#jake and nog REALLY like MOVED IN TOGETHER
garashir · 4 years
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THE bedroom???
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 3 years
Character ask: kira, ziyal, or jake
I answered about Ziyal on another ask, and now I’m gonna answer for Jake AND Kira, bc I have many Opinions
Jake Sisko
1: sexuality headcanon: bi 2: otp: I like Jake/Ziyal AND Jake/Nog... Jake has two hands... 3: brotp: I think Jake & Jadzia would be a really funny friendship to have seen... Jake would be like “*chin hands* tell me about my dad’s embarrassing youth” 4: notp: Jake/Mardah 5: first headcanon that pops into my head: you can’t convince me that Nog and Jake weren’t boyfriends when they moved in together 6: favorite line from this character: “We need that card. The entire future of the galaxy may depend on us tracking down Willie Mays and stopping him.” 7: one way in which I relate to this character: writer, doesn't want to do chores EVERY day 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Sisko letting Prophets-possessed!Kira fight Pah-Wraith-possessed!Jake bc he trusted that the Prophets wouldn’t let Jake die <_< 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: cinnamon roll
Kira Nerys
1: sexuality headcanon: lesbian (she dates a lot men bc it just takes her awhile to figure it out okay) 2: otp: Kira/Jadzia, Kira/Keiko 3: brotp: Kira & Sisko 4: notp: Kira/Dukat; also Kira/Odo set anytime after Odo sleeps with the Founder for 3 entire days or whatever 5: first headcanon that pops into my head: society if Kira and Keiko had gotten to have all the sexual tension given to Kira and Miles in that one ep 6: favorite line from this character: “Sorry enough to leave?” 7: one way in which I relate to this character: smol 8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night, oof 9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: problematic cinnamon roll <3
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ttearsofthekingdom · 3 years
Since it technically is the final episode of dee ess nine i think ill give my two cents on S8E1.
Long post , just kinda nit picking about this TLDR i dont really like it.
For a "getting the band back together" thing between the old writers, its not bad. Its a first draft of a pitch for a show set 20 years later, and the writers have obviously changed as people in those 20 years. It feels different, it feels like its catered more towards that binge-watching serialized netflix-type show than the first 7 seasons. Theres this punchyness to it, with all of these familiar sets and characters but in a way that is unfamiliar and it kinda makes your head spin.
Kira as a Vedek, shes turned Terok Nor into a shrine. Shes employed the Jem Hadar as a private militia, no doubt using her relationship with Odo as a bargaining chip. All of the orbs exist on her little station, away from Bajor, because the Emmisary was once there. It feels more like a season 5-6 Kai Winn thing than a Kira thing but what do I know. I just cant wrap my head around Kira Nerys acting like Kai Winn. Maybe season 1 Kira, but not season 7 Kira.
And then theres Nog, who im very biased over because hes my favorite character. I wanted good things for him, but he gets killed so unceremoniously and disrespectfully it harkens back to the death of Tasha Yar, except instead of being killed in a display of power, its a display of symbolic power on behalf of the writers. "Fuck the first 7 seasons, youre here in season 8! BUCKLE UP!!" Ive never been fan of that kind of writing, instead of giving real stakes and emotional depth you just kill a character for funsies. Again, im favorite-character biased but I think building a character like him and killing him immediately upon the series' return would be very disrespectful to him.
I liked Siskos return though. The fact that he existed across space and time all at once just to return to Jake and apologize was moving. It reminded me a lot of Half Life Epistle 3, during the segment where Alyx and Freeman are stretched across time and space onboard the Borealis. Its interesting that Jake and Joseph lead such separate lives that they havent talked in years, but when theres a 15~ year age gap between two siblings it can definitely be hard to connect.
I think I dont like it because it has that same feeling that ST: Picard has. That "drama" feeling. I cant explain it at all but I just cant handle it. In a way im glad it will never happen.
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obviouslyelementary · 4 years
Talent Show - DS9 fanfic
Ships: Jake/Nog; Kira/Jadzia; Julian/Garak; Quark/Odo
Tags: Romance, first kisses, confessions over music, teen love, adults being there to have fun.
Word count: 4k+
Nights like these were rather on DS9. Clam, gentle, uneventful nights, where they could arrange some sort of gathering for the people who were interested. The idea came from Keiko, as she allowed the children to express themselves in a variety of ways, including acting, dancing and singing, which lead to the event they were having. All parents and friends and all the station's personal had been invited for the presentation the kids had organized, some of them doing bajoran traditional dances, and others reading poems and reciting stories.
The parents were excited, and due to a little blackmailing, Sisko was able to get Quark's bar to be the gathering point. They made a stage and organized the chairs so that everyone would fit, and despite Quark's first hesitation, he realized he could make at least a bit of profit by giving off food and soft drinks for the guests.
In the end, they were all gathered up for the event to begin, and Benjamin couldn't help but lean closer to Jake as Keiko called the first group of children to the stage.
"I hope you have prepared something good" he said, and Jake looked at him, giving his father a nervous smile.
"Me too. I'm sure you will like it" he said, making Ben confused and even more curious.
"Are you really not going to tell me what it is? And to whom? Because clearly it isn't for me" he teased, nudging Jake, but the boy seemed to get even more uncomfortable, letting out a weak chuckle and sipping on his drink. "Alright I wont bug you with it. But I bet she will like it."
Jake looked at him, even more unsure, and nodded weakly while looking down at his glass. The bajoran music began, and Benjamin lifted his glance to look at the stage, where three little bajoran girls were beginning to dance. It was quite adorable, but his mind didn't leave him alone. He was always curious about what Jake would do.
 "Can you believe Keiko came for me to help?" Kira asked, chuckling as she shook her head, sipping on her juice and leaning against Jadzia, who was sitting just behind her. "As if I knew any traditional bajoran dancing."
"I mean, I would have asked you too" Julian said from the other side of the table, smiling over his big lizard boyfriend's shoulder from where, very much like Kira, Garak rested against the doctor's chest.
"Are you two going to appreciate this moment?" Garak asked, his soft voice always against his cardassian nature, making Kira giving him a glance while Jadzia squeezed her girlfriend tighter and kissed her cheek.
"He's right" she sang into her ear, kissing it and making Kira immediately lean back against her. "The girls are doing a marvelous job."
"Yeah... they are cute" Kira admitted, holding Jadzia's hand over her own stomach and watching as the girls danced and jumped around the stage, following the song's rhythm. They seemed to have practiced quite a lot. "I remember some girls at my camp that danced like that. There weren’t many of them, but their mothers insisted on keeping the culture alive. It was quite... enchanting."
"Any sort of hope is enchanting" Julian added, laying his head on Garak's almost protectively, while Garak kept his attention on the stage, humming along with the song. Kira didn't seem to mind his company anymore, drawing patterns on Jadzia's hand, smiling whenever one of the girls pulled off a tricky move. They were very good, and she was glad a Cardassian could enjoy a little bit of Bajoran culture without feeling offended.
But then again, Garak wasn't any cardassian. She knew it by the way he treated Julian, most of all. And she wasn't a simple bajoran either.
It was no time to think about that, however.
 Once the girls were finished, the crowd clapped and were given a few seconds to ask for food and drinks while the next group got together on stage. Quark groaned as once again Rom came back with a full platter, flicking his ear.
"You are a disgrace Rom! I said table six not sixteen! Take it to them before it grows cold!" he complained, shaking his head and fixing some more drinks for the costumers, in a rush. During presentations he did nothing but watch, and during breaks he would have to run so all costumers were satisfied. He didn't like that one bit.
"Looking quite busy, Quark" he heard someone say, and oh boy his night couldn't get better. He turned around to face Odo, his eyes narrowed in annoyance as he poured another drink without looking at it before his waiter took it away.
"If you wouldn't mind helping, I could very much use your assistance" he said, getting another meal from the replicator and putting it on a tray. "If not, I would rather have you leaving me alone. After all with all this work, you can't possibly suspect of any scheme!"
"I'm suspecting of schemes ever since you accepted this... event to happen at your bar, Quark" he said, leaning over the bar and squinting his eyes at the bartender. "If I find you are doing anything to ruin this presentation..."
"Odo, why would I? These are every day clients that will be here more often if I offer them good service, specially around their children" Quark said, honestly already exhausted, and it had only been the first set of children. For all he knew, there were still ten performances left, and then it would be open to the public. This night would never end. "Please, Odo? Leave me alone?"
That sounded quite defeated, but he didn't have time to care about his dignity at the moment.
He turned around to serve another waiter with a set of drinks and food, but when he turned to reach for the replicator, the food was gone. Another look, and a freakishly long arm was placing it on the tray, together with other six tentacle-things serving the drinks accordingly to the requests. When Quark looked over, Odo's face couldn't be read, and yet, he felt extremely thankful.
"Next performance will be of our dear student Tarsk, who will be reading her poem" Keiko said, and Quark sighed, shaking his head and knowing he would have another short break. He walked closer to where Odo was sitting, and leaned over the bar, looking at the stage.
"I don't think Nog will be doing anything. At least I hope not" he whispered as the little kid got ready. Odo humphred at him, and Quark raised his cartilage. "Why are you so moody?"
"I was expecting so spend some... quality time with you. I did not know you would be controlling the food and drinks" he said, quite hesitant and also quietly, but Quark heard it and he felt the happiness of being wanted tingling in his ears.
"Oh really? You know, we have the time during the performances" Quark said, and Odo turned to face him, his face unreadable. "I'm free now."
Odo shook his head and let out a huff through his nose before leaning closer to Quark and pressing a quick kiss to his lips. Once he pulled away, his attention returned to the stage, but Quark was already too happy to care.
That would be a good night.
 As the little girl read her poem, quite long for a simple child's mind, Garak leaned further against Julian, and the doctor nodded something akin to fatigue getting over his wonderful partner. He knew Garak had been tired the last few days, although he wasn’t sure why, and he knew he wouldn't get it from him either, but holding him closer and kissing his scaly neck seemed to make the cardassian a little more comfortable.
"Sometimes I... forget... the beauty of the Bajoran culture" he whispered, to no one really, and surely too quiet for their table sharers to listen, but Julian heard and leaned closer to him, nuzzling gently behind his pointy ear.
"They can be quite mesmerizing, can't they? The children?" he asked, intertwining their fingers together, while Garak let out one of his gentle chuckles, nodding to himself and to the doctor.
"Indeed... they hold the same spirituality that allowed their parents and grandparents to survive" he whispered, and sighed softly, squeezing Julian's hands. "In moments like this I wonder the true destruction Cardassia brought to these people."
"You never talk about the invasion like this" Julian noted, perhaps finding one more layer of Garak he didn’t know, one of those he kept buried inside many lies and secrets. But the cardassian just chuckled and closed his eyes, paying attention to the poem again, and Julian knew he had lost him.
Sometimes he just spoke too much.
But luckily, Garak didn't seem to mind.
 "Did you see Rom or Nog at all?" Jadzia asked after the little girl finished her poem, a new round of drinks and foods being served to the guests. Kira turned to face her, a small frown showing in her pretty nose's cartilages.
"I think Rom is being useless to Quark as he always is... and I don't know about Nog. Why?" she asked, taking a sip from her drink and offering it to Jadzia, who easily accepted.
"Nothing. Just curious" she said, and Kira rolled her eyes while laying her head on her girlfriend's shoulder.
"Only you to care about the ferengis while having a nice little talent show" she whispered, and hummed happily. Jadzia knew the alcohol (which was not supposed to be served and yet, here they were) was beginning to affect Kira, letting her softer and sweeter, and maybe a bit clingier, but she didn’t mind, only bringing her bajoran major closer and kissing her head.
"I care about all the performances, but there is one in particular I would not like to miss" she said, and Kira looked at her curiously, barely opening her eye.
"Is the baby troll going to show off some hidden skills?" she teased, smiling, and Jadzia chuckled softly.
"Don't talk like that about Nog, he is a child still" she said, kissing her head and then her lips when Kira pouted. "No, I don't think Nog will be presenting anything. But it is important that he is here, so he sees Jake's."
"Jake's? Oh, what is that going to be?" Kira asked, suddenly interested, smiling at Jadzia. "Is it like a prank? A loooooove declaration?"
"I don't know. All I know is that Jake is nervous and he wants Nog to see it" she smiled, and kissed Kira again to make her forget the subject.
After all, she didn't want to ruin it for Jake.
 "Thank you so much, thank you! Now, our next performer will be Jake Sisko! Get your food and drinks and get ready!" Keiko announced, before nodding for Jake to hop up on the stage. Jake sighed and looked at his dad, unsure, before rushing up with her and taking the old fashioned microphone. "Hey Jake! Ready?"
"I-I guess" he mumbled nervously, looking at her. "Did,.. did Nog show up? Is he going to do anything?"
"He didn't come to check on me, no, but I believe he must be around. His family is" she said, and smiled at him, tapping his shoulder. "Don't worry. I don't think he would lose seeing you perform."
"Thank you, miss O'Brien" he whispered, sighing and getting on stage, before scanning the room as the ferengi served the guests. He could see his father sitting alone a few feet away from the stage. A few tables behind, he saw Jadzia, Kira, Julian and Garak sharing a table, the two couples clearly quite content with their arms around each other. He felt his cheeks warming up as he looked away, only to see Odo serving drinks with four tentacle-like arms while kissing Quark on the side. He couldn't help but frown, that was gross.
He kept looking around, trying to find Nog in the middle of the tables or maybe serving, but he just couldn't find him. Of course, the crowd didn't make it any easier, but he was growing nervous and he hoped Nog would be there to hear him.
 Nog came rushing downstairs as quickly as he could when he heard Jake's name. he made his way through the crowd towards the bar, panting as he reached his uncle, unable to stop his disgust from showing when he saw him and Odo in a somewhat weird make out section. Still, didn't weird him out enough to stop him.
"Uncle! Uncle Quark!" he called, and they pulled away, Odo turning to face him while Quark looked annoyedly at him.
"What?!" he growled, and Nog winced. Odo did not seem to appreciate Quark's reaction. "Shouldn't you be counting the gold upstairs?!"
"I know uncle I know, but you said I could hear Jake!" he said, biting his lip. He had promised him he wouldn't miss it. "I know I did wrong by stealing your liquor, but-but... I learned my lesson! I won't do it again!"
"Quaark" Odo growled and Quark shook his head angrily.
"You are putting me in a bad spot boy!" he complained and Nog pouted. "I should not allow you to listen to the Sisko boy!"
"You promised!" he whined, looking over at the stage. Jake was getting ready. "Please?"
"Yes" Odo answered for Quark, and made a face when the bartender tried to intervene. "Go and find somewhere to seat. You are free for the rest of the evening."
Nog grinned widely and didn't even wait to hear his uncle's complaints, rushing into the crowd and sitting down on a vacant seat with a bajoran group, looking up at the stage as Jake tapped on the weird thing he had on his hand and cleaned his throat.
"H-hi" he started, and Nog grinned to himself. "My name is Jake Sisko, I believe you all... know me" he continued, clearly nervous. "For today's performance I prepared a song... one that is very old, from earth. The 19 hundreds. It is dedicated to my best friend... if you're there, t-this song is for you."
Nog's eyes widened and he looked forward at the stage with even more attention, his ears twitching with excitement. Jake cleaned his throat again and the music started, slow and somewhat dancing, and Jake swayed from one side to the other as he breathed, getting the timing.
"Take it easy with me, please. Touch me gently, like a summer evening breeze. Take your time, make it slow... andante andante, just let the feeling grow.
"Make your fingers soft and light, let your body be the velvet of the night... touch my soul, you know how. Andante andante, go slowly with me now..."
The song was melodic, hypnotic, and Nog couldn't let his eyes drift away from Jake at any second. He wasn't the best singer he had ever heard, in fact Ferengi had quite the ears for music, but the lyrics and the soft, gentle way he sung made Nog's heart skip a beat. And everyone in the bar seemed frozen, watching amazed by Jake's feelings.
 "I'm your music, I'm your song! Play me time and time again, and make me strong. Make me sing, make me sound... andante andante, tread lightly on my ground... andante andante, oh please don't let me down.
"Make me sing, make me sound. Andante andante, tread lightly on my ground... andante andante, oh please don't let me down... andante andante... oh please, don' let me... down..."
The song came to a slow, sweet end, and Jake put the microphone down, looking around at the crowd as it burst into cheers. His father stood up and clapped hard, whistling suddenly, and he could see all his friends in the crowd, waving and whistling and cheering even while Keiko came over to get his microphone back.
"That was incredible Jake! Beautiful!" she whispered, smiling at him, and he smiled back at her nervously before handing her the microphone. He rushed down the stairs and looked around before sitting next to his dad, still confused and looking for Nog.
"Jake that was beautiful" Ben said, holding his son's hand, and he looked at him with a small smile.
"Thanks dad, I... I practiced a lot" he said, but his attention was on his surroundings. "You didn't see-"
"I believe, if I may" he heard Garak from behind them, and turned to face the cardassian, who was giving Jake a smile "that I saw your little friend coming downstairs right before you sang. Maybe you should speak to his uncle, to see where he is" he winked, and Jake felt himself warm up again but smiled.
"Yeah, thanks Garak. Dad I'll be right back" he said, pulling away and rushing off into the crowd. Ben watched him leave, knowing very well he would not be coming back any time soon.
"Being young and in love. It's the sweetest thing, even though he is in love with a baby troll" Kira said, smiling to herself, and Ben shook his head while Jadzia and Julian grinned to one another.
"Major, be nicer to your youngsters" Garak said, and she groaned at him while their partners pulled them closer to avoid any fights. Ben just chuckled and shook his head, looking back at the stage.
 After having a quite short talk with Quark (who seemed more concerned in sucking the life out of Odo's face than actually helping Jake at all), he was able to get some information about Nog's whereabouts. He looked through the back crowd, with no luck, and it wasn't until he looked up that he saw Nog on the second floor, looking down, waving his legs around.
Jake rushed to the stairs and made his way up as quickly as he could, sitting down next to Nog and looking at him expectantly.
Nog, however, seemed quite calm.
"Hey" Jake said, and Nog looked at him. "Did you see my performance? Did you like it?"
"I saw it, but I don't understand human music a lot. Specially old music" Nog said, smiling at Jake. "Also, good call calling her your 'best friend'. I bet she enjoyed it."
"Her? Her who?" Jake asked, confused, and Nog chuckled with a nudge on his arm.
"The girl you sang for! Come on Jake I don't understand human music but I know how to listen to lyrics! It's about love, and it's clear it was for some girl you like! Now, who is she? Maybe I can get you on a date!"
"Nog, there's no girl."
"What do you mean there's no girl? You said it, the song was for your best friend and the song is about love or touching or whatever you humans liked to do in your 19 hundreds!" he said, lifting his hands and hitting them on the rails again. Jake sighed.
"Yeah, it is a love song and it was a love confession. But there's no girl."
"Then... a boy?" Nog asked, eyes widening. "You have a best male friend that isn't me?! How come I never heard of him? Also your taste in partners is quite... unappealing-"
"I don't have any other best friend! Not boy or girl or non binary!" Jake exclaimed, loudly, and stood up angry and humiliated. Oh, that hurt. "The song was a love confession to my best friend. You. But clearly you don't care."
Jake made his way down the second floor as quickly as he could, feeling the tears rise up in his eyes. Clearly that had been an awful idea, and he would never be anything but a hooman friend to Nog. He ran as quickly as his legs allowed him to go, he knew he shouldn't cry like this, but he felt like it because his chest was hurting and he had never felt anything like this before.
It was frustrating.
 It took Nog almost an hour to find Jake again. After the human had not only yelled at him, but also confessed, he felt like an idiot and wanted to talk to him further. Of course he would have never suspected Jake would be singing to him, no one had ever liked him before! No one had ever expressed any type of romantic love towards him at all, and rarely he got any platonic or fraternal love either by how crude and rude the ferengis were, so he didn't quite understand what Jake meant until he spelled it out.
And even worst, he would never expect his feelings to be reciprocated. To him, Jake was far beyond his reach since day one. Somehow he got lucky Jake decided to be his friend, and now, he seemed to want more even though Nog would have never expected anything like that from him. Nog was, well, crude and rude as any ferengi, but he was also stupid, he didn't know math or how to read, he didn't understand biology or history, he didn't have the lobes for business... he never believed or even hoped Jake would ever like him!
But now that he knew he did, he was afraid his stupidity would once again ruin whatever they had.
However, he did learn some things with his ferengi relatives, and he also knew Jake wasn't all that smart either. Well, he was, but not when it came to every day stuff. So, he hid in the most obvious place he could: in the observation tower, where they liked spending evenings watching the stars. Nog approached the room silently, looking around and finding Jake like a shadow in the middle of the room, illuminated only by the stars. He approached, his ears capturing the sound of soft sniffles, and felt even worst for making Jake cry.
If he couldn’t fix it, he would never forgive himself.
Knowing a surprise would not be appropriate, he gently pushed a box nearby to make a sound, and Jake jumped and turned around, wiping his tears to look at him.
"W-who is... Nog?" he asked, his voice softening at his name, and Nog nodded slowly. Jake then turned back around, wiping his eyes. "What are you doing here? What do you want?"
"Jake I-"
"You don't have to say it. I get it. I understood the moment I told you that you didn't like me the same way. It's obvious now, why would you like anyone like me? I'm a male, I'm a human, I don't care about profit or whatever else you Ferengis care about..."
"Jake, that is not-"
"You don't have to make me feel worst Nog! I already feel well ashamed and upset!" he said, and even though Nog sat down next to him, he didn’t move. "I just... hope I didn't ruin our friendship."
"You didn't" Nog assured, tapping his shoulder, and Jake looked at him with tears glistening in his dark eyes. "Jake, I... I didn't mean to make you feel upset, or-or ashamed! I just... never expected-"
"Me to like you... yeah, I know" he whispered and wiped his tears. "I never expected you to like me back. I guess one of us was right."
"Jake, no-"
"I don't wanna hear it, I'm fine with this rejection as it is" Jake said, sighing and looking up at the stars. Nog frowned, frustrated that Jake wouldn't listen to him.
"Jake I-"
"No Nog."
"Nog I don't want to listen!"
That was it. Nog held Jake's face and turned his head around to face him, and Jake looked at him surprised, but it was a look that soon disappeared when Nog leaned in and pressed their lips together. He closed his eyes tightly and just waited for a response, since he was aware he was not good at kissing, but eventually the shock wore out and Jake responded, moving his lips ever so slightly and tilting his head. His hands came to rest on Nog's shoulders while Nog's remained on his cheeks, until they both pulled away and looked at each other, surprised and also radiant.
"You should have let me finish" Nog said, and Jake smiled brightly at him.
"And miss that? Not at all" he giggled, and Nog giggled right back before they met up again, kissing once more now that they knew how each other felt.
And they remained the rest of the event (and even longer after that) in the observation toward, kissing and giggling and getting acquainted with this new relationship that had blossomed.
 By the end of the talent show, Ben had joined his two favorite couples for a round of food and drinks, on the house. The parents and children had already left, and Quark brought up something for them to chew on, sitting with Odo and the rest of the officers. Kira was basically asleep on Jadzia's chest, while the others talked and drank in the quiet of the night.
It was Odo who brought the subject up.
"Your son, commander. I have not seen him since his performance" he said, making Ben share a knowing look with Jadzia. Before he could answer, Garak interrupted.
"I'm sure he is well taken for, Odo. He was looking for Nog when he left" he said, and Odo nodded.
"Yes I know. That is what worries me" he explained, receiving a flick on the arm from Quark.
"Don't be like that! My nephew is one of the few good ferengis I know, and I'm not counting myself" he said, and shook his head while Julian chuckled.
"Hopefully the two of them are... discussing some issues that need to be resolved" he said, winking to Dax who smiled and nodded.
"Could we join you?" they heard Miles saying, and pulled their chairs around to fit another two while Kira complained and found a way of climbing on Jadzia's lap, falling asleep tangled on her girlfriend. No one seemed to mind, and Keiko and Miles joined the group after closing off all the necessary equipment for the event.
They spent the rest of the evening talking, laughing and enjoying each other's company without thinking much about the problems that could come ahead. After all, it was rare to have such a calm night to enjoy.
And sure, they didn’t see Nog or Jake until the next morning, but Keiko knew the night had been productive when she saw the two boys walking into her classroom with their hands tangled together.
She decided then she should make those events more often.
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ezrisdax-archive · 4 years
over and over (I keep wondering why)
@trillscienceofficer prompted over on the star trek femslash prompt meme ‘kiradax time loop’ and I had to (also here on ao3)
“I have to admit I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Nerys didn’t reply, staring deep into the Romulan ale in the glass in front of her.
“Kira?” Jadzia continued, her voice laced with worry. When she didn’t respond again Jadzia placed a hand on her shoulder. “Nerys?”
Nerys’ breath hitched in her throat at her first name, her gaze flickered over to Jadzia and she offered her a brittle smile. “Dax.”
“What’s wrong?” Jadzia asked, taking the seat next to hers and leaning into Nerys space as though she could spot what was wrong just from looking hard.
It was exactly what she’d done last time too.
And about four times before that.
Nerys leaned back, sighing deeply. “I think the prophets are trying to tell me something.” It was the only thing she could really think of.
It wasn’t a holodeck program and it wasn’t an accident from Jake and Nog messing with something on the station and O’Brien had confirmed that there weren’t any strange particles around her or on any part of the system and-
“What have the prophets done now?” Jadzia hadn’t pulled back in the least, the dim light of Quark’s made her spots almost blend all together with the shadows and Nerys didn’t bother to resist the urge to lift her hand and trace her Trill spots, her fingertips just barely pressing down.
“Nerys?” Jadzia was frowning. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
“I don’t know.” Nerys confessed. “I’ve just been doing this so much…”
The day started the same every time. She woke up, nothing appearing wrong around her; no security risks reported by Odo. No ships coming through the wormhole. Just a regular day.
Over and over.
She looked up, meeting Jadzia’s eyes. “Thank you.” She began, “For being there every time.”
Jadzia’s lips quirked upwards, “Benjamin once told me of an earth song-”
Nerys rolled her eyes. “‘Its going to take me a lot to drag me away from you.’ I’ve heard.” She said drily.
Jadzia pouted. “Have I used that one already? I didn’t think I had…”
Nerys pulled her hand away, laughing. “Don’t worry about it, Dax.”
“All these drinks and I’m still just Dax?” Jadzia teased, the pout still on her lips.
Nerys couldn’t help the smile that was pulled out of her. “Maybe you need to buy me another drink.”
Jadzia’s eyes lit up. “Would that work?”
“Couldn’t hurt.” Nerys said and she hadn’t gotten this conversation last time. Maybe next time it would change again but she had no doubt that if she walked out Jadzia would follow to find her. The warmth in her stomach had nothing to do with the alcohol and she chased the feeling, leaning just a little into Jadzia’s space.
“Maybe that’s what the prophets are trying to tell you.” Jadzia said suddenly.
Nerys perked up a little at that. “What?”
“To relax, have some more fun.”
Nerys snorted in bemusement. “I thought that’s what you were trying to teach me.”
“Maybe I needed the help.” Jadzia said easily and shrugged. She nudged Nerys with an elbow lightly. “We could always ask them.”
“I tried.” Nerys groaned. She’d flown to the orb of time on Bajor. She’d gone into the wormhole. She’d stayed in her room all day and just prayed and begged.
“Couldn’t hurt to try again.” Jadzia rested a hand on her shoulder. “And if you need the help I’m here.”
Nerys reached up to capture Jadzia’s hand and squeeze it, keeping her hand on top of Jadzia’s where it rested. “Thank you…Jadzia.”
“Knew you could do it.” Jadzia didn’t bother to hide her wide grin.
It would be so easy then, to lean over, to kiss Jadzia. To wipe the grin off her face and present her with a new focus. To just give in to something she’d been so unsure of for the past few years since Jadzia stepped onto the station.
Except she’d wake up.
And Jadzia would not remember.
Nerys pulled back.
Bajor looked beautiful from the view of the station.
Nerys stared down at it; barely blinking.
“Well you look deep in thought.” Jadzia’s voice rumbled next to her ear, making her jump and then shiver.
She looked back and then up, a little annoyed at Jadzia’s height and like Jadzia knew what she was thinking she straightened up to stand even taller.
“I was thinking I don’t go back often enough.”
She’d been there at least fifteen times since this began to her.
“You could always request some leave.”
“I could.” Nerys relented, going along with it.
“Think you could use the company?” Jadzia asked, a sly grin on her face.
Nerys huffed in amusement. “How about now?”
“Now?” Jadzia’s smile fell. “Kira what’s going on?”
She hated that question.
“Maybe later.” Nerys sighed.
If it ever came.
The candle didn’t shatter against the wall in any way that felt satisfying. Just a dull thud as it fell to some pieces and to the ground.
“What do you want?!” Nerys asked the ceiling without answer.
“Nerys!” Jadzia called out, striding into the room, concern written all over her face. When she reached Nerys she put her hand out, resting it on top of Nerys’ bicep.
Nerys tried to keep the tears of frustration and anger back.
“What do they want?” She asked again, the emotions draining her.
Jadzia pulled her closer, slipping her arms around Nerys and resting her chin atop Nerys’ head as she hugged her tightly.
Only twenty minutes later Nerys woke up to that morning yet again, alone.
“I have to admit I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Nerys didn’t answer.
“Major!” Benjamin’s voice shook her and made her almost turn the shuttle right around as he continued. “What is going on?”
“Sorry, Captain.” Nerys said, genuinely apologetic. “I have to try something again.”
“Nerys wai-”
She shut off the communicator at Jadzia’s voice.
She’d take her chances and hear Jadzia again if she had any luck on her side.
“Tell me about Trill.” Nerys asked, on what must have been the fiftieth loop. Or perhaps it was already one hundred. She was starting to lost count.
“Anything specific?” Jadzia raised an eyebrow as she sipped her raktajino that morning, setting the padd she was reading down.
“Anything you want.” Nerys replied, just hoping to hear something new.
“I know quite a bit about one specific Trill.” Jadzia said, smiling around the rip of her cup.
Nerys held up a hand. “Nothing about Curzon’s sexual exploits, please.”
“How about mine?” Jadzia teased.
“How about just the planet.” Nerys shot back, she might have wanted something new but hearing about all the people that Jadzia had flirted with wasn’t one of them. It left an uncomfortable jealousy that settled in her bones and simmered.
Jadzia settled back in her chair, still trying to hide that smile. “Well we don’t have as many animals as earth does but…”
Nerys took a sip of her own raktajino, letting Jadzia’s words roll over her in a comfort.
“I have to admit I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Nerys shut her eyes.
Once the shift was over Nerys made her way over to Jadzia.
“I’m thinking about trying out the holodeck again.”
“You are?” Jadzia’s eyes widened in surprise before she caught herself. “Feeling like trying out King Arthur’s court again?”
“No.” Nerys said bluntly. “Let’s try something new.”
“Something new…” Jadzia repeated, her gaze caught on Nerys and she leaned in. “You sure?”
“Yes.” Nerys breathed out, wavering on leaning in as well.
This close she could count each spot on Jadzia’s face, take in the blue of her eyes that didn’t move away.
“Let’s see what you’ve got.” Nerys challenged, swallowing hard and stepping back.
At least she could enjoy the company.
“You look tired.” Benjamin said, looking Nerys over with a frown.
“You’re the Emissary.” Nerys deflected. “What do you think about the prophets and their message?”
“You’d know it better than I would.” Benjamin sighed and laced his fingers together as he leaned forward, elbows on his desk.
“What if…what if the person they’re trying isn’t enough.” Her voice shook along with her hand. She curled it into a fist and took a deep breath. “What if the trial is too much.”
“Major.” Benjamin said, his eyes full of concern. “I am always here if you need me. As is anyone on that promenade. If you feel that your faith can’t pull you through perhaps it’s time share the burden with someone else.”
Nerys barked out a short laugh. “The only person I’d wish this burden on is Dukat. He’d never make it through.”
“We could always call him up.” Benjamin had the hint of a smile just ghosting on his lips, ready to break into a full grin at any second.
“Don’t you dare.” Nerys warned. There were a lot of things she’d put up with in during this and the one thing she could say was that she’d had so many days free of Dukat and in that it was bliss.
Benjamin gave up and laughed before settling back down. “I know that Dax would be ready to help you in a heartbeat.”
“How often has she talked to you about me?” Nerys eyed him, trying to suss out what he’d heard.
“Major I’ve heard too much.” He smiled at her again and then hummed pensively. “You could also try a new angle. Mix things up a little.”
Her mouth opened to refute that but then shut. The thought stuck with her; mixing would require two components. Two completely different and similar components.
“Captain, I need a shuttle.”
The orb of wisdom and the orb of time glowed next to each other in a brilliant light.
“I’m ready.” Nerys told them as the glow settled over her. “I know what I need to do.”
Live to see the next day, take the chances as they came.
“I have to admit I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Nerys looked up from where she sat at Jadzia’s bed, having marched first thing there when she returned from Bajor in the early hours of the morning.
The next morning.
Jadzia hadn’t been there when she arrived but the computer let her in regardless.
“I was looking for you, Benjamin said you’d gone to Bajor. Is everything all right?”
Rather than answer her Nerys stood up and strode across the room, once she was close enough to Jadzia she reached up and cupped Jadzia’s face in her hand.
“Kira?” Jadzia startled a little, blinking in surprise.
“Jadzia.” She said, just to watch how Jadzia’s smile slowly grew.
“Nerys.” Jadzia returned. “I thought you’d never get around to this.”
“Believe me.” Nerys sighed as she leaned in. “I was thinking the same thing.”
Jadzia, she thought, tasted like the promise of tomorrow; and all the days after.
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multsicorn · 5 years
deep space nine first(ish) impressions
Posting this in case of it's interest to anyone, but most especially to @jazzypizzaz.  I have started watching Deep Space Nine!  ... (though writing it any other way than DS9, c.g. TOS, TNG, etc., just feels wrong to me.  Years of internet fandom!).  ANYWAY.  I've been watching for a week-ish, and I'm up through episode twelve.
Time for some early impressions!...
1. It takes a while to get most of the characters established.  Kira is the most immediately interesting to me, her anger and her sense of purpose.  I have, um, complicated feelings about the Bajoran politics narrative, which I will come back to in a bit, but her position between Bajor and Starfleet is at the very least intriguing.  And that "frontier medicine? this is my home" bit was - great.  Expand on it pls.
2. Speaking of which.  BASHIR.  Is definitely my favorite right now.  I can see why fandom latched onto him.  He thinks he's all that!  And he wants to be a hero!  Have adventures!  He's excited for them!... and he doesn't know what the *fuck* to do, and makes both a fool and an ass of himself.  That is exactly the sort of wonderful/awful combination I need and adore, thank.
I don't like how he keeps asking Dax out after she's rejected him, or his supposedly charming flirtiness in general, e.g. with that one woman at the bar before he goes and falls asleep for an episode and you say YES GOOD, ... but neither do I hold them against him as a character, cause it's so clearly shitty out-of-universe standards about what's cool and okay seeping though.
3. The most present relationship so far is definitely the one between Odo and Quark.  And I see where there's potential there ;)!  The cop and the shady sometimes criminal character who seem to be each other's best friends - if only (I mean, the trope's best) - because neither of them seem to have any other friends.  They're both outsiders on the station but in really different ways.  And not only are they always talking, sharing scenes, etc., but with that undercurrent of 'I'm keeping an eye on you' vs. 'I am doing absolutely nothing wrong,' there's a huge tendency for them to be not quite talking about what they're thinking about, and vice versa.
Neither of them have grabbed me so much so far as characters - but between "Move Along Home" and "The Nagus" for Quark, and then "Vortex" for Odo - I think they're growing on me.
4. The BEST relationship, though, at this point, is definitely between Jake and Nog.  They like each other, they have fun together, they seem exactly on the same wavelength - and if it's the wavelength of furthering interspecies harmony by rebelling against their families?  Lol.  It's pretty great.
5. I have residual feelings of fondness for Dax (as if for an old fandom fave) just like HI YOUR FACE that are apparently leftover and now reactivated from the time I watched this show and loved her when it was airing, and I was ten.  Since I remember nothing from that time besides the general premise of the setting and characters, I have no idea why.  Maybe I'll be able to guess later?  ... Honestly I suspect that I simply thought that being a trill would be REALLY COOL.  There are worse things to think!
6. Sisko is?  Fine?  He feels pretty bland to me, so far, though I feel bad about that; he's made a fair number of difficult-but-right decisions... I think the place where he's humanized most though (as opposed to filling those Starfleet Captain boots) is probably his relationship with Jake, and - I think it's good?  But normal healthy parent/kid relationships are more alien to me than all the rubber foreheads in all the galaxy.
7. O'Brien is on this station because we want some crossover appeal with TNG, I guess.  (Not that I ever gave a shit about him on TNG either.)  (I remember my TNG feelings way better than DS9, that was the one I loved when I was a kid.)
8. And I promised Bajoran politics feelings!  OKAY SO.  It’s just - like I said - Kira is a pretty great character, and has a promising setup, but I would love it SO MUCH MORE, if, at some point, we get a Bajoran who’s not willing to compromise and work with the Federation, who's still working for independence... and who’s not okay with killing random civilians for this purpose!  It’s not as if ‘work with the occupying forces’ and ‘terrorist’ are the only two options, goddamn... I’d had the impression that this storyline would be more complicated than that, and I hope that later on it is.
9. Speaking of more thematic issues, now: I see why people don’t like ~Ferengi episodes.~  When I got to “The Nagus:” ugh.  The characterization of sliding between thief and trader, between someone who only cares about their own gain vs. being more ~honorable,~ works for Quark and Quark's family!  (Rom, Nog).  But why even have an alien culture without upsides to its downsides (as far as we can (yet? maybe pls) see)?  And... yeah... it's every Jewish stereotype.  Thanks, I hate it!
10. re: shipping.  Because one must!  Odo and Quark are just not attractive, #srynotsry.  Whereas Bashir is very attractive.  And it seems that I won't see Garak again till s2... but I did very much like how overly close/touchy he was with Bashir, and how much Bashir seemed both attracted and flustered, like he wants this!, but what do?... which was, of course, about being a spy,  (so Romantic!), supposedly, but if that continues... yeah, I see why this is the number one ship.  (And I also see why Quodo is a thing!  I always thought it was out of nowhere but I just forgot; they always talk to each other).  And then Jake and Nog - well, they’re kids NOW, but the show goes on for seven seasons.  So who KNOWS.
11. Anyway after writing all those shipping thoughts, I’m still not looking for another fandom.  I’m not quite done with Good Omens yet, Check Please is still lurking for me back there, ... and I’ve been missing having an open-canon fandom with frequent/regular new episodes for QUITE some time now, though I also don’t want to get sucked into the excitement of one.  Later, not yet!  ... the point is, I doubt that I’ll get into this show fannishly.  I’ll just watch it.  Hopefully.  Will those be famous last words, maybe, who knows!  But it is definitely improving and getting its hooks more into me, over the course of the first half-season or so, so... expect more updates.
(oh, another way ten-year-old me was right: this is definitely the Superior opening music, compared to TNG.)
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weerd1 · 5 years
Star Trek DS9 Rewatch Log, Stardate 1909.22: Missions Reviewed, “Afterimage,” “Take Me Out to the Holosuite,” and “Chrysalis.”
(Review notes: While watching these three episodes yesterday, I saw the news that Aron Eisenberg, Nog, passed away unexpectedly.  Nog has been in integral part of this story, and I know he has some very deep and dark episodes coming up in this rewatch.  The heart that shows through Nog though is certainly the product of Aron Eisenberg’s performance. He was actively involved with fandom, even liking a couple of my tweets in the past.  By all accounts he was quite a person, and this is certainly a hard loss for the community of Niners, and Star Trek fans in general.  Condolences to his family and friends.)
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“Afterimage” shows Ezri Dax having a hard time adapting to life on the station, and planning instead to resume Ezri Tigen (pre-joined Ezri’s) duties on the USS Destiny. Sisko wants her to stay, Quark considers this to be the chance he lost out on with Jadzia, and slowly convinces Bashir of the same. Worf meanwhile refuses to even be in the same room with her.  When Worf sees her spending time with Bashir however, he threatens the Doctor, saying that accepting Ezri dishonors the memory of Jadzia. Garak, who has been codebreaking the Cardassians for Starfleet Intelligence starts having claustrophobic attacks even in spacious areas, and Sisko asks Ezri, a counselor, to talk to him.  
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She ties his claustrophobia to the fact his father would lock him in a closet for a punishment and moves on, but his attacks get worse, causing them to have to let him spend time in a holosuite.  When she tries to treat him again, he becomes belligerent, and convinces her she should leave Starfleet. Sisko seems to support that. O’Brien goes to Worf, and talks to him about the fact that this is a tough situation, but would Jadzia want him to treat Ezri this way? Ezri is preparing to leave the station, and yet goes to say goodbye to Garak, mentioning his successes codebreaking. When he gets uncomfortable, she pushes, and Garak breaks down, and the two of them realize he is punishing himself as a traitor to Cardassia, knowing the Dominion must be stopped, but knowing also that his people will likely be destroyed in the process.  He accepts treatment, and Ezri decides she will stay if Worf can handle it.  Worf mentions it will still be hard for him, but knows he cannot punish Ezri for what has happened.  As she accepts the DS9 position and a promotion, knowing Sisko pushed her buttons earlier to motivate her, she moves through the crowd more comfortable.  Worf does not speak to her, but toasts her from across the room.
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It is fascinating to watch these writers who now have more than six years working together under their belts get to develop a new character, when there is so much great material sitting around to call on. Garak’s feelings on Cardassia are a great moment for his character too, but I think the thing that I find most compelling here is the Sisko/Dax relationship.  We know Curzon Dax was Benjamin’s mentor, then Jadzia his friend and peer.  Here we see Benjamin get to step into the mentor role, and that’s a really lovely piece of character development only a Science Fiction setting can give you. Worf’s confusion over all of this is very heartfelt, as who wouldn’t want to bring their love back in some form…but particularly since he just allowed Jadzia soul to enter Sto-Vo-Kor, how does a Klingon deal with her being in this new, timid and unsure person?  All of this is well-played.
A Vulcan starship the T’Kumbra docks at DS9 and an old rival of Sisko challenges him to a baseball game in “Take Me Out to the Holosuite.” Since an Academy quarrel, Captain Solok has taken every opportunity to show his Vulcan superiority to Sisko, including citing Sisko’s Academy behavior in about a dozen papers. Now, he has trained members of his crew in baseball, and is ready to show Sisko he is superior there as well. 
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 Sisko assembles his staff and starts training them to play, and asks Odo to be umpire. The crew is eager, but also untalented. Sisko begins to take this all very seriously and kicks Rom off the team for being so bad at it.  The rest threaten to quit, but Rom asks them all to stay. When the game day arrives, the Vulcans are pulling way ahead, and tensions are high. When Odo calls a strike on Worf and Sisko protests, tapping Odo on the chest, Odo ejects him.  Sisko, now in the stands watches O’Brien take over as coach and sees his crew together as a team, losing or not. He grabs Rom (who has been in the stands watching) and suits him up. O’Brien puts him on the plate with Nog on third at the top of the ninth.  They signal for Rom to bunt, and when he leans in to try and figure out what they are talking about, the ball hits his bat. Nog makes it to home and the Niners score their first run. The team goes out praising Rom and celebrating, carrying him off the field. Solok complains to the umpire that the game isn’t finished and when Odo turns, the Vulcan grabs his shoulder to pull him back.  Odo smiles and says, “YOU’RE GONE!” 
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Later at Quark’s, the Niners are celebrating their non-shut out with Jake beating himself up over giving up 12 runs.  Ben reminds him Vulcans are at least three times stronger and faster than humans, and in the circumstances they all did great. Solok comes in to gloat, but finds himself heckled when he sees they Niners enjoying themselves, and they begin to point out how emotional he seems to be over that fact. The Logisticians have more points, but the Niners enjoyed the game, and the team all sign a baseball to go on Sisko’s desk.
Given the serious nature of the show, having a break like this one where you can catch your breath and enjoy some fish-out-of-water moments is pretty welcome. (Worf’s version of “hey-batter-batter” is actually “Death to the Opposition!) I had more of a problem with this episode 20 years ago feeling the Vulcans were mis-portrayed, and indeed, I think THIS is where we first see the Vulcans of “Star Trek: Enterprise” with their superiority complex. Having reconciled that watching ENT this worked much better for me. Perhaps an analysis of the Vulcans in canon and fanon should be the subject of another essay…oh lord, do I need to rewatch and review Enterprise? Interestingly,  Rom is shown here batting left handed because Max Grodénchik was an accomplished player, having actually played semi-pro.  They couldn’t get him to otherwise appear unskilled enough.  
In “Chrysalis,” Bashir is feeling a bit lonely but has the Jack Pack, the group of genetically enhanced humans who are institutionalized, come to the station because they know he is working on something to help Serina (the non-verbal woman among them) control her sensory stimuli and normalize. 
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After Sisko smooths over the fact that three of them impersonated Starfleet Officers to get there, Bashir tries to design the machine he needs to work on Serina’s brain, but O’Brien tells him it can’t be done.  The Jack Pack take on the issue and manage a fine substitute.  Bashir performs the operation and indeed Serina seems fine, yet she has the benefits of her genetic engineering as well.  She seems unable to integrate back into the group of her friends though, and starts spending more time with Bashir and his friends. He develops feelings for her, asking if she wants to stay on the station. He is quite happy to have someone who can think and act as well as he can with his augmentations. 
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 She seems to suffer a setback however and becomes cataleptic again. They come to realize it is only a defense mechanism as she does not want to hurt Bashir, but is not ready to make a decision to be with him either; Bashir derides himself for smothering her.  Jack, Patrick, and Lauren go back to their hospital, while Bashir finds Serina a research position where she can sort out her new life. As she leaves, he promises to never forget her, and standing alone, he watches her ship leave.
I have to wonder if intentionally or not, this episode puts Bashir’s insufferable horndog days from the early seasons into context.  He is indeed separated from everyone around him by his abilities, and though he does love his friends, he is seeking some form of deeper connection on par with his level of thinking. There’s not a lot of time left for the show to revisit Serina, and we won’t see her again before the show ends, but it would be neat if some future show could give us a hint of where a second genetically enhanced human whom it seems the Federation is going to allow out in the world, ends up.
NEXT VOYAGE: Star Trek gives me one of my dearest beliefs about the inner workings of the universe in “Treachery, Faith, and The Great River.”
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oblio-k · 5 years
uhhhhh im not Too Happy with this one but i cant bear to work on it anymore So. finally some slight disko and the Next Joey fic.
#9 - Stranded
“Dad, wake up!” Benjamin could feel someone shaking his shoulder. His head throbbed, and it took him a few seconds before he could open his eyes. Jake was kneeling next to him, eyes wide and shining with concern.
“What happened?”
Jake’s shoulders sagged with relief and he helped Ben sit up before answering. “The shuttle crashed. Some kind of electrical storm knocked us down. I got a couple of bruises and a little burnt before you beamed us out, but the medical kit had a dermal regenerator. Joey’s perfectly fine, somehow. We’re both okay.”
“And Dukat?”
“He woke up a few minutes ago. He got pretty burned, so I gave him the medical kit after I finished healing you.” Jake looked around, and Benjamin finally took in that they weren’t anywhere near the runabout. He was sitting on the ground, and it was fairly warm. There were a few sparse plants among the rocks and gravelly soil. “The shuttle lit itself on fire, so I didn’t have time to check what system we’re in.”
“That’s alright, Jake-o. We’re all alive, that’s what matters.” Jake smiled a bit. “I’ll try to get a signal out so someone can pick us up. Let’s go see how your brother is doing.”
Joey held up his arms as soon as he saw them, chirping happily. Benjamin knelt down next to him and Dukat, and the toddler crawled to him. The boy purred as he was picked up, his whole, tiny body vibrating with the intensity of it. “Hey, Jojo, how are you?”
While Joey was free of injury, Dukat had burns on his arms, legs, and face. He was running the dermal regenerator over a more severe burn on his cheek. “Joseph is unharmed. Thankfully, he’s still small enough that I could easily shield him from the rupturing conduits on the shuttle.”
“Hear that, Joey?” The toddler looked over at his brother when he heard his name. “It’s good that you’re so tiny! I guess Doctor Bashir doesn’t have to worry anymore.”
Benjamin passed Joey to Jake. “Why don’t you two take my tricorder and look around? Don’t go too far.”
“Sure! Ready to go on a mission, little bro?” Jake walked off, tricorder beeping. Joey waved goodbye to them, peeping. Benjamin waved back. They rounded a large rock.
Turning back to Dukat, he offered, “Here, let me.” The dermal regenerator was dropped into his hand, and he ran it over the burn. Once the injury was healed, he noticed the intense look that Dukat was giving him. It made him pause, and the unbidden thought that it was very similar to the expression that eventually led to the day Joey was plopped down on his desk came to mind.
Swallowing, he looked down at the other burns. If he matched them up to the marks on Dukat’s shirt and pants, they made a toddler-sized scorch mark. He would have been curled up around the hatchling to protect him.
“Thank you.”
“For what, Benjamin?”
“You saved Joey’s life. He wouldn’t have survived these kinds of burns.”
“Of course. He’s our son.”
The sunlight went away far quicker than Benjamin thought it would, and Joey started whining as he worked on trying to fix the shuttle’s signal transceiver. The fires had gone out while Jake explored, and he’d come back to tell them.
Jake was sitting next to him as he worked, writing on his padd. “Hey, Dad,” he asked, voice low, “you and Dukat were pretty close together when we got back, huh? I love Joey and all, but I don’t think I’m ready for another half Cardassian sibling.”
“You’re not-!” He stopped. Joey made a loud noise, and Benjamin could see he and Dukat were now looking in their direction. Sighing, he got back to work. “You don’t have to worry about that.”
“I mean, I’m going to, but thanks. He was looking at you pretty weird.”
“Yes, I noticed.”
“You were looking at him pretty weirdly too.”
“Dad.” Jake was quiet for a minute, letting him settle back into rerouting power. Then, “Ziyal says her father really likes you, and Nog said she wants you to be her stepfather. You have her approval.”
Though he wanted this conversation to end and never get brought up again, he couldn’t resist the urge to joke around a bit. “I know Joey would love to have both of his parents on the station. Or even Cardassia. Do I have your approval?”
“No. I’m never moving to Cardassia, and I don’t want a stepdad.”
“Great. Because you’re not getting one. Ziyal will have to be disappointed.”
“Are you talking about Ziyal?” Dukat asked.
“Just wondering why she didn’t want to come with us,” Jake lied, raising his voice enough to be heard properly.
“She wanted to attend a Bajoran festival with Nerys. I thought she told you that.”
“Oh, right. I forgot. On Bajor, right?” Joey whined again, curled up tight into a ball in his father’s arms. “Hey, Dad, it’s getting kind of cold.”
He’d been too absorbed in fixing the transceiver to notice that as it got dark outside, the temperature in the cracked open shuttle had begun to drop. “Jake, why don’t you hold your brother? Your body heat should keep him warm.”
Jake let Joey crawl into his shirt as the temperature continued to fall, and the two of them nibbled on some rations they’d found under a panel. “Try to keep him awake, Jake-o. Dukat, how are you doing?”
When he didn’t receive a response, he looked over, concerned. The Cardassian was asleep, slumped over where he was leaning against the runabout wall. Damn, Benjamin thought, hurrying over to him. He angled his head up. “Dukat!”
Both Curzon and Jadzia had joked to him about how funny it would be if he had to serve as a living heat warmer since humans were so good at staying warm. With Jadzia, he’d replied that he found it very likely since he already functioned as one for Joey. She’d just smirked at him, saying Joey didn’t count, and he now realized what she’d been implying.
She was going to find this hilarious as soon as they were all back home, safe and sound.
“You know, Dad, I really don’t want another sibling,” Jake said, giving him a forced smile as he got Dukat to walk over to the other side of the shuttle so he could continue working while keeping him warm at the same time. The Cardassian’s movements were sluggish as Benjamin lowered him down, and he almost tipped over. Benjamin wrapped an arm around his waist to keep him up.
“Just trying to lighten the mood.”
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juliethebibliophile · 6 years
1/2 I don't have a tumblr so I may or may nog just regularly check your blog but I really wanted to comment on the post thread about one of the lits taking Jenkins position. Someone brought up the leverage finale but no one has mentioned the most obvious parallel of that. Jenkins could move on to be with Charlene and Judson. Then, Flynn and eve might decide to move on and just retire because they want to be in love with each other. Sure, they love their jobs, but so did sophie and nate. This...
2/3 would leave an obvious three positions open for our three lits. Personally, I would most like to see cassie or Ezekiel in Jenkins position. Cassie would be so exuberant, but I think I like the idea of Ezekiel the most because he would become immortal and after cassie and stone were gone he would be this mentor for all the new librarians, which would be awesome for his character who has previously not cared about responsibility or others etc. Plus he's the exact opposite of Jenkins but... 
3/3 just imagine a scene with Ezekiel getting to talk to Jenkins through the magic mirror thing and Jenkins just being so proud of him and how good of a job he's done. Plus I kinda want to place Ezekiel there because I very much ship jassandra and there's always that trend of the guardian and librarian being together. That just went of on a huge tangent, but yeah! If you wanna talk yo me more I'm anotherrosebyanothername on ao3.             
I love this! What you say about the parallel with the Leverage finale is interesting, because when I first watched it I joked “50 bucks this is how Librarians is gonna end” 😂😂😂
While I ADORE this idea of Flynn and Eve becoming Judson and Charlene(because I had a whole bunch of evidence to support that theory way back at the end of S3), I also love the concept of them retiring to go live normal lives and leaving the 3 LITs behind. It seems to suit them just as well as immortality does(in a way if they become immortal they are retiring because they’re becoming more mentors/caretakers like Charlene and Judson I assume).
Ezekiel would make an amazing caretaker! He would definitely be my second choice next to Cassandra. I think Cassandra would be amazing for taking care of the Library, while Ezekiel would be great at taking care of the forthcoming Librarians and Guardians, and taking them under his wing(as would Jake). That’s why I love the idea of the 3 of them doing it together and taking on different roles! But I’ve also, as you suggested here, played with the idea of Evlynn retiring and Jassandra going immortal and I love it(immortality suits Jassandra. It suits them really really well).
Sorry if none of that made sense because it’s super late and I’m super tired but thank you for messaging me!
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sshbpodcast · 4 years
Off to a Much Better Start with Season 1 DS9
by Ames
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A Star to Steer Her By is into the next leg of our journey through Star Trek and has the first season of Deep Space Nine under our belts. And boy, can we tell you it is a relief just how much better it is than the first season of The Next Generation, with promises that it will get even better!
As usual, we've compiled the top and bottom three episodes of the season, though some decisions were more obvious than others. Check them all out below or listen to season wrap episode here (relevant discussion starts at 1:08:40)!
[images © CBS/Paramount]
Bottom Three Episodes
There's still some growing pains in the first season, especially since many of the writers were still splitting their time with TNG. Here's just some of the crap we had to delve through:
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“Dax”: Ames You'd think in an episode about Jadzia Dax she'd be more central as a character, but instead everyone just talks about her the whole time and the ending wipes away everything we just learned.
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“Battle Lines”: Chris We lost Kai Opaka to this? Another stupid war planet that feels like several TOS episodes jammed together? Kira's still great in it though (as you'll see more of in our Tops list).
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“Vortex”: Jake Generally a meh episode, which is extra lousy since usually Odo is generally so solid (ironic for a man made of goo). But this time around the story just failed to impress and wound up being just sorta boring.
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“Move Along Home”: Caitlin, Chris This one is pretty notorious as being just ridiculous. If you think about Chula for more than a minute, it doesn't make any sense. How would gameplay even work? Allamaraine!
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“The Storyteller”: Caitlin, Jake Too many plots going on in this one, and most of them felt like retreads of better episodes but not very good. Really, Bajor is an entire mess and probably doesn't deserve our sympathies.
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“Q-Less”: Ames, Jake Like in "Dax," you'd think in an episode about Q he'd be more central as a character, but somehow both he and Vash end up feeling like afterthoughts in an episode that was generally tiresome.
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“If Wishes Were Horses”: Ames, Caitlin, Chris It takes a lot of effort to effectively remake "Where No One Has Gone Before" and make it awful, with some comic elements that don't work, science that doesn't make sense, and an ending that contradicts itself.
Top Three Episodes
We knew EXACTLY what the good episodes this season were, in probably the easiest decisions we've had to make and the most agreement among your hosts you will probably ever see.
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“Progress”: Ames A rare example of both the A and B plots firing on all cylinders! The chemistry between Kira and Mullibok was a thing of beauty, and Jake and Nog provide us with self-sealing stem bolts we'll cherish for years to come!
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“The Nagus”: Caitlin, Chris, Jake This one is silly as hell, therefore everyone but Ames loved it. The Ferengi plots are full of comic gold, and Wallace Shawn as Grand Nagus Zek is just about the most perfect casting you can ask for. So conceivable!
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“Captive Pursuit”: Ames, Caitlin, Chris, Jake I am Tosk. O'Brien actually gets a good shake for a change in this episode! Also, the portrayal of the predator-prey relationship between Tosk and his hunters was really intriguing and the makeup was aces.
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“Duet”: Ames, Caitlin, Chris, Jake The thing that season one of DS9 gets the most right is the character of Major Kira. She gets so much development in this genuinely solid Nazi war criminal allegory. This is what science fiction is meant to be.
There's plenty more coming out of the wormhole, so follow along as we continue our stay at the station. Keep your eyes here, catch new episodes on SoundCloud, follow A Star to Steer Her By on Facebook and Twitter, and remember to tip your dabo girl.
0 notes
wellntruly · 7 years
Deep Space Nine RECAP: 7x04
Perhaps the reason why my Trek through Deep Space Nine was on hold for a while, was because the universe knew that this strawberry milkshake of an episode would be exactly what I needed this week.
Season 7, Episode 4: ‘Take Me Out To the Holosuite’
It’s another beautiful day in space — until Sisko’s mood is upended by the arrival of his Petty Nemesis, one Captain Solok.
A) Love a petty nemesis, fantastic, B) am just realizing in this moment that there is no one in the Quadrant more suited to petty nemisery than Vulcans. Those people never forget a detail. In a ‘Which Line In Hamilton Are You?’ quiz all Vulcans get “Here’s an itemized list of thirty years of disagreements.”
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“(Sweet Jesus.)”
Solok and Sisko each affect a superior remove while they snip and preen at each other over their respective medals of honor. Then Solok gives Sisko a rundown of the repairs his ship is going to need, and unfortunately for EVERYONE, it turns out that the work that needs to be done on the T’Kumbra’s warp core will take at least week. Aggrieved siiigh.
As he rises to depart, Solok mentions that while here he needs the use of a holosuite. Well whatever your floats your spaceboat; take it up with Quark.
“I have created a special program for my senior staff,” he continues, “and they are quite eager to resume using it.”
Sisko, in a tone that is somehow more dismissive and disinterested than not even responding: “Really.”
Oh yes really. In fact, it’s based on an Earth game.
We don’t even hear Solok say it, we just cut to Ben bouncing up to Kira like “Colonel, gather the team! I mean crew. I mean TEAM.”
The senior officers assemble in the wardroom, where Sisko explains the deal: Captain Solok and his all-Vulcan crew have challenged them to “a contest of courage, teamwork, and sacrifice.” Ben, eyes gleaming only half maniacally, informs them he has already accepted on their behalf.
“We will destroy them,” Worf states immediately, bless, bleessss. Worf is everything that is good about Klingons.
The rest of the crew have a few more questions though. Julian asks when (two weeks) and Kira asks what. Sisko pops a baseball up from behind his back, and sets it ceremoniously on the table.
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A T  L A S T
Our new SPACE BASEBALL TEAM sets about attempting to learn all the rules of the game. What I really appreciate about this is that baseball hasn’t been played regularly for well over a century at this point, yeah? So they’re learning these traditional rules from a bygone era in order to replicate an Historic Game of Earth Baseball. Probably why I love this is that one time when I was living in New York City, some friends and I went out to Governor’s Island for the day and watched a game of baseball that a bunch of historical society members were playing with the original rules from the 19th century. Did you know that back then they didn’t have mitts, and you could catch a ball off one bounce and it still counted as a catch? Wild! 
Anyhow, Kira, Nog, and Worf appear to be shirking their regular duties in Ops to learn what fly balls were, while over at Quark’s Julian is defining a classic bunt for Miles and Ezri. They’re actually doing pretty well with the book knowledge — that is until Ezri digs this one up.
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The Daxes are all fucking trolls.
“You’re making that up,” Julian deadpans. Lol, you’d think. But no, and we need to know what this is because all of this is going to end up coming up later in the game. A Fancy Dan, for those unfamiliar, is a fielder who puts “an extra flourish” on their moves.
Hey do you know who I have MISSED? Leeta and Rom! Who are back, and eagerly wanting to join the team! Awwww, my buddies. Rom, having spent years watching Ben and Jake heading off to the holosuites to play baseball together, thinks this will be a nice way for him to spend some time with Nog. Help wait that’s so sweet.
But local curmudgeon Quark thinks they’re being ridiculous, and are just gonna make fools of themselves trying to play this dumb Humon game. He personally has No Interest.
“Oh, y’know why?” Leeta exclaims with an air of mock discovery. “Jake says it’s a game that takes heart. And you sold yours a long time ago.”
Haha Leeta! Dang Quark, do you need me to replicate some aloe for that burn?
Leeta and Rom flounce off, and Quark, of course, grumblingly asks when try-outs are. Haha yeess. Honestly Team Deep Space Nine would not be complete without Quark, AND THAT IS WHY I LOVE THIS ENSEMBLE PIECE.
Everyone assembles in Holosuite 4 the next afternoon for the first day of practice. Coach Sisko is— omg he’s wearing a Giants hat. Because Starfleet is headquartered in San Francisco and that would be the historic hometown team??? Staaahhp :D
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Resident smiling beanpole Jake Sisko (Atlanta — nearest team to New Orleans, omg) is our pitcher, and now it’s time to fill out the rest of the roster. After a rousing pep talk where Sisko assures them that they can beat a team of Vulcans if they only ~BeLiEvE~, he sets them all up playing some catch.
It is….oh man. You know that Sci-Fi Tumblr thread about how homo sapiens are the only species on Earth who can throw things with any sort of distance or force, so what if aliens all have terrible arms? Yeah, that. Only wait, Miles and Julian, WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE. You play racquetball — Kira too!!! But the Bajorans are not exactly taking to this like a duck to water, and the Ferengi are fucking hopeless. Alright, actually Julian and Worf seem to be doing somewhat acceptably, probably just because they’ve got the most natural (well) athleticism of the group, but still, we’re talking barely adequate. At catch.
Jake: “These are gonna be two long, hard weeks.” Ben: “Jake, I don’t care how hard and long these two weeks are…but I’m not going to lose to Solok in the baseball game.”
If you got in a time machine and told me these lines back in the fall — I WOULD HAVE BELIEVED YOU! This is one of the most earned plots of all time, on one of the most earnest shows of all time. I feel like I am hugged.
After the break, Sisko enlists Odo to be THE UMPIRE, are you kidding, Odo is the perfect umpire. Sisko leaves Odo to start working on his moves (his moves!), and heads off to the infirmary to check on his team, who have, to a player, all managed to bang themselves up in some way.
(This is not going to happen in a station situation like this because there are medical assistants floating around, but if it comes to pass that this series never gives me the scene where Julian has to talk Miles through healing something he can’t reach, then I’m going to have to write it myself.)
“So! How are my casualties doing?” Ben asks cheerfully.
“We’ll live,” Kira assures him.
“If you believe Julian,” Ezri adds. “Personally I’m not sure I’m going to make it.”
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I am loving the sarcasm on you, Pixie Dax.
But unfortunately, Miles O’Brien has thrown out his shoulder AGAIN (frankly it’s a miracle he can lift his arm at all at this point), and Julian is forbidding him from playing until he gives the ligaments a chance to heal. Sisko recovers nicely from this setback by declaring the Chief his new batting, pitching, and first base coach. Oh yeah, O’Brien? Brilliant. A born coach.
However, that still leaves the question of who will take over third base. On a walk-and-plot through the Promenade, Ben and Jake scheme about how they can move their players around. Then Ben has an Idea. Oh my god. I just realized putting together a baseball line-up is another variation of the thing I love about heist movies: ASSEMBLING THE TEAM. For this job we’re gonna need KASIDY YATES, freshly returned from a cargo run.
Ben: “hey babe how do you feel about third base?” Kasidy: “that’s a good one, but maybe dinner first.”
So Kasidy joins the team (her next three cargo runs had all been mysteriously reassigned, hmm, imagine that), and honestly we’re gonna need all the help we can get. Rom is a disaster. But at least everyone looks real cute in their baseball duds?
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I’m 90% sure this moment here was Alexander Siddig just spontaneously throwing his mitt at Colm Meaney in this take, because they both crack up as he walks away.
At least Jake’s a good pitcher, because honestly that can kinda save your ass in baseball. But man, Rom….. Eventually it gets so bad that Coach Sisko decides he can’t afford this liability, and kicks him off the team.
“Captain Sisko hates me!” Rom frets in Quark’s bar, oh nooo Rom! His family assures him that it’s nothing personal, that Sisko’s just worked up over the game. But if Sisko doesn’t let his dad come back, Nog vows that he’ll quit. In fact they’ll ALL quit, because this crew may be chanceless at baseball, but they sure are good at BEING A TEAM.
Dear Rom doesn’t want them to make this sacrifice though, not on his account. “You’re good at it! So are you! And I wanna see you play. I wanna see you all play!” This sweetheart.
Later, on the Promenade, Julian asks Miles just what he’s eating. In fact he’s chewing gum, which evidently does not exist in the space future. Julian is mystified by this, until Miles explains that they used to infuse it with flavor.
Julian: “What did you infuse it with?” Miles: “Scotch.” me: [laughs heartily]
Keep your laughterpants on friends, because it’s TRAINING MONTAGE TIME. The reason this episode exists? Top three reasons, surely. It’s a rag-tag delight of misadventures, expectedly.
We wrap up with Kasidy trying to elbow the knots out of Ben’s back. She suggests maybe he stop lifting his lift foot on the back-swing, and Ben’s like UUUGGHHH. He makes some dramatic comment about how the only thing that will help is if he beats Solok tomorrow.
“So, do I get to hear the Solok story now?” Kasidy asks. Thank you girl, thanks for name-checking the narrative here in this moment, this is charming.
And in fact, we DO get the Solok story now! Like all good rivalries, it began when they were in the same class at school. One night they got into a drunken (on Ben’s side) debate about whether emotion was a “handicap”, as Solok has it, at the off-campus bar, THE LAUNCHING PAD. That is possibly the greatest name for Starfleet Academy’s off-campus bar that you could come up with, I’m dazzled.
“So, to make a long story short, I decided the best way to prove that Humans were every bit the equal of Vulcans, was to challenge him to a wrestling match.” You WHAT.
Ben obviously ended up in the infirmary.
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“Ohohoho Ben,” Kasidy cracks up, with one of the best you-poor-fool laughs I’ve ever heard in a long time. “A Vulcan has three times the strength of a Human!”
Ben whistles. “And they’re faster too.”
To make matters worse, Solok has never let Ben forget about this shining moment in Human history. In fact, that smug asshole brings it constantly, among peers and also in papers. Over a dozen papers. And now, he’s on a personal mission to humiliate Ben again — on the baseball diamond. Is nothing sacred???
Kasidy urges Ben to explain this backstory to the Niners, so that they can understand where he’s coming from here. Oh yes in case you missed this sudden reveal, THEIR TEAM NAME IS THE NINERS. I AM AFIZZ.
But Ben doesn’t want them all to know about his embarrassing adolescent rivalry turned lifetime aggreivance award, and he doesn’t want Kasidy to tell them either.
Ben, kissing her cheek: “I want you to promise me.” Kasidy: “[sigh] Alright. I promise.” - smash cut - Kasidy: “He made me promise not to tell you so you’ll have to keep this under your hats.” LOL, KASIDY
So she tells the whole dang team, and they are predictable irate on their Captain’s behalf. They decide the best thing they can do is to win the game for him, “and for all our emotionally handicapped races.” SCREW VULCANS AMIRIGHT. Just kidding I love Vulcans. It is the one piece on which me and the DS9 writers differ. But right now those pointy-eared bastards are going DOWN. NINERS!
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I know I’m constantly making fun of Julian Bashir, but are u seeing this latest.
The day of the game is here. The Niners and the Logicians (wow) line up along the baselines as what is presumedly the Federation anthem plays, if Rom’s transcendent expression is anything to go by. Quick Q: did someone on the DS9 music staff have to compose this, or did it already exist from The Next Generation or something? (Because it would definitely be TNG.)
The Logicians are up to bat first, so the Niners take the field. On the sidelines, O’Brien hollers out vague encouragements. Every time I look at him I think “he’s chewing scotch gum” and chuckle. Remember that time I decided you could win Miles over the same way you’d win over Ron Swanson?
The Niners get some “hey batter-batter”s going, Worf offering a staunch “DEATH TO THE OPPOSITION”, which is full tilt incredible. But the first Vulcan up to bat literally knocks it out of the park. :/ 
Nog trots out to reassure Jake, which just underlines how sweet and perf it is that Jake & Nog are the pitcher & catcher pair.
But cuteness alone will not save you: four innings later and the score is 7-0, Logicians. The Vulcans are even trying some pretty tricksy slides on Nerys on second base, which she is none too happy about. But when she’s up to bat next, she starts putting what she’s learned to use, and earns herself a double!!
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Her reaction, Nana Visitor you gem.
Worf’s up next, and Nerys is ready to RUN. But it’s a long at-bat — 2 strikes and 3 balls. Worf lets a low outside ball go and starts to take his walk, but then Odo calls it a strike. Worf and Sisko are NOT HAVING IT. They convene on Odo to YELL ABOUT IT, and in his high spirits, Sisko taps on Odo’s chest a couple times. That’s not allowed, buddy, and Odo kicks him out of the game! 
See, this is what you get from assigning a Lawful Neutral as your umpire — your ass is gonna follow the RULES.
“Rule number four point zero six sub-section A paragraph four look it up but do it in the stands yOU’RE GONE!!!” Amazing.
Ben stomps off to sulk in the stands near Rom, well aware of the satisfaction his emotional outburst is bringing that damn Solok. In the dugout, Julian points out to Miles that this means he’s in charge now, so Miles takes the lead and sends the Niners back out into the field. Do you think that Ben knew making Miles his second-in-coach meant that he was getting Julian too, since they’re basically two for the price of one at this point?
The first batter up hits a high fly ball, and Ezri sprints toward the wall after it, and catches it on a backflip.
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Later in the inning, the Logicians get a long drive and have a runner headed for home. Quark throws the ball to Worf who throws it to Nog, but he’s too late. Well, wait — the runner’s foot never touched the base! But Nog didn’t see that.
Odo did.
He rolls his eyes and pointedly folds his arms. Nog just looks around like wtf is going on. Finally Miles catches on. “He didn’t touch home, Nog!”
Nog: “Well what do I do??” Worf: “Find him and kill him!” me: [chokes on my limoncello]
Nog rushes into the Logicians’ dugout to tag him out, and Miles calls to Jake to run up and cover home. This baseball game is a blast. Faced with a line of Vulcans, Nog can’t recall what his looks like, so just sets about tagging them each one by one. Of course it’s the one at the end of the bench, who loops around Nog and tries to race back to home. Nog throws the ball to Jake, and he’s out!
Up in the stands, Ben brightly enthuses about how much he loves baseball to Rom, who agrees that it looks like a lot of fun. Ben looks at Rom for a moment, and Learns A Lesson. His smile grows bigger.
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Ben sneaks down to the edge of the dugout, and tells Miles to make a substitution — Rom’s going in. The Niners are THRILLED. Ben asks the computer to bring back the holofans, and as Rom walks out to pinch hit for Jake, an announcer comes on introducing him. Rom is overcome.
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~*The True Meaning Of Baseball*~
Of course, it’s a high-stakes situation: Nog’s on third, and this may be their last chance to score a run — any run at all. And after two pitches, Nog already has two strikes.
Miles calls his space husband over for a consult. They need to do that thing, the uh, what was it? The bunt! They need to give Rom a signal!
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Of course, in Rom’s confusion over what this sign language means he accidentally pulls off just the bunt they were looking for, and then it’s sheer slo-mo pandemonium as everyone cheers at him to run to first while his son rushes for home. Nog makes it!!! THEY SCORED. The Niners run out onto the field and lift Rom into the air, omg these happy beautiful nerds.
Solok is supremely annoyed with all the hullabaloo, and strides out there in his Death Star uniform to tell Odo to put an end to this. Uh oh Solok, better make sure you don’t — whoops
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Of course, the Niners still lose spectacularly, even with Solok out of the game. But they PLAYED, ROM played, and they got a RUN, and that’s CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION. That night in Quark’s bar, they set about doing exactly that. It is PRECIOUS.
Also at one point Leeta smooches Rom, and Nog, watching them with a Vulcan, comments proudly to him: “That’s my dad.” So weird, so cute.
Solok thinks this is ALL WEIRD THOUGH, and tries to explain to Ben, in case he doesn’t get it, that Rom’s bunt was an accident, and they still lost. But Ben doesn’t care! He had a great time! They all did! They played a baseball game together!!!
“You are attempting to manufacture a triumph where none exists,” Solok says.
“I think he succeeded,” Kasidy calls out.
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A lot to enjoy, here.
Solok continues to be confused and frustrated over how they just don’t seem to get it, and too late realizes he’s behaving emotionally. Luckily, the Niners are there to point this out to him. Looks like a triumph does exist!
“Captain, here’s something else for your desk,” Kira says, and throws him a baseball. They’ve all signed it. Someone drew a Starfleet emblem. I’m gonna cry.
Ben Sisko tosses the baseball up in the air, and it spins into the spinning space station. MY HEART?
[Tarra Treks]  [Extra Special DS9 Recaps]
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ESTJ: Nog, “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”
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ESTJ – the Director, the Achiever, the Optimizer
DS9 pulled off a neat trick by letting its lead kid character opt out of the expected Starfleet path, making way for his dysfunctional little friend to don the uniform instead. While the free-spirited Jake and the (eventually) over-achieving Nog wouldn’t seem to be a match in any other universe, on DS9 they found friendship in spite of themselves. In the MBTI universe, they both share the same cognitive functions, just in a slightly flipped order, so they’re really not that different after all.
Dominant Function: (Te) Extraverted Thinking, “The Workshop”
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Nog is clearly the leader of the pair in his and Jake’s youthful escapades. He drags the other boy through many pranks, games, and schemes, always managing to convince the more laid-back Jake that it’ll be worth it. They even start a business together that ends up turning a tidy profit.
Nog wants to succeed, first as a Ferengi, and then as a Starfleet officer. When his father forbids him from attending school, he sneaks in reading lessons with Jake. When he decides it’s time to apply for Starfleet, he goes straight to Captain Sisko for a recommendation. He overcomes Sisko’s and everyone else’s doubts about his fitness for the job by excelling so hard at his tasks they have no choice but to support him.
Once at the Academy, Nog sets his sights on Red Squad, an elite cadet group that only the best get to join. He ends up among their ranks when he and Jake are rescued in a battle zone, and he’s thrilled to receive a field promotion and the position of Chief Engineer. Unfortunately, Nog is so eager to be part of this team of high-achievers that he ignores the warning signs of their dysfunction.
Nog takes naturally to the disciplined life of a Starfleet officer. He even intimidates his dad when he returns from the Academy, and he bosses Jake around when they room together. He takes responsibility for training a rambunctious group of Ferengi to be a fighting force capable of rescuing his grandmother, a task that does not come without great frustration. Even when he’s hiding out in a holosuite world, he helps the lounge singer Vic turn his establishment into a bigger and better business.
When Klingon forces begin posting to DS9, Nog makes it his personal mission to gain their respect by confronting them on their unruly behavior, despite being literally half their size.
Thanks to his hard work and the attrition from the war, Nog goes from cadet to Lieutenant (j.g.) in just three years.
Auxiliary Function: (Si) Introverted Sensing, “The Study”
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Even though Nog breaks from his people’s tradition by joining Starfleet, he’s still a Ferengi at heart. He recognizes the positive traits he’s inherited from his culture, his father, and his uncle that will help him succeed in Starfleet. He does take a long time to overcome some of his ideas about how to treat women, and he brings a bribe to Captain Sisko when asking for his recommendation—the requisite Ferengi gesture when choosing a mentor. He still holds on to his money, too, even when Jake tries to persuade him to use it to buy the Captain a baseball card (when Jake explains that he doesn’t need money as a Federation citizen, Nog replies, “Then you certainly don’t need mine.”).
Nog also retains his spiritual roots. The Ferengi believe in something called The Great Material Continuum—like the Force, but for money and material goods. It’s this belief that sustains him when he borrows and trades for the spare parts Chief O’Brien needs, always trusting that the Great River will provide. And of course, he never forgets the Rules of Acquisition.
Nog values healthy routine, and tries to encourage Jake to join him in an exercise regimen when they move in together. His appreciation for the establishments of Ferengi culture gives way over time to his respect for the institution of Starfleet. His head for thoroughness and details gets him the recommendation from Sisko after he turns in an inventory with items even the station crew missed. His good ears help Kira solve a series of murders.
Nog’s development as an officer stumbles a bit when he loses a leg in combat and can’t get over the trauma. He keeps reliving the moment, and claims he feels pain in the leg that isn’t there anymore. He retreats into a comforting holosuite world for a while, only coming back to reality in careful steps, supported by his family.
Tertiary Function: (Ne) Extraverted Intuition, “The Hiking Trails”
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Nog wants something better for his life than spending his years working for his uncle in a bar. He recognizes his father’s untapped potential and is terrified of going the same direction. Sensing greater opportunity in Starfleet than Ferenginar, he becomes the first Ferengi to join the Academy.
Nog has to learn a whole new way of life once he’s part of Starfleet, but he has a head start thanks to his boyhood friendship with Jake Sisko. They both challenge each other over the years with new ideas and new perceptions of the world. With that and his father’s gift for creative problem-solving, Nog excels quickly on his new career path.
Inferior Function: (Fi) Introverted Feeling, “The Deep Well”
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When a Bajoran coup forces everyone to evacuate the station, Jake and Nog are separated only a year into their friendship. Jake’s anxious, but Nog believes in their bond. No Human and Ferengi has ever been better friends than they are, he says, so they won’t be kept apart for long.
This proves true, and their relationship is the main source of Nog’s emotional growth over the years. He starts out mean, aggressive, and rude, and gradually learns to be patient, tolerant, and maybe even generous. His core values are still very Ferengi—ambition, success, opportunity—and he finds that he doesn’t necessarily need to change those in order to fit in at Starfleet. In fact, in his own unique way, they make him as exemplary an officer as the fleet has ever seen.
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sleepymarmot · 7 years
DS9 season 1 liveblog
[Season index: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 PS]
Wait, "kidnapped for six days"? I thought the timeframe was much tighter...
I hope Kira won't always overact so much.
I like how quickly Sisko can go from barely contained cold hatred to cheerful manipulation.
Bashir's LITERALLY FIRST LINE is flirting! I'm honestly impressed :D
Bwahaha, tell him, Kira!
...Did O'Brien change back into his old uniform just to visit the Enterprise? 
O'Brien now talks to computers just like Geordi.
Is this show going to regularly use baseball as a metaphor, like TNG did with poker? :D
This episode is a much better take on explaining humanity to an alien than "Encounter at Farpoint".
Past Prologue
The entire opening scene is just delightful -- does that even need saying?
Why does O'Brien feel so strongly about not giving the guy to the Cardassians? Has Chain of Command happened already?
Ooh, is this the encounter with the Duras sisters that will be referenced in TNG season 7, or are they going to visit DS9 again?
"Klingons have an odd sense of style, don't you agree?" -- Nah, only those two.
Drinking game: a shot every time Garak says the word "simple".
I didn't expect the show's second story to be so good!
A Man Alone
...Is every episode going to open with a scene where an older person on whom Bashir crushed within five seconds of their screentime is standing behind him and touching his shoulders?
I'm confused again, isn't the O'Brien kid a bit too old?
"Killing your own clone is still murder" -- Was this episode deliberately written as a fuck-you to Up the Long Ladder, or is it just a lucky coincidence?
What a beautiful script lol
Why aren't they at least trying to build a linguistic database? That was my first idea...
Captive Pursuit
"I'm not a barkeep" Well now I want an AU with Quark as Mrs Hudson...
"They've reversed the polarity of our shields" Sorry I just cannot take this phrase seriously...
Oh ffs, not the Prime Directive again!
Wow, this show really likes O'Brien...
I love the guest appearances from TNG characters! It really helps to establish the show as part of the same continuity.
Q and Vash's Doctor-companion dynamic gives me life.
Oh no, the Ferengi handjobs are back, I was wondering when it would happen...
"I like your new tailor" I thought Q meant Garak, not the change in Starfleet uniforms...
"But it's not going to be the same without you. When I look at a gas nebula, all I see is a cloud of dust. Seeing the universe through your eyes, I was able to experience wonder." I'M DYING THIS IS LITERALLY THE DOCTOR'S LINE
I was looking forward to this one! But I didn't expect the "how Trills actually work, let's forget about The Host" story to be presented as a courtroom episode, that's pretty clever.
Ah, of course whenever they talk about Dax's past relationship with a woman, they switch to third person and male pronouns -_-
I thought the wife was the murderer.
The Passenger
God, don't they have filters or oxygen masks or anything like that? 
Yoo, a possession episode! This is endearing: TNG season one sometimes felt like revisiting TOS stories with a new cast, this season does the same to TNG.
Move Along Home
Does a fourteen year old really need a strict bedtime?
Kidnapping people is easy with transporter technology -- but how does one change their victims' clothes in the process?!
Quark's breakdown was unexpected; I suppose there'll be a follow-up on that?
The Nagus
Jake and Nog's friendship is very heartwarming.
I'm glad to learn more about Odo, but wasn't this episode kinda cheesy?
Battle Lines
Yess, more Kira drama
Let me make a guess: this will be important in the season finale?
The Storyteller
You know that post "Have you ever accidentally befriended someone who was extremely annoying"? It needs to be on a screenshot of O'Brien and Bashir from this episode.
Kira's subplot is like an unholy hybrid between The Survivors, Ensigns of Command/Journey's End, and Preemptive Strike. Plus, that guy looks like Hannibal Lector.
Jake and Nog's subplot is giving me a bit too much secondhand embarrassment.
"I'm going to tell Minister Toran that she's remained temporarily on Jeraddo at your request" "But sir, that isn't true" "Make it true, Doctor. Now, please" lmao Sisko's methods are... interesting.
He gave a good speech to Kira in the next scene, too.
I'm glad it worked out well for the kids :D I kind of expected the two plots to tie together at the end -- like the old man settling on the piece of land they bought.
If Wishes Were Horses
"Waste of time. Too many people dream of places they'll never go, wish for things they'll never have, instead of paying adequate attention to their real lives." Are you calling all of your viewers out, Odo?
A bit too much technobabble, but funny! I thought this would be not just about imagination, but about youth. The imaginary characters are conjured up by a three year old, a fourteen year old, and by Julian whose immaturity is even commented upon in the cold open.
The Forsaken
Oh... oh my god... it's her
Why is her hair pink, anyway
O'Brien's talking to the computer right after opening credits, just after Majel Barrett's name appeared on screen -- are they doing this on purpose?
this orange hair is even worse
"You are the thin beige line between order and chaos" I'm dying what kind of compliment is this
Odo's grumpiness re: humanoid mating rituals is beautiful
"Every 16 hours I turn into a liquid" "I can swim"
Hello fanfic trope :D
Yes, Odo, I was making the same faces during the episode she's recalling
"Do you hear it?" "Hear what?" The voice" ARE THEY REALLY DOING THIS
"Like a baby" I'd say, more like Lwaxana
"It came here when we downloaded the probe's files. If we upload those same files back to the probe, it might go with them" That's... not how it works...
Universal acceptance is a lovely and very plausible other side of the coin to Lwaxana's eccentricity and odd taste. I've grown to appreciate that. She's always so obnoxious at the beginning of the episode, I completely forget about her sensitive side and she manages to surprise me every time.
wait, so she's been canonically wearing wigs in all those TNG episodes?
Dramatis Personae
Wait, is the infirmary right across the corridor from Quark's bar?
Bashir is acting very strangely
Alright, the question is "who isn't acting strangely"
Is Kira trying to flirt with Dax?
Bashir really won the temporary personality lottery. Everyone else became unlikeable and he just Lives For The Drama. I mean, more than usual...
Will Odo often play this role of the only one unaffected by a disease, like Data did? But unlike Data, he can also manipulate people. I'm only now starting to appreciate that he actually is a "Constable". Very refreshing to see a security officer who's allowed to be smart.
Oooh, finally it's time for the Bajoran-Cardassian drama again!
The plot twist makes this episode remind me of The Defector even more... And I think it cheapens the conflict; what to do with a bureaucrat who hasn't personally committed atrocities is a difficult and morally grey area -- not so much if it's the Big Bad responsible for everything and proud of it
Alright, he's too hammy, is there another twist coming?
Nice, Dukat is getting nervous, that's a good sign. I love Odo the detective
Okay, but even under his real identity, wouldn't, like, a very public trial and broadcasting his story everywhere have some effect?
I... don't really like how this episode ends on a "Not all Cardassians / Some Bajorans are just prejudiced". Still, it's the strongest story in the season.
In the Hands of the Prophets
Ughhh religious fundamentalists...
Have I mentioned how uncomfortable it is that on this show people's ears are often grabbed with completely different connotations?
Oh god I'm just seething this is too real
The murder mystery is interesting!
I hate her so much
Call! Odo!! Or! Sisko!! Preferably both!!!
General impressions:
A surprisingly even season. There are no outright failures (unlike TNG's first and last seasons -- hell, probably unlike any TNG season) but it's rarely remarkable.
The interior and costume design is quite ugly, sorry to say.
It took me several episodes to adjust after the glorious remastered HD of TNG. Please remaster this show too!
Best character for dramatic scenes: Kira
Best character for lighthearted scenes: Bashir
Most underused character: Dax
Best duo: Odo and Quark (okay, there's not much competition so far, I just wanted them to have their own category)
If O'Brien is such a super engineering pro, why did he spend all these years on the Enterprise manning the transporter instead of being Geordi's right hand man or something?
I don't know what I think of Sisko yet. But I like him more than Picard in his first season.
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weerd1 · 5 years
Star Trek DS9 Rewatch Log, Stardate 1907.29: Missions Reviewed, “Hippocratic Oath” and “The Visitor.”
In “Hippocratic Oath,” O’Brien and Bashir crash a runabout in the Gamma Quadrant only to find themselves captured by a squad of Jem’Hadar. Rather than immediately kill them, the squad leader reveals he has actually brought his men here as he himself had been stranded on this planet four years before and it cured his addiction to Ketracel White- the drug all Jam’Hadar are programmed genetically to crave and to perish without.
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 He asks Julian to see if he as a Doctor can find out how that cure can be passed to the other soldiers. Meanwhile on DS9, Worf sees Quark is plotting to buy illegal goods and can’t understand why Odo isn’t doing more.  Worf decides to handle it himself after twice confronting Odo. While arresting them, Odo reveals he was actually there the whole time, working with Quark oddly enough, to break up the larger smuggling ring. Now, due to Worf’s interference, they have to settle for the small fish.  Worf realizes things on DS9, as Sisko tells him, have more shades of gray. 
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Back with Julian, he continues to try and isolate why this Jem’Hadar has broken his addiction, to the point of resisting O’Brien’s attempts to free them. The other soldiers are becoming more unstable though, and despite the wishes of their leader, plan to kill the humans. When O’Brien gets a chance to go, he tries to get Julian, who again refuses. O’Brien destroys his work in an effort to get the Doctor to leave. Then, the Squad Leader appears, and takes the two of them to their ship, staying behind to put his troops out of their misery before they run out of the drug. When Bashir asks why, he says that O’Brien, a Soldier, could explain it to him.
By this point the Bashir/O’Brien interaction is pretty great, so having a really interesting moral conundrum to create conflict between them works well.  Both of them have their point with Bashir wondering if they could change the Jem’Hadar if only they can cure the addiction, but O’Brian believing it will just make them an uncontrollable killing force. O’Brien sounds a little like he did when he used to talk about Cardassians before he came to terms with that prejudice, but his arguments are sound as we watch the other Soldiers, when independent, become more ruthless.  Bashir’s argument also has worth as the Leader really is beginning to develop an actual moral code now separated from his “Gods,” the Founders. Good character piece for both actors.  Worf and Odo’s B-Story reminds us of other times the good constable had a Starfleet security officer in his way-particularly Eddington-but here Worf learns his lesson.  I also love that Worf NEVER refers to Quark by name, but only as “The Ferengi Barkeep.”
In “The Visitor” and old man is alone in a cabin after dosing himself with medication when a knock comes at the door.  A young woman has appeared out of the night, trying to find the famous novelist Jake Sisko, who has not published in 30 years. 
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The old man is Jake, and he seems to appreciate that “on tonight of all nights” he has a chance to share his story. He tells a tale that goes back decades to the present on DS9. Jake is supposed to join his dad on the Defiant to watch a wormhole anomaly that only occurs every 50 or so years. The incident damages the ship however, and in the aftermath of trying to fix the engine, energy comes from the warp core passing through both Siskos and killing Ben, vaporizing him in front of his son. As time passes, things change on the station with the Klingons continuing to aggressively move toward the wormhole. Suddenly, Ben appears, and the crew realizes his is caught in some kind of subspace pocket. They are unable to retain him and he vanishes again. Jake leaves DS9 when it is ceded by the Federation to the Klingons and returns to Earth. He writes books, marries, and occasionally enjoys visits from his Starfleet officer friend, Nog. 
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When Ben appears again on Earth, Jake realizes Ben is somehow bonded with him, not the wormhole. He abandons his writing career to earn a Doctorate in temporal physics, but in the process loses his wife.  In his 60s the opportunity comes to return to the wormhole when it going through the same inversion that started this. He gets Nog to get the Defiant out of mothballs, and the elder Dax and Bashir join him. They see Sisko, and Jake is even pulled into the subspace pocket for a while, but they still can’t retrieve Ben. Afterwards he retires back to his house in the Bayou, writing again, but also wondering if there is something he can do. Then he finds the solution; of he can sever the link while Ben is there, Ben will slingshot back to the point of origin. Jake reveals to the young woman that Ben will appear that night, and that he has taken a drug that will kill him. He gives her a copy of his new stories and she leaves while he waits for Ben to appear.  When he does, Jake shows him the dedication of the new book: “To my father, who is coming home.” Ben watches powerless as the elderly Jake dies in his arms, then Ben finds himself back in the engine room of the Defiant, able to dodge the energy blast by inches, preventing his entry into the subspace pocket.  He clings to the 18-year-old Jake, shaken by what he has seen, but knowing there is another chance for them.
Jesus Christ. Not only did this episode AGAIN leave me in tears about every ten minutes, sitting here and writing the synopsis has me weeping again. This is simply the single most moving, best written, best acted hour of television ever produced. Tony Todd appears to play Jake from about age 30 on to 80 and his interaction with the periodically appearing Ben leave you with no doubt that this is a father and son who are living through a life-long tragedy together.  Meanwhile, the performance and the young woman Melanie, played to perfection by Rachel Robinson, daughter of Andy Robinson (Garak), gives you this woman who seeks only to find only her hero and instead becomes intimately involved in a tale of loss, regret, and the emotion of losing the person who best represented strength to you as you grew.  There is no loss quite like it, a mourning that never quite leaves you, and this episode manages to create that sympathetic grief to perfection. Yet, it leaves you with hope as well. Simply the best episode of DS9, the best episode of Star Trek, and the best episode of television, period.
One last interesting tidbit is this scene (this image courtesy of trekcore.com) when Kira is trying to get Jake to leave the station after the loss of his father.
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 It foreshadows the very last thing we will see in the very last episode of DS9, where Sisko has joined the Prophets and the Wormhole, and Jake, with Kira, waits for him. Dammit, I just started crying again.
NEXT MISSION:  Missing Bajoran prisoners from years before and a recovered Cardassian ship may indicate an “Indiscretion.”
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wellntruly · 7 years
Hey! Love reading your DS9 squee/meta and I wanted to ask if you had any thoughts on Sisko & Bashir’s relaysh/lack thereof? I find it interesting because I find it hard to pin down. Outside their roles of Captain and doctor, Sisko seems to behave paternally towards him, but in kind of a distant, impersonal way. Not uncaring, but it’s interesting compared to Kassidy greeting Bashir with “Hello, stranger!” She just sounds like a Mum teasing her teenage son about the fact he’s holed up in his room
and again those two aren’t really close, but she’s not as distant as Sisko. It gives me the impression that at one point trying to handle Julian Sisko slipped into Dad-mode, found it worked and so keeps doing it, even though he’s not sure WHY it works. Julian does come across as the baby of the command crew, what with Jadzia being joined with several lifetimes of experience and Kira who, despite being younger than both Jadzia and Julian only answers to Sisko
and, IMO, comes across as his contemporary. I don’t know, I would have liked to have seen them stuck in the past for a little while longer, see what came it.
Hi!! And hilarious, I didn’t even know Kira was supposed to be younger than Julian! Not that I thought she was significantly older, but I would have guessed she had like, exactly one year on him, and would neeever let him forget it. Because hohh yeah that kid is The Youngest. I mean isn’t “Young” literally Dax’s one-word description of him in one of the first episodes?
But I’m actually not sure I’d say that Sisko treats the station’s precocious child with a paternal distance, because I don’t think those words really go together with Ben. We see what his Dad-mode is with Jake, and we also see him with his own dad, and if I had to pick one word that characterizes those relationships, it would be WARMTH. The Sisko men are extraordinarily affectionate with each other, which is the marker by which we can see that no, he’s not particularly affectionate with Julian. They have a fond and functional working relationship, but they aren’t close.
You know, you mentioned “Outside their roles of Captain and doctor,” and I almost wonder if there isn’t really an outside of those roles for them. They might be one of the most officer-y pairs on the station, actually. Like, I’m not the only one who feels like we’ve time traveled to some field camp in France any time Julian calls Captain Sisko ‘sir’, right? Julian just goes profoundly Lieutenant around him at times, and if you’re Sisko, the correct response to this is to be very Captain in return.
Honestly, I think I’d actually suggest that the exception to Sisko’s usual would be if he WERE to move beyond the Starfleet semi-formal. It’s special that he and Major Kira have developed a personal relationship. His friendship with Dax predates his tenure on DS9, so she’s an exception as well, but beyond that, Ben’s really not that close with anyone else. He behaves much like he does with Julian with Worf, Chief O’Brien, Odo, Nog. It’s the tragedy of being the Captain, because to be a good commanding officer — and Benjamin Sisko is — he needs to maintain some distance. Which means we end up with the rather adorable fact that one of the most reliable ways the show has come up with to let him show CO-appropriate affection for his senior staff, is to adamantly defend them in legal entanglements. Across a whole series of space courts he has served as the chief defense counsel for Jadzia, Worf, and Julian, and fought like the dickens behind the scenes for Miles as well, and every time my reaction is just like \o/ THE CAPTAIN IS HERE, WE’RE SAVED. Which is how I imagine his crew feels in those moments too.
Anyway, it’s all the way at the end here that I suddenly realize it may have meant something that Kasidy’s familial “Well hello stranger” to Julian takes place at the start of the episode in which Ben begins hard fretting over her Not Being In Starfleet.
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