were Born to Play”: cries and sings his best solo, which is great audition #2
38. 2x18 “Born This Way”: sings somewhere only we know, which should make the top but it’s his only scene
39. 6x13 “Dreams Come True”: becomes a father, and loves kurt very very much
40. 3x22 “Goodbye”: is now in ‘the notebook,’ shares a lot of meaningful looks, and wears a lobster cardigan
41. 6x08 “A Wedding”: he gets married i guess. points for his vows
42. 4x22 “All Or Nothing”: is insulted by brittany once again, buys a ring for kurt, and sings a duet with marley
43. 3x09 “Extraordinary Merry Christmas”: is kurt’s best friend and holiday roommate, and gets some good gifts from rachel
44. 4x08 “Thanksgiving”: doesn’t exist until kurt calls him on the phone, and yet it’s such a good phone call that it beats the episodes below
45. 5x11 “City of Angels”: is too gay to lead the glee club, reads the show choir blogs, and has sexual tension with skylar astin 
46. 4x12 “Naked”: becomes santa, gets an unnecessary spray tan, and is a supportive friend
47. 5x20 “The Untitled Rachel Berry Project”: is given kurt’s trust, doesn’t want to sleep with brittany fictionally, and defeats a homophobic old lady
48. 2x17 “A Night of Neglect”: he gets taken on a date to a high school and pushes some people around
49. 6x01 “Loser Like Me”: has been in his flop era since Kurt broke up with him, but he does have a new boyfriend!
50. 2x10 “A Very Glee Christmas”: he sings a flirty christmas duet with kurt, who is much better than that girls gonna be
51. 6x03 “Jagged Little Tapestry”: sings in kurt’s imagination about how much he misses kurt, and gets a bad home makeover
52. 3x03 “Asian F”: gets flowers and a leading role
53. 2x22 “New York”: loves kurt
54. 5x19 “Old Dog New Tricks”: likes seeing kurt so happy
55. 4x09 “Swan Song”: joins the cheerios
56. 2x07 “The Substitute”: sees a purse fall out of kurt’s mouth, and is discussed by kurtcedes as if he’s kurt’s boyfriend 
57. 5x17 “Opening Night”: knows a good gay club
58. 3x16 “Saturday Night Glee-ver”: loves dancing and otherwise disappears
59. 3x13 “Heart”: is back from the dead and more cute and compact than ever!
60. 4x02 “Britney 2.0”: sings my favorite mashup
61. 3x18 “Choke”: is a supportive boyfriend
62. 3x20 “Props”: wonders what a guys gotta do to get a little candy situation, and gets a hot pretzel at the mall with kurt
63. 5x04 “A Katy or a Gaga”: is obviously a katy
64. 4x13 “Diva”: points for him being a guy diva, singing don’t stop me now, being cute when he’s sick, being gay, and liking asian representation, but a huge subtraction for the non consensual touching from tina and him apologizing to her at the end
89. 3x19 “Prom-asaurus”: experiences discrimination, but at least he watches lesbians on tv, is an expert on the bill of rights, and has a very sweet boyfriend
65. 5x09 “Frenemies”: people are mad at him for having good grades, but he’s actually really cool about it and offers for them to share his valedictorian speech
66. 5x05 “The End Of Twerk”: unfortunately causes the entire twerking situation
67. 3x04 “Pot O Gold”: sings last friday night, to the dismay of people who usually sing all the time and will not sing any less in the future
68. 3x07 “I Kissed A Girl”: sings a corny duet to my delight, and otherwise has no thoughts about the difficulties of being gay suddenly
69. 5x02 “Tina in the Sky with Diamonds”: is as always a good friend, hits a really high note
70. 3x21 “Nationals”: is simply present, sings come on! hold tight!, and is the only person who isn’t kissed after they win
71. 6x12 “2009”: has stopped living a lie, but starts living a plot hole
88. 5x15 “Bash”: is strangely sidelined in an episode where his fiancé is attacked, but at least he reads star wars fanfiction
72. 5x13 “New Directions”: gets into NYADA, and makes out with kurt in tina’s mind
73. 5x12 “100”: gets his song stolen, and is given a gift for his wedding night sodomy
74. 6x10 “The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester”: is very very sad dalton burned down
75. 4x20 “Lights Out”: gets mostly cut from the episode, and is still a cheerio
76. 3x06 “Mash Off”: looks like a time traveler with quinn
77. 6x11 “We Built this Glee Club”: thinks glitter is pretty
78. 4x18 “Shooting Star”: is scared and sad, BUT PARENT MENTION???
79. 3x10 “Yes/No”: does not say a word but gives kurt a cute look
80. 5x03 “The Quarterback”: is understandably not in this episode very much
81. 6x06 “What the World Needs Now”: certainly appears as some point
82. 2x19 “Rumours”: doesn’t appear but is the subject of rumors, rachel thinks he’s better than sam
83. 3x12 “The Spanish Teacher”: burt wants to tell him kurt got a NYADA audition
84. 6x09 “Child Star”: he’s on his honeymoon off screen, which kinda rocks
85. 5x18 “The Back Up Plan”: is a lying liar
86. 5x08 “Previously Unaired Christmas”: gets told to shut up, and does
87. 4x19 “Sweet Dreams”: gets yelled at for not being responsible for a group of traumatized children by Mr. Schue, the teacher
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workoutinspiration · 3 months
📅 Day 2/5 "BRO SPLIT" WORKOUT PLAN 1️⃣ Overhead Press - 3x5 2️⃣ Incline Dumbbell Press - 3x6-8 3️⃣ Decline Barbell Press - 2x8-10 4️⃣ Dumbbell Pullovers - 3x8-10 5️⃣ Pec Dec Flys (including one drop set) - 3x8-10 6️⃣ Cable Flys Incline/Decline (alternate weekly) - 2x12-15 7️⃣ Pallof Press - 3x6-8 per side
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 1 year
Theory Time: The Asmodean Crystal Crux
In 2x04 on Stolas’s phone it reminded him that he has a meeting with Asmodeus in three days time (most likely in regards of the Asmodean Crystal that was shown in 1x07 during the latter’s lament). So my theory is that Barbie & I.M.P will be episode 2x05 (because that wouldn’t make sense if it wasn’t unless it takes two episodes in real life before it was brought up again)
As we all know we have seen Blitz with a box in front of him in the sneak peek at lvl expo what could only be assumed that it’s the Asmodean Crystal inside. What also supports my theory is Stolas’s look of rejection (yet again) — even more when Blitz answer about coming to visit him in hospital — at the end of this current episode; meaning he’s getting closer and closer to breaking off his transnational affair with Blitz and find an alternative way that doesn’t require them having sex.
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Like Stolas said in his texts he was more than happy to drop the grimoire off or Blitz could keep it for a little bit longer if needed. Which makes sense why he was Blitz’s calendar has a lot of ❌ dates of the day that was supposed to be the “passionate fornication” night but has been repeatedly moved the next couple days. Which is understandable because Viv is showing us that Stolas is respecting Blitz by giving him space and slowly drawing away between episodes 1x07, where the problem happened, and 2x01 through to 2x04 onwards 2x12 (resolved — TBA)
I also feel like we won't see Stolas for another two episodes — knowing Viv's patterns she uses his appearance sparsely — between episodes, like "Loo Loo Land" & "Moonlight Harvest Festival" and again, in S2 with "Seeing Stars" and now "Western Energy"
But I’m getting off track here, since the storyline is about Blitz, his relationships, his company etc. It’s more than likely the episode is going to be about him and his rival (Fizzarolli) & Asmodeus or his sister (Barbie), if they’re not all the one thing but broken up to LOOK like 2x05 & 2x06, which makes sense because both Asmodean Crystal related which corresponds to 'Western Energy"
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But who knows maybe Stolas might be indirectly mentioned about being in hospital or Asmodeus gets a text message via insinuation without being onscreen, I mean come on, I don’t think people would be too upset considering because he just had an whole angsty episode to himself. In fact, Blitz could even be talking to the latter on the phone in this scene, but we don’t hear what is being said.
I mean he’s got one hand on the phone and the other on the box-looking thing, which is assumed to be an Asmodean Crystal, and seemed more infuriated than usual towards Moxxie — or anyone who interrupted him with his phone call, could have easily been Loona 😂 — if it was just a client.
To ME this indicates the inevitable “break up” of Stolitz which would be so much easier to do now that Stolas doesn’t, temporarily, romantic feelings towards him. Which technically, all of this, would make sense in regards to the ending of 2x04; the strictly platonic / polite demeanour from Stolas towards Blitz, the meeting with Asmodeus & Fizz, the Asmodean Crystal, the latter obtaining said object physically etc
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nipslashtuck · 2 years
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“And you have it all, Julia. The house, the career, a life without limits that most women can only dream of.”
2x12 - “Julia McNamara”
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roh-reads · 8 months
probably a stretch, but am trying to find a fic on AO3 where Ted has a nightmare that Trent's dying. Like he dreams about an alternate conversation at the end 2x12
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joelcoen · 2 years
error in ted lasso 2x12! as we all know, trent crimm writes for the independent and ted is reading a paper version of the independent. however, the independent stopped printing in 2016, and has been an online newspaper since. so either this is an error on production or ted lasso takes place in an alternate universe where newspapers are not in decline
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organic-guacamole · 2 years
uh yeah so I wasn't planning on watching the episode until the weekend but my sister woke up super early and started like dancing or swinging from the ceiling fan or something and it woke me up so now I will bring back the guac episode text blocks :')
Hsmtmts: Season 3: Episode 1 Reaction
"And love is an open door. Did I just make that up? It's pretty good."
First new line of the show and I'm smiling like an idiot. So turns out I'm not actually over this show🥸
DAD JOKES ARE LIFE. I will be taking notes as EJ continues to speak.
big red's got work? all the time? why? can't he take two weeks off to enjoy the summer with friends? he's like 16? huh??
and Sebbie's gotta milk so this is how we explain their absence 🧍🏽‍♀️
oh so Ricky is with Lily after all? icky licky.
Carlos switching his glasses for sunglasses made me laugh a bit too much. maybe I should pull my sister down from the ceiling and go back to sleep...
wait wait wait
I'm not American and I haven't paid much attention to the details yet but like, Utah and California are close, but close enough that these kids' parents let them drive by themselves across states? ISNT CARLOS LIKE CANONICALLY 16? is this normal? I'm sorry
EJ being the son of Cash Caswell 4 and a half minutes into the season. why do rich people need more than 1 home? also yes Gina. she knew about the 2nd home so I'm assuming she's at least seen it (unless EJ just casually mentions his other houses but to me he seems like the kinda guy to forget he has more houses than the average person and just never talk about it) so yeah slay girlie pop marry rich! life is about the material things! go queen!
"you come to camp shallow lake and you leave and someone else" oh no. foreshadowing.
yeah I miss seb too.
the whole phone confiscation thing is awful to me. not because I'm addicted or anything, just that, that's my property and they're storing it in a bucket with other people's nasty phones in a dark room somewhere and idk what's happening to it? no thanks I'll leave it home.
oh I completely forgot the intro song thing *insert harsh whistle*
this is funny though. don't mind my disgusted expression as I watch this scene, I'm rather enjoying seeing Ricky turn into a text to speech reader.
the more Lily talks the more I fear for Ricky's life.
Caribbean cruise? uhhh I live in the Caribbean 😥😥😥 imagine just chilling and you see miss Jenn running around buying souvenirs.
so it's confirmed that this is the same camp that Nini and EJ met at😃
I love Ashlyn. no context needed.
Why is she still with Howie again?
the non-wildcats in the corner. Are they credited as non-wildcats on IMDb?
as Ms Jenn is talking about sparks, remember when she and Mr Mazzara started a fire at the school and just...ran away? why don't we talk about this?
I wrote an alternate 2x12 fanfic where Ricky knows about the harness already so I genuinely thought they all knew already... anyways, yay Tim for bringing back this plotpoint!
Carlos being horrified by these random dudes throwing things is exactly what I expected from this season. that and Ricky coming to his senses but we can't always get what we want.
Jet is hot but we knew this already. anyways gimme the enemies to lovers with Ricky please, with a bunch of angst with happy ending, all that jazz. gimme the flavour🤌🏽🤌🏽
the way lily's body language is... reminds me of an episode of 911 where this girl murdered her boyfriend on valentine's day because he wanted to leave the date... she literally looked so much like how Lily looks rn... RUN RICHARD
isn't she like 14? like canon... I have a lot of questions for her parents mainly.
so he really just has big red's car this whole time? he's having his mv moment so I'll overlook it. we all need our main character moment at some point. but actually. it's a literal music video in the middle of the episode.
wait have we seen Kourtney and Carlos interactions yet? please someone tell me if we have or have not because this is my favourite. also let's discuss Kourtney's rainbow belt 😁
what kind of life changing 2 week camp is this? why are they all acting like all new people will be brainwashed and their lives will flip upside down by the time it's over
emo boy Jet meets emo boy Ricky they un-emotify together or something idk
"if you fall in no one will hear your screams" "don't go too far into the woods or you'll be gone for good" still not convinced this isn't a murder mystery season.
you telling me
Disney plus exists
in the universe of a show
on Disney plus
anyways so is this how EJ becomes director-
damn so he's really second choice for this too👩🏽‍🦯
RICKy? how does this even happen? don't they have to pay for this camp? how did he get so far in and portwell are the first people he sees? I'm so confused 😭
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tailsrevane · 1 year
[tv review] ds9 2x11-13 (1994)
2x11 “rivals”
the plots intersect, but: o’brien vs. bashier @ racquetball > quark vs. what’s-his-face @ capitalism. i really appreciate the slow burn of their bromance.
i also liked actually seeing keiko & miles interacting in a way that suggests they at least like each other? and cutting back & forth between their conversation and bashir & dax’s conversation about the same racquetball game was a cute bit of parallel structure.
other than that, this episode is super meh. i neither like nor dislike it. c-rank
2x12 “the alternate”
fuck off with this abuse apologism. d-rank
2x13 “armageddon game”
this is one of those plots that easily could’ve fit into either ds9 or tng, and frankly probably would’ve made slightly more sense for tng? so hilariously the title makes it sound like a tos episode.
but yeah, to employ a metaphor sisko would approve of, just a right over the middle of the plate star trek episode. the peril & politics of the situation are both very star trekky, the investigation including doctored security footage is textbook golden age trek stuff, and the cute twist at the end where sisko stalls the bad guys by remote piloting one runabout while he & his officers are actually escaping on another runabout is simultaneously very in character for him and an extremely star trekky tactical move. we also get some continued advancement of the bashir/o’brien slow burn towards best friendship with the whole “it’s been an honor serving with you” stuff.
this isn’t an especially remarkable episode or anything, but sometimes all they have to be is solid & star trekky. b-rank
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aceofwhump · 2 years
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No. 15 Alternate: Emergency Blanket
9-1-1 Lone Star 2x12 | Jericho 1x14 | Station 19 1x03 | Sherlock BBC 1x01 | The Blacklist 2x06 | Forever 1x11 | The Mentalist 6x11 | Farscape 2x10 | Prodigal Son 2x03 | Castle 3x17 | The Day After Tomorrow | Hawaii Five-0 10x07
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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