#dsmp citizen au
ladyddanger · 1 year
I can’t finish the Rainduo Fic tonight because I’m a perfectionist but have some dsmp citzen memes instead. Shout out to: @lasnevadaslaborunion @aquaeclipse @ifievertoldyou @hopalongfairywren @melissa-s23 @orpheus-lament and @clingyduoapologist for agreeing to let their names be used for random citizens on a post all the way back in 2022. Sorry this took so long.
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i'm claiming slime kids #33 (kaya), #76 (astroid), #127 (shell), and #441 (calsie)
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caricatureblue · 2 years
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“Even at your darkest, I think they’ll still love you.”
Pardon my dumbassery but I am self indulging in Living Weapon au
really messing around with rendering shit on account of i hate it
sometimes i miss being good at art lmaooo
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So spoilers for the newest chapter 16 (1 on 1) of my fanfiction Tubbo The Completely Innocent Citizen on AO3 but I just want to talk about the parallels here.
So first there is the conversation between Tubbo and Tommy who had known each other for a very long while. Tubbo talked about his past coming to haunt him in the form of Puffy finding him after all these years, and Tommy related heavily but had no clue how to help.
Then there is the conversation between Ranboo and Aimsey who had known each other a very long while. Ranboo talks about the guilt of betraying his past and joining the very people he sought to destroy and Aimsey related heavily- except they knew how to help. They reassured Ranboo that he owed nothing to the people who raised him and said that if he won’t do this for himself then he should at least do this for those still in the program he escaped.
Then there is the conversation between two new characters given the nicknames Fluffy and Drista. They have a similar dynamic in the way that they have obviously known each other a while however the trust isn’t quite there. Fluffy wants to help Drista but Drista doesn’t think it’s possible. She feels trapped in her life and is confused as to why Fluffy hasn’t given up yet. Fluffy offers a solution a way to get not only then both out, but everyone else in the program. Fluffy wants to do exactly what Ranboo failed to.
In the end we have three types of relationships
Trust and help- Ranboo and Aimsey
Trust but no help- Tubbo and Tommy
And, No trust but help- Fluffy and Drista
And in case you’re wondering yes there is a fourth
No trust and no help
But they would never talk to each other sooooooo
Any way I don’t know if I worded this right but I just wanted to talk about it cause I really like this chapter
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hopalongfairywren · 6 months
imagine how insane being a regular person in a dsmp citizen au would be. Like Sorry this assignment is late, three guys bombed my city state to the ground this week and a wither ate my mom.
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POV: you are a citizen in my DSMP superpower AU looking at Current Events memes
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your-local-crypt1d · 3 months
followed you simply for empires ctommy. I don’t even like empires but ctommy is my everything,,, any spare bits rattling around in that brain of yours
I have so many THOUGHTS about this dude you have no idea. Also, I do recommend watching Empires not because it's super similar to the dsmp but because it has its own disc war and Jimmy Solidarity is like Tommy but in a different font. Anyway,
My favourite idea I've had so far is cTommy punching transphobes in the face. Unlike the smp where it's like maybe 40-odd people trapped in a cursed land they cannot leave, Empires has citizens, it had loads of people. So like there's bound to be one person in the Grimlands who doesn't like their Count being a trans man. Tommy is having none of that though, he will clobber anyone who talks bad about fWhip while saying something badass like; "fWhip is twice the man you'll ever be"
Am I projecting heavily on that one? Yes.
Similarly, if you ever give anyone shit for Tommy's or anyone else's disability he will beat you with his prosthetic arm. I think on the smp, being disabled is a very common thing (hard of hearing/deaf people, amputees, nerve damage, blindness, etc) thanks to the constant wars, explosions and violence. I headcanon Tubbo to be almost entirely blind because of his execution, so Tommy will shout at you if you are rude to a blind person. He also absolutely knows sign language, which I've been calling MSL (minecraft sign language), so fWhip who is absolutely HoH thanks to being a demolitionist has someone he can communicate with if he doesn't have his hearing aid, and same with anyone else who's deaf/HoH.
In a similar vein to Tommy transphobe-puncher Innit, Tommy doesn't really give a shit about how he presents his gender. If you ask he will say he's a BIG MAN who uses he/him pronouns only, but he's also happy to walk around wearing a skirt (as long as it's a practical one he can fight in). He makes flower crowns for his friends. He can braid hair and has long-ish hair of his own. Hell, I'd say he could even do some basic makeup! Just stereotypically "feminine" things, because he just Does Not Care™. The most trans-allegory cishet man ever.
Tommy seems like the type to not care if he's asked to wear something formal (I.e. the L'manberg uniform) as long as he can still fight in it, Tommy likes to be prepared at all times. He keeps like three concealed weapons on him at all times. People have mentioned kinda worriedly to fWhip that his kid has a "perfect soldier stance", that he more marches wear he walks than actual walking, etc. It's concerning to see a kid no older than 16 walking around like a grizzled war veteran (which he is). Also, when asked to greet another Emperor respectfully, Tommy interprets that as a salute, perfect posture, etc with "It's an honour to meet you, ma'am/sir!" Because that's the only way he knows how to "show respect".
Idk I just want to explore the child soldier side of cTommy more.
Also just Tommy who's literally been homeless before being utterly shocked at the lavish lifestyle royalty/nobility lead. He sees all the food laid out in the dining hall to feed fWhip and his whole staff and is just shocked, there's never been that much food to go around on his whole server and there it all is just sitting there, AND fWhip tells him there's more if he doesn't like any of it!
Tommy really is just Sophia the first in this au lol
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zorishy · 6 months
Symphony of Gods and Dreamers (DSMP AU)
🟢 DSMP (sorry for bad grammar, this was mostly just me vomiting my ideas onto the post)
My DSMP au makes the world so much bigger and full of life than canon.
The arctic empire from SMP earth exists, hypixel is a whole kingdom, the bear SMP exists and that’s where Niki is from, the wreckage of tales from the SMP locations can be found in the woods, places from fanfics such as the blue valley are very important to the story. The story takes place over a much longer period of time, the L’Manberg revolution alone lasts several years! Dream is like 50! He was an adult before Wilbur was even born. Tommy and Tubbo had families before being adopted by Philza, but they were killed by Dream’s armies in their quest to conquer the world. Dream stole the revival book from Kristin decades ago.
Dream is a tyrant and a cult leader with armies and followers dedicated to his mission to control as much of the world as possible. The DreamSMP is a continent that Dream has discovered and, at the beginning of the events of the server, it has small townships spread around the woods that are full of people gathering resources for colonies. The original L’Manberg members were followers of Dream who had begun to question his power.
Las Nevadas is not just one street with some restaurants and a casino! It’s a massive fucking city with hundreds of thousands of citizens, they have communities and schools and farmer’s markets, It’s the first city in the SMP with paved roads! Snowchester is a cosy little college town up north surrounded by mountains. Students from schools in Snowchester and Las Nevadas go on field trips to L’Manberg and Eret’s castle. The center of the SMP is this huge historic town kept in top condition by volunteers dedicated to preserving the history of the land.
Kinoko Kingdom was built by natives of the SMP and can be found deep within the forest. The people of the kingdom have myths and legends of a time when dragons and demons and gods roamed the earth. When Sapnap showed up, being half demon, they worshipped him and made him their ruler.
There is an entire cult that worships DreamXD! every few hundred years XD selects a member of his cult to give godhood to (Techno, Foolish, and Callahan are amongst those selected). DreamXD is older than the universe itself and has witnessed the rise and fall of countless worlds. Several SMP members were gods in their past lives and knew XD personally (some relationships were more positive than others). That’s why XD is so infatuated with George and so hateful of Bbh.
Characters like Puffy, Antfrost, and Sam are just single individuals who are members of entire original species. Ranboo was born a prince in the end but his people were driven out. The nether was accidentally discovered by cultists and legend says that’s where the demons came from.
My vision of the SMP has grown far beyond a Minecraft roleplay. I wish I could tell you everything but that would take way too long to write. For now I’m just focusing on Wilbur and the other bursonas. I can’t possibly talk about every single character and that makes me mad. Maybe in the future I will go into more detail on sbi and DreamXD.
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hopalongfairywrens · 8 months
What holidays do you think people would celebrate in a dsmp citizens au
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booksnblocks · 1 month
Oh btw here are all of the AU/fic ideas I’ve had in the past month, in order (also these are all life series so someone save me):
The Anomaly of Department 43: a virtual reality workplace comedy turned horror in which a bugged game server begins to suck the workers into it. This has a 3000 word outline and about another 1000-1500 words of worldbuilding, plus a third of a chapter (mid-July 2024)
Watcher’s Overture: songfic of vignettes of each season of the life series. Currently finished Third Life, working on Last Life, and everything else has an outline (mid-July 2024)
with fates entwined: a PJO AU in which the gods Artemia and Apollo have gone missing and it’s up to 6 campers and their questing groups to to find the lost gods even as they find themselves tied to one another. Partial outline, but lots of worldbuilding and plot thoughts with main beats (Double Life themed) (last week)
The Serenity Trials: In the depths of the utopian city Serenity, the poor struggle to make it day to day. But when the annual Serenity Trials return to select the next citizen to rise to the ranks of superhero, a group of 18 acquaintances try to see if they can escape from the Pits. It’s basically a mix of hunger games and renegades, minus the death aspect (mostly) but adding strange disappearances. Lots of worldbuilding currently and not a lot of plot besides the general idea (two days ago)
Bottled Stardust AU: There are myths of strange creatures made of night and day. But those are myths, of course. So when the local supernatural lab discovers two of these creatures in the nearby woods, they capture and begin studying the myths come to life. Literally just worldbuilding and semi-firmed ideas atm cause this popped into my head when I was trying to sleep last night
Other fic ideas that are in various stages of development and drafts:
DSMP hunger games AU: fully outlined with short snippet chapters, in the very slow process of writing and expanding. This has been in progress since May 2021, and was the week where i wrote 25k words during finals. I will never reach that level of dedication again but I love this story so much. (May 2021)
all that faith clings to: a mythology au featuring clingy duo as they are dragged through a series of myths by an enraged god and his unwilling apprentice. I will finish this at some point because I have to. It’s fully outlined and I get I’ll just thinking about the angst. (January 2022)
Anyway these are all of my current wips and ideas. Praying that I don’t have any more cause I need to actually finish things for once.
Also, I’m going to try to do the Great MCYT WIP Purge (for obvious reasons), and would love to hear if there are any of these that people would want to see. I will also just word vomit if anyone asks questions about these because yeah
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ladyddanger · 1 year
Great now I’m thinking about a dsmp citizen au and about the generation that grew up with manberg and nov 16
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kisuminight · 3 months
Right. So, c!Wilbur and Ghostbur.
The thing about c!Wilbur is that he's not trying to be the bad guy. He is deliberately trying to set himself up as a hero. And the way he does it makes him an asshole, and it's manipulative as hell--but I don't think that it's evil.
The thing about the Blade System AU c!Wilbur is that he grew up with Blades. He was raised by c!Philza the Aegis, with visits from c!Techno the Heartstealer. He gets the way the Blade System goes right--but also the way it can go very badly wrong. Blades are a lot more powerful than players--but the way their lives work means that Blades are always going to be the underclass.
So the first thing he does when he gets to the dsmp is to check and see if the local Blade in charge of the server will get upset with him. This check fails for several reasons--the server creator, Aegis!Dream, has been shattered, the server owner's Blade, Drista, is just in it for the chaos, and the Blade currently in charge of the server (as much as that applies) is c!Dream, who is hiding that he's a Blade.
That makes the server free real estate, yeah? So he creates L'Manberg; partially because he wants to, and partially because it'll fuck with Dream. And since there's no Blade in charge, he's fully within his rights to say that it is separate from the rest of the server. After all, if the Blades don't say it's not a factional server, then he's fully capable of making it one.
At this point, if c!Dream or c!Punz had come forward and said "I'm a Blade of this server and what you're doing is distressing, I don't want factions," then Wilbur would have listened. He's trying to build a narrative of being a good guy helping the underdogs, and the Blade System is something he is theoretically rebelling against. In fact, one of the subtle differences with this AU is that L'Manberg basically has rules about Blades built in--and those rules explicitly give them the right to be equal citizens. They say that anyone harming or killing a Blade, even if they are the Driver, would be treated the same way as permanently killing someone--a very real, serious murder charge. It even extends that justice towards the rest of the dsmp--which is one of the many overreaches that annoys Dream enough that it builds towards starting the war.
Which is all very well and good, but Dream and Punz don't trust that. In order for those rules to apply, they're have to out that they're Blades, and they really, really aren't going to do that. Purpled has also lived his entire life under this secrecy, so he's not going to tell (also it would require... talking to other people, and Purpled doesn't really do that). c!George is also not willing to tell--Dream is incredibly private about their Resonance and George understands that--also, Wilbur is annoying him.
Ironically enough, Wilbur would probably be the mostly likely to spot Dream and Punz out on being Blades--but Dream is basically stonewalling him as soon as L'Manberg starts, so Wilbur doesn't really get to see Dream's normal behaviors to get a good read. Punz is following Dream's lead in this. Wilbur also isn't looking to find them out as Blades; his suspicions about Dream are that he's some type of long-lived eldritch hybrid, and they only grow worse and more paranoid during the eventual Pogtopia breakdown.
Pogtopia goes pretty much the same. Wilbur does take the fact that c!Schlatt is able to go wild with Manberg as proof that there isn't really a Blade in charge of the server. At some point, post TNT and pre-detonation, Wilbur's mental state is unstable enough that he probably would consider killing a Blade to become their Driver (as per Dream's worst fears/nightmares) but it is only a possibility. I's say 50/50 will he-won't he, but it's never put to the test because the question never comes up--Wilbur dies never knowing about any of the Blades on the server.
Ghostbur is a thing, but the reason why he's a thing is different from canon. See, between Kristen being the Goddess of Death and Philza being a magic computer with a hologram body, Wilbur is not their biological son--so to extra powers from there.
The three lives system is a sign of the Egg's corruption--when Aegis!Dream and DreamXD created the server, they did so with an infinite lives system.
Ghosts are created because the Entity basically put a barricade up between life and death (this is limbo), so that it could steal the power from the souls that ended up there to help power it's Eldritch nature/abilities. Ghosts are echoes of the souls that end up in limbo. They are fragmentary and incomplete compared to the person that died because the Entity yoinked most of the soul. Unfortunately for Wilbur, the first L'Manberg War, plus the increased amount of Blades on the server woke up the Egg, and it re-instated the Entity's barricade shortly before the elections. It's eldritch nature meant it could retroactively apply the lives system to the L'Manberg War.
Theoretically, if the Egg is no longer using the soul, it can resurrect the soul in a body that is already corrupted by it. The Egg doesn't really do that in any major confrontation, because Wilbur is kind of stickly/bad at fighting, and is much more useful as a power source. It's better to keep his soul as a battery for an escape attempt rather than tossing another meat shield into the fray (when he's going to get shredded by the Blades going at it anyway).
I'm going to say that c!Vikkstar was the Blade and c!LazarBeam was the Driver, which means that technically the Egg has LazarBeam's soul too. But let's be real, if the Egg tries to revive LazarBeam to stop Techno and Phil, it's be like trying to stop a volcano with a piece of paper. So he also gets battery status.
The resurrection ritual left by Aegis!Dream and the Resurrection arte that Dream can use both cleanse the soul of the Egg's corruption.
Ghostbur ends of finding out who all the Blades on the server are, including Punz. Ghostbur finds out about Punz pre-Staged finale, and Punz ends of guilt-tripping Ghostbur into not telling anyone with the excuse that it'll make Punz really sad if other people know, and Punz might just go away forever. Ghostbur does not figure out that c!Purpled is Punz's Driver.
Ghostbur finds out about Dream being a Blade after the rest of the server does. Tommy tells him, after coming back from the Staged Finale. Ghostbur specifically ends up getting told because Tommy is talking at him as a way to try and verbally process the mess of feelings that happened when Tommy found out Dream was a Blade. It doesn't help.
Fast forward to post-Staged Finale. Ghostbur does not die, Wilbur does not get revived (yet). I'd argue that most of the reason Wilbur got revived when he did in canon was down to Dream's desperation about the situation--both the assassination attempt, and the ongoing, devolving situation in Pandora's Vault.
In this AU, Dream is not stuck in Pandora's Vault. He is with Punz, continuing their experiments on the far outskirts of the server. Ghostbur never really has a chance to find or interrupt them.
Furthermore, while Dream and Punz are going for an everbody-is-alive-and-immortal ending, that is very much Phase 2. They are still on Phase 1, fixing the Blade memory issue. The rest of the server are all quietly panicking in the Cold War where the main deterrent is that nobody knows where Dream's core crystal is/who has it. Reviving Wilbur into that kind of situation would be like tossing a bowling ball at a house of cards.
And even if Dream might be willing to risk it, Punz is also working on the Plan. And Punz doesn't like Wilbur. Doesn't like the way he upset Dream, doesn't like the way he started factionalism and governments on the server. Dream wants the server to be one big Happy Family? Sure. But Wilbur gets revived last, at the end, just before the reset. And since Punz is currently acting as Dream's Driver, that does influence Dream's behavior a bit as well.
I do think Wilbur would get revived eventually. During Dream's Syndicate Arc, he ends up spending a lot of time with c!Niki and Phil. Niki, who still wear's Wilbur's old coat and Phil who is still in mourning. Wilbur's revival would be after the rest of the plot/character arcs have been sorted out. Dream probably brings up the ability to Resurrect people as part of everyone sitting on Dream and Punz to make them explain The Plan.
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caricatureblue · 1 year
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The Big Guy!!
My favourite part about Blue is how different they can be, depending on how and when Cari dies, and where they end up afterwards
Fusing a guy and a beast can have a lotta different consequences
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negativepeanuthoarder · 11 months
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Squirrel - Specifically a Prevost's Squirrel.
8 inches tall when standing, 16 inches long (nose to tail) and weighs 327 grams.
Literally Just A Rodent In A Shirt
follows PandasCanPVP in both the regular dsmp universe and the twt au
Ideal weapon is a slingshot (also sometimes a dagger with fire aspect)
Lives in Snowchester but should probably move to Kinoko tbh he gets really cold and you can't exactly hibernate for 3/4 of the year
Technically a CITIZEN of Snowchester but he's a literal squirrel what are they going to do kick him out to live in a tree somewhere else?
HijackedSMP lore:
Completely the same in terms of body structure. Still just a squirrel.
Follows PandasCanPVP but unlike his dsmp varient it borders on true devotion
Pyromancer - still uses a slingshot but it's mixed with flaming projectiles. Also occasionally uses a fire aspect dagger.
Not a member of the Cult of XD and doesn't care much about it.
Athiest towards HD specifically. Even though the guy is proven to exist, cPeanut does not believe in him at all.
fireproof shirt
works as an assassin/merc and is surprisingly effective at it because ppl aren't expecting an 11 oz rodent to appear from nowhere and kill someone.
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hopalongfairywren · 1 year
do you have any thoughts on the masquerade from tales from the smp? like how does that fit into your canon (if at all) ?
Oh boy. That's one of my favorite episodes, I actually love the implications they give. A. The Dream SMP is an active, living land with people who were born and died in that area. (Even ignoring citizens au type stuff, we can assume logically those people, being the ancestors of quite a few dsmp characters, had at least a couple generations of unnamed children in between or something. It has big implications for the lore as a whole and of course, mentions the egg. As for my canon, do you mean how I adapt it into PITDD?
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pacificwaternymph · 2 years
im gonna continue bothing you---
what other smps do you connect in the superhero au? i belive i already asked baout the pirate au, but i fell down the superhero au rabbit hole again
Well basically any SMP you want can be connected, all you have to do is say that they're another city.
Hermitcraft is a city with a truly ridiculous number of chaotic neutral vigilantes running around who prefer to spend their time creating elaborate games that involve the whole city rather than actually fighting (or committing) crime. Entire new buildings pop up overnight.
But something funny I like to imagine is that the DSMP is a chaotic dumpster fire of a city with a fuckton of heroes and villains constantly beating the shit out of one another. Those poor citizens have not had a moment's peace in decades. There are near constant civil wars among the heroes, the villains are always forming new organizations that fall apart immediately, and supers flip back and forth between hero and villain so often it's become impossible to keep track of who the civilians are supposed to be rooting for. So everyone just kind of picks a super and cheers them on.
And any other SMP you guys can think of? There's probably a city for that.
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